Women with Animals
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Artemis – Goddess of the animals 5 (7)

Very few people, especially women have what is considered a perfect job, but I am in that position, working for a facility studying ancient ruins, lost civilizations, peoples who have disappeared. I’m in a division specializing in studying the evidence of the fact Goddess’ actually did exist. Surprisingly there is proof of these species living […] read

Bellyriding Men with Animals
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The Witcher – A Horse Story 5 (2)

Chapter 1: How It Started They’d been traveling together for years, but for some reason, out of the blue one day, Jaskier suddenly announced he was going to buy his own horse. Geralt, to no one’s surprise least of all the bard’s, grunted. Geralt didn’t think it was a bad idea, he just wondered why […] read

Women with Animals
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The Bitch Princess 4.7 (9)

© 2023 by CarnationWriting Kyrene stared at her reflection in the ornate golden mirror, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the way the lacey white fabric hung on her thin frame. Granted, white looked wonderful against her deep mahogany skin tones and her long, wavy black hair, but the dress was loose and heavy. A […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , 1 Comment on The Nymph, the Sorceress, and the Unicorn 5 (5)

The Nymph, the Sorceress, and the Unicorn 5 (5)

© 2023 by JackDRipper The sorceress Jael walked to the shore of the pond in the warm morning sun. The air was still cool, but the pond was warm. A thin mist rose from the water, turning a pale orange in the dawning sunlight that glinted off her long, dark hair. She peeled off her […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , 1 Comment on The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

The Brothel on the borderlands – Chapter Two: Brothel Training 4.8 (12)

Back to 1st Part As I approached the immense building from the Kingdom side, aiming for the single small door, I realised soon enough that it was actually more like a small walled town. The Kingdom entrance door was there for women, whatever they were escaping from, to enter and begin a new life with […] read

Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter One: Ingrid and Agnes 4.8 (12)

Authors Note Felt like beginning a series in an adult fantasy world. Watch out George R. R. Martin. I hope anyone that played D&D in the early 80’s gets the title reference. **** I stood there in awe, watching the small procession of five Centaurs enter out little village on the plains, just two weeks […] read

Men with Animals
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Never Get Caught Stealing In A Dress 4.8 (4)

(c) 2012 by flamingphoenix Part One Thunder crashed throughout the almost silent town with an occasional flash sending a blinding flash through the nights sky also signaling the start of rain which began to come down on to sleeping city. The sounds of an occasional cat or dog in the street picking through the garbage […] read