Women with Animals

Big Bad Bruno


(c) 2009 by Seward666

It was so hot out. It was the third week in August and the fourth week in a row of 100+ degree days. I had planned a Las Vegas trip for this week, but they were suffering in 110 to 120 degree weather, so that was out of the question.

I spent the first four days of my vacation cleaning up the house and getting the yard organized, by Wednesday morning I finally found time for me. After cleaning the pool, I made myself a tall pitcher of Margarita following the instructions on the bottle adding a fifth of tequila to it, grabbed my book, stripped down to my birthday suit and went out on the deck to work on my tan.

I live just beyond the edge of town; my nearest neighbor is a quarter of a mile away, so I enjoy a great deal of privacy.

The deck was already heating up from the sun. I set my book and pitcher by my lounge chair and dove into the pool to cool off my body. The water was rather warm but it was refreshing to feel it caress my naked flesh. I swam several laps before returning to my chair. I poured myself a tall glass of Margarita, I love the taste of Tequila, and so my drinks are a little stiffer than you might get at a restaurant. Using baby oil I carefully coated my legs, then working the warm oil in between my pussy lips, around my ass and hips, then my abdomen, my chest and finally my arms and neck.

I don’t have the greatest body around, but I do get a few stares at 46 years old. I am 5’ 3” and 105 lbs and I workout regularly so I don’t have any fat to speak of. I lost 225 lbs two years ago in a nasty divorce; he was a control freak, so life’s been pretty good since then. I did date a little during the first year, but didn’t find anything too interesting, so I’ve been enjoying the single carefree life this past year.

The only company I keep any more is Bruno, my Irish wolfhound; he’s my best friend and guardian. When I got him as a puppy, he could fit in your hand, now he’s a huge dog at 3 years old, almost 170 lbs and when he’s on all fours his shoulders are higher than my waist. But he has a very sweet disposition. This heat has really been hard on him; he has hardly left the backyard patio except to do his business in the field next door.

Anyways, I had read my book and tanned my front for a half hour, rolled over, refilling my empty glass and worked on my back side for nearly an hour. It was getting on towards mid-afternoon, when I decided to dip in the pool again to cool off my body. The sun refracted off the pool like a million diamonds, it was almost blinding. The water was wonderful, after a few more laps I climbed out and sat on the edge of the pool, lying on my back staring into the blue on blue sky. I could feel the tequila flowing through me, most of the pitcher was gone. The sun quickly evaporating the water droplets from my body, my whole world felt rosie, warm, and suddenly erotic. I spread my thighs and began working my right index finger into my tight hole. Within a few minutes my heart was racing and a shockwave rippled down my thighs and through my upper abdominal area.

“Mmmmmmm…..” I came quickly, “Fuck I needed that”, I moaned to myself.
After a few more minutes of basking in the glow and lesser after shocks, I returned to my chair to refill my glass. I wandered into the kitchen for some fresh ice; Bruno met me at the fridge whining for something to eat.

“Hey baby, are you hungry, you pooor thing, you look so hot, why don’t I take you out back and give you a nice bath”, I said scratching his head and sides.

I pulled out the galvanized wash tub, filled it half with water and filled a pail with soapy water and a sponge.

I figured I’d kill a couple birds with one effort, no point in getting my clothes soaked for this task when I can do it naked. I stepped into the tub and squatted down a little.

“Come on boy, come here baby”, Bruno leaped of the deck onto the grass. He loves water; he immediately climbed into the large wash tub with me, splashing like a little kid, I step out to give him room. It takes a few minutes of work to get him lathered up. I can really feel the tequila going to my head with all this exertion, but at the same time I feel really good.

I step back into the tub straddling his back, he can almost support me, my pussy rests on his back easily. With both hands I work the soap under his chest, his ribs, and finally his lower abdomen. As my hands worked the area between his back legs I ran my hands against his dog cock. It felt really meaty, not much different that my ex-husbands, except Bruno’s seemed larger. But I figured a cock is a cock and this one can use some washing too.

So I scrubbed it and rubbed it, I lathered his large dangling balls, pulled back his sheath and gave it a good cleaning too. Then I continued soaping his hind quarters and finally his tail. I grabbed the hose and rinsed all of the soap off of Bruno’s body, as big as he always looks he looked like a huge rat when I finally got the last of the soap rinsed out. Stepping back to review the finished product it was very apparent that Bruno had really enjoyed his bath. Back between his legs was 8 inches of pink dog cock hanging down and it didn’t look like it was completely hard yet.

Bruno still stood in the wash tub, obedient as always and whining.

“What’s the matter boy, why the sad face?” I sympathized as I ran the hose over my own body to rinse the soap off and went back to my chair on the deck.

I called him; he shook twice before he got over to the steps leading back onto the deck.

“Come on up and lay down next to me and I’ll brush your hair baby”, I cooed to Bruno.

I filled my glass again with the last of the pitcher and sat on the edge of my lounge chair, I turned Bruno around to sit facing away from me.

“There you are, so clean and pretty”, I started brushing his fur while it was still wet to get the tangles out. He sat quietly panting as I worked his back sides and around his head and ears.

“OK Bruno, lay down boy, let me brush out the rest of you”.

Bruno turned around in circles twice before I got him to lie down on his side with his feet facing me. It was obvious he was still a bit worked up from earlier. Thinking back I can’t recall ever seeing much of his wiener, except maybe the tip a few times. I had no idea he had such a large cock.

I started brushing his hips; it was really hard to take my eyes off of his cock. As I worked the brush under his abdomen and around his meaty cock, I had to move it out of the way to get all of the area near it. It was mostly limp when I grabbed it, but it jumped and swelled rapidly, filling my hand completely and then some.

A funny thought crossed my mind as I held it and I slowly began squeezing it gently as I stroked it back and forth holding his sheath. Bruno looked up at me licking his chops and letting out a little whine. The cock continued growing in my hand….six inches….eight inches….nine inches….. Of meaty cock was exposed outside the sheath and there was still more underneath it. As Bruno’s cock reached its full size I gently slid the sheath the rest of the way back until a large knot slid out of it the size of my fist.

“Ohhh…..My…..Godddd….., Bruno, you are huge!” I exclaimed. He was huge; it was the biggest cock I had ever seen. I was still touching his cock with my left hand while I had worked the handle of the brush into the opening of my soaked pussy.

I took the baby oil and squirted liberally all over Bruno’s cock and began working my hand up and down his huge shaft. Liquid began to squirt from it, kind of milky but too thin for sperm. Bruno stood up pulling away from me whining and accidentally butted his head into mine really hard trying to lick my face. I lost my balance, dropping the brush (I think the tequila made it much worse) and I tumbled backwards on the lounge. It left my butt on the lounge with my legs spread in front of Bruno and my shoulders and head almost on the deck on the other side.

I had fainted momentarily with the sudden rush of blood to my head and tequila. As conciousness returned everything was spinning, pretty lights flashed everywhere before my eyes and I couldn’t get my eyes to focus. Bruno searched my oiled body sniffing everything; I was spread out wide before him. He quickly located where the great smell was rising from and stuck his nose in my furry little hole.

“Ohhhhh……ohhhh…..”, it snatched my breath away from me, but I was clueless as to what was stimulating me. Electricity shot through my body, I wanted to just lay there and enjoy the moment.

“Mmmmmm………….Ohhhhhhhh……..”, fuck it felt good.

Bruno had slid his long tongue deep into me and was slurping up all of the juices from the brush handle and he was creating a lot more juices. My head spun as I attempted to prop myself up on my arms, I tumbled back twice before steadying myself, my arms and legs were trembling uncontrollably. As I tried to focus my eyes and look down the length of my body, Bruno was looking me straight in the eyes, still slipping his tongue up my crack. My body sent signals to my brain, “Oh fuck this feels good!!”

“Noo Bruno, stoppp itt”, I slurred weakly. Between the alcohol and the heat I was really dizzy and disoriented. I rolled over onto my stomach on the lounge to escape his attacking tongue and just let my body relax, trying to clear my head.

Bruno placed a paw on each side of my back, straddling my ass. I thought to myself, he must being trying to take over my chair with me in it, silly dog.

I started to push myself up with my arms; I was only on my knees, stretched across the lounge when Bruno dropped his chest into the middle of my back and repositioned his back legs. The chair was in my way, Bruno had my boobs smashed into the plastic webbing, it was that moment I realized he was too big for me to move him off of me.

“Ohhhhhh….Brunoooo get offff me……..”, I whined, staring down at the deck boards only inches away.

Suddenly I felt his cock strike the lips of my pussy as he shifted his ass closer to my ass end. His meat was really hard as it dangled dangerously between my legs against my lower abdomen. He hunched up twice trying to locate my opening, missing both times, smearing baby oil between my pussy lips as his meat thrust between them.

I tried desperately to free myself, but he was using his weight to keep me pinned like a bitch in heat. Bruno shifted back and raised his ass slipping his cock between the crack of my ass, sticking the head against my asshole, stabbing blindly he managed to get it an inch into my ass, he shifted his weight to fill me, but it was just enough for me to pull free. The pain from his partial penetration was excruciating, my ass burned viciously from the momentary penetration and stretching.

“Owwww……..goddd dammmmm it”, my eyes watered up from the stinging pain.

Bruno let out a whine that grew into a growl against my ear, he sounded frustrated and pissed.

Now we were playing a game of avoid the weenie, I was not in a position of advantage and nothing seemed real, my head was still spinning. I honestly thought he’d get off of me at any minute and it all be over.

I’ve never felt threatened by my dog before, and this just didn’t feel like it was really happening to me. Bruno stabbed his cock into my butt cheeks several more times before shifting back again to regain his position. Finally his cock was sawing between my pussy lips under my belly. The friction against my pussy lips and my clit felt really good, it was tempting to just drop my hips and let him have me. But I held on hoping he had no idea how close he was. Finally, as he shifted his weight to find my opening I shifted my ass hoping to avoid him, but we both went the same direction, with his cock sliding right up into my tight, well oiled pussy, nearly two inches.

My eyes watered pinched shut hard, “Nooooooo…no pleassse Brunoooo, nooooo”, I moaned in distress as I attempted to scramble off of his cock. Bruno shifted his feet holding the pressure tight into my cunt, pinning me against the metal side of the seat on the chair.

Bruno hunched up suddenly, stuffing six inches of thick meat into me, stretching my opening. “Stoppp, nooo, no, pleasse Brunooo”, I sobbed as he sunk two more inches of cock in me. The pressure felt like I was going to rip apart, his cock felt extremely warm as he stretched the walls of my vagina thin. My thighs were pinned against the metal bar on the lounge so Bruno could push as hard as he wanted and I couldn’t get away. He began pumping he meat into me rapidly, the head of his cock pounded against my cervix. Drool ran from my mouth onto the decking.

I managed to spread my legs farther apart to relieve the pain in my legs, but that only increased Bruno’s depth of penetration. Bruno’s nuts slapped my clitoris with each thrust; I soon felt the warm fluids from his cock spraying the insides of my womb preparing it for the intended impregnation of his sperm. I could feel the big bulge stretching my pussy lips apart as Bruno slowly pushed my cervix further into my abdominal cavity making room for all of his cock.

As Bruno’s pumping cock slowly made room for itself, I felt a sharp pain as the knot momentarily entered me then popped out. This reoccurred several times before it finally entered me and seemed to get stuck. The pain was actually not unbearable with it on the inside as it was being forced through the opening.

Bruno stopped moving, his legs strained, digging his cock into me as deep as possible as his sperm jetted throughout my womb. I just lay on the chair limp, hoping it would be over soon. It seemed like forever, but it was maybe ten minutes before Bruno began to shrink a little.

I started to squirm under him, he was drooling on the back of my neck. He didn’t move.

“Get offf Brunooo”, I slurred. He licked the back of my neck and around my ear. I pushed back against his cock to push him off. He pushed forward with his hips, I could feel his cock pulse. I pushed back again as hard as I could, really sticking his cock in me, the knot had slid out but was resting against my clitoris. I felt a flash of sensation (like, Wow, that was ok) shoot through me. I repeated the move as the sensations became more pleasant.

“OK Bruno, you got yours, it time for Mommy to get hers”, I muttered to myself.

Bruno was obviously enjoying it as I rocked back against his cock. He began working his hips again as his cock began swelling again.

“Mmmmm….eazy baby, I’mm almost there…….Ahhhhh……Shittttt…… yesss, fuck yesss…..”, Christ I was cumming hard on his cock.

He must have felt my pussy squeezing his cock as it spasmed in orgasm, because he began pumping his dog meat into me hard. My orgasm took on a new flavor as it became ten times more intense than I’ve ever experienced. The knot sucked in and out of me over and over as he thrust his cock deep, spraying my cervix with his molten hot sperm.

I lay limp as Bruno stepped off of me and wandered down on to the lawn to lick my juices off of his cock. I could feel the sperm and cum drain out of my stretched pussy as my internal organs slowly shifted back into their original positions. After a few minutes of after glow, I wanted to take a nap, but I also wanted to get cleaned up.

I carefully got up, staggering and wabbling and slipped into the cool water of the pool, it felt good. I slowly drifted around the pool to the side Bruno was on, resting my chin on my arms on the edge of the pool I watched Bruno lick his big pink cock. My pussy really stung.

My thoughts drifted and toyed with the idea of how I could take advantage of such an impressive piece of meat without suffering the effects of being totally raped by Bruno each time.


I awoke Thursday quite sore and bruised , but there had been no permanent damage. My pussy and clit were visibly swollen and the opening had not closed up completely, caused by the intense stretching on Wednesday. I went into town for some shopping, I picked up a quality lubricant and a large 12 inch dildo about the same thickness as Bruno’s cock at the local adult store. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, swimming and sunning. That evening I gingerly worked my new toy into my tender pussy, it took a few minutes to get several inches of it in. My insides felt like they were stretching again, but it wasn’t nearly as intense as when Bruno raped me. After forcing ten inches of latex in, I slowly stroked it inside me until I had a heart stopping orgasm.


Friday afternoon, I’m on my lounge chair, oiled up and Bruno has suddenly become overly interested in me, pushing my book out of the way to sniff my pussy.

“Hey, no you don’t mister, not today”, I remanded him as I pushed his head away. He insisted, pushing back.

“I said NO….”, as I used my foot to push him off. His cock is visibly hanging down between his legs. It’s obvious what he’s after and it’s obvious, he no longer sees me as his master. I’m not as sore as I was, there is still some visible bruising, but I’m not ready to try him again, not quite yet anyways.

I spent the evening romancing my new toy, to the tune of three hard orgasms, passing out after the third one curled up to my dildo.


Saturday morning, the sun is bright in the sky; it’s going to hit 100 degrees again. Around 10:00 AM I decide to catch a quick swim before the heat gets any higher. Afterwards I shower and as I’m applying baby powder to my body Bruno pads into my bedroom and jumps up on my bed and begins licking himself. Bruno knows he’s not allowed on my bed.

“Hey, get out of here and off my bed right now”, I order. Bruno glances up from licking his protruding cock, only to disregard me and resume his cleaning.

Funny thing, over the past three days, Bruno’s cock has managed to remain extended and very visible whenever I’m around. Before Wednesday I rarely ever saw any of it. It’s almost as if he’s deliberately flashing me every chance he gets. And now, a total disregard for my commands and licking his cock on my bed in front of me.

“Babyyyy, what’s gotten in to you”, I sit on the side of the bed nude and rub his head. It seems strange to be as horny as I am and having this great looking meaty cock holding my attention every time I look at Bruno.

I begin rubbing his side until my hand wanders finally down to his exposed cock. It feels great with my fingers wrapped around it; it’s so slick and smooth. My other hand is stroking my swelling clit.

“Maybe I can help you with that”, I can feel a flush coming over me as my heart begins to race a little harder in my chest. I take the lube I’d purchased earlier in the week and squirt some into my palm and spread it over his shaft. Bruno laid his head down on the covers, enjoying the feeling of being stroked by me.

The lube is really slippery and smooth. His cock swells rapidly to its full length as I run my hand up and down the long shaft. The head looks very inviting; the lube I purchased is flavored, just in case it needs to be licked off.

I lower my mouth to Bruno’s cock head and slip my mouth over the end, “Strawberry”.

“Hmmmm…not a bad flavor for a dog cock”, I smile as I continue to slowly stroke him. Bruno raised his head to see what I had done different to his cock.

I slipped the head back into my mouth while I fingered my wet pussy. Bruno’s cock is built a little different than the men I’ve had in the past, the shaft isn’t so different but the head is a different shape. But by the way Bruno is behaving it has the same effect as men. I begin bobbing my head slowly up and down taking in a couple inches with each stoke. Bruno is getting pretty excited but I have the advantage this time with him on his side and me on top, I’m not letting him up, especially since he’s so much stronger than I am.

I shift up on my knees and push Bruno flat on his back, at first he struggles with me until he realizes I’m not going to hurt him. His cock is so inviting.

I lift one leg over one of his legs and hold his cock with one hand and the other leg in front of me with the other I rub the fat head of his meaty cock against my pussy.

“Oooohhh…Mmmmmph…Fuck your cock is on fire Bruno….Are you going to take care of my needs babyyy…”, I cooed. My body tingles in anticipation as my pussy hovers above Bruno’s cock. Bruno just stares at me licking his chops, I’m pretty sure he knows what I have in mind for him.

I rub the head back and forth repeatedly slowly setting my body down onto the cock until the head enters my pussy.

Mmmmm……Ohhh….. it’s sooo big… and nice…”, I shiver as his hot cock spreads my pussy lips wide and slowly slips just inside me. Gently lifting and lowering my body I slowly settle my weight down slipping a few inches of his cock into me. I carefully slip the sheath down over Bruno’s knot exposing his entire stiff boner.

“Christ your thick”, I feel a little burning sensation as he stretches me again, this time it doesn’t hurt, but it still feels really full. I have a firm grip on his cock, between his knot and his body, allowing me to lift almost off and sit down harder shoving the head of his cock against my cervix, I grind the knot is against my pussy lips, but I don’t intend to get tied to him this time.

Bruno starts whining and I can feel the heat of his fluids squirting deep in me. The fit between us is so tight, very little leaks out as I lift my hips and begin pumping my pussy up and down on his cock. Looking down at my pussy, my lips are swollen and stretched obscenely around his shaft with my clitoris sticking straight out as big as the first joint on my thumb

Throwing my head back and pinching my eyes shut, I begin flicking my clit, it’s really intense, the sensation is wonderful and I cum on the forth down stroke, I feel like I might blackout, but I keep pumping his cock fluidly.

Just as my spasms begin to lessen I feel a burst of hot sticky sperm spray the inside of my pussy.

“Ohhh…Ssshittt…..”, I squeal as my second orgasm pounds my body, now I’m slamming my cunt down on Bruno.

Bruno is getting a little nervous and his whining is really getting louder, I try to calm him as I attempt to finish off my contractions.

I just want to lie down immediately from exhaustion and ecstasy. I gingerly slip my pussy up off of Bruno’s gooey cock and watch the sperm and cum mix slide down Bruno’s cock shaft.

I flop on my back sprawled on the bed next to him. I can hear him busily licking up the mess on his cock. After a few minutes he stands and starts licking me off. I’m too tired to push him away. What a great lover, he even cleans me up afterwards.

As I doze off to sleep, I’m thinking about the next time I fuck Bruno, or will I just let Bruno do the fucking.


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