Men with Animals Women with Animals
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The Curse (by Cheirron) 4.6 (7)

(c) by Cheirron A musty atmosphere of neglect pervaded the subbasement of University Library. The books on the shelves were covered in a fine layering of dust. There were dim lights over the small study cubicles at the end of each aisle between the towering shelves. The lights produced only enough illumination for the top […] read

Bellyriding Men with Animals Women with Animals
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The Adventures Of Slut And Handler: Slut Goes Western 4.5 (28)

(c) 2013 by vatum1 Back to 1st Part Chapter One The airplane is smooth, some 8 miles above the ocean and travelling at over 500 mph. Outside, the moon is shining, reflecting its lunar face off a wing, smooth and polished. Here, I’m reclining in 1st class, eyes closed and resting, thinking of the week […] read

Women with Animals
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The Sexual Adventures of Johanna: Life in the Rocky Mountains 4.3 (15)

(c) 2020 by lanadelsilver69 A soft breeze rustled through the nearby pines, with the sound being exactly what Johanna needed in order to reach the threshold of dreamland. The book that she had brought with her lay to one side, untouched. She had found the mix of sun and shade under these pines to create […] read

Women with Animals
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The Family Farm 4.7 (24)

(c) 2020 by TemporaryBarnacle3 Willow shut the door to the farmhouse, tugging on a pair of rough leather gloves as she stepped outside. It was mid-morning, and the low sun was beginning to melt the early frost that crunched in the grass beneath her feet. She frowned slightly at the chill in the air. With […] read

Women with Animals
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The Jennifer Lopez Dog and Pony Show 4.2 (25)

(c) by Wonder Mike Jennifer Lopez was on the Hollywood fast track. She was everybody’s choice to be the next young superstar. Then she made the movie Anaconda. It was supposed to be her big break, instead it was a disaster. Now Catherine Zeta Jones and Selma Hayek were getting first crack at all the […] read

Women with Animals
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The woman who rode the Hrulgin 3.7 (6)

(c) by Black Dragon A note from the author: Warning: The following text is a fictional history set in the world of David Eddings’ “Belgariad” and “Malloreon” world. I am well aware of the fact that there are several anatomical and chronological impossibilities, but I’d like to believe that they don’t hamper the story one […] read