Women with Animals

K9 Sex Club Confessions – Jacquie’s Story


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(c) 2012 by JenK9

Note from Jen: Jacquie is one of those dreamy lesbians, the type that can turn any bi or lesbian woman and all men who have lesbian fantasies on without any effort. She is so gorgeous that everyone gives her a second look and sometimes stare. She is 5’4″, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, with a 34 C bust and a figure to die for. Jacquie joined our K9 sex club at the beginning of May this year and gave me her confession with her permission to post it on BF. Enjoy!


At 19 years old, I was very conflicted about my serious lack of interest in boys. In high school I did have sex once (which I did enjoy) with captain of the football team and he wanted to continue the relationship, but I was just not interested. Now in my first year at university, I had a lot of suitors but still no interest in any of the hopeful potentials. One day, I was walking across campus and saw a beautiful girl who got my heart pounding. This had happened before but I ignored it the first few times, this time I couldn’t ignore it. I went to my dorm room and lay on my bead as I contemplated my emotions and the beautiful girl I saw. My heart pounded even more when I finally admitted to myself that I had always been gay. Admitting it brought me a great sense of happiness and relief. I immediately called my sister Hanna (Hanna is three years older than me)

“Hanna, I need to ask you something”

“OK sis, what’s up?”

“When you think about me, what do you think my ‘type’ is when it comes to relationships?”

“Um…“ she paused for a moment

“It sounds to me like there is something else behind your question. Don’t beat around the bush sis, just get to the point” Hanna knew me far too well

“Well I saw someone I like and I came to the realisation…”

For some reason it was really difficult to say out loud, even though my sister and I have always been close

“… well the person I like is not what you’d expect… I mean… it’s complicated, just forget it”

“Hey sis, you know you can tell me anything. I think I know what you want to tell me anyway.”

“I doubt it” I replied

“Is this person you like a girl?”

I couldn’t believe it, my body went cold as I just sat there in silence

“Jacquie, you still there?”

“Um… yeah… um… how the hell did you know?”

“I knew years ago sis, it’s about time you realised it. I think you’ve always been gay”

Hanna and I spoke for another hour before we hung up. It felt so good to finally see the truth and even better that my sister knew, I felt like a new woman.

Now a whole new world was open to me and I was like a woman possessed, intent on finding that beautiful girl I saw and start flirting. This proved much harder than I imagined. I saw her every day but could never work up the nerve to speak to her,

“What if she’s not gay? What if she laughs at me or makes fun of me? “

Almost a month later, I had started to become depressed so I decided to take a long walk to clear my mind. After walking for about thirty minutes, I saw that beautiful girl (I learned that she was Polish and her name was Zaskia). She was walking with her friend so I decided to follow them from a distance. Eventually they stopped in front of a nice house and spoke for a few more minutes, then Zaskia went inside and her friend continued walking down the street. I couldn’t control myself, I had to see more of her. There was an alley between her house and the neighbours, so I walked down the alley not knowing what to expect or why I was even doing it. At the back part of her house, I could see through the fence where there were small spaces in the wood just behind a large shrub. I could tell that she was alone (no parent would allow that music so loud) but still couldn’t see anything

“What the hell am I doing?” I asked myself

Just as I was about to leave, Zaskia came out the house in a very revealing bikini. I bit my lip and couldn’t take my eyes off her. She came and lay down on a deck chair only two or three meters away from me where I could see every detail of her body. Zaskia started looking around, as if to make sure she was alone, and then took a magazine from her bag. At first I took no note of what type of magazine it was as my eyes were still taking in all the contours of her body. Then she started to rub her breast and squeeze her nipple, it made me so hot and wet. That is when I paid attention to what she was reading, it was a porn magazine. I realised then that I might just get to see more than I hoped for. I was in luck, Zaskia slid her hand into her bikini and began to masturbate while looking at her magazine. I looked around and could see that the shrub I was behind hid me from view, so I slid my hand into my pants and began to masturbate too. I matched her rhythm as we masturbated together and when I saw her body react to her orgasm as she quietly moaned in pleasure, it sent me into an orgasm of my own. I had to cover my mouth to stifle my own moans. Just before the sun started setting, Zaskia got up and went inside so I made my way back to my dorm room on campus. That knight I battled to sleep, I got myself off another two times thinking about what I saw, then fell asleep just after midnight.

The next day I went to class and had no more feeling of depression for the moment. I was quite tired so I spent my free time by myself and listened to my iPod. I was leaning against a tree with my eyes shut, lost in the words of the song I was listening to when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I opened my eyes, it was Zaskia. My heart began to race as I stood up

“Hi” she said


“Why didn’t you come speak to me yesterday? I saw you following me.”

I looked at my feet in embarrassment

“It’s OK. I’ve seen you around campus and it seems like you’ve been wanting to talk to me. Why haven’t you?”

I didn’t know what to say, it was as if I’d been busted or something, totally caught off guard, so I just shrugged my shoulders

“You’re really pretty, what’s your name?”

I looked up at her and we started chatting. Before our next class, we came to the end of our conversation and just as we parted ways Zaskia turned back

“Why don’t you come visit this afternoon, we can get to know each other?”

I was quite surprised, but ecstatic


“Meet me here at three, we can walk together”

I agreed and we went back to complete our classes for the day. It was only another two hours but it seemed to take forever. Eventually three o’clock came, I met with Zaskia and we made our way to her place. I still wasn’t sure if she was interested in me as a friend or more than a friend or if she was gay or bi, but I was hopeful and very excited. While we walked, Zaskia and I spoke and got to know each other a little, enough to know that we were compatible as friends. By the time we got to her place we were both quite comfortable with each other and were chatting as if we’d been friends for a while already. Zaskia took me to her room after a cool drink. She threw a bikini at me

“We’re about the same size, put this on. We can chat by the pool.”

She began to remove her clothes and my heart began to thump in my throat again. I didn’t realise that I was staring, Zaskia just looked at me and smiled as she discarded the last of her clothes. Totally naked she said

“Well? Aren’t you gonna get changed?”

I wondered if she noticed me staring, she had to have noticed. I took off my clothes and as I did I realised that she had not yet begun to put her bikini on. When I was totally naked she stopped me

“Just a second” she put her hands on my shoulders and looked me up and down

“You have a beautiful body. What you think about mine?”

I looked her up and down, taking my time

“I think you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”

She smiled and put her bikini on, so I did the same. I was quite confused by this point but didn’t really care as I was so turned on. Zaskia brushed my erect nipple through the bikini

“Is it cold in here or is that for me?”

With that she walked out and made her way to the pool. Zaskia continued talking as if nothing happened and eventually I calmed down

“Where are your parents?” I asked

“Not exactly sure. They’re on some business trip, probably in Greece by now”

After that our conversation progressed as with most girls until we got to the topic of sex. We both shared our experiences, and then quite naturally she asked

“Ever had sex with a girl?”

“Not yet”

“Not YET. So you want to then”

“Well, I probably should have told you earlier but, I’m pretty sure I’m gay”

I couldn’t believe how I just came out and told her like that

“Me too. I was hoping that you were gay. When you followed me yesterday, why didn’t you come speak to me?”

“I don’t know, it’s just difficult now that I finally accepted that I am gay.”

“Did you enjoy watching me?”

Again she caught me off guard, I didn’t know what to say

“Don’t worry babe, I knew you were watching, I put that show on for you”

I blushed

“I’m sorry, I’m so embarrassed right now”

She leaned forward, took my chin between her thumb and forefinger to turn my face to her and kissed me slow and gentle. She took my breath away and I knew that there was no doubt in my mind anymore about being gay. I took her shoulders in either hand, pulled her closer and kissed her again, this time a long deep kiss. As our tongues danced in each other’s mouths, we both moaned slightly. Zaskia stood up, took me by the hand and lead me to her room. She turned to me and we kissed again, she took my hand and placed it on her breast and then placed her hand between my legs and rubbed my pussy through the bikini. We started taking off each other’s clothes as we kissed and we moved closed to her bed. Completely naked, we slowly sat on her bed and then lay down in one movement. She took my hand and inserted my finger into her cunt, as she did she pulled away from our kiss for a moment as she moaned. For a few minutes we rubbed each other’s pussies and inserted fingers into each other’s cunts until she sat up. She guided me until I was in the centre of her bed and slowly made her way down my body as she kissed my neck, shoulders, chest, breast, she took her time sucking and nibbling my nipples then continued kissing my stomach, my thighs, my mound and finally she spread my pussy lips apart and licked my clip. It was so much better than I had ever imagined. I was licked before but this time it was by a woman, like I’ve actually always wanted. She continued licking my pussy, sometimes shoving her tongue into my cunt, she also sucked and nibbled my clit until I orgasmed harder than ever. She didn’t stop until I told her I couldn’t take it anymore. She caressed my body while I recovered and then said

“It’s your turn now”

I was so excited, I wasted no time and followed the same course of action as she did. Her breasts were so firm when I licked and sucked them, I was in seventh heaven. When I had her pussy right in front of me, I took a moment to just look at it and watch my fingers slide in and out. I slowly leaned forward and kissed her pussy, then I parted the lips and licked her from the hole to the clit. I sucked that clit as I pumped two fingers in and out of her cunt until her orgasm exploded. When we were done, we lay in each other’s arms and fell asleep. That night I woke up around ten and realised I had classes scheduled for the next day. Zaskia convinced me to stay, that we could go to campus together the following day. We were both hungry so we made ourselves something to eat and talked until one in the morning. For the next two weeks I hardly stayed in my dorm room, I also eventually met Zaskia’s parents and she introduced me as her girlfriend (they knew she was gay for over a year already). I came out to my parents who were surprisingly understanding, the only negative comment came from my father

“But if you’re gay then I’ll never get grand kids from you. I suppose you could adopt, that would be fine”

I was so relieved, my parents also suspected I was gay so it wasn’t a complete shock to them either. All in all, I was having the time of my life.

One day, after heated sex, Zaskia surprised me once again

“You know, every now and again I do miss having some cock inside me”

I just laughed

“Shall I go buy you a dildo or would you prefer a strap-on?”

Zaskia rolled on top of me

“I’m serious babe. Don’t you sometimes feel like a nice piece of cock inside you?”

“I’ve only been a lesbian for a short while now, but wouldn’t that complicate things?”

“I know what you mean. I wish there was a way we could have some cock when we felt like it without any sort of issues after”

We spoke about it for a while, trying to decide if we could get a one night stand, but we agreed that it probably was a very bad idea and so left it at that. I decided to try find a way for my lover to get some cock without the complications. I thought about it constantly, I looked up ideas on the internet, but couldn’t find any viable options. The thought of watching her fuck some guy did turn me on but I was too jealous to go along with that.

One Saturday while we were having a snack on the pool deck, her family dog Conan (a beautiful Pit bull) was standing by the wall whining

“What the hell’s up with him today?”

Zaskia tried to calm him but he was excited or agitated about something so she left him

“I bet it’s that bitch next door, she’s on heat you know”

“Shame, poor boy. He can’t even jerk off to relieve his frustration.”

After another half hour of his whining we were feeling quite sorry for him as well as annoyed. By now the sun had set and we wanted some peace and quiet

“There must be something we can do for him”

We approached him trying to decide what we could do for him, but when we got closer Zaskia gasped

“What’s wrong?” I thought she might have seen something wrong with him, like an injury or something

“Look at his dick!”

When I saw it I also gasped. We were both shocked at the size, it must have been 8” and was very thick. We looked at each other and started to laugh

“That’s bigger than I’ve seen on a guy” said Zaskia

“Maybe if you jerk him off he will stop moaning”

“I don’t know if I could do that”

Conan seemed to be in pain the way he was whining

“Fine, but you have to help”

I nodded and we crouched down on either side of Conan. I was surprised how Zaskia didn’t hesitate to take his cock in her hand

“I thought it would be slimy, but it’s not”

“Start wanking him, I don’t think he’ll just fuck your hand if you hold it”

She did as I suggested but Conan did start humping her hand. Both of us just stared as we watched in amazement at the speed of his fucking

“Now that’s how I’d like to be fucked”

We looked at each other, both uncomfortable but intrigued at the thought of being fucked so hard. I moved closer and held her hand on Conan’s cock as he pumped his dick in and out of our hands

“We should stop, this is starting to turn me on” Zaskia confessed

“We can’t stop now, just imagine how frustrated he will be if we do”

She nodded and we let Conan finish the job. At the end he blew his load and some went on our hands

“Holy shit, that was intense”

I agreed and we watched as Conan lay down and licked his dick clean

“Are you a bit turned on?”

I blushed but had to admit that I was. Zaskia looked at the semen on her hand

“Go ahead, taste it”

She looked at me with a very naughty look on her face as she drew her hand closer to her mouth. I thought she was bluffing until she stuck her tongue out and licked some juice off. Watching her do this made my pussy tingle

“How was it?”

She took my hand and lifted it to my face

“Try for yourself”

I couldn’t help it, I really wanted to try. I sampled Conan’s juices and it tasted better than I thought it would. We went inside and washed our hands. We sat down in the den and discussed what had just happened. After fifteen or so minutes, I was so horney I had to get off

“Make me come, I am so turned on right now”

Zaskia lunged forward and with a forceful kiss and she pushed me to the ground, she was just as turned on. After ripping each other’s clothes off, we positioned ourselves in a sixty niner with her on top and started licking and sucking each other’s pussies wildly. Suddenly Zaskia stopped licking me

“Don’t stop!”

“Just wait” she replied

I carried on licking her and then felt her lick me again, but this time it was very different. After a few licks I had to see what she was doing, it felt so good. Her body was obstructing my view but I could see that her head was up, too far from my pussy for her to be licking me

“What’s going on?”

Zaskia slowly got off me to reveal Conan between my legs eating me out like I’ve never experienced. I just watched, I didn’t say a word or try stop him and Zaskia smiled and patted Conan on the head as his wonderful tongue explored my pussy

“Good boy” Zaskia encouraged him

Zaskia got closer to watch as her dog pleased me. After a short while he brought me to a wonderful orgasm. I closed my legs to protect my sensitive pussy from any further abuse

“I can’t believe what just happened. You have to try it”

Zaskia was so turned on, she didn’t waste any time as she immediately lay next to me and spread her legs. Conan moved closer and started licking her right away. She moaned as his tongue lapped at her pussy and clit, after a minute or two she lifted her open legs to her chest which allowed Conan to also lick her ass. It wasn’t much longer before an orgasm ripped through her body. I put my hand over her pussy to stop Conan from licking to give her some time to recover. We were so in the moment, we started kissing and groping each other, then we looked over at Conan and his cock was hard and ready for more action

“You wanted to feel cock inside you with no complications, here’s your chance”

She smiled at me

“I was thinking the same thing”

We discussed how we would go about it for a few minutes and finally decided that she should sit on the edge of the sofa and try getting Conan to fuck her missionary-style. Zaskia positioned herself and I tapped on her pussy while calling Conan closer. He approached without hesitation and started licking her again

“I want that cock inside me babe, try jerking him off like before, maybe he’ll try fuck me then”

I did as instructed and Conan instinctively jumped up and tried to impale her. I lay on my side to get a better view and to see how I could help. I took his cock in my hand and guided it to her pussy. As soon as his dick made contact with her warm, wet cunt, he shoved it in all the way in two trusts and in no time causing Zaskia to ark her back and groan in pleasure. The speed and intensity of his fucking was impressive to say the least. Zaskia battled to breathe but was clearly enjoying the hard fuck. From my position on the ground I had a good view of the penetration and noticed a large swelling forming at the base of his cock. I touched it while he fuck her and started rubbing my pussy as I watched. Suddenly the swelling disappeared into her cunt and she let out a load groan

“Oh my god… holy shit” was all she could say

Finally Zaskia had a massive orgasm, her body shook and contorted but Conan wasn’t done. His continuous fucking prolonged her orgasm until he finally slowed down and began to unload deep inside her. The moment she felt his hot seed hit her insides she orgasmed again, almost as powerfully as before. Finally Conan stopped, his cock stuck inside my lover. He only convulsed every few seconds with each ejaculation. Zaskia had a few more, smaller orgasms while he was stuck inside her but after about seven or eight minutes, he popped out of her and I watched the juices pour out of her cunt. I shoved two fingers into her messy cunt and then put them in her mouth and kissed her at the same time

“It only took him half an hour to get ready to fuck me, half an hour from now it’s your turn”

With a smile on my face I nodded. Zaskia and I decided to get into the hot tub so she could rinse off. While we waited for Conan to recover, we discussed our new found pleasure and she teased me to keep me horney for my turn. This time it took almost an hour before Conan was ready, it seemed like it took longer. I decided I wanted to be fucked doggy-style so I got on my hands and knees while Zaskia coaxed Conan to fuck me. Conan didn’t need much coaxing and mounted me without Zaskia having to jerk his dick, all she had to do was guide his cock into my cunt. The moment he drove his cock into me my arms collapsed so my chest was on the floor with my ass high in the air. I enjoyed Conan’s fuck far more than the one time I was with a boy. Conan’s fucking was ferocious, I couldn’t control the groans of pleasure that escaped my lips. Zaskia had fully recovered by now and was hot and horney again. She positioned herself in front of me with her pussy right in my face so that I could lick her while Conan fucked me. I tried my best but Conan made it impossible for me to give Zaskia the licking I would have liked. Zaskia didn’t mind, she was just enjoying the moment. Finally I had an immense orgasm, I think I even shouted. Conan unloaded inside my cunt before my orgasm was over which just pushed me to another level of pleasure. For a moment I thought I might pass out. When it was finally over, we were stuck for only a short while before he managed to pull out. Zaskia came up behind me and licked my pussy as the juices poured out.

Since then, Zaskia and I fucked Conan at least once a week until we both decided we wanted to try a different dog. We spent a lot of time on the internet looking for K9 porn and found more than we thought we would. Zaskia also wants to fuck a horse, but I am quite happy with K9 for now. Next time I will share about the time Zaskia and I found a big dog with now owner in the park.

Go to next part

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