Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Women with Animals
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Canine Therapy 4.8 (78)

© 2022-2023 by Chilean Gold Part One Amy Macdonald was afraid of dogs. She was a model student with straight A’s and a star athlete for her gymnastics team at university, but now she was too scared to go outside her dorm. Earlier that September, she was doing her usual running routine and was blindsided […] read

Women with Animals
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Careful what you wish for…you might just get it – Part 4 4.3 (24)

Back to 1st Part This is part 4 of an ongoing story of my wife and my journey of her becoming an animal slut. To understand the story, it is best you read parts 1 through 3. My wife Marney and I had a nice life until I got the wise idea I wanted to […] read

Women with Animals
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FFF – Furry Fuck Flick 5 (11)

(c) 2010 by Woofajuana Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders. Damn, I’m so hot, I turn myself on, standing naked in front […] read

Women with Animals
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Faith’s Birthday 4.3 (18)

On the morning of her eighteenth birthday, Faith wiggled under the covers and sighed as she pushed her panties down over her slim hips.  Her small, trembling hands dipped between her juicy thighs, and a tremor swept through her young body.  She kicked off her panties as pussy slime greeted her exploring fingers. “So hot,” […] read