Women with Animals

My Boyfriend, Two Dogs And Me


(c) 2007 by lovinit536

I wish I could say that this was a true story – but alas, it’s not. It’s something I hope to make real one day, though!

We were in a cabin in the mountains – outside, the wind howled and the snow fell heavily from the skies. Inside, we were cozy, sitting in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. We were sitting on the floor – his back was against the couch and I was sitting between his legs, my back against his chest. We had an open bottle of chilled white wine and were sitting, talking, drinking, kissing. Across the room from us, Mac and Rocky checked each other out with the occasional joyful bark. He got up to go check on dinner and while he was gone, I softly called Rocky over. When he came back into the living room, he saw me on the bear skin rug, in front of the fire, sucking Rocky. He stood, transfixed, watching my mouth slide up and down Rocky’s cock, slurping down his pre-cum. I pointed at him and then Mac, hoping he would get the hint – and, of course, he did b/c he is one smart man. I slowed down, wanting to watch him with Mac. I watched him, sit on the floor with my dog, jerking him off, making him hard. His mouth opened and it took everything I had not to moan, watching him suck my dog’s cock. We sucked our dogs, and the sound of our moans, slurping, and our dog’s panting filled the room. I finished before him and sat back watching him, as my dog came in his mouth. I crawled over to him, kissing him deeply, the taste of our dogs still in our mouths. My tongue lightly glided across his, teasing it. I pulled back, looked into his eyes, smiled, and said, “Mmm, what an appetizer!” He laughed at me, pulling me close to him, hugging me tightly. He told me dinner was ready, so we stood up and I followed him into the kitchen – Mac and Rocky following us. We opened a second bottle of wine and sat down to eat. We talked and ate and talked some more. When we finished, I helped him clean up. While I was doing the dishes, he came up behind me, and I felt his hands brushing my hair out of his way, as he leaned in and started to kiss my neck. My eyes closed, enjoying the feel of his lips against my neck. I turned around, my hands soapy and wet, grabbing his shirt and pulling him against me, kissing him deeply.

He pulled away from me, grabbed my hand, and we went back into the living room. I sank back down onto the bear skin rug and looked up at him. “Make love to me,” I softly pleaded. He sat down beside me and I rolled over onto my side, just looking at him. He lightly brushed his fingertips across my face and my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling. “Open your eyes, look at me,” he whispered. I did and he leaned in and kissed me so deeply, passionately. I ran my fingers through his hair, as he did the same. I started to kiss his neck, lightly nibbling his ear. My hands pulled at his shirt, needing it off of him, wanting to feel him against me, needing to see him naked. I got it off and promptly started on his pants, pulling them off of him. I kissed my fingertips and lightly ran them up and down his hard cock. It was then his turn to undress me. Once we were both completely undressed, we laid on the rug, our eyes traveling over each other’s body, both of us enjoying what we were seeing. I pulled him against me, kissing him, as his hands found my nipples and lightly started to pinch them. “Oh,” I moaned into his mouth. His hands traveled lower, finding my pussy and feeling how wet I was for him. He inserted a couple fingers into me, slowly pushing them in and out. He took his fingers completely out and brought them up to my lips. My eyes looking into his, I opened my mouth and sucked them deeply into my mouth. “Mmmm,” I moaned, loving how I tasted on his fingers. His eyes grew darker and I felt him grow harder against my thigh. I reached down, grabbing his slick cock, and rubbed it against my wet pussy. “I need you inside me. Please, baby…please f*ck your good girl!” He looked at me, a small smile playing on his lips, as he felt my wet pussy against his cock. “You’re a little wet for me.” I smiled up at him and said, “I only get this way when I am around you.” He took his cock in his hand, rubbing it against my clit. I arched up beneath him, needing more. “Yes, my love!” He got on top of me and slowly thrust into me. I felt every velvety smooth inch and ridge of him and I moaned as he sank fully into me. He felt incredible inside of me – so thick, hot – filling me completely. He pulled out and slowly thrust into me again. I moaned, my body arching, needing more. In and out…in and out…so slowly, so gently. I felt my body begin to tremble, knowing I was about to cum. “Oh God!” I cried out as I came, my body thrashing, arching, grinding against him. He stilled, still deep inside of me, still oh so hard. I calmed down, panting, glowing, and smiled up at him. “F*ck me.” He started to pound into me, his cock thrusting deep and hard into me. I could feel myself wanting to cum again and I clenched my pussy as tightly as I could around him. “Oh baby,” he moaned. I started to cum again, and he did, too – I could feel all of his cum shooting deep into me, filling me, mingling with my cum. I collapsed against the rug and he collapsed on top of me – both of us trying to catch our breath. I kissed his forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and lips. I held him against me, feeling his heart beat against my chest. I ran my hand up and down his back, kissing him softly.

After a bit, I smiled at him and said, “I’m still horny.” He looked at me and asked me what I had in mind. Looking into his eyes, I replied, “I want you to help Rocky tie with me.” We stood up and I stretched, while he shut Mac in a room so he wouldn’t get jealous. He came back into the living room and he found me kneeling on the floor, petting Rocky, rubbing his ears, telling him what a good boy he was. My hand traveled lower on his belly and I started to rub his cock and sheath. Rocky’s tongue lashed out, licking my neck and chest, as I rubbed him. “Oh yes, Rocky – good boy.” I turned to him and said, “Do you think he could f*ck me while I am on all fours?” He smiled and said, “Let’s find out.” He put socks on Rocky as I got comfortable on the floor – a pillow to rest against, on my hands and knees, leaning forward, my ass up in the air. I heard him talking to Rocky, in a very calm, soothing, sexy voice. He patted my ass and Rocky got on top of me. I felt him behind me, his hand working on Rocky’s cock and I felt it at the entrance to my pussy. Slowly, he guided Rocky into me, Rocky’s hips hunching at me. I moaned aloud as he thrust into me, as I felt his dog’s cock enter me. “Is he in you?” he asked, and I could hear the passion in his voice. “Yes,” I moaned. Rocky thrust into me a few more times until, with a giant thrust, he tied with me. I cried out, the pain pleasurably intense. I closed my eyes, leaning forward on my elbows, enjoying the feeling of his dog inside me. I felt something warm and wet against my lips and opened my eyes. He stood in front of me, rubbing the head of his cock against my lips. I opened my mouth and started to suck him – my mouth sliding up and down his cock. My tongue swirled around his cock, drinking down his pre-cum, moaning against his cock. My wildest fantasy coming true – being tied with his dog, while I suck his hard cock. I sucked it hard and fast, needing him to cum in my mouth. He didn’t last long – seeing his girlfriend tied with his dog sent him over the edge, and he came in my mouth. I moaned, swallowing his cum down, sucking him. When he finished cumming, he sat down in front of me, while Rocky continued to lay against my back, panting. “Thank you for fulfilling one of my fantasies,” he said.


The next morning, I awoke in Mike’s arms. with our dogs lying at the foot of the bed. Sun light was beginning to filter into and brighten the room. I rolled over, so I was facing Mike, watching him sleep. My eyes ran over his gorgeous body and I started to lightly run my fingertips across his face – tracing over his cheeks, lips, forehead. I leaned forward and began to kiss his lips softly, wanting him to wake up. I started to kiss and nuzzle his neck, murmuring his name. “Mike. Mike. My love, wake up.” He started to stir and I slid my hand down his stomach to his cock. As my fingers nimbly stroked him, he awoke fully, pulling me tight against him, kissing me deeply (morning breath be damned!). I pulled away, pulling the blankets off of Mike, sliding down the bed, needing to taste him.

My hands continued to stroke his cock as I flicked my tongue across the head, catching a drop of his pre-cum. I opened my mouth and took the head in my mouth, sucking it lightly, my hand sliding up and down his shaft. I started to bob up and down on his cock, his hands in my hair, pushing it away, so he could watch me. I started to suck him hard and deep, greedy for his cum to flood my mouth. He started to moan, so I jerked him with my hand, while I sucked his head. “Oh baby, I am going to cum!” And he did – spurt after spurt of his hot, delicious cum filled my mouth and I swallowed almost all of it down. I slid back up the bed and kissed Mike, allowing him to taste himself on my tongue.

We broke apart and slid out of bed . I grabbed the bottle of lube on the bed stand and with a wink at Mike, we went into the kitchen for breakfast. We talked as we made breakfast – Rocky and Mac following us around, hoping we would drop something. We sat at the table, eating and talking about our plans for the day. While we sat there, my foot lightly rubbed Mac’s belly and I watched his cock begin to grow hard and come out of its sheath. And, as this is me, I started to become horny. I got down on the kitchen floor, rolling Mac over onto his back. I started to suck him, my mouth sliding up and down his hard, red cock. I glanced over, seeing that Mike was hard. Keeping Mac on his back, I straddled him, while Mac fought to enter me. I bent down low on Mac and turning my head to Mike said, “F*ck my ass.” Grabbing the bottle of lube, Mike quickly rubbed some onto himself. I settled down onto Mac, as he thrust up into me. I leaned forward, presenting my ass to Mike and felt the head of his cock pushing against my ass. I closed my eyes in painful ecstasy as Mike slowly began to thrust his cock in and out of my ass. I was filled, but still needed more. I eyed Rocky and called him over. Once he was beside me, I started to rub his cock and then suck him. I was so full – Mac was deep inside my pussy; Mike was deep inside my ass; and Rocky was deep in my throat. I moaned, cumming, loving how full I was. Beneath me, Mac went still, his cum shooting deep inside me. Mike continued to thrust in and out of my ass as I sucked his dog’s cock. His dog began to cum in my mouth and some of it dribbled down my chin to my chest. Mike started to moan, telling me he was cumming, and I came again as I felt him cum inside my ass. I slumped forward, full of cum, content and happy. Mike pulled out of me and I climbed off of Mac. Mike kissed me, tasting his dog on my tongue and began to kiss and lick his dog’s cum off of my face and breasts. I laid on the cold tile of the kitchen floor while Mike’s warm mouth and tongue cleaned me.


After Mike finished cleaning me with his lips and tongue, we headed into the shower. I stepped back and started the shower. Mike grabbed the soap and after getting his hands soapy, ran them across my chest, down my stomach and rubbed lightly at my pussy. He then brought both his hands up to my chest and lightly started to pinch my nipples. I got my hands all soapy and rubbed Mike’s hard dick, listening to him moan softly in my ear. I dropped to my knees and took his hard cock into my mouth…lightly sucking it…my tongue swirling around the head…my hands lightly rubbing and caressing his balls…With a loud groan, Mike pulled me up to my feet and told me he wanted, no needed to be inside me.

Mike had me turn around and place my hands against one of the walls. With one hand he held onto my hip and with the other he slowly entered me. I moaned aloud as I felt him so slowly fill me up. He slowly and leisurely thrust into me…allowing me to feel all of him inside me. Mike lightly started to pinch one nipple and kiss the back of my neck. My eyes were closed while I enjoyed the sensations running through my body as Mike f*cked me slowly and deeply. I felt his hand slide from my nipple, down my stomach down to my clit. He started to rub my clit and I gasped in surprise. My gasp quickly turns into a moan as I felt myself wanting to cum. I looked back at Mike and said, “Please Mike – f*ck me.” And that’s all he needed to hear…he started to thrust into me harder and faster as my moans became louder. I heard Mike moan my name as he came inside me…and having him fill me up like that caused me to cum. We rested for a minute, panting, chests heaving, his arms wrapped around me, holding me in place.

We broke apart and finished showering, taking our time, drying each other off. We decided to take the dogs for a walk through the forests, so we got dressed and headed off. Rocky and Mac ran around us, barking loudly at everything, while Mike and I strolled behind them, holding hands and kissing.

We came to a clearing by a lake and stopped to enjoy the view. We were by ourselves and I smiled at Mike and said, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Mike kissed me and said, “Always.” Our dogs came running over to us and I sat down cross-legged on the ground, Mac in front of me. I rubbed his ears while cooing what a good boy he was. Mike sat down beside me, with Rocky beside him. “What do you want?” Mike asked me. I replied, “I have always wanted to see you f*ck Rocky.” “Your wish is my command, my love.”

Mike stood before me and I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling them and his boxers off of him. His cock was hard and thick…my mouth watered in anticipation of sucking him. I leaned forward taking his cock deep in my mouth and throat, coating it with my saliva. I slurped his hard cock, making him as hard and wet as possible for Rocky’s ass. I sucked him for a couple more minutes before letting go and gently nudging him towards Rocky. I watched him get behind Rocky, holding his tail up, and slowly thrust into Rocky’s ass. Mike’s eyes closed in pleasure and a small moan escaped from his lips. I watched as Mike’s thick cock thrust in and out of Rocky, so slowly, so deeply. Watching this only made me horny and I needed something as well.

I called Mac over and I started to rub his cock, watching it emerge from its sheath. I laid down on the ground, underneath Mac, and began to suck his cock. All 10 inches of it went into my mouth and down my throat. I sucked it happily, my dog panting above me, his hard red cock sliding in and out of my throat. I swallowed his pre-cum…but I still wanted more. I sat up, looking over at Mike and Rocky. While sucking Mac, Mike had cum deep inside Rocky’s ass and Rocky was now cleaning Mike’s cock. I cocked my head to one side as I asked Mike if Rocky had cum yet. “No,” was Mike’s reply.

I quickly stripped down. I rolled Mac onto his back and clambered on top of him. I slowly sunk down onto Mac’s cock, feeling him fill me up. Looking at Mike, I asked him to help Rocky f*ck and tie in my ass. I leaned forward as far as I could and felt Rocky’s weight on my back as Mike helped him up on top of me. I felt Rocky’s hips hunching at me, looking for his target. Mike reached down and grabbed Rocky’s cock, guiding into my ass. And with that, Rocky started to thrust into my ass hard, while I rode Mac’s cock. The feeling of both cocks filling me, thrusting into me, was too much for me and I began to cum. I cried out, moaned, and writhed as my orgasm wracked my body. My dogs fucking only lasted 5 minutes before they tied with me, their cum shooting deep into me. I looked at Mike and said, “I need to suck you – now!” He stood in front of me, his cock hard again. Not caring where his cock had just been, I started to suck it. My mouth sliding up and down his cock, sucking it. “Mmmm,” I moaned, my mouth full of Mike’s cock. Rocky’s knot grew smaller and he pulled out of me, his cum flowing out of me.

Myy tongue swirled around the head, my eyes never leaving Mike’s. I took my mouth off his dick and licked his balls lightly, while stroking him with my hand. I flicked the tip with my tongue before taking him back into my mouth. His moans only enticed me and I started to suck Mike harder, my hands lightly stroking his balls, my tongue licking and swirling around his hard dick. I moaned around his cock, and he felt the vibrations causing him to moan louder. Mike grabbed my head in his hands, pulling me tighter against him. My mouth was sliding up and down his dick so fast, he could hear me slurping on his hard, huge, thick dick. “Baby, I’m gonna cum!” he gasped. I tightened my mouth around his dick, sucking him hard and deep, wanting him to cum inside my mouth. And Mike did…and I swallowed every last drop down.


I awoke in Mike’s arms…content and happy. I watched him sleep – his dark hair tousled, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. Mac and Rocky were asleep on the floor beside the bed. My fingertips lightly traced through his chest hair, my lips soon following. I kissed down his stomach and felt him stir. I raised my head and smiled at him. “Good morning, my love,” I said with a smile. Mike smiled back, pulling me up to him, kissing me softly. I snuggled back into his arms…knowing there was no where else I would want to be. He wrapped his arms tight around me, holding me close, my head resting against his chest, listening to his heart beat. I leaned up, looking into his eyes and told him how much I loved him before bending my head down to softly brush my lips against his.

I squirmed out of Mike’s embrace and threw on a hockey jersey, covering up some of my nakedness and leaving plenty to the imagination! I sauntered away, calling over my shoulder, “I am making breakfast – come hungry!” Not two minutes later, I heard Mike come down the hall after me, with Rocky and Mac following him. My back was to him as I scrambled some eggs (actual eggs – not NutriSystem powdered eggs!) and cooked bacon. I felt Mike come up behind me, pulling my jersey up over my hips, feeling his hard cock against my ass. He lightly nibbled at my neck and collarbone, driving me insane, as only he can. I moaned softly and felt his hands clench tighter at my jersey. “Mike, I am going to ruin all this,” I protested. “I don’t care,” was his whispered reply in my ear. I turned around and with an evil smile said, “Old man, you need to eat to keep your energy up and keep up with me!” With a loud cry of mock outrage, Mike grabbed the spatula from my hand, smacking me on the ass with it. I laughed in surprise, my eyes quickly becoming dark with passion. “Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish, Michael.” “I intend to finish…deep inside you.” I bit my lip, staring into his dark eyes, loving the passion I saw there. “OK, first we eat – and then you fuck my brains out, OK?” “Deal,” he said, with another sharp smack to my ass.

Breakfast was hurried, both of us eagerly anticipating what would happen in the bedroom afterwards. We finished and hurriedly cleaned up, before I went sprinting down to the bedroom, Mike fast on my heels, laughing and collapsing on the bed, with Mike on top of me. “I love it when you’re naked,” I said to Mike. “What a coincidence, I love it when you’re naked! So let’s fix that.” I sat up as Mike grabbed the hem of my jersey, pulling it up and off my body. I laid back against the pillows, my eyes traveling over Mike’s body, loving what I was seeing. “You’re perfect,” I said. Mike rolled me over so I was on my side and started to kiss me deeply, his tongue tangling with mine. I sucked his tongue lightly, as I felt his finger tips begin to lightly caress my nipples. I moaned softly into his mouth and felt him break the kiss. He kissed down my neck and I felt his lips capture a nipple, sucking it lightly, his teeth grazing it. My back arched up off the bed at the sensations coursing through my body. My hands were in Mike’s hair, urging him on, moaning his name. “Mike…oh, Mike.” His hand slid down my stomach, to my wet pussy. I felt two of his fingers slowly enter me, thrusting them in and out of me. I closed my eyes, my body rocking, my hips arching up against his hand. His thumb began to lightly trace circles against my clit as his fingers continued to stroke into me, his mouth still sucking my nipple. “Oh God, Mike – harder!” I felt the speed and depth of his fingers increase, his mouth sucking hard at my breast. “I’m gonna cum, Mike!” And with a loud cry of his name, I came hard – moaning, panting, my body shaking beneath him.

Mike slowly pulled his fingers from my pussy and I watched him suck my wetness off of them. He then kissed me deeply, allowing me to taste myself on his tongue. “Mmmm, so good,” he murmured. “I need you inside me,” I told him. “Well, let’s try something different.” “You know me, Mike – I am always up for different!” “I know – that’s one of the many reasons why I love you.” He kissed me again before calling Rocky. Rocky came running down the hall and jumped into bed with us. “I want to fuck you, while Rocky fucks me.” My eyes lit up and I smiled at Mike. “I love it!”

I sat up, cross-legged on the bed, watching Mike with Rocky. Mike coaxed Rocky to lay down on his back, rubbing his stomach. I watched him caress Rocky’s sheath as the thick, huge, pink cock began to emerge. Mike leaned over, sucking Rocky’s cock, swallowing the pre-cum that came out. Rocky’s cock grew to it’s full 9 inches and Mike smiled at me as he said, “He’s ready.” I laid back as Mike got on top of me. I felt his cock against my pussy and I smiled up at him, eagerly anticipating feeling him inside me. “Come here, Rocky,” Mike called. I smacked Mike’s ass, helping Rocky to get the idea (and knowing how much Mike enjoyed having his ass smacked, irregardless). Mike thrust into me and stayed there while Rocky jumped on his back, his haunches thrusting at Mike’s ass. The moment I heard Mike let out a loud moan, I knew Rocky had entered his ass. Mike started to thrust into me, his thrusts matching those of Rocky’s. I moaned, cumming quickly, loving how my boyfriend was fucking me, while his dog fucked him. “Oh, Abby,” Mike moaned. “He’s so deep inside me…so hot. He’s filling me with his cum! Oh baby, I am going to cum so deep inside you!” I came again, feeling Mike’s cum fill me – so deeply. Mike collapsed on top of me, Rocky still inside of him, cumming deep inside his ass. I stroked Mike’s back, kissing his face, while Rocky was still on top of him. “I love you so much, Mike.” Mike raised his head, smiling at me and said, “I love you, too.”

After awhile Rocky pulled away, jumping off the bed to clean himself up. Mike rolled off of me and I turned to face him, kissing him repeatedly, loving what we had just shared.

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