Women with Animals
Tagged: 1 Comment on The Summer Job at a Special Dog Breeding Ranch 4.3 (26)

The Summer Job at a Special Dog Breeding Ranch 4.3 (26)

Even though I was blessed with a cute figure, olive skin, larger than normal breasts, and dark hair, I knew if there was any chance of getting a good education, I had to maintain the best grades, maybe being offered a full-scale scholarship to a worthwhile university. Graduating at the top of my class, the […] read

Women with Animals
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The Drug Lord and the Dog Fuck Drug 4.6 (46)

Law enforcement was in my blood. My grandfather, father, a couple of uncles, and two brothers were all cops. I originally went after a law degree, then joined a local police force. Some lucky breaks, a few bad guys behind bars, and I was asked to interview for a federal position, run under the guidance […] read