Women with Animals



This is a true story that happen to me about 6 months ago. My name is Bethann, I’m a 24 year old from Pa, I’m 5’6, 125lbs, blonde, my measurements are 36c-26-35. My boy friend is John, he’s 28, and he has a German shepherd named Rooster. This is also my first story, I hope you will let me know if you like or not!!

It was a Saturday evening, John and I went out that evening for dinner and a few drinks. John had a few to many, so I had to drive home. When we got home we went right to the bedroom and put on a porn movie, John was on me and fucked me before I even got warmed up 🙁 He worked that day so I guess he was tired, but I was still horny! And now he was fast asleep and I’m watching this porn movie getting hotter and hotter! My pussy is still full of John’s semen as I rub myself till I cum, not as strong as I like but enough to make me fall asleep. I was dreaming of John and I, having Great sex, he was going down on me licking my pussy, and I was on the verge of cumming in my sleep. I woke up feeling his tongue licking me, I was on the verge of one of the most wonderful orgasm I ever had! I heard the porn movie, the moaning, it was still playing. Then I looked up and saw John lying next to me, still fast asleep, but who was doing this to me, driving me crazy!! I look down and there is Rooster!! Licking my pussy, his rough tongue doing me like I never have been before!! I yell at him to get away, but he growls at me and keeps licking me, I try to get up, he barks and growls again,,,, I lie back down, thinking what I should do, I call out for John to help me, but he is dead asleep. As Rooster keeps licking me, my body accepts what is happening, and I lay there hoping he finishes, and gets done soon. As I’m lying there Rooster’s tongue working on me I close my eyes tightly as my first orgasm explodes!!!!!!! I shake all over cumming like never before, His tongue driving me wild!!! His tongue licking out my cum, as fast as I continue to cum. I’m screaming my body shaking as I cum again, and again. Then I feel him crawling up on me, his weight on top of me, his pawls on my mid section, I look down as He is creeping up on me, I yell Rooster get off of me!!!!!!! He continue higher, his pawls scratching me his full weight on me, he begins humping, I can’t believe this is happening to me, I’m scream for John to help me…

Rooster is lying on me now with his full weight, then I feel it, his hot cock poking at me, he keeps humping faster, and faster. I feel him at my pussy, he’s almost inside me, I slip my hand down and take his cock in my hand, hoping he will let me jack him off. But no, OMG!!! as I hold his cock in my hand my mind thinks he’s so big, and hot, I’m getting so wet and breathing very heavy again! My mind wonders, what it would be like to have him inside me, to be fucked by a dog!!! I am so confused but my body is craving him, the more I feel Him on top of me, his fury body on top of me, his hot cock in my hand. I guide him to my opening, then with one push, He’s inside me. I let out a loud scream as He enters me. Thrusting deep in me, His hot cock humping me so fast, so deep, I cum again.

His pawls are on my shoulders now, his fury body lying on top of me, pressing against my breast as he fucks me. I think what the hell am I doing letting this animal do this to me, but it’s the best fuck I ever had! I begin talking to him, yes Rooster,” take me”, take me as your bitch, fuck me……… Then…….. I feel the base of his cock swell, I’ve heard of dogs as they knot between one another, but he couldn’t with a human, could he? With one big thrust I felt it, His knot, I went crazy, exploding, feeling his big hairy cock locked inside me…… seemed like an hour but only about 10 minutes, we were locked together. Rooster lying on top on me, His cock deep in me, he’s licks my face, I close my eyes. His wet tongue covering my face, I can’t believe this is happening, to be fucked by a dog….. but what is worse… I loved it….After Rooster finished with his bitch(me), He jumped down off bed and just like a man, lied down and went to sleep. I showered and went back to bed, never told anyone not even John what happened that night. I can’t get that night out of my mind, I get so wet when I think about it, knowing I want Him again, my Rooster, his wonderful tongue, His hard, hot cock, taking His bitch. I’m masturbating now remembering how He took me……. I have to have Him again…… John is going away for a few days, I asked him if I could take care of Rooster for him when he is away……. I’ll let you know how things workout 🙂

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