Women with Animals
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Jill’s Sexcapades


(c) 2009 by MoBounceBaby

What seems eons ago I once had a Yahoo group called Fantasyland. There were over 3000+ members who shared many adult interests but the main focus was the same as this forum. It was common for member to post their experiences but some did it more often & much better than others. Needless to say Yahell saw to the groups elimination. But I did save a few things, this is one. I had a wonderful friend there, who I truly miss after losing touch with her; who was so generous with sharing in great detail her tales with the group. I wish I’d have been able to save the first amazing installment but I lost it in tech malfunction. None the less, she was generous enough to share this with my group so in tribute to a wonderful friend I now share her tale with you… Wanting/Jill, if you’re out there anywhere, I miss you hon! *hugs* Mo


I had another wonderful weekend with my friends. Linda and Bob, It wasn’t easy to get away but leave it to me to find a way. We had for weeks now planned to spend a whole weekend enjoying each other, and their lovely puppies. Linda had told me I was in for a little surprise. My mind had been racing for days trying to think of what they could have up their sleeves, I just couldn’t think of a thing. As I drove the 45 or so miles to their house I could feel the excitement growing the nearer I got. By the time I had arrived I had already moisten my panties and needed to find a bathroom as soon as I could.

As I got out of the car I saw Bob coming toward the house from the barn as Linda and the sweeties came out the front door. She looked like a queen in her lovely outfit and he looked like what I am use to seeing being a farmers wife. (They do clean up well.) Jake and Toby was the first to greet me with a lick on both cheeks at the same time. As Linda fighting her way through the puppies and Bob had gotten to the back of my car. I couldn’t wait till I could feel his arms around me and feel another one of his kisses on my lips. As I stood up and saw those two lovely people standing there I just leaped in their arms as we hugged I had thoughts of the Saturday evening we had spent together. Bob kissed me but not as passionate as the first I had received from him but just as sweet. Linda hugged me and kissed my cheek as she told me how happy they both were I had gotten there safely. We walked arm and arm toward the door, as we had almost reached the first step she told me to close my eyes and not open them till she told me to. My heart raced in anticipation of what lay in store for me. For as long as I had known them nothing had been a disappointment. Slowly I placed my feet on the steps while she steadied me. I heard Bob open the door while the doggies rushed inside. I felt the cool breeze of the A/C on my face and just knew something wonderful was about to happen. She helped me through the door as she turned my arm loose. I stood there with my eyes closed for it seemed an eternity. I heard her sweet sultry voice from across the room say “You can open your eyes now. ”As I did it was dimly lit in the formal living room; I could make out a figure through the doorway to the dining room. I couldn’t recognize the man, but I assumed it was Bob and he would be holding my surprise in his hand. As he came near I could tell it wasn’t Bob. Linda spoke out and said “let me introduce you to Charley, Bob’s nephew.” He was a bit larger man than Bob but just as hansom and had such a deep voice. As he spoke, saying “I’m glad to meet you, and happy you arrived in time for dinner.” Linda invited us to sit in the living room till Bob had time to clean up and join us. As I sat on the sofa Charley Sat near enough to feel his heat but not touching. We sat and talked for it seemed such short time but it had been almost an hour. Bob came in and ask how everyone was doing and if we needed our drinks refreshed. I was just having white wine and I hadn’t been drinking that much of it. I was too busy talking and looking at Charley. Bob took Linda and Charlie’s glasses and went to the other room to mix more drinks, he called out to Linda and ask if the food was about ready, Linda went to the kitchen to check on dinner. Charley had the darkest brown eyes that seem to see through your soul, I couldn’t stop looking into them. We were talking and didn’t see Bob standing there with his drink oh well. Bob gave him the drink and went to the kitchen to see to Linda. As he did I knew it was going to be up to me to make the first move to brake the tension. I sat my glass down and leaned toward Charley. Just then I heard dinner is ready from the other room. It didn’t stop the kiss I don’t think anything would have, as we were kissing I could hear Bob saying “that can wait you two we need to eat before it gets cold.” Disappointed but hungry as I hadn’t eaten all day we stood together and he put his arm around me as we went to the dinning room.

After dinner we all retired to the living room and had coffee, as we talked about the last time that I had been there. I thought it funny Linda nor Bob said anything about the puppies. I didn’t think it would be up to me to bring it up just having had met Charley. With all the talk I could see Charley was getting a little excited as his cock was trying to burst out of his pants. I’m sure he noticed me staring as he scooted a little closer. He took my hand and lay it on his lap I could feel he had dripped a little through his pants. Bob mentioned he had the spa fixed and was ready if anyone wanted to partake. I spoke right out and said that would be nice, as I was a little tense after driving, not saying I wanted to see Charley nude. We all seem to rise at the same time and started undressing as I turned folding and placing my clothes on the sofa Charley had came closer and I could see he was very well endowed. He came nearer to me and I felt his cock press into my stomach just under my tittys. He was the tallest man I had ever been that near, and it was a little intimidating. He stooped to kiss me and feel my breast my knees almost gave way. He, feeling me swoon held me tightly and kissed me deeply and hard. We walked through the dining room out on the deck. Linda and Bob were already in the spa; the humming of the motor could be heard clearly through the silence of the evening. Charley picked me up and set me gently in the tub, while following me in. I found a nice place to sit and he joined me out of way so we wouldn’t bother the others. As he pulled me near him I couldn’t help but to take his cock in my hand and stroke it gently as he let out a little moan. It was amazing he was like Bob, uncut. This makes stroking so much easier and for someone that isn’t use to it makes for a fun little toy. He started caressing my breast and working his hand down my stomach as he neared my pussy I spread my legs as far as the space would allow. I wanted him to rub my clit and make me cum in the warm bubbly water. He whispered in my ear how Bob had told him that I had the largest clit he had ever sucked and as he touched it the look of surprise on his face was delightful. He spoke out and told Bob how “he was so right about things.” The lights came on bright but not to glaring to ruin the moment. Charley smiled and said “much better to see you my dear.” I heard a little chuckle from the other side of the spa. Linda said “Oh no the big bad wolf.”
As He started to rub my clit I could feel him start to twitch as he was about to cum. I released his cock and lay back to enjoy the stroking and kissing he was giving me. I could feel the passion welling up from deep inside, all the sudden he stopped rubbing. I opened my eyes and was a little disappointed at this but he whispered in my ear that Bob had told him I squirted and he wanted to have me in his mouth when I cum. He put his arm behind my back and the other under my legs. As he lifted me and placed me on the edge of the spa he spread my legs and took my clit in his mouth. I was so excited as he started to suck and tong my clit; I exploded in his mouth. He didn’t stop his sucking and licking. I just couldn’t stand it anymore I cupped his face in my hands and pushed him away from my pussy before I fainted. I composed myself, I whispered “it was my turn.” He leaped up on the side of the spa and I nestled in-between his legs. I took his cock in my mouth and started to roll the for skin between my lips and I made a little sucking sound as I could taste his precum warm and salty. I took his cock in my hand and pulled the skin back so I could tong the smooth head and feel him jerk as I hit the all so sensitive spot on the underside. Slowly I took him deeper and deeper and bobbed my head to and fro. He was pulsing at the head more and more and the spasms were coming faster. I knew he was about to cum and took him as deep as I could. I could feel his hands holding the back of my head as he started to hump my face. I took his hands away so not to gag when he cum, and as I did he started to erupt with hot cum hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could but there was just too much to take all at once. I held it in my mouth and swallowed the last of it before I stopped pumping him. I held his cock in my mouth till it went soft; he just lay back and enjoyed the experience. As I released his cock and stood he sat up and started to laugh. I was a little hurt at first, he spun me around and there was Linda and bob with both their camcorders going. Neither Charley nor I enthralled in the pleasure of the moment noticed they were taping our passion. Bob spoke out for all of us to go to their bedroom and continue the evening’s fun. We all got out of the spa and toweled each other off. As we went back in the house I just had to take Charley and Bob by the cock and stroke them at the same time. Linda said I was being greedy with a little chuckle, so I released them and we all started down the hallway to that enormous bed of theirs. As we went in Bob took the puppies out in the hall and told them to stay. Linda and I got in bed from opposite sides and the guys were setting up the video cameras to tape all the evenings entertainment. I lay back enjoying the firmness of the mattress and thinking about having Charlie’s cock pumping my pussy till I cum. I felt the bed shake as the men joined us and the warmth of their bodies was like being in a warm safe place that any woman would fantasize about. Charley started kissing and caressing me and I could feel the flame start all over again and that little itchy feeling I get when I want to be fucked hard. As he started to kiss my neck and go down to my breast I just knew I was going to be eaten again and I stopped him till I could get in position to take his cock in my mouth at the same time, I just love that position. While doing this I noticed Linda doing the same and just couldn’t wait till I could see her sucking Bob’s cock. I told her we were in for a wonderful evening, she agreed completely with a little smile. As I took Charlie’s cock deeply in my mouth Linda had swallowed Bob’s. Us girls gave them a good blowjob as they gave us a wonderful licking. I was almost ready to cum again when I stopped and told Charley he had better fuck me or I was going to let Bob give it to me. He took me and spread my legs as he slid his cock in my pussy I could feel an orgasm starting to well up deep inside. I screamed “OH GOD FUCK ME HARD!” He rammed his cock deep and hard I could feel the bottom of my pussy stretch and his cock rubbing my clit. It wasn’t but a few strokes till I was Cumming and he told Bob my pussy was pulsing like it had a mind of its own. If he only knew every part of my body just then had a mind of their own. As it eased a little I wanted to feel him cum in me so much I started to hump back at every stroke he was making and squeezing his cock with my pussy as tightly as I could. He closed his eyes and started to shake and moan so I fucked him harder and screamed “OH GOD CUM FOR ME BABY!!!” He seem to tense up and I felt him pulse with each hot spurt of cum he was letting me have. I was pushing up to meet each spurt as hard as I could. He seem to collapse and lay on top of me while I lay there under him feeling his cock go soft inside my pussy I almost couldn’t believe how my life had started to change and how every woman should be free to enjoy evenings like this. I heard a muffled noise and turned to see Linda on top of Bob giving him a good fucking like I had see her do before. I gently rolled Charley off me and scrunched over next to Bob as Linda was humping him I took his balls in my hand and started gently playing with them. He let out a moan and said, “Please don’t stop.” Linda lay down on top of Bob’s chest to make his balls easier to play with and humped a little slower. I heard Charley say, “Lick his balls why don’t you.” I looked over my shoulder, he nodded for me to go ahead and suck Bob’s balls. As I got behind Linda Charley got off of the bed and got one of the camcorders so he could get a better view of it on the tape. I lowered my head to where I could lick Bob‘s balls. The sent of their passion was overwhelming I started to lick and suck. Just then he started to jerk and moan; it must have been his first time to cum that night because as I was licking his balls his cum started to pour out of Linda’s pussy. I tried to lap it up like a puppy that hadn’t had a drink for days. Linda still fucking him started to cum with him and I was surprised at all the juices flowing out if just two people. When they had stopped and were laying still. I got off the bed to go to the bathroom. I had to pee so badly I was about to float. I noticed Charley had gotten hard again. I told him, “No please not till I go pee I am hurting,” With a laugh he took me by the hand and went into the bathroom with me. He asks if I minded if he watched me. I had never done anything like that even with my hubby. I looked in his eyes and they look as if I had said “no” he would cry. I said I would try but if I can’t pee he was going to have to leave. I started to sit on the toilet, he ask me if I thought I could squat on it so that he could get a better view. I told him he would have to help me so I didn’t fall. He put his hands on my knees and held me steady as I squatted there for a few minutes I couldn’t hold it any longer pee started to gush out like a river. I looked down and he was stroking his hard cock as he was watching me. I finished and ask for some toilet paper and he took some off the roll instead of handing it to me he wiped the pee off my pussy so tenderly and softly I almost cum right then and there. He helped me off; I ask him if he had to go? He said he did, I told him I had never held a cock when a man was peeing before, could I his? I stood to his side and took it in my hand he told me it sort of hard to pee when it hard like this. I assured him I didn’t mind holding it as long as it took. He started to pee and I could feel it coming out on the under side of his cock kind of a little vibration. We went back in the bedroom. Bob and Linda had started in the bathroom to pee as well. He and I lay back down on the bed, he started to rub my clit and pinching my nipples while kissing my breast I was getting hot and wet again. Bob had finished in the bathroom and joined us on the bed. Charley was still rubbing my clit and Bob took one of my breasts and started sucking and kissing on it. Charley nudged him away and said he wanted a titty fuck. He straddled me and put his cock between my tittys Bob got some lube off the nightstand. He poured some between my tittys as he did Charlie’s cock started to slide easier. I took a breast in each hand and held them tightly on his cock. I felt Bob spread my legs and start licking and sucking my pussy. It was unreal to have a cock between my tittys and a tong on my pussy. Linda came in the room and said Hun let me prop your head up on some pillows. She put two pillows under my head and that allowed me to let Charlie’s cock go in and out of my mouth while he was fucking my tittys. I had lost track of Linda but felt Bob move his cock close to my pussy and enter me. I was about to lost it when Bob rammed in me with a hard and fast thrust, as he was fucking me Linda had started to tape the goings on I could feel Charley start to cum and I was about to follow him. I said put it in my mouth. As he did he cum again as well as Bob started to fill my pussy. We all three got there together. We feel apart as we finished, Linda brought a wash cloth over and started t o clean all three of us. It was wonderful to have been filled both in my mouth and pussy I have waited on something like this for so long and now another fantasy had come true. Linda finished cleaning and joined us on the bed. She told bob I have had all the attention and she wanted a little for her self. I agreed and told them in a demanding tone to make her evening as wonderful as they have made mine. She lay and they started to knead her breast and finger her pussy. I just then dawned on me that Charley was her nephew and I was witnessing incest, then again he wasn’t a blood relation. As I sat watching them attend her needs I couldn’t help from starting to rub my own clit. I never knew I could stay as wet as I was but with all that was going on how could anyone not be wet. Linda shouted “SOMEONE FUCK ME!!!” Charley spread her legs and rammed his cock in all at once. He started to fuck so hard I didn’t know how she could stand it. Bob got on his knees and brought Linda’s mouth to his cock and started to fuck her mouth about as hard as Chuck was her pussy. I could feel myself about to cum when I stopped rubbing. I just sat and watched I didn’t want to miss a thing. Charley pulled his cock out and told her to get on top, as she did Bob stop humping her mouth and she mounted Charley. She started to fuck him and as she did Bob the earlier that evening, Bob got behind her and I thought he was going to do what I had done and lick Charlie‘s balls. They hadn’t said anything about him being bi but at that moment it really didn’t matter. He pushed Linda forward and as he did he poured some lube on his cock. He spread her ass wide and put the head of it in her butt. I had tried anal once but it hurt too much, I had never wanted to do that again! As Bob slid in her slowly she started to be still and hold herself up on her hands and knees. Charley started to fuck her from under and Bob was fucking her in the butt. I hadn’t realized I had begun to rub my clit again. As I watched those three in the throws of passion, I had started to cum again. I heard Bob say I’m Cumming and Linda said she was too. I knew I was close as well when all at once they were all letting out moans and Cumming all to gather. As they fell apart I lay on the bed with them. Linda shouted look at the time its after 5:00 AM. We lay there and fell asleep all together like lovers should in each other’s arms.

I don’t remember a thing till someone was shaking me and telling me, “Lunch was ready if I wanted to eat” it was Linda. I opened my eyes, and looked around there I was laying between Bob and Charley like I had been since we had fallen asleep. I was feeling a little guilty; I had slept while Linda was up fixing all of us something to eat. I told her how sorry I was I didn’t help her with all the cooking. She assured me I was a guest and I wasn’t to do anything but enjoy my weekend. I got out of bed and went in to take a shower. As I did Charley said he would love to join me if I didn’t mind. I would have been disappointed if he hadn’t. While we were in the shower I told him my pussy was a little tender and would he mind if we just washed each other and maybe cuddled in the warm water. He with a smile said that would be good for him, as well he didn’t think he could fuck again anyway after the evening we have had. We washed each and cuddled till Bob yelled “you two stop that and, get out of there, we are going have some lunch.” As we had been in the shower I had noticed that he was not that old and I was never one that wanted to go out with younger men. While he was drying my back I ask him how old he was. He said he was 38 and I felt a little better about it, I had been praying he wasn’t in his twenties. I stopped in my tracks and felt like a fool with all the excitement in getting there, I had forgotten to get my bags out of the car. He ask if anything was wrong, I told him what I hadn’t done. “He smiled and ask where are your keys? I will run and get them for you.” After we had finished eating Bob ask Charley if he would like to ride to town to get some feed for their horses. When they left Linda and I to clean the kitchen and put things away. I was very glad; I hadn’t been able to just have some girl talk with her since we had met.

We finished the dishes and put our makeup on and getting dressed. She made us a soft drink and we sat out on the deck and talked about everything that came to our minds. She ask if I might like to go and play with the puppies before the men got home as Charley didn’t know anything about her and Bob having sex with them. I told her I would but I was tender and I think it might be better to give my poor pussy some rest before we started abusing it again. As we sat and talked I ask if when Charley had to leave. She assured me he was there for a week. He had told Bob I was the, “Best peace of ass he had ever had.” That brought a smile to this old lady’s face. I ask her why she hadn’t told Charley about the pet thing. She explained it wasn’t something they wanted to let everyone know about. I understood that completely, it was two months of lunches and talking before we got together and had our first sex. She ask me if I might like to ask him about it and see what he thought. I had to give that some thought but later I told her I would try to work it in to a conversation if given an opportunity. She just gave me a smile as to say thank you for that bit of help. I guess we had talked till around 2:30 PM when we heard the boys come back and go to the barn to unload the truck. She went in the house to lay down for a while and I went to the barn to see the horses and maybe get a chance to have that little chat with Charley. As I got there they had just taken the last sack of feed into the barn and were coming out. Bob ask where Linda was and I told him in the house taking a nap. He got in the truck and let Charley and me stay on our own at the barn. I was petting one of the horses and I noticed his cock was hanging down I said “look at that thing I feel sorry for the lady horses.” He just laughed and said “they are big so it’s not that hard on them.” I brought it up that I had been on the computer and went in a chat room that the people were talking about having sex with horses and things like that. He said “Really that must have been interesting.” I told him I did stay there for a while and listen to what they were saying about it. He asked if things like that turned me on? I told him I was a little interested to say the least but yes it really did make me wet sitting there reading what they were saying. He just smiled and called me a “MINKS” then said Bob has a couple of dogs and would I be willing to try it with a dog if given a chance. I told him I had thought about doing it for a couple years and “yes, I think if it wouldn’t bother him I might like it.” He assured me it wouldn’t bother him in the least. We started walking out of the barn and I stopped and looked at him. He ask if everything was ok? I looked up and told him “I just can’t pull the wool over your eyes I had sex with a dog once and I really enjoyed it but not as much as I did with you or Bob.” He wasn’t all that shocked it seemed I guess he knew it all along but just wanted to hear it from me. He ask if I thought Linda had done it yet with her dogs? I said what would he think if I thought she had? He just smiled and said “damn it she could have invited me to watch.” I told him the one time I had had sex with a dog was two weeks ago and it was with Linda and Bob’s dog Jake. We started to walk towards the house and as we did he ask if I might talk to Linda about her and I maybe having doggie sex tonight he would love to watch. I Jumped at the chance to say, “yes I would and not to worry I am sure she would be willing and so am I.”

We got back to the house and Bob was on the deck having a beer and I ask Charley if he would like one also? I went in and got him a one and returned with it and a glass. I ask Bob where Linda was and he said she was in the bedroom taking a nap still. I went in and found her spread out on the bed looking at the fan spinning around. I lay down next to her and told her I had my talk to Charley about having sex with a dog and he was excited about it and wanted me to ask you if we might do it tonight so he could watch. I also told her I just couldn’t lie to him and told him about my first time when her and Bob got together with me and why we really started talking to each other. I also told her he was fine with it and not to worry about anything. She said we had better get a nap because we wouldn’t be able to keep up tonight if we didn’t. I took a pillow from her and closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone shaking me and telling me to get up someone wanted to see me. Linda and Bob had given the puppies a bath and they were running wild in the house. I looked at the clock and it was almost 5:20 PM. Charley said that our lovers were all clean and ready to play this evening. Linda ask if I had anything in mind for dinner. I told her why don’t we just get takeout and then we wouldn’t have to do all that cooking. I wanted to treat them to something anyway. I ask Charley if he wanted to go with me to town and get something for dinner. He and I found a great bar b q place and got some ribs and all the trimmings. As we drove back he said he had a long talk with both Bob and Linda about pet sex and assured them their secret was safe with him. He also told them he would love to join in on the group activities. As we got to their house and stopped he leaned over and gave me a long wet kiss before we got out of the car. We all had dinner, and while Linda and I cleaned the table and kitchen we talked about what we were going to do that evening. I told her I wish I could take a bath before we were to be with the guys. I was kind of grungy from my trip to the barn and all my running around. I had heard that it’s better and the doggies are more willing if I didn’t bathe before sex with them. She said that before we let the dogs in we would make love with the guys and that will entice the puppies to be more than willing.

We went into the bedroom and the guys were in there sitting in their boxers after their showers watching the video we had made the night before I could see from across the room they both were hard and ready for the evenings fun to start. Linda told them to watch the video, we were going to take a bath and get ready ourselves. We left them in there and went in the master bath to bathe as well as prepare for them. She started the water running in her large garden tub while I undressed. I had forgotten my razor and ask if she had a toss away I could use I was a little prickly and needed to shave. I got in the tub and sat down relaxing just thinking about how wonderful the evening was going to be. She returned with the things that I would need to make myself soft and silky. She left me to tend myself and went in with the guys to watch the video till I finished. I just leaned back and was soaking when the door opened and Charley walked in. He said Linda told him I was going to shave and wanted to watch if it is ok with me. I told him it would be fine and if he liked he could help, it’s hard to see some places down there. He smiled and walked over and sat on the side of the tub. I placed a towel on the edge and sit next to him. I applied some baby oil, and handed him the razor, as started to shave me I could feel the deep tingling welling inside me. He was gentle and a little worried about nicking me. I leaned over and kissed him and assured him, he would do it a lot safer that I could. I have never been shaved so smooth as I was after he had finished he gave me a kiss on my freshly shaved pussy. I told him to wait and let me finish my bath so we both could have our fun. He stood and his hard cock was at eye level I couldn’t help myself I just had to take it in my mouth and suck the precum that was dripping from the tip of it. I had gotten all I could and pulled away as I kissed the tip of his cock. I told him to go so that I could finish my bath, and that I wouldn’t be long. He closed the door behind him; I hurried as fast as I could to get ready for the evening. I let the water out of the tub and rinsed it. As I was putting on my makeup and doing my hair, I had started Linda’s bath. After making myself look as good as I could. I put on a sheer robe went into the bedroom just in time to see the guys getting a show. They had moved their chairs near the bed and while watching the video Linda was playing with a few of her toys. She was Cumming at the very moment I came in. The guys had taken off their boxers and looked to me like they both wanted one of us show some attention to their full and erect cocks. I told Linda I had her bath drawn and I think she was ready for a warm relaxing soak. She ask me if I cared to strip the bed and put on the fresh linen she had lying on the dresser. I assured her I would while she was in the bath. As soon as she went in the bathroom I started to strip and make the bed. It was no easy matter with two lovely cocks in the room with me as you might guess I wanted to have both of them but first things first. After finishing I sat down on the edge of the bed and gave both Bob and Charley a look like come and ill help you with those problems you have there. After Bob started a camcorder they came over with one on either side of me I begun to jack them off at he same time. Bob put his arm behind me and eased me back on the bed as they stood up and I turn so my face was toward the edge of the bed. They came toward me with both hard and throbbing cocks. I took Bob in my mouth and was jacking Charley off this went on for a while and they changed positions now with me jacking Bob off and giving Charley head I could feel Bob starting to pulse like he would cum any time. He told Charley to hurry he was ready. I stopped jacking him and went to work on Charlie’s I got him almost there, I started to jack Bob again. They both got so near Cumming I cold feel the head pulsing in my mouth. Charley started to cum and about as soon as he did I heard Bob moan a low sound. I pulled Charley out just enough for Bob to put the head in the corner of my mouth. Both of them were Cumming at the same time and I couldn’t swallow all they were giving me. I just held their cum in my mouth and waited for it all to stop. I savored every drop as I swallowed it slowly. Linda after a while came out of the bathroom looking so pretty and the men wasn’t taking their eyes off her. She had on a sheer robe on that was almost clear I had noticed she had shaved, as she had almost black hair it wasn’t hard to notice it was all gone. She came over to the bed and noticed that both their cocks were soft and ask, “what has been going on in here.” Bob being the mouth of the group spoke up and told her that they had given me an after dinner drink. She told them both they owed her one as soon as they were able. Bob went to the bar to get us something to drink and I really needed a glass of wine to wash things down. He returned shortly and passed out the drinks. We lay there talking and laughing at the things Bob was telling. We finished our drinks and I gathered up the glasses to take them in in the kitchen. I opened the bedroom door and the babies were lying just outside blocking my way. I said to them “move sweeties so I can get out” they got up slowly and followed me to the kitchen. I put the glasses in the sink and started back to the bedroom. I noticed Jake and Toby were following me every step I made. I got back in the living room and thought I should wait a little while and let the others have a some time by them selves. I sat down on a stool that was at the little bar, and petted the dogs on the head. Toby started to sniff and lick my leg and I thought why not. I opened my legs a little just to let him get near my pussy. He sniffed and started to lick, I spread my pussy lips so he would have better access, and he started to lick faster as he could taste the wetness. I started to move with every lick I let him lick till I noticed that Jake was getting a little too frisky. I pushed Toby away and told them to sit down. They both sat, and stared at me while I gave the guys more time to enjoy Linda. I started back down the hall and heard noises through the door. I knew they were all doing something and I wanted to watch. I opened the door and they were all on the bed, Linda was on her knees and Charley was behind here humping her slowly Bob was in front of her so she could give him head. I eased over not to disturb them and sat on the bed to enjoy the show. It wasn’t long till they were all done and we were back lying there talking and laughing.

Charley leaned over and whispered in my ear when was I going to let one of the dogs fuck me? I told him anytime he wanted me too it was up to him. I told Linda that he wanted the puppies to come in with us and let them in on some of our fun also. She told Bob to let Jake in, which told me she was going to be first because I was with him the last time. He went to the door and called him in. He ran to the bed and jumped on with Linda. Bob shut the door and joined them, I told Charley we need to go over on the chairs till he gets started. We got up and he sat down while I sat on the floor at his feet, about that time she had spread her legs and let him lick the cum that was dripping out of her pussy. I could tell Charley was getting turned on as his cock had started to wake up. She let Jake lick a little more. Bob helped her turned on her knees when she bent over he started to lick her again about then Bob took him around the chest and places him on Linda’s back. He locked his legs around her waist and started to hump. Charley and I were sitting to the side of the bed by this time, we could see a little pink thing sticking out, and Bob took Jakes cock and guided it into her pussy as Jake started to hump faster and faster. I took Charley by the hand and told him we can go over there now. As we got nearer he had stopped humping I knew that time what was going on it had happened to me the time I had let him fuck me. I softly told Charley “Just listen he is going to start humping again.” It wasn’t long till he started to hump and that smacking sound started, Charley looked in my eyes in disbelief at what was going on. Bob moved Jake’s balls to the side so we could get a better view. I could see a little bit of his pink cock, but just barely while Linda’s pussy was being spread open and a huge looking bulge. Charley put his finger on her clit and started to rub in fast little circles. As he did she started to move her butt and moan as if she was doing a kind of erotic dance the clear looking fluid was dripping out of her and onto Charlie’s hand I whispered to him that was his precum. He stopped humping and Linda was nearing her own climax, she was being stretched wider and wider. I don’t know what the men were thinking, all I could think about the same thing had happened to me only a few weeks ago. I could see her pussy pulsing and could only think of how Jake’s cock had been inside me pulsing like that. I was getting so hot and wet watching this so close and wanted my own pussy fucked and soon. I took Charlie’s hand and moved it near my pussy and told him to put is finger in me I need someone now. He moved behind me and did one better he picked my butt up off the bed and slid his cock in slowly as started to move it in and out till my own juices started to flow. I heard Linda moan and saw Bob start moving Toby’s cock out of her. I heard a loud “smack” and his knot came out followed by a gush of cum that flowed out in a stream. Toby was standing there licking his own cum off Linda’s pussy and I noticed his cock was hanging out with the knot showing. I was about as large as Bob’s and that knot was about the size of a lemon. It was just hanging there dripping and he was licking and seemed to be enjoying what ever just like the rest of us. Linda turned on her back and spread her legs so Jake could clean her pussy and what had dripped down her stomach. I was almost ready to cum when Charley started to pump harder and faster, he started to cum in me and I think he had been fucked dry from the evening before and to nights loving because when he pulled out there was just a little cum inside me. I turned on my back and Bob said “Are you ready to get fucked again sweetheart, we can’t leave Toby out on all the fun can we?” I looked at both men and just knew they wanted me to say “yes.” I told Bob I was more than ready and after Charley had been so sweet I wanted to let him have a treat. Bob let Jake finish cleaning and loving on Linda before he took him off the bed and led him to the door. Toby was in the hallway jumping happy to see the door open and his friend Jake. He told Toby to come in and he bound up on the bed and went straight to Linda, as he got there he started to lick where Jake had just been licking. I was thinking she is going to fuck both of them this time. Bob pulled him away so Linda could get off the bed. He was pushing him as I was patting the bed calling him to me. He quickly came to me and started to lick my face and all over. Bob moved lower and pushed my legs apart, I was coaxing the puppy to go to my pussy. It didn’t take but a few seconds till he was where all of us wanted him to be. He started to lick Charlie’s cum and my juices off and out of my pussy. I lay back and closed my eye enjoying the attention. Bob spread my pussy so Toby could get to my clit and more of my juices. All sorts of things was running through my mind and knowing I was already a little tender from all Charley and Bob’s Fucking. I just knew this was going to be a little painful. I had gone this far I might as well go all the way, besides I really didn’t want to disappoint Charley. Bob told me to get into position and ready for a something wonderful. I got on all fours, as soon as I did Toby started licking again Bob told Linda to take his place and help guide Toby’s cock so he could help Charley see things better. As they were moving he hopped up on me and locked his front legs around my waist. I could feel his cock searching around my pussy and spraying something-warm all over my butt and legs. Linda took his cock in hand and guided it into my pussy as he was in position he lunged forward and rammed it all the way in. I almost passed out he was longer than Jake was but that was all. I took a little longer and some adjustments to stop the twinges of pain. I finely got in the right position so it stopped hurting. I begun to enjoy the aggressive pounding he was giving me. He had started swelling inside me and my passion was building I just knew the others were getting the show they wanted as he humped and grew inside me. I knew he wasn’t only going to be longer he was going to be bigger than Jake. He seemed to hump longer than Jake at least it seemed that way to me at the time. I was getting hotter and as I was being fucked Linda lay on her side and started to rub my nipple and clit. This was driving me crazy and I was getting so loud from all the attention. I being just a new friend had held back somewhat on being so noisy when I am making love. I just lost all sense of where I was and who was there by this time. I was only thinking of myself and my own feelings about then, I didn’t care about anything else other than my own pleasure. He stopped humping and I could feel him still growing and my pussy being stretched wider and wider. Toby was much larger than Jake was by this time I was getting a little frightened as I can take a little pain but too much would ruin it for me and everyone else. He started to hump again just as aggressive as before but the smacking sound was loud and I was moaning and all but screaming with pleasure. He humped for it seemed forever and stopped all the sudden I just knew what was going to happen now. I was going to be filled with doggie cum and if he was larger than Jake would he also have more cum? I could feel him pulsing and his cum starting to fill me I was so hot more like hot water out of the tap than cum, hot but pleasurable. The knot thing was growing larger and stretching me wider he was pumping me so full of cum I got that bloated feeling again but this time knowing more about what happens while doing this I enjoyed the feeling. He was still pulsing and Linda still rubbing my clit, I lost all control and erupted in wild orgasms and squirted all over poor Linda as she was helping me reach the first multi orgasm I had in a very long time. I guess I had fell because as I came back to myself all three of the human were trying to help me back to my hands and knees. I had collapsed and fell to my stomach while doing this; I had pulled Toby’s cock out as Charley said with a “POP” like a Champagne cork. As I tried to regain my senses and Toby was trying to clean me. I looked at him to thank thelovely boy and I saw how large his cock really was. It was at least half again larger than Jake and I knew that I was going to have Jake for my lover if ever invited back. After Toby had licked me and the bed as clean as the little dear could Bob took him out to the hallway to rest. Charley came and lay by me while I finished gathering myself and told me how great he thought I had been with Toby and he would love to see more if I was up to it. I looked deep in those big brown eyes and said not to night dear I have a head ach… with a smile.

We all lay there and talked till I could get up on my own and I told Linda “Look at the mess we have made of you bed Lets strip this again and put your linen in the wash before all this cum make a stain that wont come out.” Her and I ran the guys out and striped and made the bed again. After we had finished I told her I need a bath and clean my self out. I felt like I was full of cum. She said we could take a bath and not to worry she was prepared for everything. She and I went to the master bath and ran a tub full of warm water as she was doing that I douched. (I would tell anyone that was planning to have a weekend like this one to stop by Wal-Mart and stock up you will need it.) Linda ask if I would like to join her in the tub so we could save time and get back to our lovers. I thought was this going to be my first real bi experience and decided if it was I cold stop if I felt uncomfortable. I went over and nervously joined her. As I sat down she assured me it wasn’t anything sexual and I shouldn’t be concerned. We washed our selves and each other’s back. While we were drying she ask if Charley and I would like to use the guestroom to be alone the rest of the night? I told her that would be great I would treasure sending a little time alone with Charley and explore some things. We fixed our make up, hair and put our robes on.

We went back in the bedroom and the guys were watching the video of Toby and I fucking. I ask if it could be rewound so I could see that part from the beginning. I wanted to see what I looked like with a cock and knot that large in my pussy. Bob said “its no trouble at all sweetheart we would love to see that pretty pussy of yours being fucked again.” He started to rewind the tape and I turned to Charley and smiled. He asked “what are you smiling about?” I sat on the floor at his feet and told him Linda offered us a room to our selves tonight. Bob started the tape and it started just as the cum was coming out of Linda’s pussy. I said, “Oh goodness that was a lot of cum isn’t it?” Bob turned to me, “Yes honey it was and he had filled you just like that you’re first time.” As we all watch Jake licking his cum as it ran out of her pussy I couldn’t wait to see how I had been filled. I wondered if Toby being so much larger than Jake if I had been filled even more. Bob pushed fast forward and it was on me as I was lying on my back while Toby was licking me. All of he others started clapping. I guess I turned red in the face as they did that. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen as I had blanked out on some of what had happened to me. Linda and I were still sitting on the floor at the guys feet when all at once all you could see on the screen was my pussy being stretched to what I thought was its limit. I saw the knot starting to bulge out of my pussy. The camera went sort of silly and I heard the “POP” as I had fallen and Toby’s cock had pulled out of me. Someone spread my legs and I saw loads of cum pouring out of my hole and between my pussy lips. It was white and runny and about the same amount as Linda had in her.

I felt something tapping me on top of my head and looked up Charley was hard and doing it with his cock. I couldn’t help from laughing as I put my head back and stuck out my tong so he could pat it as well. I Looked in his eyes and ask him if he was ready for bed. He looked down at me and said “do I look like I’m ready for bed” then smiled and patted me on the cheek with his hard cock. He got off the chair and helped me to my feet. We told the others good night and started to the guestroom. I looked down at his cock sticking straight out and bobbing up and down as he walked. As we got to the door of our room he picked me up and carried me through it. He lay me on the bed I said “Let’s leave the lights on so I can see you while we are laying together.” He went out of the room and came back a minute or two later with a camcorder on a stand. While he set it up and turned it on I stood up on the bed and was dancing while I let my robe slide off my shoulders and down my body. He was looking through the viewfinder and told me to keep dancing. The door opened and it was Linda she told us there were some toys in the closet and the bottom drawer. She shut the door, Charley went to the closet and there was the strangest looking thing I had ever seen sitting on the floor. It looked like a little saddle with out stirrups. I saw something that looked like a dildo on top of it sitting on a pad. He said what the hell is this thing? He took it out and put in the middle of the room. I got off the bed and walked over by it, looks like something I sit on and it moves inside me. It had a wire and a little box with some knobs on it, and a wire that plugged in the wall. He looked at me and ask if I would like to try it. I replied “Of course I would but you will have to figure out how it works.” He found a place to plug it in while I felt that rubber thing that was sticking up on it. It was kind of sticky. I went to the drawer and found a bottle of coconut scented lube. I walked back; he got it plugged in and took the little box off the floor. I lubed the dildo and straddled it, I slid the thing in my pussy easily and I sat all the way down. Charley turned one of the knobs and I could feel it start to twirl around inside me. He turned it some more and it twirled faster and faster. I was enjoying it very much when he turned the other knob and it started to vibrate. I almost jumped off the thing when he turned that knob more it started to vibrate more and I was feeling like I had sit on a bees nest with all the tingling. It didn’t take but a few seconds till I felt an orgasm coming. I felt myself start to jerk and he turned it up as high as it would go. I was Cumming so hard it almost hurt. I finished and fell off backswords he came over, lifted me off the floor and placed be back on the bed. I put my finger on my clit and it was so sensitive I couldn’t touch it. I told Charley it might be a while before I cold fuck him I cant touch my pussy now. He just laughed and said “I bet so I thought you were going to faint on that thing.” He went around the bed and lay down by me holding my breast while kissing me so hard I took his tong in my mouth and sucked gently. We just kissed and cuddled for such a long time and as we were doing that I would from time to time take his cock in my hand and jack him off. I loved playing with his foreskin it seem so soft and slid over the head of his cock so easily. He rolled me onto my back and was kissing me as he moved; now he was lying at my side. I felt my clit and it was touchable now and I took his hand and put in on my pussy. He started to finger and rub my clit; he moved my legs over his. As he adjusted his position so his cock was touching the opening of my pussy. I lay so still anticipating his entry. He pushed and I felt the head inter me I started to wiggle and he pushed till he filled me completely. He pumped slowly; I tightened my pussy to feel him as much as I could. We fucked like this till I could feel him ready to cum I took my hand and placed it on his hip and pulled as hard as I cold to get him as deep as I could. All the while I had been rubbing my clit with my free hand. I felt his cum start to squirt deep inside me and I tightened around his cock and milked him till we were just lying there spent and lifeless. He rolled his head to face me and ask if I had cum. I said no honey, not that time but there is always the morning.

I guess we had fallen asleep like that because I woke up the next morning in a pool of his cum under my ass. He had gotten up earlier and let me sleep. I lay there with the past two evenings running through my mind and wanting it to go on forever knowing it couldn’t. I heard the door open, Charley came in with a tray of fruit and a cups of coffee just for us. He lay it on the bed and sat beside me. I told him I need to brush my teeth before we kiss ill be right back. I needed to pee and wash the dried cum off my very tender pussy also. I got out of the bed and went to the guest bath I found a new brush and paste. I went back to him and the breakfast he had brought me. We nibbled the fruit, and kissed each other till all the fruit was gone and drank our coffee.

We heard someone at the door and Charley got up to see who it was. It was Toby and Jake, he told them to lay down, he cane and took the tray off the bed. I ask him to go and see if the others wanted to do something today as I had to leave by 4:00 PM. He returned and told me they had to run to Linda’s mothers for a few hours so we are on our own here. They had asked him if he would mind taking the dogs for a walk today sometime. I said that sounds like fun I would love to walk around on their little place and see it. I got up and went to take a shower and clean my self up. I started the shower and got my bags from the other room. As I stepped into the shower the warm water spilled over me as I just stood relaxing the soreness out of my body. After I had finished my shower, put my face put on; I put on a loose fitting pair of shorts with a light top. I came out of the bedroom to see Charley and the dogs sitting in the living room waiting for me. He ask me if I was ready to go for a walk? I said, “Yes I was and I need to stretch my legs.” He got up and called the puppies while I picked up a ball for them to chase as we walked. We went out past the barn an down through the woods it was a warm sunny day and the woods smelled so nice with all the trees so green and the leaves that were on the ground so soft after the rain we had just had. I was tossing the ball and the dogs were racing to see who would get to it first to bring it back to me. We must have walked at least two miles around their place and I had gotten all sweaty. I told Charley the dogs must want something to drink with the heat and all the running. He said we could stop at the barn and give them a drink. As we neared the barn I was a little sad because I knew I had only a couple hours of my weekend to enjoy and I still had to get all my things together and bathe. Charley got a bowl and filled it with water so the babies cold drink. I was at the water hose and getting one for myself. They finished their drink and it seemed to revive them, they wanted me to toss the ball again. I tossed it and they were just playing to rough with each other. I scolded Toby for biting at Jakes ear. Charley said he would take Toby to the house and I could play ball with Jake. He took a leash off the wall and hooked it to Toby’s collar. Jake was jumping wanting me to toss the ball. I think he knew this time he would get it with out a struggle. I saw the two of them go in the door at the house and gave the ball a toss. He ran so fast and picked it up, spun around and with sort of a prance came back to me. I thought I would throw it over the roof of the barn to see if he could find it there. I threw it as hard as I could; “OUCH” I had a feeling in my arm and hand like I really shouldn’t have tried that. It took him so long to find it this time I knew I had better not do anymore tossing. He finely came around the barn walking in that happy prance of his and so proud of him self for finding it. I was sitting on a bail of straw holding my arm and praying I hadn’t done anything very bad to it. He dropped the ball in front of me and backed up a step, wanting me to toss it gain. I said “sorry sweetie I can’t toss it anymore I hurt my arm.” He still wanted it tossed so I got up and put it in a box that was on the wall so he couldn’t see it. I returned to where I had been sitting and he came to me and put his head on my leg staring up at me with those pretty yellow eyes. I leaned over and kissed him on the head and told him I was sorry again. He seem to want me to at least pet him so we sat there for a little while as I scratched him behind the ears. I had a thought out of no where about trying to let him fuck me alone, if I was going to get a dog of my own someday and continue this I needed to see if I could. I stood up and pulled my shorts off. I found a blanket on a shelf and lay it on the bails of straw. I sat back down and called him to me. He came right there and started to sniff and lick my leg. I opened them so he could get at my pussy and he started to lick as I started to squirm with excitement. I had seen pictures and had done it twice; I should be able to do this on my own. I pushed him away and got on my hands and knees reached under and spread my pussy, he returned and started to lick again. I let him till I just couldn’t stand not having something fuck me. I softly said patting my self on the butt “Come on boy fuck me come on.” He raised his front legs and raped them around my waist. I could feel him humping hitting everything but my pussy his cock was wet feeling, as it would hit my butt and legs. I thought damn I need to get hold of that thing and guide it where it needed to go. I reached through my legs and took hold of him with my fingers. I jacked him off till he got it near enough I could place it in my hole. I finely got it in and he did the rest he rammed it in to the hilt, as he started humping. I felt him start to grow as he humped faster than he had the first time I had fucked him. He slowed and I could feel something warm running down my stomach and see it dripping on the blanket. He was stretching me more and more as he started to hump faster again. I started to feel his hot cum squirting in my pussy and filling me it is the most wonderful feeling to feel something that hot in there and to have his pulsing knot rubbing the most sensitive areas of my pussy. I could feel his hot breath on my back and neck as he stood still and pumped me full. I started to rub my clit and I was almost ready to cum when he moved like he was going to get off me. I had heard if I was knotted I shouldn’t let him do that but how to stop him if he wants to. All I could do was tell him to stay. He seem to settle down and hold on to me as I begun to cum it was so intense I had to hold on to a post and lean my head against the wall to keep from falling again. I hadn’t noticed but he had gotten off and started to walk away with his cock still in me. I grabbed his collar and told him to stay again. I barely could reach his cock and tugged at it gently it started to slip out and with a whooshing sound it fell out and hung like a pink and bluish purple looking sausage. He returned to my pussy and licked it till all his cum was off and I rolled on my back so he could get what was on my stomach cleaned. I pushed him away, petted and told him what a good lover he was. I stood up and was thinking now I am in a mess. I’m standing in a barn with my pussy full of doggie cum naked, don’t you think I was a sight to see. I looked around and saw a cabinet on the wall. I looked inside there was a few clean looking towels in there so I took a few and wiped myself as best I could. I was still dripping his cum and needed to wash my pussy out. I remembered the water hose out side but how to get at it with out anyone seeing me. I went to the door and peeked out, didn’t see anyone so I ran and got the hose and turned it on. I ran back in the barn it had been laying out in the sun and the water that was coming out was too hot to squirt up my pussy and the nozzle would have burned a blister on my clit if it had touched it. I opened it and let it start running till it cooled enough to put up my pussy as it squirted it was so cold after having Jakes cum up there. I didn’t like that feeling at all. I got dressed again and started to the house. Just then I saw Bob and Linda turn into their drive. I hurried to the house to meet them as fast as I could. I walked around the house as they were getting out of the car; they both came and hugged me. I told Linda I had been out taking the doggies for a walk, Linda picked some straw out of me hair and said, “I see you have been giving Jake a little more exercise haven’t you” with a little grin. We turned and started to the front door and Charley came out to greet them. I told them I needed to hurry and get ready to go it was almost that time.

We walked to the door and as we entering the house Charley stopped me and said he had to tell me something. He told me he had came back out to the barn and was looking through the window. When I was fucking Jake. I was left speechless I looked at him to tell him, “I was sorry I didn’t let him join me, but I wanted that time to be just me alone. ‘ He said he understood that sometimes a woman needs a little alone time and he enjoyed watching me while I hadn’t a clue he was there. He ask me what was I doing with the water hose down there? I looked up at him and said, “Oh my God you saw that too?” He smiled and nodded yes. He had been watching me out of the dinning room door while I was running around naked. I told him I was in such a mess I needed it to clean myself and to wash Jakes cum out of my pussy. I ask him if it turned him on watching me when I didn’t know? He smiled wider and nodded yes again, he told me he had jacked off while watching me fucking Jake. I was a little excited to know he thought I was that sexy and erotic. For a woman that in her younger years was sheltered and didn’t know where babies came from till she was 16, having her little brother tell her this was something else. He and I went in the house to join Bob and Linda.

I hated to but I told Linda I needed to clean up and get my things together it was time I needed to get home so hubby wouldn’t be too worried. She walked with me down the hall and joined me in the bathroom so we could have a little more girl talk while I was bathing. I was in the tub and I had to tell her about Jake and I down at he barn and ask if she minded that. She assured me it was fine and anytime I wanted to do it with either dog alone all I had to do was take it in any of the bedrooms and lock the door, she added you just make your self feel at home when your here. I told her how much I enjoyed her and Bob. I told her that Charley was a fabulous lover and anytime he wanted to join me here it would be wonderful. I finished my bath and got my tired but satisfied body dried off. Linda went out to pack my bags while I finished in the bathroom getting made up. I came out and Bob had taken the bags to my car and all three of them were in the living room waiting for me to come out. It was such a sad feeling knowing this wonderful weekend was over and I had to go back home. Charley came over and hugged me so tightly I could barely breath. He kissed me as deeply and hard as the first time. Bob and Linda were standing there waiting on their turn to hug me good by. Charley and I walked to my car and kissed again before I got in and had to drive away.

The drive home was happy and sad at the same time, all I could think about was the past two days and nights. Till I came to the turn off to where I lived. I was wondering what I would do when I got there if my hubby would be horny. I really didn’t know if my pussy could take another fucking for a while. As I parked and got out I had to put forth some effort to walk in that house and act like I had just another weekend at my boring friend’s house in Memphis shopping. I took my bags in the bedroom and started to unpack to my surprise Linda had put 9 videotapes in there for me. All I need now is time alone so I can watch them and recall every moment of that little corner of heaven I had been in. Well that is about all I can say about last weekend but it was one ill never forget.

Love and Licks Jill

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