Men with Animals

Knot Ready – Male dogs special gift for pleasure & pain


(c) 2014, 2017 by likeknot

It is so enjoyable to read a story by someone who has actually been tied rather than just the fantasy. I have a strong desire for male dogs and allow them to do things I would never allow a human to do. The tie is a special bond (no pun intended) but it pays to have plenty of secure free time if you try it. And do some research on this site before you go all the way.

As a young teen, I got started with male k9’s rimming me. Most of the males available to me were young, inexperienced dogs. But all were eager. Never let anyone tell you a dog is not interested in sex with a human! I quickly learned a hot, smooth doggy dick felt extremely good inserted in my rectum.

In those early years I didn’t understand a dogs anatomy nor how a knot was actually used to tie (no internet back in the 70’s, and certainly no one to ask). Young virgin males usually have a tight sheath opening and cannot easily push even a partially engorged knot free of the sheath. I would jack them gently until I felt the ‘balls’ begin to swell in the sheath. As they continued to hump I would gently pull them onto my back and guide them to my ass. Usually the humping lasted only a few seconds but it was plenty long enough to get my load off! The post sex throbbing in my ass hole would last for hours!

After school I moved into my first home in the early 80’s, I used the freedom and relative seclusion to ‘play’ with every dog in the neighborhood that I could attract. Usually in the tool room behind the house. Here again, most males I encountered were young and inexperienced. The encounters were brief and I didn’t take the time to fully explore my lover’s goods for fear their owners would miss them. However, one day a fully grown Irish Setter wandered through the yard. He had a thick wide body and a beautiful long, dark red coat. He was friendly and I encouraged him onto the back porch where we were invisible to any neighbor.

After the usual petting and soft talk, I began to slowly stroke his sheath and belly. His red lipstick showed me he was clearly interested in sex. At that time I wasn’t into giving oral, so I quickly dropped my pants and briefs to the ground and got down on my knees. I placed my elbows on a single step just outside the back door. He immediately sniffed my balls and gave me a good rimming for several minutes which made my already stiff cock twitch with pleasure from the tingling in my anus. His tongue was hot, wet, and active and I almost came without touching my cock.

When he showed signs of mounting, I grabbed his front legs and pulled him onto my back. I loved the soft warm feel of his weight and the musky smell of his coat. At first he was unsure what to do with this human bitch, so I reached back and gently stroked his sheath and guided him to my eagerly waiting ass. He penetrated quickly with my hand as a guide and humped in machine gun style for about thirty seconds before dropping back to the ground. Now I HAD to have him in my butt until I could come.

As he licked his cock back into it’s sheath, I grabbed his front legs and repeated the mounting, guiding him into my now well lubed ass. But this time his thrusting was more intense. As I put my elbows on the step to accept my screwing, he gripped me tight around the waist with his front legs and I felt his dew claws digging into my thighs. His thrusting was now powerful and rapid and I could feel his breath on my neck as he pushed his hips hard into me.

I did not feel any distinct smooth strokes in my rectum, just a rapid jabbing presence of a hot rod and a sense of fullness like I had never felt. My ass was tight in those days and the heavy pounding from the fully grown dog made me tighten my anus even more. This is usually where my dog encounters ended. The young dogs would stop humping and swell a little before jumping off. Not this time.

He never slowed down as I felt his knot (which I actually thought was his balls) bang into me, his thrusts got hard enough to push my head into the door in front of me. Now I was no longer swaying with him but was wedged in place between the door and his pounding cock, grunting with every stroke. Now THIS was pleasure as I reached for my throbbing cock.

Then I heard the claws on his hind feet digging into the rough concrete as he pushed his hips hard into me. My head banged hard into the door and I suddenly felt a solid ‘pop’ as something new was forced into me. It felt big! Damn, I thought he really had crammed it in balls and all!

His furiously pumping hips now slowed noticeably, his hot breath was burning my left ear. This was truly a new sensation as I could now feel his pulsing cock deep in my ass. And it was rapidly getting bigger, much bigger, especially just inside my ass. He suddenly swung his forelegs across my back and tried to turn. Then it started to hurt, not a deep throbbing good hurt, but a knife-like stabbing in my butt that made me feel as though my guts were about to be dragged out of me!

Damn it hurt!!! Then thoughts of tied bitches raced through my mind. The idea of being seen by a neighbor at my back door, with a cock in my back door, made me panic. I reached behind me and grabbed the base of the Setter’s cock as his hind leg started to sweep across my back and we were about to be butt to butt. I realized the ‘balls’ I had become accustomed to feeling in the sheath was now buried in me! Panic swept over me as the fear of being discovered and the sharp pains intensified.

With a great moan I pushed back hard with my hand and the pain seared up my back in waves! ‘Oh hell….what have I gotten myself into?’ I thought. I let go of his cock and felt it slide deeper in my ass. I grabbed his hind leg and reached up with my other hand and opened the door to my tool room. I tried to stand, then crawl into the more protected area so we could not be seen and I would have time to think.

No go….the Setter was pulling against me, and the pain of his fully engorged knot against my sphincter returned with a vengeance. I started to scream. How could anything that felt so good going in, feel so bad trying to come out!?!? Worst of all – was I now locked onto him forever? How the hell would I explain this trip to the emergency room?

Then with every last ounce of my strength, I reached back to push the Setter away from me while also pushing his cock from my ass like it was a huge turd. Again, intense pain radiated from my sphincter as I felt the swollen cock begin to move outward; then rrriiiipp……and his cock broke free. A gush of doggy cum poured from my abused ass hole down across my pants near my feet. The foul odor of shit mixed with the dog cum wafted over me as I collapsed onto the step. (Note to self: shit before you fuck.)

The pain in my sphincter was now a burning, stinging sensation, but surprisingly, my cock was still rigid with strings of pre-cum dripping across my legs. I slowly looked behind me to see the offending shaft swinging below the Setter’s belly…..7-8″ of red twitching flesh with a bulge the size of a tennis ball part of it’s base. Damn!!! Had that been inside me? No wonder my ass hole was on fire!! The Setter walked slowly over to me and began to lick my wrecked hole. This was one rimming I desperately needed. As he worked to clean up his mess, the pain in my anus rapidly faded.

As he stood near me, I carefully examined his swollen tool and the odd shape that I now realized was not his balls, which continued to twitch in their furry sack in time with his final orgasmic spurts. Slowly his bright red cock began to turn grey and the knot began to quickly deflate. So THAT is how it works! Had I only given it a few more minutes my ass would be wanting more of that cock.

At this point there was only one thing left to do: jerk my cock to release the huge load built up in my balls. The Setter quickly shifted his attention from my ass to my drooling cock. It took only a few seconds to reach one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had. That was likely the first facial for that dog!

Every muscle in my body wilted as the sexual relief washed over me and the adrenalin of fear faded. But the deep pain of dragging a knot thru a butt hole would not quickly be forgotten as I crawled into the tool room to undress and left my well hung and experienced friend standing outside.

As I showered away the last remnants of dog sex from my body, I gingerly swept the soap across my anus. A small bit of blood stained the white bar. As I dried myself in front of the mirror, I could clearly see a bruise the size of an orange around my anus. Over the next few days I came to fully understand the meaning of having “someone rip me a new one”. It took 8 days for my sphincter to fully heal. My ass hole was truly deflowered that day on the back porch.

The Irish Setter was none the worse for wear. Just comes naturally to him. He hung around for 3 days hoping to get another shot at my tight ass. Unfortunately there was NO WAY I could handle another penetration that soon, and I was no longer tight, and knotting was totally out of the question!! It was at least two months before I got the urge to mate again, and it certainly wouldn’t be in my plans to tie.

That’s about the time a new family moved into a nearby duplex. They took advantage of open spaces in my neighborhood and bought a Fox Hound pup. His name was Crook (he had a broken tail) and he became my second longest lover and definitely the best hung. Training him was much easier with my new found knowledge. He loved missionary and me on top. Never tied with him, his knot was the size of an apple, but that’s a story for another time.

I never saw that Irish Setter again……but many years later another neighbor bought a Setter pup who wound up being my buddy for several years. Taught him everything he knew!

Took a while – but now I likeknot.


After my sphincter healed and with a slightly smaller dog, I was able to take the knot fully and just relax and enjoy the throbbing, squirting, hot knob and shaft massaging my prostate.

The key to a good sexual experience with any dog is to have enough time and privacy to take things slowly and enjoy the moment. Not being exposed or seen by prying eyes or ears makes all the difference. Checking the size of your partner’s knot BEFORE it is locked inside you is critical to enjoying the tie.

After the Irish Setter experience, another neighbor brought home a fox hound. He was only 9 months old and I had a chance to teach him how to enjoy my touch. I helped him get his knot thru the tip of his sheath (like a circumcision for dogs) that allowed him to enjoy cumming long before I let him mount me. His knot was the size of an apple and there was no way I was going to let that in me. By the time he was about 1 yr old he was routinely coming by my house for a hand job. This time though was going to be his initiation to real sex.

Letting him into the utility room, I could feel the butterflies deep in my groin as my heart raced. My cock was already stiff when I dropped my shorts and he watched closely with a wagging tail. I laid back on a short stool with my feet up and he immediately started sniffing my balls and ass. He stepped forward and mounted me in missionary position. He was very excited and had to have his legs guided to position around my waist and between my legs. He started thrusting at my ass but was too high. Reaching between us, I guided his thin cock into position and he quickly entered my butt as he clamped around my waist. A bit clumsy, he fucked me fast and hard with his deflated knot sliding in and out several times before I reached between us and held his knot outside my anus. I knew it was much too big for me to take.

His cock shaft felt extremely hot inside me as his knot swelled rapidly and ended any worry about it entering me again. He continued to thrust as hard and fast as he could before finally relaxing his grip around my waste with his front legs. His pounding stopped and I could feel his cock rapidly fill with blood as his whole body twitched to his heartbeat. It swelled so fast that it caused my sphincter to cramp and tense my muscles before I finally just relaxed and accepted the now fat 7″ cock pulsing in my colon. I glanced down into his face on my chest and saw his eyes had glazed over and his legs went weak as he was in the throes of an intense orgasm. His breath was rapid but shallow as I felt pulse after pulse of dog cum injected into my colon. He gently humped into me again as his balls drained into me, sending a wave of pleasure thru my ass directly to my cock. I reached down and stroked my cock and sprayed semen across the floor as it exploded with an intense orgasm like I had seldom had before.

My cock shrank quickly after my release but did not go fully soft. As I continued to squeeze his cock with my hips and stroke my dick slowly, it was only a few minutes before I was rock hard again. The fox hound was still cumming as his tail rose and fell in time with the puckering in his ass and the clear post-cum jism flowed in brief spurts into me. I rocked my legs forward and back to get his cock to slide in and out of my ass but he was so relaxed by this point that it was like having a bag of hot water lying motionless on my chest. I wanted to feel his cock moving again – more than just the steady pulsing of his continuing orgasm.

Slowly I lowered my feet to the floor and put both arms around his back and hips. Holding him tightly to my stomach, we rolled over onto my knees and I placed him on his back on the floor with me straddling his belly. At this point he panicked a little and struggled to crawl out from under me. His cock softened a little but stayed in place. I held his chest and petted his head as I spoke softly “Good boy, that’s a good boy.” As he relaxed again, I pulled his hind legs behind me so I was sitting fully on his belly with his cock still buried to the knot, deep in my ass. Slowly I began to lift my hips so his cock slid partially out, and then back in as I lowered my ass back into his warm belly. As I fucked 2-3″ of his cock into me at a time, I looked at his face again. His eyes were rolled back and partially closed and his tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth as he panted in short breaths. All 4 legs were now relaxed but he would tense slightly as we continued to fuck with me on top riding his hot thick tool.

Reaching under my balls, his cock felt hard and swelled to its full size again. I could feel it press against the bend in my colon with each downward thrust. His knot was rock hard and the size of my fist, covered with his seed as it leaked slowly from my stretched asshole. I wrapped my fingers around the thin base of his cock below the knot and pressed upwards as I ground my hips down trying the force the full size of his cock and knot into me. But there was no way that huge mass of dog meat would pass thru my sphincter. So we continued to screw for another 15 minutes as I stroked my cock in rhythm to the rise and fall of my ass around his cock. Squeezing his shaft with my hips on each rise and relaxing to take him fully again, almost constantly on the verge of another powerful orgasm. Sweat pouring from my skin in the summer heat.

Each time my orgasm built to a release I would stop or slow to allow the urge to subside. Then repeat the steady fucking of my ass until I could no longer resist the urge to cum! Quickening my pace and stroking his cock with 4″ thrusts of my hips, I could feel the pressure in my colon and massaging of my prostate until my balls tightened and a load of cum shot across the dogs chest and neck. My body stiffened and shook with the hardest orgasm ever – 5 or 6 intense waves of pleasure. My thrusts slowed as the huge dog cock deep in my ass shifted from a feeling of pure pleasure to soreness. I leaned forward and rested with my hands on the floor near the hounds head and soon felt his cock slowly begin to deflate. Looking between us as I lifted my hips, I felt his cock fall out of my still throbbing ass with a gentle ‘plop’. It lay on his stomach, thinner but still about 5″ long and brilliant red. Glistening with the wetness of his cum. Suddenly his load flowed out of my stretched butthole onto his belly – at least 3 tablespoons of watery fluid with a portion of semen similar to mine further up his chest.

The hound struggled to rise now, trying to get to his cock and the puddles of cum. He licked himself clean and then walked around behind me to lick the remaining few drops of his cum from my ass and balls. I could still feel the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of me as I stood on very unsteady legs, my strength now drained as I opened the door to let my boy out. Stumbling to the shower, more dog cum drained from my ass as I washed the sex from my body and went straight to bed. My thoughts now focused on how fast both of us could recover for another round of the best sex ever. We repeated that process several times over the next few months, especially when my wife was on her period, until his owner had to relocate. Still miss that dog….we loved screwing each other!

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