Women with Animals

Becoming a bitch (by usafslut)


(c) 2008 by usafslut

So I started a job at this company and when I went down for lunch I really didn’t know anyone. I got my food and was walking around like I was still in college. I mean I had just graduated and here I am feeling like I was right back there. I saw another girl a little older than me sitting alone. I figured I would join her. As I got near I could see why she might be alone, she was wearing a dog collar as a choker, she had a pierced eyebrow and tongue (I saw that later) and make up on that made her kind of funky looking. But I had already committed to the seat by then and I asked the lame “hi is anyone sitting here?” ice breaker question. She told me “no, sit down if you’d like.” So I did.

I found out during our lunch that she was the web-master for the company and didn’t fit in with most of the “straight” people. I wasn’t sure if that meant straight, or non-gay… but I guess it didn’t matter.

Over the rest of the week I wound up having lunch with Jay (her name) every day, it seemed like I did most of the talking as I was the new girl. Jay’s outfits were wild, and I thought it was cute that she had different colored dog collars to match her outfits.

Friday came and I asked Jay if she did anything special on the weekends, she told me she was going to a club that night and I got myself invited to go along, as I didn’t know the area. She told me I might think the place was not what I normally went to and I told her I was fine with it. I asked her what I should wear, and she replied, “anything, well, don’t show up in business stuff.” I let her know I don’t party in business stuff and we planned to meet at 10 in front of her house as she lived about 3 blocks from the club.

Now I am kind of petit nice build, people say I am pretty and sexy and I have had my share of romance. When I go out to a club I do dress a little slutty and figured that would work for this night as well. I had shaved my pussy completely, hey you never know right?

I showed up in front of Jay’s house and was surprised that she was dressed pretty hot herself, but she still had a collar on, this one had spikes. Somehow when she dressed at work you couldn’t see her figure, but when she walked up to me I realized she had huge boobs. I couldn’t help but say “where did you get those?” She laughed and told me she was a totally different person outside of work. She went on to tell me that at work she knew what she wanted to accomplish and loved her independence. But in her personal life she was very submissive person and she wore what she hopped others would like. I didn’t really know what that meant, I can be submissive in the bedroom, but she seemed to say it was her personality.
We spent a few hours at the club, I had a fun time and the people at the club were really nice but a collection like I had never experienced before. Basically it was heterosexual, but there were also groups of gays and lesbians and even like 3somes dancing together. I had a pretty good buzz on by the time we left .

We got back to Jay’s house and I told her I needed to pee and I needed some time before I got back behind the wheel. Before we went inside she asked “Do you like dogs?” I told I did and that I had one growing up. She told me “Ok, well my dog is very friendly so don’t be scared , he would never harm you. Oh by the way his name is Master.” I thought that was a little weird for a name, but I was drunk and just giggled.

She opened the door and we walked in and around the corner came this miniature horse of a dog. It was a great dane and he was probably 3 feet tall on all fours. “Holly shit Jay, he’s huge” I stated. “Yep, he is a big boy” she walked over to him and started playing with his head and continued “aren’t you Master, you’re a real big boy.”

The dog had a collar on that was identical to the one she had worn during the day at work earlier in the day. I started to wonder if they wore matching ones every day. On my way to the bathroom I saw my suspensions were correct. Hanging in the hall way were about 12 different colors of collars, 2 sizes of each. I thought to myself “whatever turns you on.”

I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I had just started to pee when I heard a bump and the door swing open. In walked Master. I said “hello” and he walked right over to me. I went to rub the top of his head and as I did he dropped his head slightly and licked me right between my legs. I forgot his head was that long and his tongue must have been 8” long. He must have gotten pee on it, but it didn’t faze him.

Out of pure instinct I tried to close my legs when he licked, but my thighs stopped when they reached his jaw. His head was low enough to still give him room to lick me again, and he did. I had stopped peeing by that point, but he kept licking and as gross as it was, it also felt great. I yelled out “Jay I need your help in here?” She yelled back from another room, “hold on I will be there in a minute.” Obviously she was doing something else.

I tried to push the big head away from me, but he was too strong, and I was getting weaker as my body got excited. Jay came in about a minute later and looked at me and said “oh, I should have told you to lock the door, he probably heard you peeing.”

I looked back at her wondering why this whole scene didn’t bother her at all and she was looking at this as a totally normal. I said “can you please get him off me?”

She looked a little surprised and said “do you really want me to, or are you just saying that as it seems to be the normal thing to do?”

Before I could answer Master curled his tongue or something, because suddenly his tongue was inside as appose to just licking my labia from the outside. He went from the bottom of my slit to the tip and then back down again, it felt great and my legs spread further. At the same time a load moan escaped my lips.

Jay smiled and said “I guess he just entered you huh, I love when he does that.” Now panting I asked “you let him to this to you?” “Fuck yeah” she said “why wouldn’t I, he loves it?”

The damn dog was getting me close to an orgasm and I guess I was dripping as he was actually licking faster. Jay got herself around him and came up along side of me. “It feels good doesn’t it?” she asked. “I haven’t seen him with another girl for a long time, you are pleasing him.” she added.

I guess I looked at her in a wanting way and she read me “Do you want me to kiss you while you cum? All you have to do is ask you know?” she said. I hadn’t made out with a girl since I left college and I did want her at that moment. I looked at her and said “yes kiss, me Jay, kiss me and feel me up, I am so close.” I just barely got the words out and her mouth was covering mine. A moment later her tongue was snaking into mine and her hand was squeezing my tit. A moment after that I started to cream into the big dog’s mouth.

He must have liked my cum as he licked even faster. I had to break my kiss with Jay as I was screaming in a climax and couldn’t kiss at the same time. Jay pulled back and watched, while squeezing my tits hard. I heard her say “that’s it Kim cum in his mouth, feed him your juice, he loves that you are giving him what he wanted. That’s it feed him your cum, get all wet for him.” My brain was not registering what she was saying, but it sounded hot.

A minute later the dog backed off me and walked out of the room. I looked at Jay and said “what the fuck- why did he stop?”

She looked back and said “he wants you, and there is no room in here.”

I looked at her confused I think. She pulled me up by my hands. She put her hands under my dress and lifted it over my head. She then got on her knees and took of the rest of my clothes. I looked down at her and asked “do you have a towel to dry me off down there I am wet from his licking?”

She looked up and said, “I think it might be due to a little bit of your cum too don’t you think?’ I looked down and laughed. “Yea that too.”

She ignored my request and grabbed my wrists and pulled me out of the bathroom. We went past what looked to be her room and went into the next bedroom. It was basically empty, except for some throw pillows and Master standing in the middle of the floor. He was standing there with that glorious tongue hanging half way out of his mouth.

“He wants more?” I asked Jay. “Yep, he isn’t close to being done yet.” She replied.

“Here, get down on all fours with your pussy facing his mouth.” She told me. I did as she said and couldn’t wait to be licked again.

I felt his head near my butt and then I felt drips on my lower back and then a few more higher up. I looked to my side and saw him walking over me basically. His legs were long enough that I was under his body as I was on my knees. “Damn, he is big” I said to Jay.

When his from legs were almost to my shoulders I felt his sheath and balls hit my butt. I laughed and said “I guess his junk doesn’t clear my back huh?” Jay just giggled. I looked over at her and she was getting undressed. “cool” I thought to myself.

Suddenly Master wrapped his legs around me and his weight pushed me down a bit. His butt started humping and I felt his sheath banging into my butt. ‘Hey” I said out loud and then felt something sliding across my butt cheeks. I looked over at Jay and said “he’s not trying to do what I think he is; is he?”

Jay giggled again and said “He sure is and in that position I don’t think you have much choice, so just relax and enjoy the ride.”

“No, I don’t want a dog to fuck me, licking is one thing, but I don’t want his dick in me.” I said in almost a panic. I could feel his dick looking for my pussy and I could feel him warm and wet, obviously out of his sheath at this point.

Jay got down in front of me, on her knees. She leaned forward and took the dog’s head in her hands and spoke to him. My head was against her chest and I was looking down at her shaven lips and clit. I heard her say “Master you want her, huh. I told you she was cute all week, and now she can be your slave too.”

I couldn’t believe my ears, but more so I couldn’t believe what I was feeling, the dick was between my legs rubbing against my wet labia. I let out a moan as he skipped across my clit. Jay moved away and then got on her back and slid underneath me. She was heading head first toward my pussy. She was under my tits and stopped. One of her hands moved under me and I then felt the head of Master’s dick at the entrance of my pussy. Jay was guiding him. I felt her push the head inside me and at that moment the dog must have felt it to; as he jammed the thing inside me.

I screamed in surprise and a moment later in pleasure, the thing was in me and seemed to be getting longer and deeper with each thrust.

“Jay why are you letting him do this?” I asked. I didn’t get a response but Jay moved further beneath me, soon her pussy was right there in front of me. As I was thinking of licking her, Master speeded up and was banging me like crazy- his cock still seemed to be growing and filling my pussy like it had never been filled.

Jay was watching him from under me— I started to cum and I was sure I was dripping on her face as I drip like crazy when I cum. Between moans I asked “how…big…is…he?” Jay finally spoke and I heard her say “he’s got almost all of his 13” in you and your lips are stretched real wide, this is so hot.” I wanted to eat her out, but I was cumming too hard and knew I would never do it. She must have realized it as the next thing I was looking at was at her fingers darting into in her wet pussy.

A few minutes later I felt something different on the outside of my pussy. I thought it was Jay jerking him off and her hand hitting my clit. Master shifted and moved his grip higher on me. His legs were now squeezing my tits and I climaxed for like the 5th time. Then I felt my lips stretching even more and I yelled out, “jay I can’t take your fingers in me too.” Then I felt like my pussy was being torn apart. I started to scream “Jay what the fuck” and then I felt my insides fill and my body was being lifted and dropped with each humping motion of the dog.

Jay moved out from under me and said “relax baby” and she started to kiss my face and then my lips and kept kissing me, I was in pain. She continued “He has you knotted, he is about to cum in you and his knot is making it so the cum wont leak out.”

I was able to relax a little and then Master stopped humping. A moment later I felt this warm sensation inside me. I didn’t feel the actual squirts but there was no doubt that the beast was cumming inside me . Jay could see my face change and smiled—“He’s cumming huh? He is making you his bitch and you will understand his name in a minute.” She said almost in a passionate whisper.

Master started moving again. He tried to pull out of me, but couldn’t, he was stretching my pussy from the inside. I looked at Jay in fear—“Just go with it—you are stuck to his swollen knot and he knows it, just go with him as he moves and it won’t hurt.” She said. I responded “well it sure as hell hurts now.”

The dog kept moving on top of me and the next thing I knew he was off of my back, what a relief, but he was still connect to me and he started to walk. He was actually pulling at me and so I started walk backwards on my knees. He started to walk out of the room and I was begging to Jay to stop him. She just shook her head and said “just go with him, you are his bitch at the moment.”

My Master walked though the apartment and stopped at his water dish. He drank and I stayed on all fours, my knees aching from the walk, my pussy still full of dog cock and cum and for some reason me feeling horny again.

The dog left the dish and walked over to his bed. He lied down and I had no choice but to turn onto my side and lie down attached to him. Jay came over and said “well, seeing as you are going to be stuck for a while would you mind?” and with that she lied down next to me on her side. She picked my head up and rested it on her inner thigh with her other one over my head and resting on my shoulder. She positioned her pussy to my lips and I began to eat her out.

Soon she was moaning and it seemed to reach Master’s ears. He bent his head between his legs and started to lick at his balls. As he did he was licking me. I started to get turned on big time. I was eating out Jay and being licked by Master. I guess I got wet enough and he started to shrink, then i felt the huge dick sliding out of me. The movement alone sent me over the edge and I climaxed again. I pushed Jay off of me as I wanted to watch. I saw inch and after inch of the dog cock appear. The knot had reduced but I still got to see at least 12” of dog dick lying there.

Jay swung around and was watching with me. She looked at me and asked “would you let him do it again?” I responded “in a minute, now that I know what to expect I don’t think I would be so nervous.” She laughed and said- “now you know how he got his name, anytime he wants me I am his.”

I leaned into her and we made out for a while. Cum was all over my pussy and legs. We took a shower together and I spent the night. We had girl girl sex for hours and then feel asleep. By the time the next night came around and I went home, I had watched Jay get fucked by Master in both the pussy and ass and I took him twice more myself. I was looking at the mirror as I brushed my teeth at home and smiled as I looked at the dog collar on my neck. I wasn’t going to wear it to work, but I would when I was home or at Jay’s.

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