Women with Animals

Luellen – Chapter 4: A Weekend Of Bliss


Janet and I were raking in the big bucks. Lilly wrote that she was anxious to make another movie and to keep the cash flowing. I liked the money, but I was more enthused about how we made it. After watching Janet and Jake, I needed my turn with Jake, I wanted that monster cock in me.

True to my word I called Lilly the next afternoon. Lilly was happy to hear my voice. “Oh god girl, I’m so happy to hear from you. I was thinking of calling you, but then I remembered that what we are doing is at your pace, not mine. Cam told me last night that Jake is now trained for a new role, one that is especially for you. If you are still interested in making a bunch of money, tell me when and I will arrange everything for you. This is your ballgame girl, just name the rules.”

“I’m ready anytime you need me. I know Jake will rock my boat, according to Janet. I saw how he was with her and I’m ready. Anything you can tell me before will be appreciated, but I know how secrecy is of utmost importance. Tell me when and I’ll be there. Oh, by the way, can you help Janet and me with our accounting and deposit dilemma? How do we deposit this much cash and keep the IRS off our backs?”

“Yes I can help with your dilemma. I’ll call you back with a date and time. Is tomorrow okay to call?

“I’ll be anxiously awaiting, I’ll be at work, but that’s okay, my boss doesn’t care.”

We talked some more about our lives. She told me a few stories of what her and Cameron, her husband, were up to. She divulged that their business was expanding into more countries.

“Tomorrow, say around noonish. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

“Bye, Lilly,” I was happily replied.

“Janet, Lilly will be calling tomorrow to give me a date and time for the next adventure. Are you on board if you are needed?”

“With Jake? Oh, yes with all capital letters. Best fuck so far and I can’t wait to see you and him perform. I’m getting wet just thinking about it. I hope Lilly has plans for Jake and me too.”

Janet and I spent the remainder of the evening straightening up the house. It was already in good shape, but we wanted to keep busy until bedtime. I was too giddy to have Sam mount me. I kind of wanted to save myself for Jake. Besides that, I wasn’t in a horny mood. Janet slipped off to bed and it wasn’t long after I heard the sounds of Chuy fucking her. She was always ready to be mounted by her dogs. I’ve seen her take her dogs four or five times a day over the weekends. I swear that girl is insatiable.


Lilly called me five minutes after twelve. She said, “Everything is all set for next weekend. I would like for you to be here Friday night. You will stay with us at my house. We will start video taping right after breakfast. Is that agreeable with you?”

“That is fine with me. Do you want Janet to come also? She is onboard for whatever you want her to do.”

“I think I can work something out for her. Do you think she will do Jake again?”

“For sure she will. She’s been wet all week just thing about the possibility. She’s hot for that.”

“Okay, she is such a petite girl and Jake is so huge, he’s a real animal. Clients go nuts over that combo. I’m looking forward to Friday, come as early as you can. We’ll go over Saturday’s activities. Bye for now, honey.”

“Bye, Lilly, see you soon.” Lilly ended the call and my cell ended on my end. I called Janet at work. We planned on how we could take Friday afternoon off. We both had time off coming to us, but the short notice might be a problem. I talked to my supervisor and she said, “Anytime and anything you want girl. You are one of my best employees.”

I had the distinct feeling that she was either lesbian or bi. She was always giving me the once over and she didn’t hide her actions at all. What she just said I interpreted to be a come-on. Maybe I could use that for my benefit in the future. Nice to have a boss who wants you.

“Thank you for the compliment. It’s quite possible that I may need some time or as you put it, ‘Anything’.”

She smiled at my response and I smiled back. My pussy was a little squishy for our exchange. She was a looker and maybe in her early forties, a real MILF. I’d do her in a second.

The rest of the week dragged by, but Friday morning seemed to go by in a flash. Traci, my super, called me into her office right before lunchtime.

“Have a nice weekend,” she said. “Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”

Her suggestive smile let my know she was fishing for an appropriate response from me.

“Thanks, I plan to and I wouldn’t do anything without checking with you first. Maybe on Monday we can have lunch?”

“Sounds like a plan, get out of here now and have a great weekend.”

I left the office and drove home. Janet was already there, anxiously awaiting. We grabbed our suitcases and packed them inside behind the back seat in my our new SUV. A present that we gave ourselves for being such ‘good girls’ for Lilly. Plus it was a way for us to hide some of the cash we had coming in.

Janet and I talked about a host of subjects while driving to Lilly’s place. I told her about my boss and how I thought she might be lesbian or bi. Janet told me her immediate supervisor was a man, but his boss was a woman and Janet got the same vibes from her. Sometimes Janet felt embarrassed by how open the woman was with her. Janet knew she would someday demand a date with her. She had already hinted that.

“Maybe the four of us should get together and have a party,” I joked. “We could watch our bosses going 69 and slobbering over each other’s cunt.”

“Oh god, that would be fun. I can just imagine how two sexy older women can go at each other. It would be better than any porno video. Then they can do us. A perk for them being good to us at work. We all win.”

“Janet, you’re evil,” I laughed. “If we have the party at our house, there could be some extracurricular with the boys.”

“I don’t know about that, that could be trouble if we didn’t have video showing they were complicit. But what a video, two lesbians tied to big dog cocks, interesting. Maybe Lilly would be interested in them if we could pull that off. Then again it might hurt our income. I think if they would do it, we would just keep the video for our own use. Good job insurance. First, let’s getting them eating each others pussy, then we can think about the rest.”

“We can think about that next week,” I said as I turned into Lilly’s driveway. “We are here for a weekend of fun, let’s do it.”

I parked the car alongside a Caddy that I didn’t recognize. Apparently Lilly had company. Janet and I unloaded our bags. As we walked to the front door, Lilly and Cameron came down the front steps and took our bags. Janet and I followed them into their house. The two walked down a hallway towards what I assumed would be bedrooms. I was right. I was led into a bedroom that looked like a complete master suite. Janet followed Cam through a door across from mine.

“Make yourself at home,” Lilly said. “If you want to freshen up from your trip, please do. I want you to meet our guests before we set down for dinner. I think you will like them, they are very sweet people. Does a half hour give you enough time?”

“More than enough for me, I don’t know about Janet.”

“Oh, we won’t worry about her. This is your weekend to enjoy. So, we’ll see you around five. Okay?

“Great, I said. “I’m looking forward to meeting your friends. See you then.”

Lilly closed the bedroom door behind her as she left. I spent the next twenty minutes getting ready for friends and dinner. I looked in the mirror and I looked good. It was time to go meet my Lilly and her guests. I opened my bedroom door and stepped into the hallway.

I heard moaning coming from Janet’s room, loud moaning, like she was being fucked. That was when I heard a man’s voice. “I’m coming in you, bitch. Give me that hot pussy of yours.”

Janet was fucking, but who? I entered the living room and was greeted by Lilly. She introduced me to Nikki and Robert. Robert gave me a handshake, but Nikki gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Luellen. Where did Lilly find you?”

“Thank you Nikki, but I found Lilly. We had some business dealings and that is how we met.”

Lilly interrupted us by handing me a cocktail, which I mostly inhaled. I handed the empty glass to Lilly and she left to get another. I started to wonder what Nikki and Robert were there for. Maybe she was going to be part of my video? I didn’t know. That’s when Cam and Janet came into the room. Janet had freshened up, but she still looked like she had just been fucked. Why is it that men have no problems looking good right after dumping a load in a girl? Women don’t have that luxury.

Lilly returned with my drink. “Let’s all sit down now so Cam can go over the first scene in Luellen’s video. We will start shooting at Nikki’s house at seven tomorrow morning. Cam handed each of us a copy of his video production script. Robert and Janet didn’t get copies, probably because they had no roles in the video. I took a quick glance at the first page.

Cam spoke up. “Please wait for me Luellen. I want to go over the first scene now, the others at a later time. Scene one is simply the setup scene. I only want Nikki to be seen at the house.

“Luellen you will walk up their sidewalk and up the stoop. Go to their front door and ring the bell. Nikki will open the door and you go inside the house. The door closes and that is the end of the setup scene. Not hard and not complicated. We then will come back here to the studio and the video will continue.

“Scene one continues here in the studio. Nikki and Robert will look like they are at their home preparing for a vacation. Nikki will make a phone call. Their bags are packed and waiting at the front door. They are dressed for travel, casual clothing. Nikki, you will have only a button up top and shorts. This is a sex video so dress appropriately, no bra, no panties. If you open your legs, the audience may catch a glimpse of your snatch. If you bend over, nipples and tit. You and Robert are sitting, drinking a cup of coffee, waiting for your house sitter. The doorbell will sound and Nikki, you answer the door and invite Luellen in. You have to ad lib your script. Nikki you must show Luellen around your house, showing her where things are. Then show her where Jake sleeps and where his food is. The studio is setup like a home so it shouldn’t be to hard. Any questions?”

I didn’t have any questions, the scene was so simple. This was kind of Nikki’s scene. I had a feeling she could reek of sex if she wanted to. I also had the feeling of what my role was going to be.

“Cam?” Nikki asked. “What names are we to use? I prefer Nikki for me, but what about Luellen?”

I piped up, “Lacy, call me Lacy.”

“Okay, Lacy it is.”

“Nikki, I like the sound of that name. Do you mind if I call you that all the time?”

“It’s what I’m used to, it’s actually my nickname, and yes you can.”

We ate dinner and then spent the rest of the evening chit chatting. I noticed Nikki looking at me quite a few times. I smiled at her. I had an intuition that she and I would be in a video. Just the two of us doing some very hot lesbian scenes, at least that is what I hoped would happen. She was pretty hot and she was getting me somewhat horny.

“Well, I think it is time to retire for the evening,” Lilly said. “I will be coming around to wake you two up early. Nikki and Robert, you two are on your own, set an alarm and don’t be late.


I was in my bedroom ready to go to sleep. I heard a light knock on my door. I opened my door and, Janet was standing there in her nightie.

“Come in hon. What’s up?”

“Can we talk awhile, I’m so confused about what is transpiring.”

“Sure, come in and get on the bed.”

Janet laid down on my bed and made herself at home. I laid down on my side next to her and propped my head up with my arm and hand. I looked down at Janet, she was looking up at me.

“Cam came onto me right after he led me into my bedroom. I was kind of caught unawares and when he kissed me, I kissed him back. It wasn’t long before we were on my bed. He stripped me and himself. He’s got a big cock and I suddenly got horny. I wanted to fuck him, but he had to make the moves. He did and he knows how to fuck. I really enjoyed his cock. Now I feel like I cheated on you, will you forgive me?”

“No forgiveness needed. I leaned down and kissed Janet, a loving tender kiss. She grabbed the back of my neck with her hand and held my lips tight to hers. Our kiss turned into a passionate kiss, hands were flying as we stripped each other naked. More kisses, more tender tit manipulation before our fingers were tight in each others vagina. A couple minute of finger fucking and we both were ready for more. I being the larger woman of us two, flipped her around and onto her side. Janet knew what was next as she raised her leg, sideways 69.

I positioned my leg up so Janet would have access to my pussy and my tongue entered her. We spent the next half hour bringing each other to many orgasms. I think it was sore jaws that made us quit eating each other out. Our signal that we were done was kissing the other woman’s belly. Janet kissed mine and I was happy to kiss hers.

Janet dressed and after we kissed goodnight, she went to her room. I fell asleep almost immediately and the next thing I knew, Lilly was shaking me.

“Time to get up, sleepy head. You’ve got work to do today.”

“Work? You call getting fucked by Jake work? I can’t wait to see what Cam has in store for me today.”

“I’ll see you and Janet in the kitchen in thirty minutes. Now get that hot pretty ass of yours in gear and come out looking like you want to be fucked.”

I got out of bed and sat on the side. Lilly leaned down and kissed me while shoving her hand up between my legs. I spread my legs and her middle finger found paradise. A few quick jabs and she pulled it out. She sucked her finger to taste me.

“Tonight you and I will be sleeping together. I want some more of that sweet pussy. Don’t worry about Janet, she will be busy with Cam again. He told me about how he likes her pussy and wants to fuck her again. He said that Janet liked his cock and wants more of it. That leaves you and me babe. Till tonight.”

She gave me a quick peck on the lips and she was out the door. I didn’t expect that. Lilly must be bi, just like Janet and me. I spent extra time getting ready, my makeup was perfect and my hair the same. I dressed in a skirt and blouse, nice, but still functional for a house sitter. I didn’t want to look trashy, it wouldn’t add anything to the video. I wanted to be the ‘girl next door’. The innocent woman who ends up doing some hot things, like getting fucked. I knew that what I’d be doing was kinky and that set my pussy tingling.


Cam and Lilly were in the kitchen along with a camera crew of two. There was a serve yourself breakfast of orange juice, milk, toast and sweet rolls. I opted for one of each, skipping the toast. Janet was already there and was almost done eating.

“We will be leaving in fifteen minutes,” Cam said. “I will take the crew there and be set up. Lilly, you will take Janet. Luellen, you will drive the Jeep and park in front of the house. Lilly will call you and give you the house number a block before. Just do what scene one call for and everything will go well. I have a lot of faith in you.”

We left and I drove the Jeep, which turned out to be a fun ride. When we turned onto Nikki’s street, Lilly called me with the house number. Nikki had slipped me her address, but I didn’t tell Lilly that. I parked in the front and after getting out of my car, I walked to her front sidewalk. I could see the guys with the cameras. Cam had his camera on a tripod, he was using his zoom function I guessed. I walked up the stoop steps and rang the doorbell. I heard Nikki’s heels clicking on a tile floor. The clicking stopped as the door opened. Nikki smiled and asked me to come in. I entered her house, Robert was nowhere to be seen.

Nikki wrapped me in her arms, her tongue slid between my teeth as we kissed with passion. It was a complete surprise to me, but I liked it. She released her grip on me, her hands sliding down. Her hands gripped my ass and pulled me to her. We kissed some more, pussy to pussy. We were getting it on when Cam and Janet came inside.

“Okay, you two, do that later.”

We broke apart, my cunt was wet. I had to have this woman and soon. I had a feeling that Nikki would dominate me and I wanted to see how rough she would be on my pussy. The thoughts I had of her and me, made me so damn horny.

“Now we go back to my place.”

Janet said, “I want to ride with Luellen. Is that okay?”

“No problem, ride with whoever you want,” Cam replied.

We left the house, the crew in one car, Lilly alone in another and Janet and I in the Jeep. I started the Jeep’s engine and pulled away from the curb. We hadn’t gone two blocks when Janet looked at me, her hand on my arm.

“What the fuck was that? That woman was damn near fucking you right there. She couldn’t have held your pussy any tighter against hers without taking her clothes off.”

“Janet, are you jealous? I didn’t think you were the jealous type.”

“No dammit, I’m not jealous. I guess I was just surprised how you reacted to her forcefulness. Like you want her to dominate you. Do you want her too? If you want that, I’ll dominate the shit out of you as soon as we get home. I may be small, but I can pack a mean sex punch, if you know what I mean.”

“Honey, Honey, calm down. She took me by surprise as soon as I entered her house. I’ll admit, she turned me on, but you are the one who really gets me going. If I had to choose between any woman and you, you would come out on top.”

The rest of the drive was pleasant. Janet placed her hand on my thigh and kept it there until I parked the Jeep. I knew that soon it would be Jake and me, I just didn’t know what the plan was. I thought of the fucking he had given Janet and I wanted some of that for me. Little did I know that the rest of the day would see me and Jake fucking almost continuously.

Janet and I walked into the studio. Lilly, Nikki, Robert and Cam and the crew were all there. Cam went over the scene again. The part where I would enter through the front door and be greeted by Nikki. The studio looked just like a normal living room in a normal middle class neighborhood. There were suitcases by the door and Robert was sitting on the couch.

“Thank you so much Lacy for watching our house while we are gone. Come with me and I’ll show you your bedroom.”

Nikki took me into the kitchen first and showed me were Jake’s dog food was kept. She showed me where his bed was. There was Jake, sprawled out sleeping. He was such a huge dog, weighing well over a hundred pounds. In all probability he weighed quite a bit more than me. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I wondered how he couldn’t smell me, the in-heat woman in the room.

Nikki then showed me the bedroom I would be using. It was a nice room with a queen size bed. The mattress was low, I could sit down and my feet were solid on the floor. I would later find out that was purposely that low.

After showing me around, Nikki headed back into the living room. All this time the video cameras were recording.

“C’mon Honey, it’s time for us to leave. Our plane departs in a couple of hours and we can’t be late. Thank you so much Lacy for watching the house and caring for Jake. He’s a good boy and will make you happy.”

Nikki gave me a hug, patting my ass. She whispered in my ear, “Don’t give it all to Jake, save some for me.”

With that they picked up their luggage and left the house. That’s when Lilly yelled, “Cut.”

The cameras were set down and we all gathered around Cam, waiting for our new instructions. Cam said, “Read page two and when you’re done just wait.”

I read page two. I was to sit on couch and turn on the TV. I was to sit for a minute watching TV, then I was to pretend I was sick, go into the bathroom, fake That I was vomiting. I was to return to my bedroom, strip naked and lie down on my bed. I was to be totally nude and lay crosswise with my feet on the floor. I was to cover my eyes with my arms, like I was relaxing. I was to wait until Jake started the action.

“Any questions, Luellen? Cam asked. “I want this scene to be as hot as you can make it. A lot of money is riding on your acting.”

“No questions and it won’t be acting, it will be genuine.”

“Okay, everyone. Take your places and wait for my call.” Lilly was back in charge.

I walked to the hallway and turned around. I could see the red dot on the cameras, all three of them. Janet was hidden behind Cam and his camera.

Lilly called out, “Action.”

I did my part, walking to the couch and sitting down. I aimed the remote at the TV, a movie was showing. I relaxed to watch the movie. I did my best to imitate a woman about to toss her lunch. I ran into the bedroom and into the ensuite. The cameras were following me, but didn’t follow me when I entered the bathroom. I did my best to sound like I was puking my guts out, actually a little bit did come up. I spit loudly then flushed the toilet. I rinsed my mouth out before returning to the bedroom.

I stripped as naturally as possible, I wanted the video to look as natural as I could make it look. My top was off, my tits bare, when the air conditioning kicked on. I don’t think it could have been better timed. My nipples were suddenly stiff, pointed straight out. I continued stripping until I was totally nude. I stretched, full on to the camera before turning sideways. No way could the camera miss my full bosom with nipples in full bloom.

I moved closer to the bed and flopped backwards onto my back. I let my knees spread ever so slightly, no one could see my pussy, but they had a great shot of my slit. I did as I was instructed, I waited, feigning sleep.

I heard the clicking of nails on the floor, Jake was on his way. I laid still, not moving a muscle the plush carpet stopped the clicking. Jake entered my bedroom. A few seconds later I felt his furry head wedge its way between my knees, I naturally tensed up, trying to keep him away from my pussy. I pushed his head, with my hands, trying to make him back away. I had to make it look like I was being taken. Jake was to strong, he pushed harder to get to me. I felt his cold nose rubbing the inside of my thighs. I clamped my legs harder, stopping him cold.

Jake lifted his head, my knees snapping together. He looked straight at me, his lips curled into a snarl. His white teeth, especially his long canines, looked deadly. His canines had to have been longer than an inch. His eyes took on a almost red glow, he looked like he could kill me in a second. He did put the fear of Jake in me, just like he did to Janet. I relaxed and spread my legs, wide enough hoping I wouldn’t be bitten. Jake had total access to my pussy.

He sniffed my crotch, his cold nose sending uncomfortable shock waves through my labia. His tongue then lapped at my pussy, the cold nose was replaced by a very warm wet feeling. Jake was at his best, his tongue spreading my labia, from my taint to my clit. He kept lapping, sending shivers through my body. I spread my legs as wide as I could, giving him full access to my vulva. Jake took full liberties as his tongue wiped up and down my slit. There was no way a human male could lick a woman like Jake could.

I reveled in the sensations that the dog was giving me. The more he licked, the more I wanted. When his tongue slid inside my vagina, I almost came. His tongue felt so hot inside me and when he dragged it out and licked up my slit, it was like heaven. Jake kept up the good work, I was moaning, I was holding Jake’s head his tongue never stopping.

Jake twisted his head and was licking across my slit. As his tongue crossed, it dragged my labia to the side, giving me sensations that I had never experienced. Jake seemed to know I liked this because his licking became more intense. I was building for an orgasm, but I was so turned on I wanted his cock.

I blurted out, “Oh, Jake, fuck me baby. I need that big puppy cock inside me.”

Jake must have wanted me too. He jumped up on the bed and started humping my leg.

“Jake, not there, here,” I said as I slapped my pussy.

Jake jumped back down and continued licking my cunt. I looked down and saw his dark eyes, they were gleaming like a demon’s. I had a brief thought that he was the Devil without horns. Jake took one big sloppy lick before he jumped up, his feet landing on each side of my body. He wanted to fuck me missionary?

I looked down between my legs. The dark red tip of his cock was unsheathed. The tip was shaped to perfectly open and enter my vagina. Jake moved forward, I felt the heat as his cock tip pressed into my crotch next to my labia. Jake started to hump, his cock missing my opening. Sometimes slipping up and rubbing over my clit, the heat sending sensations through my vulva. Jake’s humping was becoming almost a frenzy, his cock stabbing at my crotch. Again and again I felt his tip probing for my vagina’s entrance.

I felt the stab as his cock parted my opening and he plunged his cock into me. His humping frenzy slowed as he went deeper into my cunt. The heat of his cock spreading throughout my vagina caused me to fuck back. I wrapped my legs over Jake’s back-end and pulled him deeper into me. His warm furry belly pressed against my belly. The sensations inside me were phenomenal, causing my whole body to twist and turn on his magnificent cock. Sensations leading me towards an orgasm were permeating through me. I was going to climax soon.

There was one thing missing though, Jake’s knot was outside of me. I reached down and tried to push it inside me. His knot was to big, it would not go inside my well lubricated pussy. I became frustrated, I craved that knot inside me, for my perfect orgasm. Jake either sensed my frustration, or he had completed his act with me. He pulled his cock from me, jumped off the bed, and lay down on the floor. I looked over the edge of the bed and watched as he licked his thick red cock. Soon the knot disappeared and his cock slowly vanished into his sheath.

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned. I was in need of my orgasm, If I didn’t come soon; I would be the bitch of all bitches.

Jake stood up and using his paws, tried to turn me onto my stomach. Apparently Jake wasn’t done with me, he wanted to mount me from behind. I didn’t want to be fucked on the bed, I wanted to be mounted properly on all fours. I pushed Jake away so I could get down. My knees hadn’t touched the floor and Jake was on my back. He wasn’t lined up correctly and his cock was stabbing my buttocks. His cock slipped along my thigh as he humped me. He was squirting his fluids all over my ass.

I raised up into a kneeling position, forcing Jake off me. Jake’s front paws pushed on my back, forcing me down onto my hands and knees. He readjusted his position so he was directly behind me, his feet on each side of my calves. His front paws were on my thighs, pulling both of our bodies together. If his cock and my pussy weren’t lined up for penetration, I’d scream for bloody hell. My buttocks were tight against his lower belly. I wanted his cock to fuck me so bad now.

I felt his cock tip hitting me in my slit, below my opening, but above my clit. I was concerned his tip might enter my urethra. I moved slightly and Jake thrust forward, I felt my vagina widen as his pointed cock slipped inside my well lubricated cunt. Jake thrust deep, driving his cock in and out. Just a few seconds later I felt the stretching of my pussy as his now thicker knot was spreading my labia. Jake kept on thrusting, only he was ramming harder now. With a hard push his knot slipped inside me, the pressure stretching my labia. Once his knot was inside me, his thrusting stopped as he waited for his knot expand. His huge knot expanded rapidly, locking us together. His thrusting slowing to an even tempo.

My vagina was filled with doggy meat. I could feel the pressure of his knot against my vagina walls. The pressure bringing sensations that I had never experienced before. Little did I know how much he would expand inside me. I saw my lower belly was extended, I smiled to myself. I was in what I wanted, a long-lasting tie.

Jake’s head was now along side mine, his long tongue dripping as he panted. He was getting a good workout fucking me solidly. His front paws were tightly pressed against the front of my thighs. He was making sure I was going nowhere, like I could try to escape his grasp or knot. I was here to get fucked and make a video.

I felt my vagina walls stretching as his knot swelled. I felt overly full now, is this what childbirth feels like inside? Now I know what Janet had experienced when he was inside her. My cervix was warming from the touch of Jake’s cock’s tip. Jake was moving around behind me. He pressed forward, sealing the tip of his cock to my cervix opening. I shuddered as the heat of his sperm filled my womb. I was experiencing the “Cervical Kiss” I had read about online. My whole abdomen was swelling and warming from the experience. Samson had never sealed me like this before.

Jake and I remained sealed for a few minutes before he attempted to pull out. The sensations caused by his large knot inside me caused me to orgasm. I don’t mean any old run of the mill orgasm, I mean one that caused me to cry out. I was moaning and thrashing my pussy around his swollen cock and knot. This caused an intense rubbing on my G-Spot ,which then put me in a continuous orgasm. I called it a continuous orgasm, but it was more of a continuous state of euphoria that I was experiencing. My mind was playing tricks on me, I was blacking in and out.

Jake jumped off my back and rushed forward, dragging me forward with his knot. There was no way that the huge knot in me was going to just fall out. He dragged me until my head hit a dresser. I saw stars, then he dragged me backwards. He pulled me, by my cunt, out of the bedroom and into the hallway before he stopped. I was flat on my stomach on the tile of the hallway, Jake was sitting on my ass. His cock still locked tight inside me. Now I was feeling an intense pressure inside me. His knot was pulled tight on the inside of my pussy’s opening. My cunt muscles were straining to retain his knot. That only increased the pressure and pleasure. I could envision what the two of us looked like there on the floor. This brought on another intense orgasm for me.

My cunt was stretched to its limits and Jake’s knot wasn’t done with my pussy yet. I had to relax my pussy muscles, but I couldn’t, the gratification of being fucked by Jake was overcoming my senses. The pleasure I was experiencing was overpowering. I didn’t want it to end.

Jake sat on my ass for at least another half an hour before his knot started to recede. My uterus was filled with his cum, my belly swollen. The pressure against my cervix receded, as his cock relaxed. Jake had sealed my cervix opening with his mating plug, holding his sperm inside me.

I was now facing a conundrum, I wanted to remain tied with Jake, but I wanted to relax and enjoy the post coital bliss. Jake solved my problem, his swollen knot disappeared faster than I thought it would. He was able to just stand up, pulling his cock from me. I turned to see what I had inside me, I was almost struck dumb by the size of his huge cock. I didn’t know how my now sore pussy could take so much. I touched his cock and it was soft, but still swollen. My fingers squeezed his knot, it was now spongy. Jake stood there while I played with his penis. I lay on my back and scooted under him, my mouth filled with his cock. I sucked and liquids flooded over my tongue. I couldn’t believe that I was sucking a dog’s cock and rubbing my clit at the same time. I must be an over-sexed woman.

I heard a woman’s voice, “Jake, come.”

It was Lilly, Jake left me and followed her out into the kitchen. It was comical watching his long cock swing back and forth as he walked. I still couldn’t believe that I had all that dog cock stuffed inside me.

“Luellen, please come here.”

It was Nikki calling me from the studio bedroom. I wondered what she wanted. I was soon to find out.

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