Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Two 4.4 (37)

Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Two 4.4 (37)

Back to 1st Part Rain ran to her room, tears pouring down her cheeks as she slammed her bedroom door before locking it behind her. Picking up her phone she started to text her best friend Kathy as she heard her mother knocking frantically on the door. “Please open the door Rain and let me […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Summer Rain Storm – Chapter One 4.8 (38)

Summer Rain Storm – Chapter One 4.8 (38)

Summer Leborski stared at the sheet of paper in front of her covered in numbers and then at the paper headed ‘College Fees Payable,’ before cursing softly in her native Spanish. Not that you would have guessed she was Spanish as although she was born in Panama she had inherited the pale skin of her […] read