Men with Animals

My Stallion, My Mate


(c) 2013 by silent_one

Chapter 1

My parents live on a farm out west. We mostly raise cattle and pigs, but every now and then, they try raising something exotic. Now, you may not think a stallion to be very exotic, but when you’re used to pigs and cattle, it’s a big change. It all started when, instead of all out raising horses, they decided to try babysitting one first, kind of a trial run so to speak. The result was a large black stallion named “Turbo”. He belonged to a neighboring couple, and by neighbor I mean they lived about 6 miles down the road.

When he was dropped off at our ranch, it was the first time I had seen a stallion in person. I have seen horses, and ponies, but not a Stallion, much less one of such size and muscle. His coat was flawless, like it was taken care of by god himself. My parents decided to house him in a side barn for the duration of his stay. He’d be with us for about 4 weeks, just long enough for our neighbors to go on a vacation, and for us to get an idea of what taking care of a horse is like.

I was assigned the responsibilities for taking care of him. I was to feed, clean, and clean out his stall on a regular basis. Almost immediately, I got to work, cleaning, brushing, and feeding him. There were times when I would spend most of my day in his stall, seeing how a horse as large as him does his business a lot.

One day, I was brushing him, like usual, and I noticed something unusual. Now, I’ve had my share of sex-ed classes, not to mention farm animals hump each other all the time, so I can recognize a hard-on when I see it. What amazed me was the sheer size of the horse’s dick. It had to be well over 2 ft long, and as big around as my wrist. Suddenly, Turbo starts making some throat noises, and starts to hump air. Knowing what he wants, and a little unsure myself, I reach out my hand, and grip his dick, and start to jack him off. As I start, I can see his precum coat the tip, and drip onto the floor. I slowly quicken my pace, and his hips move in response. Before long, Turbo starts making loud horse sounds, and he cums in my hand. He spurts huge spurts forward onto his hay. Eventually, the fire hose stops, and I swear he came at least a gallon. Seeming satisfied, his cock shrinks into its sheath, and he curls up in a corner satisfied, leaving me to clean up the mess.

Every now and then, I’d have to repeat jacking him off, knowing how I feel when I feel the need to jack off. Almost every night after, I’d have to jack myself off at least 3 times. Usually, I start by whipping my 7 in dick out, and rubbing it. Eventually, the image of Turbo cumming all over my hands pops into my head. I jack my cock with my right hand, and let my left finger my asshole. In no time, I’m coming all over myself. I even became addicted to my own cum after tasting it once, now I can’t live without it.

This got me curious, what would Turbo’s cum taste like? I had to find out. During one of our sessions, after I made him cum, I got what I could, and ate it. Ohh my god, it was great, better than my own…..I needed his cum now. The next day, I got him hard, instead of it happening this time. I rubbed his soft cock, and he responded by it reaching its full glory. For the first time, I kneeled under him, and licked his dick. He seemed too like it, if his bucking was any indication. When his first drops of precum appeared, I lapped it down greedily. Being brave, I took the head into my mouth, and moved down as far as I could without choking. I had to be careful, his bucking almost choked me. I grabbed the base if his cock with my hands, and jacked him while I gave him his first blowjob. I forced my mouth as far down as it would go, and I gagged. Mot much mind you, but some. In any event, I had something to work with. I took some of my spit in my hands, and used it to lube his cock to give him a proper handjob. After no time at all, I felt his cock tense, like so many times before, just not in my mouth. I felt him shoot in my mouth. The first spurts went straight into my belly, while others I could actually savor. Eventually, I couldn’t hold it all in anymore, and I had to pull off his cock. The rest of his spunk hit me in the face, hair, shirt, etc. After he was finally done, I was amazed, both at his incredible taste, and how much I was drenched. I scooped up what I could, and ate the rest of it. It was sooooo incredibly good. I’m just lucky I brought an extra pale of water with me.

It wasn’t long before I became addicted to his cum. Even after I’d blow Turbo, I’d have to jack off every night, and it got to the point to where I would have to stick a banana up my ass to even come close to matching the incredible thrill of making Turbo cum all over me. It was like I was on fire all the time, unable to cool down, and the only time It would calm down would when I was soaked with his cum.

I just couldn’t take it anymore, and I knew what I had to do. It was another hot summer day like the all the rest. I went into his stall, and went straight for his dick. I got down on my knees, and took his soft dick in my mouth, with my own hardening in the process. It takes just a minute for him to reach his full hardness. I blow him like usual, gagging myself to get lot of lube, and using my hands to spread it around his hardness. After he was fairly lubed up with my spit, I stood up from under him, and dropped my jeans, and under wear. I dropped to my knees again, and went back to his dick. I took some of my spit on his dick, and spread it on my asshole. I started by rubbing it around the hole, then sticking it in, lubing my insides.

After I was lubed up enough, I stood up, then bent over with my ass in the air, ready for a good fucking. I’m guessing Turbo got the picture because he moved up to where his cock touched my ass. I grabbed the head, and aimed it for my virgin asshole. As he moved forward, his dick slid into my ass hole. It felt incredible, the mixture of pleasure and pain was……..incredible. I could literally feel my ass being stretched to its limit, and farther. I braced myself with my arms, so as not to fall, and lose any of his incredible cock. Unfortunately, he could only get about 5 inches of his sex tool into me, but it felt like I had a watermelon up my ass. He seemed to read the fact that no more of his dick was going in my hot hole. He started to buck his hips, trying to fuck me. Almost instantly, from his sheer size, my prostate was squeezed, and I came instantly. I never stopped in fact, not until he was finished. He kept thrusting into me, trying to breed his bitch, and that was all I was to him, his bitch. In no time, I felt my warmth deep in my colon, warmth like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I could feel his cum coating my organs, places I never knew I had. In my lust-crazed haze, I happened to notice that I could actually see my belly distend, almost like I was pregnant.

When he was done, he backed out of me, and all his cum flowed out of my ass. I hit the ground, unable to support myself anymore, especially with my ass being wide open now. Like usual, he went to a corner to rest. I on the other hand, could only lay there. It must have been about 20 minutes I laid there, before I could get enough energy to stand, let alone walk. It was nearly impossible for me to walk right for the next week. I used the excuse that I had eaten something that had made me go to the bathroom a lot or something like that. It wasn’t very long after that that, Turbo had to go back home down the road. When the neighbors asked how it was taking care of a horse, I replied it was great. My parents are seriously thinking about buying some horses to raise. The only thing is, It seems that I can’t keep any food down lately……


Chapter 2

Our neighbors let me visit Turbo every other day or so. They understood I got attached to Turbo, as most folks my age do. Little did they know how attached we truly were. I’m somewhat incapable of keeping a lot of food down at once. I’ve resorted to snacking throughout the day for nutrition, since small amounts of food seem to stay down. My parents were concerned, so my mother made an appointment with the doctor to make sure this was just a bad case of the flu, and not something else. Of course, I and my mate know better. I pull into the neighbor’s farm, and pull right up to the barn Turbo is housed. The neighbors said to just walk right in if nobody’s around. As I walk into the barn, I pass other animals in their stalls. I walk to the middle of the barn, until I see him, the incredible beast that took my virginity.

Hearing a sound, Turbo turns his head, and sees me. He starts to make noise, as if he’s happy to see me again. I walk up to his face, and kiss his nose. “It’s alright Turbo. I’m here now.” Seemingly understanding my words, he quiets down a bit. “You sure did a number on me. It took me quite a while to walk right after you fucked me.” Turbo makes a sound, and he pokes my belly with his nose. “Hehe, you know, don’t you. You know that you knocked me up, just like I know. Never mind how it happened, but I feel proud to be pregnant with the child of the love of my life. Today, I’ll see the doctor, and she, and my parents will get the surprise of their life when they find a fetus in my belly. And I’ll tell them ‘My mate knocked me up, and my mate is a horse.’ Imagine the surprise on their face.”

And surprised they were. When the doctor gave me the ultrasound, and saw the fetus, she was just stunned, as was my parents. Needless to say, they were very upset, both with the fact that I was their son AND knocked up. They nearly lost it when I told them who the father was. The doctor was able to calm them down, telling them that all this uproar could be harmful to both me and the child. Going with this, they calmed down a little. They pried the doctor on getting an abortion. After a lot of yelling on my part, and some more scans by the doctor, she concluded that an abortion would simply not be possible. The procedure would most likely kill me in the process. Upon hearing this, my parents calmed down to about normal.

The travel home was not a pleasant one to say the least. The poked and prodded about every detail of how this happened, when, where, etc. Needless to say, I pretty much told them everything, whether they wanted to or not. By the time we got to the house, my parents had forbid me from seeing my mate ever again. I was so incensed at them telling me that that I got on my bike, and immediately rode over to see him. My parents got in the car, and went after me. We ended up at the barn at the same time, what with the bike shortcut and all. I started running to the barn as my parents got out of the car, and yelled at me. “Get back here right now boy!!” my father yelled. As I was running, I tripped and fell on the ground. Seeing the opportunity, my father quickly moved to pick me up.

Before he could get to me, there was a loud sounding, like thunder crashing. Turns out, it wasn’t far from the truth. Turbo had broken free of his stall, and slammed himself into the barn door, bursting it open. He took his position between me, and my father. My father stopped in his tracks, awed at the power of the massive stallion. Unsure of what to do, he just stood there. “Don’t worry son, I’ll get you somehow.” I yelled back, “He’s only protecting me, and his kid dad. Can’t you see that we love each other?”

Whether he understood or not, he decided to let this be, especially considering he didn’t have much of a choice after all. It’s hard to argue with a Stallion, especially one who is protective of his mate. We eventually explained the entire ruckus to our neighbors, Turbo’s owners. Needles to say, they took it quite well, a little surprised, but a lot calmer than any of us expected. Seeing the situation as it was, they agreed to let us have Turbo, as long as we take good care of him. “Then again, with you, I don’t think we should have any cause for concern” is what they said.

And thus, my mate officially came to live with us. Just like before, I took care of him, like he should be taken care of. He is the most wonderful mate in the world, even if he’s a Stallion, and I’m a boy, about to become a mother.

I’d take care of him every day, in more ways than one. I remember one day in particular, I was brushing him, and he got excited. Eyeing his hard cock I commented, “Enjoying the attention, are we?” I swear his dick responded to that instantly. I still wasn’t showing much, so moving around was pretty easy to do. I moved to his side, and grabbed hold of his dick. With the beginnings of a hand job, I urged him on. “I know you’d love to fuck my ass with your tool, but the doctor says he doesn’t want any funny business until after I give birth. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t get some protein for the little one.” I slipped under him, on my knees, and took his dick head into my mouth, as best as I could. I started by licking his piss slit, which by now was oozing pre-cum like crazy. I stuck my tongue in, and twirled it around, which I’m assuming he loved, considering he tried to buck into my mouth. “Now now stud, I’m going to get this beast down my throat eventually, but not now.” I grabbed his cock head, and ran my tongue from the head, down to its base, and back up. I had to stop for a minute, and whip out my own dick, straining against my still fitting blue jeans. I quickly went back to licking every inch of the underside of this monster that put a kid in my ass. When I moved back down to its base, I decided to try something new. I started to suck on my lover’s balls. I’ve heard of people doing it before, so I’d figured why not. Although they were a little fuzzy, they tasted wonderful. I started by licking them one at a time. After they had a good seen of my saliva on them, I sucked on them. If they weren’t as big as they were, I could probably fit them in my mouth, but, let’s just face it, there’s no way I could get those huge things in my mouth, even though I really wanted to. After I was satisfied with the job I did on his balls, I moved my way back up to his dick head. With his cock nice and well lubed with my spit, I started to glide my hands over his tool, giving him a handjob. As I started to jack him, I started talking dirty to him. “That’s it, you’re about to cum, ain’t ya stud? Sure you are, you’re a beast of a stud. Hell, you’re so potent; you knocked up a human boy.” As I sped up my pace, I could tell from his trembling that he was close. “You’re about to cum, I know you are. Go ahead, cum all over me. Spray me with the cum that you bred you’re bitch with!!!” Almost on cue, he came all over me. The first few spurts hit me in the face. Moving quick, I closed my lips over his dick head, and sucked down the rest of the cum. The feeling was incredible, almost like……I can’t describe it, but the pleasure was….severe is the only word I can use.  After he finished, his dick retreated back to its hiding place, and I slumped down on the ground, in awe of the power of my mate. Looking down, I noticed my own dick going flaccid. “Holy shit Turbo, I came just from blowing you. Now that’s a first.” As he went and lay down, I got my water pale, and rinsed myself off from the incredible session me and my mate had.


Chapter 3

I wake up from a good long sleep. I’ve been sleeping a lot more recently, although the constant running to the bathroom doesn’t help much. Then again, Turbo is quite insatiable, as am I. There’s nothing I love more than to feel his dick quiver in my hands as he gives me a cum bath. As I go into the bathroom, I admire my form in the mirror. I’ve been wearing just a long shirt to bed nowadays, seeing how it’s simply easier. I lift up the bottom of the shirt, and stare at my belly. It’s starting to show some now. Mind you, it’s not much, almost like I’ve got a little gut, but I know better. I take my right hand, and trace along from my neck, over my puffy nipples, and trace straight down over my small mound until I reach my dick, which is semi-hard just from that small touch. I take firm hold of it, and start to pump it. As I jack myself off, I stick my left fingers in my mouth, and imagine it is my lover’s cock in my mouth. As I suck on my fingers with reckless abandon, I keep up my handjob. In no more than a minute, I spray all over the bathroom mirror. Coming down from my orgasm, I grab hold of the sink for support. Not wanting to leave too much of a mess, I promptly lick up my cum from the mirror, and use some toilet paper to get the rest. Now, I need to take a shower, especially considering I have another doctor’s appointment today.

I haven’t really had to deal with clothing issues yet, and a loose pair of jeans with a decent pair of suspenders seems to work fairly well, especially considering how easy they are to get off. As I sit in the waiting room with my mother, the room is pretty empty. The doctor allotted us some extra time, especially considering the unusual nature of my condition. In what seems like no time at all, the nurse comes and takes us into the back. She does the usual, takes weight, height, blood pressure, etc. Almost as quickly as the nurse leaves, the doctor comes in to see us. Exchanging the usual pleasantries, she gets right down to business. “Now, first I’m going to give you a general look-over. Now, Mom, could you please wait outside?” the doctor asks. Used to the leaving the room while the doctor looks at her son, she leaves them to their business at hand. The doctor asks the boy, “Would you please undress for me?” Nodding, I take off my clothes, until I am completely naked in front of the woman that will most likely deliver my child. The doctor, meanwhile, slips on her latex gloves for the inspection. The doctor inquires, “Have you noticed any major changes recently?” I reply, “A few. I noticed my belly’s showing a little bit, and my nipples seem to be feeling itchy for some reason.” The doctor starts with my nipples, and starts to examine them. “If I had to guess, I’d say they are trying to get into the initial stages of producing breast milk, but I can’t be sure, especially due to the unusual nature of your pregnancy.” As she moves lower, she feels my belly, “There is a slight bulge there. Most of the time, only mother’s who are on their second or third child have that at this early stage. Hmmm, interesting.” She reaches for a hospital-type smock. I put it on, and with my mother, we go down the hall into the gynecological room. “We use this room for gynecological exams. But considering what’s going on here, I think this will serve.” She motions for me to get in the chair that has the stirrups for the legs. I oblige, and she uses the chair’s motors to maneuver me so that she has a completely unobstructed view of me below the waist, dick, balls, and asshole. “Now, what I’m going to do is a rectal exam of you, and see if everything seems alright down there, at least relatively speaking.” As she puts on a new pair of rubber gloves, she gets some lubricant, and sticks her fingers up my bumhole. I feel her moving around in there, and all of a sudden, she quit. “As far as I can tell, everything is pretty normal. Next is the ultrasound. You can put your clothes back on now if you’d like.” The nurse brings them to me, and I quickly change back into my tee shirt and blue jeans with suspenders. As the doctor wheels the ultrasound machine in, I lift up my shirt, and let my suspenders sag a bit, giving her access to my belly. As she puts the gel on my belly, then the ultrasound device, I see the image of my child on the screen.”There it is. I’m afraid it’s still too early to tell much of anything about it, but it looks pretty normal for the time being, as do you.” Finishing up, she wheels the machine out of the room, and then returns to talk to us.

“Now, there are a few concerns I have. First is that it seems that, at least in my opinion, your chest is starting to develop mammary tissue at a rapid rate, and that you may actually be producing breast milk by the end of the pregnancy.” My mother comments quickly, “Breast milk? My son?” The doctor is quick to reply, “Listen, it’s important for you to stop thinking about him as a boy. He’s going to be a mother, probably within the next 9 months or so. You need to think of it like that.” My mother can only nod in agreement. The doctor continues, “The second concern is how this child will be born. In nature, at least as far as mammals go, children are usually born and come out of where they were made. For females, it’s the vagina. For you on the other hand, it seems as if the child will most likely come out of your….well, rear end.” Quite surprised, and shocked, I reply”. “My asshole?!?! There’s no way a baby could fit in there, much less come out.” The doctor, in a soothing voice replies, “Take it easy. I have no doubt that it will hurt quite a bit, but I’m reasonably confident that you body will make the necessary accommodations for you to give birth. The human body is quite good at adaptation.” Standing up, the doctor motions my mother, “I need you to fill out a little paperwork with the nurse. I’d like to talk to your son alone for a bit.”

After my mother leaves the examination room, the doctor hands me a bag of goodies. “Even though I’m fairly certain that your body will make the necessary accommodations for your child to be born through your rectum, I’d like to help that along as much as possible.” As I look in the bag, it’s filled with dildo’s of varying girth, but none of them more than 4-5 inches long. Seeing the confusion on my face, the doctor interjects, “This may be slightly unconventional, but I’d like you to try to masturbate with these in your rectum. Start small, but lead up to the bigger ones. I’m hoping that if your rectal cavity has a history of being stretched, it may help facilitate the birth.” A thought goes off in my head, “Does this mean I can have sex with my Turbo now?” I ask, hoping for the answer I want. The doctor shakes her head, “I’m afraid not. The reason I don’t want you having sex with the……horse is because he is an animal and one wrong poke by him inside you, and it’s so long pregnancy. That’s why all of the dildo’s I gave you are on the shorter end, but decently sized in terms of girth.” With that, the doctor ushers me out of the examination room, with me pouting the whole way.

Although I was disappointed about not being able to fuck my lover, I’ll take what I can get. I decided to try out my new toys that night. Upstairs, in my room with a full belly of dinner, Turbo’s after dinner desert, and our child, I pulled out one of the smaller ones to start with. It was maybe about 4 inches long, and only a few inches in girth, a good starting place.  I peel my tee-shirt off my chest, and it’s quickly followed by my sweatpants, and finally my boxers. I walk over to my bed, and almost instantly put the fake dick in my mouth. I start by wrapping my lips around it, and moving it in and out, just like I would my mate. I pull it out, and swirl my tongue around the tip of it, then start pistoning it in and out of my mouth. I take my free left hand, and grasp my cock, and furiously start to pump it, as if my life depended on it. With me sucking the fake dick in my hand and me pumping my dick, I cum all over myself, and the sheets in the spraying.
I giggle to myself, seeing my still hard cock after my cum, “I am insatiable aren’t I. I guess my lover has ruined me.” I take the dildo, and get all of the come that I sprayed on it as possible. Giving the fake cock one last lick, I lay on my back, and aim the dildo for my rosebud. It takes a little bit of force to get its head past the opening, seeing how I’ve had to be satisfied with my fingers for the past few months. As it sinks into my asshole, I can feel it stretching me. I keep it up until I reach the base of the short dildo. I grab its base, and pull it out to the tip, and then ram it back into the cavity that my child will come out of. I work up a good rhythm, thrusting it in and out. I take my left hand and start to rub my, now hard nipples.  They feel like electricity as I rub and punch the ends of them. As I look down, my dick’s leaking pre-cum, almost begging to have cum surge through it and spray me again. I move my hand to my mouth, and eagerly suck on my fingers. In my mind, I imagine that it’s really my mate’s dick in my ass. A tool of such size that I scarcely can imagine, trying to knock me up again. As I moan around my fingers, I pound the imitation tool in and out of my quivering hole. I imagine Turbo bucking, trying to get more of his massive weapon inside of me, just before he lets loose a torrent of cum. Imagining this, I go over the edge, and scream out in pleasure as my own dick sprays cum all over me for the second time. The first spurt hits my square in the face, with the others going lower as they progress. As I come down from my second orgasm of the evening, I lay back exhausted. Grinning to myself, I scoop up the cum that’s on my face and chest, and lick my fingers clean. “It’s not the love juice of my lover, but it’ll do for a late-late night snack.”


Chapter 4

It’s a nice warm day, and my lover is running around the fenced-in enclosure. As I walk up to the fence, Turbo notices me instantly, and runs over to me. As he gallops up to me, I plant a kiss on his nose, which he repays with a lick of his own. “Enjoying your exercise today, hon?” I ask. His sounds of approval make me happy. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice his dick starting to peek out. Upon seeing this, I remark, “You know, you’re almost as horny as I am.” Knowing what’s next, my lover pulls away, and goes into the barn, anxiously awaiting his mate to give him some lovin. I take my time going into the barn, just to tease him. This way, his dick will be even bigger for me to suck on. Eventually, I go into the barn to where my lover is waiting for me.

Even though I intended to tease my lover, my own rock-hard member proved that I may have teased myself as well. As I stroll into the barn, Turbo rushes to meet me. He seems to take notice of my hard-on poking through my dress. I’ve recently took to wearing maternity dresses, simply because I AM pregnant, and the dresses fit pretty well, especially considering my formerly flat chest has grown to a set of A-cup breasts to feed the foal. He slowly moves his nose down, slowly rubbing my 7-month pregnant belly on the way down, even though it looks like the belly of a woman who’s overdue. Turbo nudges my hard dick, and I lift up the hem of my dress to give him better access. Turbo catches glimpse of my dick poking through the gap in my boxers, and starts to lick it. Almost instantly, I get weak in the knees, and Hold onto my mate’s strong neck for support. He begins by licking the head of my cock, the best he can. He moves down, and licks the entire underside of my dick from balls to dick-head. It takes only a minute before I spew my pregnant seed all over myself and my lover.  When he’s done, he lifts his head to mine, and I kiss his face, and he returns the ferver. He opens his mouth, and I eagerly suck on the tongue of my stallion. Breaking the kiss, I move to get a nearby bucket to sit on. I put it under him, and take off my dress. I grab the hem of it, and lift it above my head, feeling the fabric glide across my belly. Taking off my boxers, I finally take my place on my bucket under my lover, this beast that knocked me up.

I take his hard tool in my right hand, and use my tongue to lick up all the pre-cum leaking from the slit. Using my tongue, I lick all around its head, getting it nice and shiny before I take it into my mouth. I use my hand, and spread my spit all over his tool, getting it ready for me to jack it off. With my left hand, I grab my hardening nipples, and start to tweak them. Unable to control myself, I take my lover’s dick head into my mouth, tongue swirling around it as I do. I revel at the taste of his pre-cum as I feel it leak from his cum slit. Following suit, I slowly start to pump his rod. As I pleasure him, I move my free hand down over the swell of my belly, taking special care to drag my fingers along. When my free hand reaches my dick, I only stroke it a few times before I cum for the second time today. As I moan onto my lover’s cock, I can feel his dick get bigger in my mouth, threatening to explode. Fortunately, I’ve gotten quite good a torturing my lover’s dick. With my right hand, I grab the base of his dick, preventing him from feeding me his cum. The discontent of my lover is obvious from his whimpering, begging for me to let him cum. Giggling, “Not yet hon. Besides, you know you love it when I hold you off, then you make a firehose look bad.” His whimpers are a sure sign that he needs to cum, pretty badly this time. Leaving my right hand grasping his dick, preventing him from cumming, I use my left hand to jack him, while my expert mouth works its magic. His whimpers tell me that he desperately needs to let loose. Taking my mouth off, I start to talk dirty to him, he loves that. “Wouldn’t you like to cum. Just let loose all that you’ve got and give me a bath. I bet you wish you were in my ass right now, don’t you. You’d love to feel my hot, ass all around your dick, trying it’s best to drain you of cum. So come on stud, show me how much you’ve got.” With that, I clamp my lips around his cock, and stick it as far in my mouth as his tool will go. I let go of his dick, and use both hands to furiously get all that boiling cum out of his balls. In seconds, I feel his cock get bigger, and I can almost feel the cum rising from the base of his dick into my eagerly awaiting mouth. I caught a lot of the cum in my mouth, but I couldn’t hold it for long, and I had to let the luscious dick out of my mouth. As I was savoring the taste of my snack, my lover kept spraying me with his juice. I felt it hit my face, followed by later spurts falling on my breasts, then covering my pregnant belly. By the time he finished cumming, I was completely drenched in his spunk, almost a gallon it seemed. As I feel his cum dripping off my softening nipples, and my hard, punched out belly button, I could feel our foal moving inside me. “I think that our child likes it when both mommy and daddy are happy hon.” I say in passing.


Chapter 5

Before I go to bed for the night, I admire my naked shape in the mirror. My breasts have gotten to a B-Cup, and are swollen with milk for the foal. I reach up to squeeze a nipple, and some milk squirts out, which I quickly lap up from by breast. I admire the thick line that runs up my swollen belly, a result of my pregnancy. I actually like it; it further proves how much I love my mate. My belly is the size of a 9 month along women with twins. Although, considering I’m into my 10th month pregnancy, it’s not really surprising. As I turn facing my mirror, I can see my hip bones have widened to accommodate the birth through my rear end. As I rub my belly lovingly, I can feel the little one squirming. “Hehe, you like it in there don’t ya. Well, no offense to you, but I’d like to meet you soon, not to mention this whole swollen feet problem will be taken care of.” Afterwards, I hop into bed, and quickly fall asleep.

I slowly wake up to a vague dream. I dream that I’m sitting in a river naked, with my lover and our foal running around. They’re playing out in the water like father and son do. As I enjoy watching them play, I notice how warm the water is getting around me. I decide to get up, but all I can manage is sitting up……in bed. Once I realize that I woke up, the second thing I notice is the warm water I’m sitting in. Reaching around behind me feeling my bum hole, it’s obvious that my water broke.

By the time I and my parents had got the clinic, they were already ready for me. They had a birthing room set up and everything for me. They had me put on a hospital smock, and encouraged me to walk around some to help with the discomfort. The walking around helped quite a bit actually. Although, every time I felt my belly start to harden, I had to take a breather and breathe through the contraction. On top of that, the little one starting squirming all over the place, which I guess he was as anxious to see me as I was to see him.

It took roughly 12 hours of labor to finally hear the doctor say those words, “You’re fully dilated!” All I could think of was thank god. I trust the doctor and all, but it can get somewhat tiresome having to spread your legs every 30 minutes or so just so the doctor can stick a finger up your ass. When I got fully dilated, the doctor started me on pushing. Unfortunately, it didn’t help much, so she encouraged me to keep walking around. She didn’t want to give me any medication, due to my unique situation.

It’s the next day now, and it turns out that I would dilate more than the average woman giving birth, as we found out. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain with my contraction, intensifying it almost 10 fold. I scream out in both pain and shock. The nurses get me on the table, and tell me to get ready to me my kid. As I grabbed the back of my legs to start to push, I feel an intense contraction hit me, and I scream out, trying to push through it. As it lets off, I stop pushing, as the doctor tells me. I can feel a layer of sweat on me, proof alone of my effort. Another contraction hits me, and I give a huge push, trying my hardest to get the foal out. As it ends, I can feel its head down in my asshole, or its birth canal. I feel like I’m being stretched by my lover from the inside out, but I know better.

It takes only another contraction for the foal to crown. “I see the snout.” The doctor hurriedly says. With another contraction through my body, I feel my asshole on fire, almost like lightning struck my asshole. With a great push, “The head’s out” the doctor says. As I take another breather, I can only imagine what I look like. Here I am, a boy flat on his back with the head of a baby horse sticking out of his asshole. I could imagine it must be a sight to see, one for the science fiction books. As I feel another contraction coming on, I give another great heave of energy. The doctor remarks, “The front legs are almost out.” One more push later, the front legs are out. All of a sudden, I hear my foal cry out. It seemed like the whole room went silent while I heard the cry of the foal my lover gave me. A tear comes to my eye as the incredible feeling that this sound was coming from our child washes over me. The feeling is only temporary as I feel the tightening of my belly, eager to get the rest of it out. In one last might heave, I push with all I’ve got and, with a little help from the doctor, I completely give birth to the proof of my love for Turbo, a boy.

After they cut our umbilical cord from me, and clean the newborn up, the nurses put the smaller than normal foal with me in the bed. The foal, knowing its mother, quiets down as I put a blanket around him. Almost instantly, he starts to turn towards my smock, covered nipples, wanting some food. Being the mother that I am, I Undo the smock around my shoulders, and let it drop, revealing my milk filled breasts. Almost instantly, the foal turns and latches on to my nipples, and eagerly sucks down a meal. “Hehe, hungry aren’t you little guy. I’d planned on naming you after your father, but we don’t want a PAIR of Turbos running around do we. How about I name you Hercules, so that you’ll grow up big and strong. Does that sound good to you?” The only response I get is a consistent sucking on my tit, him eager to get as much as possible.

As I look around the room, I realize that everybody has left the new mother and his newborn to a moment of peace together. As I watch Hercules suck on his mother’s tit, a tear comes to my eye. As I stroke his black mane that he inherited from his father, my thoughts go to him. “I can’t wait to introduce you to him, maybe tomorrow if we’re lucky. You look so much like your father.” I noticed Hercules had stopped sucking my tit, and laid his head on my chest to rest. He had a long journey as well, especially considering how cramped it probably was in my belly. I laid my hands on him, and laid against the pillow to rest myself. Before I drifted off to sleep, I said to myself, “I’m a mother.”


Chapter 06 – Epilogue

My lover is lying on his side sleeping, his limp cock lying on the ground. I reach out with my hands, and start to give his monster a massage. I hear a few eager grunts from my husband as his cock comes to life. I see the head slowly come out of its sheath, ready for some lovin. I scoot closer, and lick the head of his hard horse dick, like a lollipop. My husband finally wakes up, his head rearing up to see his wife getting ready to suck him. I take a break only to let him roll over on his back so I can get at him better. I quickly latch my lips around the head of his cock, and swirl my tongue around it, eliciting a grunt from Turbo. I pull back, and use both my hands to spread the mixture of his precum and my saliva all over his hard tool. As I work his dick with my hands, I slowly kiss the fur on his belly, at least the fur I can get too without letting go of his dick. I reluctantly let go of his cock, and stand up to take off my maternity dress. As I lift up the hem of the dress, I revel in the feeling of the dress gliding over my 5 month pregnant belly. After the dress comes off, I take off my panties, already wet with precum from my own dick. Turbo gets up on his feet to accommodate what’s about to happen. My husband raises his head to mine, and we share a deep, passionate kiss, only one lovers share. As he opens his mouth, and I mine, out tongues touch, and it’s like the Fourth of July. I eagerly suck on his tongue, almost desperate to get as much of it in me as possible.

Disapprovingly, he breaks out kiss, but heads over to the table. The table is simply a table I lay on that gives him better access to my love tunnel. “Anxious, aren’t we hon?” I say giggling. All I get is a blank stare, as if he’s saying, “Are we going to fuck, or what?” Seeing the eagerness in his eyes, I get on the table, and get on all fours. The table has some sheets, and a few pillows. I use the pillows to help prop me up, and he positions himself behind me, his weapon ready to fuck me silly. I reach back behind me, and grab it’s head, and aim it toward my insides. He inches forward slowly, careful not hurt me. Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky to meet him. I can feel his dick slowly entering me. The head slides past my opening, sneaking its way into my insides. I can feel him bottom out as the head of his rock hard cock bumps inside me. Feeling the obstruction, Turbo stops, and uses his hips to pull his dick out, and then shove it back in. I moan from the feeling of being taken so completely. With the pillows under me, I can’t see my own dick, but I can feel it squirting into the pillows below me. I squirt much more easily when I’m knocked up after all. In between his thrusting, I can feel the foal in my belly moving around, just as excited as his mother at the feelings of pleasure. As Turbo’s thrusting picks up, in combination with the constant stream of cum coming from my dick, I can’t help but to cry out. “Cum on you fucker. Fuck your wife for all he’s worth; knock him up again if you have to.” I can feel him pick up his pace, desperately trying to dump his load in my ass. I start drooling, knowing what’s about to come. “Come on you stud. You’re an expert by now, so CUM IN ME!!!!!!!” I cry out in pleasure bliss. Almost instantly, I feel his dick swell in my ass, and feel my insides being coated with my husband’s cum. If I wasn’t already knocked up, I would have been this time. I scream at the top of my lungs, until I pass out for a minute or two. When I come to, Turbo is by my face, licking me, making sure I’m alright. I reach up to his mouth, and give him a passionate kiss. Once he’s satisfied I’m alright, he goes gets some water.

I get off our mating table, and squat down to let the remainder of my lover’s cum come out of me. After I’m satisfied that I’m decently drained, I reach for a handy butt-plug, and stuff it in my ass, ensuring no dribbles anywhere I don’t want them. I put my dress back on, and again revel in the feeling for the dress gliding over my swollen belly. I walk outside of the barn my lover is in, and walk over to the fence that our three children are kept in. It’s been nearly 5 years since I first gave birth to Hercules. Later, Lightning and Speedy followed. The pregnancies never got easier over the years, but I couldn’t deny my husband, besides, as long as he’s happy, I am. As the three siblings run around, playing tag with each other, I feel the little one squirming inside me. I can barely see my belly over my breasts, seeing how they are almost full with milk already. I’ll probably have to start to pump them soon. I reach down with both hands to caress my belly, trying to get the little one to calm down. “Shhh kid. I know you want to meet the world, but it’ll still be a while. You still have some growing to do.” As I caress my belly, I notice the wedding ring on my finger. I think back to the ceremony we had that officially declared Turbo and I married. It was hard to find a priest to marry a human and a stallion, but a family friend, who saw how much the two of us cared for each other, agreed to marry us. It would never be legal, but we didn’t care about that. We wanted to prove to the universe that we love each other. Although, the fact that we have 3 children, with a 4th on the way is almost proof enough. Thinking back on everything, all I can do is be thankful that my magnificent Stallion came into my life, and made both of us whole for the rest of our lives.

The End.

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