Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Men with Animals

Men with Animals

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English Books

English Books

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Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Press – Sure … or Sofia and the Bugs 4.3 (23)

Press – Sure … or Sofia and the Bugs 4.3 (23)

A PRETTY GIRL GETS DRAGGED INTO HER EMPLOYER’S CRIMINALITY “So what’s all this about and why are we here?” “Ah well, I look after Torney’s accounts. If a guy – or women – lets him down, he’ll do whatever he wishes to ensure that his ‘… contract goes ahead and is completed!’ He puts hard […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , Leave a Comment on A Man and His Pets: Sandra’s and Courtney’s Fate 4 (25)

A Man and His Pets: Sandra’s and Courtney’s Fate 4 (25)

(c) 2014 by Lucky Mann Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim’s pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was […] read