Women with Animals
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2 (Broke) Girls and a Horse 3.8 (22)

© 2023 by CateLovesDaddy “CAROLINE!?!” Max yelled for her perky, blonde roommate. There had to be some sort of explanation for what she found on Caroline’s phone. She couldn’t think of one, but there had to be… And an explanation for why she was so turned on by it. “CAROLINE!” Caroline came inside from brushing Chestnut’s […] read

Women with Animals
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The Brothel on the Borderlands – Chapter Three: Broken In 4.7 (15)

Back to 1st Part Today is finally the day. A small group of Centaurs are coming today and one of them wants to pay for the honour to break in a new cock sleeve, me. The month since I witnessed Angela’s breaking in, up until today, has been a bit of a blur. The six […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: 1 Comment on Skylar Needs A Stallion 4.7 (6)

Skylar Needs A Stallion 4.7 (6)

© 2020 by SlutWriter Part One Skylar Keen was thinking about her black stallion. She knew she shouldn’t have been, since she was currently engaging in sexual relations with her boyfriend, Reggie. Skylar was only sixteen years old, but even at that tender and experimental age she was aware that girls were expected to pay […] read

Women with Animals
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The Lewd Rule Of Princess Angelise 5 (4)

© 2022 by SlutWriter When he heard Korlian’s armored body hit the ground with an exclamation of pain and defeat, Galu knew the battle was lost. Korlian had been the strongest, fastest and most martial of their number – pledged to defend Karu Vale against all trespassers. He and his men, a troop of four-dozen […] read

Women with Animals
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Riding the Stallion 3.7 (6)

© 2023 by Hector1940 Annie has just completed the last few jumps, she was hoping she would receive a perfect grade for it, exceptional rider and exceptional stallion. After waiting for the other riders to finish their exhibition, the judges began to rate the contestants, Annie, as cold and expressionless as always, just caressed her stallion […] read