Women with Animals
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Going Hunting with Dad


(c) 2007 by usafslut

Jenny was totally upset with her father, this was his weekend to have her and she as being dragged along on a hunting trip. There were 5 men and Jenny. The only thing Jenny could even look at as positive was the fact that during the 2 days she would be left alone in the trailer and she could play with herself till she was sore.

Her father owned a nice 29 ft trailer and it was just for she and her dad- the other 4 men were split between two other trailers being towed behind pick-ups they all seemed to have.

Jenny was 16 and had found her pussy the year before. She loved the feeling of cumming and masturbated as much as she could, however her mother always seemed to be around and that made it a little difficult as her mom worked from home. There was another difficulty and Jenny checked on the internet and with a friend and realized she was what was known as a “squirter” and that made it hard to conceal as she either had to have a towel or do it in the shower or over the toilet.

After two hours of driving; the team got to where they were heading and made camp. The guys couldn’t wait to go hunting and soon after setting up, were off to the woods- and headed south to where they felt deer would be.

After two hours in the car Jenny needed some air as well and went for a walk with her camera. She headed north, to not wind up getting shot from some hunter.

Jenny hadn’t been walking through the woods for more then 10 minutes when she saw a clearing up ahead. She thought she spotted a big deer, but wasn’t sure. As she got closer she realized that she was actually approaching two deer, a big buck and a doe and she almost laughed when she realize what she had stumbled upon. The buck was trying to mount the doe and it appeared that she wanted no part of it. Still Jenny could see that the buck had a hard dick that must have been like 18” long swinging below his body. He would jump on the doe’s back and try to hit the spot, but the doe would take off at just the right to make him miss. Jenny started snapping off pictures, especially of the dick hanging below the buck.

Watching this was like watching porn and Jenny soon felt herself getting turned on. She around and found a big tree. She leaned up against, reached down to her pants, undid them and let them fall to the ground. She now had access to her pussy and a view of the two deer.

Jenny watched as the deer played at mating and was disappointed when the doe finally just ran off into the woods. The buck didn’t follow, he stood in the sunny clearing and started eating some grass, his dick was still long bit losing some hardness.

Jenny on the other hand was nearing a orgasm and her fingers were getting wet with her woman goo, She watched as the buck suddenly picked up as his head as if heard something.. Jenny looked around, She hadn’t head anything, and she weas thinking of pulling up her pants as the buck started to head toward her. The way he was moving his head it looked like her was following a smell as kept lifting his head.

Jenny started to wonder if he smelled her, and more importantly the smell of her pussy. She was fantasizing about the long dick inside her, even though a virgin she knew that long dick would have to feel good. She knew he would get scared off if she was standing and dressed, so she quickly got undressed and got down on all fours. He neared her cautiously, but he was much bigger then her and that gave him confidence.

He came over to Jenny and started to sniff at her and moved all around her. When he got between her legs he stopped and brought his noise close to her pussy and Jenny was getting even move excited. The deer had a feeling this might be the place for mating, but he could tell the smell was not of his breed. He continued his walk around her and Jenny was disappointed that he didn’t try to lick or mount her.

The buck was back to being in front of Jenny and he just stood there. She could see that his dick had grown again and that maybe he got turned on when he smelled her pussy. Jenny slowly walked toward the buck, on all fours. He just stood there as she approached and then she went to his side. Jenny could see his dick and was trying to figure out what to do, when to her own surprise she moved forward and licked the buck’s long shaft.

The buck moved away, but moments later moved back, Jenny licked again and realized that it didn’t taste half bad.. She moved her head and took the funny shaped dick into her mouth. The buck stood there but after a few sucks nature took over and he started humping her mouth. Jenny wasn’t expecting this and before she knew it she had about 4” inches of him in her mouth. She tried to hold him in her mouth but the trusts were to forceful and she backed her head away from him.

The buck had been refused one lay a few minutes ago and wasn’t going to let that happen again. She sniffed at Jenny and moved around her till he found the spot he had smelled before. He didn’t have to jump on Jenny’s back as she was short enough not too, so he positioned himself behind her and moved forward.

Jenny felt the deer’s dick hit her butt check. She suddenly realized that what she was thinking about a few minutes earlier was about to happen and she was excited. She moved her butt to the side and suddenly found the dick slide between her now swollen labia. It sent a pleasant shutter through her and the deer felt the wetness as well. The next thrust fount its mark and a couple of inches of his pointy tip were inside her.

It felt great in Jenny and she held back a moan, as she was scared that a human voice would scare off the big buck. But that thought was meaningless on the next thrust. The big buck rammed his next thrust deep inside her. Jenny felt the pain of her hymen being torn away and screamed in pain. The buck paid no attention to the scream and kept humping his strange looking doe and shoving more and more of his long hard dick inside his mate.

It took a few more thrusts for the pleasure inside Jenny to outweigh the pain, but once it did she was moaning and quickly heading for a orgasm. Jenny felt like she must have almost nine or ten inches inside her virgin pussy and long hard thrusts were something she had never felt before. A few more strokes and Jenny was over the top, she felt her pussy explode and heard the rush of cum squirt out of her and onto the leaves below her, she felt the spatter of the cum off the ground and back up onto her thighs and her belly, she knew that she had squirted a lot more than normal and she just kept cuming.

She heard the buck make some kind of noise and then felt her pussy fill with warmth. She knew she was getting her first shot of cum inside her and this made her climax again. The felt great physically and mentally. Once the buck came her pulled out of her and a moment later was prancing away back into the woods.

Jenny didn’t even try to stand – she crawled on all fours back to where her clothes lie. She could smell the sex in the air, or maybe it was just because she had her cum all over her thighs and the bucks cum was slowly running out of her pussy.

When Jenny got to the big tree she turned and sat up and leaned against it. She looked down between her legs and saw white cum mixed with some of blood. She didn’t know how she was going to clean up and looked around for some tree with big leaves or something. As she was looking around she heard something or someone coming. She started to panic that someone might see her naked sitting there. Before she could get up and get dressed she saw what was making the noise, it was a big wolf.

The wolf was sniffing along the ground and once he found the spot that Jenny had squirted, he started to lick the leaves. Jenny saw this and started thinking quickly. She knew that wild animals don’t like to be challenged and the worst thing to do is run. Jenny got back on her hands and knees and turned her butt toward the wolf. She dropped her head and looked between her legs to see what was going on.

The wolf noticed Jenny and slowly moved toward her. He lifted his head as if picking up the scent and moved up behind her. Jenny was getting nervous and excited at the same time. She could see between her legs and now could see his underbelly. Till this point she didn’t know if the wolf was a male or female, but could now see he was a male, and built like a dog.

To Jenny’s surprise the wolf came right up behind her and stuck his nose between her legs and then licked her from her pussy to her butt hole. Sparks went shooting through her body and she felt her pussy starting to tingle. The wolf continued to lick and must have liked the mixture that had been dripping out of her. Jenny smiled to herself and thought “well I guess I found a way to clean up down there.”

Jenny dropped her head again and looked back under herself and the wolf and saw that there was now about a 2 inch red thing sticking out of the wolf’s sheath. She gathered he was getting turned on and she definitely was as he continued his licking.

Without warning the beast jumped up on Jenny’s back and grabbed her around her chest. As with the buck she started to feel something poking her butt cheeks, but missing the mark. Jenny balanced herself on one arm and reached behind her, she felt the furry sheath and aimed it toward her pussy. She felt a wet thing about the size of a finger enter her pussy and quickly put her hand back on the ground as she could barely hold the weight of the wolf on her back.

The wolf started to hump behind her and the little finger sided cock start to grow and expand. Jenny soon felt like the wolf was filling her pussy more than the buck did, not in length but in girth. And the speed at which she was being fucked was intense. Where the buck took long powerful thrusts, in contrast the wolf was making very quick strokes in and out of her very wet pussy. It didn’t take long and Jenny was coming again.

The wolf moved his body up on Jenny and then pushed more of his thick dick inside her. She had no idea how big he had grown, but she was not very full and just kept cumming.
She knew about dogs mating as she had read some stories on the internet, and she realized that it was his knot that she soon felt bang the outside of her pussy and sending even a greater pleasure as his knot was hitting her clit. She tightened her pussy the best she could as she didn’t want to get stuck with this wild animal that might get mean if he couldn’t dismount her.

The knot and large dick drove her closer and closer to another climax and her tightening up was making it more intense. She couldn’t believe that she still had vaginal fluid left, but she started to squirt like crazy again, the additional lubrication was all it took and the knot went inside her climaxing pussy. The pleasure turned quickly to pain and almost just as quickly to pleasure again. It didn’t take long and, even though she was wet from her own cum, she felt her pussy fill with the hot cum of the wolf.

The wolf kept pumping but at a slower pace. Jenny was concerned about getting stuck and felt it was a good time to try to push him out. Between her cum and his she was able to push and lucking move her knees forward. Before the wolf completely swelled his knot, she had disengaged them.. Jenny quickly to see the cock that had been inside her, and as she changed potion to look, the wolf jumped off her. Jenny sat and looked at his dick and her eyes widened as she saw what looked like a 10” dick that really think and the knot had to be 5 or 6 inches across. She couldn’t believe that less than an hour ago she was a virgin and now she had be able to take a knot like that.

The wolf walked up to her and put his nose between her legs. She opened them wide and he started to lick out his and her cum, basically cleaning her up. Jenny rubbed her hand through his fur and enjoyed the bath she was getting. Even after cumming as much as she did, she was starting to get turned on again. But after a couple more minutes the wolf had had enough. He picked up his head, looked strangely at the bitch he had just fucked and backed away. Jenny looked to her side and saw the camera sitting there. She was able to get a few pictures of her lover before he too took off into the woods.

Jenny figured she better get going and slowly stood up and got dressed. She was sore from the fucking she had just had, but all the lubrication had kept her labia from getting raw, so her walking was just slightly painful, but a reminder of what had just gone on.

Jenny made her way back to the trailer before the men came back. She had time to clean up and take a nap, and dream of what might happen the next day if she went back to the same spot, where she had left her scent more than once today.

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