Women with Animals

Michele’s Wedding


A new story with a character from my other story postings, Nikki’s Journey. Hope you enjoy.


Nikki was reading the mail on the walk back up the long driveway from the road. As she was prone to do when she was sure the mail had been delivered and there shouldn’t be traffic on the dead end country road, she went naked. She loved the feel of the sun on her body and the feeling of freedom she felt. The boys, Butch and Sam, their dogs, ran around her. When she was naked, they were generally nearby because in the family structure that had been established, naked meant she was available for mating.

On entering the house, “Joe” she called, “Michele is getting married.” Michele was a friend they had introduced to sexual sharing of both sexes, exhibitionism, and eventually to dog-sex. “This is odd. The invitation contains two invitations. The first is for a ceremony on a Saturday early afternoon at a church followed by a late afternoon reception at a local hotel ballroom.”

“The ‘first’?”

“Yeah, then there’s to be another ceremony at a meeting hall outside of town later that same night at 8:00 PM. Even more interest … this is what it says after the notice of the second ceremony:

‘You are cordially invited to this second ceremony to honor the joining of Michele and Tim into the lifestyle they have chosen. Michele and Tim know you to be of a similar preference and hope you will be able to christen their union at this ceremony. But they also ask your discretion and confidence regarding this event because, due to the nature of the ceremony, only a select group of people are being invited. We hope to see you at both ceremonies and the reception. Love, Michele and Tim.’

If I know Michele, this should be fun.”

“Yeah, when we started opening her up, we sure discovered a slut.”

“Wedding present?”

“You decide.”

“Okay. I think a normal gift to leave at the church and then another, maybe matching collars for her and the dog, for the second.”



The church was nice, candles on posts at each pew, white satin bows at each pew, also. Her maid of honor and two bridesmaids looked beautiful in their dresses. The men were handsome in their tuxes. There were maybe 40 people in the church, almost equally divided on each side. Her father was pacing in front of the doors going into the church waiting for Michele and wondering was could be keeping her. She had sent everyone into the church, took a deep breath, raised her dress and slipped off her white panties. Then she unzipped her dress, dropped her sleeves and removed the white lace bra. She pulled the dress back up, zipped it, and looked at herself in the mirror. And took another breath. She wasn’t so nervous about marrying Tim, she loved him tremendously and was completely committed to him. That was what the second ceremony was to attest. It wasn’t the second ceremony even, more it was that she didn’t know who had been invited to witness it. Also, some nerves about Tim’s last request, no underwear today. Now she had no underwear. Under her dress now was just her, stockings, a garter and the heels. She hoped her breasts didn’t bounce too noticeably.

She walked up to her father waiting at the door. “You’re beautiful, Michele. We are so happy for you and Tim. He’s waiting.”

Her dress was floor length and trailed behind her. She felt it, too. She was beautiful. And she couldn’t forget that her husband-to-be instructed her to be naked under the dress, although nobody else knew, she did.

The ceremony was nice, everyone clapped when they kissed at the end. Pictures were taken and the new husband and wife were driven to the reception where everyone stood and cheered with they walked in, greeted a few people on their way to the head table, and were seated at their places of honor. Everyone seemed to have a great time, the food and drinks were good, the dance music was excellent and Michele seemed to have a never ending line of dance requests. Then the garter moment came and she remembered she was without panties. Despite Tim’s teasing to raise her dress higher, she managed to keep it to just above the garter which she had lowered to just above her knee.



At 7:15 PM they made their exit as if leaving for their honeymoon. Which they would delay until the next day after the second ceremony. They were driven to the next location about 20 minutes away. There were already four other cars there. She had no idea who was invited but she did know what this ceremony would represent and consist of. And she was excited.

A mutual female friend of her and Tim’s met them and hustled Michele to a side room to get ready and locked the door. They had shared each other with their boyfriends before and were very familiar with each other both as friends and as lovers. She hugged Michele and asked, “Are you ready for this? I know we’ve shared each other and our partners and I know you’re into more than I ever have. This is so exciting, Michele. Your commitment ceremony is like nothing I have ever heard of. This is going to be so exciting. I love you and am continually amazed by you.”

With that she turned Michele around, undid her veil, unzipped her dress and gasped. “Michele, you weren’t wearing a bra?”

“That’s not all.”

She helped Michele out of the dress and laughed. “Michele, you are wicked. No underwear on your wedding day.”

“Tim’s choice. That’s the way he wanted me. He said that just knowing I was naked under the dress would keep him on edge. Like he needs any help with that.”

“With you around, no man needs any addition reason.”

Michele stepped out of the dress. Now just in her white thigh high stockings, white heels, and white lace choker around her neck. Her friend brought out a short veil and attached it so her back wouldn’t be covered. Finished with that, she stepped back and turned Michele to the full length mirror that had been brought in just for this event. She looked at the reflection alongside Michele and sighed. “God, I’m getting so wet looking at you now and knowing this is the way are walking down the aisle for your ceremony in front of your guests.”

“You’re wet? I swear I feel like it must be dripping down my thighs. How many are out there?”

“You don’t know?”

“Tim handled the invitations for this ceremony. He wouldn’t tell me who will be here. I assume a few of his and our friends we have played with in the past.”

“Honey, there’s 16 or 18 people out there. A few single guys, but mostly couples. And 4 dogs, yours included. And, ….”


“No, it will be better for you to just see.”

Then there was a knock on the door, “Girls, everyone is here, seated and waiting. Anytime you’re ready.”

She took Michele hand, “I’m going to go take my seat. Just come out in a couple minutes. Honey, you’re shaking, are you okay?”

“I’m shaking from excitement. You can’t imagine what this feel like.”

“No, I can’t. But I will be watching.”

After a few minutes, she opened the door, looked around quickly, and walked deliberately to the door. She took a deep breath, started pulling the doors open and heard the music start. Once opened, she gasped out at who was standing in front of her. Her father. He looked at from her eyes, down to her breast where he focused for a moment, then to her stomach, her bald pussy where he seemed to focus longer. Then back to her eyes, “My baby. Hours ago when we stood together at the church I told you how beautiful you were, and you were. Baby, now, here, like this, wow, you are soooo beautiful. I gave you to Tim earlier to become his wife. Are you ready for me to give you to him, again? As his slut?”

“Daddy, I didn’t know ….”

“I know we’ve been very careful for a long time. But we won’t need to any more, will we?”

With that she took his extended arm and walked down the aisle, a different aisle, looking at and recognizing almost everyone present including Joe and Nikki. As she got near the front she saw her mother in the first row smiling at her. Once at the front her father turned her to him and they hugged and he whispered in her ear, “We love you, baby, and we’re so excited about this step in your relationship. We were surprised about the dogs but it got your mother hot. She’ll want to visit you soon.” And he smiled at her and patted her bare butt, handing her to Tim, once again.

It was then that she saw her dog, Cody, sitting at Tim’s side. She faced him, he took her in his arms, kissed her and stroked her sides, landing at her bare butt. She looked into his eyes and said, “I love you so much.”

“Are you ready for this, Michele?”

“Oh, yes, I definitely want this.”

She turned and first the second time was a looking at the same minister. He looked her up and down and smiled at her. “Tim, Michele, Cody, and honored guests. We are here this evening to witness a unique commitment. Earlier today we witnessed Michele and Tim become joined before us as husband and wife. Tonight, we witness this husband and wife further commit their relationship in a very special way that further defines their relationship to each other and beyond themselves. I have discussed this new commitment at length with both of them and am completely convinced that they openly and freely of their own will and knowledge enter into this new step. You, their special guests, are honored by them as friends, relatives, and lovers that they wish to share their new relationship with. Tonight we witness Michele’s free will submission to Tim as his slut and to Cody as his dog bitch.”

He looked around the room and it was hushed in total silence, waiting for what was to come.

“Michele, do you willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free will and without coercion or force of will through emotional or physical threat or action, submit yourself to Tim?”

She looks into his eyes, takes his hand and answers, “Yes, I do.”

“Michele, do you also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free will submit yourself to Tim as his Slut?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Michele, as Tim’s Slut, will you submit yourself completely in mind and body, willingly and openly whenever, wherever, and with whomever he so directs you?”

“I will.”

“Michele, finally, do you accept Tim not only as you husband, best friend, and lover, but also as your Master?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Tim, do you accept Michele as your Slut, to care for her, to watch over her, to protect her when you use her and have her used whenever you do, wherever you do, and with whomever you do?”

“I do, with all my heart.”

“Michele, do you further also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free will and without coercion or force of will through emotional or physical threat or action, submit yourself to your dog, Cody?”

She lowered herself so she was sitting on her heels in front of the dog and answered, “Yes, I do.”

“Michele, do you also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free will submit yourself to your dog, Cody, as his Bitch?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Michele, as Cody’s Bitch, will you submit yourself completely in mind and body, willingly and openly whenever, wherever, and with any other dog as your Master, Tim, so directs you?”

“I do.” And she kissed his snout.

She stood up again and faced Tim. The minister was looking at her legs and she knew that he and those in the first row, at least, could see that her pussy was leaking so much it was running down her thighs onto her stockings.

Turning them to their witnesses, he stated, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to present the Masters and their Slut and Bitch.” They were greeted with applause, shouts, and whistles.



Tim released her hand and she went right to her mother and father who held her at arm’s length and looked her over. Her mother said, “Honey, that really was beautiful! I admire your commitment, I really do. The world was different when your father and I started our exploration. Have fun.” She reached her hand out to Tim and brought him in, “And, never forget to mind your Master!” She gave her daughter a hug and kissed her on the mouth, not a motherly kiss. “Young lady, Slut, there will be more of that later.”

She turned to Tim and jumped onto him and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I do love you so much. I suppose I should be self-conscious, embarrass or something being the only naked person here, but with your commitment to me, I trust you. I love you.”

Tim put her down, holding her hand, and announced, “Everyone, we have a bar setup but first I need to get my wife something. Then, please help yourself and we’ll get the next part of the ceremony started.”

They walked to the bar, Michele looked the bartender straight in the eye and ordered her drink. They went back to mingling with the guests. Over half the people found some reason to touch her somewhere, sometimes innocently, sometimes a stroke of her butt. But she was having fun and so were they. Her dog, Cody, followed them around and occasionally pushed his nose into her butt and gave her a lick attracted by the leaking juices. When they were done with their drinks, Tim gave their glasses to someone and led her to the front, again. She noticed that while they were mingling someone had brought forward a straight back chair and a large mattress.

Tim got everyone’s attention and announced, “Everyone, please, if you would return to your seats for the start of the next part of our ceremony. Thank you. As you certainly know, it is customary after the vows are exchanged for a kiss to be shared. Like we did this afternoon. A kiss is fine for a husband and wife but certainly not appropriate for Master and Slut. Michele, Slut, undress your Master.” She began by unbuttoning his shirt, the cuffs, pulling the shirt out of this pants and taking it off his arms. She then took the bottom of his undershirt and raised it over his head. The she looked into his eyes, smiled, and undid his belt, the clasp at the top, and unzipped him. She kissed his mouth and pushed his pants down to his ankles. She again sat on her heels, took off his shoes, helped him step out of his pants, removed his socks, then looked up at his face as she took the top of his underwear in her hands and pulled them down. The room was again totally quiet except for a few chairs moving, hoping for a better view. She reached out and kissed the head of his cock and stood up in front of him.
He stepped back to the chair, sat down and put his hands out to her. She walked to him. He put his hands on her hips and turned her to the people, pulled her back to him, “Straddle my legs and crouch down, take hold of your Master’s cock and feed into that hungry pussy. Whose pussy is this, Slut?”

“Your pussy, Master. I am yours, all of me, to do with as you please. May I sit on you, now, Master?”

“Yes, sit on me and fuck me in front of all these witnesses, in front of your mom and dad.”

“Oooohhhh, GGGGoooooodddddd, yyyyyesssssss!” Just sitting on him in front of everyone, know her mom and dad were watching her start her life as a slut sent her right over the edge.

And, she did start fucking him. Lifting herself and dropping back down. Doing all the work. Looking out over the people, looking right into their faces as they watched her fucking her new husband and Master. She looked right into her mother’s eyes and saw lust. The same in her father’s. When Tim came, everyone clapped and cheered. Tim had her get up and told her to get her other master ready. She crawled over to Cody and kissed his nose, his lips and licked his tongue when it came out. All the while she was stroking his belly and rubbing his sheath. She lowered herself to his belly and kissed, licked and sucked the pink tip of his cock as it started peeking out of his sheath. She then crawled over to the mattress, turned around so everyone could watch and called Cody to her, slapping her butt. Cody went immediately to her butt, sniffed, licked and then mounted. Within a few stabs he penetrated her and started his fast pounding into her pussy. She gasped and raised her head seeing someone standing in front of her with a penis in his hand. She looked up and saw the minister. See grabbed it with one hand, using the other to balance herself, and engulfed this cock. She groaned around the cock in her mouth as Cody got his knot into her pussy. As Cody started spurting his seed into her, the minister was shooting his into Michele’s mouth.

One of Tim’s single friends came up next and offered her his cock which she immediately took into her mouth and sucked it down to the base. Cody was tied to her and she was gently rocking on his cock/knot (one of the tricks Nikki has taught her), hitting her g-spot and sending her into another orgasm as she somehow maintained her sucking on the cock in her mouth. Finally, Cody’s knot reduced enough to slip out with a little effort. The cock in her mouth finished at the same time and Michele turned around and took Cody’s cock into her mouth and licked and sucked it clean of their combined juices.

She knelt up and looked around, seeing her new husband walking towards her with two drinks. He gave her one and held his hand out to help her up. They mingled with a few people while she finished her drink, gave the glass back to him, kissed him and knelt back down on the mattress. Tim announced, “People, she is being a good Slut and Bitch because she doesn’t know who or what might be taking her next. If anyone wants her in a different position, just instruct her.”

He patted her butt.

She felt someone kneel behind her and a hard cock touch her asshole. The she felt oil being applied to her hole and the cock push against her and it almost popped past her sphincter and into her back channel. She looked over her shoulder to see who had decided to take her ass and screamed out, “Daddy! My god. You’re taking me, too? Oh, yes, daddy, that is so good. Fuck your little girl. Does it feel naughty to fuck your precious, little girl, daddy?”

“Quiet girl and turn around.”

She did and saw a naked, bald pussy in front of her. She bent down and started munching and looked up, “Mother! Jeez, you guys. You’re tag teaming me? Hhhmmmmmm, it is good pussy, though, mom.”

“Stop talking about it and get to eating it.”

And she did. She used her lips, tongue and teeth. Licking along the length of her pussy, sticking her tongue up inside, chewing on the lips, and nipping the clit. Her mom was moan and groan very quickly. But Michele kept her on edge and not letting her over. She was waiting for her father to get close to cumming and let them cum together. Which they did shortly.

The next two to use me were dogs. Someone led one to my backside and he fumbled around for too long and I had to help him find my hole. Once finally in he went like a banshee. The other dog was brought to my head. I looked up and reach underneath, but there was no sheath. Somebody laughed and I looked closer, it was a female. I coaxed the dog down, turned it around, lifted its tail and found what I was looking for. This was going to be a first and from the hush right around me, I could tell nobody had expected that I would actually do it. Instead, I plunged my tongue into her dog cunt and started licking and probing. I had no idea what the dog was feeling or if I was doing anything to get it off but all of the sudden she started pushing back onto my tongue and I had the answer. Moments later she whimpered and wandered off. She was replaced by a male dog and that I knew exactly what to do. Got them both off about the same time.
This went on for hours. With that many people for me to fuck, suck and/or lick I was going to be there for a while but Tim was very supportive and kept me in good supply of drink and water. Somewhere in the middle, Joe and Nikki came up and double teamed me. While Joe used my cunt, I was using Nikki’s. At one point I heard Nikki call out to Tim and had him come over. She said, “Tim, you know who we are?”

“Sure. I invited you. Michele talked about you two a lot. How much you opened her up. I doubt she would possibly be able to do this tonight or in the future if not for you.”

“Tim, thanks, but we just let the Michele we know come out. The reason she could and did come out was that she was safe and was respected. Please remember that, for her sake. She loves you and trusts you so much that she is giving her free will to you and allowing you to dictate her sexual life. That is an awesome responsibility. If she is hurt, you would lose much more than just a slut. I know you know what a beautiful person she is because that was the person you originally fell in love with. Before she would have submitted to you. My wish for you two, take care of each other, have all the fun you can, but keep her safe and respected. She’ll give you her soul if you do.”

“Thanks, Nikki. You really are a wise woman. And you’re right, I know the difference and what we do will be safe and good for Michele as much as for me.”
Michele looked up to Nikki and whispered, “Thank you.”

Nikki turned to Tim, “Can I suck you cock now?”

The rest of the evening was a blur. She did it, though. Had every cock, pussy and dog that wanted her. She looked around and there were few people left. Tim helped her stay steady on her legs, “Come on, honey, let’s go home. We can get some sleep, get cleaned up, and sleep on the plane.”

“My clothes.”

“They’re taken care of. Your folks are still here and will take us to our place.” He walked her outside, across the parking lot to the car. As they stood next to the car waiting on her parents, he said, “Honey, thank you. Tonight was wonderful, you were perfect. I will take care of you, love you, and respect you. And we are going to have sooooo much fun.”



Their honeymoon was going to be spent on an island in the middle of the Caribbean for a whole week. Michele was so looking forward to it. She had NEVER been anywhere like that. Although they live in a warm climate, she had little experience with the endless sea, endless beaches, and the tropical environment. They were leaving the next morning after the wedding. And she was tired. Oh, the wedding! What a day and night that had been. Married in front of all your family and friends and eating and drinking and dancing with them after. Then, another ceremony but that was so wickedly delicious. Committing herself to Tim as his slut! Hell, committing herself to her dog, Cody, as his bitch! And the celebration after that. She lost track how many cocks she had fucked (human and dog) and how many pussies she ate (oh, yeah, there was also that dog pussy she ate out!). What a wedding day. She absolutely loved it and was anxious to see what was in store for her on the honeymoon.

It might seem odd, but like the commitment ceremony and celebration, Tim wanted to handle all the arrangements and planning for the honeymoon and she was happy to let him. Not that she didn’t want to participate or might have ideas herself about what they might do, but she trusted Tim completely. So completely that she committed herself to him as he wished. This was all so terribly exciting and she had given everything that she was to him to have and hold and use. And the most wonderful surprise of the whole thing was discovering how excited her parents were about her decision. To discover the lifestyle they had played with but never quite go fully into. Maybe her decision will provide them with the push they also needed to go further.

As they got onto the plane, she was very excited but also very tired and knew she would be falling asleep despite the situation. Sitting in the airport waiting for their flight she saw the island they were destined for but knew nothing about the hotel or the amenities. Tim just encouraged her to be patient and she would discover it. He knew she would love it. And she did fall asleep as soon as the plane reached cruising altitude and speed. Tim gently woke her as they were approaching the island chain so she could see and enjoy the view. And it was spectacular. The quality and color of the water, the lushness of the vegetation. The numerous small and medium sized islands with large estates occasionally, resorts and small dwelling clustered together away from the resorts. The harbors with boats at nearly every island. Some islands with mountains, others nearly flat. She was in love with it. A week might be too short. But she remembered her mom always saying that it was better to leaving wishing you had more, than staying too long and wondering why you came.

Getting through customs was easy on these islands and they immediately saw a man holding a sign with Tim’s name on it. The walked up to him and made introductions. He took our luggage claim slips and indicated the resort van outside with the air conditioning on. When the man returned with their suitcases, Michele remember she wanted to ask Tim about the extra suitcase. “Tim, there seems to be an extra suitcase. You packed one, I packed mine, but there is another smaller one.”

“That one is yours. Your mom helped me with that one. There may be some things you need in the case you packed, but for the most part the clothes you will need this week are in the other case. Be patient just a bit longer and all will be clear.”

The suitcases in the back and the man back behind the wheel, he said, “All set folks? Welcome to our little island and to the resort. It will take us about an hour to get to the other side of the island to the resort. Is this your first time with us?”

Tim answered, “Yes, it is. In fact we have never been to the Caribbean before much less a resort like this. We are looking forward to it.”

Michele, “A resort like this? What kind of resort?”

“Patience. Only 45 more minutes. I love you, Michele and I am so looking forward to spending the week in this place with you.”

When the van slowed to take the turn onto a narrower road, there were no signs. No signs indicating a resort was near or a sign indicating the name or number for the road. It was just a narrow blacktop road. Soon, though, the van slowed once more in front of a gated area. The gate slowly opened indicating security had seen our approach. We drove in and came to a beautiful building entrance, fountains, green area and lush flowers and foliage everywhere.

And the sign. On it included “couples, only”, “adults, only”, “all inclusive”, and “clothing optional/discouraged”.


But the van had stopped and the doors were opening. Tim got out and helped her out. The luggage followed them into the resort. It was beautiful and the sign wasn’t kidding. Although there wasn’t a lot of total nudity in the lobby, nobody had clothes on. There were women in varieties of baby dolls, or sheer wraps around their hips and topless. One woman walked by heading for the lounge in a sheer baby doll and high heels and necklace. No panties or bra. She leaned into Tim who was also watching and said, “This does look like fun, Master.” That got his attention. He turned to her and gave her a huge smile.

They turned and followed their luggage to the registration counter. Behind it was a beautiful young woman who was topless, thong panties, sheer wrap around her shapely hips and high heels. She wore her name tag on a slim chain around her neck which hung between her ample breasts. She greeted them by name, “Tim and Michele, welcome. As this is your first visit with us, let’s get you registered and then we can go over the resort rules, or the lack of rules.”

Once completed, she asked another woman to watch the counter and turned to them, “If you will follow me. Your luggage will be delivered to your cabin. We’ll take the long way and I’ll show you some of the amenities available here and also be able to point out dress and “behavior” for the resort. If you would like to undress, your clothes will also be delivered to your cabin. You will fit in much better without the clothes. Okay, in the main building is the lobby, registration, main offices, any assistance you might need to setup an excursion, for instance. Also in the main building is the formal restaurant, lounge and dance club. No active sexual behavior is allowed in these areas, except for the dance club which is designed for some privacy in the booths. The booths are able to handle at least two couples. Just so it is clear, no oral or genital sex. Kissing, hugging, petting, being playful is allowed. Our resort is setup for the purpose of encouraging an attitude and acceptance of “sexy is encouraged”, anywhere. Sex around the pool complex should be discrete. We don’t encourage gangbangs or multiple partners. On the beach and other area outside but away from the main building, it is anything goes as long as it is consensual. We encourage sexy clothes like this for the women in and around the main complex. We find that most people agree that a little is sexier for dining and socializing at the lounge, restaurant, and the dance club. But, if someone wants blatant nudity, we have no rules against it.

Everywhere else, total nudity is good, if not encouraged. Any questions?”

Tim asked, “How many guests do you usually have staying here at a time?”

“Our maximum is 100 guests or 50 couples since it is restricted to couples. We are not quite full this week and currently have 45 couples registered. Okay, let’s get you to your cabin.”

As they walked through the pool complex and out to the beach, it was nothing but nude bodies. Some of the women walked to or from with a sheer wrap but more just stayed naked. The wait service, male and female, wore sheer wraps tied around their waist. They were so sheer that no cover was provided but the impression of cover. It felt good to out in the sun and warm air and not be restricted by clothes that get sticky and constrict. Yes, Michele thought, she was going to love this week being nude. And she knew Tim would be up to something.

Their cabin was on right on the edge of the beach with a porch and entrance to both the beach and the common grassy grounds on the other side. Michele notice what that sheer wrap did for appearances as she watch the woman lead them into the cabin up the stairs. Although she could clear make out the details of her body, there was still an illusion of cover provided.

The suite had a firm king bed, large shower that would be easily big enough for the both of them, and a large whirlpool bath. The structure was built for airflow going through and keeping it cooler. The woman continued, “There will be daily maid service with changing the linen and towels, making the bed, replenishing the toiletries, and the complementary bar and refrigerated items. There is also 24/7 room service. The room service menu is in the guest information book on the desk. Please note that we do not have TV or wireless service at our resort. Your stay here is intended to be a complete escape from the lives you left. Everything provided in the room, room service, restaurant, lounge, dance club and bar service at the pool or beach is totally included. Except for any activities you may wish outside of the resort, you will not need payment for. All gratuities will be handled at the end for the entire staff to share.”

Tim said, “We might actually be interested in an outside activity, like a yacht ride.”

“No problem. We can recommend a good service and provide you with transportation. Just let one of us know when you would like to go, what kind of trip, and how long. We can assist with make arrangement. Is there anything I can do for you now?”

“I think we have it. It’s pretty much open. We know where to go if we have questions.”

“Great. Again, welcome Tim and Michele. Your luggage beat us here so I think you are set. Lose your inhibitions and have a great time. One more thing, in the bath area you will find our recommended sunscreen. It will be replenished as you use it. Sun burns are an intimacy killer. Have fun.”

After she left, Michele turned to Tim, “Timothy, this is quite the surprise! You naughty boy.” She walked into his arms and loved it that they were already nude and she could feel him growing without her doing anything but move her breasts back and forth. “I am so hot. I feel like I must be soaking.”

Tim slipped a hand between them and moved it down her abdomen and she opened her legs just enough for him to slip a finger into her. “You are very much soaked. You like this. You like the idea of this. Being nude. Sex in the open. And not knowing what I might have in store for you.”

“Oh God, yes! Honey, I need you. I need you now. And I need you inside me. I am yours, so you decide if you take me on the bed, on the porch or outside on the grass. I can’t believe this. Please, now.”

So he did. He took her by the hand and led her out to the porch overlooking the beach. People were walking a hundred feet from them. He put his hand to the small of her back and guided her to the railing. Bent her over it facing the beach, walked up behind her with his now raging hard-on, and penetrated her easily.

She immediately moaned out her desire, “Yes, Tim, yes. Please fuck me the way you want to. The way you need to. The way you want your woman fucked when you want her fucked.”

“Look out at those people, Michele, they know you are getting fucked. Do you see that?”

“Oh god. Yes, they do see us. They are watching us.”

“Wave to them, baby. Let them know what kind of woman you are. A woman that knows others sees her being fucked and keeps right on getting fucked.”

And she did. She actually waved to people. What was she doing? She would have died before to have people witness her like this. But over the past months with Tim it had been like this. Peeling off thin layers of her inhibitions, reservations, and self-consciousness. Until it wasn’t about her wanting to take him as her husband. She wanted him to be able to submit to him. It was such an easy decision for her.

As he was reaching his orgasm, he reached around her, found her clit and strummed it, pinched it, and pressed onto it. They came together with a crashing orgasm they shared. He grabbed her by the waist so she wouldn’t fall to her knees and walked her back to the lounge behind them. He sat back onto it and pulled her back onto his lap so she was sitting across his lap. He held her close and stroked her breast, down her stomach, and dipped a finger back into her pussy. Pumping it in and out a few times, he brought it up to her mouth. She eagerly opened her mouth and sucked in his finger and cleaned it off of their juices. “HMMMMM, we do taste good.”

“I love you Michele. I chose this place carefully. I wanted a place that would have open nudity, loose rules on sexual interaction, and with options for exploration of ourselves and the sights around us. I wanted this to be the jumping off point for our new life together as we discussed. But I want to be sure, baby. I want us both to be very sure as we go forward from this point. So, I am going to get two glasses and a bottle of wine, some cut up fruit and then we’ll go through this just one more time.”

Michele got up so he could and watch him go into the cabin, naked. Boy he looks good this way, she thought. She turned, walked down the couple steps to the sand and walked into the beach area about 50 feet, looked up to the sky, out over the water, turned and saw Tim watching her. He said, “You look beautiful like that. Naked, on the sand, the sun shining on your magnificent body.”

She returned to the porch to find that he had set up a mix of fruits and the wine on a table next to the lounge they had earlier shared. He was reclining on it again and motioned for her to retake her original position on his lap. She gladly did and wiggled her butt, feeling him stirring as she did.

He playfully slapped her butt, “Woman, I want your attention for just a moment, please. What a wench I married. If I had any idea, I don’t know what I would have done.”

“Oh, right! As I recall it, you were the one that encourage this wench to come of hiding.” As she continued to wiggle on him. He now had a hard on and she was proud of how quickly it had formed after just cumming inside her. This was going to be a hell of a week.

“But, for a moment, I have something to say that I want you to hear and to respond to. I know that by submitting to me as you did back home, you are putting all your trust in me. In that way, you have given me the power over your total pleasure, over your body, over how your body is used, and I recognize that means you trust me enough to use it wisely. I have to tell you that, for me, that is a huge aphrodisiac. It also means that I have a compelling responsibility towards you not to cause you harm but to maximize your pleasure—because I love you so much. For the final time, Michele, are you still good with this? Do you have ANY reservations? If you do, we need to work through them.”

“Tim, ever since I can remember, I have felt a need to obey someone. I didn’t recognize it but I did. First, it was my parents. I thought I was just a good girl, but I needed to make them happy, to do what they asked me to do. Then, it was various boyfriends and friends who took advantage of it. With them I didn’t know what was wrong with the situation but I knew they weren’t right. Then, I met Nikki and Joe and saw what could be so good with the right person. Do you know that when I didn’t even really know them but had been their waitress for one meal, I was ready for them? I felt so safe with them and they were so considerate but purposeful in what they wanted. When we went to their room, got off the elevator after they had spent most of the time kissing and feeling each other, him lifting her dress up to her waist right in front of me. When we got off the elevator, he just told her to take her dress off. She had no underwear on. She was naked except for her heels. They never even said anything to me, just looked at me, standing there in the commons area on their floor, her naked, just looking at me. Know what I did? They never even asked. I stripped right there and handed my clothes to him and she and I walked naked down the hall. I just met them!”

“I know, you’ve told me.”

“I know, but I now see how this is all connected and it relates to your question. When I met you, it was so good. Again, I felt safe. I trusted you and you never damaged that trust. I saw and trusted that you honored me and would never do something that you felt would hurt me. There was a lot that expanded me, made me nervous, made me extremely self-conscious and exposed. But never hurt. Never damaged. So, that’s how I feel and why I feel so trusting, so confident. Tim, thank you for wanting to be sure. Wanting me to be sure. But we have been over this and I am committed to my decision. I submitted myself to you. You have control of me. How you want me, when you want me, where you want me. And, yes, and with whomever you want me to be with. I have given you this. I want your control. I love you for being able to take that control and that you honor me and will keep me safe no matter what new, thrilling, and outrageous thing comes out of that mind of yours. I believe that this control is an aphrodisiac for you. Giving you that control over me is also an aphrodisiac for me!”

“Good. So, this will be the beginning of our new life. What a great place to begin. I love you, always remember that. AND, you must NEVER forget that you have a safe work, ‘wombat’. Use that anytime you think we have gone too far. Promise?”

“Stop worrying so much. But, yes, I will remember the word. I gave it to you, I will not forget.”

They had finished the wine and much of the fruit, it was about 3:00 PM and they decided to explore the beach for a while before dinner. Sunscreen was applied, sunglasses put on and nothing else. They walked the beach right at the point where the water lapped up with the waves. Michele loved it. Walking nude with her husband. Yes, her husband, but also her Master. She tingled with expectation of what would come for her in the next days here and in their life when they returned home.

The beach was wonderful. Someone said a mile of private beach for the resort. Beautiful white sand. By the time they were back to their cabin it was time to shower and get ready for their first dinner on their dream honeymoon experience. When Michele came out of the bathroom, she said, “Okay, so what is in this other suitcase that you and my mom packed for me? And what do intend for me to be wearing tonight for dinner?”

“I will select everything. You take care of your hair and makeup. I will lay out your wardrobe for the evening.”

She did just that. Got her long hair looking just so and applied her makeup. She turned and looked at the bed. “That’s what I am wearing tonight?”

“You heard what she said, ‘nude is acceptable, but sexy is encouraged’. I think this about covers both.”

What she saw was all white: high heels, nylons with garter belt, and a baby doll nightie she had never seen before. Also, a necklace. “That’s my mom’s necklace.”

“Yes, she wanted you to wear it on our first night. She also picked out the nightie.”

“What are you wearing?”

“I called the management and said my attention had been on what the women were wearing but neglected to notice what the guys wear around the public building areas and, especially, for ‘dressing up’ for the restaurant and dancing. They said that most wore sexy boxer shorts and perhaps a sheer buttoned shirt. So, your mom also helped with choosing some out for me.”

They both got dressed. Tim did in fact wear very nice boxers and a sheer buttoned shirt that he left unbuttoned. On his feet were sandals. Michele put on the nylons, the garter and attached them, then the baby doll and tied it with the only tie available just under her breast. She put on the necklace and it hung between her breasts. She turned to the full length mirror and slipped into her high heeled sandals and looked at herself. Tim walked up behind her and said, “Wow, honey.”

The baby doll came to just about the very bottom of her butt cheeks in back. In front the tie did nothing to keep the material over her. Both on top and the bottom the nightie was gapped. Her bald pussy was on display and the insides of her breast were exposed and almost exposing her nipples. Not that it mattered, since the material was extremely sheer. Tim wrapped his arms around her and said, “Since it’s our first night on our honeymoon, white seemed appropriate. You know, the virginal bride?”

“You have a short memory, guy. My wedding night took care of any virginal impressions either of us should have.” She turned in his arms, “And it was the best wedding any real girl could have. Thank you.”

The left the cabin onto the commons and followed the path to the main building complex and the restaurant. She was tingling inside. She was walking in public dressed in a way that she might have had to convince herself to do when staying inside their home and only with her husband. Now, she was outside, in public, entering a public building to sit in a restaurant to have a very nice dinner. Yes, there were going to be others just like them, but it felt so wicked. At the entrance to the restaurant Tim gave his name and the hostess smiled and looked at them. She came around and gave Michele a big hug and then Tim. “Congratulations, you two. Newlyweds on your honeymoon. Your table is waiting for you. Follow me.” As they entered the restaurant area, she stopped and called out to the diners, “Ladies and Gentlemen, not to embarrass them, but I would like to introduce to you, Michele and Tim, who are joining us this week on their honeymoon. They were just married yesterday and chose our unique location for their honeymoon. I trust you will all help them to make this a most memorable time.” As they then walked to their table many people stood at their tables and applauded. The restaurant was beautiful. Crystal glasses, fine linen table clothes, low lighting, and native foliage used to create little alcoves of tables. In the background there was soft music.

The meal was wonderful. They had their second bottle of wine of the day and very nice locally caught fish and tender vegetables. The desert was sweet but small. I sweet taste after a great meal which was actually perfect. Their waiter was very attentive. Wine was filled without them hardly noticing. Plate were provided and removed so their conversation was uninterrupted. Tim did notice how he hung near Michele. She was absolutely stunning.

After dinner they went to check out the club. It was definitely a hopping place. Loud music, people everywhere, lots of drinking and having a good time. And the dance floor was full. They got a table near the dance floor and had a drink. They danced several songs and got another drink. Michele asked if they could go back soon, she was exhausted and the long day was catching up to her. Just then, a couple came up to them, maybe mid 40’s, and asked them to dance. So they split partners and danced. The second song was a slow one. After that, they thanked them and returned to their cabin. On the way along the commons Michele said, “You’re going to be fucking me a lot this week. As tired as I am, I can’t believe how hot I am. Dancing a slow dance, tight in a strange man’s arms, practically nude, with him not only stroking my back but also my butt … Did you see the people in the alcove booths? There were multiple couples going at it.”

Before they were inside she had her nightie off, turned and took Tim’s boxers and shirt off him. She threw the clothes on the commons side porch, put her arms around his neck and smothered him with kisses, probing his mouth with her tongue. He pulled his head back a little and asked, “Shall we go inside or finish it right here?”

“I want you right here where anyone might see us.”

She jumped into his arms and hung onto his neck with her legs wrapped around his waist. He reached down and guided himself into her wet, open pussy. As he let her drop a little, she moaned loudly and pleaded with him, “Tim, fuck me hard. Ohhhh Gooodddddd, I need you to fuck me hard. Yes, like that. OOOOOOOOHHHHHH, TTTIIIIIMMMMMMMMMM, yes! Ohhh, I’m cumming already! Keep going. Don’t you dare stop what you’re doing. God, you feel sooooooo good.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw an older couple walking by. She had on a long floor length sheer negligee with a thong underneath. But right now Michele didn’t care. She was in heaven with Tim inside her and taking her to her second orgasm standing in front of their cabin.

Tim carried Michele into the cabin after they both had their release, still joined. He carried her to the bed, pulled the sheet back and lay her down, took off the necklace, garter belt, stockings and heels. He forgot about their clothes and crawled in next to her, wrapping his arms around her. She was already asleep.



The morning started for them well after sunrise. They didn’t stir until the sun and the noises outside made further sleep impossible. They called for coffee, hard boiled eggs, and sliced fruit for breakfast and headed into the shower together. After thoroughly washing each other including their hair, Tim placed his hands on Michele’s shoulders and guided her down to her knees. She took his cock into her hands, kissing it, licking it and sucking it into her mouth as the water sprayed down onto them. He loved the way her mouth felt around his cock, the way she sucked and licked and twirled her tongue around him. He soon came while firmly planted at the back of her mouth and she swallowed it all straight down.

They dried off just as room service arrived. Walking out of the bathroom naked to room service would be a surprise almost anywhere else, but Michele was quickly getting the hang of people see her naked. They took their breakfast out to the beachside porch and enjoyed the morning and slowly came back to life. They were watching the people and ocean, touching fingers, and enjoying their light breakfast when they heard, “Hello?”

Tim responded, “Out here.”

“Hi, I am Helen and I will take caring for you and your room while are here. Am I interrupting?”

Michele, “No. Not at all. Please to meet you, Helen.”

Helen was holding their clothes from the night before. “I found these outside. I assume they are yours?”

“Oh, gosh, yes. We’re sorry about that. I guess we were anxious last night and then forgot.”

“No apologizes, please. You are the newlyweds, right?”

“Why, yes, we are. That seems to be a topic of interest here. Why is that?”

“The people who come here are almost always more established in their relationship and looking for expansion of that relationship. It is truly rare that a young couple such as yourselves is here. As you may have noticed, most couples are middle aged or even older with a few in their 30’s. I will leave you to your coffee and makeup your cabin. I will check, but do you know of that you need replenishing?”

Tim said, “Yes, I think more wine. Thank you.”

Tim and Michele finished their coffee, got the suntan lotion, towels, and sunglasses and headed for the beach. They claimed a couple lounge chairs outside their cabin by the water, lathered up with lotion and picked a direction and started walking along the edge of the water. They frequently stopped for an interesting shell and soon discovered their hands were getting full. Soon a Resort employee appears next to them holding a mesh bag. He asked if that might help them with their shells.

Michele was astounded. “This place is amazing. I am sure it is not cheap but they seem to anticipate so well the needs of their guests without being in the way or intrusive.”

They continued their walking, picking up shells they knew they didn’t need and probably wouldn’t most back home, but it was so relaxing. They looked behind them and realized they had walked quite a ways but knew the resort was back there somewhere. As they were digging out a shell that truly looked promising for beauty, two sets of bare feet were sudden in front of them. They looked up to see a naked couple of about 40. They indicated that if they were interested in shells there was a yacht that could be chartered from the other side of the island and it would take them for a cruise around the island and also stop at a nearby island that was known for its shelling. They agreed that it was very relaxing to just walk along the water edge and worry about nothing more than finding a different shell.
Returning to their cabin area, reapplying sunscreen, they lay back on their lounges. Tim watched the people walk by in front of them and looked at Michele. He said to her, “Raise your knees and open them.”

“But, I’ll be completely open for them to … Oh, yes, sir.”

He then caught the attention of one of the beach attendants and requested two rum drinks for them. The attendant stopped in front of them and kept glancing at her open, bare pussy.

After he left, Michele said, “Wow that was so wicked. Being spread out wide open for a strange man and anyone else who might walk by. Walking around naked is one thing but to be totally spread. I could feel my lips opening in front of him.”

“That’s nothing, Baby. This is just the beginning of new experiences and exposures.”

They finished their drinks, reapplied lotion and headed for the volleyball area. There was a game just underway with mixed male/female teams. As they approached, they were asked if they wanted to play because they only had four to a team. The agreed and split up. Michele surprised Tim at her prowess at volleyball. The other players were impressed, also. She actually seemed to know how to play rather than just hitting at the ball in the direction of the net. She not infrequently would dive for the ball and come up covered in sand as it stuck to her sweating body. She would brush some of it off, but Tim met her at the net at one point and suggested to her to ask one of the other players to help her brush the sand off from her back. Her choice of male or female.

The next time she dove for the ball she came up and asked a woman if she could help her get some of the sand off her back, it was sticking to her due to sweating under the sun. They stopped play for a moment while the woman brushed her hands over Michele’s back, then her butt, her thighs and back up to her butt. Someone suggested they consider getting a room which broke them up. But they both looked into each other’s eyes. The woman was about 50 but athletic. The next time she ended up on the other side of the net and, thinking she knew who the woman’s husband was, asked him if she would assist her. While he also took considerable care to remove the sand, Michele looked the other woman in eyes and blew her a kiss.

The game broke up as Michele ran to Tim, took his hand and led him out into the waves. Once they were waist deep she pulled them both into the water and came up kissing him. “Tim, I am so hot. Did you see how she was looking at me as her husband played with my butt? I actually blew her a kiss while he was doing it.” She jumped into him and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I need you to fuck me, right here, right now, under the sun, and in front of all these people. Am I a wanton whore for wanting that?”

“No, you’re not acting like a wanton whore. But you are acting like the slut you wanted to be. This is the second time already you have said, ‘I need you to fuck me, right here, right now’. Congratulations, slut. You are progressing wonderfully. Now, that fucking you wanted.” And he took hold of her hips, moved his cock to her pussy and slipped it inside. There was no question about her stimulation. He then cupped both her hips and raised and dropped her so she was taking his full length. This went on for some time when Michele realized that he was carrying her as he moved her up and down. When she opened her eyes, they were near the edge of the water in full view of everyone and he walked her to their lounges where he laid her on her back and continued fucking her. As his hips raised and lowered into her, people walked past not far from them. Some stopped and watched, others just slowed down to watch as they went by. Michele finally screamed out her orgasm and Tim grunted his release and collapsed on top of her. Michele’s eyes opened and looked straight into the eyes of the older woman from the volleyball game. She was standing holding two drinks. Tim sensed something from the look on Michele’s face and turned over and stood. Michele was left with her legs spread wide and their mixed cum leaking from her pussy lips.

That was when they also saw her husband, also with two drinks. She stepped up to them, “We don’t want to intrude, but that was beautiful. We’re Marge and Bob, by the way. I wish we had thought of fucking like that when we were young enough and strong enough to pull it off. Walking out of the water and over here while joined in fucking was … Anyway, the way you selected us at the volleyball game to play with your body, yes we know you were being deliberate, we were hoping you would join us for dinner tonight.” She kept glancing between Michele’s leaking pussy and Tim’s shiny cock covered with their juices.

Tim accepted, “I asked her to pick out someone. She chose you two. So, yes, we would love to have dinner with you tonight. Name the time and we’ll be there.”

They finished their drinks, agreed on a time and went their separate ways. Tim looked at Michele and said, “Tonight it truly starts. Saturday night when you fucked all those people, you knew who they were. Tonight, you will fuck someone, maybe both of them from her looking at you, who you had never seen before this afternoon.”

This night Michele was dressed very similar to the previous night except that it was essentially red. Red heels, red lace thigh highs that were elastic tops, red lace see-through baby doll nightie that also left her bare pussy exposed. Around her neck she wore her mother’s pearl necklace wrapped around twice.

The met the older couple at the entrance. They were the couple they saw walking by last night while they were fucking outside. She was wearing heels under a nearly floor length sheer night gown with a thong. She looked at Michele and gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “Dear, we have seen you being fucked twice now. Just this afternoon, but also last night when you couldn’t wait to get inside. You are truly beautiful. Every woman should be so lucky to have a body like yours to keep her man happy.”

They had a wonderful meal, again, and shared talk about the resort. They had been here before and knew about the charter that could take them around the island to the shelling location. They would send the contact information.

Tim finally asked what he had been thinking for some time tonight, “Marge, you are a beautiful woman. Outside on the beach you had no problem being completely nude. I am just curious why you are wearing a thong now. Your breast show lovely. Why not let you pussy also show?”

Her husband interjected, “That’s exactly what I have been trying to get her to understand. Maybe she’ll listen to you.”

Michele added, “Marge, we are all in agreement but it is your body. But you really should consider taking the thong off. The idea of everything being exposed, in a very sexy way, while eating a top level dinner among so many other people is a turn-on.”

Tim didn’t wait as he saw her actively considering it. “Marge, I want you to stand up next to me at the table and I will raise your gown and remove your thong. Then I want you to take them, walk to your husband and hand them to him, bend over with straight knees and kiss him passionately on the mouth. Then you can return to your seat and we’ll enjoy desert.”

She did exactly as instructed. She stood up from her chair walk over to Tim and stopped in front of him. He moved his chair sideways, reach down to the floor and raised her gown to her waist, put two fingers into the top of her thong and slowly lowered them to the floor for her to step out of. She could see other diners watching and blushed deeply. But Tim didn’t release her immediately. He once again moved the hem of her gown to her waist and kissed her pussy. She shivered and moaned. He dropped her gown and she walked around Tim to her husband. Extended her hand as she approached him and handed him her thong. She then bent over, with knees straight, and kissed him deeply and long. When she stood and returned to her chair, the surrounding diners clapped. Marge was a deep shade of red.

The rest of the dinner went well and they agreed to go to the dance club. At the club Tim asked for a side alcove for them to share. They quickly ordered more drinks and settled into the U-shaped couch/alcove set into the side of the club. They were slightly raised so they would still have a view of the dance floor. The women were seated between the men. Tim leaned over to kiss Michele and initiated passionate play with her including going inside her nightie to stroke her breasts. He whispered in her ear, “I am going to take you out to the dance floor but when we return I want you to sit next to Bob after I ask Marge to dance. Before the end of the night I want you to fuck Bob.”

They danced for four songs including a slow dance song. He squeezed close to her and rested his hand on her bare butt and pulled her into himself. She felt him grow, “You get turned on by all this, too, don’t you.”

“Absolutely. My interest in this game is to provide you with pleasure you might not otherwise have tried, but as I said before this is extremely exciting for me. They have not come out. So when we get back I will ask Marge to dance with me and insist, you sit with Bob and start working on him. I will do the same with Marge. Do you get the impression that they are here but not very active? That they are interested by neither is ready to make the first move?”

“Interesting that you say that because that is what occurred to me when she was in the thong. And, yet, when you took action she just let you take the thong off her and in the process draw much more attention to her. And Bob was very excited by it. I don’t think they know how to get started.”

“So, we’ll get them started.” And he led her back to their alcove. Upon arriving he stopped just inside the U, leaned to Marge taking her hand and stood her up. He walked along her and putting his arm around her waist, stated that he was taking her out for a few dances. She tried to protest but only managed to sputter as they walked off.

Michele picked up her drink and sat down next to Bob. She turned to him and said, “Bob, would you dance with me?”

On the dance floor she kept him away from Tim and Marge but made every effort to use her body to touch and rub against him. During a slow dance she said, “Bob, do you think Marge is attractive?”

“Yes! I think she’s beautiful.”

“Do you think she is sexy, do you get excited watching her? Especially dressed the way she is tonight? Without her panties under her sheer gown?”

“Definitely. That’s why we are here, you know. We want to expand our sexuality. We know we’re older but we agree that we want to strengthen our sexual relationship and felt this week might be the way to achieve that.”

“And, yet, did you want her to wear the thong? How many times have you made love to here since being here? Have you made love outside?”

“No to all of those. I was disappointed that she chose to put on the thong but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. And, no, we’ve been here for two days and have not made love, yet. Much less outside. It’s as if we are waiting for the other to make the move so we don’t offend the other.”

“But when Tim took action earlier tonight, she let him take off her thong. A man she didn’t really know.” She had been watching Tim and Marge while talking to them and turned him around and said, “Now look over my shoulder. See how Tim is dancing with Marge? He has her gown up around her waist with his hands on her bare butt. He has her pulled in tight to him and they are slowly grinding themselves together. They are both moving. She is a very responsive woman. But she needs you to be direct and aggressive to initiate action. Can you do that for her?”

“I can try.”

“Bob, I am going to take you back to the alcove now. Once there, I want to make out with you. When Tim brings Marge back, he is going to do the same thing to her. Bob, I want to make love to you, or to fuck you, whichever you feel more appropriate at the moment. Tim will do the same to Marge. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, thank you. Ironically, that might be what we need to get past our insecurity. Have somebody else take charge.”

As soon as they were back in the alcove, she sat him down and sat in his lap and started kissing him. She opened her mouth and sought his tongue with hers. She took his hand and placed it on her breast. Undid the tie of her nightie and shrugged it off. His fingers found her nipples and teased them, pinching, stroking. When she looked up, Tim had Marge in a similar position. Michele got Bob’s attention to Marge just as Tim was lifting her night gown over her head. She was now sitting on Tim’s lap in the dance club naked except for her heels. Michele caught Tim’s attention and twirled her finger to indicate turning Marge around. She then got up, took hold of Bob’s boxer waist and tugged them down and off his feet. She then turned and backed into him, took his rigid cock and sat down on it. Looking up she saw Tim just then getting Marge into the same position. Michele leaned back and told Bob to look at Marge and not take his eyes off her. She felt him tense inside of her as he watched his wife moving up and down another man. Tim was whispering to her in similar fashion as she watch her husband’s cock going in and out of another woman.

Michele’s mind was coming to grips with this new twist. Here she was to prepare her for her new life of pleasure and she was instead helping another couple find their way through the maze of comfort and acceptance of their pursuit of their own pleasure. And with that going through her mind she felt Bob stiffen further and begin to climax. As she felt his release, her own orgasm crashed her over the edge as she watch Marge and Tim across from her.



The next morning started much the same. Waking, showering, love in the shower, and a light room service breakfast on the beach side porch. Life seemed so much freer when you didn’t worry about what you should wear or being dressed when the maid came to clean.

Later that morning they did what could easily turn in a lifetime morning habit, put on sunscreen, grab sunglasses and head out to the beach and walk the water edge until they turned around and returned. I continued to pick up random shells that caught their interest. They had a large pile at the cabin and knew that would have sort through them eventually if they took any back home. On the way back they stopped at the beach bar and got a chicken salad and a fruity drink each. They enjoyed it at a table with an umbrella and joined by a couple in their late 30’s. They were from Atlanta and had been here each year for the past three years. They said this resort had given them the spur in their sex lives to carry them through much of the year and to provide them with the courage to become more open and adventurous back home. They also mentioned it was unusual to see a young couple like them and were curious. Tim looked at Michele and smiled. The other woman said, “I’m sorry if I was being too forward. I was just curious. You two are obviously very vibrant and already open. Everyone has noticed you because of your youth and your openness. Seeing you carried out of the water yesterday afternoon and up to the beach while joined had every other woman on the beach drooling. We could see your body shake with each step he took.”

Michele responded, “No, it’s not too forward. At least not being in this place. This is still somewhat new for us believe it or not. As you may have heard, for some reason its news around here, we were just married over the weekend. This is our honeymoon. But not just our honeymoon. You see, last Saturday afternoon we had a very nice, traditional type wedding in a church attended by all our families, friends, and associates. We had a very pleasant reception at a local hotel, catered, with a lively dance band. It was beautiful. I was in a stunning wedding dress, even if I do say so.”

The woman responded, “It sounds lovely. Congratulations. But this still seems an unusual choice. Most honeymooners seek privacy to experience their sexuality together.”

Tim continued, “Well, you have to understand that the traditional wedding was nice and pleasant rejoicing with our many family and friends. But we had two ceremonies that day. The traditional ceremony in the church and celebrated at the reception was to become husband and wife. The second one is the reason we are here. I chose this resort very purposefully to expose and prepare Michele for the next stage in our lives.”

“As husband and wife? I don’t understand.”

“As husband and wife, yes. Because we are that. We very much love each other and are devoted to each other in that same sense. But, ultimately, no. We are here because at the second ceremony Michele and I committed ourselves to much more and it was attended and witnessed by only our very closest friends and only by her parents.”

“Okay, we’ll bite, what other commitment?”

Tim looked at Michele and smiled. “Answer the woman, dear.”

Michele expanded, “We haven’t expressed this to anyone but our closest and most trusted friends before … the second ceremony was held at a rented hall that we had completely and exclusively for ourselves. It was officiated by the same pastor but attended by only our closest friends and my parents which was a total surprise to me.”

“Total surprise? You didn’t know who was going to be there?”

“No, I didn’t. Oh sure, I knew who some would be because I knew who were our most trusted friends. But, no, Tim handled the second ceremony completely. He arranged the hall, inviting the guests, the ceremony program, the celebration after, and this honeymoon. For the second ceremony I was again dressed in white but this time I was dressed in the same white high heel, thigh high stocking, white pearl necklace and a very short veil attached to my hair.”

“That’s it?!?” She looked back and forth between Michele and Tim with eyes wide.
“That was it. Nothing else. When I opened the door to enter the large room and walk down the aisle, I was shocked to see my dad standing there. He walked me down the aisle to once again give me away to Tim. Everyone else was fully dressed as I knew they would be. You see, this ceremony was to be my commitment to Tim. This time not as his wife, but …”

Tim encouraged, “Michele, continue.”

“Not as his wife this time, but as his SLUT. I committed to his will as he wished to have me, wherever, whenever and with whomever. That is why he chose this resort. What better location to initiate our new life together than a place so free of restrictions and so open about sexuality.”

“Woman, you have my wet just listening to you. That is so hot. I envy you but at the same time I’m not sure I could do that despite how much I love this man. Congratulations. Enjoy your life.”

They had two glasses of wine by this time so went back to the cabin where they first made love slowly in bed and took a short nap. Later they lathered up with sunscreen again and headed back out to the beach. They walked about a quarter mile, talking, picking up shells, holding hands. To cool off they went into the surf for a dip, diving, playing “grab ass”, enjoying the freedom. Michele disappeared under water and Tim felt her swim between his legs but then felt his cock taken into her mouth. She finally had to come up for air but not until he was hard. She put her arms around his neck and in the water easily raised her legs and hips up to his waist, took his cock in her hand and inserted it into her pussy. Second day in a row she was getting fucked outside in the water. She loved the feeling of freedom and availability this place provided and relished the opportunity to express her sexuality. She continued to bounce on his hips, driving his hard cock into her pussy with increasing need and penetration. Then with loud moaning and her shouting her need for release, then both came, together, again. Tim carried her out of the water, again still joined up onto the sand where he laid her onto her back and joined her to rest.

Tim rose up onto one elbow and asked, “Are you leaking?”

She dipped a hand down to her pussy and came back with two juicy fingers. “Oh, yes.”

“Get more and lick your fingers clean.”

She did and moaned, “I love the way we taste. Our cum mixed together.”

“Then, from now on after being fucked you will clean off the cock that you have serviced.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ready? I think we could use another drink.”

He helped her up and they headed back towards the beach bar area. They soon approached a group of others congregated at the water’s edge in discussion about something. As they got closer, they saw that it was four couples with one being the couple they were talking with at the bar at lunch. The group made a gap for Tim and Michele to join them.

Tim commented, “You guys look like you were having an intense discussion before we arrived.”

The women they had been previously talking to responded, “Yes, we were and you two might be of some help. You see we were just confessing to each other that we have all had fantasies of participating in a gangbang. As we were discussing it, though, not one of us has fantasized about being the focus of the gangbang. We all realize that there is a big difference from making love to being fucked to being gangbanged. Even a fuck is sharing, even if it is intensely. Being banged is just being used. It’s not sharing and certainly not loving.”

Tim said, “Sounds like you need to find yourselves a slut who will just be satisfied if she is used. Not worried about her own pleasure but just in being able to provide pleasure to others.”

“Sounds like exactly what we need for us to all realize one of our fantasies. To participate in a group using a woman for our pleasure.”

“But where would you find slut here?”

Everyone, including Tim, turned and looked at Michele. During all this talk she knew where Tim was going with this. He had yet really exercised his control over her. Yes, he told her to fuck that man the other night and that was a step but it was also mutual because he also fucked his wife. This was four couples, eight people, men and women. She could also tell that she was getting wet in just the conversation and visualizing what was likely to be happening next. When they all turned to her, she looked at everyone. She made direct eye contact with each, deliberately, and unashamed. When she looked to her side at Tim, she lowered her eyes, knelt down at his side and in a controlled voice said, “Master, if it is your desire to allow it, I can be of service to these people in realizing their fantasy.”

“How would you do that?”

“You indicated that a slut would be required, sir. I am your slut. So, if it is your desire that your slut be a slut for them, then I can of service to them in their pursuit of realizing an opportunity to participate in a gangbang.”

“Here, slut?”

“Wherever you wish, sir.”

Tim looked at the others. At least two of the women were open mouthed at the declaration that just came from Michele. All the men only had lust in their eyes. Tim said, “There you have it then. If you desire to have a gangbang, you have before you just such a slut for your use. She and I have plans for dinner tonight so I suggest you delay. I recommend that three of you go back to the resort area and retrieve three lounge cushions. The sand will be rough on her knees and back after a time.”

Michele looked up at Tim and shivered as if a cold breeze just went through. Only this was due to lust. Her body was instantly sensing her feelings, the breeze over her bare skin, the moisture escaping from her pussy lips.

As the remaining people approached her, Tim asked, “Is your body ready, slut?”

“Yes, sir. I am already wet and open.”

One of the women lay on her back in the sand and told Michele to start eating her pussy. When she got onto her knees to do that, the remaining man got behind her and slipped his cock into her. She was indeed wet and open. He penetrated her with easy and drove himself to full penetration in two strokes. She gasped and moaned at the sudden penetration but then returned to the woman’s pussy. While being fucked with strong and long strokes, she applied as much zeal to the woman’s pussy. Using her tongue on the full length of her pussy, flicking her clit with the tip, sucking her clit and nibbling on her clit gently with her teeth. She quickly had the woman approaching her orgasm and literally jammed two fingers into the woman while munching and sucking on her clit. Once she was done, another took her place. The man inside her tensed and stroked to maximum penetration and pressed into her harder as he too came in a powerful climax. As he withdrew from her pussy, another woman came behind Michele and jammed two of her fingers into her. After several strokes, another was added. With her other hand she pinched and rubbed Michele’s clit. The thought of two women using her in addition to the actual activity sent her over the edge for her first orgasm with them.

The other men returned with the cushions and several buckets of bottles of beer in ice. Michele got up long enough to have the cushions spread out. The men indicated they had time to make up and one of them got onto his back and directed Michele to sit on him with his cock in her pussy. Once settled in, another came up behind her and she felt his cock poking at her ass hole. Tim suggested using some lotion to get started. Then a third man came up to her face with a third cock. She thought to herself that this was called “airtight”. Every hole filled.

The man in her ass came the fastest since that was the tightest and Tim stepped in and filled that hole. The man in her mouth came next and a woman sat on the mouth of the man in Michele’s pussy and raised Michele up to kiss her, tonguing her, and opened passion. This dynamic continued to a variety of position changes and interactions. But for the next three hours Michele was fully used by these eight people.

At the end, Michele collapsed onto her back, legs and arms splayed wide. Her pussy and ass were dripping cum from the men and her face was shiny from the juices of the women. The people stood around her and watch. One of the women sat at her head which she raised and placed in her lap and gently stroked her face and hair. Someone handed her a bottle of beer and held to Michele’s lips.

Michele looked up into the face of the woman and smiled, thanked her, and sat up and leaned into the woman. Then chugged the remainder of the beer.

Once completed, she handed the bottle back to someone, rose to her knees before Tim and said, “Master, was your slut’s performance satisfactory to your intention?”

“Yes, slut, you have made me very happy and from the appearance of these people, they are very happy as well.”

The woman Michele had originally confided in at lunch helped Michele up and hugged, “Thank you, Michele. That was so exciting. You’re a beautiful woman.”
One after the other, the women came to her and expressed similar sentiment.

Tim grabbed her hand and walked her back to their cabin where he sat her in a chair on the porch and Tim got her another drink. It was quiet for a few moments and then Michele looked at Tim, hesitated, then got up and knelt at his side. He looked into her eyes and searched for what she was thinking and feeling. When she finally spoke, she took his hand and said, “Master, thank you. You used me as you wanted to. You shared me with others that wanted to share me with. Thank you for allowing me to please you and them, as you required. Master, may I now clean you and please you, again?”

“Yes, you may. Then we need to get ready for dinner and our activities tonight.”
“Thank you, Master.”

When they arrived at the restaurant, Michele was dressed in white, again. White high heels, thigh high stockings, a white sheer wrap tied at the waist, and a necklace hanging between her breasts. Her hair was down over her shoulders and extending down her back. They had a quiet dinner just themselves. They had a bottle of wine with dinner and an after dinner drink each. They held hands, kissed and laughed throughout the meal. She blushed when he talked about the gangbang that afternoon. The couple from last night saw them and came over on their way out after dinner. Tim and Michele stood and they exchanged kisses.

After dinner they went to the club and danced for an hour with a few drinks. One of the couples from the beach saw them and they shared a drink and exchanged partners for a few dances. Tim made the woman shiver while they were in a slow dance by holding her close to him, stroking her butt and cupping her breast while saying, “You know what Michele did today for you? I bet you were wondering the whole time what it would feel like if that were you. You said that you had interest in participating in a gangbang but not being the banged. But watching Michele weren’t you curious what it would be like? What she felt? How you would feel?”

“Maybe for a moment. But it’s like a porn pop-up on the internet. For a moment you’re tempted but then you know you can’t.”

“Why don’t you with porn. You were on the beach with seven others today making a woman do as you wanted for only your pleasure. Is watching porn worse than that? You had fun. Everyone had fun. Even Michele enjoyed it. The more you explore my dear the more you will remember this day and wonder.”

Just then Michele stepped in and said, “Excuse me, but I need this hunk. I understand we have some plans to make for tomorrow.”

And they did. Tim had suggested that they go to the other side of the island where he heard the heavier surf brought in more shells and bigger. Many were broken by the surf but it would be something different and was clothing optional beach. So they walked to the lobby and asked for help in setting up the logistics for getting their and back. They sat in the lobby as she took down information. They sipped wine and chatted. The woman commented on Michele’s splendid tan. Once confirmed, it was arranged that the resort van would take them to the other beach and pick them up at a pre-arranged time for the return. She suggested they use appropriate cover for the trip since they would be going through town and if for some reason they needed to stop, they would need clothing in town.

With their plans made, they walked back to their room holding hands. Tonight, Tim intended to love her in bed. He stood her at the edge of the bed and undressed what there was. But mostly using his hands liberally on her skin as he took off the wrap, stockings and shoes. He then devoted the next hour totally on her. Kissing her completely from head to toes, up and down to the other toes, and back up to her mouth. He touched her gently, stroking and cupping her breast, her mound and her ass. He kissed and nipped her nipples and clit. Sucked her pussy, her clit, and her nipples. Taking her nipples between his teeth and pulling. Then doing the same to each of her pussy lips and clit. Then using his tongue, licking her length of pussy, slipping his tongue between her lips and inside her. Trailing his tongue up over her abdomen, over her rib cage, to her breast, nipples, up her chest to her neck and ears. Then kissing his way back down the same path. Gentle, slow. When she was raising her chest to that stimulation and her hips to that stimulation, he became more earnest until finally taking her over the edge with fingers and mouth.

He let her relax and got each another glass of wine. They reviewed the day and she laughed when he confided what he had said to the woman while dancing. “You just guaranteed that she will be second guessing the entire time she has left here.” And after their wine, they were asleep with his arms wrapped securely around her.



The next morning they woke up lazy after the sun was up enough to penetrate the windows in their cabin. After their usual shower together and loving in the process, they took their room service breakfast and coffee on the porch overlooking the beach. Michele still found it a little exciting to be sitting completely nude, her long hair still wet from the shower, and casually sitting overlooking the beach and talking with the cabin maid about their plans for the day. She and Tim talked over the day to come and were in agreement to follow the plans they made last night to go over to the open beach on the other side of the island to experience a more local flavor of the island. It was still a clothing optional beach but they needed to get their without causing problems for the local laws.

After their breakfast and pulling together a few things they might need like sun lotion, some money which they hadn’t needed almost since coming, cell phone, towels and the like. Once ready, Tim put on his swimming trunks, tee-shirt and sandals and grabbed the pack. Michele came out with a tee-shirt, bikini bottom and her sandals. They walked to the lobby, checked in with the concierge, and waited for the hotel van. When the van arrived, they verified the beach location on a map the concierge provided to them in case they needed. They also verified the time and place for their pickup at the end of the day.

The trip to this beach took them through the largest town and then along a coastal highway, over the mountain range to the other side which was much more remote, surrounded by heavy foliage. They arrived at the main parking area for the beach and again verified that they would be picked up at this same location at 4:00 PM. They exchanged cell phone numbers for communication if either were delayed.

They left the van and walked out onto the beach and down to the water line. They stripped down and folded their few clothes into the park, looked both ways and chose going north for no reason except that it looked quieter. Before going far they stopped and remembered to apply sunscreen. Their tans were already good but the sun was hot and strong so they continued to play it safe. Tim got Michele warmed up with plenty of attention to her breasts, nipples, and pussy. Michele got him back with liberal application to his cock which she quickly got hard. By the time they looked back to check their progress, they could barely see where the main entrance was so they stopped where they were, spread out the beach towels and covered the water and wine they brought from the resort. It was quiet and peaceful.

They spent the next hours sunning, dozing and chasing each other in the low surf. The beach was getting more crowded but still not real crowded when Tim started stroking Michele while she was sunning on her back. He sat up and squirted more sunscreen on her and spread it out. Again, paying particular attention on her breasts, nipples and pussy. He looked around and noticed there weren’t people real near them and he slipped between her legs and started licking and sucking her pussy lips and clit. She started to tense up being in public but Tim told her to relax and accept it. He started using first one finger, then two while he continued to use his mouth. Finally bringing her to orgasm which she cried out. Several people did hear Tim noticed but did not seem offended.

They went back into the water and played in the surf letting the waves splash over them and letting the water hide their more intimate playing. Once, again, Tim picked up Michele and brought her up so her legs could go around his waist and while she held onto his neck, he maneuvered his cock in line with her pussy and slowly lowered her onto it. She took over and using her arms and leg moved herself up and down over his rigid cock. To anyone on shore who might have watched them it was clear what they were doing, but it became more graphic as Tim again walked her out of the water, across the sand, to their towels and lay her down without ever disconnecting them. He rolled them over so she was on top and later told her to turn around while keeping him inside her so she would be facing out to the ocean. Of course, they both knew that she would also be facing anyone who might walk by, also. As she started twisting around on top of him, a young couple was walking by and stopped to watch. Once settled into the correct position, she looked up and they were still watching. She smiled at them. Tim noticed them as well and saw they were also naked. Tim quietly told her to call them over. They looked at each other and headed up. Tim told Michele he wanted her seduce them without getting off him until they were ready to have sex. Listening to Tim and knowing they were now getting closer and were focused on her pussy filled with cock, she blushed.

When the couple was five feet away they stopped and the woman greeted them, “Hi. Sorry, but we noticed what you were doing and it was so hot to see you turning right on top of him that we couldn’t help but stop and watch. You seem to be pretty occupied but you called us over.”

Michele stammered just a moment before the idea jelled in her mind, “Actually, there is something you can do if you would be willing. You seem like open people who can enjoy a good situation when it comes your way. My husband is such a sweetie that he is almost trying make sure I am have the best time and he firmly believes that unless I am totally being used that I’m not going to be as happy as I could be. Would mind helping us?”

The woman now stammered, “Totally being used?” She looks at her friend who just smiles back to her. “Well, what do you have in mind?”

“Okay, this is going to be a little complicated but I’m going to disengage with my husband from my pussy and … oooooohhh, yesssssss … reengage with him in my ass. Now I need to lean back on him and I want your man to use my pussy and you to sit on my mouth. Then all my holes are being used and, according to my husband, I will be much happier.”

“According to your husband, but what about you?”

“Oh, no, don’t get me wrong. I am very grateful that my husband watches out for my happiness so attentively. And, as always, he is right. I will be much happier. Okay?”

“Let’s do it then.”

It didn’t take but a moment and the guy was slipping into Michele’s pussy. And her moan was muffled by the woman’s pussy mashing onto her mouth. With Michele on top of Tim, the woman had to kneel pretty much straight up but she grabbed onto her man and they made out while Michele got fucked in both holes and licked and sucked the woman’s pussy, lips and clit. Additionally, to add to all this stimulation, Tim was playing with breasts and nipples. Squeezing her breasts and twisting and pulling her nipples. Michele was cumming in minutes with her first orgasm and nobody seemed interested in slowing down or providing any pause. Michele reached up blindly and located the woman’s breasts and twisted and pulled on her nipples in like turn. Pretty soon she too was having an orgasm but stayed in place.

Michele could distinctly hear some people walking by and some may have even stopped nearby, presumably to watch. She then heard a woman’s voice and caught only parts of her comments but did hear “… that is so hot. That woman in the middle must be having the time of her life!” That was enough to push her over the edge, again, and she came with another orgasm even if a smaller one. Soon, the guys were increasing their intensity. When the guy in her pussy stiffened and throbbed more and pushed in as deep as he could and started spurting his cum into her pussy, it sent Tim off in her ass. The guy fell off Michele to the side and the woman joined him. Michele stayed firmly seated on Tim and didn’t move. She could feel the cum leaking from her pussy and feel it in her ass. She licked her lips and also knew her face was covered in the cum from the woman.

The couple stood and looked down at them and thanked them for a wonderful time. Michele just smiled, still somewhat dazed by the sensations. Tim responded, “You’re entirely welcome. We thank you for providing this slut with so much pleasure.”

Michele leaned up slightly to give Tim a poke in the ribs for that comment and then did notice that several couples and four single guys were standing around having just watched them. Michele carefully raised herself and everyone could watch as she lifted herself off the cock in her ass. She felt so wicked to have put on such a wanton display of sexual action and then to casually show them the extraction of his cock from her. Wicked and wanton, yes. She also loved the feeling of exposing her sexuality so blatantly and openly. She was loving her new life with Tim. She whisper to him, “Take me out into the water. I need to clean up a little.” And she giggled.

They walked past the people assembled with showing any modesty or embarrassment and into the water to their waist and dove in.

Back at their towels and stuff, Tim checked the time off his cell phone and saw it was 1:00 PM so they still had plenty of time. Tim looked around and suggested they grab their stuff and head a little further down the beach. He stopped and setup their space again on the other side of a dune. Although Michele hadn’t noticed, Tim did notice a couple of dogs running around in this area earlier. That might be interesting, he thought.

This spot was quieter, apparently just enough further away that most people didn’t venture down. Michele dozed off while on her back, still tired from their early activities. She woke up quickly with the touch of something wet touching her pussy. She opened her eyes and looked at a large dog and another off to the side watching. Tim was right next her watching the whole thing. Tim smiled down to her and said, “Don’t discourage the poor thing, dear. He had been patiently sitting watching your glistening open pussy lips for some time and must have just decided he couldn’t take it anymore.”

“And you, of course, saw nothing wrong with that.”

“Oh well, let me remember now. Oh, yes, I remember. It was just four days ago as I recall. Remember, dear, four days ago? Yes, it was, and what was it that you declared to me and our closest friends?”

“You are so right, my darling husband. I am a slut and a bitch. And you have been setting me up more and more lately with the humans, so it was just a matter of time for the dogs to get their share, right?”

“Well put, my wife.”

And she pulled her knees up and let them fall to the sides, completely exposing her pussy to the dog. He lapped away at her now more than just glistening pussy and he was good, she thought. His tongue flicked across her clit at the top of his swipe and she was instinctively raising her hips to his licking giving him better access. She started to shudder under the attack. Just a small orgasm, but it was enough to provide additional juice to escape from her and in turn provide more for the dog to lap up.

Eventually she had enough of his licking. Well, maybe not enough because it was good but she wanted more, wanted something inside her. She squirmed away from the dog and got on her hands and knees. She looked up to Tim and said, “You may need to help. Most dogs haven’t had the benefit of ‘knowing’ a human female.” But as soon as she finished saying this, the dog found his target on the second thrust. It took her by surprise even though she was wanting it, she didn’t expect it so soon. “Ohhhh, fuck! Was that luck or does he know what he’s doing? Oh that feels good.” She was getting fucked really well and worked the knot inside and hung on for a fierce fucking from the dog until it stopped and spurted what seemed like an endless supply of cum into her. The dog stayed on her back after he stopped spurting and remained still. She rocked slowly on the knot a came the second time. She still hadn’t noticed the guy walking up to them from inland.

Tim had noticed. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a movement from the edge of the beach and tried to discretely watch his general direction. He stopped and watched for only a moment before resuming his walk directly to them. A moment later the other dog stood and trotted over him and received a scratch at his ears. Tim then looked up directly at the man to gauge his intent. He just stood ten feet from them and idly petted and scratched the dog. He looked at Tim and smiled. Tim relaxed.

Still tied to the dog but coming back from her latest orgasm, Michele did now notice a new pair of legs with the other dog next to them. She looked up at the man who was smiling pleasantly at her, then she looked over at Tim who was also smiling and shrugged his shoulders.

Tim finally spoke up, “Honey, are you going to be a while do you think?”

“Oh, god, yessssss. He’s still very large and every time I rock he hits my g-spot perfect.”

Tim looked at the man. Upon closer inspection he was probably about 60 years old, trim, and still athletic in the way he moved and carried himself. Tim asked him, “Sir, is this your dog my lovely wife is taking advantage of? If so, please join us. Would you like a little red wine?”

“Yes, it is my dog and I would love some wine. Apparently, I will be waiting a little while before she is done with him. Does your wife often take advantage of stray dogs?”

Tim laughed, “Today, only because he woke her up by licking her pussy.”

“He does know what he wants. By the way, should I get comfortable? Is she going to want my other dog, too?”

“She probably will. Your dogs seem well trained so I have to assume this is not the first human female they have mated with. So you would know how bitches in heat are, when they see cock, they want it.”

“Yes, your assessment is correct about the dogs. And, yes, I have seen that behavior before by the really good bitches. And yours certainly seems to be good. But you say ‘bitch’ but are you being derogatory or is that truly your meaning?”

Michele, tied to this strange dog that just came up her while she slept and started licking her, was fascinated by the conversation going on right next her. Honestly, she missed pieces of it as that extra stimulation would ignite new orgasms while she continued to rock on the knot. They were casually talking about her, not to her, about being a bitch. She knew the reference was as a dog bitch but it was like she wasn’t intended to be a part of the discussion, that her hearing it had no impact on the discussion going on. It was another huge turn on among many that past days since their wedding. She was feeling like one. The men carried on their conversation as Michele took care of the needs of this dog. What she heard next made her glow and cum, again.

Tim responded, “This beautiful, sexy, wonderful, exciting, daring and loving woman is my new wife and I would never be derogatory in reference to her! She is all those things and also a bitch. She has submitted herself to our dog, Cody, at home on our wedding day. She can turn a dog and satisfy him as readily as a man. As you can see before you.”

Just then the dog’s knot shrunk sufficiently to release from her and she collapsed onto the towels. Gasping to gain control of herself, “Just a minute, please.”
Slowly she got to her knees and extended her hand to the man and once touched, pulled him to her for a kiss. “You, sir, have a fine dog there. Is the other one similarly skilled?”

“Indeed he is madam. We have time, if you do, and he has watched his brother mating you. It wouldn’t be proper to deny him now.”

“With your permission, I have no intention of doing that. The poor dear. But, first, some wine?”

Tim brought out more wine, cheese and bread. They talked comfortably about themselves. They learned that the man lived on the island part-time and had a large estate on the other side of the mountain from the resort.

Michele took the other dog in similar fashion and they parted ways. The man took his two dogs back inland and Michele and Tim cleaned up in the water before heading back to the main parking area. They were in the parking area putting on some of their clothes when the van came into sight. The trip back to the resort was uneventful and Michele dozed off, again.

Back at the resort and walking through the lobby, they were called by the woman behind the reservation desk. She told them they had a message from a Mr. & Mrs. Dobbins. It was passed to them and they opened it going back to their cabin. It said, “Dear Michele and Tim, you don’t know us, but we’ve certainly noticed you, and you met one of our dear friends today on the beach and we would love to have you join us for dinner tonight. Say 8:00 PM? Hope to see you then. Earl & Trudi Dobbins.” Intrigued, they decided to meet them for dinner. At their cabin they had some time before dinner so they stripped out of the little clothes they were wearing, grabbed a bottle of wine and some fruit and went to the porch overlooking the beach.

They were mellowing and relaxed when the cabin maid entered and called for them. She came out and gushed to them. “I was going to make an excuse to come see you but someone sent you a gift package. Should I bring it out or do you just want to look at it later?”

“Please bring it out. I wonder who it could be from” asked Michele.

The package was huge and they could see several bottles of wine and cheese and other decorative boxes of various shapes. Michele took the message envelope from the top and passed it to Tim as she started unwrapping the package. “It’s from the Dobbins. We haven’t even met them, yet. It says, ‘Hope you enjoy this little token of appreciation. Our mutual friend was very appreciative and grateful. Hope you enjoy and hope to see you tonight.’ So, what did they send?”

Michele started taking things out of the basket and placing them on the table between their lounge chairs: two bottles of wine that had an unknown vineyard name; two types of cheeses; local fruits; a long rectangular box; a square short box; and a larger rectangular box.

The maid offered, “Those are local wines. We don’t carry them here but they are very good. The cheeses are also local and not easy to get. There are not many cows on the island so the cheese is not commonly available to the public.”

Michele opened the smaller square box and gasped out as she looked inside. Tim said, “What? What is it, honey?”

Michele pulled out a rich, highly luster, and black leather collar. There was a name tag dangling from the side opposite the closure. It read “Michele”. She handed it to Tim and he beamed and handed it to the maid to look at.

Next, Michele took the long rectangular box and opened it. Again, she gasped and said, “We haven’t even met these people, yet. But I am dying to meet them, now!” And she turned the box over and slid out a long, 10 inch, 2 inch in diameter, deep red dildo. The head had soft plastic tentacles that wobbled when the dildo was moved. She move a switch at the end and the whole thing vibrated and the little tentacles vibrated like crazy. Michele said, “Oh my. This certainly looks like fun!”

The last item was the larger box. It had ribbon and bow encircling it and another note which she read, “Michele, this is for you as you will see. Please do us the favor of wearing it with the collar to dinner tonight. Love, Earl and Trudi.” Michele looked at Tim and then the maid and opened the box. Inside was a pair of black, shear thigh high nylons; a pair of black, sandal high heels; and a black, sheer baby doll nightie that came down as far as the bottom of her ass but would leave a gap of skin to the tops of the nylons. The front was held with a single tie halfway between her breast and bellybutton. Everything would be shown from the front.

The maid exclaimed, “Oh, god. This is so exciting. I guess you guys really don’t know the effect you have had on people here.”

Michele just looked at her, grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a passionate kiss and pressed their breasts together. Michele looked deeply into her eyes and stated, “I want to make love to you before we leave.”

The maid stood silent and finally replied, panting for breath, “I was hoping you two would ask me. It has been so exciting to have you here.”

“Why is that? This place is built for exhibitionism and sexuality.”

“Oh yes, but you guys … Everyone is talking about you. You are making the most of your time but not being over the top or obscene or lewd in your behavior. You’re open about yourselves but discrete in your openness, if that makes any sense.”

“What are people saying? Should we be concerned?”

“Oh god, no! It’s just the way you guys hang on each other, you’re totally in love and everyone can see it. Like you should be on your honeymoon, right. But then, you are also on the beach in a gangbang. And the talk today is about the dogs you took on that other beach. There was another guest also there. In fact they were the ones you had a four-some with. They said they were about to identify themselves from the resort when you invited them in for sex and they said they just went dumb. But, like I also said, everyone working here just loves you guys because you are so nice to everyone and considerate of the staff.”

“Wow, we had no idea. I’m a little embarrassed now. All the attentions.”

“Please don’t be … just know you’re appreciated, okay? And, I would love to make love with just you or the two of you. I should go, but enjoy the evening.”

They shower and get ready for dinner and arrive just before 8:00 PM. Michele is in the outfit sent to her, complete with the collar which makes her feel even more exposed. The restaurant hostess notices the collar and smiles warmly at Michele as she turns to lead them to the table with the Dobbins. They are a couple of about 60 years old. He looks very distinguished and is wearing a satin set of boxers and buttoned shirt left unbuttoned. The woman is also attractive and trim. She might be a few years younger but not much. She is wearing a sheer, light red set of nylon stockings with garter belt, thong panties, and a negligee that is closed in front but with a deep plunge into her ample cleavage, and extending to nearly to her knees.

As Tim and Michele approached, they both rose and stood at the table. He shook Tim’s hand and reached over to kiss Michele on the cheeks. Tim moved around and instead hugged Trudi to him and kissed her on the mouth. As Tim returned and took his chair, Trudi declared, “Oh my. Michele dear, now I know why you are such a hot woman when you have a guy like him around.”

Michele responded, “Thank you for the gifts. You make it sound like we should know who you are and I am embarrassed that I don’t.”

“No need, my dear. We have not met but we have noticed you around the resort and today a very dear friend of ours had an encounter with you. Or should I say his dogs had the encounter with you.”

“Oh no. That was your friend? Now I am embarrassed. He apparently already talked to you about it.”

Earl injected, “Let’s enjoy our dinner and discuss these issues. We have a proposition for you from our friend. We would also very much like to spend some time with you in private in our cabin after dinner. Shall we toast to a wonderful evening?”

And they did. And it was. The dinner was once again amazing. The chefs knew exactly the contents, smells, tastes and volume that provided a dining experience that sated your hunger without leaving you full. Perfect for a place where so many people were nearly nude.

After dinner they all retreated to the older couple’s cabin for champagne that was already chilling. They all had a glass and Earl stood and took Michele’s hand. He looked to Tim who gave a nod, Earl responded with a nod and “Thank you, Tim.” Earl led her to the center and untied her negligee and slipped it off her shoulders. He then knelt down in front of her, kissed her pussy, the removed each of her high heels. Then he ran his hands up her legs, thighs to her pussy and then pulled the stockings down each leg. Now that she was naked except for the collar, he reached to Trudi who handed him a leash. He held it in front of her and clipped it to her collar. Michele noticeably shivered. Earl looked into her eyes, then at Tim who once again nodded, and said, “Michele, from what I hear you are a dog-bitch. Is this true?”

She lowered her eyes instantly and replied, “Yes, sir. I am a dog-bitch.” It was fascinating for Tim to watch her slip so suddenly into the submissive.

Earl said, “Then, on your hands and knees like a real dog-bitch.” And she did and sat patiently. Earl then gave the leach to Tim while he filled three glasses with more champagne. Then he left and returned with a bowl. He pour a glass amount into the bowl and placed it in front on Michele. She looked up at Tim, he smiled at her and nodded, and she lowered her head and started lapping the drink into her mouth. When the others had finished their glass, Earl rose again, took the leach and called Michele to come and led her outside saying it was such a nice night for a walk around the area on the grass. At first Michele hesitated but then scrambled after him sensing the other two behind her. Outside, she had a little trouble getting down the two stair treads but managed. Once on the grass it felt much more comfortable on her knees. They walked slowly so it was easy for her to keep up. Her perspective was poor since her head was essentially down so she was surprised when they stopped and there were more legs in front of her. She craned her head up and saw the young couple that had fucked her earlier today on the beach.

Tim said, “Oh hello, you were the couple from the beach this afternoon. How did you enjoy the beach?”

The man replied, “Very nice, but not as nice as the beach here at the resort. Except, of course, that we met you and your wife there.”

“Yes, you remember my wife, don’t you? Dear, say hello.”

“Hello, so glad to see you, again.”

The woman said, “God, I could cum just see you guys, again. You are the hottest couple I have ever met. And she is the hottest pet I will ever see.”

The left and Michele was shaking with her head down. Trudi said, “Look, she’s cumming! She really is, just from that exchange.” And she was, panting and letting out a moan. She continued, “Let’s go back to the cabin and continue, we haven’t asked our proposal, yet.”

Back at the cabin the leach was taken off Michele’s collar, was seated in a chair and given a glass of champagne to recover.

Tim asked, “So, what is this proposal you have? Somehow, I feel it has a lot to with my wife and her significant charms.”

“Tim, Michele, thank you for a wonderful evening. You’ve tolerated this old couple and provided us with a wonderful memory. Of course, this old man would certainly love the opportunity to further enjoy the treasures of this beautiful woman before evening is truly over. But, first, as we stated earlier, you met our dear friend, and his dogs, earlier today. He was quite taken by both of you and talked with us immediately. You see he has quite a sizeable estate on the other side of the mountain. We have come to this resort for years and have known him for many of those. Tomorrow he had planned a dinner party at his estate where he will be entertaining four other couples. All are older, I think the youngest is 55 years. Anyway, he had an idea that would make this dinner the talk for years to come. He would like you both to come, but Michele would be the service maid for the evening. Her alone. Beforehand, she will answer the door, serve drinks, etc. During dinner, she will serve the meal and clear the table between courses. After dinner she would again serve drinks. But after that, Michele will be the entertainment. You already know the dogs. He would like a demonstration for his guests. And, to service any who may be so inclined afterwards.”

Michele gasped that they so casually put out the entire evening agenda as though she wasn’t here. But she also felt her pussy leaking as a result of the description and anticipation. She looked at Tim out of the corner of her eye. He merely rose and walked to Earl and shook his hand and said that sounds like a wonderful idea. So, as quickly as that, she was planned to be at the disposal of ten people, including Tim, and two dogs. Now her pussy was all but running with juices.

Tim then came to her, put out his hand and helped her up. He led her to Earl and whispered in her ear, “Kneel and make him a very happy man.” No ‘please’, no asking. She almost came. This is what her commitment was leading to and she loved it!

She knelt in front of him, lower his shorts and took his already hard cock in her hands and looked up at him. While maintaining eye contact, she slowly engulfed his cock into her mouth. In moments he was cumming in her mouth. When he finished, she looked up at him again, smiled and opened her mouth, showing him the cum he shot in. Then she swallowed. Noisily just for effect.

Tim gathered up her clothes and her and said goodnight to them. He collapsed on the bed with his wife sitting next to him, kissing him.



Tim decided to treat Michele to a half day special spa treatment. He knew she had been experiencing a lot and her new life was coming at her face and she has fully embraced it as she committed. Plus, he also knew that tonight would be full of experiences for her as well. He had set up a treatment that would go over lunch and so include wine, cheese and fruit during the treatments.

Michele was so looking forward to this. She had never experienced a real spa before and Tim had arranged everything, all she had to do was experience it. She was greeted at the reception desk and leg immediately to a room that was open to the beach. She was asked to lay on the table, since she was already nude, on her front. The masseuse introduced himself and indicated that an hour long massage erotic massage had been scheduled, was that correct? Since she really didn’t know, she certainly wouldn’t be surprised that Tim would find it impossible to resist providing her with some additional stimulation. He had a light wrap around his waist, took the warmed oil and dribbled a trail from the back of her neck to the top of her butt crack and letting more dibble into the crack. Feeling it run into her crack, over her asshole and onto her pussy was delightful. He started with long firm strokes along the sides of her upper back, up onto her shoulders and down the middle of her back to her butt cheeks. This was done in rotating directions and up and down the spine with long strokes, alternating with firm pressure at various locations along her spine. She could feel her joint being released and knots being smoothed out.

He then poured oil into his hand and spread it to her arms first one, then the other. Pulling her arms and stroking the muscles. Working her wrists in various directions, working each finger independently. Then the other arm. The working the shoulder, pulling the upper back and rubbing the shoulder at the same time. Then he moved to her legs. Long, smooth strokes the length of her legs. Working the ankles and toes, like her hands. Stroking and pressing along the inside and outside of her legs, up her calves, over the knees, up her thighs. Her mind thinking, ‘surely he would be stopping, surely he would be stopping, surely … oooooooooooooo, he didn’t stop.’ Coming up her thighs his inside hand going higher, higher, right into the ‘v’, right to her mound, right over her asshole. The other leg the same. Toes, ankles, up the leg and down. Up the inside, up and up, right into her pussy mound, her asshole, he fingers stroking and pushing slightly, making the slightest penetration in each hole. She started trembling, her first minor orgasm. ‘He didn’t notice did he? Did he?’

He asked her turned onto her back. ‘Oh god. No, this is an erotic resort, they’re used to nudity. I’m just over sensitized by our activities this week.’ He poured the warm oil over her upper body, right between her breast, down her stomach and abdomen and over her pubic mound and tricked more over her mound and it flowed to her pussy lips. He used smooth circular strokes around her breast, over her breasts, smaller and smaller circular movement until it was just over her nipples. Then he pinched them between his finger and thumb and pulled outward, stretching them, more, more … ‘ooooooooooohhhhhh, yesssssssssssss … that … feels so … goooooooooddddd.’ Down he went, stroking over her stomach, circles around her belly button, into her button, then down to her mound, pushing, pressure at the top … ‘god, what is that he’s hitting by pushing there?’ Long strokes back up the center of her body.

He moves to her side, more oil, spread onto her arms, again. Then her other arm. Reaching across her body, his chest just touching her hard, erect nipples … ‘mmmmmmmmmmmm, just a touch, Michele, but …’ He takes her right arm and pulls it across to the left side, rubbing her shoulder, loosening the shoulder. Then the other side the same. He puts one hand at the top of her chest and walks slowly toward her midsection, his hand running between her breast, down her stomach, over abdomen, to her mound and … ‘yessssss, goddddd, yesssssss’ … between her thighs, over her pussy lips, parting them and running a finger just inside, not really penetrating, just teasing her, feeling her moisture mixed with the oil … ‘oooooohhhh, he knows now … he know I am turned on … know I am wet’ … then pours oil down her leg to her feet. Long smooth strokes up and down over the top, the outside and the inside. His hands meet at her pussy, they rub each side of her pussy on the outside of her outer lips, pressing together, up to her clit, back down and up, the clit … ‘Wow, this is soooooo good. Yesssssss, soooooo good.’ He dribbles more oil over her mound, down her pussy lips. She feels it running to her asshole. His fingers going up and down on the outside of her outer lips, pressing together, to her clit, still on the outside, pressing together … ‘Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yes, feeeeelllllssssssss … so … good. He has me turned on and he knows it, but this … isn’t a … accidental … touching, he really is … trying to … bring me … off. Should … have expected … as much … ooooooooooooo … from Tim … and … aaaaaaahhhh, yessssssssss … from this resort … god, yes.’

She’s brought back by him taking her left leg, bending the knee high and laying it to the side while stroking the inside of that thigh. Then the other leg, deep bend, stroking, laying it out to the side. She knows she is wide open to him now. Completely. She can’t see, of course, but she just knows her pussy is gapped and glistening from the oil and her juices. More oil dripped right onto her pussy lips and clit. Two fingers rubbing the outside of her pussy and one finger on her clit. The two fingers are on top of her lips, parting her lips, not quite inside, just separating her lips, up to her clit. Those two fingers are holding her lips open, his other hand now also on her pussy, one finger inside, just barely, now deeper, past the knuckle, and … ‘yesssssss, it’s … just … one finger but … oooooooh … that’s so good.’ Two fingers now in her, his other hand leaves her lips and goes to her clit, finger and thumb on her clit, squeezing, twisting, rubbing … ‘Shittttttt, yesssssss, he’s pulling … on my … clit!’ Three fingers go deep into her, four … ‘shit, four fingers … oooooohh, my … clit … oooooohh, yessssssss, here it … comes! Ooooooohhhhh, hmmmmmmmmmmm … yessssssssssss!’ Her body is shaking, her legs muscles are twitching, her hips are humping his hand … ‘Yesssssss, more, more, yessssssss … oh, please, don’t … stop … yet. Sooooooooo gooooodd.’

As he sees her climaxing, he moves a finger further down and slips it into her asshole. Driving it in past the knuckle. Drives in and out, in and out, curling it one way, then the other. In the middle of her orgasm, “Oooooooohhhhhh, godddddddd, yesssssssss … so good … please … don’t stop … please … please … please … ooooooohhhh, mmmmmmmmmmmmm.”

He pulls all finger out of both holes and gently rubs the outside of her pussy and mound, up her stomach to her breasts, gently rubbing, stroking, letting her come down from her orgasm slowly. Her breathing returning to even deep breaths, her chest rising and falling, slowly quieting back closer to normal. Her legs still spread wide. He gently takes hold of her left ankle and knee and straightens it out, then the right leg. He brings a sheet and covers her, stoking and rubbing her legs and body, providing warmth under the sheet. The lights fade. Several layers of sheer drapes are closing off the openings, fading the light, she feels herself drifting … drifting … drifting …. She hears soft music, a water fountain, opens her eyes, she’s by herself. She sees a clock to her left and notices it has only been an hour and a half. She only dozed for half an hour.

She sat up and swung her feet off the side and sat, almost immediately the door quietly opens and a woman comes in. She also only is covered with a thin wrap around her midsection. She looks her in the eyes and smiles. “How are you feeling? Ready for a shower?” The woman led her to the side, pulled a curtain revealing another room which contained a large shower area. The woman untied her wrap, retook Michele’s hand and led her into the shower, adjusted the water temperature, hit a knob and water came out of two locations in the ceiling and four locations in the walls. Michele found herself being washed by the woman, soaping her hands and lathering her skin, removing all the oil from the massage. The woman stepped behind her, lathered her hands, pressing herself into Michele’s back, feeling the woman’s breasts pressed into her. The woman reached around and washed her front, over her chest, breasts, down her stomach and abdomen, down further to her pussy. Again, Michele was groaning, sighing deeply. But, although teasing, that was not the purpose of her touch.

The woman punched the knob again and the water was off. She took Michele’s hand and led her onto the mat and dried her with large fluffy towels. She led her to a table in the same room that had raised sides on it and a drain at the bottom but the table surface was soft and cushioned. The woman then brought up a bucket, scooped her hands into it and spread a goopy substance across her entire body. The woman explained that this was a special mixture ‘mud’ developed to moisturize and condition the skin. She would be entirely covered including her face, with her eyes covered. As she spread the ‘mud’, it ran down her sides and collected on the table. The woman leaned her one way and then the other to thoroughly coat the back of her body, also. When completed, the woman touched Michele’s head and whispered in her ear, “I am going to now insert a soft, vibrating dildo for your enjoyment. It will be set at low level to feel good but not disrupt your relaxation. I will return in approximately an hour, clean you up again and for a nice steam room session. Enjoy, Michele.”

Michele’s skin tingled under the ‘mud’ and her pussy tingled from the vibrator, but very pleasantly. She soon relaxed into a deep, comfortable, and peaceful trance-like state. She drifted, without really sleeping, with the gentle sounds of some music and a water fountain surrounding her.

Without really believing that it could already have been an hour, Michele felt a gentle hand on her head and heard a whisper, “I am going to rinse you off now, just continue to relax. At some point I will be rolling you to one side and the other a few times to rinse off your back and the table.” Then Michele felt warm, perfect temperature water running over her as the woman gently stroked the ‘mud’ off her body. When finished, the woman removed the eye cover and helps her sit up and swing her legs over the side of the table. Her entire body tingled from the treatment. She stood up and the woman put a hand on her chest and stopped her, lowered herself to one knee, reached between Michele’s legs and looked up into her eyes and removed the dildo, smiling. Michele blushed, forgetting that it was there, so gentle was the vibration and her pussy had adjusted to its presence. The woman stood, looked into Michele’s eyes, looked at her blush, leaned forward and kissed her cheek and moved her lips to Michele’s ear and whisper, “I know who you are, we all do, know what you’ve done since being here, how you’ve stimulated many people, your openness to new things and experiences. And, yet, you can still blush. You are a truly amazing, and sexy, woman.”

Michele was then led to a steam room. “You will be in here for about fifteen minutes. If it is too much for you, just come out. I will be waiting. Then you shower really well, only you this time, and then it’s your nails, face and hair. Enjoy.”

The fifteen minutes in the steam opened up every pore completely and her body was running with sweat. Her shower was again the perfect temperature and then it was slowly chilled to close the pores and cool her body. Her next and last stop was the salon. She was asked what color she would like for the polish on her finger and toe nails. She selected bright red, same for her lips. She sat back while one woman started the treatment for her fingers and another for her toes. Meanwhile a woman started coming out her long hair, suggesting some curl to put waves into it. Michele agreed. She normally left it straight because it was easier, but this was a treat. With her nails completed and larger curler in her hair, another woman applied light makeup to her face and eyes. Then, she was surprised that the woman kept going down, applying light power over her chest and breasts and a reddish highlight to her nipples. Again, she blushed. She had never heard of this, but then again she was in a place where the body remained exposed. Her hair was brushed out and she was done.

She was shocked that is was much later than she thought. She realized that she would be ready to dress for going to the dinner party. On the one hand she would have loved to be a guest at such an extravagant dinner. On the other hand she knew her role would be extremely exciting and titillating FOR the guests. She was given sandals and a light wrap to wear back to her cabin. She passed the older couple from last night and she said, “Dear, you look absolutely stunning! We are so looking forward to the dinner party tonight. Thank you for doing this. We’ll see you later.” And she gave Michele a kiss on the cheek.

At the cabin she found Tim naked on the beach porch with an open bottle of wine and a fruit and cheese tray. He got up, whistled and kissed her on the mouth. “I would never have thought anyone could make you look more beautiful than you already were, but they just might have. Sit, you need to have a little something to eat. You may not get much tonight except what you take between servings.”

“Thank you, Tim. That spa was amazing.”

“What about the massage?”

“OH, yeah, the massage. Well, that was … invigorating.” They both laughed.
An hour later, he said, “We should probably get ready. Your attire for the evening was delivered and is on the bed. Everything including shoes. We need to be there early if you are going to get your instructions for the night and greet each of the guests.”

“And what will you be wearing?”

“My clothes were delivered, also. And they got my size perfect, too.”

As Michele was putting on the stockings and her garter belt, she looked up and gasped. “That’s a full tux. You mean everyone but me is probably going to be in formal dress tonight?”

“Looks that way, sweetie.”

“I can’t go outside the resort wearing this.”

“They thought of that, too. They also brought a cap to wear over your outfit. Of course, it only closes at the chest, but it’s something.”

She was in her sheer maid outfit complete with little cap. None of it did anything to actually cover any part of her body. The skirt really did stop above her ass. She was totally exposed when seen from almost anywhere but directly next to her. Tim helped her into the cape and tied it at her breast for her and smiled and said, “I am so looking forward to what you might get to do tonight.”

They took a taxi to the estate. The driver adjusted his rearview mirror for a better look at Michele and looked frequently. As much as she tried, it was difficult to stay covered. At the estate, Tim paid the driver, opened the door for Michele and helped her out. Her cape opened and her legs and he smiled at the complete exposure of her pussy. She put her hands on his shoulders, kissed him on the mouth and said, “I’m shaking. I’m a little nervous, but mostly just so excited. Thank you, Tim. You really are turning me into a …”

“A slut, say it.”

“Yes, you are turning me into a slut. I am wet, I hope it doesn’t show.”

“I hope it does. But it doesn’t really matter because in due course, it will more than show.”

Just then the door opened and the older man from the beach stepped out with his dogs at his side. Seeing them she definitely knew she was wet. He greeted, “Welcome. Welcome, Tim and Michele. Come inside but let me take your cape, first. There, so much lovelier without that cape.” He led them inside and showed the layout of the first floor. Where the lounge was for cocktails, the dining room for dinner and the great room for after dinner drinks and activity. He stopped and looked Michele up and down, had her turn around and said, “Yes. Yes, indeed. That is just exactly how I imagined it would look. Just stunning my dear.”

“Stunning? I’m totally out in the open down there.”

“Yes, exactly. Just stunning.”

“Michele, Tim, I trust our mutual friends described what I had in mind for the evening and Michele’s role?”

Tim said, “Yes, we fully understand and she is willing and eager to participate.” He gave her a smile and a discrete pat on her exposed butt.

“Excellent! So, Michele, let me show you the kitchen and meet the caterer. He has snacks for cocktails and, obviously, the dinner. The guests will start arriving in 30 minutes, so please get familiar with the layout from the door to the lounge, the location of the bar in the lounge. You will be taking orders and serving the drinks. At dinner you will need to manage the courses to each person, clearing off the used dishes in between. After dinner will be more drinks followed by the entertainment, you.”

Michele responded, “I understand. I haven’t really ever been a waitress but I am sure I can manage, but that my waitress skills are not the critical skills for the evening.”

“You may be right, Michele. But still, good service makes any evening more enjoyable. But, to your point, you can expect a lot of touching from the guest during all of the evening, especially the end.”

“That is exactly my point and I am still here.”

Michele went exploring the rooms and relationship of the rooms to each other for distance and time. She talked to the caterer, understood the courses and was relieved that it was simplified to a dinner salad, fish dinner, and light dessert. The fewer courses would certainly aid in handling the meal by herself. She then talked to the bartender, identified the wines available and liquors available. Both leered at her in this outfit but couldn’t really blame them with her pussy and ass exposed and her breasts clearly visible through the sheer material.

The guests started arriving right on the 30 minute mark, one couple. Michele greeted them, “Good evening. Welcome to Mister Rodriguez estate. Allow me to take you to the lounge.” Each couple arrived and was led to the lounge. She got them drinks and began her return only to hear the doorbell upon her approach. Again, one couple, same welcome, etc. Each couple arrived spaced out perfect for her to lead them to the lounge, get them drinks and return. It seemed the entire process was timed to allow each couple the opportunity to follow her from the door to the lounge and enjoy watching her in the process.

Throughout cocktails she was continuous groped by both men and women. Usually her ass but also her pussy. She would occasionally be called over for some discussion or other only to have someone come up behind her and dip their hand between her legs for prolonged stroking of and insert into her pussy.

The casual stimulation she was getting was definitely affecting her. Tim walked up behind her and whispered in her ear, “You truly look stunning, how are you doing with this?”

“Oh, I’m good. It is a strange stimulation in itself to be working at a job and to be so casually manipulated, touched and penetrated in course of performing that job. Makes you sympathize with waitresses at strip bars, except at strip bars I don’t think patrons can actually touch the women. I am very turned on.”

“No kidding. I could see the insides of your thighs are shiny from the moisture you’re leaking.”

Later, after serving and clearing the salad course and serving the main course, Michele was refilling wine glasses and was standing between Mr. Santos and Mrs. Lando. The host looked up and asked, “Michele, you are performing magnificently. Don’t you all agree?” Everyone one verbalized their agreement. “My dear, have you had previous waitress or server experience in another job experience, perhaps during your schooling as a part-time job?”

Michele responded, “No, sir. This is the first time I have attempted serving. I am not really sure what I don’t know so if I am performing to your expectation, I am relieved.”

“You have most definitely fully met, even exceeded my expectations. Am I wrong, anyone?” The guests all agreed, stopped their eating and gave Michele a round of applause. Tim was beaming at her as she blushed from the attention, knowing that the two people she was standing between had several of their fingers between her legs, maybe even inside her pussy.

“And, do you also agree that our dinner that Michele has served so well to us is also magnificent?” Again, everyone agree. “I think we should also thank the chef who provided this wonderful meal. Michele, would you please ask him to join us for a moment? Thank you, dear.”

Michele brought the chef/caterer into the dining room, facing the table and Mr. Rodriguez who addressed the chef/caterer, “Sir, we would like to thank you personally for the wonderful meal you have provided to us. You, also, have exceeded my expectations to please my guests tonight. I wanted to personally thank you and for you to see the gratitude of my guests.” All the guests responded verbally and with applause.

The chef bowed slightly and said, “Thank you, Senor. I has been my pleasure to have served you and your guests tonight. And to have had such a lovely woman to assist me. Thank you, Senor.”

“Again, thank you, sir.” He turned to his guests at the table and looked at each one and then turned back to Tim at the other end of the table. He hesitated and spoke slowly while watching Tim. Michele noticed the connection being made between them, watched and waited for what was to come. Mr. Rodriguez said, “I would like to thank you in a very special and personal way.” Still looking at Tim he hesitated. Tim looked at Michele and smiled, then back to Mr. Rodriguez and nodded. He continued, “You may now return to your tasks and my special ‘thank you’ will be sent to you shortly.”

Once he left the dining room for the kitchen, their host looked at Tim and asked, “Tim, do you agree that our fine chef should be thanked in a most special way?”
Tim indicated for Michele to come to where he was sitting at the end of the table opposite their host and agreed, “I do, Mr. Rodriguez. I most certainly do agree. Someone who has provided such a fine meal for our enjoyment should also be rewarded with enjoyment.” While he responded, he slid his hand up Michele’s leg, inside her thighs causing her to open her legs slightly. As he finished, his fingers had reached her pussy. He stroked her lips on the outside, stopping on her clit causing her to audibly gasp. Looking up to Michele he asked her, “Don’t you agree, my dear? Even though you have served the meal rather than enjoying it, it has been a fine meal?”

“Yes, sir. I do agree.”

Mr. Rodriguez added, “Excellent!” He looked at his guests and said, “I am pleased we are all in agreement. So, Michele, I would like you to personally deliver to him our special thank you. Please take whatever time you need to properly convey our appreciation while we finish our meal. If we are no longer here when you return, we will be in the Great Room for after dinner drinks and activities. Don’t worry about the meal cleanup, I will have the staff in the morning take care of that.”

“Yes, sir. I will see to providing the chef your appreciation.”

Michele remained where she was. Mr. Rodriguez seeing Michele remaining was about to ask what the problem was when he saw Mr. Lando’s arm moving next to her. “Mr. Lando, I do believe for Michele to accomplish her next task you will need to remove your hand from between her legs.”

“Of course, my apologies for detaining you, Michele.”

Michele turned and left the dining room for the kitchen. When she entered, the chef was standing at the table completing the packing of his tools and essentials required for the meal’s preparation. She quietly waited for him to complete that last task so he was ready to depart the estate. Once completed, Michele made her presence known to him and said, “Sir, Mr. Rodriguez extends to you his very sincere appreciation for your culinary talent demonstrated for him and his guests’ enjoyment tonight and offers to you my talents for your enjoyment. Is this gift acceptable to you, sir?”

“My dear, you are extraordinarily beautiful and clearly married by the ring on your finger. Is Mr. Rodriguez serious and are you serious, pretty lady?”

“Thank you, sir, for your concern for your gift’s willingness to be presented to you in this manner. Not only are you a fine chef, but also a fine gentleman. Yes, sir, the presentation of this gift for your enjoyment is most certainly serious. How may I please you, sir? Please name the way, or for that matter the ways, that I can serve you now for your enjoyment.”

“Very well. You certainly do not have very much on that beautiful body and I have been watching you and imagining what a beautiful woman like you would be like to have for my pleasure, even for a short time. Please remove the uniform you are wearing but leave the cap, garter belt, stockings, and heels.” Only two small snaps held the whole thing together and they were quickly taken care of. “Stunning. You are truly a beautiful woman. Your husband is aware of what is happening tonight?”

“Oh, yes. I don’t do anything that he is not a part of. He was sitting at the end of the table opposite Mr. Rodriguez. He approves of all of this.”

“May I ask what is allowed?”

“Sir, I am your gift. I have three holes at your disposal and pleasure. You may use any or all as you choose. Perhaps, if you are undecided, you might consider using all of them in turn until you finally cum in one of them.”

“What a wonderful suggestion. Thank you, lady. Please bend over this table. That will provide me with access to two of your holes.”

“In the case that you use my ass, I would like some oil to ease the penetration.”
“Allow me. I know where it is kept if cooking oil is acceptable.”

“I think virgin olive oil will be most suitable.”

He retrieved the oil from the cabinet and presented it to Michele. She opened it and pour a little into small bowl, dipped several fingers into it and smeared it around her asshole. She took some more and slowly inserted first one and then two fingers into her asshole. “Will you be starting there?”

“I would like to. I have enjoyed a woman’s ass before.”

She went to him, unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. Then unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his pants, unzipped him and lowered his pants to his feet. She removed his shoes and socks and then his pants. She stood up and kissed him on the mouth, then the neck, chest, stomach and abdomen. She took the tops of his underwear in her fingers and slowly lowered them to the floor and he stepped out of them, also. Then she knelt before him, took his cock in her hands and slowly stroked him several times watching his eyes. Then, still looking him the eyes, took the tip of his penis into her mouth. She kissed it. Took it back into her mouth, sucked, swirled her tongue around it in her mouth. He was hard and anxious in only moments. She dipped her fingers into the bowl and smeared the oil over his now hard cock, turned, looking at him over her shoulder, smiling. Then she bent over the top of the table and spread her legs wide. She lay flat against the table top, mashing her breasts into the table. She reached behind her and spread her ass cheeks, presenting herself to him. He didn’t need any more of an invitation, walked up behind her, put his cock head against her asshole and pushed. Slowly his cock pressed into her and entered. First just then head but progressively more until half his cock was lodged inside. He pull back so just the head was in and then pushed hard getting even more inside. She groaned with the feeling, as did he. After several more thrusts he was fully embedded in her and her groans were intensified.

He felt the stimulation of her ass quickly bringing him to a climax and he wanted to enjoy this woman more. He removed himself from her ass and pushed into her pussy in one smooth stroke. She was wet enough to easily penetrate. He continued to fuck her with smooth strokes and she continued to moan and groan in encouragement to him. Again, he approached orgasm and pulled out of her. Knowing what was happening, she turned and knelt in front of him and took his cock in her hands and licked the end and smiled up at him. She kissed the tip, gently sucked it, licked the entire length, top and bottom and along the sides, then took him deeply into her mouth and then kissed and licked the head more. Periodically, she would look into his eyes, hesitating, smiling at him, giving him a chance to recover, and then taking more of him into her mouth.

“Sir, please lay on the table.”

He did as she said, she followed him up and straddled his midsection. Took his cock and guided it into her pussy. She used slow, long strokes, looking into his face with a pleasant smile for him. He reached up and gently squeezed her breasts and tweaked her nipples. Slowly, to assist him in lasting a little longer. Then she leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “Sir, you are getting close to cumming. I sense it. How would you like to cum? In one of my holes, in my mouth, on my face, my breasts, how?”

“Oh, lovely lady, you are amazing. I would love to cum in your ass. May I?”

“If that is your wish, sir.”

She ease herself off his cock, slid from the table and assisted him. She then leaned over the table, again, looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. “I am yours to be used, sir.”

He entered her ass, again. Taking long strokes, both he and she moaned and cried out as first he came and then feeling his cum spurting up her ass, she also came. After resting a moment and allowing himself to shrink slightly inside her, he removed himself. Michele turned around and going to her knees, once again, cleaned his cock off. She stood and kiss his cheeks and thanked him, “Thank you, sir, for accepting this gift from the host of this party. He wanted me to ask you if you might be interested in catering one of his dinners in the future if the occasion should arise.”

“Tell Mr. Rodriguez that it would be a pleasure to work with him, again. You can also tell him that if I have the opportunity to have you assist me again, it would be especially enjoyable.”

“Thank you, sir. I will be sure to give him your answer. Do you need assistance in taking your equipment to your van?”

“No, lady. You have done quite enough for this foolish man already tonight.”

She turned and returned to the dining room without putting her outfit back on. She fully understood the agenda for the evening. Walking to the entrance to the dining she saw it empty and heard the others in the Great Room which is where she now headed. She walked through the door into the Great Room and the talk quieted down. She walked into the center of the room in front of Mr. Rodriguez and stopped. She was now standing before them without the illusion of dressed since she didn’t bother putting on the sheer maid outfit but left it in the kitchen. The tension in the room increased with the anticipation of the next stage of the evening.

Mr. Rodriguez asked, “Michele, from your appear without the uniform, I assume our chef was appreciative of the special gift provided to him?”

“Yes, sir. He was very appreciative. He asked that I relay to you his deep appreciation and his enjoyment. He also wished you to know that he would be honored to have the opportunity to serve you and your guests in the future if the occasion should allow.”

“Did he provide evidence of his enjoyment?”

“Yes, sir, he did.” And she turned his back to him, bent over and spread her ass cheeks showing the fresh cum leaking from her asshole.

“Excellent. Thank you, Michele. Ladies and gentlemen, as you have been made aware, our lovely Michele is here tonight to not only provide us with the excellent service for cocktails and dinner but also to serve us now for our enjoyment. But, before we get to that we have a special entertainment program for your enjoyment. Michele, you are familiar with my boys, their kennel is in the rear of the house. Would you please get them for me and bring them here? Leaches won’t be necessary. Thank you, dear.”

Michele left the room and the house and walked down the slight slope to the kennel. Walking in the grass in her high heels was a little challenge. She entered the kennel and opened the doors to the dogs, turned and returned to the house. Along the way the dogs could smell her and bumped and sniffed her all the way to the house, making the walk in her heels even more difficult.

Once again in the Great Room, Mr. Rodriguez called the dogs to him. He then announced to the guests, “Tonight we are pleased to be able to provide you with a unique opportunity. Michele will demonstrate for us how a woman can be a bitch to a dog.” The room buzzed with whispers and comments among themselves. “Michele is a lovely woman with wide variety of skills which she will demonstrate some of for us tonight. Michele would you like to begin?”

“If that is your wish, sir. Ladies and gentlemen, as an introduction, when a male dog mates he does not vary his approach to the bitch he is mating with because it is a dog bitch or a human bitch. He will attempt to mate in the same manner. When we begin there are some things you might want to be aware of and pay attention to. His penis is hidden inside a sheath. When he gets excited, it begins to come out. It won’t look very impressive as it does. However, once he begins mating and finds the bitch’s pussy and enters it, it immediately begins to lengthen and swell. While that is happening, it is releasing pre-cum in substantial volume. You will have to pay very close attention and probably get closer, but you will be able to see that the dogs cock will form a large ball shape at the base that is called the knot. Once this knot is forced into the bitch’s pussy, it ties the two together. Once formed, the dog’s intention is to then cum and works quickly to climax. He isn’t really interested in what the bitch feels, but I can assure you that it is very stimulating, at least for human bitches. When he comes, there is a tremendous amount of cum spurting and very often it will not be contained even with the blockage of the knot. After he stops they will still be tied together until the knot reduces in size sufficiently to pull out. At that time you will be able to see what the dog’s cock size truly is. Sir, how would like for this to occur?”

“Gentlemen, would several of you please move that large table to the center of the room. My dear, if you will please use these blankets for padding for your knees and to collect the cum. Guests, please refresh your drinks and return quickly so we can begin.”

Tim walked up beside Michele and assisted in placing the blankets for her comfort and to protect the table top from the dog’s claws and leakage of cum. “I can’t believe you. That was so hot. Watching the other guests was fascinating. They were mesmerized by your description but also the implication of what you were saying. Do you realize you actually suggested that people get closer to see the knot? You suggested that while you are fucking a dog on top of a table for their viewing that they come in closer for a better look?”

“I know. I can’t believe that myself. I felt so slutty. But that wasn’t as slutty as when I bent over, spread my cheeks and showed them the seepage from the chef fucking me in the ass. I hope there are no regrets because we are racing to the slut life we talked about.”

“No regrets here. Relax and enjoy it! I know you will.”

Mr. Rodriguez called for everyone’s attention and to reassemble around the big table in the center of them room. As he called everyone in, Tim was helping Michele up onto the table. Mr. Rodriguez asked, “Michele, if you are ready, I believe you have our undivided attention.”

“Thank you, sir. Perhaps it would be best to move a chair over to the table so the dogs are able to get up here on their own power. Large dogs don’t like to be lifted and someone could get hurt.” That was done and she continued, “Mr. Rodriguez, if you would call one of the dogs to your side and have the other join me up here, please.” He did as asked. Had one dog sit in place and indicated by motion and patting the table top for the other to jump onto the chair and then the table. “Ladies, if you ever are in a situation to enjoy this in the future, I would like to encourage you to be sure, very sure, that you are well lubricated. Once the dog starts humping he will do so very fast and you may not properly lubricate in the normal manner after penetration. Usually, I have the dog lick me between my legs for a period to get me fully excited and ready. The dog also like this. He will be attracted to the scent and taste of the pussy and, as you lubricate, your secretions. In this case you have all been soooo kind to have given me your considerable attention to keep me stimulated for this moment. I appreciate your assistance.” Saying the last part with a huge smile on her face. The room reacts with laughter.

She knelt down and lowered herself to her hands and looked around, especially at the women. “But since I am ready for him, a good dog with experience will quickly take his opportunity and need little assistance in penetration. A dog with less experience will probably need you or someone to help guide him into you, otherwise he would hump and thrust against your butt, thighs, and get frustrated, not to mention your frustration. Let’s see how he does on his own. He boy, mount.” And she slapped her butt.

He came to her, sniffed her pussy and ass and jumped onto her back. He used his fore legs wrapped around her waist to pull himself forward and probed her butt and quickly found his target and thrust forward and penetrated her. She gasped with the assault. She had forgotten how driven he had been on the beach. He started thrust hard and quick and her gasps and moans increased. “Ohhhh, god. Yesssss. Once inside you … oooooooooh … his cock starts to lengthen … and thicken … yyyyesssssssss … and his cock … is spurting … his precum … into you … ooooh … fairly … constantly. Oh, ladies … you really … need to … convince your husband to let … you try this … just once. Next you will feel his … knot hitting your pussy on the … outside … there, there it is. Can you see it? A large growth at the … back of cock?”

One of the women close to her got even closer and exclaimed, “My dear girl, you aren’t going to take THAT into you are you?” The other women jostled for position in order to see what was happening. There was collective gasps and similar exclamations among themselves.

“Yes. Oooohhhh, yes, I am. The knot is beautiful. You’ll see once … I have it inside me. It is … ooooohhh… noticeably larger than our pussy … opening is … naturally but we all know that the pussy is very elastic … yesssss, boy keep doing that … and capable of taking or expending … oooooooo … much larger objects, like a child. Now, he wants his knot inside … me … to make me his bitch … if I were his dog … mate. That’s what locks in his cum … to maximize the potential to impregnate a dog bitch. Excuse me, I have to concentrate on his knot right now.”
They could see his knot right at her pussy and the dog was make short, sharp stabs. Michele, meanwhile, was moving her ass to easy it past her opening. Suddenly, “Ooooooooooohhhh, yyeeessssssss, that’s it … my big boy! You have me know. Mate me you big dog, make me yours now. Ohhh, GGGOOOODDDDD. YYYYYEEEESSSSSSSS! I’m … cummmminngggg.” And her arms gave out and her front fell to the table. But her ass was still up in the air, still mated to the dog who wasn’t moving, just holding himself as deep as possible.

Tim took over the commentary, “Now the dog is spurting his cum into her. He pressed as deeply as he can get and spurting, spurting, and more spurting. Michele says his cumming is hot and watery.”

They all watched as the dog seemed to relax and make a move like he wanted to back out of her but he couldn’t. The tie was tight. They saw Michele reach back and hold his hind leg to her and rock herself. “Ohh, YYYEEEEESSSSSS. My good, big, boy. What a load you gave me. Now, ladies, the dog and I are tied and will not come out without serious possible damage to me. So I hold him. You could have a partner hold him still. An experienced dog will know to stay still at this point until he is reduced enough to slip out. But the tie is also a great stimulation potential if you work it. Now watch what I do.” She started rock and grinding on the dog. “When the knot is fully enlarged, it will often hit my g-spot and by rocking on it I can increase the pleasure and usually orgasm, again. By rocking I mean to push into the dog and then pull away. See it extend my pussy lips out?”
She repeated the procedure several times but had stopped the commentary as her breathing again became ragged, short, sharp breaths. Her eyes were shut tight and she whimpered and moaned until she once again orgasmed on the dog’s cock and knot.

Tim waited to see if Michele would pick up on the commentary or not and she seemed to be engrossed in her recovery and the feeling of the dog’s cock and knot still inside her. His last input was, “You heard that the dog would cum a lot inside her. When he finally pulls out, you will see how much by how much will escape from her once the blockage of the knot is removed.” Several of the women maneuvered for better viewing positions. Then the dog did beginning to pull to removed himself.

When his knot and cock did come out, several of the woman exclaimed again, startled by the size of the cock and knot that came out. They were speculating the size if that was a reduced size.

Once removed, Michele collapsed onto the table and rolled over onto her back and spread her legs for them to all view her distended and gaping pussy, freely leaking the dog’s and her cum. The dog came back to her and sniffed her pussy and licked. Then licked with determination at her leaking pussy. She rotated away from his mouth and crawled to his back end to reach his still dripping cock. She licked and sucked on his cock, removing the remains of his and her cum. When done, she swiveled around and sat on the edge of the table, smiled at them and asked if there were any questions.

One woman said she had just one, “Could we see that, again?”

Michele looked at Mr. Rodriguez and said, “Well, there are two dogs here so I am sure he would like to.”

The second dog went much like the first, except Michele didn’t need to comment on what was and would be happening. She could just enjoy it. And the guests could now anticipate what would happen and were attentive and moved into various positions for better views. That was also a tremendous turn-on for Michele. The intense examination by other people while she fucked two dogs while they were fully clothed. When the dog pulled out of her, he licked her of drippings, and she him, Tim helped her off the table and Mr. Rodriguez appeared with a satin robe that fully covered her. For the first time that evening, she was no longer the only fully or essentially naked person in the house. They all had a couple of drinks and chatted with the other guests, this time not serving but participating. The party broke up and Tim and Michele were driven back to the resort. As they were walking down the sidewalk to the limo, Mr. Rodriguez called Tim to hold up for a moment. He quietly said, so Michele wouldn’t hear, “Thank you. I have thanked Michele, but simple ‘thanks’ doesn’t seem adequate for what she has given us tonight. I will come up with something before you leave. Tim, most men would say you are a lucky man to have a woman like Michele, and you certainly are. But I also know that that’s not the way you two view your relationship. I suspect she is the one who is very lucky to have someone like you to watch over her, encourage her, and give her the freedom to realize her sexual potential. Until the next time. I hope there will be a next time.”

On the ride back to the resort, being dark, Michele was cuddled up to Tim wearing only the stockings, garter belt and shoes that remained of her outfit. Tim was remembering the evening and was hard but he thought he would encourage her to go to sleep once they get back to the cabin. They had a big day planned onboard a yacht. They knew there would only be four others with them as they spent the day cruising the waters around the island. Some fishing, some diving, time on a small island beach. There was a two man crew. What Michele didn’t know, that Tim did, was that the other four were college men down for a break. Yes, he thought ahead, tomorrow was going to be a busy day, too.



Tim let Michele sleep the next morning. The scheduled yacht trip was not set to sail until 11:00 AM. That would give Michele some time to rest and relax with breakfast before leaving by the Resort van to the harbor. Tim had one more thing he wanted to arrange before they left. He checked on Michele again and headed for the lobby to make some arrangements for dinner to be served in their cabin. First, though, he wanted to talk to their cabin attendant who should be there soon.
He stepped out and sat on the porch on the commons side and waited. She came down the path with her cart only moments later. As she approached, he stood and indicated he would like to talk. “Michele is still sleeping but she should naturally wake very soon. I have coffee, juice and fruit coming for her.”

She said, “I’ll just straighten up around the porches in the meantime. Not a problem at all.”

“Another thing. This will be our last night at the Resort.”

“I know. I’ll be sorry to see you leave. I have enjoyed spending time with you and Michele.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about. Please don’t take this wrong, like I am just trying to pick up women or something, but a couple of days ago you said you would really enjoy and would like to be able to spend time with us. This is our last evening, if you are truly interested.”

“I was very sincere about that. You two are so sensual, it would be exciting for me to spend quality time with you two. And I want you to understand that this is not something I do. I mean it. You two have really gotten to me.”

“That would be wonderful. I have not said anything to Michele about this so I would like to keep it a surprise. We will be spending the day on a cruise around the island, do some fishing, swimming, stop at a beach. When we get back to the Resort it will be just getting dark. Michele will undoubtedly be quite tire so I had planned a light dinner of fish, salad, white wine, a fruit dessert. Then time in the whirlpool and more wine. It would be nice if you could join us for the whole evening including dinner.”

“Wow, that would be wonderful.”

“Excellent. I will make the final arrangements. Michele will be ready for some gentle feminine love by then. See you then.”

After finalizing arrangements for the evening, he verified the transportation to the harbor today and discussed the checkout process and transportation back to the airport. They said they had all reservations confirmed. He returned to the cabin and found Michele on the beach side porch with coffee and fruit. Naked, of course.
Tim changed into his swimsuit, tee shirt, hat and sandals. Packed a bag with sun lotion, ID packs for he and Michele, and made sure they had their hats and sunglasses. Michele walked in. The attendant was making the bed and watching us out of the corner of her eye. Michele asked, “So, what am I wearing today, sir?”

Tim stopped, turned to her and looked at her, looked at the attendant, smiled and replied, “I just got this especially for today.” He handed her a bag from the Resort gift shop. She opened it and took out a long tank top. She held it up and looked at Tim, then the attendant. She shook her head and asked, “And only this?”

“Oh, no, dear. I think you should wear you heeled sandals, beach hat and sunglasses.”

Michele turned to the attendant and said, “Men.” But with a big smile. She put the tank top on over her head. It fit like a glove and it was long but only came down to just past her butt cheeks. Looking at the attendant she warned, “If you ever find yourself wanting to give your body to a man to use as his … make very sure that he is as good as this one.” Michele walked over to Tim, put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the mouth. Still holding Tim she looked over her shoulder to the attendant and asked, “My butt is showing isn’t it?”

“Yeah, pretty much. Have fun.”

They left for the lobby and the van. In the lobby several people stopped and watched Michele go by. Every one of them with knowing smiles.

Michele tried to get into the van without showing her pussy to the driver, but she found that to be impossible. Once inside she kept her knees together and ignored that she was sitting with her bare butt on the seat. She already knew today was not about modesty because Tim didn’t have her bring her bikini. She knew they didn’t have the boat to themselves and she found herself getting more excited in the anticipation. Tim put his hand on her knee and moved it to the inside and she opened her legs just enough to give him access. He moved his hand all the way up her legs to the top. There he found her pussy and found it wet. He only smiled at her. And her only response was to shiver in her anticipation.

At the harbor Tim confirmed the arrangements for picking them up again for the return trip to the Resort. Then the driver exited and came around to open their door. Not that Tim couldn’t have handled it by himself but the driver really wanted to assist Michele. That gave him a viewing line straight between her legs to her bare pussy. And despite how much time she has recently spent naked, being dressed (even if very scantily) gave exposure a different level of naughty excitement. Standing on the boardwalk facing the harbor they considered the rows of docks with boats tied up. Determining the dock they needed they walked down the dock approaching a large boat with four young guys getting gear and coolers onboard. Tim recognized the name of the boat and at the same time was approached by a middle aged man and deeply tanned. He identified himself as the owner/captain of the boat and introduced his helper onboard who was gathering up the stuff and stowing it into corners of the deck. Tim introduced Michele and the owner helped her move from the dock to the swaying boat deck. The four guys were standing watching Michele. Tim decided to start the fun and told Michele to hold onto the roof to steady herself getting onto the boat. Of course, that meant that as she lifted both her arms over her head, the hem of her top rose over her pussy in front giving everyone on the boat a clear view. And she knew Tim was doing it on purpose. And she also now knew this wasn’t just a relaxing cruise around the island.

Once onboard the crew cast of the lines and they slowly motored out through the harbor. Once through the harbor opening and into open water, the captain turned the controls over to his mate and came down to the main deck to his passengers. With everyone seated around the deck, he opened by saying that the two parties onboard had agreed to the same itinerary. They would be spending the entire remainder of the day on the boat or an isolated island beach he would recommend for a break. Since they were going spending the rest of the day together, he asked everyone to go around and introduce themselves, give a little information about where they are from, if there is anything they would rather spend more time doing versus others. The four guys it turned out were all from the same small college in Michigan, although from different parts of the country originally. They all mostly wanted to be on the water and have a good time. The brought lots of beer that should be considered for all. They had no preference of activity and were very amenable to doing whatever others wanted.

Tim introduced them and everyone was attentive. He identified that they were newlyweds on their honeymoon and were interested in discovering new experiences. He stated that they had no experience on the ocean and were, therefore, very interested in spending time cruising the areas around the island. Maybe doing a little fishing if they could catch some fish of any kind, maybe some snorkeling on a reef, and a little shelling on a beach. He looked at the four men and then the captain and asked, “It is my understanding that in open water and away from the main island, we don’t need to worry about nudity.”

The captain smiled at Tim and Michele because he knew this was being asked for the benefit of the other four. Tim had already verified with the captain that once in open water nudity was perfectly acceptable and had occurred on other charters. Although, usually not when there had been mixed parties. “Yes, that is correct. Once at sea, what happens on the boat is only our business. I don’t want any drug or related laws broken that would get me in trouble. But nudity and such activity is only our business as long as we are a reasonable distance from shore.”

Tim stood up, took Michele’s hand and helps her up and to the center of the deck. “Captain, are we a suitable distance from the island now?”

“Yes, we are, Tim.”

“Very good. Michele my lovely wife, would you please put your hands behind your head and your spread your elbows out to your sides, please?” She did and of course raising her arms raised the hem of her top above her bare pussy and her elbows out to the sides thrust her sizeable breast out further. Except for the engines and the boat slapping the waves, there was quiet on the boat. “Now turn around slowly.” Everyone had a good look at both her pussy and ass as she turned. “Gentlemen, I discussed a charter with the captain to coincide with a small group such as you. As I indicated earlier, we are on our honeymoon, but not your traditional honeymoon. Has it been a traditional honeymoon, dear?”

“No, sir, it has not.”

Tim walked up behind Michele and took the hem of her top and slowly raised it up her body exposing her pussy, stomach, breasts and then over her head and off. “Dear, please assume the same position and slowly turn around, again.” As she did, she had a slight shiver, her nipples hardened, and she could feel her pussy moistening more. Tim continued, “Gentlemen, I assume none of you are married. Since you haven’t actually experienced your own honeymoon, what do you imagine is the primary sensual activity of a traditional honeymoon?”

“Lots of sex. Locked in your hotel room with room service and lots of time in bed.” Everyone seemed to think that was a dream honeymoon.

Tim asked Michele, “Dear, has that been what your honeymoon has been like? Locked in our room having sex?”

“No, sir. Not locked in our room to have sex.”

“Can you tell them where we are staying for our honeymoon and what kind of place it is?”

“The Resort on this island. It is an adults only, clothes optional, all inclusive with its own private beach, clubs and restaurant. Clothes are optional, maybe discouraged, throughout the resort. We have had sex in the room, certainly, but also on the porch, the beach and the grass in front of our cabin.”

The guys were silent. Maybe stunned. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing and where this might be going. Sitting on a boat with the privacy of being out at sea, listening to a naked woman describe the sex on her honeymoon.

Tim leaned up to her back and whispered into her ear, “Is this getting you excited? Are you getting wet?”

She turned to him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, with tongue. Pulling away she said, “Yes, it is. Very much.”

“So, if you don’t think your honeymoon has traditional in the sexual sense, can you tell them what your experience has been? You don’t have to go into all the boring details. Just some examples.” Tim looked up and the other crew member had come down from the upper control center to control the boat from the controls off the main deck and was paying as much attention as he could while controlling the boat.

“Without boring them? I’m not sure they’d be very interested,” she teased.

“Let’s take the chance they might be interested.”

“Well, let’s see. Since we came here, there has been the sex on the porch in front of strangers, sex on the beach in front of strangers, and sex with that nice young couple on the beach. Then, there was sex with those two dogs on the beach. That gangbang on the beach. I was a naked server at a dinner at a private home for a group of strangers, where I was asked to give the chef sex, and later demonstrated for the guests how to have sex with dogs. There was more, but like you said, husband, we don’t want to bore these gentlemen.”

While she was saying all this, Tim came up behind her and put one hand over her right breast and his left down along her abdomen and further to rub her clit and pussy. He whisper, “Soon, my lovely wife, you will be fucking all these men. And for the rest of the day. Does that excite you?”

She whispered in return, “You already know the answer to that, my generous husband. You can feel my excitement.”

One of the young guys asked, “Is for real or are you two just cruel teasers?”

Tim looked at all of them and continued to stroke Michele and replied, “Michele, please spread your legs further so they can see your pussy.” She did so immediately. He put two fingers into her and pumped her a few times and brought wet fingers out. He rubbed his fingers on her stomach so they would see the wetness left behind. “Does this look like teasing? Yes, this is for real. Michele’s description of our honeymoon so far is real. You see we had wedding ceremonies. One was traditional in a church with lots of friends and family. The second was among very close and trusted friends where Michele committed in front of everyone there to be my slut. As you can see, she is already wet with anticipation. Now, there are only a few rules. One, this is fun for us. We share our sexuality which has an element of ‘using her’ but there will be NO abuse. She is my wife who I like to share but I do not want her hurt or abused. Two, we are NOT into pain. NO PAIN. Three, be nice to her and she will be very nice to you. Four, while we are on this cruise today, she will fuck all of us. That includes the captain and his mate. Be considerate of the others. Finally, she has three holes and all are available. If you want her ass, be sure to lubricate yourself and her. Again, no abuse. Any questions?”

None. Maybe they were too stunned to see this beautiful naked woman in front of them and coming to grips with the idea that they will be able to freely fuck her.

“When the captain or his mate have an opportunity away from managing the boat, they will get priority for their turn with Michele.” With that Tim kissed Michele’s neck. He had never stopped playing with her breasts and nipples and pussy and clit. He whisper to her, “I think some cock sucking is called for get things started.”

She walked to one of the guys at the rear of the boat and asked, “May I suck your cock?” She got on her knees in front of him and reached for the snap and zipper his shorts and pulled them down to his knees. She looked up at his eyes and leaned in to kiss the top of his cock and lick to tip, licked the length of the underside. She continued for minutes but his cock was hard before she even got his shorts down. She then moved on her knees to the next guy and went through the same routine and continued down the line until she had sucked them all and had all four of them hard and ready.

As she stood, the captain came back down from the upper navigation deck and said they were in a good run for some trolling if they wanted to try their hands at fishing. He had the boat on automatic pilot of the minutes it would take to get rods ready and baited. Tim suggested just three rods as it appeared some would be otherwise occupied at least for a while. With the rods set, baited and line out the proper distance and firmly placed in the holder anchored to the boat, he returned to the upper deck.

Michele suggested to the first guy that they go to the front deck which was very visible but they were sufficiently distanced from the island to not be a concern. Michele took him by the hand and led him up front. She found cushions and spread them out for their use. She asked how he wanted to start. He wanted her missionary. She had already determined from sucking them that they were all average in size. Also, they were probably less experienced than she had been exposed to recently but that should change as the day wore on. She was right, he was inexperienced and came very quickly. She didn’t have near the time to get close to a cum, but she kissed him deeply and then cleaned off his cock and thanked him for the fuck. Soon after he left the next one came up and then the third. Each was about the same and climaxed quickly. The last of the four was obviously nervous. She stood up and took him into her arms and him to her entire body to try to calm him down. She felt him shaking. She looked over his shoulder and some a couple of his friends were watching. She sat him down and said she would be right back but needed something to drink but would be right back.
When she got to the ladder, she caught Tim eye and motioned him over. “Honey, this one is really nervous. I think he might even be a virgin. A couple of his friends are watching and I think that is making him more anxious. Can you figure out a way to get them down to the back deck? And, I told him I was getting something to drink. Better make it two. Maybe I can get him comfortable if we just spend some time having a beer.”

He jumped down to the back deck and came back with two beers. Then he called to the two guys on the top navigation deck, “Guys, we need you down here on the rods. We already felt a heavy tug.” They jumped down and grabbed a rod each. He turned to her and said, “This is why I love you so much. I have tasked you with fucking six strangers all day and what you’re concerned with is that one of them is anxious and how can you make it better for him. You’re a beautiful woman, Michele,” and poked him finger to her breast indicating her heart, “right here where it’s most important.” He turned and left.

Michele went to the front and sat down next to him and handed him a beer. “Mind if we drink this first? Being in the sun can dry one out pretty fast. Beer probably isn’t the best for hydration, but it tastes good and it’s cold.” Soon they were laughing about stories each were sharing.

He asked, “Did you really fuck two dogs on the beach? How did that happen?”

We weren’t at the Resort beach that day. We went to check out a different beach just for the excitement of meeting people not from the Resort. I dozed off and was on my back. I guess my legs were slightly spread. I woke feeling a delightful sensation between my legs. A dog was standing there licking my pussy. And it was delightful.”

“Where was your husband?”

“Sitting right next to me. Just watching. You have to understand that I do fuck dogs. I love there cocks and especially their knots. I have a dog at home that I fuck. It was a little unnerving because we were on a public beach, even if it was a nude beach. But it felt so good and there didn’t seem to be anybody near. Eventually, I turned over onto my hands and knees and let take me. They both took me. Then their owner showed up while I was knotted with the first and talked to my husband. They just talked and watched.”

“Wow, that is so neat. You guys have an amazing relationship.”

“Yeah, I think so, too. Just between you and me, it sounds really kinky, and I guess it is, but we really love each other like any other married couple. We just show it differently. I’m done with my beer and I need a good fucking. You ready?”

“Hell, yeah.”

Boy was he ready. He had much more enthusiasm and energy in his fucking than the first guy. They started out in missionary, but in short order changed to her on top and she ground down into him and pulled back up until he was barely inside, then dropped all the way down. As she felt him tense, she got off and licked his cock, his stomach, his chest, nipples and kissed his mouth and played tongue battle for a minutes. She pulled back and smiled at him and said, “You are really good and I want more of you. But, first, have you ever eaten pussy?”


“Would you like to now? I’ll give you a few pointers. I would really like it, please?” She knew that for him to last the longest she needed to divert his attention and give his cock a break from stimulation. She got on her back, pulled her knees up and spread them out wide, fully exposing herself to him. Letting him see her wet pussy, gaping from their recent fucking. He was mesmerized. She raised her hips and wiggled them to entice him to her. Which he did. He gave a tentative kiss, then a lick on her pussy. “Pussy eating is a fine art so don’t worry about your first time. But women love a man who can make her happy orally. Remember one thing about making love to a woman. Fucking is nice but very often women will accept a man giving her oral sex when she doesn’t feel like fucking. If she senses that you are happy to make her happy and not necessarily looking for a fucking, you will win her heart faster than a big cock that pleases her in only one way.”

She led him through various things to do and then just let him do it. He was a natural. He started using his finger on her clit and inside her pussy as he licked, sucked and gently chewed on her lips and clit. With the mental stimulation of leading through it and what he was doing, she called out to him, “ooooooooooo, yesssssssssss. OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh, so gooddddddddddd. Yes. Don’t … you … dare … stop … uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh, yes … if you … want … oh, god,yes … if you want … to fuck … me more, don’t stop now!
YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I’mmmmmmmm cummmmmminnnnnggggggg!” Screaming it out for everyone on the boat to hear, and maybe others on the island.

He sat back and watched her. With her legs obscenely spread, he watched her pussy opening and contracting with her orgasm. She opened her eyes and looked at him and smiled. Mission accomplished. She said, “Come here. I need to be held for a minute. I need to feel your hard, young body against me.”

He lay on her for several minutes, gently kissing her neck and shoulder. She rolled him over and sat on this crotch and kissed him deeply and said, “Thank you. That was amazing. Now, you heard me talk about dogs, want to take me like one?”

She got off and onto her hands and knees but not before sneaking a glance at the windshield and seeing that all his friends were there to see what the noise was about. She wiggled her ass to bring him to her. He went full depth in one thrust. She gasped out like the wind was forced out of her. She called to him, “Yes! You made me cum, now pound me. Take me for your release. Yes, hard. Oooooohhhhh, gooooodddd.” He took hold of her hips and thrust into her. She was enjoying this one. He started out slow but all he needed was encouragement. His new found energy was making up for what inexperience he had. She dropped a hand to here clit and vigorously strummed it to match his powerful strokes and as he stiffened and released his cum into her pussy, she was also cumming, again. Her second time with him. As he pulled out of her, she collapsed onto her front and rolled over. Holding her arms out to him, he again crawled on top of her. She hugged his body to hers and wiggled underneath him, feeling their naked skin against each other. She moved her ass around until his deflating cock was between her legs against her pussy. Then she squeezed her thighs together, trapping it there.

She kissed him deeply on the mouth, then whispered into his ear, “Thank you, that was wonderful, again. I also want you to know something that I won’t tell your friends and I don’t want you to, but … you just made me cum twice. With your three friends, I didn’t cum the entire time. You were wonderful. Always remember, think of the woman, first. She will love you for it.”

He looked at her and smiled, “Thank you, Michele. I know I was too nervous to perform for you. But you took the time to help me. You are an amazing woman. Tim is lucky.”

“Well, I suppose, but I am also lucky to have a man who will try to make me happy and give me new experiences. And to keep me safe in the meantime. But, that’s what I mean about thinking about the woman. Maybe it doesn’t make any sense to you, but when I have sex with strangers and other dogs, it’s kinky and exciting, but my love is with Tim … and Cody back home.”

“Who’s Cody?”

“Cody is our dog that I gave myself to. Let’s go see what everyone is doing and what’s up next. Wonder how the fishing has been.”

When we got to the back deck, everyone was at least dressed in shorts. Michele was the only one naked.

The captain announced that they were approaching a good reef for snorkeling. He brought out a variety of flippers, masks and snorkels. Everyone was set by the time the boat was anchored. Michele, not having a swimming suit, remained naked. None of them were experienced but it was fun to swim along the top and occasionally dive down to look at something of interest. The water was crystal clear and the sun shining down provided good light. She noticed that several seem intent to stay right behind her so she provided a little extra show by kicking her legs outward and exposing her pussy more to them. It was interesting to her that she had been naked most of the trip and had fucked each of them but in this new environment they found it erotic to see a naked pussy in front of them. Men, she thought.

After an hour of swimming, they were back on the boat and heading for a small remote island that was supposed to have good sea shells. Everyone stayed on the back deck. The captain indicated that his mate was free until they got close to the little island. I pointed at a seat on the back deck. He sat down, she took down his shorts and sucked on his cock for several minutes to get him fully hard. Then turned around facing everyone and guided this new cock into her pussy. She slowly sat down until she had it all inside her. It was definitely bigger than the boys. She wiggle around on him for a time to get more lubrication and then started moving herself up and down on him. She leaned back and whispered, “Do you mind doing this in front of the others?”

“No mam, if I can fuck you, I’ll do it anywhere.”

And he did fuck her well. She was getting close and took one of his hands and put it down to her pussy and mashed his fingers into her clit. He took over and while she bounced up and down, he tried to keep contact on her clit. They were both very close now. Both gasping and moaning. Both mumbling their expressions of lust. Then Michele went and her pussy clenching around his cock was too much for him and he started spurting into her well used pussy.

The captain yelled down from above, “If you’re done screwing around, Jose, we’re coming up to the island.”

Jose started laughing at the joke and everyone else joined in, including Michele.
The boat slowed to almost a stop as the captain maneuvered to the right spot and Jose dropped the anchor. They had a skiff to go to shore or he said it could easily be swum. Tim stopped Michele and lathered her up with sun lotion before going.
Once on shore one of the guys immediately took Michele on the sand missionary. When he entered her, she felt someone next to them and looked up to see another kneeing at her head, his cock right above her. She reached up, tilted her head back and took him into her mouth. Then she felt a set of hands on her breasts, then another. All four guys were participating. They rotated with each cumming in her mouth or pussy. Her entire body seemed to be ready to explode. The breeze across her body was extra sensual. She had several small orgasms during this session with the guys but she was building to an amazing orgasm. She moaned, “Please, don’t stop, all of you … please … I am soooooooo … close. Yessssss, right there … somebody, please … do my … clit. Yesssssssssss, now I am … yesssssss … like that … I am cummmmminnnnnggggggggg!” And that sent the last one off inside her.

Tim watched the entire action and smiled at her when she regained her composure and looked around for him. She smiled back to him and blew a kiss.

Michele and Tim were looking for shells while the guys got a makeshift game of football going using a damaged conch shell for the ball. They got quiet and Tim looked over his shoulder to see them kneeing on the edge of the water looking at something. One of them ran off to the mate who got something out of his pocket and handed it to him which sent him running back to the others. Whatever they were doing, they were also occasionally looking over at them and discussing something among themselves. They eventually got up and walked over with several of them holding something in their hands. One of them said, “We know you said no pain, but we were wondering about a kinky idea we had.” They created a small pile of clams next to us. “These are live and with the knife we can pry open the shells and then they close when we let it go. The kinky idea is what it would feel like to Michele if they were attached to her nipples, pussy lips and clit. If it’s out of line, we apologize. It was just a crazy thought. You guys have sure got us going today, that’s all.”

Tim looked over at Michele who had a concerned look on her face. He got up and then helped Michele up and said to the guys, “Let us have a minute.” He took Michele a little distance from the guys and asked her, “You looked worried. You don’t want to try it?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes, I do, but there could be some pain. Those are some of your most sensitive parts on your body. But I always kind of expected we would evolve into some mild bondage but not into real pain for pains sake like whipping or caning. But clamps were possible in my mind.”

“I know. We talked about the direction we could end up going. It’s just coming so fast. I know that was the intention of coming here for our honeymoon – to jumpstart our new lifestyle.”

“It has come faster, but it has all been naturally evolving. I didn’t force or contrive anything.”

“I know, honey. I didn’t mean that you did. And to be honest, part of the reason it seems a little overwhelming in reflection is that it never was forced or contrived. It did just naturally happen and evolve which has to mean it’s the right direction and what we want. I trust you to keep me from serious harm. A little pain, discomfort along the way is just part of it.”

They walked back to the guys, holding hands. Tim felt her hand slightly shake with nerves. He squeeze it reassuringly. Then he said, “Okay, guys. But if I get a sense that it is more pain than I think it is beneficial, you stop and take them off.”

“Wow, awesome.”

Michele stood among the guys with her hands at her side. Her nipples were already tight and extended just from thinking about this but two of the guys put their mouths to them, anyway to make sure they were as rigid as possible. Meanwhile, another was prying open one of the clams with the knife. Getting it started he held it out to the last one who used a spoon to slip in and hold it open while the other started opening the next clam. The two guys on Michele’s breasts back away and everyone watched as he came up to Michele and twisted the spoon causing the clam to open sufficiently and slipped it over he nipple, then slowly turned the spoon back and the clam was clamped on. Michele gasped and whimpered a little but didn’t otherwise protest. Michele looked down at her nipple and giggled at the sight of a clam attached to her. The next was likewise attached and she was squirming. Standing naked in the middle of five guys in swim wear with two clams clamped onto her nipples.

Tim asked and the guys all held their breath, “How are you doing?”

“Good, it is very erotic to have my nipples clamped. But totally weird this way.”

The guys all smiled and got the next one ready. One of them instructed Michele, “Okay, babe, now you need to really spread those legs.”

He knelt down in front of her and looked up as he touched her pussy and took one of her lips between finger and thumb, pulled it out and said, “Ready for the next one.” It was brought over and they went through the same process which seemed pretty efficient by now. When the spoon was removed, the clam clamped down hard and Michele yelped. The next lip went the same way. It was getting crowded down there but the guys were intent to try to get one onto her clit hood. Being smaller, it was more awkward but after a couple tries they got one clamped onto her clit, too. Michele was moaning after the second one on her pussy lips and after the one on her clit, she turned and leaned into Tim and hugged him hard. The feeling was incredibly weird and amazing. Intense pressure at all the spots. As she hung onto Tim, she started shaking. Her leg muscles were moving under the skin. She was cumming. Once she regained her orientation, she pulled her head back and mashed her mouth into his and said, “My god. That was intense!”
“Maybe you are a bit of a pain slut as well?”

“I don’t think so. Not like a pain slut, anyway. But a little added stimulation like this might be fun. Carefully, though.” And laughed and blushed at the same time.

Michele tried leaving the clams attached for a while but she really couldn’t move very well so asked for them to be taken off. All the guys had already cum twice and the beer wasn’t helping them any. Tim enquired but they were embarrassed not to be able to do it again.

Tim was wondering what the next step should be when the captain called out that it was time to head back if they were to arrive back at the harbor in time. He sent the skiff his time given the drinking on shore.

On the way back to the harbor, the mate took the helm of the boat and the captain took Michele down to one of the cabins to have her in some privacy. He was older and didn’t care to have to perform in front of the young men.

As the boat made its approach to the harbor, Michele went to each man and kissed him and thanked him for a wonderful afternoon. She teasingly hope that Tim and her presence on the trip didn’t negatively impact their plans for the day. She pulled the younger one a few steps away and whispered in his ear, “Remember what I said about loving a woman. You are a great lover. Remember to make sure she is pleasured.”

She put on her tank top dress, sandal heels and left the boat for the van back to the Resort. On the way back it turned dark and she snuggled into Tim, “Thank you, dear. That was a lovely afternoon. They were such nice guys. You planned that whole thing, didn’t you?”

“Not specifically those guys, but, yes, I did work out with the captain that he find three or four young guys to share the trip with us.”

“So it worked out well.”

“Better. The guys picked up our part of the trip, too. And the captain encouraged us to come back if we find ourselves on the island again. He and his mate would take us out for a day at no charge.”

“Well, maybe not money, but there will be an expected return I am sure.”

“But that’s almost like no charge. Just extending our ability to share our desires for pleasure. It was amazing watching you today. Especially with that youngest one. You really turned him.”

“Thank you, sir. I am intent on pleasing.”

“Speaking of which. I have a little surprise for you. When we get back to the cabin we will have dinner provided to us in our cabin. We will have time to shower and dress before it arrives. We can stay in tonight. Tomorrow we have to leave this wonderful place.”

Walking through the lobby Tim told the front desk that their dinner could be served in an hour. Once in the cabin, Tim looked for the clock (it hadn’t really been a factor in their week to that point) and knew he had to get Michele in the shower soon if his plans were going to work. He loved her up a little, slipping the dress off her, getting undressed himself and laying her on the bed and kissing and licking her breasts and nipples, up to her mouth, neck, ears and back to her breasts. Her breathing was getting quicker, her sighs more intense. He worked his way down her stomach, poking his tongue into her belly button, then trailing kisses and licks to her mound, skipping around her clit to her pussy lips. She raised her hips to meet his tongue and mouth. She was mumbling expressions of her building lust, giving him encouragement to continue and not stop, asking for more of his magical tongue she knew could give her such pleasure. Then he stopped. “No. Tim, don’t stop, just a little more, please. Oh, honey, you are soooooo good at this, just a little more.”

“We need to get ready. Shower first.”

“We have enough time to finish and to still get a shower before dinner arrives.”

“Not if I know you. Besides, there’s a little more involved but I’ll make that known soon.”

He got off the bed and pulled her to her feet. Protesting the whole time. But when she realized he was joining her, she thought she understood why it was more involved. It always was when they took a shower together. Once in the shower, Tim got behind her and walked her under the spray and was massaging her breasts and nipples when they heard, “Hello? Tim, Michele?”

Tim replied, “We’re in the shower.”

“Am I early?”

“No my dear, you’re right on time. Please come here.”

Michele whispered, “Who is that?”

“Helen, our cabin attendant. This is the other surprise.”

When she walked into the bathroom, she was in dark thigh high stay up nylons, black high heels, and a dark sheer baby doll just as Tim had requested. No thong, no bra. Tim said, “You are truly lovely, Helen Isn’t she lovely, Michele?”


“She is going to join us for dinner tonight.”

“Oh, wonderful. We were trying to have more time together. Thank you for arranging this.”

“But not only dinner. Helen, you are definitely overdressed if you are joining us in here.”

She responded, “I’m joining you guys in the shower?”

“Yes, dear, you are. You can leave your clothes on the bed. Please.”

In only a minute she was entering the shower a bit timidly. Tim noted with interest that her pussy was bare of any hair, too. Tim put out his left hand to Helen as he continued to play with Michele’s breast with his right. He pulls her into Michele who pulled her into an embrace and kisses her on the cheeks, then her lips. Michele pulled back and looked at her and smiled. She then bent her head and gave Helen a passionate kiss, feeling the woman’s mouth open just a bit, then more and searching it with her tongue. They broke and they were both breathing heavier. Tim moved around behind Helen and massaged her breasts and nipples as the women kissed. Then he settled Helen onto the shower floor against the wall under the shower head. Michele went down with her, spread Helen’s legs and kissed her way to the woman’s pussy. With Michele’s ass sticking up in the air, Tim moved around and put his hands on Michele’s hips and brought his cock to her pussy and worked it in. Michele had already taken ten cocks today in her mouth or pussy but this was Tim’s first today. He was going to be slow and deliberate, make it last, give the women time. He used long strokes into Michele more to provide stimulation than to produce release. He wanted the tension high. He could feel Michele wiggling her butt trying to get him to increase his intensity and was hopefully getting a little frustrated as he didn’t. As he saw Helen beginning to react to Michele’s attention he calls for a switch. Both protested, but he insisted. They switched places and Tim took hold of Helen’s hips and slid into her easily, thanks to the work by Michele. Helen then started in on Michele’s pussy a little tentatively. As he continued to provide slow, long strokes of his cock into her pussy, Tim asked her, “Is this your first time loving another woman’s pussy?”

“Yes, it is. But I want to.” And she did. With each minute she applied more energy and deliberateness to her loving. And Michele was showing the signs and sounds of appreciation.

With almost perfect timing they heard, “Hello? We’re hear to setup your dinner as arranged. Are we early?”

Tim called out, “No. I will be right out.” He turned the shower off. “Ladies, get yourselves dried and dressed and meet me on the porch, please.” He slipped on his shorts and shirt and directed the room service people on where to setup the dinner on the beach side porch.

Michele said, “I wish I had the time to finish you off, or you finish me off.”

“I have a feeling Tim will give us time for that later. It seemed his timing of switching was to keep us from actually attaining release. He wanted to keep the atmosphere charged.”

“You’re right, of course, he had this planned. Again, without my knowledge.”

“This morning he asked me to join you two tonight. He said you would probably enjoy some softer loving if I was interested. So, how did the day go?”

“Pretty good. I took ten cocks this afternoon. So, from my perspective, it was very good. The six guys seemed to be pretty satisfied with it, too. But, I think we can join Tim now.”

On the beachside porch a table was set for three and a side table set with all the various dishes. Their table had the salads placed and the side table had various dishes of entrees and desserts, all covered. Tim held a chair for Michele and then for Helen. He sat down so were equally spaced around the table. He lifted his glass to Michele and said, “To my lovely, and loving, wife for an absolutely wonderful week that far exceeded even my twisted expectations. I love you.” They all drank to that. Then Tim held his glass to both the women and said, “And to two exceedingly beautiful women and an evening yet to unfold. Hopefully with significant opportunity and realization for mutual pleasure.” They drank to it and Michele leaned to kiss Helen and then Tim.

Michele said, “This is marvelous, Tim. A perfect end to a week in paradise. Made all the more a paradise by the constant opportunity for pleasure and challenge you have provided to me. Thank you, honey. I promise with even more certainty after this week that my vows will be carried out with your continued love and protection.”

Dinner was great given the casual conversation laced with the expectancy of what was to follow. While eating the light dessert with an after dinner drink, Tim asked Helen, “You seem pretty comfortable, Helen, this kind of evening the guests happen frequently here?”

“Oh, no! I’ve NEVER done this kind of thing before. You guys were just so intriguing to me and I just made the offer hoping you’d find a way to act on it. And you did.”

“Well, I was just wondering because you are sitting with us wearing a beautiful sheer baby doll with nylons, but that is all. Fully exposing you lovely body for us to enjoy. And fully knowing the intention of the rest of the evening and possibly well into the evening.”

“And, if the lighting was better than candle light, you’d see how much I have been blushing. This is so terribly erotic for me. I am sharing dinner and … whatever comes next, with a woman who has openly had numerous sexual escapades while here and the man who has not only condoned it, but planned them to happen. The sexuality of you two … I don’t know, amazing.”

Tim asked her, “Are you wet right now, Helen?”

“Oh my god. See? Such an open question, but yes, I am, very.”

“Show us, Helen. Drop you hand to your bare pussy, slip a finger inside and present it to Michele. Once she has enjoyed you finger, do the same for me.”

She visibly shook from the thought but did as she was instructed. Michele played it up and made a big effort of cleaning off Helen’s finger. Helen stared into Michele’s eyes even after she released Helen’s hand. Michele smiled at her and nodded her head toward me. Helen snapped out of it and, even in this light, her blush was visible. Tim was more deliberate, and merely looked into Helen’s eyes as he sucked her finger into his mouth and ran his tongue over it. When he released the finger from his mouth, he turned her hand up and kissed the palm with a small lick.

He then got up, walked between the two women, turned their chairs so he had access to both and slid each of them so their butts were at the edge. He started with Helen, spread her legs and knelt between them. He kissed her thighs, her abdomen, and her pussy. He kissed, licked and gently bit the lips before doing the same to her clit. Then he moved to Michele and repeated the same steps. Getting into a rhythm from one woman to the other. Then when he was kissing, licking and sucking one woman’s pussy and clit, he would use his fingers on the other. Back and forth. Both women were soon moaning and gasping, mumbling and calling out, finally with their releases. One after the other. Tim not stopping but continuing the alternating action on their pussies. Then, Helen took his hand in hers and pulled it away from her pussy. Holding it in both of hers as if to protect against it getting away and returning to her spasming pussy.

Tim smiled at them, stood and extended a hand to each. He asked Helen, “If we take you into the club for a drink, will you get in trouble for being with us, dress like that, or just being in the club?”

“No, not if I am with you. They don’t encourage staff and guests but you must have said something to the management because my supervisor told me this afternoon she was envious and to have a good time. So, I guess I’m okay tonight.”

“Okay, ladies, you’re all dressed up. Pity not to go somewhere. The club for just a few drinks and dances.”

Tim took one on each arm and they exited the cabin for the main building and the club. Tim had also reserved one of the alcove booths and they were led to it. They ordered drinks and took in the music and vibration of the place. Several couples and groups stopped to say ‘hi’ and to wish them well and a safe travel.
With between them in the booth, both Tim and Michele begin kissing and playing with her body as they wait for their drinks. The drinks are served and they don’t appear notice, especially Helen who is quickly approaching yet another orgasm for the evening. Michele has Helen’s mouth in a passionate kiss while fingering her pussy. Tim has his mouth clamped to one nipple while pinching the other. But Tim has noticed the waiter, removes his mouth from her nipple and says, “Helen, say thank you to the waiter.”

Helen looks up and sees the waiter standing in front of them. She knows him casually from around the Resort. That recognition, the stimulation from these two, and the sensuality of the whole even drives her over the edge and she orgasms. Michele pulls her hand away from Helen’s pussy and comments to the waiter, “Look at that pussy. See it spasm? Open and close on its own?”

Helen hits another peak hearing her calling attention to and describing her orgasm and looking up and seeing the waiter staring at her gaping and closing pussy. She does the only thing she can in the situation, she turns into Michele and hold tight and buries her face into Michele and stifles a scream that still slightly escapes her mouth. Both Michele and Tim tenderly stroke her back and sides, easing her back down from her orgasm. When she has recovered, Tim whispers to her that the waiter has left.

They finish their drinks, Tim orders another round and says, “Ladies, let’s dance. Helen, sit tight for just a minute.” He takes Michele’s hand and leads her to the dance floor where he had seen the young couple from the public beach. He danced with her briefly to move them over to the couple. He guided her between the two and, “Good to see you, again. You remember us?”

The guy replied, “How could we forget.”

“Care to dance with my lovely wife and enjoy her body discretely?”

“Absolutely. We’ll take good care of her.”

Tim then went back for Helen, led her to the dance floor and guided her past Michele to check out how they were getting on. Michele was between the two with the guy behind and the woman in front. Michele was grinding her ass into the guy and the woman was busy with Michele’s breast and pussy. Tim moved to the side and center, Tim asks her, “Your abs look strong. Are they?”

“I think so. I work them regularly as part of my workouts. Why?”

“We’re going to test them and people are going to stop and watch. But they’ll be only seeing part of the action. This is what I want you to do. We’ll dance and twirl, then I want you to jump up and wrap your legs around my waist. When I have you, I will say now and I want you to lean back horizontal. I will be holding your hips, but you will be controlling your leaning back and coming back up. Once set we’ll dance this way. I will spin us and you will lean back as far as you can and periodically use your abs to sit up, again. With your long hair, I want you down far enough that your hair drags along the floor as we turn and spin. Okay, now.”

Helen jumped up, held to his neck and wrapped her legs around Tim’s waist. She barely noticed Tim being occupied below her ass but she was concentrating on her movements too much to think about it. When Tim told her to lean back and then come back up, he let her move slight from him and she felt something touch her crotch. When she pulled herself back up, he pulled her in and she instantly realized what was happening. He had just penetrated her in that quick move. He then twirled and spun and twisted them around the side of the dance floor and as she got comfortable with the action, he moved them to the center and front of the dance floor. He told her to lean back further and she felt her head getting close to the floor as he bent over slight, also. During all this his cock was moving inside her with each twist and spin and each time she leaned back and pulled herself up. On one the “up” positions she saw that people had cleared a large section of the dance floor to watch as they moved around the floor, Tim dipping her down and she coming up. With her hair trailing behind and her baby doll totally open and flying behind her body, they were a vision of flowing texture. But she also knew she was being fucked. Right in front of everyone and they were the only ones who knew it was happening. It was finally too much for. The awareness that strangers were watching, the incredible stimulation, the non-stop thrusting in and out of her pussy. She was moaning, groaning and whimpering whether she was leaned back or up. When she finally gasps loudly and cried out, Tim pulled her up and they clutched to each other. Tim pulled her up and away, withdrew himself from her pussy, and one-handed got his cock covered again.

With her legs still wrapped around him, he kissed her shoulder and whispered, “Was it good for you?”

“God, Tim. I’ve never experience anything like that. I am dancing nearly naked with a club full of people watching an amazing exhibition of dance and I am being fucked the whole time. Even though nobody else knew it, I’ve can’t describe it.”

He gently put her down onto her feet and walked her toward their booth. She leaned into him and said, “I can feel our juices running down the inside of my thighs. This feels obscene.”

Tim laughed.

At the booth they have one last round. Tim asks Michele how her dance was. She said, “I don’t think they were as discrete as you might have wanted. But others gathered around to shield us. Yes, they made me cum. How was your dance Helen? Tim’s a good dancer, isn’t he?”

“I’m not sure I would be a good judge.”

“You were just dancing with him, weren’t you?”

“In a manner of speaking. More like I was just fucked by him on the dance floor and I don’t think anyone even noticed. People cleared a large area for us so they could watch his spinning and twirling. God, Michele. I’d die of stimulation with that man around me too much.”

“No, you wouldn’t. You’d enjoy as much as I do. I can see it in you. You said you were intrigued by us, having known just a little about us but seeing the love and fun we shared. I was once in the exact same position you are in. I met a couple when I worked at a resort, though nothing like this one, and I wanted to spend a night with them. And I did, just like you are. They ended up opening my eyes to a lot of things but especially how beautiful the sexual expession of two people’s love can be. That expression doesn’t have to be restricted one to be fulfilling and meaningful. As you can see from us. As I saw from them. But a word of caution, Helen, look how I turned out.”

“I love how you are. How you tow are.”

Tim interjected, “ladies, to bed. We are not done with this evening, yet.”

Helen said, “Oh God, but yes, please more.”

Tim took them both to bed in their cabin. They set the alarm for mid-morning, just in case. Their plane was scheduled to leave early afternoon which would give them plenty of time to pack, checkout and take the short van ride to the airport.
That night, Helen was between Tim and Michele and received loving strokes along her entire body frequently during the night. Though in her sexually exhausted state, she wasn’t aware of most of it except for a feeling of contentment and belonging. But before they did call it quits and settle in for sleep, Tim finally fucked Helen to his release. And hers once again.



The next morning after kissing Helen goodbye and exchanging email addresses, Tim and Michele had their coffee and fruit for the last time on the beachside porch. They watch as new faces, and bodies, walked by them on the beach. The Resort would be changing over with guests. Many have been leaving arriving the past days.

They were busy packing their things and Michele commented on how much was still clean, unused with their acceptance of the nude way of life there. Michele was nearly finished with her large suitcase and was working on the smaller one that had contained all the intimate items Tim and her mom had selected for her when the older couple they met earlier in the week stopped in. They had two gifts for them which was a surprise. Tim and Michele were both still naked but their clothes were laid out for later. The woman saw Michele’s dress and commented on how nice it looked but asked her to pack it and open her large box. Inside was a wraparound dress. Michele held it up to her and it was a perfect size. She also noticed how light weight it was. It wasn’t sheer, but was very light material that would cling to her. Also inside the box was a new pair of sandal heels, quite high. There was nothing else in the box. Michele looked at her questioningly.

The woman smiled and replied to the unspoken question, “No, my dear. No underwear. Please, do us this final favor. You two are so stimulating for us. We loved the idea that you might travel home wearing this and only this.”

Michele looked at Tim and smiled. Tim smiled back and said, “You love being the exhibitionist. You just didn’t know it before all this. Please, yes, do it.”

Michele smiled at the couple and hugged them both, giving each a kiss. “Thank you. You are very sweet and we enjoyed our time together. Especially the dinner at your friend’s estate. He was very charming. Please thank him again for us when you see him again. Okay, I will wear the dress. It doesn’t look like it closes very well but if my husband doesn’t mind bailing me out of jail, okay.”

The woman then asked Tim to open his. He and Michele were very puzzled. Inside were two very small electronic units that looked like remotes, but to what? They both looked at the last little box in Michele’s hand at the same time. Michele looked at the woman who just nodded for her to open it. Inside were two small smooth items. Michele blushed. Tim still loved how she could do that. Standing nude in front of a couple they only kind of knew and being very comfortable but the realization of what she had caused a blush. The larger was an egg shape. Smooth and of a shiny metal surface. Tim pushed a button on one of the remotes and the smaller one looking like a smooth cylindrical shape with rounded ends started vibrating. He pushed the button on the other remote and the egg started vibrating. His smile got bigger. The egg was for Michele’s pussy. The smaller one was for her anus.

The woman again requested, “And, we think your trip would be ever so much more enjoyable if you, Michele were carrying these inside you and Tim controlled the remotes.”

Michele gasped, “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, yes, dear. Very serious. Don’t you agree, Tim?” The woman already understood the relationship they enjoyed and knew that getting Tim’s agreement was more important than getting Michele’s.

“Yes, I do. A wonderful idea. We will have a much more enjoyable time. Thank you.”

“One more thing, though. Be sure to have these toys in your carry-on bag. Better to have them found in the bag than have it show up inside her when she goes through the scanner at the airport. That would be a little awkward to say the least.”

They hugged and kissed the couple, again. They made a last walk through the cabin, bathroom and the porches to make sure they were not leaving anything behind and finished up their packing.

They got dressed and Tim contacted the front desk to let them know their bags were ready and they would need a van to the airport. Tim turned around, looked at Michele, and whistled. The heels were very high. Higher than she normally wore. But the dress. Her impression of her nipples was clearly showing through the fabric. And, the overlap of material at the waist was minimal. It only overlapped by about twelve inches at the waist and much less the higher and lower the dress went from there. The top was open in a V to below her breasts. If she leaned over, it would gap out and show her lovely breasts to anyone paying attention. Below it was clear it would open as she walked. He asked her to sit on the bed. Sure enough her entire thigh became exposed. He asked her to walk around the room. With each step, her thighs flashed in front of his eyes. And, her breast was free to bounce and swing back and forth. This was going to be such a good trip home, especially in Miami were they would have to transfer to another plane for the flight home.

At the reception desk, Tim closed out the account for the added expenses of the rides around the island, the cruise, etc. He thanked them for a wonderful week, turned and the woman called him back. She passed him a courier box and said it was Mr. Rodriguez. He requested that you not open it until you were in the air and they could consider the contents together.

He turned to Michele, shrugged his shoulders and led her out to the van which already had their bags and carry on. They made through security fine but it seemed Michele was drawing a lot of attention from security and passengers, alike.

Finally in the air and above the magical 10,000 foot elevation, Tim got out of his seat, retrieved the box and was about to sit back down but asked Michele, “Almost forgot, did you take care of your gift after getting through security?” She said no, so he let her out to use the restroom. The plane was a small jet with two seats on each side. When she returned, he ripped open the seal on the box and dumped the contents on the seatback table. Inside was a letter, two envelops and a DVD case. Tim picked up the letter and held it up between them so they could both read it. But, first, he sets first the egg to a low vibration and the bullet. In it Mr. Rodriguez said:

“Tim and Michele,

“I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed our night together at my estate. My friends, the other couples, can’t stop talking about it. They were thoroughly taken by you, Michele. And extremely grateful to you, Tim, for sharing her with us in that way.
They wished to share their gratitude with a small token, for them anyway. There is an envelope included from them marked as ‘Guests’.

“I would also like to extend my personal appreciation. The other envelop is from me and contains a certificate at a boutique called “Endless Nights”. It is located in your city. I will get into how I know that later in this letter. Michele, this is for you. They will not accept you money at this store and they will provide you with everything you could possible need for adventures in endless nights of fun and pleasure. The certificate is not time limited and not for one time use, only. Use it frequently and as often as you like. I will be billed directly. Just show them this letter and your ID when you enter the first time. After that you will be in their system. It is a wonderful store specializing in erotic wear for women. My late wife used it exclusively for her intimates.

“The DVD included is the recording of the evening at my estate. Again, thank you both. It was a delightful even and very stimulating. I am sure you will enjoy the video as I have several times since that night.

“Finally, I have a proposal, offer, suggestion, however you want to consider it as. I would like to host similar events and activities in the future. I arrange the last one on a lark at the recommendation of the couple you met at the Resort. I found it very stimulating and exciting and would like the opportunity to do more. My proposal is that you spend some time occasionally as my guest at my estate. I will provide full transportation from your front door to my estate. My private jet will be the easiest, quickest, and most comfortable when it is available. I will make sure you have plenty of free time during the day for vacation activities and relaxation. In exchange, Michele will be available for evening activities much like the last time but obviously expanding with time and familiarity.

“That’s it for now. I include various methods of contacting me. Please think it over and let me know. If you are not comfortable now, please keep this offer in mind. I will leave it open for your consideration.

“Again, thank you both very much. I admire the openness and passion you share. With sincere hopes for a continued relationship,

Yours Truly,
Jose Rodriguez”

All Michele could say was, “Wow.”

Tim agreed, “Yes, indeed, WOW. That’s certainly an interesting proposal. But let’s agree to not make any decision about the proposal at this time. Let’s just sit on it for a few days and then think about it.” And then he increased the vibration in her pussy. She immediately flinched, opened her mouth but nothing came out. Tim just smiled. He had both remotes at side of his leg away from her. He lowered the egg vibration and increased the bullet’s. Back and forth, several minutes of each.

Then he looked at her after increasing both to the six of ten levels and said, “Michele, I have a confession to make. The honeymoon turned out so erotic that I had to do something more with it. Each day I found a way to get to the lobby and worked out a dictation of each day’s activities. They were excited to assist me. So you can imagine now why you were such a hit with people around there. They knew more about your sexual encounters than they probably experience themselves over months. So, each morning I would go back, use their computer and log onto a website I found some time ago when you got involved with Cody. I would copy and paste the written account into postings to the site. It will be interesting to see how many people will have read about your escapes over time. I also sent your mom and dad a message with the website address and suggested they become members, free, and keep up with our honeymoon. I believe they did.”

She replied, “What website is this?”

“It’s called Beast Forum. It is specifically related to human/animal sex. Obviously, most of the postings are stories, made up, people’s imagination. But some are true. Like yours. There is a woman from Belgium who now wants to have a ceremony with two dogs. She’d have you beat.”

“Has she actually done it?”

“No, she’s just thinking about it, looking for ideas.”

“Then I’ve still got her beat.”

“What would you recommend for her to consider?”

“Well, I really like what we did. With me really exposed in front of a group of really close and intimate friends. Even my parents. The vows spoken in front of others for them to know and accept. To have a final commitment act of mating was very important. Our, of course, included other dogs mating with me at the ceremony. Not to mention all the men and women who also shared in my body that night.”

“I think in this case it might be her partner’s parents.”

“Even more exciting. His parents would know and encourage her submitting to the dogs. But I also submitted to you as a slut. Is she going to that, too?”

“I don’t know. She just mentioned the dogs.”

“That’s so hot. So other people do this, not just a few weirdoes like us?”

“No dear, other people do this. You need to check out this site.”

“What are the postings called? … Oh, Tim. I don’t know if I can hold on with these vibrating at this level.”

He lowered the level and smiled, “Sorry, dear, I should let you have a clearer thought process for this. I called the posting “Michele’s Wedding””.

“You used my real name?”

“Who is going to know? As of now, only us and your parents. So if we don’t say anything, how could anyone really know?”

“Yeah, well how about everyone we were involved with at the Resort?”

“But then they could also be identified.”

“Oh god, Tim, I’m cumming. Hold me, please. I don’t want to make a scene on the plane.”

Tim took her in his arms and she buried her face into his neck. The stewardess came to check on them just then and said, “I don’t want to wake her but is there anything either of you need? Oh, she’s not sleeping, she’s … is she … she is … she’s cumming isn’t she.” Finishing with a whisper. “Are you the honeymoon couple that came down last week? I thought so. Congratulations on keeping it going.”

Arriving in Miami, they had a quick connection after clearing customs. Michele felt a bit awkward walking in such high heels and that caused her breasts to move even more. Tim commented to Michele how people seemed to be paying a lot of attention to her. This only increased the awareness she was already feeling. At that moment while moving along a moving walkway, Tim hit the intensity of both vibrators which caused her to gasp. Tim helped her off the walkway and to the side of the concourse where she leaned into Tim and whimpered and groaned as silently as she could. Her second orgasm of the trip home. Tim decided that was probably enough and put the remotes in his carry-on and left them there.

Finally reaching their home town airport, they were met by her mom and dad. After the hugs, kisses and handshakes, luggage retrieved and packed into the car, they were finally heading home. They walked into their house and found Cody bounding up to them, tail wagging and bouncing everywhere he was so excited.

Michele said, “Oh thank you for getting Cody from the kennel to be here when we arrived.” She knelt down and gave him a big hug, rubbing him and cooing his name and various other affectionate names. “I have missed you so much. Have you been a good boy? I bet you’ve been without for the whole time we were gone. We’ll have to take care of that now that I’m home, again.”

There was silence and Michele looked up. She looked at Tim who only shrugged his shoulders. She looked to her mom and dad and asked, “What?”

Her mom spoke, “Honey, we’ve read all the postings about your honeymoon that Tim submitted. My god, what a honeymoon! You need to know that just reading about it has stimulated our sex life immensely. That was so hot. And I can’t wait to see the actual video of the dinner party.”

“But we only found out about the DVD on the way home.”

Tim corrected, “No, dear, you only found out on the way home. Mr. Rodriguez told me that night that he would give me a copy. And, I told your parents.”

“Oh, I feel like you must think I’m some kind of whore the way I have acted.”

Her dad responded with a smile, “Oh, no, dear. A slut maybe, but not a whore.”

And her mom added, “But, dear, you committed to Tim to be his slut. And from the postings, you certainly are. Look at me, Michele, it’s wonderful. Remember what I said to you the night of your commitment? I envied you! I did and I still do. You committed to something that I wish I could have. And not only that, but you lived up to that commitment. I’m so proud of you. And I so respect what you are doing for the two of you. I respect both of you so much. You for wanting to do it and doing it. Tim for finding ways for you to fulfill those desires and keeping you safe. I think I’m going to cry.” And she held her daughter tight.

When she pulled her face back, she looked into Michele’s eyes, and Michele saw passion in her mother’s eyes and face. Michele put her hands on each side of her mother’s face, smiled at her, and kissed her on the lips. Then again. Then she leaned all the way in and gave her mother a full out passionate kiss, lips mashed to each other, then mouths open, tongues seeking each other’s and the open mouths. They pulled back gasping. Michele looked at her mom, then her dad who was watching with a similar look in his eyes and finally to Tim. She said to all of them, “Wow, this is just sinking in. I think I might have two more lovers in my life now.”

Her mom and dad embraced her together. Her mom said, “Dear, we would love nothing better than to be able to share ourselves with you. No, that’s not being honest. Dear, we would love to be able to fuck you. We want it. We really want it.”

Michele hugged her parent again and there probably were a few tears of joy at the moment. But her mom interjected, “But right now, right this minute, what we really want is to watch you take Cody for the first time since after the ceremony. Please, we know you are going to, just let us watch you with him.”

Michele knelt down in front of Cody and asked him, “Are you ready to give me a good fucking, boy? It’s been quite a while hasn’t it? Are you ready? Yeah, I think you are. Okay.”

She stood, kicked off her shoes and undid the tie at her waist and the dress fell open exposing her naked body. Her mother exclaimed, “Michele, you came all this way dressed like that?”

“Mother, come on. I’ve essentially been naked all week. I’ve fucked up a storm all week with complete strangers. I’ve fucked dogs. At this point so what if I end up exposing some of my body to other strangers. Hell, Tim even made me cum transferring in Miami! Talk about exposed.”

“Okay. And I asked to watch you fuck you dog. Good point.”

Michele started to get down on her hands and knees and realized she needs to take care of two more things. She bent over in front of her mother and asked, “Mother, would you help me, please?”

Her mother looked right into her crotch at a fancy string hanging out of her daughter’s asshole. She took hold of it and started pulling and out came the bullet. Her mother just gasped. “You had this in you the whole time?”

“Yes and Tim had the remote for it. But there is more. I need you to put your fingers in my pussy or should I have dad do this. Yeah, let’s have dad do this one.” She moved over to her father and bent over in front of him and said, “Dad, put your fingers in my pussy and search around. You’ll find it.”

Tentatively, he inserted one and then two fingers into his daughter’s pussy and found something inside. He had to work it some and this was getting Michele going. Not only the effort to remove the egg but that it was her father. Sudden both Michele and her father felt it start vibrating and they flinch with surprise. Tim and Michele’s mom both laughed. Finally it came out. Michele was now well lubricated. She got onto the floor on her hands and knees and called Cody to her. He came immediately, sniffed her ass and started licking, and licking, and more licking. Michele told him to fuck her already. Whether he understood that or not, he got up onto her back and made some thrusts at her. Michele reached underneath, found his cock on one of his humps and guided it into her pussy. She gasped at the urgency she felt and encouraged him to fuck her, to mate her, to take his bitch that has been away too long. He pumped with jackhammer intensity. He wanted release. Maybe he wanted her to know where she belonged. Maybe that was thinking about it too hard. But whatever, he pounded her and she moand and groaned and encouraged him. He voice was inconsistent with the pounding. Then she felt the knot forming and hitting her pussy lips. When she felt he was urgent to get it into her, she matched his thrust with one of her own. As pushed into her, she pushed back against him. She also wiggled her butt, doing whatever to get that knot inside. When it finally was, she gasped and groaned again. It went so deep and the knot filled her up so well. He pushed harder and faster with the knot inside and she felt him going deep … and she knew her mother and father were intently watching and listening. She went over the top and orgasmed. Then, perhaps because of the contractions of her pussy, Cody slammed into her and held himself. She felt his spurts of cum splashing into her body. More and more it came. Yes, he had plenty saved up for her. There were still spurts but much less and they were tied. She wasn’t going anywhere for a while. The knot felt large and very firmly placed.

As she was trapped there on the floor tied to the dog, her mother came to her and kissed her on the lips. Then her father did. And she came again. Tim said to her parents, “Want to see something really interesting? Watch what happens when I move Cody back and forth with the knot inside her.” And he did. He took the dog and moved him into and away from Michele’s ass. Each time the knot rubbed across her g-stop and she shook. A dozen times and she was orgasming, yet again.

Her mom gave her another kiss and said, “Thank you, darling. That was absolutley beautiful. You are inspiring me to new heights of experimentation and challenge. But we’re going to go now and let you two get your rest. At least after the dog lets you. We will see you both at our place for dinner Friday night. I’ve talked to Tim. We can’t wait to talk about your honeymoon and watch the video with you. Promise us you won’t watch it until we can all watch it together. Love you.”

Michele thought, how strange is that? Tied to a dog and she is just carrying on a conversation like it is nothing. What a family we’ve become so quickly.

THE END. But Michele continues in »Michele’s New Life«

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