Women with Animals
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Emily’s Biggest Gig 4.7 (14)

© 2020 by ZenithTales “Are you sure about this? Like, isn’t this illegal or something?” Emily said, looking over her shoulder. The air-headed prostitute had recently fallen into a bit of a poor spat, what with increased police activity in the area she normally prowls thanks to a series of gang-related shootings. Now her plump […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch! – Part 2 3.7 (6)

Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch! – Part 2 3.7 (6)

Back to 1st Part In the early morning inside Dogon’s dungeon, these phrases were heard around on a loop until Dogon finished his morning fuck session. “Yes, Daddy, you are hitting me deep.” “Please don’t stop, master” “Daddy, you are altering my guts.” “Daddy, I’m owned. You own me. I’m your bitch, your fuck meat.” […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on So Enjoy the ‘Bitch-in-Heat’ Pussy Spray 4.6 (20)

So Enjoy the ‘Bitch-in-Heat’ Pussy Spray 4.6 (20)

Being born into a wealthy, fashion driven, politically ambitious family is not what it is cracked up to be. That was my life – mom was a fairly famous model – making an extremely good living, she married the star college quarterback – tall, well built, good looking with a family that had controlled the […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on I’ve Become a Bitch for a New Neighbor and his Pets 4.3 (29)

I’ve Become a Bitch for a New Neighbor and his Pets 4.3 (29)

I had been working with several real estate agents, hoping to find a cabin, located in or near the mountains – one that had property and not any close neighbors. The search had been going on for well over six months, I’d looked at a lot of nice places, but none were exactly what I […] read