Women with Animals

Eva The Dog Bitch


(c) 2018~2019 by Dogtrainer 4u269

Eva had always loved dog cock, more specifically, the knot. The feeling of it inside her drove her to new depths of depravity, each time she fucked a dog, she wanted more. Suffice to say, Eva was my kind of girl.

Not far from her home, there was an old factory complex, it had been abandoned for decades and was over run by packs of stray dogs. It was a regular occurrence for Eva to go down, select a likely stray and Fuck him dry with insatiable lust and intensity. This was an every day for Eva, after work, wearing a skirt, leather jacket and nothing else, Eva would rock down to the factory, ready for her turn to be their bitch. Once she had been a little more toasted than normal and had ended up mated by five dogs, each of which fucked her like the bitch in heat she was, pulling out, licking her clean and walking off without looking back, just the way Eva liked it.
As fate would have it, there was a deviant dog trainer who had been watching Eva, he had set up hidden cameras in her favourite spot, watching her mate, suck and Fuck them had given him an idea. He went to the factory with his two trained bull Arab malesnand waited for Eva’s inevitably arrival. He secretly watched Eva pick a dog, tease him, lead him to her spot and let him mount her. She moaned and groaned as he knotted then filled her eager cunt several times. Other dogs had been attracted by the smell of a human bitch in heat, however Eva was content with just one flea bitten dirty stray at a time. Little did Eva know, she was in for a different adventure this particular evening.
The trainer waited patiently for her to knot, for what he thought would be the last time. The dog, a medium sized mongrel, was tied when her burst into the secluded area. Eva looked up, he was a tall and we’ll built man in his fifties, well dressed, a beard and long hair tied back gave him a piratical appearance. His two dogs strained at their leashes to get to her. She was shocked, she knew she was busted, however she was also knottednand there was no way she would break the tie until he and she had their fill. The trainer walked over to her, right in front of the mating pair, “Looks like you are having fun, do you think you can service my dogs while you are at it?” he asked, his deep voice made Eva ache, his voice and words resonated in her most primal of places. “Er, sure, why not,” she replied, they were two handsome hounds, much larger than the strays she regularly fucked in the degenerating building she regularly frequented. He took a knee and held his two dogs on a shirt leash while she finished the tie. The stray popped his medium sized knot out of her well filled hole and gave her the courtesy of a quick tongue bath to clean up after his sweet ride. Eva smiled as he tongued every drop out if her throbbing cunt.
The trainer walked his dogs over, they were quick to also apply their tongues to herbeager hole. Two tongues tried to greedily indulge in as much combined fuckjuice as they could, the sensation drove Eva to another shuddering climax, the juices from her cunt eagerly consumed by the two large white dogs. He directed her to hold her cunt wide open, with a sharp command, he directed the first dog to mount, and mount he did, his cock right on target from the first thrust. Eva winced, his cock was much larger than she was used to, he hammered her hard, his cock spraying her insides with hot juice as his large knot spread her lips wider and wider until it could enter. She cried out as his knot forced its way in. “oh my god!!” she cried as his cock and knot filled her to capacity. The previous dogs loads were forced out by a new Flood of hot doggy seed, it drove her to a multiple orgasm that made her back arch and toes curl. The trainer directed the dog to stay, he obeyed and stood over her while she humped his cock, squeezing it with her insatiable cunt, trying to milk every drop of cum from his large glorious cock and knot. The trainer walked the other dog to her face. “Suck his cock you slut!” he commanded, she immediately jacked his cock out if his sheath and obediently slid his pulsating meat into her eager mouth. His cock was bigger than the one filling her stretched cunt. Already a stream of cum and quim had started to flow down her thighs forming pools at her knees. Other dogs had arrived by now, the smell was intense, however the trainer did not shop them away. He commanded “Sit!!” in aloud assertive voice, and they did. A line if dogs watched her suck one as another filled her to overflowing. The trainer walked over, strojed her hair and said “Good bitch, don’t waste a drop, suck him dry.” Eva obeyed, she sucked and licked and swallowed every drop that sprayed from his throbbing cock. Her body wracked by waves of overwhelming orgasms was betraying her. She liked being commanded, she lived this large man directing her to be a good little slut. The dog in her mouth shuddered, he released a huge load of cum into her mouth, the trainer yelled firmly, “not a fucking drop wasted or you will be disciplined,” he stated emphatically, “not a drop!!” Eva swallowed mouthfuls of cum, however no matter how mush she swallowed, there was still a mouthful there. She could not keep up, and a dribble of his cum ran out of her nostril, onto the floor. “I told you, not a drop,” he said in an ominous voice. He pulled some rope from a pocket, tied them around her arms and tied her elbows close together. She lay her face in the pool of cum she had missed. Fear started to fill her mind, “What the fuck have I gotten myself into??” she thought, the dog inside her pussy was then commanded to dismount, he pulled his knot painfully and unceremoniously from her tortured hole. With a silent command, he took position right in front of her face. The trainer kneeled down, his face right next to
Eva’s ear, “Suck him, lick his cock and knot clean, or suffer the consequences.” he demanded, and Eva complied. His knot was massive from this perspective, his cock throbbing and spraying onto her face, she licked, sucked and licked some more, doing her best, when the second larger dog was commanded to mount. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see numerous dogs, sitting, watching, red tips protruding from their sheaths. Eva lay with her head in a growing pool of juice, it has matted her hair, the dogs precum sprayed constantly, however as her arms were tied, she could not move. The larger dog was commanded to mount, even though she had been well and truly stretched by the previous two dogs, her cunt was not ready for the next assault. He was larger, heavier and far bigger. As she had already sucked a huge load from him, she was confident he would not last long. How wrong she was. He was relentless, his cock and knot were beyond anything she had experienced in her many years of wanton bestialty. He forced her wide, pounding on her dripping pussy like a jackhammer, until with a cry of pain from Evas cock filled mouth, he entered her totally. Her cunt was stretched beyond capacity. She felt him pushing deep within her, his knot rocked right on her G Spot driving her to an almighty shudder as orgasms wracked her body, too numerous to count. Once fully tied, he commanded the larger one in her cunt to stay, the other to stand guard, and he walked away without looking back. Eva lay in a kneeling position, her face filled with cock, and wondered what would happen next. In short order, she heard anvan door slide open, then shortly after closed. The numerous strays were very agitated, they smelled something that was driving them all wild. The trainer walked back in, commanded the strays to sit in his strong and assertive voice and walked back over to the prostrate Eva, still suckling the cock as commanded. After what seemed an eternity, he commanded the larger dog to dismount, it dragged her by her cunt as he dislodged his cock from her distended hole. She grimaced and groaned as he pulled his almighty knot from her. Cum flowed freely, forming pools directly below her pussy and at the knees, rivers of juice made large puddles as the larger dog licked her hole so deeply she thought his tongue would lick her ovaries.
“I told you there were consequences,” he said in a deep and ominous voice. He pulled a snaplock bag from his pocket, a swab covered in strong smelling goo made ever male dog there stand up and wag his tail. He called both dogs to her face and told them to sit and stay. Henwalked to her arse, removed the swab from the bag and wiped it on and in her cunt and arse, then pushed the swab inside her. She was already a mess, cum was flowing everywhere, it has even formed a rivulet that ran along her abdomen and between her breasts. He kneeled beside her ear, “You wanted to be a bitch in heat,” he said,” now, reap what you have seen.” He whistled and every male stray ran over, licking her from her face to her toes. The evil bastard had a bitch in heat in his van, he had wiped the swab on her and then wiped it on Eva, leaving it inside her to mix with hrler own juices. The result was a massive number of male strays driven into a Fuck frenzy. One after the other, for hours, well into the night, they mounted and fucked the helpless Eva. Cock after cock filled her as countless tongues licked her relentlessnessly. She was beyond pleasure, beyond pain, shebhad become the strays helpless and restrained bitch in heat and each dog mated with her repeatedly. They fought over her viciously, even when tied, the sensation drove Eva into an orgasmic overload. This continued hour after hour until every dog was drained, laying down and licking his cock clean after repeated turns filling this bitch that didn’t bite. Eva lay, prostrate, her leather skirt and jacket torn, her legs scratched, cum soaked her from head to the. She gasped, trying to catch her breath between orgasmic aftershocks. The trainer walked over, flicked out the Blade of a knife and cut the rope. The blood rushed back to her arms and shoulders. She tried to get up, however all her strength was gone, sonshe just lay down in the ocean of cum beneath her.

The trainer walked overhand slipped a piece of.paper into her jacket pocket, stroked her cum soaked hair and said, “good bitch, well done.” called his dogs and walked out. She was left in the darkness, filtered light giving scant illumination, panting, throbbing and thoroughly fucked. Eva finally sat up, pulled out her mobile phone and used it’s light to look at the paper. It was an internet address. She opened her browser and put in the webpage URL. There were four boxes, each screens from different angles, each side, front and back. In each screen was Eva, being wildly fucked by a huge number of dogs. She sat back and watched, slid her fingers into her still pulsating hole, pulled them out and sucked them dry.

Eva returned everyday after.

Eva had been going to the factory for months, she knew the cameras were there, she also knew the URL and watched on her mobile whilst it happened, the combination of being both voyeur and participant doubled her indulgence. She would see the number of viewers rise and rise the more she fucked and sucked. She knew the trainer had made a bundle off this little venture, however Eva really didn’t give a fuck about the money. She was corrupted in her own special way.

For the last month, the viewing numbers had gone insane, over one hundred thousand would watch her for as long as she did what she loved to do, so she would Fuck relentlessly for hours, leaving every dog within the vicinity drained and dehydrated, then suck the cum out of her destroyed cunt off her fingers as she masturbated until even that was gone. Not one viewer would leave. She knew where all the cameras were, so she played to it, not in a way that was obvious, it seemed sheer chance she ended up with a million dollar camera angle, but it wasn’t, it was Eva doing her thing the way she liked it and setting herself up so she could suck and grind each knot dry with her throbbing and highly talented hole.

It was on a night she was in a particularly intense need to fuckfest, Zeta style, that she noticed a shadowy figure, lurking in the shadow of the room. He was silhouetted by the dim light filtering into the next room. He was back, with his dogs, they sat obediently each side of him as he stood and stared, the occasional glow of what smelled like very nice weed indeed had drifted in, that was what drew her to him, and the knowledge he was there made her convulse in the.most intense series of orgasms she had ever had. Every dog finished dripping wet from the powerful ejaculations she had squirted all over them. There were one hundred and thirty thousand people masturbating to her intense pleasure, and that flicked her into overdrive. With the trainer watching silently, the only motion, a slow silent draw on a joint and the occasional almost silent cough. Eva passed out, not entirely, she was in an orgasmic fugue state, her brain saturated with dopamine, she was elsewhere, yet there, she felt the relentlessly frantic fucking of one of the last dogs standing, yet it was half a universe away from where her mind had gone. Time was meaningless, the last moments felt like half a lifetime long. She had transcended the orgasm barrier. She was so totally soaked in dopamine that it was all just one big orgasm that felt like it lasted an eternity, then paused as she gulped air, then gone again, like a surfer caught in stormy seas.

The trainer finished his cigarette of dubious origins and took out a tablet, it’s glow illuminating his features. Long hair, a typical deviants beard, blue eyes sparkling in the glow of the screen. Eva could see his face for the first time ever. All of the cameras were low light night vision cameras with supporting thermal imagers blended into an amazing combination ofsight, sound and thermal heat blooms on the.monitor, motion activated and discretely installed. Her adventures all took place in the dark. It is what made it more credible for the viewer. This girl was doing her darkest secret in the darkest dirtiest place, in the most deviant of ways. She was a star, and it was impossible to download anything, you watched it live and remembered it. Eva prided herself on her hacking skills and short of taking a photo of the screen with a camera there was no evidence you had seen anything on your device after you logged out. She started to drift off, her body had betrayed her, she was face down, arse up and dripping a waterfall of fuckjuice as the cameras suddenly went off.

The trainer entered the room. He was not covered up as he had been that first time, so long ago. Eva had evolved into an internet sensation amongst a very closed society. It was also a society that paid for the premium of discreet and exclusive access to this particular young ladies live feed. A notification is sent as soon as the cameras are activated and she is in the room, then they log in, hit PayPal and start filling tissues. The word spread, the URL was texted from deviant to deviant, pervert to pervert, dirty old man to dirty old man, politician to politician. Eva was becoming an epidemic of RSI related complaints, as it was global, she had perhaps become the pandemic princess of porn.

The last numbers were coming in as he watched his tablet access data. The last half hour of her spazming uncontrollably as dog after dog just fucked her furiously were in the 200K range, not too shabby for a bright idea after a chance encounter. He had stalked Eva for two months, his surveillance gear in his van, until he picked the right moment on the right night to step in and unleash this spectacular Bitch in heat. In chance encounters, nothing should be left to chance. He walked over to Eva, his dogs to Evas still spluttering cunt, throbbing and spazming of it’s own accord, her sweet arse puckering with each contraction.

They immediaty got about licking her holes clean, inside and out, with great enthusiasm and efficiency, as the trainer kneeled he unslung his black tactical pack and efficiently retrieved a cold bottle of Gatorade from an insulated pouch and opened it for Eva, who was drifting off again as his two dogs put her pussy through a dog tongue car wash. “Eva, you need to drink this, you have squirted most of your bodily fluids out your pussy over the last three hours, you really need rehydrating OK,” his voice deep, calm, gentle and reassuring, yet the undertone of assertiveness resonating in each word. She would drink as he had said to.

She collapsed onto her side, her abdominal muscles were now chiselled and defined because of her sexercise regime. She propped herself up on her left elbow and with a thirst she suddenly realised had made her mouth parched, almost drained the bottle on the first draught. Eva inhaled deeply, coughed a little and rolled into her back, the dogs still paying close attention to any deliciously scented areas their exceptional sense of smell and taste could detect. She slowly spread her legs as wide as she could, bringing her feet together and stretching her arms above her head. She clenched her now remarkably talented pelvic floor muscles that had been trained on the milking of hundreds of knots from the ever growing number of predominantly make dogs now frequenting the building. Seems the word had gotten out among the local dogs too,. This bitch is in heat constantly, and can’t get enough, bring ya mates, she takes all cummers.

With the grace of a ballerina, she slowly brought her hand from straight above her head, down past her face, along her body and then stretched to grab her feet, a steady stream of quim and watery cum dribbled out her pussy and down to her arse as the two dogs jockeyed for access to the fresh bounty dripping from her booty.

“Oh wow…I am seriously fucked, do you have any more of what you were smoking whilst I was amusing.myself?” she asked cheekily. He smiled, “Only the best for you my dear,” reaching into his jacket pocket as she drained the last if the Gatorade almost crushing the bottle with the vacuum of her eager gulps of refreshing cold beverage. Unlike the dogs, the drink had barely touched the sides. “Do you have another?” she asked as he took the empty bottle from her and she took the new burning spliff he had handed her.

“That was just to rehydrate, this is to savour.” He pulled a large hip flask, two glasses, sugar cubes, a tea spoon from one pouch and a chilled stainless steel bottle from an insulated pouch. “Absinth, have you tried it?” he asked, “No, but I have seen it in movies and read about it in books, always wanted to have a try.” “Mr Jekyl is my favorite, it’s a good companion to the weed, in a complimentary shade of green.” He said as he propped up the tablet to provide light in the dimly lit room and proceeded to make them both a drink.

Placing the spoon across the first glass and placed a sugar cube in the spoon, pouring a good measure into the glass over the cube. He then used his lighter to ignite it, letting it burn until the sugar cube caramelised then placed the spoon into the flaming concoction and stirred it, disintegrating the cube and making the fiery absinth translucent, filled with sparkling particulates. Placing his hand over the top of the glass, the flame extinguished for lack of oxygen in a moment. He poured cold water from the larger flask into the glass and handed it to her.

Eva took a long toke of the joint, holding it in as she passed it to him. She exhaled as she took her first sip, the unique taste tingled on her tongue, the warm yet chilled alcohol invigorating her taste buds and warming her throat. The aftertaste was mitigated by the sugar crystals dissolving on her tongue. The Trainer took a toke and held the joint between his lips as he repeated the procedure to make himself a libation.

“Eva, since you started doing this, since the first night, money has been dropping into an account and accumulating.” he stated warmly, “To date, over $900,000 is in there and more comes in as members pay to join, and believe me, after tonight, many more eager eyes will be watching the next time the text goes out, “Remote Security Cameras Activated”, prompting them to log on immediaty or miss out.” He paused, the look of shock on her face obvious, as she sipped her drink slowly. He looked at the screen, another 450 applications for membership, and the accompanying payment, had been logged. “Tomorrow night,” he continued, ” every member will pay $10 per camera, most get all four in a split screen, so they don’t.miss a thing and can play with the camera angles as they wish.” he took a deep toke and passed the joint to her as he sipoed his drink as well. ” Half of that is yours, you can do whatever you want with it, I have already set up an account in the Cayman’s for you,” as he produced a card bearing account and access codes and passed it to her. “Money is no longer a problem for you, though I have a suggestion for you, to invest in an endeavor with me, to produce the best zoo porn ever seen and make so much money, we will be able to do whatever we want, for as long as we feel like doing it.”

Eva took a deep toke, passed it back to him, then drained her glass, handing that back to him as well, nodding to imply another was required. He was deftly processing another concoction when she lay her head back and spread her still tingling labia wide open, for the two orally obsessed hounds to.explore deeply. “I think we just went into business together,” she stated, immediately followed by a sign as the dogs tongues hit the right buttons, bringing her back into the orgasmic twilight zone, she groaned deeply as he smiled and finished her drink.

The tall man sat and watched her body as goosebumps shivered across her skin like a breeze on a smooth lake. The Trainer smiled, Eva moaned, the dog indulged in her juices and his drink tasted perfect. He took another deep toke on the almost finished joint, smoke pouring from him as he smiled and said,” Fuck yeah…”

The next month was a blur, Eva had amassed a not insignificant fortune, even after buying herself a used but immaculate Audi R8 and pampering herself with a visit to different day spas each day as part of her new cleansing ritual, Eva still had an account that grew by the hour, and it just kept coming. The viewing audience just increased, each night they would go to the delapidated building and she would indulge their tastes as she scratched her now insatiable itch.

Dogs would battle each other as they vied for being next in line for a turn at her welcoming and enthusiastic cunt, no natter how bold the hound at the beginning, he was one fucked puppy by the end. Eva would milk each cock dry, until it deflated and popped out of the grip of her insatiable hole. Then another would fill her void eagerly, as yet others greedily licked the overflow from Evas pulsating torso and thighs. The Trainer would keep watch, using his trained dogs as K9 bouncers to keep the other dogs in line. Eva had scratches galore form dogs brutally fucking her, yet never a bite. Most would now tongue kiss her as they climaxed, knotted together is shared orgasmic bliss. Many would now lay down and expose their sheath and belly because they had begun to realise this bitch goes off at both ends. Her luscious and lascivious lips would invite each cock into her hot and ravenous throat, she almost regretted them filling her mouth with their warm loads instead of her aching cunt, almost regretted that is.

The sessions continued, some now going for as long as five hours straight, she now brought a cooler bag with chilled drinks to replace the orgasmic fluids she constantly dripped for eager tongues to consume. It was her profession now, servicing the now substantial number of compliant and agreeable K9 Fuck buddies. Each had been named and now responded to his name. Apart from near constant fights over primacy of the insatiable bitch, the dogs had basically been domesticated and trained. The room would be full of satiated and slumbering beasts by the time she finished her sexercise session. Her body was absolutely honed to perfection. The spas pampered her body, the dogs fed her insatiable lust, the masses that now logged on each night, eagerly paying for the four camera package, filled her account, Eva in turn filled their eyes with their wildest and wickedest dreams, manifest in flesh, and a smoking hot bit of flesh at that. A comments section had been added and it was swamped in marriage proposal after marriage proposal.

She had long since ditched her.mundane life completely. Her job was history, she burned or gave away most of her possessions and moved in with the trainer. Everything bad a few exceptions in her life, was new. One of the Trainers Bull Arabs was always with her, even when she drove her car at break neck speed, there beside her was one of the boys, head out the window, tongue and ears flapping in the breeze. They were her bodyguards, her companions and her constant fuck buddies. She would have had both with her all the time, however the Audi could only fit two, and that was as she wanted. After each fuckfest, she would go back to the house on the hill overlooking the Gold Coast skyline, shower with him and the dogs, then go to bed and Fuck and suck each other until sleep overcame them all, many a time, Eva falling asleep, an exhausted and inert dog still knotted inside her, orgasms still reverberating through her muscles as she drifted off into a post fuckfest coma. Each morning, she would wake first and start again, waking the trainer with a cunt dripping fresh dog juice over his face. Each morning, he awoke, smiled and plunged his face, tongue first, deep into her marinated hole enthusiastically. Eva was already tonsils deep on his throbbing cock by then and that was his alarm clock. Him latched onto her clit with his.lips, teasing and tantalizing her with his tongue, her, throat fucking herself on his rigid rod, the two would consume each other as breakfast in bed. On command, the dogs would join in, one after the other ploughing her field like a bull elephant in a rampage.

This continued until the first freezing cold night of winter. Eva had gone on her one woman campaign to keep every dog in town satiated and spoiled almost every night for four.months, and her bank account reflected the appreciation of those who paid to watch from the privacy of their own space. They had decided to do one last great indulgence and bring him back in at the end of it, to bring that chapter to a close.

In her now famous leather corset and skirt that protected yet allowed ease of access, she entered the room. It was filled with dogs sitting, tails wagging, ready to please their combined mistress and Alpha Bitch. She placed herself on the rug and started to masturbate. Though it was cold, the combination of sexual tension, insatiable lust and a few shots of absinth with a nice herbal chaser rolled in a blunt, Eva felt impervious to winters cold fingers, instead her fingers were warm and wet and she was held wide open as the first tongue entered her dripping and eager hole. He was a big boy for the ferals, a mongrel breed, he had mass and power behind each thrust, his throbbing knot filling her starting the processings perfectly. Another of the Alpha type.males lay in front of her, allowing Eva access to his eager cock. She jacked his rocket out of it’s hangar and slowly started to suck and lick it to it’s full size, her throat open and willing for his cock to violate it. Groaning and moaning as she sucked, the dog lay there, tongue lolling from it’s mouth as the voracious woman consumed his hot flowing seed. He unleashed load after load as she refused to stop after each discharge of dog juice filled her greedy mouth. Most dogs would lay compliant until they had no more left in them. Several other dogs would knot with and fill her to overflowing as their opportunity came to Fuck this amazing and insatiable bitch.

For your after hour, dog after dog pounded their cocks into her eager cunt. Not a drop was wasted, eager tongues would clear each little drop as it was released. Others licked the sweat and oral overflow from her exposed breasts, making her nipples even harder than the cold air could ever elicit from them. Her torso pulsated and heaved as climax after climax wracked her body with almost constant orgasms. She would just release, leave her body and soar, riding the crest of a wave of neurochemistry that tingled through her body constantly and convulsed her muscles as she clasped each knot tightly and humped it for every drop she could get from it.

Observing all in the room and the viewing numbers on the tablet, the Trainer maintained his position as the Alpha of all Alphas, no dog fought near Eva, they would fight each other until one yelped and bowed out of the battle, the winner straight in as the last dismounts, eager to displace their cum with his. Within four hours, the room had been virtually fucked dry. Unconscious and satiated dogs were laying where they collapsed, spent, drained, consumed to the last drop. Soon the last few were feebly filling her needs, they had come back for one last turn each. In time, they too were unconscious in the floor, Eva prostrate on the cum soaked carpet, her face smiling, her eyes dreamy. That is when he strode in with his dogs. They violated her with an enthusiasm that would have made and barbarian envious. The boys knew their Mistress liked it hard, wild, animalistic in the extreme, and that suited them fine. One then the other eagerly filled the pulsating cum soaked hole of this wicked wild.woman. the Trainer stood, face obscured by raised collar and baseball cap, silently by her shoulder. Time after time, the two Bull Arab studs would Fuck her until he had unloaded, until they too lay down and licked his.cock clean before crashing out for a well earned nap. The Trainer leaned over and placed a jeweled pink collar around her slender throat and clipped on a walking leash. He tugged on the leash and Eva took position on all fours, he started to walk her out of frame, as the two dogs bounded over to lick her drips and drops, then her trembling cunt, as he walked her, crawling out of the room.

It was a chilly winter, far too cold for her usual expeditions to her dark dirty hideaway. She would sometimes go during the warmer daylight hours, just to keep it going. It was riskier, kids would skateboard and parkour through the massive concrete and steel complex and the chances of some millennial parkouring into her room whilst she is knotted in one end and deeply throating another while a pack of dogs waited and watched was great, which was too much of a thrill for her to pass up. The cameras were gone now, the Trainer had removed them, he now sold the videos, edited into one hour segments, with individual digital watermarks to members. Only one camera remained, that was set up only for Eva and the Trainer. Eva loved to watch the knot as it struggled against her ravenous cunt. Her lust was a many splendid thing, watching the knot and cock pop out from each dog, with the accompanying surge of juices, filled her absolutely, seeing it as she felt it, now in full colour HD, was Evas little mental scrap book.

As fate would inevitably have it, her worst fear, and coincidentally most thrilling fear, happened. Eva had been locked in her favorite pastime for nearly three hours when her four legged chaperone alerted her to approaching intruders. She motioned with her hand for him to relax and continued to swallow every last drop of the feral beasts load she was so enthusiastically enjoying. A twirling figure ninja flipped his way into the room, landing flat footed and motionless right in front of her. He stood transfixed, several dogs walked to her sides and took a defensive stature, making it absolutely clear, if he did the wrong thing, there would be catastrophic consequences. The young dude, dressed in hiphop cliche from head to toe, didn’t even twitch. He stood, mouth wide open, eyes glued to this stunning woman with long flowing and amazingly shiny hair was being pack fucked by dogs. Eva watched with wicked satisfaction as his cock made a tent out if his saggy, baggy pants. She swallowed the last drops of the convulsing dog before her, raised her head as she let his rapidly deflating cock slowly slide from between her lips until the tip was right before her lips. Her tongue snaked out and licked it, his cock still throbbing and spraying as she held him like a cognac balloon by his knot. She slowly licked her lips and looked him in the eyes, taking time to admire the ever spreading wet patch at the tip of his faded blue denim tent. She withdrew her tongue between her luscious red lips and said,” You know, I like human cum, just as much as I enjoy this,” as she slowly swallowed the dogs cock once again. She let go of his knot and motioned him away, another two dogs trotted to either shoulder, ready to provide as much protein as they could for their insatiable Alpha Bitch. Eva looked him in the eyes and smiled a wickedly seductive smirk.

“Well, you or one of them, you have two seconds then I grab the closest.” He stepped forward, dropping his baggy jeans in one movement, his cock bounced out like a fibreglass fishing rod tip. It was a nice size she thought as she caressed it slowly, drops glistening in the tip, she couple his balls in her hand gently and licked the head of his pulsating cock and then the tip, savouring his precum on her tastebuds. She pulled him gently by the balls to force his shaft between her hungry lips. He stood where she wanted him, rolled his head back and did his best no to buckle at the knees as she took his whole shaft down her throat. Her middle finger extended, she placed it right on the rim of his now puckering arse, using little prompts to get him to fuck her throat as one dog dismounted her business end and another just hopped on, immediately going at it like it would be his last and he knew it. Eva moaned and groaned as he fucked her throat, her finger in his arse was directing the the tempo and it was increasing in rapidity and intensity. His balls were tight in his hand, she knew he was about to unload, the spasms of his arse were increasing with the intensity of his intention to unload like a fire hose in her throat.

He put his hands on her head, her hair was soft, like the finest silk, and thick, he ran his fingers between her golden locks wrapping her hair around his hands, he was feeling the well start to overflow, in a minute he would release, he had not done that with another person in the room in longer than he would ever admit. He now smashed his cock into her throat, she was swallowing and breathing in time with his thrusts, the sensation in the head and shaft of his cock was making him do a strange rapid dance with his feet, his knees now, visibly shaking and about to fail.

He thrust harder and deeper, faster and faster, until Eva judged him to be in the verge of the vinegar stroke, and rammed her finger unceremoniously deeply up his arse, squeezing his prostate gland. The young man didn’t know what the fuck to do, so he just exploded into her, releasing a torrent of cum into her insatiable throat and a long, load groan that echoed through the delapidated building, reverberating off the walls as an eerie drawn out guttural death moan of some tormented soul. She continued to massage his prostate in synch with his orgasmic spasms. She would milk him as dry as she milked the dogs. Not a drop would be wasted, she withdrew his shaft to her mouth so her tongue could dance around his tip for his last warm creamy discharges. He collapsed onto the floor like a marionette with severed strings.

“Ho..leeee…..Fuuuuuck,” emanated from the entrance, she looked over, licking her lips, a fresh dog frantically forcing it’s knot into her all consuming hole and smiled. His two friends, also in their early twenties, stood at the large doorway. Both were unconsciously massaging their raging erections.
“Well, are you going to do that yourself, or would you prefer I give some lip service to your juicy problems?” she smiled even more invitingly, they were stunned, “Well?” she questioned, “I don’t have all day.” They scuffled with each other vying to be first. The larger of the two got his cock out and between her lips first, he gave a smug smile to the smaller guy and then a shocked look as Evas finger shattered his virginal arse, he moaned and clumsily humped her mouth as he instantly blew his load, she massaged his prostate and swallowed his cock like a demon, hell bent on consuming his soul out of the end of his cock. In less than a minute he was done, his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed next to his still motionless and bare arsed friend.

She looked up at the smaller of the three, he was fit and well muscled, yet proportionate, his rigid cock rose and fell with the pulsations of his now ravenously all consuming lust. He grabbed her hair and face fucked her furiously. He would ensure he didn’t Fuck her nose flat, however, he was ramming it deep enough and intensely enough to give Eva the sensation she liked, both ends hammered intensely without restraint or ego, only pure lust the motivator of the motions. The dog knotted inside her seemed to smile at the young man furiously humping her mouth and throat. It seemed to spurn both on, the dog certainly was not going to be shown up by some human, the young dude deep in the throat of this gorgeous nymphomaniac wasn’t going to be shown up by some mongrel dog.

Man and dog competed, other dogs had come in to lap at the copious flow of fuckjuice emanating from the action. Some licked the fliir, some her thighs, others went for the source of the flow. The young man watch as she writhed in orgasmic Bliss, she felt his finger slide in and a warm rush threw him into orgasmic overdrive. He pounded his load down her throat, he roared like a beast, pulling her hair wildly as he unloaded down her greedy throat, as he started to wane in his pulsations, she reduced her intensity, instead applying the attentions of her mouth and tongue to his still throbbing head. He remained rigid, then as if a second wind filled his sails, started off again, just as intensely as he had started five minutes before. “Mmmm, how yummy, he is a fit boy, I might keep this one,” she thought as she massaged and sucked another load from him. He fucked her throat with equal intensity, ramming each load as deep into her as he could.

Eva had been constantly in a state of orgasm for hours. The last man didn’t collapse, he stroked her hair and face, then kissed her gently, at first, until he was eventually sucking her tongue clean in his mouth. The last dog standing was her four legged escort, even he was spent, he lapped at her drenched cunt, half heartedly, he was fucked, absolutely. The dog took to a comfy position on the floor and licked his cock clean. Eva rolled onto her back and stretched. She had the physique of an athlete, yet retained this almost goddess like femininity. He kneeled beside her, “You are amazing, can I…repay the favour?” as he slid his fingers down her abdomen and slid them into her still throbbing hole. “Do with me as you wish, I love it all, I need more, ring my bell enough times and I might even keep you.” she stated, the sexuality dripping from every word like the fuckjuice from his fingers.

He positioned himself in a 69 over her, she immediately took his still hard cock into her mouth as he licked her gently, teasing and pleasing her until she was sucking his with smiling lips. He had watched at least ten different dogs Fuck her since he had been drawn by the sounds of his still docile and semi conscious friend. It made him even harder, he rocked his cock back and forth down her throat and fingered and sucked her delicious cunt with intensify vigour. His tongue was very adaptable to her needs and he seemed to feel where it was most needed and went there automatically. In shirt order he was fist fucking her furiously as he gnashed on her clitoris and fingered her arse with three fingers, using it as a leverage point for his deeply thrusting intention to unload down her throat again, this time, her orgasms were of his making and he felt vindicated among his peers, the two larger guys that lorded over him lay motionless but for deep breathing, bare arsed and out to it, as he made this insatiable and beautiful bitch his glove puppet. He unloaded then continued until he unloaded again. Eva cum and went in her transindental voyages with this energetic and seemingly natural born deviant. After his second load, he too was spent, yet he didn’t pass out in a post orgasmic coma, he lay next to her, allowing her to roll onto him and use his arm as a pillow.

They lay wrapped together, chests heaving as they recovered. Eva was roused from her restful day dreaming by her phone. It was the Trainer, he had watched the whole thing and agreed he was suitable for their little venture. “Tell me about yourself,” she asked as she looked up at him. He was slightly taller than she, but not much, clean shaven and neatly presented, he also smelled nice, even for a guy who had been very physical until just moments ago. “Well, not much to tell,” he replied, “My name is Kurt, I know, it means short in German, my friends rib ne about it all the time, ” he adjusted his head on his muscular arm and continued, ” Until Monday I was a limo driver, but I got sacked, not sure why, the company manager is a bit of a douche,” he twirled with her hair as he filled in her questions details openly. “I am single, living in a share house, trying for any job I can get, I do Krav maga and capoiera on alternate evenings and DJ on weekends at a small club on the coast. ” she ran her hand over his firm and warm abdominal muscles, he continued, ” My family died in a car accident whilst I was at work a year ago, my laments, younger brother and sister, gone in a second because of a bimbo on her mobile, she ploughed into them and everyone in both cars died.” she put her hand gently on his cheek, “Since then, I have been getting by, dad had been drinking, he was just over the limit, so the insurance company refused to pay up. The house was taken by the bank and I ended up out on the street, ended up in a share house, and that’s pretty well it.”

He paused to ponder his crappy situation, Eva pulled his face to hers and kissed him on the lips. “I happen to need a personal driver, for a limousine I just decided to buy. The job comes.with a room in the house I live in and a very nice employment package,” she stated as she stroked his rapidly hardening cock, “I will expect you to go.above and beyond, for myself and my owner, he is called the Trainer, you do as he tells you without question, do.you understand?” she asked in a serious tone. He nodded his acquiescence, “Whatever he says, above and beyond, understood.” he repeated as he nodded profusely. Eva rolled over onto her knees, scratching her fingers along the shaft of his now, throbbing cock. “Fuck me Kurt, deep and nasty in my arse, and Fuck me like you mean it…” she put her cheek on the filthy Fuck stained carpet and held her arse cheeks open. He was up, on and in her like a flash, her arse was inviting and warm, he was hard and eager, they furiously fucked, each thrust of his rod displacing a release of quim and dog cum from her still puckered pussy. With frantic enthusiasm, he pounded his.meat deeply into her sweet firm arse. Her back was covered in red welts from the.dog claws that had so recently been digging into her flesh to hold her as they had unloaded into her. Now he was behind her, pummeling her body with his in a lustful and erotic assault. He knew he was nearly bone dry, he hoped there was one last load, so as to impress his new boss, one of his friends was aroused from his slumber by the frantic fucking, their eyes met, he smiled as his friends went from confused to astonished, there he was, the little guy, fucking this gloriously wicked woman like a stud, his chest puffed up and he’s at once knew he had a very decent load left. He hammered his balls dry into her throbbing arse, drips raining from her cunt as her arse was violated deeply. He pulled her.long hair like reigns as he unloaded all he had into her, then slid his cock out, walked calmly to her face and had her lick and suck it clean. His friend was dumbfounded as they got up, redressed themselves and walked out hand in-hand, dog obediently walking at the heel beside them. He heard a high performance car start and peel out of there like it were rejoining a race from the pits. That was the last either ever saw of Kurt. They were left,.arses still hanging out, in a rapidly cooling building as rain clouds made a slow approach, darkening the sky by the moment. By the time both had run out to see where he had gone, all they saw was a disappearing for accompanied by the sound of a fading engine.

With the dog on the floor between her legs, licking gently as Kurt drove the Audi like he stole it, they tore through the outskirts of the city. He was hooked on his new life already and it had.onkt just started. The performance vehicle responded beautifully to his deft touch, allowing him to ring every ounce of.power from its engineering masterpiece of a powertrain. Eva searched local listings forms limousine for sale, a stretch Mercedes Maybach S600 caught her eye, it was big black and beautiful and had more than enough room for her to do anything she liked in the back. She put the address into the car navigational system and directed Kurt to go there straight away. In no time at all, they were pulling up at a large shed in an industrial estate. The shed was gone to a fleet of limousines, parked in pride of place was the Mercedes she had come to see. “I like it, how much”, we’re her first words, “I can direct transfer immediaty if I can leave with it when I go.” She stood, arms folded, he knew she was a woman who was not to be haggled with, “$200 K if we settle now,” he replied, they shook hands and I’m moments had transfers the funds to his account. Upon receipt he transferred ownership over the net, uploading the safety report and transfer details quickly. She took the keys and threw them to Kurt, “Its your car now, look after it, I expect it to be set up as my sin bin and kept ready to Rick at a moment’s notice.” Eva strode passed the stunned Kurt and stepped into the Audi, “Keep up, if you get lost you will have to hunt. Me down.” she quoted as she closed the door and started the engine. Kurt leaped into the Mercedes, it was a beast with the high performance Maybach engine, powerful yet quiet, it’s silent ride camouflaging the copiius horsepower idling under the hood. He drove it out of the dealership and up behind Eva, who would put his driving skills and her new cars capabilities to the test on the drive home.

Kurt did well, the power he had at his disposal was easily able to keep up with Eva, though she could have hammered it, she wanted to see what it was capable of under fast but still safe conditions. The Mercedes lived up to its reputation, fast and comfortable, it would be an excellent touring car, she thought, plenty of room to play in the back and dark tinted privacy assured, so she could look at people as she drove around indulging her wickedest inclinations. Kurt was suitably impressed by the house as he drove in through the gates. A large stone and brick house, perched on a razorback ridge overlooking the Gold Coast skyline. He parked the car in front if the huge portico and got out, his heart still pumping from the exhilarating drive back to his new home. Eva walked over, “Well, is it worth what I paid for it?” she asked, “Every fucking cent Eva,” was his reply, the smile on his face implying it was very much the truth he spoke.

The door opened and a tall bearded man with long hair stepped out and gave a cursory examination of both the car and Evas new boy toy. “So, it seems you have been busy, did you have a fun day my wicked vixen?” he asked,”Most constructive and productive Master,” she replied. He looked inside, it was very opulent and we’ll appointed, lots of room and luxurious comfort, ideal for their new way of life. “I do believe we should break it in, what do you think Eva?” he enquired, well aware of the answer. Eva whistled and directed the two Bull Arabs into the cavernous passenger area, then told Kurt,”Take a long slow drive through the city and keep going until I tell you to stop, ok?” Kurt nodded his compliance, holding the rear door till both Eva and the Trainer had entered. He closed the door in a very professional manner and briskly walked to the drivers door. By the time he had closed it and looked into the rear view mirror, Eva was already being fucked by the first of the dogs. He raised the.privacy partition so oncoming traffic could not see her in action, put the rear AC at the ideal temperature for furious fuckfesting and drove out of the gates, on a long drive to bother in particular.

Kurt drove through the city, around the limousine, people went about their normal mundane lives, inside the limo was another thing altogether. Eva straddled the tailshaft hump, the god’s were either knit deep or licking her lustful overflow. Her mouth was wrapped greedily around the Trainers cock. No one could see in, however they could certainly see the masses of people as they drove through the bustling Surfers Paradise glitter strip. The Two Bull Arabs were named King and Kaiser, King had a brindle patch over his left eye, Kaiser a brindle patch over his right eye, it was Kaiser who was unloading his balls into Eva at that time, King was vigorously licking any drips of fuckjuice that escaped the knot and her grasping pussy. Eva ground down on his knot, gyrating and humping under the weight of his substantial body. Kaiser’s muscles rippled as he pumped her full, the music was camouflaging the sounds of her orgasms as they drove. The Trainer grabbed her by the hair and forced his cock down her throat as he also unloaded into her insatiable mouth. Again and again, the Two dogs took turn, each doing his mistresses bidding and fucking her furiously as they weaved among the traffic and pedestrians. Even when Kurt pulled into a service station for fuel and other things he felt were needed for his new limo, Eva didn’t miss a beat. She humped both dogs dry, sucked the Trainer dry, yet was not satiated.

A chance encounter at a pedestrian crossing added some excitement, a young woman in her early twenties had knocked on the window and asked for a ride. The Trainer lowered the heavily tinted window, Eva was legs spread wide, both dogs muzzles buried deep in her throbbing groin. She looked inside and smiled, then bit her lip, Eva stated in a matter if fact fashion, “If you want a ride, hop in and join us.” She did without hesitation, taking a seat directly across from Eva and her silent male companion. “Hi, I’m Rachel, that looks fun,” she said as she sat transfixed on Evas action, “Well, nice to meet you Rachel, get naked and you can borrow one of the boys for your own satisfaction, I assure you, they are very good at what they do.” Without hesitation, Rachel stripped. Her firm young body and shaved pussy looked delicious to Eva. “Kaiser, go to her,” she directed, and he didn’t as she commanded, turning around and immediately burying his face in Rachel’s already dripping cunt. They chatted as they indulged. “Tell me about yourself,” Eva enquiringly probed, “Well, I am 20, just new to town, I don’t know anyone here to be honest and I am looking for work, perhaps in a bar or resort.” Eva looked at the Trainer and he gave a confirming nod, “well, Rachel, it just do happens I may have a position for you, if you are open to it that is.” Rachel smiled, her cunt was being serviced by a truly gifted tongue, it was deep inside her, making her body quiver, “I am open to anything and everything,” she replied, “to be honest I really like this, I used to let our dog lick ne all the time when I was at home, my parents are Jehovahs Witnesses, I never liked it, always felt more in tune with the opposing team.” Both Eva and the Trainer smiled, “good, then you are my new personal assistant, the wage is more than generous, you will have a room adjacent to mine, however I expect you to comply with my wishes instantly and enthusiastically. Rachel nodded agreement as her first orgasm overcame her, she moaned and groaned as Kaiser’s tongue lapped greedily at her quim. “Wh..when do i start” Rachel enquired, “You just did.” Eva replied with a wicked grin.

They drove for hours, Eva and Rachel enthusiastically indulging in the dogs attentions. At one time, Rachel was impaled on the Trainers once again rigid meat, he was buried deep in her arse, Eva tonguing King’s cum from Rachel’s throbbing hole. Rachel was a natural, she had adapted to their ways in an instant. Her cunt was sweet and constantly dripping.

She had been a good Christian girl, except for a few dalliances with men in the park that she walked home from college through. Both times she was raped, and she loved it more than she would ever admit. The first time deflowered her, he was brutal, he stank of stale alcohol and urine, he was filthy, yet she throat fucked him eagerly, he was raping her for nearly an hour, every hole was violated, one after the other. For weeks after, Rachel wandered the park, seeking him out, to no avail, however one night, another man, just as disgusting, grabbed her from behind and did the same. He raped her until he was dry, yet Rachel wanted more, she tried to suck his flacid cock hard again, until he was annoyed by his impotence and walked off, leaving her dishevelled and dripping, begging for more. She later found out, both men had been charged for raping other women, it defied logic to Rachel that any woman would not be thrilled by the experience,

Eva finished devouring Rachel, who was by now a truly liberated deviant.The Trainer was drained, the dogs were drained, Rachel was a dripping naked mess, still masturbating and sucking whatever juices she could extract from her throbbing cunt off her fingers, moaning as she tasted the combined juices. It was now dark, outside the limo was cold, a storm was approaching. “Where is your gear?” Eva asked her, “we should collect it now, so you can move straight in to your new life.” I am staying in a backpackers in Surfers,” she replied. She gave the address to Eva who immediately told Kurt, within ten minutes, the limo was parked out front. Rachel quickly dressed, got out, collected her gear and was back in the limo in minutes. Her enthusiastic manner had impressed Eva no end.

The drive home was only broken by a quick stop at a liquor barn. The Trainer had ordered their requirements online so the stop was very brief, only long enough to pay for and collect a large amount of alcohol and mixers. Kurt loaded the trunk with cases of top shelf alcohol, as inside the limo, Eva taught Rachel how to suck her cunt, just the way she liked it. Rachel was a quick study, she was fishing, licking and tonguing Eva to climax in minutes. Evas juices were a delicacy to Rachel who licked them off her fingers, hand and arm. The more intensely Rachel indulged her new mistress, the more Eva cum and Rachel’s cunt throbbed in glee as she made Eva go into orgasmic overload.

The limo pulled into the gates just as lightning shattered the darkened sky. A wall of rain started to obscure the skyline as the quartet accompanied by King and Kaiser, entered the opulent surrounds of the house. It was Kurt’s first time in a mansion. He was dumbstruck by the fixtures and finish of this glorious home. The Trainer escorted Rachel and Kurt to their new rooms, one either side of Eva, directly across from the Trainers enormous master suite. Eva only used her room to stash her newly acquired goodies in. Each night she slept with the Trainer and the Dogs, never once using the massive bed in her own room. Kurt entered his room, it was the biggest bedroom he had ever seen, the walk in wardrobe was as big as the room he had been renting. A ceiling to floor picture window exposed the coastal strip before him. He felt liberated. In one day he had gone from a lost young man without a job or prospects, now, he was employed, living in a mansion with an enormous ensure and a.million dollar view. His worm had definitely turned. Rachel was equally awestruck by her new accommodations. She stood, watching the storm approach, the high rises fading as the rain engulfed them.

Eva popped her head in the door. “Hungry?” she asked,”Ravenous,” was Rachel’s reply. The buzzer at the gate informed them that dinner had arrived. “I got Thai food, I hope that’s OK,” she stated as the Trainer went to answer the door. “I think we need a chef and a housekeeper, perhaps we can find suitable candidates tomorrow. The Trainer took the food into the kitchen and transferred the exotic food onto fine China. Rachel volunteered to help, in short order they were all digging in and devouring the delicious exotic.food. The dogs were devouring their own special treats, chicken wings, lamb liver, dog biscuits with a raw egg and some bones to eat made for a good meal and also gave them the energy for what was to be an indulgent and exciting night.


Chapter 2

Dawn broke on a city washed clean by torrential rains. Eva stood naked in the window, surveying the still slumbering city. She had awoken in her normal state, ravenously horny and in need of more. She viewed the rising mist on the forest that spread out down to the city below, her legs braced open, King’s tongue licking her from clitoris to arse in long eager strokes. Behind her, the Trainer lay, along with Rachel and Kurt, it has been a wonderful night of.cock and cunt, cum and quim, furious and fantastic. They had passed out only a few hours earlier, however Eva would only sleep as long as her cunt slept, once it was aroused by her lustful dreams, it would awaken her, throbbing and needy, so she stood and watched the sun bring the world below back to life. She lowered herself to a kneeling position and signalled King to mount her. Her breasts swayed as he forced his knot into her eager cunt, juices dripped from her pink stretched pussy lips, which aroused Kaiser, who bounded straight over to indulge his tastebuds with the fresh and freely flowing fuckjuice.

King and Kaiser took turns fucking her, one licked as the other filled her, she moaned and groaned as she watched tiny dots move on the roads. Orgasmic bliss was her preferable state of being, so she fucked them both dry, before returning to the bed to squat over the Trainers still slumbering face. Fresh drips on juice aroused him from his sleep. “Mmmm, good morning you delicious slut,” he said, just before extending his tongue to taste her sweetly marinated hole. She removed his throbbing cock from her.mouth, “Good morning master, I hope you find me satisfactorily presented for your pleasure.” He never replied, his face was buried deep inside her groin, his tongue savouring the taste and texture of her well fucked pussy. On either side, bleary eyes focussed on the scene. Rachel licked the outside of Evas thigh as Kurt stroked her hair, exposing her shoulder and gently biting and licking it. “Rachel, get on his cock,” she directed, and Rachel straddled the Trainer, slowly inserting his throbbing.meat into her already wet and inviting cunt. Eva pushed her back a.little so she could give her tongue access to his shaft and her clit as she rode his pulsating meat like a horny cowgirl. The Trainer directed Kurt to Fuck Eva as he licked. He too, licked the shaft as it slid in and out of Evas deliciously dripping hole. He licked his shaft, his balls and his arse as he fucked Eva, Eva in return licked the Trainers shaft as it slid in and out of Rachel. Each indulged the other, free from moral boundaries, free from sexual prejudice, it was flesh, it was wet, it needed to be indulged. Kurt and the Trainer cum almost simultaneously, each hammered his load deep inside the willing cunts wrapped around them. As Kurt withdrew, the Trainer sucked his cock clean, then delved his tongue into Evas cream filled flesh. Eva also sucked the Trainers cock clean, then pulled Rachel close so she.could lick the fresh cream from within her throbbing hole. Rachel and Eva cum repeatedly. Before Rachel had met Eva she had only cum when she had been raped in the park, and when she could masturbate at home without fear.of her family catching her. That was not very often, however since meeting Eva and.climbing into the.limo, she had cum.so.many times she had lost count. Each orgasm more intense than the proceeding climax, she was now in a virtual state of perpetual climax.

The Two men decided to make breakfast, leaving the women to.indulge in the Two dogs. They went down to the kitchen and prepared a nice breakfast as Eva and Rachel locked their mouths together in a deep passionate unending kiss as the Two large dogs fucked them remorselessly. Faces locked together, tongues deep impeach others mouths, the Two women were filled with hot animal cum, they stroked each others breasts, faces, pulled each others hair, as the dogs were milked dry by the insatiably wild women. The smell of a freshly prepared breakfast was the motivator to wrap up this morning glory. The dogs dismounted and the women walked naked to the kitchen, cunts dripping as they did do, the dog licking up each drop along the way. The Two women sat at the glass topped kitchen table and spread their legs for the.dogs to continue licking them clean. Rachel had adapted to her new life with an ease that impressed both Eva and the Trainer. Kurt also adapted well. He had already licked and sucked a dogs cock fresh from a juicy cunt, as well as the Trainers. He just didn’t care, it was flesh, it was juicy, it was fun, and he felt it was the least he could do for his new benefactors.

The men had created a culinary.masterpiece for breakfast, it gave them a balance of taste, texture and nutrition. They all dined well, all naked, the picture window perfectly framing the now bustling city far below. As they are, the dogs licked cock and cunt alike with absolute indifferece. Kurt and the Trainer were both erect once again, the women were both insatiable as always, the dogs were eager to do whatever was needed of.them. Once breakfast was finished and the dishes rinsed and placed in the dishwasher, they proceeded to the lounge. The fireplace was still burning the large.log placed in the.previous night, with little effort, it roared into life once again. Once innthe.lounge, the Two.women assumed the Fuck me position for the dogs to mount them, the men placed themselves between the women’s and dogs legs and sucked their throbbing clitorises as they stroked each others cocks. The sun rose gradually, it’s light leaving the room as it rose, again and again, dogs and.men swapped position to maintain a constant supply of cock for the Two women. Load after load, from man and dog was deposited into their ever needful cunts. It was nearly midday before they finally all entered the large shower in the Master bedroom together. Dogs and humans alike showered and played, kissed and caressed, as they prepared themselves to enter the world of the mundane. Afterwards they dressed, Kurt had to put his clothes on from yesterday, he had not had the chance to gather his meagre possessions from.the boarding house, Eva thought,”This will not do.” It was decided today would be a shopping day. Rachel unthinkingly put on panties, Eva walked over and unceremoniously ripped them off her. “No panties, ever,understood?” Demanded Eva, no doubt as to the resolve of her statement, “Of course mistress, ” Rachel replied, as she donned a short skirt and sweater, then knee high boots. Eva dressed much the same, casual but accessible, sure it was cold, but that makes warming their cunts and arse so.much more enjoyable. The Trainer had his own agenda for the day, it was a big secret and he wasn’t telling. Eva, Rachel, the Two dogs and Kurt made their way to the.Limo. As the trainer peeled out of the driveway and onto the road in a cloud of tyre smoke from his Porsche, the limo left rather sedately and headed in the opposite direction.

It was Evas first shopping day for her two employees and fuckbuddies. She had decided that Kurt would wear Christian D’ior as his chauffeur suits, with silk shirts of different colours and a black silk tie. A different colour for each day. She bought his casual gear as well, stylish but not pretentious, certainly not Hiphop cliche, that would be certain. He modeled each piece for the Two women, who would decide if it was appropriate, then if it was, Eva would put it on the ever expanding pile of purchases. Once Kurt had been suitably outfitted in all manner of clothes for all occasions and seasons, it was Rachel’s turn. Eva had decided to go for a business style ensemble for her, stylish, elegant, yet slutty and accessible. Everything was exclusive designer brands with a correspondingly outrageous price. Rachel would look at the price tags and shudder at the cost, until Eva told her not to, just to try it on, whereupon, Eva and Kurt would give their agreement whether to buy or not. In short order, the trunk of the.limo was filled with bags from the.most exclusive stores in the city.

Rachel sat naked in the spa with Kurt and Eva, it had been a wonderful morning, they had awoken in their usual way to Evas insatiable need for more and more is exactly what she had. Rachel’s cunt still tingled from the knotting, Eva was still in the mood for more and Kurt as usual had a raging erection, which Eva was casually stroking underwater. The Trainer had been up to something, and it was to be a secret, so no-one asked and they decided to just let him go about his thing unmolested. The molesting was Evas job, she had met a girl at a club who was a chef, so after a brief interview in a toilet cubicle, where Eva asked questions and Marianne sucked her cunt, Eva felt she was the right girl for the position. Marianne would be arriving soon to commence her new job, leaving the restaurant life behind to focus on inventing new delicacies for her energetic new employer.

The doorbell rang just as they were living the spa, dripping wet and naked, Rachel bounded down to the front door. There in the screen was a tall blond woman, in her mid 30’s. Rachel buzzed her in through the gates and watched her pull up. She was alone, so Rachel opened the door, leaning naked against the door jamb.”Hi, I am Rachel, Evas personal assistant, you must be Marianne,” she stated, smiling cutely as water glistening on her naked body. The sun was warm, however it was still quite cold outside. Her nipples were hard, however the cold may have been the last reason for that. Rachel could still feel King’s knot from before, he had fucked her so hard and for so long, Rachel thought she would pass out. “Hi, yes, I am Marianne, very nice to meet you, is that the workplace uniform?” she asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, “Oh yes it is,” replied Rachel, “Eva does like her people well presented, you should change into your work attire immediaty.” Rachel giggled as she walked back in, her sweet young arse shimmered in the morning sun. They walked in. Marianne had been told just to arrive, get orientated, then move her stuff in. As soon as she entered Marianne started to undress, Rachel took her clothes and put them on a bench by the door. Once she was naked, Rachel smiled, “Eva did say you were right for the job, it would appear so.” She reached over and kissed Marianne who replied in kind, within seconds their fingers were exploring each others inviting wet holes. Kurt walked out, his erection bouncing with his stride, Marianne looked down and smiled, “such a nice greeting,” she said, as she shook him by his cock. With a cock in one hand and a cunt wrapped around the fingers of her other hand, the three kissed passionately, before entering the spacious home.

As they entered the lounge area, there was Eva, knotted with Kaiser, who was doing his best to pump her full of his juices. The three just stood and watched, Rachel said,” Eva does like to make a good first impression, do, up for it?” she quipped as she bounced over to position her head between Evas legs, and immediaty latching onto her clitoris with her full lips. Kurt led Marianne over to Eva who commenced licking her pussy as she stood before her. Evas tongue was very effective, and in seconds Marianne had slumped onto the fliir, legs spread wide. Kurt went to the door and called king, who bounded through enthusiastically. Eva looked up at her new chef, “well, want to try,” she asked,”Most people don’t know what they are missing out on, are you most people?” she asked. Marianne positioned herself on her hands and knees and King sniffed, licked then mounted her without hesitation. She moaned intensely as king fucked her hard, until his knot was inside. Once in he continued to hump, this made Marianne cum, a stream of creamy quim ran down both thighs. “Mmmm, yummy, nice n creamy,” was Evas lascivious reply. She ran her fingers up Mariannes thigh. Collecting fresh quim, she sucked her fingers clean enthusiastically. Marianne was knitted and cumming like crazy, Kurt positioned himself at her mouth, she didn’t hesitate, he was throat fucking her as King filled her cunt to overflowing.

Once Kaiser had finished and dismounted, Eva rolled into her back and slid between Mariannes dripping thighs, she licked her from knees to cunt in both sides, her creamy quim was a delicacy to Eva and she savoured each load in her tongue. She latched onto Mariannes clitoris and the woman exploded. King’s knot had been grinding on her GSpot and had her in the point of an explosive orgasm, and explode she did. Groans and moans emanated from her lips as her cunt showered Eva in juices. Rachel crawled down to lick the overflow from Evas breasts, neck and face, however no amount of licking could manage to clean it all up. Kurt fucked her throat and unloaded deep down, almost choking her. Within a few minutes he was unloading into her mouth again. She was good, her mouth was masterful, her cunt was a quim machine, she cum hard and she cum constantly. Eva had picked the perfect chef, perhaps she could cook too. Once Long dismounted, Eva made Marianne squat on Evas mouth so she could drain every last drop from her. There must have been a great deal of fuckjuice inside as it seemed Eva was quaffing down great volumes of gooey goodness from deep withing the newbies throbbing cunt.

Marianne dropped onto her back, legs spread wide, so Rachel could also enjoy the delicious juices flowing from her still pulsating hole. Eva squatted over Mariannes mouth. Without hesitation, she plunged her tongue deep and sucked Kaiser’s load from her. Kurt stepped over Marianne and pushed Eva forward, sliding his cock into her arse with ease and pumping her like a man possessed. Each thrust gave Marianne more juices to consume, Rachel’s attentions had maintained the almost constant barrage of orgasms wracking Mariannes body. As Kurt fucked and Rachel sucked, Eva cum in Mariannes face, she nearly drowned her as the deluge of cunt juice and cum flowed from Evas body into her face, however Marianne continued unabated, her intention to make Eva cum again and again.

It was well after lunchtime before they decoupled mouth from.cunt, cock from arse, and lay panting in a tangle of arms and legs. “Well, I suppose you, want to see your new kitchen, up for making us all some lunch,”Eva stated in a very matter of fact way, “Nothing too, flash, just something to keep our energy up, we do this all the tine so burn off a lot of energy, so, up for it?” Marianne nodded in absolute agreement, her legs were a bit wobbly as she stood, and they all walked into the kitchen together.

The Trainer had been away for nearly five says, he had something planned and was not giving anything away, he just said it would give them all a whole new approach to life. Needless to say, everyone was abuzz about this and it added a certain element of titillation to their days in wait. Marianne was able to work as she had always wished, naked and dripping, she spent long hours devising new and interesting meals for all, and would join them at the table for each meal, naked, cunt being licked by a dog, then fuckfests for dessert. Life for our little crew was truly am adventure, however that adventure was about to become truly one of the wettest if dreams.

The phone rang, Rachel answered, “Hello, Rachel here, how may I help you?” very polite and propper, yet she was naked and still dripping as she spoke. “Hello Rachel, I can almost smell your dripping cunt from here,” it was the Trainer and Rachel felt excited he was in the phone. Not a word for says, now, he was in the land line, she continued, ” Master, I am so happy to hear your voice, what can I do for you?” The Trainer replied, his deep voice sending shivers of lustful desire through her body, ” Get everyone into the limo and have Kurt bring you all to the airport.” “Yes Master, so we need to bring anything?, she replied, “No. Just you four deviants and the Two dogs ” with that, he hung up, leaving Rachel absolutely tingling in anticipation. Rachel ran to the lounge, Eva was knotted with Kurt balls deep in her arse and Mariannes pussy locked in her mouth. “Mistress, Mistress, the Master is back, we are told to to the airport, all of us and the boys as well, he implied sooner is better,” her excitement was contagious, they all smiled, Kurt finished unloading into Eva, Eva popped Kaiser out of her dripping hole, and Marianne out of her mouth. They quickly donned the bare necessities for the.mundane world, enough clothing to cover with none underneath. In record time, Kurt had pulled the limo up to the portico, they all piked in, dogs and all, and in a flash peeled out of the gates in a plume of blue tyre smoke. The Maybach engined sped them along the razorback ridge, down the steep road and off toward the airport. Eva rang the Trainer as they approached Coolangatta International Airport, ” Master, where do you want us?” she asked anxiously, “Private aviation, gate 4, you will see a blue and white hangar, pull up in the carpal then walk between the hangars to the flightline.” he responded then hung up. Eva gave Kurt directions, he followed them perfectly, even before the limo had stopped rolling, the three women in the back, dogs in tow, had bounded out if the car.

As they rounded the corner, they saw him, dressed in a flight jacket, khaki cargo pants and shirt, brown jump boots and a baseball cap with a strange bird insignia on it. They walked toward him as the huge hangar doors rolled open. He walked to them,”Well my little deviants, who is up for some fun?” he asked with a tinge of tease in his tone. All hands shot up and they said,”Meeeee,” in unison. He had stopped them just shirt of the open door, “Well,” he continued, “I have made an investment in our lives for all of us to share.” He bowed showing the way with a sweeping gesture, ” our newest acquisition.”

There in the hangar was a large twin engined amphibian, a Grumman Albatross. It was yellow and white and immaculate. He led them to the rear of the fuselage under the high set wings, to the door. “After you,” he saif, gesturing them to emplane. Inside was resplendent in burled walnut and plush carpet. It was not massive. However it was certainly big enough for them all, with room for more. The rest compartment was home to two large bunks, wrapped in timber, the bottom bunk with windows, across the aisle a pair of executive seats faced each other, a toilet and shower compartment to the rear. Between compartments a galley and bar filled the space nicely, fitted very opulently with gold fixtures. The forward seating compartment consisted of a three place lounge and another pair of executive chairs. The Two dogs immediaty took their place on the lounge as everyone else stared in disbelief. Eva was awestruck, “Wow, this is like a limo inside, it’s so nice.” her words reflected what everyone else was thinking. “It was a mining executive plane, used to ferry executives to remote locations, and it is just as comfortable landing on a river, lake or the ocean, as it is landing on tarmac.” Oohs and ahhs emanated from all, they were wide eyed, testing the seating and checking everything out. He led them to the cockpit, “This has been my home for four says, we flew from California across the Pacific and landed here just over an hour ago. I am now qualified as a co-pilot, the pilot will be with us shortly, however, all of you, will also be qualified in due course.”he stated, smiling broadly, “Welcome aboard the “Zeta Zephyr.” “Is the pilot like us??” Eva asked, rather worried, “Absolutely, she loves the knot almost as much as you my wicked woman,” he smiled, belaying her fears, “And here she is now.” A tall elegant woman in her late thirties climed aboard, she was a brunette with strong features, firm breasts and a narrow waist, emphasised by her flight suit and jacket. “Ladies and gentleman, meet Eloise,” all were introduced in turn, Eva first, each was warmly received. Her slight southern drawl made her sound very exciting to the kinky quartet. The Trainer explained that Eloise had been in the USAF flying transport aircraft before becoming an amphibian pilot and eventually instructor. Once he had outlined his idea to her, she had jumped at the idea. She too, would join them in their adventures, adding the element of land virtually anywhere transportation to the fun. They all sat in the lounge area, Marianne immediaty checked out the galley, assessing it’s strengths and weaknesses. Kurt was transfixed by the cockpit, he could see himself chauffeuring them in this very easily.

“So, we are now a sextet, I think between us, we can have a remarkable life of adventure and excitement, anyone not up for this?” he asked, not one person had doubts. All knew the aircraft, though it was old, was a whole new avenue of possibilities opened up for them with the added bonus of each being taught how to fly this wonderful machine.

The dogs seemed right at home in this new means of transport. The Trainer was confident they would be all along, none of his acolytes had shown even a hint of hesitation, he knew all the effort and investment had been well spent. Over the previous few months, he had qualified firstly on a single engine then twin engined fixed wing aircraft, quietly acquiring his open pilots licence. Whilst the others frolicked and fuckfested, he was in Skype, making deals and doing his damnedest to make this all come to fruition. Now, he closed the door to his new toy. Everyone was waiting in anticipation for the engines to come to life, even the dogs sat, tails wagging wildly, as he walked back to the cockpit. “So, how about a quick trip to Sydney?” he asked,”Just to break our new bird in.” All nodded in unison, grins from ear to ear. He entered the cockpit as Eloise kicked the engines into life. The roar was dulled by the sound insulation, however the powerful vibrations of the radial engines vibrated through them all, it made Eva tingle. It was the Trainer who taxied the aircraft out and got clearance, Eloise observed his confident handling of the large amphibian, he taxied to the runway and with one last confirmation form the tower, the radial engines roared as the big bird hurtled down the runway and into the sky. He banked to the north, so everyone could get a good view of the Gold Coast shoreline and beyond, passing Stradbroke Island before changing course first eat, then south. He set the altitude at 4000feet and his airspeed at a touch over 200mph. Once set, he handed control back to Eloise and went back to his companions in the rear. Marianne was already naked and making drinks for all, the rest were also naked, apparently as soon as the wheels left the tarmac, the clothes left their bodies. “Ah, all is as it should be,” he thought to himself, as he walked over placing his hand on Mariannes arse and slipping his finger into her wet pussy.

He smiled at Eva sitting wide legged on the couch, she had Rachels face between her thighs and Rachel seemed to be hitting the spot. King was mounting Rachel enthusiastically as he brushed past them. “Kurt,”take how about we head up to the cockpit, I can show you a few things about this old bird.” Kurt sprang to his feet, not only would he learn to fly, he would learn to fly naked, he had never been happier. They entered the cockpit, Kurt was directed to the co-pilot seat, Eloise smiled as she admired his rigid cock, and his enthusiasm for his new vantage point. “Eloise, the party has started, we are on autopilot, why don’t you leave this to Kurt and I, go have some fun.” It was exactly as she had in mind. She had looked over her shoulder at the clothes doing doffed, the dog mounting Rachel’s firm body and Mariannes glorious named form, she felt left out, but no more. With the grace of a gymnast she bounded out of the cockpit, leaving her clothes and the two now naked men behind.

Eloise walked over to Marianne and kissed her deeply, the scent of a new pussy in the mix had attracted the attention of Kaiser, who licked between her thighs, teasing Mariannes sensitive pussy as he did. He could taste the juices flowing from their deep, lust filled, passionate kiss. Eloise grabbed Mariannes hair and guided her down,leading as Kaiser licked her from behind, Marianne licked her from the front. She cocked one leg in the couch and braced herself against the bulkhead as with tongues battled each other for her dripping juices. Her hand wrapped around Mariannes hair as a long overdue orgasm almost took her supporting leg out from under her. Buckling at the knees, she made her way to the floor, taking Marianne with her. With economy of effort, they assumed a 69 position, Eloise on top, Kaiser needed no prompting to mount her, she opened herself willingly to his K9 cock, as Marianne guided his frantic thrusts into her now dripping hole. Eloise lifes her head to groan in appreciation as he hammered his way into her, his knot pounding at the entrance relentlessly, until it too filled her. About five inches from her face, Rachel was also knotted, cum ran from her cunt freely, Eloise stretched out her hand and wiped it from Rachel’s thigh, taking the time to touch her stretched and throbbing labia as she did. She let the cum run over and between her fingers before greedily sucking them clean and returning her attention to Mariannes juicy cunt. The four women and two dogs indulged for most of the flight, swaping positions, dogs, cum. They kissed and sucked each other in turn, sucked each others cum of each tongue, out of each cunt, off each others fingers and bodies. Moans and groans filled the plane. The vibration of the large engines only added to the sensations each enjoyed. Outside, the world passed by, aviophiles looked up at this rare bird in the skies above them cruising at just over a mile altitude. The Trainer looked back into the cabin, dogs furiously fucked eager women, women furiously sucked each others cum soaked cunts, moans and groans echoed loudly as climax after climax shuddered through each woman, yes, the Zeta Zephyr was exactly as he had envisaged, with this, they would travel to exotic places, meet new and interesting people, and Fuck them hard.

They were over Gosford when he piped over the intercom that they would be landing in about 30 minutes. He would land on Sydney Harbour, he had already been given clearance to do something and designated a dock dedicated to amphibious aircraft. He suggested a shower for all, just to freshen up, so instead of going individually, they all crammed into the tiny shower cubicle in the air compartment together. Four women washed each other, fisted the cum out of each other and licked it out of each other, until he said,”five minutes ladies, we are about to land, please take your seats.” They wrapped themselves in towels and returned to their seats just as he made his final approach. Eva, Rachel and Marianne all sat gazing at the city below and the fast approaching harbour. Eloise took her position in the pilots seat, once again in her jumpsuit, and Kurt returned to the passenger cabin. “I flew, I flew, I was in control of this beautiful bird, I fucking fleeeew!!!” he chimed as he returned.

The large plane seemed to glide inches from the water, everything flashed by as inch by inch it descended until with gentle bumps, the hull made contact with the smooth water. Quick deceleration made the landing even more exciting. Along the shoreline, people stood, mobiles in hand, taking photographs of the landing. Inside, towels were dropped and clothes quickly slipped into as they prepared to dock the aircraft. Within minutes, the vibrations from the engines had ceased and an odd silence engulfed the plane. The Trainer had leaped out onto the dock in the last moments to secure it’s moorings. A pre organised limousine stood waiting at the end of the dock as the sexy sextet and two fine hounds made their way along it. A chauffeur waited by the open door as they entered and took their seats. “Well?” asked the Trainer, “How was your flight?” he asked,”Most a wicked smile on his face. They all answered together, amazing, incredible. Best flight ever, were the excited replies. Even the Two dogs were wagging in agreement, it has been exactly as he had imagined. Eloise also felt right at home. Eva had unzipped Eloise’s flightsuit from the bottom and slipped her hand in as the privacy screen was raised isolating them from the driver. They drove around, dropping into a drive through for coffee and smashed avocado on toast, continuing toward the city heart. Eva fingered Eloise into a juicy drooling mess as they went.

After a few hours of fun in a limo driving around Sydney, it was time to return to the aircraft for the trip home. No need to refuel, they had barely used a quarter of a tank, just a quick preflight check and they would be ready to take to the skies once again. They walked down the dock, Eva cheekily licking her fingers, and once again emplaned. Eloise and the Trainer did the external check, then also entered to do the cockpit preflight. Once they were ready to go, a willing volunteer let slip their moorings, Kurt positioned in the nose hatch reeled in the mooring rope as Rachel did the same aft. With a push from the dock, the aircraft moved out from it’s position and once again the engines roared into life. Eva and Rachel sat in the cockpit jump seats, they would have an exceptional view of the takeoff and the piloting needed for it as it made it’s way out into the harbour. This time the takeoff was as an amazing experience as either woman could have imagined, with some bumps and bounces, the large plane gracefully became airborne and slowly gained altitude. They made a slow circle of the city and harbour as the aircraft climbed in altitude. The sun was beginning to set into the west as they passed 5000ft. Now heading north, back toward home, clothes were again thrown off. This time, Eva had decided to blow the Trainer in the cockpit, it seemed a natural place to do it, as she did, Eloise, one hand on the yolk, the other in Evas wet, warm and inviting cunt, switched to auto pilot. Rachel had joined Kurt, Marianne and the dogs back in the passenger compartment. Within moments, all were locked into a furious depraved fuckfest session. Eva deeply throated the Trainer as Eloise fingered her wildly, making Eva squirt hard, covering the jump seats in wet quim. The Trainer had decided, the next person to own this plane will have a heart attack if he shone a UV light around inside. He wouldbe only too happy to have not even the bulkhead free from cum-tamination. He smiled at that thought as Eva swallowed his load, groaning at her current orgasmic overload and Eloise fist now buried inside her aching hole.

About an hour after takeoff, everyone was in a semi comatose, post fuckfest mood. Eva had King’s muzzle deep in her cunt, as usual, Rachel was attempting to reinflate Kaiser’s cock orally, Mariannes fingers thoughtlessly slipping and sliding in her prostrate arse and exposed pussy as she did the same to her own. Eloise and the Trainer had taken the aircraft off autopilot. They set themselves right onto a bank of cloud, skimming it as they flew through a starlit night. Eyes gazed from windows, marveling at the outside vista. Far to the east, a storm cloud towered above them, lightening illuminated the angry cumulonimbus as it boiled and rolled along inexorably toward landfall. Soon, that too was behind them, the clouds they skimmed along opened to reveal a sea of diamonds below contrasting the sea of stars above. The cabin was dark, but for some red night vision cabin lighting. The crimson hue gave a warm yet almost sinister character to the interior. Eva walked back into the cockpit as the bright lights of the gold coast loomed ever brighter to the north. In due course, Eloise advised all that their landing was imminent. The aircraft banked in on approach, the Trainer at the controls, Eva licking Eloise’s neck and fondling her breasts from the jumpseat behind. With the precision of a veteran aviator, the Trainer touched down smoothly. Moments later, the aircraft had taxied into it’s hangar, the massive engines stopped and the eerie silence once again engulfed them.

In the hangar, three men walked over, they were the dedicated ground crew he had hired for this and further aircraft. Each was a specialist, he had flown them from the US when he had ferried the aircraft over. Now, they had settled in during their little jaunt to Sydney, and with the efficiency of a F1 pit crew, they went about checking and assessing the plane. The tired passengers drifted over to a lounge adjacent to the plane, they sat and relaxed while the pilots and groundcrew discussed the flight and handling. In a minute, everything had been discussed, Kurt took his que and made his way to the limo taking the initiative to load Eloise luggage in the trunk. “Well, let’s go home, get Eloise settled in, and have some dinner. Marianne, feel up to cooking, it shall we get takeaway?” Marianne responded with a smile, ” I would love nothing more, than to make my favourite people the best meal I have ever prepared.” Tired and excited, satiated sexuality now overshadowed by insatiable hunger, they all walked to the limo. As they did, Eva looked back over her shoulder. The ground crew were all over the plane, this new and wondrous toy they now had at their disposal, and smiled broadly. In one day, she had sat in a cockpit during takeoff and landing, sucked a pilot dry, fingered another into a juicy mess, had the best bestiality ever in a moving vehicle and not just joined the mile high club, she had started a whole new chapter of the club as well, the mile high zeta club. She stepped into her limousine, Kurt giving her a sly stroke along her exposed pussy, under her skirt as she did. In such a shirt period of time, she had gone from waitress and part time dog molester to being wealthy, independent and surrounded by people she loved, who loved her back just as intensely. She did love them all even Eloise, and Eva knew they all adored her. She was dedicated to their new lives, the sexy sextet as the Trainer calls them,”Well this is about as good as it gets,” she thought to herself as the limo pulled away from the hangar. “I can’t wait for tonight.”

The fire filled the darkened room with an amber glow, bodies writhed on the large rug in front of the hearth, hair flowed over flesh as mouths and tongues tasted long and lasciviously, one then another, cock, cunt, nipple, neck, male then female, then along both pressed together in lustful embrace or raptuous climax. Six bodies consumed and satiated each others deepest darkest needs. Moans and groans, sighs and giggles echoed through the cavernous house. The room darkened but for the warm gliw of the fire allowed the citys lights to shine in the large bay windows. The unmistakable silhouette of the Trainer emerged from the writhing mass of carnal desire and nade its way to the che’s lounge. He dropped down into it naked and dripping, his back and head elevated to observe the chaotic beauty of his cohorts, lost in orgasmic indulgence.

He was deep in thought, each were one foot either side of the rubicon, if he proceeded, they too would pass beyond the pale and well past the point of no return. He had known from the start, Eva was the key. Her sexuality was still more than a decade from its natural peak. With an appetite as all consuming as Evas, the problem was not satiating it, more would always work, the problem was keeping it fresh and vibrant, so her adventure did not get lost in familiarity. His desire was to let her be what she was inside, and to create an environment where each day felt like the first day of a new life.
Over the months of winter, he had allowed them all to come together firstly, then become at ease, then at one with each other. They worked like a sentient pack now. Once lone wolves, now of one mind.
They coupulated freely, no ego, no thought of reciprocity, their only thought being the indulgence of each others needs. Clothes were only needed when venturing amongst the mundane and their world of prejudice and repressed sexuality. Each of the women had abandoned any preconception of right, wrong, good, bad, acceptable or unacceptable the minute they unleashed an orgasm on a dogs throbbing knot. Kurt had done the same the second he plunged his face into a cunt dripping in K9 cum and fresh streams of orgasmic juices. The Trainer had managed to give them the rope to become free enough to appreciate his disciplines. He stood slowly, and silently left the room.

The sudden brightness of the ceiling lights prompted all to stop and look up at the figure on the step down to the lounge area. He stood naked, in his hand, three colars, one red, one blue, one black. Each jewelled and bearing a name tag similar to Evas. Eva sat up and put her finger on her own pink collar. She onlt removed it to shower, bathe or swim, otherwise it never left her neck, she earned it. The realisation that the other three had eaned theirs as well filled her with a feeling of joy that almost overwhelmed her. Eva looked at the three other women then the trainer, bringing her hands to her cheeks and making a silent scream of joy, the Trainer smiled and nodded affirmation. “Come here ladies, all of you, now,” he asserted, in a firm yet warm voice. They each crawled over without hesitation. He handed them their collar, each in turn, first Rachel, then Marianne, then finally Eloise. Rachel the Black, Marianne the Red and Eloise the pale blue, befitting her role as pilot, when Eloise read her name on the gold plate, tears welled up in her eyes, engraved were an elegant set of angels wings, Marianne had five stars backset against her name and Rachel a series of valentine hearts, each had a dog paw in each corner where the rivet attached the plate to the strap. The stones were real. Set in platinum, they sparkled in every hue, sapphire, ruby, emerald, topaz, diamonds of different colour, though all were smaller than Evas settings, they were by no means less impressive. They all looked at each others collar and smiled, Eva walked behind each, took her collar from her hand, placed it around her neck and buckled it.

The Trainer stood motionless and watched, he motioned Kurt to stand beside him, which he complied with immediately. Kurt stood beside the Trainer, his head only level with the Trainers shoulder, and looked at the three kneeling women slightly below him. “The adjustment time is over, the peices are all in place, we are now one mind and one spirit, together and at peace with ourselves, do you agree with this?” the tall man asked in earnest. Everyone looked at him and nodded happily in agreement. He continued,”We can be who we are together, we all love one another, we would do anything for one another, do you agree?” Again, everyone nodded their total agreement with his statement. “Then it is time to take this to the next level,” The trainer stated as he stepped down and sat directly in front of them, “We are going to start a revolution, a sexual revolution, a sexual renaissance, the age of sexual enlightenment.” Every face smiled, they really had no idea of the logistics or strategy he may have in mind, however they liked it.

“Tomorrow night will be very special, not only for you, it will be special for many people.” advised the Trainer in a criptic manner, “You must all be at your best behaviour and your.most presentable.” he stated, there being no doubt that was not a request, it was a command. Each nodded, in full agreement, they would comply.

The morning started early, Eva as usual started it off with her cunt in his face, dripping and eager for the Trainers wickedly effective tongue, followed by a furious fuckfest to get pulses going and juices flowing. It was to be a big day, appointments had been made at the hair salon and day spa for the ladies, they would be pampered and preened until perfect. They were dropped off just as the doors opened at the parlor. The Trainer relocated to the front passenger seat of the Limo and he and Kurt drove off leaving them to their girls day. He had things to do whilst they indulged in some attention of a different kind.

It was late afternoon when they were collected by the Limo. It was Kurt alone in the vehicle when he pulled up at rhe front door. The ladies piled in, well groomed, fed and pampered from head to toe. Each was scented to compliment each other like a bouquet of femine glory. Kurt appreciated the sight and smell of these visions of beauty. Kurt had been given strict instructions by the Trainer, to bring them directly home, no diversions, the women to remain well behaved and wait to indulge each other until told to.

Kurt opened the limo door, each woman stepped out into the cool night leaving a pleasant aroma in their wake. Spirits were high, it had been a beautiful day, it had started decadently, proceeded elegantly, now it was a short walk to the door to find out how the night would progress, so far, mysteriously. Eva entered first, candles and firelight lit the lounge, the skyline of the city below shimmered in a sea of light and dark. Silhouetted against it, the Trainer stood with his back to them, smoking a joint and holding a glass of single malt on ice. He turned as they entered and smiled. “Sit, please, grab a joint and make yourself a drink, lets have a little chat, i am going to fill you in on some things, but not everything, ok?” Each nodded and sat around him, Kurt poured each a drink, but not for himself, he had been briefed to remain absolutely switched on for the whole night and not in any way shape or form, either intentionally or unintentionally interfere with the proceedings.

Once Kurt had distributed the drinks and each of the ladies had fired up, the Trainer took a deep toke, then slowly exhaled the smoke as he sipped the scotch. “Ladies, tonight is the night everything i have been doing since Eva was led out of the warehouse on a leash, comes together to create critical mass in the fusion that our lives have become.” There was not a sound as he repeated his herbal ritual, then with a slight cough before the scotch, continued after a lingering pause to appreciate the scotch. “I have not done anything for me, it has all been for us. All of our names are on all of the titles for everything involved in our lives. Eva and I have chosen each of you for your genuine nature, not the face you show the mundane world.” The women looked at Eva and the Trainer in turn. He continued, “we live a life where we share everything, there are no lies, no secrets, no half truths, you own your life and the consequences of your actions, however you also can cause harm to the rest of us, as a group, as a family. So from this point on, these are our only rules. We share with absolute honesty so we can have absolute trust in each other.” A nod of total agreement was the respose of each woman. He looked in each face and saw they were genuine and his and Evas instincts had been correct on each one.

Each was slowly toking on their own joint, not a word was spoken, they listened to each word attentively as he continued, ” The videos of Evas adventures have gone viral, each a watermarked copy to an individual who has paid a premium for one hour of footage.” he sipped at his scotch and continued,” there are hundreds of hours of footage, each edited and blended together to give a finished hour of unparalleled eroticicism in HD.” “tens of thousands of people from every corner of the world have in their posession every single hour of footage.” he paused to let that sink in, “and that number grows by the minute.” Eva smiled, she knew exactlynhow much had been generated, it was overwhelming how it had gone from one end of the planet to the other so fast. It wasnt advertised online, the URL was very mundane and unlikely to be typed by accident, you had to want it to find it and it was nowhere to be found in google. Yet it had raised millions of dollars and was generating more by the second, every minute a new download, each hour of footage was $200, yet the number kept growing exponentially, and that was after the initial live streaming had stopped. That alone had generated enough for Eva and the Trainer to just do as they wished and enjoy life virtually unrestricted

“We are partners in this house, a boarding kennel, an adjacent motel which has just been expanded and renovated, the Albatross aircraft, the production company that also distributes Evas Adventures online, the salon and spa you visited today, the limousine, everything.” he paused and smiled at the looks on their faces, mouths open, eyes teary, hearts visibly pounding as they sat frozen, hanging on his every word, ” tonight, we are having a coming out event for you three, of course Eva will participate as well, and you too will have your adventures join Evas.” “Hell yeah,” was the emphatic and unanimous reply. It was like watching school girls finding out they all shared the prom queen title equally. Each hugged and kissed each other and Eva, the four beautiful women before him filled his heart with absolute joy, he had wrangled and fanagled, negotiated and flat out bribed to get it all done by the first day of Spring, contractors and contracts, lawyers, bankers, and associated political thieves had been navigated with ease by a man on a mission. The looks on their faces and genuine reactions had vindicated his tenacity toward this end.

He directed each to their room, they ran up the broad spiral staircase to their individual room to find their beds covered in rose petals, an elegant large, beautifully wrapped present sitting in the middle, a card atop supported by the ribbon. It simply read,”wear me.”
Inside each present was a cloak that buttoned down the front and had openings for their arms, a thigh length pair of boots, a leather corsit and evening gloves, colour coded to their collar. Each stripped to don their new wardrobe. The cloak was hooded, lined in plush fur, it was soft and luxurious, the boots were thigh length and high heeled, they were the quintessential fuck me boots, the corset looked bespoke to their individual bodies, they fit perfectly, providing just enough coverage to protect their torso from a dogs claws. The gloves fit perfectly, from fingertip to elbow was now clad in soft leather and lined in fur. They were as soft on the outside as the inside, these were truly luxurious to put on, and warm. Once the cloak was on, each emerged from their room, hoods down and admired each other. The colour highlighted each one individually, be it hair, eyes, complexion or nature. They walked down the stairs together, Kurt and the Trainer stood at the bottom admiring them as the descended. The cloaks covered them perfectly, even as they walked, no one could see they were all but naked beneath that one garment. The colours worked well, they suited each woman, he also knew they were each womans favourite colour, as their corresponding painted nails would attest to.

They walked from the house, to the waiting limo, Kaiser and King joined the Trainer in the Porsche and both vehicles proceeded out of the gates. In the back of the limo, the excitement was palpable, Eva cracked a chilled bottle of vodka and poured each a vodka on ice, then fired up a larger joint they would all share. With the privacy screen raised, Kurt sat in the front, desperately trying to repress his dire need to let the cat out of the bag and tell them what was about to happen. He had been filled in earlier, had spent hours helping the Trainer to put the last elements into place, he had been amazed how much this man had done with such ease, until he had discovered how much had happened over the months prior to make it look so easy on the day. Kurt was now independantly wealthy, well by his previous standards, most definately. He now drove this car, because it was the thing he wanted to do, he was the cheauffer, he was the wheel man, and he was absolutely loving it.

Rachel sat, her smile permanently fixed at the “Holy crap i am so fucking happy!!!” setting, the soft fur lining tickled her bare nipples and she liked it. The cloak was warm and it felt like she was enveloped by a furry beast, she liked that too. It felt like only yesterday, she was no one, going nowehere, now she was here, loved, desired, cherrished, that is what she liked most of all. She was finally her true self, not what she was expected to be, told to be, commanded to be. She had given her life to this crazy nymphomanic and amazing deviant, in but a few months, she had become someone whom she could be happy being.

Marianne snuggled into her cloak, she rubbed it against her breasts and thighs, it made her nipples and clitoris compete for the most sensitive and enjoyable body part award. So far, her clit was winning. Once, she cooked as if disconnected, replaced by the operating system of an automaton, going through the actions as per the menu. Now, she cooked for the occasion, or for the joy, or for the fun of it. The trainer had taught her to cook hash cookies, that had been the most fun she had enjoyed in a kitchen for years. Now she cooked hash cookies in several different flavours and forms. The house had a kick arse cookie jar, and she loved watching those in the house indulging in them, especially since she worked out how to make them even more potent. Never in her life, had she felt more alive, never more liberated, never more appreciated.

Eloise relaxed, the vodka and joint helped her sink deeper and deeper onto her cloak. She was never more free than in the air, had been her mantra, until now. She snuggled her cheeks into her fur lining, she could smell and feel the pampering she had enjoyed earlier. She looked at the other women, she loved them dearly on every level, she loved the Trainer, Kurt, even the slobbering dogs, never in her life had she loved, and felt so loved, so deeply. She had woken up on her last birthday in a motel in LA, no clue what to do next, her next birthday was in five days, she was in Australia in a luxury limo, dressed in opulent attire and nicely toasted. She had nothing much of value in or of her life such a short time ago. She was now a sponsored critical employee on her way to residency in a country and lifestyle on the opposite side of her previous existence. She now flew to teach people she cared very deeply about. The joy of flight had taken on such a special new.dimension and she had no idea how she would ever repay them for that point alone.

Eva smiled, she knew everything that was to happen next, it excited her immensely. She stroked her pussy under her cloak, the leather tip of her gloved finger already wet. Her other hand tantalized each nipple in turn, she was a heartbeat away from raping all three women sharing the rear of the limousine. She was never more alive than now

The limousine pulled into the deserted industrial complex, the carpark was filled with luxury vehicles, vans lined the entrance to the building, fiery lanterns placed strategically cast a warm glow inside and outside the building. The Trainer led the limousine past the other vehicles, pulling up at the entrance. Either side was lit by a flaming torch, the limo pulled to a halt, directly between them.

The four women stepped out of the limousine, Kurt held the door open as he held the Two dogs in check with leashes. Standing at the entrance, the Trainer had for walking leashes in his hand, the grip of each colour coded to the individual ladies. As they exited, he put a leash on each collar. Leading two in each hand, he walked them trough the entrance, falling torches, lanterns and candles lit the way as they proceeded toward the room Eva had spent so many hours in. Hushed voices carried in the still night air, a shiver of anticipation and excitement went through each woman as they drew inexorably toward the entrance.

Kurt entered the dimly lit room first with King and Kaiser, the Trainer held the ladies back, he intended to make an entrance, “Down Bitches,” he commanded, they complied immediaty, assuming a position in hands and knees, the boots and gloves made it much mkre comfortable. “Heel,” he commanded as he led them crawling into the room. A circle of chairs with naked men and women wearing nothing but a mask, ringed the Fuck rug, in the shadows, silhouets of dark shapes, man and beast, were barely discernible. Each woman’s heart was almost beating out of her cheat as the Trainer led them in, placing them in a position facing each other, about a foot apart, each in relation to the four cardinal directions. Eva faced south, Marianne faced north, Rachel east and Eloise to the west. “Sit,” he commanded, he and Kurt helped each remove her cloak, accompanied by ohs and she from the hushed crowd.

They were on their knees, naked arses and breasts felt the chill of the night, making goosebumps on each. The Trainer addressed the gathered crowd. “Here we are, gathered for a very special evening, four magnificent Bitches, in heat, eager for cock, I thank each and every one of you for your enthusiasm, I also thank you for you generosity, I am sure none of you will leave here with any remorse for the investment you have made, your memories will be priceless I assure you.” A round of muted applause rose from the smiling masked audience. They had been sitting naked for five minutes in the cold, yet they could not have cared less, the excitement of anticipation kept their blood warm and bodies stimulated. Each looked at the women, they were resplendent in their leather corset, boots and gloves, their bodies lit by the flames illuminating the room.

“Tonight, we have a special treat for the ladies, and Indeed,i for each of you.” The shadows in the darkness walked into the half light, two men and a woman each had a different beast on a leash. A shirt but muscular man dressed in hunters garb had a large black boar, it was huge, with long tusks, wild looking, it seemed very tame and well trained. A woman dressed in patent leather stiletto heeled boots and a patent leather cat suit had a brown and white Welsh pit pony held at her side, its long penis already exposed, it seemed to understand what was going on and seemed absolutely eager to get on with it, the last man was dressed like Crocodile Dundee, hat and all, beside him was a tall and very muscular Alpha Red Kangaroo. It was wearing mittens on it’s hands and seemed to be absolutely trained to perfection. Kurt took position by the man with the Roo, flanked by King and Kaiser, both had their rocket emerging from their sheaths, they were absolutely certain what would happen next.

“Ladies and gentleman, you have each paid a not inconsequential amount for the priveledge of attending this event, many many thousands of others are now resigned to watching on their computer as we live stream.” the Trainer sweet his hand in a slow arc as he spoke indicating the cameras were on and multitudes were watching. “Ladies if you wish to bail out, this is your only chance, once I walk from this spot, the beasts will be led to each woman and then unleashed to mate until they are fucked dry, so, are you all ready?” None left, they stayed sitting, waiting, smiling. The crowd was now masturbating the person on each side of them, every cock erect, every cunt dripping, the air of excitement was electric.The Trainer continued, “So be it, let the adventure begin, trainers, lead your animal to his bitch.”

The trainers positioned their beasts behind each woman, the Welsh pit pony behind Eva, the trainer maneuvered him so his cock was just touching the lips of her eager dripping hole, then he rammed it into her, thrusting furiously, deeper and deeper, harder and harder, she thought it would tear her up inside, it was thick and long and impossibly hard, pulsating and hot in her deliciously decadent cunt. With each thrust she felt her lust growing, becoming more and more insatiable, until she started to orgasm, one after the other, until her climactic contractions inspired the pony to unleash inside her, she felt his hot cum fill her, more and more, it filled every cavity in her enthusiastic pussy, filling it to overflowing, the crowd masturbated each other, cock after cock, cunt after cunt, let loose a flow of ejaculate, dripping from their naked flesh as Eva drained the pony to his last drop. As his cock slid out of her well fucked hole, a torrent of cum and quim accompanied it, dribbling from the tip of her pulsating clit like a waterfall, pouring out covering her thighs, creating a vast pool of fuckjuice on the floor. Evas heart pounded, her cunt ached, she needed more. The crowd stood and cheered as the pony was led away, Eva smiled and let her eyes close as the torrential river of combined cum pooled beneath her, her cunt and anus still visibly spazming as she drifted off.

Rachel had the boar behind her, it was a terrifying beast, huge and muscular, it’s tusks long and menacing. Her body ached with overpowering pulsations of lust and fear, the combination made her cunt drip uncontrollably. The Boar trainer commanded him to mount, and he did, Rachel had seen women mated with domestic boars before, she had some idea, however this was a razorback Boar, it was several times her mass, it was a feral beast, tamed by a maniac for just this purpose. His mass bore down on her, his fur was rough, his muscles bulged and rippled as he positioned the tip of his cock at the entrance to her throbbing hole, then he drilled her deeply, his cock corkscrewed in, penetrating deeply, twisting and turning as he humped her, then he started to ejaculate, pouring his hot sticky cream into her inviting pussy, his massive body shuddered as it unloaded, gush after gush, she felt his heat enter her, it made her weak, her body contorted under him, she was also in a state of what seemed perpetual climax. The domesticated pigs she had seen were unfit slobs compared to this boy. His cock twisted and slithered like a snake inside her, it’s tip jammed deep, spraying his hot sticky seed, she shuddered with lustful climactic contractions, drool unconsciously ran from her mouth, sweat and tears of joy made her mascara run and distort, she turned from an elegant figure of feminine perfection into a cum filled pig slut before the gathered crowds very eyes, there was not a dry croutch in the room, ooohs and aaahs chorused with her moans and groans. Rachel was suspended in a state of perpetual ecstasy, his evil tooth filled snout by her ear, breathing and growling deeply, his hot breath exacerbating the threat of imminent death from the razor sharp tusk that slid from her vulnerable neck to her tingling ear with each of his long breaths. With a shake of his head, her throat could be torn open, exanguinating her in a minute, she was indeed an inch from death, yet ironically never more alive. For nearly thirty minutes, the black beast filled her, her stomach bulged visibly as his cock unloaded spasm after spasm of his thick sticky juice. She convulsed constantly, her body wracked with wave after wave of intense pleasure, her brain awash with dopamine, making time lose all relevance. It seemed to her to be an eternity, wrapped in only 30 minutes. The Boar unloaded his last ounces of issue with deep intense thrusts, as if to emphasize he was indeed fucked dry, Rachel ground her sweet arse into him, his rough fur and rippling muscles drove her to a final brain breaking orgasm, she collapsed, her thighs splayed and her torso slumped to the floor. As she collapsed his corkscrew cock withdrew, sprays of hot fluid still pulsating form the tip. Her cunt was virtually glued shut by his sticky thick cum, a dribble of her creamy quim running onto the floor. The trainer of the Boar walked him from over her, neither looked back as they proceeded to fade into the shadows once more. Rachel lay there, like a discarded rag doll, her hair and makeup a macabre memory of what she had been before she was first mounted by the big black Boar. The crowd burst into rapturous applause and cheers, cock and cunt dripping in agreement, many had also joined Rachel in sympathetic climax as they watched, most expecting her to be gored and sprayed with her hot blood. Rachel lay there, Kaiser walked over casually and attended to her violated hole with his long and eager tongue, Rachels eyes rolled back in her head, once again, convulsions shattered her post orgasmic bliss, bringing her to a new string of climactic waves, once again crashing over her already lascivious mind. Rachel moaned, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she drifted away, to her happy place.

Marianne and Eloise watched their friends violated exquisitely right before their eyes, they could not see the graphic action, they did however watch their faces from very close Indeed, each woman degenerating into a wanton beast slut as they were mated, intensely.
Marianne and Eloise looked at each other, they tenderly kissed, then passionately, deeply, lasciviously, explored each others throats with their tongues. They withdrew to see the lust filled, dreamy eyed face of each other, both wanted more than anything, to be next, each closed their eyes, smiled, most indulgently, bit their lip and waited in anticip……….pation…..to be used by an animal, for the entertainment of a room filled with anonymous perverts and deviants, and a world full of them watching each woman violated in turn by beasts of all description, both women felt overwhelmingly empowered by the whole scene, their nipples hardened and their bodies tightened, adrenaline coursed through their veins, their hearts pounded, every sense was enhanced by this neurochemical rush that they thought their heads would explode with an overload of sensory avalanches….
The candles flickered, shadows danced on the walls, the applause faded and a silence beyond comprehension cloistered the proceedings.

Marianne felt him mount, she knew who it was in an instant, his cock hit the spot on the first try and hammered it home, it was King, she had fucked him numerous times, she loved the way he intensely fucked her and he liked the way she milked his knot. His knot popped in with ease, her cunt was drenched in an instant, she clamped her pelvic floor muscles around him and began to grind on it. His hot seed filled her, she loved it more than she could say. She reached down with her left hand and began to violently rub her throbbing clitoris. She turned her head and King immediately started to tongue her mouth. They were locked together, each cumming intensely, then she felt Kaiser’s tongue, the smell of fresh sex had lured him from attending to Rachel, who was a quivering wreck on the fliir, to pay attention to the new flow of fresh juice. She felt his tongue on her fingers and spread her flaps wide to allow him access to her rigid clit. Kaiser knew what she liked and licked intensely as the fuckjuice dribbled freely. With both dogs giving her pleasure she shuddered as orgasm after orgasm crashed through her, making her lose all control. She stretched his tie as she milked him with her spazming hole, making King unload again, much to her pleasure. The more they cum, the greedier Kaiser licked, which made Marianne cum even harder. From the corner of her eye she could see the crowd furiously masturbating each other, it intensified her lustful indulgence even deeper and deeper, until she was lost in it absolutely. King’s tongue was down her throat, her tongue licked his mouth, their coupling was truly intense, her groans and moans echoed through the building as she cum again and again, until she had an almighty shuddering serious of climaxes that caused her to collapse, panting and heaving, still spazming, as he pulled his knot from her very well filled hole. Bith dogs licked her greedily, she cum again, then again, it wouldn’t stop and she didn’t want it to, her bare nipples, hard and sensitive, rubbed against the Fuck carpet, then she felt Kaiser mount her for his turn, as was the case between the two dogs, each tried to out Fuck the other, so Kaiser was intense from the start, his not pushing in and displacing a large volume of Kings cum. He unloaded into her tightly clamped pussy, she milked his frantically, grinding her cunt for all she was worth on his throbbing meat. King licked and lapped, her fingers gave him open access to her clit, then she started screaming in lustful pleasure as he nibbled her clitoris as if he were fleaing it, rain nips on her ultra sensitive clitoris had driven her to a whole new level, prompting Kaiser to furiously hump, his knot clenched tightly, cum and quim sprayed out, King not wasting a drop. It was fast and furious, Kaiser had filled her to overflowing, his actions had created a vacuum lock inside her, she knew he would tear her apart of he tried to release from the tie, so she tongue kissed him, passionately, he reciprocated, and they stayed tied until his knot reduced enough for some air to be sucjed in, releasing the seal and allowing it out, with a pop, and a massive gush of juices. She lay, chest in the fliir, arse in the air, as the two dogs licked her intensely. Marianne shuddered, her body still wracked with orgasmic shudders, her cunt dripped and the dogs indulged freely. The crowd stood and applauded, cheering the young woman’s intense experience. She looked over to her friends, they smiled, winked and licked their lips. Marianne closed her eyes and drifted into a sweet post orgasmic state as the dogs licked her inside and out with glee.

Eloise was last, she knew behind her was an enormous Alpha Red Kangaroo. His.muscles reminded her of a body builder, he was ripped, he was huge, however she had no idea what a Kangaroo cock looked like, it has he would mate her, so she shivered with anticipation and a little dread. “Mount” the trainer commanded, the roos gloves hands grabbed Eloise strongly around the waist and she felt the tip of his cock searching for her hole, she opened it wide with her fingers, once he felt himself inside her, he raped her furiously. He jumped her the hardest she had ever felt a male hump her in her life. His cock was thin at the too, but.long and tactile, it slipped around inside her, spraying it’s hot cum as the thick base hammered the.lios of her labia. She cum hard, almost as hard as the marsupial mounting her. His thighs pressed against her sides as his paws pulled her into his thrusts, she felt as if her hips would pop and he hammered relentlessly against her throbbing cunt. Again and again he unloaded into her, his hot issue sprayed against her insides, far hotter than human or dog cum, it was almost too hot, and there was Soooo much of it. Again and again she shuddered in climax as he smashed his thick cock base against her now tender pussy lips. Her clitoris was insanely sensitive, his balls, which are situated above his cock, rubbed against her arse, she could feel them pumping his hot cum into her, spasm after spasm, his cock tip searching inside for the optimum place to unload. He intensified his thrusts. Almost crushing her hips as he clenched his enormous thighs around her, his paws pulling with phenominal strength, so her body met his thrusts with the utmost impact. One last massive thrust and he was done. It slipped out easily and his trainer led him off into the shadows once more. She had been in Australia for only a few months, and now she had been mounted by a massive marsupial, and she liked it. Eloise slipped two fingers into her bruised and bested hole, the cum was plentiful, she withdrew her fingers and sucked them clean, it was delicious, so she did it again. A woman from the audience reached over to taste her as well, she too sucked her fingers clean with glee, then ine by one, numerous sets of fingers plunged into her hole for a taste, one after the other, they all indulged in this unique opportunity, those who weren’t partaking were rapturously applauding, cheering and passing on their kudos for snuck well done. Eloise looked over at her three friends, all were equally well fucked, each were dreamy eyes and blissful.

The trainer stepped forward, “Ladies and gentlemen, you have witnessed the Bitches mate, now, as per our agreement, it is time for the girls to watch you, the sound of numerous clawed paws scurrying in brought cheers from the crowd. All of the strays had been sequestered for the duration of the initial proceedings. Kurt and the Trainer helped the girls up as the audience took their places on the large Fuck carpet, women prostrated themselves, cunts held wide open, as a wave of dogs charged in, mounting the women and men positioned in the carpet for their turn. Eva watched with lascivious glee as she saw the dogs she had trained mount women and men indiscriminately, pounding their cocks into eager holes. Moans and groans echoed through the room as cock, cunt and arse were enjoyed with total abandon. Some men fucked their woman’s throat as his woman was fucked deeply by a mongrel dog, others positioned in a 69 indulged as they watched, faces covered in excess juices, their cock deeply throated by their partner, oflt in some cases, a complete stranger. Men on men, women in women, women in men, men on women, it was a free for all fuckfest. Eva kneeled down in front if the Trainer, pulled out his cock and sucked it casually yet amorously as he watched, she fingered her stretched and dripping hole, her back to the tangled mass of bodies on the fuck mat. He held her head and thrust his ample meat down her throat as he watched and smiled. Kurt had kneeled behind Rachel and was stirring her sticky cum filled hole with his rigid cock as she sucked Eloise’s clit and tongued her bruised and battered cunt. Marianne was once again letting King and Kaiser take turns on her, each dog trying to out Fuck the other as always, she just opened up and let them in, one then the other in turn. 150 members of the crowd were engaged in a bestial fuckfest, Eva and her gang of deviants were on the sideline now, indulging in each other, moans, cries of pleasure, groans of organizing lust, filled the room, the lights flickered creating a bizarrse shadow puppet show on the walls. Online, 500,000 people watched, going tissues with eyes glued to the screen, not wanting to miss any of the HD full colour action.

They continued well into the early hours of the.next morning, the evening finishing off with Eva open for all men, women and beasts alike. Everyone took the opportunity to enjoy her willing flesh, sometimes three cocks pumping her at the same time, as women licked her body and pushed her fingers into their indulgent holes. The sun was a warm red glow on the horizon when the Trainer called their attention, advising the night was done, however they could continue at the Motel around the pool of they desired. Each stray dog had a brand new collar and leash, they would be stray no.longer, Eva watched, happy and content, as each dog was led out by a new owner who would appreciate the training Eva had done with them over so many enjoyable months. As the last limo left, the sextet watched, the women once again wrapped in their cloaks, as they saw the line of cars depart. “So, pancakes and coffee, my treat,” chirped the Trainer, they all smiled and giggles as they piled into the cars and headed off to the nearest Pancake place for much needed nourishment. Eva looked back as they left the delapidated buildings behind. The strays were gone now, later today, the Trainer and Kurt would retrieve the cameras and that would be that. A tear ran down her cheek, it had been an amazing adventure, she had become internationally recognized by a very select group of deviants that numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Her cup runeth over. She looked back at the smiling faces, each woman still tasting the juices that constantly dripped from their holes. Eva smiled a distinctly wicked smirk, “Oh, I can’t wait to watch this on the big screen when we get home,” she thought,the as she too, fingered and tasted the cock soup in her well indulged cunt.


Chapter three

The Trainer walked through the pool area of their special little investment, the Motel would be exclusive for zetas, the vacancy sign had NO in bright red neon, detering potential drop ins, the only way you could book a room, was to book through the site that managed Evas videos. Right now, it was booked solid. People had bid for every spot available at the previous night’s festivities, the last spots were a bidding war, the winning bidders flying from the USA for this once in a lifetime event. He had not and greeted each person as they arrived from all over the world. The Motel was absolutely luxurious, each room was lavishly appointed and very comfortable, with Evas videos available on demand on the big screen facing the bed. He entered the office, his Manageress was an Ukrainian woman, Ekaterina, she was 35, tall, blond and very attractive. Kat, as she was known, had married an Australian, they had been happy for a few years, however he wanted a normal relationship, something Kat could not do, she was very much a Zeta, so when it was impossible for her to stay, she left, drifting from job to job, man to man, woman to woman, until she put an add in the personals of a remarkable zoo forum site. This is where the Trainer and she connected. He offered her a job, a hone, two dogs and absolute freedom to be who she really was, Kat had jumped at the opportunity and was now the one person whom he could rely on with the Motel.

He entered his private office adjacent to the Motel office, Kat smiled as he walked by, they both exchanged pleasantries, it was a great day Indeed, each of the guests were now, in their, or soneone elses rooms, with thier dogs, and probably still at it intensely. “Any problems Kat?” he asked,”No Master, it has been wonderful, the feedback from the guests has been absolutely positive, not one was disappointed.” she replied. He smiled and nodded as he walked into his private office, “Would you like coffee Master?” she inquired, “Yes, thank you Kat, that would be wonderful, I appreciate it.” Kat had worked as a Barrista for a while, she lived the smell of fresh coffee and enjoyed making it, taking great pains to make each cup a perfect example of her culinary art. Now that she had her own coffee machine, she took every opportunity to offer one to anyone who entered the office. Since she had started, these were her first guests, she passed the time knotted with her two dogs, strays that had been selected by the Trainer from the abandoned complex and earmarked for special needs, Kat’s needs were special enough, so she got them both. The machine hissed as the milk was frothed, the smell of the fresh Java made her smile.

Sitting at his desk he entered his password into his PC, he perused the traffic on his website, it was unbelievable so many had joined his site to watch the previous night’s festivities. He then checked his Cayman’s accounts, millions of dollars had flooded in, and it continued to do so by the second. Pre orders for the videos of the event were piling up at an unbelievable rate. He now has a young man, David, who was an expert at editing, who also had a penchant for being knotted and used by dogs, do, to sweeten the deal, he allowed him a room adjacent to the offices to act as his home and workspace, as well as his private space to enjoy his dog, also a pre-selected stray. In such a short time, he had created a whole new secret society, and it was growing exponentially. He rang his young protege, David answered and advised the editing was going along perfectly, there would be several hour long videos edited by the end of the week and they would be ready to go by then.

Eva and Eloise arrived at the office, they had driven the Audi, and it was the first time she had met Kat. Kat was overwhelmed, she was a great fan of Eva, for Kat she was the quintessential role model, a woman who loved what she did and did what she loved. “You must be Kat, I am so glad to meet you,” Eva said as she extended her hand, Kat took her hand and looked Eva straight in the eyes, “I am so truly glad to meet you, I have watched your videos and also last nights live feed, you are my hero,” Kat swooned and gushed as she could barely restrain herself from dropping to her knees to offer her tongue to her heroine. “This is Eloise,” she introduced her companion, no introduction was needed, she knew the tall American woman from the Kangaroo encounter, “Oh I am so glad to meet you too, you were wonderful last night, it was so intense, I cum very hard watching you.” Kat was in her element, there before her were two women she could appreciate, strong yet submissive, elegant yet absolutely deviant, Indeed, they were women to respect.

She escorted them to the Trainers office, then handed him his coffee. “Could I make you both a coffee, please, it would be an honor for me,” Kat gushed, they both nodded and she bounced off full of joy to make them their cuppa. “Well, ladies, the numbers are still rolling in, so far we have made a fortune in one night, and that is before we have released one single DVD, so I would have to say, all in all, it was a remarkable success.” he saif, smiling warmly and sipping his delicious coffee. He continued,” we have a full house here, bookings are already filling our books, people who could not attend in Lorain last night have booked us solid for months, I think we will have many new members of our expanded family join us for upcoming events.” His coffee was superb, Kat took great pride in what she did and it showed. The Trainer smiled at Eloise, “Well my dear, you are now a star, the feedback on the comments section had a large number of dumbfounded individuals who could not believe what happened to you, they begged for more.” Eloise smiled, her cunt still ached from the severe pounding it had endured the night before, “And I will do it again anytime, though I would also like to do both the pony and the boar as well, I was dripping watching them both, yes, please, arrange that if you can.” she begged. “Well, at great expense and effort, I have arranged for a pony, a boar and a top to be trained for us, they will be delivered withing a month and you can do anything you want anytime you want from then on.” Eloise smiled widely, her cunt immediately ached, the thought of the top then the boar then the pony filling her in turn was enough to make her soak the seat she was sitting on. Eva reached her hand over and rubbed Eloise’s throbbing clitoris, Eloise smiled, slumped on the seat and spread wide. As Eva rubbed her, the Trainer gave a quick run down on the takings so far and the bookings for the Motel. The boarding kennel was now home to a number of strays and purchased dogs that he was training. Kat and David were the enthusiastically willing test subjects for each dog, night after night he had taken them over to the adjacent kennels and spent hours training dogs to fuck them on command, and Fuck them they did. Eva rubbed Eloise to orgasm as they listened to him give graphic details of the training. The two deviant women looked at each other then the Trainer, Eva spoke for both of then, “Do, do we get a turn?” “Why naturally, why not now?” he replied. Smiles all round as they stood up, Eva licking her fingers, and taking Eloise by the hand. They all walked off together to the kennel, on the way, she texted Kurt to gather the other ladies and bring them to the kennel as well, “if you are going to do something, do it well”, she thought as they walked to the large kennel complex.

This may seem to the mundane passer by, to be an insignificant boarding kennel, it was anything but. Whilst it had almost full capacity it also had additional pens for guest dogs, these were earmarked for guests at the motel or for those who wanted their dogs serviced. To service them, the Trainer had found a caretaker and super dog slut, Naomi. She was of mixed ancestry, white, Polynesian, Maori, and the combination was superb. Tall, swarthy, elegant, she was a woman who had a low fucktards tolerance level, and an insatiable appetite for sex, most specifically K9. She was also on the forum, begging for a man or woman with dogs to use her, he gave her the opportunity to never want for a knot again, she had leaped on it. Whilst Kat and David were the training fucks for the Trainer, Naomi was always their dessert. Her job was simple, feed them, clean up their areas, bathe then, walk them and Fuck then, and she loved it. Enclosure after enclosure, she would service, cleaner, better fed, more pampered and we’ll fucked dogs you could not find.

Naomi nearly fell over when she saw who was entertaining the enclosed pens, two of her idols, and her Master, and one of her idols already had quim dribbling down her thighs. “Naomi, tine to fuckfest, are you in?” he asked,”Most knowing her answer, she dropped to her knees, lifted Eloise skirt and licked the long stream of cum from her knee to her glistening hot and still bruised cunt. Eloise grabbed Naomi’s black wavy hair and thrust her cunt into her face. She moaned as Naomi suckled on Eloise’s clitoris, sliding her long tan ringers into Eloise wet inviting hole. Eva walked to Naomi’s rear, lifted her skirt and saw she was no panties compliant, her tan was all over. Not a place that was not perfect, tan and smooth. She rubbed her hand between Naomi’s arse cheeks and teased her cunt, ever so slightly, Naomi responded immediately, her pussy releasing a dribble of creamy quim, Eva kneeled down and licked the drip immediately, then explored Naomi’s exotic cunt with her very talented tongue.

The Trainer walked from enclosure to enclosure, releasing the dogs and commanding them to sit and stay, in a straight line either side of the aisle. The three women were going at it intensely when the Trainer commanded them to take their mating position. Each woman was on her hands and knees, skirts up, cunt exposed and dripping in anticipation. He gave the first three the mount command and they complied most enthusiastically, Eva was positioned in the middle, she tongue kissed each woman in turn as they were enthusiastically violated by the now trained dogs. Knots locked in place, he led three more dogs to the other end for some eager lip service. Each woman slid the cock from its sheath and into her mouth.

Kurt pulled the limo into the parking area, they walked through the abandoned pool area, everywhere were discarded clothes, condoms, alcohol bottles of all descriptions, the trio, with dogs in tow, entered the office, Kat was placing four cups of fresh coffee, one for the Trainer, Eva and Eloise and one for herself, she knew they were in the kennels, and she intended to watch at the very least. She recognized the three new comers instantly, she had met Kurt a few times before, however the ladies she knew from the live streaming video she had watched intently the night before. After a quick intro, they all made their way down to the kennels, Kat leading the way with her tray of beverages. Kurt opened the door for her and they entered, proceeding along a corridors, toward the sound of gloriously wicked indulgences.

Walking through the doorway, they saw the three women, a dog in each end, with lines of dogs patiently awaiting their turn. Kat placed the tray down, sat on a bench and watched, legs wide open, fingers deeply inside, the other two women quickly ran to the rear of Eva and Naomi, sliding between the legs of woman and dog to latch onto throbbing clits with their eager lips. Kat only managed a sip of her coffee before the idea seemed too good not to follow, she too slide between Eloise’s thighs, wrapping her lascivious lips around her still bruised clitoris and sucking it gently. All three mounted women cum hard and long, juices flowed freely and tongues lapped greedily, driving all involved deeper into their lists and cravings. The Trainer walked three more dogs over to the women who had just joined in, directing them to pleasure these eager holes with their tongues. Legs spread wide, three eager cunts welcomed the long and attentive tongues inside. The dogs licked furiously as juices flowed copiously, not a drop would be wasted. Moans and groans from all six women reverberated around the room, the scent made each dog waiting in line edgy, they wanted to be in there, knots wrapped in hot human flesh, cocks unloading into eager human holes.

A buzz caught the attention of the Trainer, it was the unattended office, so he directed Kurt to deal with it. Kurt was as hard as Chinese math as he ran back to the office. Two women of middle eastern appearance stood at the door, waiting patiently. He opened the door and invited them in. “Yes ladies, what can I do for you?” In broken English they replied, “Our dogs are dry, we need more, and we need it now.” the taller woman stated, emphatically, “you cock, he is hard, we Fuck you?” she asked smiling eagerly, “of course, anything you need, I will do my best to give you.” Kurt fucked her over the desk, his cock in her eager arsehole as her friend fingered her, and herself, as he did so. Passions and lusts were unrestrained as he ploughed her arse deeply, unloading inside her as she climaxed, he pumped her intensely as her friend stroked his cock inside her, she too had left a big wet patch on the office carpet. He grabbed her friend by her hair and put her beside the other woman, they kissed as he fucked her as well, deeply in her arse, one then the other, until he was dry. Kurt could see they wanted more, do, without hesitation, he led them to the kennels. They were excitedly chatting in Arabic as they entered the main area, by now, six women were all knotted, a dog in their cunt, another in their mouth, the newcomers sighed deeply, hands immediately in their own dripping pussies as they say and watched. The Trainer smiled at Kurt, these two women had paid a small fortune for the opportunity to watch last night in person, they had fought a hard battle just to get to Australia for it and they were indeed in need much more than most. He walked over to them, kissed each gently but passionately in turn, took their hands and walked them to an enclosure, he commanded they strip, which they did instantly, he placed a collar around each woman’s neck and put her into an individual enclosure with several large dogs. The women walked in eagerly, took position, opened their holes and allowed the dogs to use them without reservation. The Trainer walked back over to the coffee tray, picked up his mug and sat, watching the two women repeatedly violated by dog after dog. It seemed to matter how hard they were fucked, it only fanned the flames of their lust. He signalled Kurt, they each entered an enclosure with the women indulging so insatiably, pulled out his cock and after turning the tied dog, slid his cock into her arse. Kurt was fucked dry, yet his cock still rocked hard, he fucked the smaller of the two women as the Trainer violated the other, forcing his large cock into her arse, past the dogs bulbous knot. Each woman was lost in raptuous pleasure, given into their lusts and desires, they cum again and again, each time the men fucked their arses hard and deep, grabbing handfuls of their soft flesh, leaving fingernail indentations, to give them purchase for the furious sodomization.

The eight women spent hours fucking with utter abandon, stopping occasionally for a drink or some food, which Kurt and the Trainer had arranged as they went. It was the two Arab women who impressed Eva, never before had she seen such lust unleashed, they had fucked the men and every dog they could dry. Eva walked over to the taller of the two, opened her thighs and plunged her luscious lips and lascivious tongue into her dripping cum soaked cunt. Eva relentlessly devoured her, the woman cum intensely, again and again. Her arse and cunt spasmed uncontrollably as Eva worked her magic. Once she had devoured her enough, she left her to the dogs once more and entered the other enclosure to repeat her intent upon the smaller woman. She was insatiable, each time she cum, she ground her cunt harder into Evas mouth. Time after time she climaxed, she lay her head back, a dog mounted her face and fucked her throat, it just egged her on to climax once again more intensely.

The hours passed, toward late after noon they emerged from the kennels. Each dog had performed splendidly, satiating the insatiable, fucking themselves dry as they did. The women left smiling, panting heavily, Eva flanked by the two middle eastern women who each clung onto her arms lije a child seeking reassurance from their mother. They walked to the function room, caterers had laid out a vast buffet of local delicacies, Kat was amazed at how comprehensive the selection was. Kurt and the Trainer had spared no expense, as they entered the rest if the guests started to filter in, along with their dogs. King and Kaiser sat in front of the head table, there in the middle of the dance floor was a mating bench, fitted with restraints, “Oh, goody, dinner and a show,” chimed Eva as she walked in, “how delicious.”

The room filled rapidly, clothes were optional, the room heated, so everyone was naked as they were the night before, however this time they wore no masks. Eva recognised many of the faces, rock stars, actors, actresses, politicians from the four corners of the globe, captains of industry and notorious and nefarious characters who regularly graced the media in their constant battle with the legal system. This was not just any bunch if deviants, this was the cream of the world’s social ladder, all sitting naked, equals, old and young, fit and flabby, no one cared. Men masturbated the man sitting next to him as they chatted, women masturbated each other, some talked to their husband while another man fingered them, it was a room without rules and everyone seemed amazingly comfortable. All eyes were drawn to the Trainer and his group, Eva in particular. They too their seats at the head table and sat. As in response to a silent command, King and Kaiser relicated under the table, the looks of pleasant surprise in Eva and Rachels faces clearly indicated where they were sitting.

Table after table attended the seemingly endless buffet, the food, like the pleasure, was all you could consume. Food from all corners of the world were represented, restaurants from as far away as Brisbane, had prepared meals to be delivered to the Motel. The fact it was buffet meant there were no other staff required, so it could remain private and intimate. All around the room, under tables, dogs attended to their new owners, then wandered off to find another interesting place to insert their ever adventurous tongues. Conversatiins would be interrupted as an individual broke into orgasm, or giggled uncontrollably as they were brought to the edge repeatedly. The Sextet had been joined by David, Kat and Naomi, all sat at the long table, looking slightly down upon the crowd. David situated himself between the Trainer and Kurt, he stroked their rigid cocks gently as a random dog licked his dripping and rigid cock

The meal progressed, it was an open bar, so everyone just helped themselves, Rachel, ever curious, asked,”How much are they paying per night to stay here?” The trainer smiled at her and handed the answer off to Kat, “1500 per night, all inclusive, absolutely private.” Rachel involuntarily gulped, “Holy Crap!! No Shit!!” she gazed around the room, the exclusivity of their little resort was now world famous and yet virtually unknown. She was a part owner of a rapidly growing Urban Myth. She spied two of her favorite actors, sitting together, hands on each others cocks, a politician she voted for sucking the nipples of his political foe, a woman he had attacked verbally on TV only a few nights before. This was surreal, beyond anything she could ever have imagined.

Eventually all had consumed their fill, now the festivities would ensue. Kurt, along with Marianne, Kat and Naomi, volunteered to clear the tables. Each was fondled as they collected the plates and glasses from the tables, Kurt was sucked repeatedly by men and women alike as he tended to their place. Once all was done, the Trainer stood, naked and erect, and walked to the modified breeding bench in the middle of the dancefloor. “Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please, beneath your seat, taped to the bottom is an envelope, please remove it, and without opening it, place it in front of you.” Everyone reached under their seat and removed the envelope, “Now, at the count of three, open the envelope and hold the contents above your head.” He counted to three and everyone complied, holding the contents above their head, eyes scanned the room, all pieces were black, except one, it was red and held by one of the two middle eastern women who had enjoyed the indulgence of the kennels earlier. “Please stand and walk to be, now.” the teainer commanded, his voice comforting, yet assertive. She proceeded to the center of the dancefloor. She was naked, her body was firm and luscious, breasts full, yet gravity defying in their perkiness. She was smooth, shaved for this weekend of indulgence. The Trainer positioned her on the bench, the excitement electrified the room, she was trembling, her cunt visibly wet, glistened in the warm glow of numerous pin spots focussed on the bench. The Trainer fastened velcro bands around her arms and legs, ensured there was no way she could move excessively, and confirmed there was easy access to her genitals. “You are our winner, so, do you wish to claim your prize?” She looked up at him, his cock mere inches from her face, “Master, do with me as you wish. I am your willing slut.” The room broke out in spontaneous cheers and raptuous applause.

The Trainer whistled, every dog in the room converged on him and sat obediently, awaiting his command. They knew something was afoot, tails wagged, rockets left their sheaths, the lady bound to the bench breathed deeply, she shook visibly, not in fear, in anticipation. A glistening trickle of her eager cunts juices caught the light as it made its way down her thigh to her knees. “Zetas, your bitch for tonight,” they clapped as he walked to her rear, “King, mount.” King strutted over and complied, he mounted her, his knot and cock far bigger than she had experienced before, yet she invited it in and consumed every drop of his hot K9 juice. One after the other, dog after dog, they waited then eagerly fucked her. Ninety two dogs filled her as everyone watched, every seat dripping in juices as the crowd indulged in her boundless indulgence. Then men started to line up at the other end, each put his cock in her mouth as dogs continued to fuck her and violate her repeatedly. Man after man unloaded in her mouth, she swallowed each load enthusiastically. With a seemingly endless line of cocks, head and tail, she indulged her deepest darkest desire. Kaiser was tied inside her, the Trainer turned him, “any ladies like to suckle on her clitoris?” asked the Trainer, her compatriot who had also indulged earlier, ran out, ” Yes, I want to suck on my sister.” she stated very matter of factly. The crowd cheered, the though if two sister in oral indulgence whilst one was full of dog cock at one end and man cock at the other was decadently delicious.

Positioned beneath her sister, she voraciously suckled on her tortured pussy, it was red, swollen, pulsating uncontrollably and dripping a virtual torrent of juices into her open and greedy mouth. She ki ches, sucked and bit her cunt all over, the response was climax after climax visibly contorting her body. Kaiser looked directly down at the dripping smooth pussy below and proceeded to lick her enthusiastically. Soon both sisters were lost in orgasmic bliss. The younger sister, below the bound one, could take it no longer, she lay on her back, spread her legs wide and begged everyone to fuck her, which didn’t have to be offered twice. The rear of the que to the bound woman’s mouth broke off and immediately lined up for a turn in the dripping nymphomaniac on the floor. First one on one, then in minutes, each hole was filled and furiously fucked. Soon she was picked up by two larger men, one in her arse, the other in her pussy, they suspended her in mid air and rammed their cocks into her relentlessly. She cum, moaned, screamed in lustful rapture as they pumped their cocks into her. She slumped on the floor, as she watched dog after dog filled her sisters insatiable hole, and man after man Fuck her throat till he cum, she enjoyed the sight of her sibling, enjoying truly forbidden fruit as she herself was fucked by men, then women in turn. Both sisters indulged in hours of unrestricted lust, their stomachs bulged with the insane volumes of cum that had been deposited inside them. Then the Trainer let out a whistle. Men, women and digs stopped. “Enough, return to your seats. dogs, sit, stay,behave like a gentleman.” Human and K9 complied, everyone had enjoyed both sisters repeatedly, the younger one slid on her naked back under her bound sister and opened her mouth to let the endless torrent of fuckjuice find its way to her tastebuds. The Trainer undid her restraints. Her back was scratched, her cunt bruised and battered, her makeup more befitting of an Alice Cooper concert. She sat on her sisters face and pushed down to release the vast amount of cum inside her. The younger sister gulped it down as she fingered herself furiously. The elder then helped the younger to her feet, as they were about to walk from the dancefloor, the crowd gave a well earned standing ovation. No one was counting, no one thought to, ninety two dogs had repeatedly fucked her, every man had cum down her throat, woman had bitten and sucked her cunt relentlessly, yet she kept rubbing her clitoris, she wanted even more, she took her sisters hand, and like Olympic medal recipients, they showed their appreciation for the applause and accolades.

The two sisters were invited to sit at the head table, Eva went down on the eldest, savouring her delicious cunt as it dripped it’s still hot load, Eloise went down on the younger, her pussy and arse filled with human seed, do, she licked both holes enthusiastically as the two sisters regained their breath and tongue kissed each other with Kurt’s cock between their mouths. The room degenerated into an all out fuckfest. On tables, the fliir, the stage, all manner of deviancy was openly displayed. Men fucked men, women fucked women, everyone was fucked by dogs. As dinners go, the was the best Eva or indeed anyone else had ever attended.

The night ended in the heated pool, the waters a soup of fuckjuice and poolwater before long. As Dawn broke on a very chilly morning, the rising mist of the pool was moved by the last bodies leaving it. Humans and beasts alike had indulged beyond the dreams of Alistair Crowley at his wickedest. They retired to their rooms, fed, fucked and fulfulled. Kurt drove the rest of the sextet home, David, Naomi and Kat using the Trainers executive suite with its large bed as theirs for the night.

David had always wanted to be gangbanged by man and beast alike. He had been, everyone had been, not a hole was left inviolate by the proceedings, carnality had been the motivation for all, a Fuck frenzy had consumed each and every one of them and not a man or woman was the same after it. For all, even the rock stars, this was a night above any before. David had been sodomized by three men he idolised, Naomi had been fucked by the most respected politician she had ever known of, everyone had fucked Eva, man, woman, dog, none had not indulged in her one last time.

Every man woman and beast had been tested prior to this weekend, any found even slightly suspect had been refused. Many women knew they had probably been inseminated, they would never know the father, so they would just accept it, as her husband would as well, knowing the most amazing night of forbidden fruit of their lives had produced a fruit of its own. A level of trust was shared that none had truly known before. Anyone could destroy anyone else, if they were also willing to commit social suicide. Private contact details were shared, the world had become that one step closer to the paradise all hoped it could become. In the pool, deals were made that affected millions, not motivated by greed of expectations of reciprocity, no, they were motivated by friendship and love, as they had seen and experienced something so profound and intimate, it had shattered their previous conditioning.

For hours they had danced and frolicked naked and open, unashamed and unabashed. The only argument ended in a fight that degenerated into a furious fuckfest on the floor, which soon became an all in multi species orgy. In what seemed moments something violent had become something beyond explanation. Whist people danced around then, thirty humans and twenty five dogs, spontaneously raped each other. It was not for the faint hearted, it was not gentle, it was not polite. It was a mass rape, of a mass of people and dogs. Savage and raw, it writhed on the dancefloor as the lights, music, smoke and bubbles created a surreal ambience that made it look not at all out of place. It was dancing, by other means. Some joined in as other left, it became self sustaining, and as usual, the piggy in the middle was Eva. She was the goddess who owned the soul and body of every living thing there. Men and women of wealth and power utterly worshiping her with thier energy, bodies and fluids.

Eva sat in the limo, Kurt took an impossibly long route home, driving along the virtually empty beach roads, joggers jogged, others walked their dogs, the waves rolled in as her.mind drifted. The world passed her by, she faced the ocean side, the sun now just clear of the horizon. Tinted windows and sunglasses failed to stop the glare of the early spring sun from making her squint. She saw a whale breach not far from shore, then a smaller calf, it was daddy teaching his son how to be a whale. She was so happy, each woman wore her cloak and collar, but not the gloves or boots, they were curled up beneath them like a cat wrapped in its own warm tail. The Trainer sat beside her, dressed in his finest Jonny Cash, black from boots to collar. She tried to imagine her life without him. Then stopped, why would she bother to put that into her head? No, she just looked at him, he must have been something else when he was in his prime, but then he wouldn’t have had that special air of command and confidence he had now. Her hand emerged from her cloak and fell softly on his, he turned to her and their eyes connected, “Master, I worship you, I appreciate everything you do for all of us and so many we don’t know, you just consider everybody, I really want to know, please, what can I do to make you happier ” “Smile for me Eva, that is all I need to know it has been worthwhile.” he said in a gentle but easy way. She slipped out from under her seatbelt and reached over, grabbing his beard with her hand and drawing him close, she smiled the most beautiful and genuine smile of utter joy she could muster. The Trainer kissed her gently, “Now that was truly worth anything I could, would or will ever achieve. You make my heart sing.” They locked in a long, passionate and lingering kiss, Rachel, Marianne and Eloise closed in and they all hugged the two embraced in a kiss, as tjenworld passed them by, at Kurt’s leisurely pace, the rear passengers had a moment that lasted all the way home.

Rugs, bedspreads, doonahs, quilts, blankets and cloaks were piled on the floor in front of the hearth. The city was bathed in sunshine, the sky clear and blue, the ocean highlighted by beach breaks, white lines that were highlighted as if by a phantom paintbrush, the sky and sea lost in each other on the horizon. They all lay together naked, the cloaks shared as covers, arms and legs entwined to bring all into each others embrace.

The dogs lay at either flank, protecting their masters and mistresses from all harm. They each faced a different entry point and lay in wait for any threat. Soft snores from contented slumbering dogs and humans accompanied the crackling of the fire. Six naked humans wrapped together, Eva and the Trainer in the middle, snuggled together, warm and content.

Outside the day passed, the sun traversed the skyline, a storm passed by unnoticed, in the Motel, it was the same. Bodies entwined, naked and vulnerable, protected by their dogs, comfortable in their bodies. Many had been deeply touched in many ways by the weekend. Relationships evolved into something profound for each participant, right across the spectrum of the social divide. Each guest had already made a standing reservation for each year, on that date, in perpetuity. This would be their annual social event. Several well heeled deviants had offered to invest in the Motel, that would be an ongoing thing, it was more than a success, it was a massive shared and profound secret. Everyone wanted it to be more, bigger, they had people they knew who truly needed to be there. One thing that was decided though and would happen faster than anyone could imagine, was the transformation of the old derelict buildings that they had enjoyed, into something special. The surrounding buildings would be cleared, parks and landscaping to replace them, the building she used would be repurposed as a skateboard and parkour facility. Most of the roofs were already gone, so using just half walls and feature walls would be a creative use of the remaining structure. This is what Eva wanted to leave behind in her wake. Somewhere everyone can enjoy life. The sentiment inspired everyone, in seconds, any amount she wished to spend on this project was there at her disposal. Kurt had ideas, as did each of the sextet. All would be incorporated, a derelict series of dangerous buildings would transform into a living, breathing work of art and love where youth can face nature or their fears and come to terms with them. The trees would be ideal trees to climb, fruit trees would be prolific, a permanent grounds keeping staff established in a carbon neutral facility, an apiary for bees that will pollinate the fruit and flowers alike, it would be managed as a national park and named Liberty Gardens. The terms of the agreement were sealed in a fuckfest, which was much more memorable and satisfying than a handshake.

Eva sat up, it was darkening outside. Twilight had the city in its grip, the constant all encompassing light of the sun replaced by spotty illumination, as life set itself to continue after dark. She looked at the faces of her snuggling friends, the Trainer was still out to it, he had slipped a quick quiet one into her a while earlier, trying not to wake her as he gently unloaded into her. She awoke but played possum, smiling as she felt his hot cum inside her, then he drifted off, still dropping inside as she too went back to sleep.

She looked out as the sea turned darker and the skyline brighter. The fire was still warm, but only smouldering coals. She crawled over and added some more wood, spurring it back to life. As it crackled and popped, she rested her chin on her hand, which was bracing her knee. Eva thought, her mind digesting the last two days. From what she had been told, most of the world’s most influential people knew her, not if, they had watched many hours of her doing what she does. Her absolute abandonment of ego was inspiring. All that endured was the need, until it was fulfilled. In return, karma had dropped a fortune in her lap and an entourage of the most amazing people she had ever met. One if the men who had repeatedly fucked her, on both occasions, was a Prince, another a President, another a gardener, they each enjoyed her body at the same time, not a drop of ego displayed as they did it, when Eva had a multiple orgasm in multiple cocks, all three men unloaded into her at the same time, a Prince, a President and a Gardner. She kissed them all one after the other, then sucked their cocks, before giving herself to two dogs and a woman who writes romance novels. Eva was a dog slut, she was proud of it because it is what made her comfortable in this crazy world, dogs don’t have ego, their lust is pure, it is animalistic, not edited, abridged, classified then sanitized. There was no rationale to a dogs sex, it was lust pure and simple. That is why it kept her sane, in a plastic world, it was an organic connection. Now her philosophical path had inspired a multitude, and it was growing exponentially. Eva watched the fire consume the wood, she saw the Trainers logic coalesce in the flames, they would burn the plastic coating of society away, Fuck fifty shades of grey, they were bringing fifty shades of freaky to a world hell bent on self destruction. If Eva had anything to do with it, shit was gonna change, big time. The fire popped and crackled, bodies stirred, Eva was having machinations of her own, “Tonight is the first night of the rest of my life.” she said to herself, and smiled.

The night was clear and cool, the sound of the city, carried on the ocean breeze, was a distant hum. Eva sat on the patio, the stars above her blended with the twinkling lights below. She took a toke on a joint and held it in, the smoke absorbed into her system, her mind drifted. Whilst the others slumbered, she let her mind wander. Over the last months, life had changed irrevocably, nothing could ever be the same, for her, for any of those whose lives she had touched. The moon was rising far to the east, its golden hues visible on the horizon.

The sliding door brought her back to her and now, Eloise strode onto the patio, naked and bold, her hair flowing in the gentle breeze as she walked toward Eva. “Here you are, alone in the dark, getting toasted by yourself, is everything OK sweetheart?” she enquired thoughtfully. Eva smiled at her, “Couldn’t be better lover,” taking Eloise’s hand and holding it to her warm cheek. ” I was just watching the moon rise, it such a beautiful night, spring is in the air and all is well with those I love.” Eva kissed Eloise’s hand and gently pulled her down beside her. They sat, staring at the twinkling lights, above and below, and finished the joint together, watching the birth of another moon. “Marianne is making us a masterpiece in the kitchen, are you hungry?” asked Eloise, “It smells truly divine, something with fresh seafood, white wine and sauce, come on, let’s eat.” she took Evas hand and they stood together, naked, the cool breeze caressing their skin. With one last look, just as the moon crested the horizon, they turned and walked inside.

The Trainer turned and watched the Two visions of loveliness enter the large sliding glass door. Hand in hand they walked into the kitchen dining area. Eloise was right, Marianne was concocting a culinary masterpiece. The aroma made both salivate with anticipation. They sat beside the Trainer at the glass topped kitchen table and smiled. Eva looked at the Trainer and placed her hand gently on his naked thigh, “Master,” she started, “How about we go for an adventure, out there.” She pointed toward the Pacific ocean which now had a golden path of moonlight illuminating a path eastward. “Why Eva, funny you should say that, I was thinking the same thing myself just a moment ago as I watched the moon rising.” he stated softly, his smile warm and tender, his eyes locked on hers. “We are off on an adventure in the morning everyone, we will find out where when we got the.” He said, bringing a chorus of excited agreement from all. Eyes around the room all converged on Eva, “So, where shall we go?” Rachel enquired, a broad smile on her pretty face. Eva looked at the golden path of moonlight, “That way, somewhere no-one else is, where we can be alone together and just escape for a few days.” she said with a hint of mischief in her voice, pointing toward the east, along the path of the moons glow on the smooth pacific waters.

Plans were formulated as they dined on Mariannes masterpiece, it had no name, she just created it out if whatever was in the pantry and fridge, large fresh prawns in white wine, coconut milk, cream, thyme and macadamia nuts with Quinoa doused in fresh lime juice, cracked green peppercorns and pink sea salt on the side. It was a delicately combined blend where everything was balanced and the taste was truly superb.

Marianne would make certain they would be well fed, including King and Kaiser, who sat patiently waiting for an tasty morsel that was passed their way, Eloise would ensure the Zeta Zephyr was ready to go when they were and had a number of pre determined flight plans in place, Kurt would ensure they camped in style on whatever island they landed on as well as maintenance support once away from home, Rachel would attend to in flight entertainment and recreation once on land, the Trainer of course, would ensure everything was double checked, nothing forgotten and contingencies in place for any foreseeable problems. They talked excitedly about their lessons in the cockpit of the large amphibian aircraft, how amazing it was to fly and how smoothly it handled. Kurt and Eloise had worked closely with the ground crew, they were well in their way to being competent in avionics, engineering and airframe maintenance and repairs. The aircraft had been substantially upgraded, it had an integrated entertainment system with terrabites of movies, music and books of all description, an internal Wi-Fi system, light weight semi flexible solar panels incorporated into the fuselage and a substantial energy storage capacity, giving them a fairly autonomous capability for maintaining power for all manner of use whilst away. Also incorporated were several cameras, inside at key locations, and outside, giving day and night views of the world as it passed by. Marianne had tweaked the galley, it was small but impressive in it’s capabilities, well stocked yet compact. The camping gear also reflected her input, she had what she needed, in a compact and lightweight package, to cook up a storm anywhere and of course it was a spacious on comfortable setup for the sextet to enjoy the great outdoors in comfort and style. Though it was a fairly small aircraft by aviation standards, it was by no means a lightweight, so weight and size was factored into every single item, from spare parts and tools to provisions and gear.

Eva started the fun as always, she placed half a prawn between the lips of her pussy, giggling as she did, Kaiser waltzed over, gently removed it, then licked the remaining sauce from her, which elicited a juicy response from Eva, Kaiser, being the diligent dog he was, wasted none of that, in moments, Evas head was lolling back as she held the large dog by his head, as his tongue enthusiastically licked deeper and deeper into her aching hole. The other women watched, then in turn, did the same. King and Kaiser devouring the seafood, then the pussies that held the taste morsels. As the moon crested the calm Pacific horizon, the sextet retired once more to the lounge and it’s still smouldering fireplace. Eva straddled Rachel, Marianne straddled Eloise, the four women indulged each other orally as the dogs sat and patiently awaited their command to join in. Kurt and the Trainer sat back on the lounge and enjoyed and after dinner toke in a nice joint as they watched the four deliciously deviant women indulge each other enthusiastically. Eva raised her head, turned to Kaiser and tapped her arse cheek, he bounded over and mounted her with the ease of a professional at his trade. He furiously pounded his meat into her as Marianne did the same for King, who responded as enthusiastically as his fellow mutt. Rachel licked and sucked as Eva was violated by Kaiser’s substantial knot, Eloise did the same, withing minutes the room was filled with moans and groans and the smell of taboo sexual mayhem. Eva cum first, which inspired the other three to do the same, all were indulging thier partners with equal enthusiasm, the dogs tails pumping as their cocks sprayed their female lovers insides in hot dog seed.

The Trainer took one last toke and passed the joint to Kurt, both were erect, precum glistening on the tips of their cocks, he stood up, walked over to Marianne and helped King turn inside her. Once the coupled pair were arse to arse, he said his cock into her puckering arse, timing his slow insertion to coincide with her orgasmic spasms, soon, he was balls deep in her arse, feeling King’s cock throb, Mariannes cunt spasm and her arse devouring his pulsating rigid erection. Once he was in, starting slowly, he increased his tempo until he was smashing his cock in and out the full length of his not insignificant shaft. The combination of cocks pulsating in each hole, the knot of King vying for space inside her and Eloise voraciously devouring her clitorisa and biting her stretched labia and exposed thighs, drove Marianne into waves of uncontrollably overwhelming climaxes. Kurt watched as he finished off the joint then, after discarding it in the fireplace, took position behind Eva, helping Kaiser to turn, before he to was balls deep in Evas sweet arse, humping her vigorously into a meat filled orgasmic mess. The fire slowly died as women changed position to be the meat in the sandwich, again and again, they climaxed, moans and cries of lustful indulgence echoed through the large house. The moon was well past it’s zenith before they all collapsed into a dripping tangle of flesh. Hearts pounded, sweat glistened and smiles were on every lascivious lip as they relaxed and drifted off into a well earned post coital slumber.


Chapter 4

The limo pulled into the hangar and pulled up near the Grumman Albatross, the ground crew had been on the job since they got the call just before midnight. They loved the old bird, it was immaculate and now very cleverly balanced between old school style and high tech convenience. As the doors opened on the limo, the crew chief, Leroy, a powerfully built ex American serviceman, walked over to talk with Eloise, Kurt and the Trainer, the rest removed their overnight bags and set them beside the fuselage door. “She is primed, fueled and ready to fly, we did a complete check of every system and component and this aircraft is in better condition than it has ever been.” Leroy informed them confidently, he had spent years on this type of aircraft and there were probably only less than a handful of people on the planet as competent and skilled in maintenance with the old girls as he. Eloise still did her walk around preflight check as Kurt made a comprehensive check of the spares and tools as well as camping gear stowed cleverly out of sight inside the plane.

Marianne stowed the fresh and frozen supplies as Rachel made up a playlist of appropriate music for their journey, Eva checked the amenities, making sure everything was where it was supposed to be and nothing was left unsecured. The sun was warm as the radial engines roared into life, humans and dogs took their positions, comfortably relaxed as the big bird taxied out onto the runway apron. Eloise was in the pilot seat, Kurt as co-pilot, the Trainer in the jump seat behind him. Eloise and Kurt completed the last pre flight checks then Eloise radioed the tower for clearance. The aircraft lurched as thousands of horse power of piston perfection rolled the graceful aircraft down the runway. With the grace of it’s namesake, the Albatross lifted off. Their first leg would land them on Lord Howe Island, just a few hours out into the south pacific. The tiny spec of land was plotted into the digital navigation system and Eloise engaged the autopilot. They would have a late lunch on the beach and a swim before continuing. Eva had a romantic streak, the idea of Pitcairn Island, the Bounty Mutineers taking their Polynesian women to the end of the world and the chaos that ensued after connected with her, however the heavy rolling seas made it unlikely they could land there, so she decided on Oeno Lagoon, the most northerly of the Pitcairn group as their final destination. They would refuel and get some last minute supplies in Mou Toregigi in the Gambler Islands, French Polynesia, the only airport close to Oeno, before landing the plane in the Oneo lagoon and parking it near the beach. The island was uninhabited, except for rare breeds of kestrel and other sea birds, a fairly pristine and spectacular place for a getaway.

Eva was still researching the lagoon on satellite broadband when Eloise advised they would be landing shortly on Lord Howe, far in the distance, a dot jutting out of the pacific, its mountainous tip shrouded in clouds slowly grew larger as they approached. Whilst the Albatross could easily land in the sheltered lagoon, it was though to be wiser just to use the runway, so as to avoid any unnecessary problems. The large plane glided in to a graceful landing on the runway perched between a mountain on one side and hills on the other. Kurt was transfixed as the runway loomed close, water either end meant if you made a cock up, you were in the drink, or a hill, or a mountain, it only added to his thrill seeker predisposition.

A crowd gathered to watch the vintage amphibian pull up on the airport apron. The sextet decided to leave Kurt and the dogs on the plane. Kurt wanted to ensure every system and component was operational and there were no oil or fuel leaks. The remaining five wandered off to the islands beaches, cafes and shops. The Trainer left the ladies to do some shopping, he had an epiphany of his own, making his way to the local pub to do something secretive. A text message requested everyone return to the plane. The Trainer was sitting under the high set wing, a table was laid out, a beautifuly laid out buffet awaiting their return. The ladies sat and dined with the Two men, enjoying a delicious meal provided by the best restaurants on the island. Several locals joined them as well, making it a friendly meal with new friends on the apron of an airport in the.middle of a vast ocean that stretched from horizon to horizon. By the end of the meal, open invitations to return to Lord Howe were made and all agreed they would on the return journey. A local advised Eloise there was indeed a designated seaplane landing area that would be surveyed closely before they returned, everyone on the island wanted to watch the aircraft land in the Coral lagoon, and it was agreed, providing it was safe, that they would. This left the locals very happy, giving offers of a room for the night if they desired to stay longer than a few hours. Eva, on behalf of all, gratefully accepted the offer, they would overnight on Lord Howe, leaving the Albatross anchored at an old Empire Seaplane mooring.

Soon Lord Howe was a dot fading into the vast blue ocean behind them. The sky was clear as they proceeded on the next leg, further to the east, toward their isolated destination. An after lunch swim in the lagoon had made most a bit tired, so Marianne, Rachel and Eva napped, Eva on the couch, Marianne and Rachel snuggled together sharing one of the aft bunks. Their next destination was Norfolk Island, they would overnight there, landing just on dusk. Eloise was having a break, she had never been more at ease flying than she was now. The Trainer took the co-pilot seat, Kurt would solo as pilot, he was the limo driver once more, this time at 5000′. Eloise went into the cabin and made an espresso coffee and relaxed, watching the endless ocean pass by beneath the plane. Once they had taken off from Lord Howe, everyone had stripped off, that was the rule, nude aviation was the best aviation she thought the as King attended to her needs and she sipped her delicious fresh espresso coffee. They flew northeasterly toward Norfolk, Kurt’s instrument navigation was exemplary, he prided himself on his abilities and had impressed all with how quickly he had adapted to his new role as pilot. Before long, they were in Norfolk Air Traffic Control, and Eloise roused her slumbering compatriots, suggesting they put something on before they landed. Eloise once again took her position in the pilots seat with Eva taking the co-pilot position for this landing. Kurt went aft and opened the observation hatch in the fuselage, he watched as they banked in for the landing at Kingston International Airport. Another tiny spec in an endless ocean, seas rolling in on it’s shores. He must have taken 100 photos as they came in to land. The ruins of the old convict settlement, the mountain, covered in exotic jungle, the tiny settlement, its beautiful beaches. The closer he got, the more he liked this remote outpost of humanity suspended in a deep clear blue sea. Again, a number of locals, cellphones taking pictures, were on hand to welcome them. This would be the last stop in Australian territory, next would be Nuku’alofa in Tonga, then French Polynesia and finally Oeno, in the Pitcairn Group. Immediately upon the engines shut down, a group surged forward to greet them. Eva had explained that many were direct descendents of the Pitcairners, relocated nearly a century ago to Norfolk. Names like Christan and Adams were common, the thought of dining with a direct descendent of Fletcher Christian and his fellow mutineers made this so much sweeter for her. That night, they dined and danced, it was decided the dogs would stand guard at the Zeta Zephyr with a good supply of bones provided by an enthusiastic and generous local as well as other doggy delicacies. Tonight, they would be just normal people in an adventure, there were mundanes, so an all out beasty fuckfest would probably raise a few eyebrows. Discretion would be that nights order of the day. The ocean air was still crisp, however there was not a hint of pollution, it was clean, straight in off a vast stretch of uninterupted pacific ocean. After dinner, dancing and gracious hospitality, she had decided to sit on a rock and just watch the moonlight dance on the waves. Perched high above the boiling surf, crashing into the islands shore below, she marvelled at the adventure so far. They had met wonderful and courteous people who lived in some on the most remote places on earth, it filled her with joy that they were so content, living on a tiny island surrounded by seas that spanned from one horizon to the other in whichever direction you looked. Whales passed by, the whoosh as they breathed at first startled her, then it filled her with joy. Yes, these people were alone, however they were surrounded by life. Her hair waved, the ocean breeze constant and strong, “This is the life,” she thought to herself as she cuddled her knees with her arms, rested her cheek on them and watched shooting stars cross a clearly visible milky way.

The next morning started early, the intrepid adventurers were already preparing for takeoff as the sun crested the horizon. During the evening, they had been told it was actually a bit of a problem to just land at Oeno as it was a world heritage listed island, however, if it were a necessity, for example due to engine problems, that it was beyond their abilities to avoid utilization of the sheltered waters of the lagoon to land the aircraft. The mayor of Kingston put them in contact with the Pitcairners on webcam, who gave them details about the lagoon and any potential hazards relating to a water landing there. With the blessings if the islanders who used Oeno as a getaway, they were thrilled at the idea of landing there in a few days time. An early morning crowd gathered to watch the albatross take to the skies, cameras were in abundance as the plane taxied out onto the runway and made it’s way into the air. Once airborne, Eloise relinquished her position to the Trainer, who, with Kurt as co-pilot, continued toward their next stop in Tonga. Seven hours flying time would be nothing compared to the next leg, into French Polynesia and then finally to Oeno.

Eloise was in the cabin, she and Eva were kissing passionately as they fingered each other to climax, all the while Rachel’s playlist kept music flowing, adding atmosphere to what should have been a laboriously long leg in their journey. The scent of Eva and Eloise brought the Two dogs into the mix, soon, both women were lip locked as the dogs filled them with K9 meat, Rachel and Marianne took position between the Two mounted women’s legs and gave lip service to the action. That was how a long journey over open ocean passed for them. They took turns in each position, the athletic dogs only too glad to provide these insatiable women with copious amounts of fresh hot cum. By the time Eloise had returned to the cockpit, she was a wreck, her cunt a wet and well fucked mess, covered in fresh bite marks from an over enthusiastic Marianne who had gotten a bit carried away during a 69 whilst knotted. She had bitten Eloise hard and often which only intensified the pilots intense orgasms, so they were very much appreciated war wounds. She slipped into her flightsuit and boots then Kurt and the Trainer did the same. By the time they landed, all were dressed, however much of the carpet in the cabin was soaked in mixed fuckjuice.

It had been a long leg, so once again they overnighted, this time in first class, a bungalow was taken and shared by all, including the dogs. That might was a quiet one, back in the bungalow for the most part, all four women bruised by repeated knottings during the long flight. Marianne, Rachel and Eloise slept while the men and dogs took turns with the insatiable Eva. She drained all four males absolutely, then masturbated as she sucked their flacid cocks. Eventually, even Evas insatiable appetites had to give way to an even more pressing need to sleep. It would be another early day, this time they would go right to the doorstep of their destination. Tomorrow night, French Polynesia, the next day, Oeno, and two days of camping on a deserted island in the south pacific. She smiled as she drifted off, cum still dripping from her swollen and bruised cunt, her nipples still as hard as her clitoris, the taste of cum still in her tongue.

Totagegi airport was in the distance, the beauty of the Mangareva group that ringed the ancient caldera forming the islands hid the tragedy of decades of French nuclear testing close by. The plane landed at the airport, once again surrounded by locals taking pictures. The plan was to stay overnight, however the flight had been shorter and easier than anticipated, with strong tail winds, they had arrived earlier than Eloise had expected. It was still well before dusk, so they all had a quick discussion and decided to continue to Oeno Lagoon that afternoon. It was a quick refuel and back into the air, destination, isolation on a south pacific atoll. Oeno was about two hours flying time, so with the ease that comes with several refuelling stops in quick succession, they were back in the air, winging their way to paradise.

The Trainer had taken control once again. With Eva acting as co-pilot, they flew toward their destination, Evas excitement was palpable, she smile continuously as she sat, scanning the horizon for the tiny speck that would be their home for the next few days. Eva watched as the digital navigation system updated each second, the marker for their destination drew inexorably closer, her heart beat with excitement, her nipples hard, her right hand in her groin. Marianne had made a light meal for all, coffee and sandwiches were distributed as the music kept it all groovy. Lenny Kravitz “Fly Away” came on, Eloise started the singalong, in moments everyone had joined in, their voices harmonised with Lenny as they flew. Kurt and the ladies danced as they sang, even the dogs got in on the act, bouncing and leaping with the dancing chorus. As the song ended with an echoing “YEAH”, Eva saw their destination in the distance. It looked like a dog that grew larger by the second. She opened the intercom and advised they would be landing soon, Eloise making her way naked to the cockpit.

The big yellow plane flew low as it circled Oeno Lagoon, a small attol lost in the vast ocean. A ring of sand with a tiny vegetated islet protected by the lagoon. Eloise saw through the crystal clear water that there was indeed an ideal and clear area for the Albatross to touch down. She saw the palm trees clearly, indicating wind direction, so she lined up for the water landing. Eva and Kurt were aft, the observers hatch open, the slipstream of the aircraft tugged Evas long hair straight as she put her head out to get a better view. Eva held Kurt by his rigid cock, stroking him absent mindedly as she excitedly watched the island loom larger by the second. With a gentle bump, the Albatross landed in the lagoon without any problem. Eloise taxied the plane close to the beach, the Trainer had the forward hatch open, ready to drop anchor on her nod. It was now tide, so Eloise wanted to position the plane very close to the beach, the Trainer dropped the anchor as the engines were cut off. The Nose pointed toward the center of the lagoon, its tail mere meters from the beach. Perfectly positioned, Kurt opened the side doors. Without hesitation, Eva had leaped out into the warm water and waded waste deep to shore. The late afternoon sun glistened on her naked body as she exited the water. She was like a child on Christmas day, filled with excitement and anticipation.

Kurt had deployed the inflatable raft, he tied it forward and aft to mooring points beside the door and started loading the camping gear onto it. The Trainer assisted and in short order, it was loaded, ready to be transferred to shore. The two men leaped into the water and walked the laden inflatable to shore as Rachel and Eloise also made their way ashore as well. Marianne prepared the final load of gear for transfer and waited for the raft to be returned. In a few loads, all of their gear was in the sheltered beach, a suitable site selected and the tent and marquee raised. As the day ended in a spectacular sunburst they made their camp ready.

Eva and the dogs were exploring as the others erected the tents and made their camp comfortable. It was a tiny island however most of the vegetation and wildlife there existed nowehere else on earth. She walked through the forested center, King and Kaiser flanking her, always ready to protect there bitch. She returned to camp as the last rays of the day faded. Above, a blanket of stars clearly defined the arm of the milky way that was our home. From horizon to horizon, stars shone, the trees gently rustled with the ocean breeze, a few birds chirped, other than that, they were absolutely alone. Whilst they were flying in, not a ship or aircraft had been seen, it was as if they were the last people in earth.

Marianne got straight to it, she was cooking up a meal fit for a long in small gas stoves, perched on a folding kitchen bench. In no time at all, the sextet sat down to a fine meal, sharing a bottle of chilled wine together. The distance low roar of the surf breaking on the seaward side if the island was onky interrupted by occasional bird calls and the sound of the diners devouring their meal. Once finished, everyone chipped in to clean up, ensuring the only thing they would leave behind when they left would be footprints in the sand.

Cameras were set up in strategic locations, remote Webcam’s, linked to the Albatrosses satellite communication system and fed back to David in Australia, who would put them onto the webpage for all to enjoy. The footage from the flight had been a huge hit, internal and external footage had been very popular, thousands of envious messages wished they could be with them. As the stars shone down from every angle, Eva walked to the shore, phosphorescent plankton had turned the dark waters into a light show. The moon was still a few hours from rising, she could see the marine life of the attol clearly, streaks of green darted and dashed through the water, many sheltering under the aircraft that was gently bobbing in the smooth water. She ran her hand through the water, it left a phosphorescent trail in it’s wake, she smiled, illuminated by the disturbance of her hands passage through the water. Even though it was moonless, everything was clearly outlined silhouetted By the mass of stars above and the aquatic light show of the lagoon. Everyone walked to her and enjoyed a nice fat joint as they appreciated the magnificent lightshow.

Fed and relaxed, they all sat at the waterline, feet and legs glowing in the water. Kurt raced up and grabbed two picnic mats, he placed them behibd everyone so they could lay back without getting covered in the fine pristine sand. They looked up at the stars, their hands stimulating the person on either side. Six naked people and two dogs, adrift in a sea of light, alone and free. Eva rolled over and got onto her knees, facing the lagoon, she slapped her arse and both dogs immediaty attended to her needs. Rachel took the Trainers cock in her mouth and attended to his needs as well as he lay back staring into the astronomical abyss, billions of stars looked down on him as Rachel massaged his cock with her mouth and throat. Eva was mounted by King as Kaiser licked furiously, not wanting to miss a drop if the juices issuing from their frenzied coupling. Marianne positioned herself under Kaiser, jacking his cock out and sucking him hard, whilst Eloise opened Mariann’s legs wide and attended to her dripping pussy with her enthusiastic tongue. Kurt positioned himself behind Eloise and slid his throbbing cock into her eager hole. Their moans and groans carried clearly with the breeze however there was no-one for a very long distance indeed. Aline and uninhibited, they fucked with absolute abandon under the stars as life under water provided a spectacular luminescent backdrop. They carried on for hours, swaping partners and positions, each was well and truly satiated by each other. The moon started to rise slowly to the east. They all paused to watch it grow as it rose. In this tiny speck of land, suspended in a sea that stretched on forever, they sat, smoking another joint and enjoying some absinth together, watching the moon rise into a sea of stars.

As the moon rose, the luminosity of the sea subsided. It was now dark and mysterious. A series of loud whooshes not far from shore startled our intrepid explorers. It was a pod of dolphins. Eva almost wet herself with excitement, “Would it be safe to swim with them?” she asked everyone enthusiastically, the Trainer said he could do one better. He waded back to the plane, hoisted himslef aboard and leaped back in with two large black bags that must have been waterproof as they floated as he waded back chest deep in the inky darkness of the lagoon. He exited the water and placed them on the beach. Inside each large duffel bag was a set of diving gear. Eva was overjoyed, she has learned to dive long ago, however it was something she rarely did, Eloise was also an accomplished diver, both looked at the gear, illuminated by torchlight, and smiled. In moments, the two women had the gear on their naked bodies. The dolphins were still close as they entered the dark water. Once submerged, it was now longer dark, the clear water shimmered with dappled moonlight. The dolphins immediately came over to check out the intruders. The water was not very deep, if the two women stood on each others shoulders, the one on top would have her head clear of the water. Two dolphins swam right up to them, they brushed against the naked women, their skin felt smooth against the women’s flesh. One nuzzled Eloise in her croutch, so she opened wide, slowing it to get a good smell of her freshly fucked hole. He darted away then returned with five other dolphins, Eva and Eloise suspended themselves midway between the seafloor and the surface and spread their legs wide, the dolphins swam around then, each taking turns to come in for a good smell of their scent. In an instant everything changed, two larger males came in, positioned themselves belly to belly with the women and with ease slid their cocks into the two startled women. The women wrapped their arms around the dolphins as they furiously mated, it was fast and intense. No sooner had the first two deposited a load in the women, then another two were deeply into them. Dolphin after dolphin took turns, each lasting only a minute or do, however it was intense and wild, the women cum, the dolphins fucked and filled then, again and again. Some were coming back for return visits, in the moonlight, quim and cum floated in the water, the dappled light illuminated the dolphins in a Fuck frenzy, even the females came over to taste and smell the fuckfest. Eva was overjoyed and overwhelmed, she had.lost count of the number of mating she had indulged in, she looked at her air guage and saw it was in the red. She indicated to Eloise that the air was running out, they turned to return to shore, even then, younger male dolphins were swimming in for a quick unload into these ever accommodating women. It wasn’t until the two women stood up that they retreated back into deeper water.

Eloise and Eva walked out of the sea, tummies swollen, cunts red and throbbing. “We just got gangbanged by fucking dolphins, yeeehaa, wow, fucked by dolphins, I never imagined it,” Eva declared, loud and proud. The women walked into shore, surrounded by their friends, questions flew fast and furious, what was it like, how did it feel, how many were there???? Eva and Eloise answers enthusiastically, it felt amazingly good, they have warm and tactile cocks, it felt as if it were hundreds of them because they kept coming back again and again. Rachel and Marianne were green with envy. The Trainer smiled, “how about I refill the tanks with the compressor on board the plane and break out the Hooka dive gear, so you can stay under as long as you like. The four women cheered in unison. The Trainer swam over to the plane and hoisted himself aboard. The sound of the compressor broke the silence of the night. Kurt put the empty tanks in the rubber raft and towed them to the plane. In short order, each tank was recharged, the tethered diving masks that he had intended to use for underwater repairs were connected. Each was an integrated mask and regulator, as long as the compressor was in, they had air. The two men stayed in the plane and Eva and Eloise donned their aqualung and returned to the dark waters, Rachel and Marianne donned the lettered masks and swam down to be greeted by a bizarre scene. Eva and Eloise were already being pack fucked by the dolphins. Each would swim in, pump a woman full of his sperm and swim off, leaving a white trail of cum in the water as he did so. They were intense yet gentle and attentive to the fragile humans who had come to play. The two new naked humans also drew attention. As soon as they submerged, four dolphins had swum over to them. In moments they too had been included in the fun, each woman shook with trepidation at first, however within a few minutes, they had a cunt full of cock pumping a load of hot cum into them. The Trainer watched, the cameras mounted in the hull caught it all, he had it live streaming to the multitudes that had become addicted to their form of reality TV. The low light cameras were clear, Rachel and Marianne closer to the plane, set back further in diving gear, Eva and Eloise were being fucked relentlessly. Eva and Eloise returned, air expended, to the plane. The Trainer and Kurt hoisted the empty tanks aboard. It was impossible to refill them whilst the other gear was deployed, below them, Rachel and Marianne became the center of attraction. Every dolphin was circling patiently until a vacancy became available, then swooped in to ram his cock into the water hole and fill it with his hot cum. Rachel was humping back as hard as she was humped, she moaned with the regulator mouthpiece in her mouth, the noise carried clearly in the water. The four on the plane sat and watched the video feed. A shark made a brief appearance only to be chased off by the dolphins, they seemed to be making the best of it. The two remaining human cum buckets seemed insatiable, so they did their best to exploit the situation, much to the joy of Rachel and Marianne.

Eventually the two women had been fucked enough, an alpha dolphin swam in and the others followed him away, fun time was over and the two women floated the short way to the surface, yahoo’s and whoops of joy echoed across the small atoll. David, who was managing the live feed back in Australia, advised the numbers were huge, nearly three quarters of a million viewers had logged on to watch, the feedback was unanimous, these women were truly sex goddesses, the footage was clear, the response positive. All four women smiled intensely, fingering and tasting themselves and each other as their heart rates returned to normal. None had even noticed the shark that visited, when Eva saw that it was right behind her before it was run off by dolphins, her heart skipped a beat, then she realised, they protected their bitch the same way the dogs did, she was safe and nothing would trouble her when there were dolphins around her.

Kurt pushed Eva in her back and plunged his tongue into her red and swollen cunt, a strange combination of tastes met his tongue, Eva pressed on her bulging stomach and thick.cum poured out slowly, Kurt tentatively tasted it, then went for it hell for leather. The Trainer did the same with Eloise as the other two women mounted each other for a taste and a good suck of each others cunts. The plane bobbed gently on the water as they all tongued the cum out of each other, online, multitudes watched and filled tissues as they unloaded. They licked and sucked, then fucked for quite sometime before a mournful howl eminated from the beach, it was King, he was feeling left out. Without hesitation, Eva dived into the water and swam over to the two waiting dogs. She assumed the Fuck me position, and King did, immediate and enthusiastic fucking was his reward for being patient. Kaiser lay down and allowed his mistress bitch to suck him passionately. Alone with two dogs on the beach, Eva consumed each of them sexually. She milked King’s knot with her throbbing cunt and sucked Kaiser dry with her lascivious lips. The moonlight shone brightly on them as she indulged her wicked obsession. In the plane, the Trainer, Kurt, Eloise, Rachel and Marianne were a tangled mass of limbs and genitalia, holes filled, mouths greedy and relentless. Back in Australia, Naomi, David and Kat joined in, dogs fucked them as they watched their friends and benefactors on a large split screen format. It seemed surreal, they had just watched hours of dolphins relentlessly fucking these women, now they were back at it. Eva with the dogs, the other five hell bent of fucking each other to death by the looks of it. The viewer numbers on the monitor grew exponentially, the orders for the DVD copies of this copulation grew out of all proportion, second by second, their accounts swelled, yet not of the sextet even gave it a thought,the the cameras may as well have not been there, they were just enjoying the freedom of being together, and the joy of each others insatiable lust.

The pink fingers of dawn danced amongst the stars, turning them off one by one as daylight grew by the moment. Eva could see the milky way clearly as the faint glow of daylight coalesced far to the east. The constant distant roar of surf breaking in the islands reefs and the rustle of leaves in a slight breeze made her very relaxed indeed. She lay, looking up into the cosmos, her body tingling as the cool breeze caressed her naked form. Silhouetted by stars, she could see King prowling the waters edge. The two dogs were as enthusiastic as she was toward this isolated speck of sand in the vastness of the south pacific.
Eva signalled King to her with a few light slaps on her thigh, as he approached she spread her legs wide and opened her wet pussy lips with her fingers to allow him easy access to her lustful needs. King did not disappoint, he obediently bounded over and lay down between her legs, his face planted into her wet and delicious cunt. His tongue slid past her fingers and deeply into her aching hole. In moments, she was drooling from her pussy in lascivious glee. He plunged his tongue deeper and deeper into her eagerness, licking, tasting, indulging in her constant stream of excited juiciness. Eva lay back, Who fingers held her pussy lips wide open, her other hand stroked his head gently in appreciation of his attentions. The fingers of dawn put each star out as if it flicked a switch. Damn grew as she groaned and ground her juicy hole into King’s face, his tongue so deep she could almost taste it with her own tongue. He licked slowly yet indulgently, curling his tongue inside her, flicking her insanely aroused clitoris as he lapped her juices into his mouth. Shooting stars made one last appearance in the final gasps of night, and Eva had a wonderous orgasm that seemed to last forever, as King’s tongue attempted to collect each drop if quim as she exuded it in volume from her spazming hole.

The sounds of Eva having a toe curling climax had aroused Marianne, she positioned herself under King, jacked his cock from its sheath and slid it between her luscious lips. His knot popped out from the sheath and she cupped it like a cognac glass, sliding his ever growing cock down her throat. Soon she was fingering herself as she throat fucked the large dog, whilst King took Eva o an orgasmic ride of her own. In short order, king was humping Mariannes throat and unloading hot cum deeply, gushing and spraying as he spasmed in her mouth, Eva held his muzzle on her own aching and eager hole as she felt him cum into Mariannes mouth. As soon as she had consumed him, Marianne released her grip on his knot and allowed him to move once more. She moved up, face to face with Eva and they both tongue kissed the cum into and out of each others mouths, sucking each others tongues, lips locked in lustful communion. The each planted their fingers into each other as they kissed passionately, King immediately attending to the two pussies grinding against each other as their fingers stretched the others ravenous cunts.
Eva pulled Mariannes arse up to offer it to King, Who being the well trained dog he was, immediaty mounted and knotted with her. King was intense, as were Evas deep kisses, they kissed as he fucked, her groans into Evas mouth, her hands grabbing Eva everywhere, twisting her nipples, her breasts, her wet delicious cunt. Marianne bit Eva hard on her neck as King brought her to a mind blowing climax. Eva pulled Mariannes hair as she did it, she kicked Mariannes face and neck slowly, as Marianne was wracked with spine popping orgasms, one after the other. Eva kissed her forehead and placed Mariannes face between her breasts, stroking her hair as King pumped his balls dry into her.
King dismounted with a pop, cum gushed out, pouring down her thighs, dripping like a stream from her clitoris. Eva whispered into her ear, “Wake the master as I normally do.” and smiled. Marianne straddled the trainers sleeping face and gently rubbed the dripping lips of her throbbing cunt against his beard. He awoke and immediately latched onto her clit with his teeth and lips. Marianne groaned as he suckled on her swollen clit like a hungry bear cub. He arse puckered as spasms crashed through her body, pleasure engulfed her like a powerful wave, she shuddered as she cum and his tongue delved deeply into her to ensure every drop went into his mouth. Marianne throat fucked his rigid cock as he drove her into orgasm after orgasm. Soon, it was his turn to fill Mariannes mouth. He grabbed the back of her head and fucked her throat deeply as he unloaded his balls into her mouth. She was cumming as he did this and it seemed to intensify her climaxes greatly.

Eva watched them, fingering her pussy as she did, Kaiser walked over to her and licked her open mouth as she cum and well. She reached under his body and started to Jack him out with her free hand as they tongued each others mouths, Kaiser was rigid in seconds, Eva just slid down placing herself under his dripping cock, him facing her wet hole, and they indulged each other. Eva sucked him eagerly as Kaiser deeply explored her throbbing hole with his talented tongue. Soon he too, was unloading into an eager mouth, Eva drank his balls dry, taking it deeply down her throat for each spray of ejaculate, sucking the shaft between loads, massaging his knot as he did so. Kaiser made Eva squirt every time he gave her a tongue lashing. He would lap at it enthusiastically as she convulsed in climax, ensuring each drop was consumed entirely.

A whoosh near the plane alerted Eva to the return of the dolphin pod. She rolled out from under Kaiser and saw several dolphins circling the anchored amphibious aircraft. Eva got up, walked over to the diving gear, took a filled scuba setup and entered the lagoon. As soon as she was waist deep, she swam, naked but for the diving gear and flippers. The dolphins were on her in seconds, they circled her, rubbed themselves against her, then she opened her legs wide and the first male was in her, pumped dry and gone, followed by the next, then the next. She floated as they fucked her relentlessly. One after another, each would swim up, slide his cock inside her and hammer a hot load of cum into her eagerness. The large alpha dolphin seemed to want to Fuck her relentlessly. He would return again and again, forcing smaller males away midway through their mating, just to unload into Eva again. Eva had drifted into the middle of the large lagoon, she was perhaps 20′ down and suspended in the middle of space, repeatedly fucked by what seemed to be a.much larger pod of dolphins that the last time. Son she was joined by Marianne and the Trainer, the dolphins were in Marianne in seconds, she too was repeatedly fucked by the pod. The trainer swam over to Eva, checked her oxygen level and saw she was getting low. He signalled her to return to shore, begrudgingly she complied, afyer one last load from the big alpha. He swam slowly with her back to shore, then watched her emerge from the water, bloated with cum, her pussy swollen and dripping white goo as she did. The two dogs raced over to her, so she stood, legs apart, and let them indulge in the fresh Fuck juice. The dogs lapped greedily as she forced the cum out of herself. It seemed to flow for ages, she wondered how many times they had unloaded into her, at least fifty times she could recall, they were fast yet furious and intense, the load large and hot, thigh and gooey, it make her clitoris tinger even more as the dogs delved deeply to get it all.

She sat on a large towel, dripping hair and body, cunt still being attended to by the two dogs. Eva watched the pod circling out in the lagoon. Marianne would be having such fun, she.looked over at Rachel and Eloise, both still out to it. Eva got up and walked over to then, she kissed each in the lips, waking them gently, and told them the pod was back and in a Fuck frenzy, if they wanted to join in, then this was the.time to.do it. Without hesitation, they donned diving gear and made their way into the lagoon, cunts exposed, ready to be filled. Eva watched two dolphins dart over to the new human women offering their bodies to the.dolphins. no sooner had both women submerged than they were being fucked by dolphins. Each were fucked out to the center by male after male. Eva, once again sitting on the towel, watched the swirling mass of dolphins as he friends were gangbanged by the pod. As the dogs licked her pussy, she opened the tablet and looked at the live feed. The trainer had cameras on his gear and I’m his hand, live streaming to the plane, and then the world. She watched Marianne at first, then the other two as they were fucked over to join the.mass of dolphins indulging Mariannes insatiable needs.

Soon, Marianne had used all her air as well and was forced to return to shore, all the while attended to by some younger male dolphins. She sat breast deep in water and masturbated and sucked them. Eva joined her, each taking a cock in their mouths and deeply throating them until they humped a.load of cum into their mouths. Other younger males also came for a turn, each was throat fucked until orgasm by the deviant human females. Each swam back to the fuckfest in the lagoon after. The sun was well and truly up by the time the dolphin orgy was done. The four women smiled and giggled as they sat around the fire. Eloise and Rachel fingered the cum out of each other as they kissed, the two dogs ensuring the juices weren’t wasted. Kurt had speared some coral trout in the other side of the island whilst the girls were indulging. Fresh fish, salad and damper were being prepped by him as they recovered. The sky was blue from horizon to horizon, the breeze gentle, the sun warm against their naked flesh. They sat around the fire and ate breakfast as the pod of dolphins frolicked in the lagoon. Eva smiled as she watched them breach and tumble in aquatic acrobatic glee. Soon she would go back into the water and Fuck them all again, they all would. Right now, fresh fish cooked over an open fire was stimulating her tastebuds and filling her battery so she would have the energy to indulge.

The sun was warm on Evas naked body, she lay on a towel, King placed ideally between her spread thighs, his long tongue lasciviously exploring her still swollen and throbbing pussy. Kurt lay next to her, he was exhausted and drained by the wicked desires of the ladies, so he slumbered in the subtropical warmth of the sun. Eloise and Marianne had emerged from the lagoon, dolphin cum streaming down their thighs from pussies remarkably well indulged by the enthusiastic pod of wild dolphin. They all sat in the warm sun, naked and free, untouched by the world’s woes. King could taste Evas juices as they started to flow relentlessly, his tongue picked up tempo to keep up with the flow. Kaiser, who had sensed her need assisted as well, he walked over and took position beside her, Eva reached out to his sheath and in a few strokes, he was fully erect, knot outside his sheath, and dripping with enthusiasm. She manoeuvred him into position above her face and began to lick his pulsating puppy penis. His precum sprayed constantly as she slid his cock into her mouth. This just made her even juicier, compelling king to lick with even more enthusiasm. As Kaiser unleashed his load into her mouth, her body let loose an enormous orgasm, her pussy throbbed and squirted as King’s tongue did Stirling deeds inside her aching hole. As Kaiser unleashed into her eager mouth, she willingly swallowed each drop, Kaiser thrusting into her warm mouth with each pulsation, King licking her like a dog demon from hell. Evas body was wracked by spasms of unparalelled extacy as she enjoyed the oral indulgence. Her skill with hand and mouth soon had Kaiser unloading once more into her throat, which led to her once more cumming due to the combination of Kaiser’s seemingly endless supply of hot cum and King’s Now frantic tongue fucking. Eloise saw a single stream of Kaiser’s hot seed emerge from Evas lips. She reached over and licked it from her face, then licked Evas still active lips and any of Kaiser’s cock she could get her tongue to. Eva, being the ever generous one, released Kaiser’s pulsating cock from her luscious yet greedy lips, and allowed Eloise to explore Evas cum soaked mouth with her tongue. Their tongues swirled and danced in each others mouths with Kaiser’s still ejaculation cock between each others lips. Marianne, not being one to miss out on a party, had positioned herself beneath King, jacking his cock out of it’s sheath and sliding his remarkably warm cock into her own eager mouth. As the Two men slumbered in the waning sunlight, the women indulged in each other and the Two dogs. Oblivious to the Webcam’s placed strategically around, they continued right up till the last rays of a perfect day. After Eva indulged in one last toe curling multiple orgasm, the Trainer awoke from his slumber. “Ah, nice to see you ladies enjoyed today, unfortunately, we have to return tomorrow, to the real world.” he stated to the group in mid grope. The ladies replied with grunts and moans, which he took as agreement to his statement. Kurt, was also awake now, he lay on his side, cock erect, smiling as he watched the women playing with the Two large dogs. “I don’t think they want to go mate,” he stated to the Trainer, “it seems they are lost in the moment.” Indeed they were, groaning and writhing in orgasmic indulgence, the three women satiated deep needs and desires with abandon. They had the world to themselves it seemed, and nothing, in that moment, mattered. The two men set about preparing for the evening meal as Eva swapped position with Eloise, and Marianne teased King into mounting her. As Kurt prepared the BBQ, and the Trainer set the picnic area, the three women continued, Eva settled underneath Marianne, sucking and licking her as King unleashed his carnal fury deep inside her, paying heed to her need, and ensuring that not a drop of their fuckjuice was wasted. Eloise and Kaiser were in a 69, her legs spread as wide as they would go, thrusting her pussy onto his tongue. Eva adjusted her positing so that she was in a 69 with Marianne as King filled her to overflowing, Mariannes tongue and lips immediately seeing to Evas wet and needy hole. As meat sizzled on the BBQ, cocks sizzled in the women, by the time the meat was cooked, so too, were the ladies. Well done and juicy, they began to break from the fuckfest, Marianne releasing King’s knot from her vaginal death grip, allowing him to withdraw, as Eva greedily licked and sucked every drop that issued from Mariannes well fucked hole. Kaiser had been sucked dry, he had flopped onto his side, panting, his tongue lolling from his seemingly smiling face. Eloise got up and walked over to the men, pausing to finger some juice from Mariannes still spazming pussy, and sliding her cum soaked fingers between her lips. She rubbed her still swollen clitoris as she did do, sending shivers through her naked body. The other two women were locked in a 69 that was an close to sexual perpetuity as is possible. Each triggered orgasm after orgasm in the other. The two dogs lay close to each other in the sand, they were all used up, if they walked, the Trainer was all but certain their balls would rattle around, he was positive they had been sucked and fucked dry. As he placed a tray of fish and beef, fresh from the BBQ onto the folding picnic table, he glanced at his tablet. They had been viewed by no fewer than 750,000 people, many new names appeared on the list of voyeuristic fans who had taken to their adventures in the same way the mundanes back in the real world would watch a hit TV series. Whilst they were all screen names, he knew each had paid a premium to watch the open indulgence of the group. His email account was filled with requests and marriage proposals for the women and the men alike. People from all over the planet had been swarming to their domain, and it was all by word of mouth, remarkably, not one second of high resolution video had escaped their intellectual property control measures. He smiled and thought how far they had come, as the sun faded in a spectacular sunburst, he realised that Eva, Marianne and Eloise, as well as Kurt and himself, not to mention the dogs, had quickly become the most viral secret in the net. Above, a river of stars formed as the last two joined everyone else at the dining set. Fine food, fine company, fine wine and a fuckfest that had been watched by multitudes had given them a level of satisfaction with life that prior to their meeting, had been a pipe dream. All were now very well set up financially, however, that was of no consequence to any of them. They had coalesced into a family of sorts. The Trainer and Eva, the parent figures, Kurt, the ever vigilant and protective big brother, Marianne and Eloise the sweet, yet utterly deviant younger sisters. As the dogs bounded over for their meal, they all turned their eyes to the sky, above, a sea of stars stretched from horizon to horizon, the naked men and women sighed, tomorrow they would return to civilisation, but before then, Eva had a special treat in mind.

Rachel had not been seen in a while, it was Kurt who brought it to their attention. He swam to the plane and checked aboard, hoping she was in one of the bunks, alas, she was not. A pit of despair filled his stomach, he swam quickly to shore, advising the others she was not in the plane, nor in the tent. They split into two groups, each going on the opposite direction. Flashlights scanned the shoreline, penetrated the foliage, as they called for her constantly. An unspoken fear was shared by all, “What if??” “God I hope she is OK!!!” Each search party scanned every part of the small attol, hoping to see her, the further they searched, the more fire the feeling. At the southern point of the dense foliage, a shape was spotted. Rachel had coaxed a dolphin into the shallows. He was not one of the larger alpha males, rather he was a smaller adolescent. He was pounding into her in missionary position, her legs wrapped around him at she palmed water into his skin. It was Eva who spotted her, she smiled and broke into a sprint toward her, followed by the Trainer and Marianne. As she got close, Eva slowed to a cautious pace, so is not to spook the dolphin. They all sat just a little distance from the woman and her dolphin mate. He didn’t miss a beat, thrusting with his whole body as she ground her eager cunt onto his aquatic mammalian cock. Shooting stars tracked across the sky as Rachel took load after load from the young dolphin. He was about 6′ in length, still a large beast, but nowhere near as big and some of the others. What he didn’t have in size he seemed to make up for in enthusiasm. Rachel moaned constantly as the dolphins bulk pressed onto her, she stroked him affectionately and kissed him on his bottle nose as she felt his hot seed unload into her aching fuck hole again and again. The others sat and watched, not interfering in any way or disturbing their mating. Glistening in the moonlight, his body shimmered as he ground his last drops of cum deep inside her eager body. Then he stopped. His blowhole betrayed his heavy breathing as loud breaths echoed into the night. Rachel kissed him one last time, then without any fanfare, he said off her and disappeared into the inky blackness of the lagoon. Rachel lay there, her body heaving as she regained her breath, her legs trembling from the release of his weight and her countless climaxes. Eva crawled down to the waterline. “Are you ok sweetheart?” she asked softly as she brushed Rachels wet and matted hair from her face. “He has been fucking me for hours, he just wouldn’t stop, and I never wanted his to stop, that was the most amazing fuck I have ever had in my life,” Rachel replied between laboured breaths. Eva helped her sit up, immediately, a gush of thick cum flowed from her swollen and bruised cunt. It congealed into blobs on the sand, Eva pressed on Rachel’s tummy and an impressive surge of even thicker cum flowed. “I was Fucking him with the rest of the pod, and then I swam off, he came in and I grabbed his dorsal fin, then he brought me here, to the shallows, and he started to mount me like a man.” Rachel stated, her body glistening in the moonlight, “it was still daylight then, and once he started, he just wouldn’t stop, his cock was so fucking hot inside me, it warmed my whole body, his cum, wow. It just kept pumping into me, again and again, then the sun was gone, but I didn’t care, he just kept going, again and again.” A tear ran down her cheek as she looked Eva directly in the eyes, “I have never felt anything so beautiful in my life,” Rachel continued, ” he was so powerful, yet so gentle, and so intense at the same time.” The Trainer, always thinking ahead, had a chilled bottle of water in his small pack. “Drink this Princess,” he said is he handed it to her. Rachel accepted the opened bottle of water, she had never enjoyed a bottle of water so much in her life. Eva rose on one knee and took Rachel by the hand, “Can you walk?,” she asked,”Let’s go back and join the others, they are worried.” “Oh, I never meant to worry anyone, time just, well, it became irrelevant,” replied Rachel, struggling to sit upright. It was obvious she had been to a whole new level, her legs were shaking uncontrollably, so without hesitation, the Trainer scooped her up into his arms and carried her back. Marianne, who had a beach towel wrapped around herself, took it off and put it over her. They strode back to the camp as the others returned from the opposition direction. Seeing Rachel being carried, there was a moment of panic, however it was soon allayed as smiles became clear on the faces of those accompanying her. “What happened to her?? Is she OK?” were the questions first asked. “Our little Mermaid just fucked herself into oblivion with her own little dolphin fuckbuddy.” was Evas reply, Rachel smiled, and stated softly but confidently, ” and I will do it again every chance i get.” Everyone laughed, mostly with relief, knowing she was ok, as they returned to the camp. As they sat around the fire, Rachel gave a detailed account of her adventure. They sat, enthralled by her tale and the intensity of her sexperience. As embers floated into the night sky, the other women looked towards the dark lagoon. Rachel’s words had made everyone aroused, Eloise was the first to walk down to the waterline, to entice a male dolphin in to see it she too, could do the same. Within a minute, a dolphin broke the surface with a whoosh, and slowly swam into the shallows. Her body was submerged as an adolescent dolphin swam in, his bottle nose nuzzled between Eloise’s wide open thighs. With a flick of his tail, he was onto her and into her, she lay back, wrapped her legs around his muscular body and gave herself to him absolutely. Seeing this, Eva and Marianne joined her in the shallows. The flickering light of the fire illuminated each woman and other dolphins joined in. Soon all three were being relentlessly fucked by marine mammals. Rachel sat curled up against the Trainer, watching the women being fucked in the firelight.
Kurt took the tablet and his eyes widened. “Fuck me sideways,” he stated emphatically, ” There are over one million people watching right now, my god, it just jumped by another fifty thousand, make that seventy five, er, one hundred thousand, damn.” Rachel reached up and kissed the Trainer gently on the cheek, then rose to her feet. “Well, noone saw me before, and I will be damned if I am going to be the only one left out.” She graciously rose to her feet, brushed of the sand and strode down to the waterline to join in. Rachel kneeled and kissed each woman tenderly on the lips on turn, then walked into the shallows and lay down. The dolphin that sprinted in to her left a significant wake in his efforts. She spread her legs and he was onto her in a moment. All four women moaned and groaned as the dolphins fucked each relentlessly. Other larger dolphins watched, heads above the water, as the women took every load the young dolphins could give. Eva was moaning loudly, it echoed off the plane, as she broke into her customary barrage of orgasms, humping the dolphin as hard as he humped her. Kurt and the Trainer watched as they smoked a rather large joint. “Boss, you know, if no one saw this, no one would ever believe me.” Kurt quipped as he was passed the joint, “I wouldn’t believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes,” he stated as he took the joint and quaffed deeply on it. “Mate, wait till they get home, I have some more surprises in store, and remember, we can return to this place anytime we want.” replied the Trainer at Kurt handed him back the smouldering attitude adjuster. They smiled and watched as the four women were fucked by the dolphins, the light from the fire gave the perfect ambience to such an occasion, Kurt looked at the tablet, “Holy fuck, we just passed one and a half million viewers, I think we just blew everyone’s collective minds.” he said as he placed the tablet on the nearby folding table. The stars marched across the night sky as the four nymphomaniacs indulged their wildest and most exotic imaginings. The dolphins in deeper water maintained their vigil at sea, as the Two men maintained theirs on land, each ready to intervene if things went awry, however that was unnecessary, one by one, after hours of mating, the dolphins slid off their human lovers, leaving them in the shallows, chests heaving, cunts throbbing, bodies electrified by carnal indulgence. Eva was the last to be dismounted. The four women lay in the water, quite literally too fucked to move. Kurt and the Trainer carried each to the nearby tent, wrapping them in blankets and laying them on our matresses. No sooner was each laid to bed, than they were out to it. The two men left the slumbering women, and proceeded to the floating Albatross, taking the opportunity to prep the plane for the next days long journey home. Inside the tent, four beautiful women slumbered, content, fulfilled, satiated, their cunts still throbbing, dripping thick dolphin cum and tingling with excitement.

Kurt had set himself up with a nice open air spot to sleep between the Zephyrs engine nacelles. He had fallen asleep beneath the southern sky, drifting into a blissful slumber whilst gazing at the stars above. A whoosh from a dolphin breaking the surface had woken him up. The sky above was now beginning to transition from star filled to pale morning light. He sat up and looked to the east, fingers of daylight were radiating on the horizon. Kurt looked at his watch, it was 4:50am, soon it would be daylight and they would have to return once again to Australia, he knew it would be hard to leave this remarkable spot, which had been far more of an adventure than any had anticipated. Looking down at the lagoon, the pod of dolphins seemed to have grown in number, quite significantly by the look of it. Swimming around the Albatross amphibian, were more than twice the number of dolphin than had been here the day before, obviously word had gotten out among them that there was some easy pussy in offer at Oeno Lagoon.

Naked and slightly sunburned from the day before, Kurt stood and watched the morning light brighten the surrounding area. The treeline swayed in the gentle ocean breeze, he walked to the cockpit roof hatch and lowered the now deflated and rolled up self inflating mattress into the cockpit, then lowered himself down after it. Kurt made his way to the rear hatch and dove into the clear but cool water. As it was low tide, he was soon standing, wading his way ashore. Kaiser and King strode down to greet him at he emerged from the water, his muscular naked body wet and tanned, each dog gave him a welcome ashore lick to his cock, so he stood and let them lick him until he was once again erect. He made his way to the tent. Inside, the women were still deep in their post orgasmic slumber, so he decided to prepare breakfast. He hadn’t noticed the Trainer inside the Zephyr or the tent, so in the now brightened light of early morning, scanned the island. Far off in the distance, a solitary figure stood, staring west, toward home.

The smell of a freshly cooked meal had aroused the slumbering nymphs. They walked out of the tent, each was now, tanned and trim from the continuous outdoor sexercise they had been indulging in since their arrival. One by one, they greeted him with a sweet but erotic kiss on the lips, Eva taking it one step further, dropping to her knees to slide his cock into her mouth for a good morning blowjob. As he cooked, she throat fucked him and fingered herself enthusiastically. Marianne walked over and offered to finish cooking so he could just enjoy Evas enthusiastic lips on his hard shaft. Kurt took Eva by her hair and fucked her throat deeply, unleashing a hot fresh load of protein into her eager mouth. She sucked every last drop from him, before standing and kissing him deeply. He could taste his fresh cum in her tongue, as he fingered her juicy hole to repay the kindness. In short order, Eva was dripping fresh quim from his hand is she too let loose with a deliciously welcome release.

By the time Marianne had finished cooking, the Trainer had returned. They all sat and gladly devoured the fresh meal, showing gratitude to Kurt and Marianne for the welcome bounty. The conversation was light and easy, it was obvious, to all, that if they could stay here, they would have, in a heartbeat, however each knew, today they would have to return home, there was much to be done. Conversation and breakfast done, Rachel and the Trainer cleaned up, as Kurt, Marianne and Eva started to break camp. Eloise had intended doing her pre flight check, however is soon as she entered the water, several adolescent dolphin had charged in, eagerly hoping to give her a load of hot lust. Eloise couldn’t help herself. She lay in the shallows and spread her legs wide, in an instant, a young male had roared in, pushing a huge wave in his wake. He mounted her as eagerly as she needed to be mounted, his cock expertly finding her welcoming warm cunt and forcing it’s way inside. She could feel his hot cock, as he humped her, pushing deeply inside, his hot cum spraying the walls of her throbbing hole, in short order, she too was cumming, her ass puckered as her cunt exploded in a flurry of orgasmic spasms, making her groan and moan loudly. The others, busy breaking camp, looked over and watched them mating. The sound and sight of Eloise being furiously humped inspired them to complete their tasks as quickly as they were able.

Once the camp was packed away ready for transfer to the zephyr, the other three women rushed to join Eloise at the waters edge. As Kurt and the Trainer packed the kit into a rubber raft and transferred it to the aircraft, the four women indulged in one last aquatic adventure. Each had a male dolphin unloading into their eager and lascivious fuck holes, each cum, again and again, as load after load was pumped into them. In the deeper water, a mass of dolphins circled, it was obvious to the Trainer that the aqualungs and other diving gear would be needed before they could leave. He and Kurt finished loading the plane, then made ready the diving gear for the four ladies so intent on fucking the dolphin dry. Kaiser and King sat at the waters edge and watched the women as they indulged themselves enthusiastically, each dog showing their excitement by exposing their red cocks from their sheaths. Whilst the Two men went about the pre flight check, the women continued unabated, by now, fresh dolphins had taken the places of those who had expended their last drop of cum into the willing nymphomanics. The larger male dolphins however, found the shallows a bit too daunting to join in, so they circled, their eager anticipation quite obvious to the two men. The Trainer called to Eva, who had finished another willing dolphin off, and pointed to the mass of dolphins waiting further out in deeper water. Loading the aqualung into the rubber raft, he took it ashore, knowing that the chances of the women making it to the floating aircraft without being pod raped was highly unlikely. Eva donned her gear, cunt flowing in a seemingly endless river of thick cum, and strode boldly into the lagoon. She had barely submerged when the first had swooped in to indulge in the willing human. Like a fighter squadron diving in to attack a target, one by one, they came in, fucked furiously and unloaded into her. Soon Eva was joined by Marianne, also wearing an aqualung, and as soon was she submerged she too was being repeatedly fucked by a fresh dolphins cock. Eloise and Rachel were taken to the Zephyr in the raft, surrounded by playful dolphins, who were obviously eager for them to join in on the fun. Eloise had decided it was more prudent to focus on the preflight, than to dive in and be pod raped with the other three. Rachel donned the tethered mask and dove into the lagoon, again, she was barely wet before a dolphin swept in and filled her eager hole. Kurt put the underwater camera feeds onto the planes large monitors. Cum floated in the water around each woman, he could see that this particular underwater fuckfest would not end soon. The numbers viewing this were truly overwhelming, nearly two million viewers were observing the women as they were repeatedly violated by the seemingly endless number of horny male dolphins. Eva was the first to return to the aircraft, her kit dangerously low, Marianne soon joined her. Each was bloated with copious amounts of thick dolphin cum, which constantly dripped from their swollen and red cunts. Eva removed her diving gear, towel dried her hair and dropped onto the lounge. Eloise couldn’t help herself, she pit Evas feet on the couch and spread her thighs wide, plunging her tongue into Evas still throbbing pussy. Kurt had been walking around with a throbbing erection for hours now, the sight of Eloise cheeks deep in Evas juicy hole, ass swaying as her hand fingered her own eager hole, had compelled him to drop down behind her and ram his cock unceremoniously into her puckering ass. He was beyond horny, and in a few furious minutes of hard fucking, he had unloaded into her. She moaned as he cum, she too was going off, constant waves of pleasure washed over her. The cum in Evas pussy was being greedily tongued out by Eloise, as her ass greatfully accepted his hot semen with glee. Marianne had grabbed the Trainers cock and in a graceful leap, impaled herself on it, he leaned her against the bulkhead and fucked her standing up, raising and dropping her, suspended in mid air, onto his substantial man meat. On the monitors, Rachel continued her Odyssey, the air hose connecting her to the compressor within the Zephyr meant she had a virtually endless time limit underwater. One after another, dolphins would swoop in, furiously unload into her, then with the flick of their tail, make way for the next. Once he had filled Marianne, the Trainer retrieved the Two dogs from the beach, ferrying them to the Zephyr, where Marianne was eagerly awaiting their arrival. No sooner was King aboard, than he was mounting her, as soon as Kaiser was in board, he was directed to lay in front of her, so she could suck his cock. As everyone fucked, the Trainer did a last minute check, ensuring everything was stowed correctly, then spanking Marriane on the ass is he passed, made his way to the cockpit. The small monitor in the cockpit showed Rachel still hard at it, again and again, a dolphin would come in for a turn, it seemed obvious to him, that if she had her way, she would grow a tail, become a mermaid and spend the rest of her life fuckfesting with marine mammals.

As will happen, eventually, the time had come to leave. The Trainer returned to the rear of the Zephyr, passing a tangled mass of humping heaving bodies. Eva was now knotted, as was Marianne, Eloise was being ass fucked by Kurt as Eva tongue fucked her passionately. At the aft hatch, he tugged on Rachel’s air line, signifying that it was time to emerge from her aquatic trist. Even as she surfaced, dolphins came in for more. He hauled her into the aircraft, as he did, a dolphin tried to join then, thrusting himself half way into the plane. Rachel kissed him on the bottle nose and stroked him tenderly, then gently pushed him back into the lagoon. He floated, head out of the water, and clearly indicated he didn’t want her to go. As Rachel kneeled and reached out of the hatch to pat him, cum flowed like a torrent from her swollen and well fucked fuck hole. She rose up, stowed her gear and made her way past the humping mass and into the cockpit. Now well versed in flight control, she asked the Trainer to raise the amphibians anchor via the nose hatch. In a few short minutes, the aircraft was footing free, the Trainer had joined her at the controls and startup procedure was underway. The radial engines roared into life once more. The zephyr taxied down the lagoon, surrounded by the pod. Once at the starting point for the takeoff run, Rachel notified the others in the cabin that they were about to take off, the other however didn’t give a damn, they were lost in the moment. Rachel would do the take off this time, her first from water, as the engines roared, the aircraft picked up speed until it was skipping across the lagoon. All around dolphins raced to keep pace, however it was not long before the aircraft was aloft, winding it’s way to altitude. Rachel banked the Zephyr and flew low over the island.



Five years after.

Eva sat on the lounge with King’s puppies around her, five boys, the females sold to friends. They were already attuned to Evas particular needs, well accustomed to the taste and actions of her mating with their father and other dogs, in time, they too would be active participants. Much had changed since they spent that fateful time on Oneo Lagoon. Their adventures had gone viral, more than 30,000,000 subscribers had become fixated on the footage. The Motel and adjoining Kennels had franchised, the first secret franchised business known and an absolutely successful one. There were Motels in 85 countries in over 250 prime locations. The website catered specifically to Zetas world wide, now including a phone chat app for members as well as a dating platform.

The Sextet were wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Often, high profile guests would visit their home, staying for extended periods most of the time, off grid and out of touch with the rest of the world. It offered a respite, and those who were offered a chance to stay there, took it, often delaying significant project timetables to do so.

Eva watched the clouds roll across the horizon, she absent mindedly tried the puppies in turn, their soft fur stimulating her deepest contentment. Kurt walked in, “Anything I can to for you Mistress?” he asked, she motioned him to sit on the arm of the lounge, which he did in a heartbeat, already naked, she took his cock gently in her hand and stroked it hard, then slid it into her mouth, slowly and lasciviously sucking him to the edge of climax. Marianne walked in from the kitchen, she had prepped another culinary masterpiece, satisfied all was well in the kitchen, she turned her attention to Evas dripping cunt, licking Evas fingers until clean, she slid her tongue inside of her.

Marianne had now published five best selling cook books, the proceeds went into the collective pool, she was a success in many ways. She and her fellow deviant sisters were world wide celebrities to an exclusive clientele of followers. She had begun some time ago. To Fuck the constituent ingredients of her cooking as part of the preparation. Carrots, cucumber and many other fuckable vegetables were marinated in fuckjuice direct from her body. Everyone of them knew this and appreciated the effort she put in.

Rachel, Eloise and the Trainer were flying in their latest acquisition, an ex Indian Air Force Illushin cargo aircraft. It was to be reconfigured into a flying home, with accommodation, galley, massive ensuite and even a garage for cars and motorcycles. World wide demand for appearances and visits by the sextet had required a significantly bigger means of transportation. The il76 was an excellent solution. Because they had shares in every franchise, they had also managed to relocate several puppies from previous litters fathered by the boys to international locations. These in turn had begun to breed for people in those areas. Wherever they went, a King and Kaiser was awaiting them.

Long ago, six people had gravitated towards each other, alone they were unfulfilled, together, they had managed to wade through life’s uncertainty and forge a life of freedom and indulgence, as well as an impressive fortune. No lies, no secrets, no compromise had become their mantra, in it, they found trust, acceptance and absolute love. Eva and Rachels adventures at a horse stud had become legendary, the adventure the Sextet had experienced in Africa, well that had brought about a whole new understanding of bestiality, lastly, their open lifestyle on webcam had become the new benchmark in real life TV. 30,000,000 viewers, paying for each moment they watch, able to chat with each other and the sextet, it was a sexual revolution, the age of acceptance had begun, though, due to the insanity of moralists, still quite controlled and secure.

They lived together till the Trainers death, and yes, he was balls deep and happy when he died. After that, they continued together until only one remained, and she joined her sisters in the afterlife voluntarily soon after. Their fortune sponsored educational and medical projects, the funds constantly replenished by the Trust.

Here endeth this tale, of lust and longing, of love and lascivious lifestyles. There is no morality here, only fidelity to a dream, where acceptance is key, truth is it’s machination and love is it’s product.

Sadly, the beastforum will close, so I felt it prudent to close this tale, I appreciate you reading my story and perhaps, in the mundane world, I will write something more palatable to the moralistic masses.

Adieu, bon chance, aurevoir fellow deviants.

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