Women with Animals
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A Man and His Pets: Sandra’s and Courtney’s Fate 4 (20)

(c) 2014 by Lucky Mann Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim’s pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was […] read

Women with Animals
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Crossing the Cartel 4.7 (20)

(c) by  Nats99 Portraying a calm outward demeanor that masked his seething impatience, Carlos sat in the shade at the outdoor cafe, casting glances down the road. A persistent fly circled, dodging the shooing motion of the man’s hand. Across the small table, Rosalita, decked out in finest clothes, jewels, and tits that drug money […] read

Women with Animals
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The Origin of BaDonkeydonk Defender of Crystal City 4.3 (6)

author note 1: the name BaDonkeydonk comes from the slang term ‘badonkadonk’ meaning a woman’s big ass and the animal that gave Bethany Rimes her powers. author note 2: Crystal City was inspired by a story I read long ago. In Mr. X story section. I wish I could remember who wrote it so could […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on Down Mexico Way 4.4 (36)

Down Mexico Way 4.4 (36)

Judit and Ray Bulger went to Mexico, from their comfortable semi detached house in Downlands Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester. They had heard of the donkey shows from a wealthy pal in the Royal Winchester Golf Club, a retired consular executive and they wanted to see for themselves whether it was true that a girl could […] read