Women with Animals

Short Stories by bifunlady


(c) 2009 by bifunlady

As you may already know, I keep a journal of just about everything that I do. The stories I post here tend to be long and very involved. But sometimes what I write is just a simple short story about something that happened in my day. Here is one and I hope you enjoy it.


My Morning

We all sleep together in a king size bed with Master in the middle. Kathy usually wears an oversize t-shirt to bed to sleep in while I always sleep in the nude. Our nights are spent with one of us being poked in the ass by Master’s cock while the other hugs his back. After all this time together we seem to be able to turn and roll over as a well oiled machine. I find sleeping together this way to be very special. After giving Master his ritual morning blow job (I have done that to him every morning for more years then I can remember and maybe why I drink my coffee black) I was up by 6:15 am and made coffee as I do everyday. I could clearly hear that Master was fucking Kathy as she is very vocal. For the past year or so, he seems to fuck our asses more often then our pussy. She came downstairs smiling, happy and nude with her big tits bouncing on her thin body as she walked into the kitchen.

She was in a very good mood extremely cheery and let Jake lick Master’s cum out of her ass as she sat on the edge of the stood with her legs spread and calmly sipped her coffee which made the dog horny. I could see she was enjoying the dog’s tongue in her ass. Jake our mastiff lab mix jumped up on her to let her know he wanted her and she got down on the floor so he could mount her. That was unusual as we normally don’t take care of the dogs on a weekday morning as we all have to get to work. But as I said Kathy was in a very good mood and my guess was she was still horny from being with Paul and Jakes tongue in her ass just got to her. Blackie our other dog feeling left out and seeing what was going on with Kathy, jumped up on me wrapping his front paws around my waist while fucking my leg. I spilled some of the coffee I was drinking but I got the idea and got on the floor and joined Kathy and let him mount me. The dogs have each of us many times a day every day so they mount us with ease now and in no time the dog was jack hammering his cock into my pussy. We also always allow them to knot with us.

So when Master came downstairs for his coffee he saw both of his slaves being taken by the dogs on the kitchen floor. I think it made him happy to see us this way so early in the morning. I was so into the dog fucking me I didn’t even see him standing there at first. I even forgot about how much my knees hurt while kneeling on the hard tile floor. This may sound a little weird, but while Blackie was tied to me Paul handed me a cup of coffee which I sipped as the dog filled me with his cum. After the dogs were done with us, we did what we always do and we both licked and sucked there cocks clean with our mouths and tongues.

We were now in a big hurry to get showered and get dressed for work, we both were running very late. But before we could get off the floor, Master told us to get into the 69 position and lick the dog cum from each other’s pussy. I don’t mind doing that while Kathy is not so crazy about it and I could see her hesitate. I knew that the person on the bottom always seems to get a face full of dog cum so I let her get on top over me. I didn’t want to displease Master or be late for work so I sucked and licked the dog cum from her pussy as if my life depended on it. I could tell she liked what I was doing to her pussy but Kathy gagged and choked while licking the dog cum out of me. She still managed to make me cum as I did the same to her. She is funny that way and while sucking cum from a dog’s cock doesn’t bother her at all. It seems that if it isn’t directly from the source it messes with her mind. To each their own I always say and as soon as we each had cum we got up and ran upstairs while helping each other wash up as we showered together. I ended up being 15 minutes late for work.


Kick Off

As I have said in other stories about our life, Paul our Master has been showing off his complete control over us more and more. Don’t get me wrong, I love being controlled and being told what to do. It has been that way in our relationship for a very long time and I welcome and expect it but what is going on now is much more involved and while it is out of character for him to too be showing off as he has been, I will admit to a couple of things. While I do enjoy most of the extra sex we get often from strange men who names I don’t even know. Sharing all of our secrets especially those concerning the dogs does trouble me. For years I could count on one hand the people who really knew me, knew that I fucked dogs. Now that number is well past 60.

A few Sundays ago on a warm bright sunny day our Master had us dress up in these flimsy cheerleader lingerie he got from someplace that were very see thru and silly looking but I am sure it was just the kind of costume that guys love to see girls wear. Anyway he had Kathy and I walk to the car dress like that so the neighbors could see us if they cared to look. We then drove in broad day light over to the home where they were having an nfl football party. He made sure he parked the car so we had a distance to walk and I did feel shame and embarrassment being seen outside dressed that way as we walked to there house. Kathy walked with her arms folded over her chest to hide and partly control the bouncing of her huge tits as she walked. I unfortunately don’t have her problem. We were quickly ushered into the house and saw that there were 7 men there at the party besides our Master. They were all very happy to see how we were dressed and seemed pleased with how we looked. I knew no one that was there.

Kathy and I went to the kitchen and started to prepare some snacks and then we began to serve them drinks and food as they played grab ass with us as they watched the games. It was fun and sexy but by the second drink they were not only grabbing our asses but fingering Kathy and my wet pussy. By the end of the first quarter of the game I had already sucked off two guys who seemed to be very turned on and came in my mouth very fast. These guys were all in there late 20’s to early 30’s and didn’t seem to have experienced anything like this before.

We ended up servicing all the men which I fully expected to do but seemed to come as a surprise to Kathy and I am not sure why considering on how we were dressed. All of this seemed to upset Kathy. She can be a proud girl and embarrassed our Master in front of the men as she refused most of the advances from the men. So she mostly watched as I took care of the men’s needs and let them have me. I ended up blowing one while another fucked my pussy. All the men came at least once while a few came a second time. Kathy did suck off one of the guys whom I know that she found very hot. Time when fast for me and the second game had already began. I went to freshen up and I think Kathy assumed or thought it was time to go as she started getting her stuff together.
I saw our Master and the owner of the house where the party was at talking off to the side of the room. He seemed to be a nice guy and I can honestly say that I liked him until he went and brought in his male German Shepard that had been in the backyard. I wasn’t overly pleased and I wondered why Paul seemed to feel the need to always raise the bar higher in everything that he wanted us to do.

Master looked over at Kathy and wiggled his index finger calling her over so that she could serve the dog because he had been neglected. Frankly I was more then a little relived it wasn’t me. Kathy shook her head violently indicating no as her hair whipped back and forth. Paul gave her the look that we both know so well and one that could melt a snowball on a freezing cold day. She then started to cry and sob while still shaking her head no. I didn’t expect her to defy him and to carry on like she was.

Master was very pissed you could clearly see it in his face as she was now embarrassing him in front of these men. He quickly walked over to her and grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet and pulled her into a back bedroom. She was crying very loudly and seemed to be totally out of control.
“Stop crying” Paul said as Kathy continued to cry.
“You do this shit all the time and you seem to think crying solves the problem”.
Kathy seemed to cry harder which just seemed to piss Master off even more.
“Please control yourself” he said almost in a whisper.
Kathy continued to cry and make a scene and seemed to get even louder in her protest. Paul then did something I rarely seen. He lost his temper and slapped her hard across her face. Kathy’s head snapped back as she fell back onto the bed, stunned with the sudden impact of his hand.

Master moved very quickly and almost in one motion he sat on the edge of the bed while pulling Kathy face down over his lap. He raised his hand and began to violently spanking her ass. The sound of his hand as it hit her ass was loud as Kathy’s cries got softer as she began to sob as his hand rained down on her ass. As I watched him spank her I could see her slowly raising up her very red ass to meet the thrust of his hand on her. It was then to my complete surprise Kathy seemed to have a massive orgasm as Paul spanked her. I could see from where I stood that her pussy was soaking wet and that she was breathing very hard. Paul pushed her off his lap as she toppled to the carpet on the floor. She looked up at him all goofy like and wide eyed with wonder that he could make her cum like she just did.
“We have people waiting” Master said as he stood up and left the room.

I heard him making apologies for our behavior to the men in the other room. I handed Kathy my little purse that I always wear around my waist when we’re at something like this. It is very small and I use it to carry some make up and condoms in, so I gave it to Kathy so she could fix up her face and make herself presentable for Master and the men. I joined Paul in the other room to cat calls as one guy snapped his fingers and pointed to his crouch for me to suck his cock. As humbling as it was with many of the guys laughing at me, I knelt between his legs and sucked his cock into my mouth. He seemed to cum within a minute of his cock touching my lips to the laughter of his friends. Just as I was wiping his cum from my lips with the back of my hand Kathy finally rejoined us as she stood in the center of the room. The owner of the house walked over to Kathy and asked if she was ok. She said she was fine and asked him what the dogs name was. The room seemed to get silent as the name “Titan” was said aloud. She still wasn’t very happy at all and looked at me with pleading eyes to help her or better yet do it for her. So I did what she had just done to me for the past three hours as I served the men, I sat down and watched her as she softly cried and sobbed as she readied herself to serve the dog. Something she does gleefully at home.

Kathy called Titan over to her and it wasn’t hard to see that this dog may have never had sex. She put socks on his paws so he wouldn’t scratch her. He even growled at her the first time she touched his sheath but she petted him and spoke softly to him as she carefully jerked his sheath. Kathy really does like dogs and soon it seemed she made a friend as Titan licked her face as she rubbed his sheath over his cock. It looked like for the moment that Kathy forgot that she had an audience as she skillfully pleasured the dog. Ron the dog’s owner told him to lie down and he did. Kathy had tied her hair in the back so when she leaned over to lick the dog’s cock it didn’t fall into her face. As she sucked the tip of the Shepard’s cock into her mouth you could hear the air being sucked out of the room as her male audience sucked in her breath as they watched a woman sucking a dog cock for the first time. The dog’s cock quickly came out of his sheath as his hind legs moved as if he was running. His cock was not as big as our dogs at home and it appeared to be about the size of an average man. I couldn’t tell how big his knot was as it had not yet formed.

Titan was shooting his pre-cum all over Kathy to the stunned amusement of her male onlookers. Some of her onlookers looked a little green. Paul motioned to Kathy to get on her knees and she did and as she was doing that one of the guys grabbed me and tried to put his cock in me without a condom. I got a condom on him and he fucked me doggie style while watching Kathy crawling along the floor very sexy trying to get the Shepard interested in mounting her. She was even slapping her ass while calling him. Maybe 5 minutes or more passed by with her crawling on the floor with her big tits swinging to the vocal approval of the guys before Titan took any interest and started to tentatively lick her pussy from behind. The moment he started to lick her pussy the room fell silent as they had never seen a dog do that to a woman before. I could see that the tip of his cock was out of his sheath as he tongued Kathy.

The dog jumped up on Kathy and started to hump the side of her hip as she tried to turn her body to improve his aim. Two of the guys who were watching suddenly stood up with one of them saying “I’m out of here”. That happened almost at the very moment that the dog started to try and mount Kathy. The dog got down off Kathy and barked at her as he circled her not sure what to do. She wiggled her ass and crawled slowly on the floor again, I could see that the side of her hip was all shinny form the dog’s pre-cum. Titan was behind Kathy now and once again was licking her pussy. From the look on her face I could tell that it felt good. The guy who had been fucking me finished and pulled out of me, I didn’t cum. The dog jumped back up on Kathy this time where he was suppose to be and I saw he reach back and guild his sheath incased cock into her pussy. The moment the dog sensed he was inside her pussy he went nuts as his hips blurred because he was fucking her so fast. That was met with hoots and hollers from the guys who had now moved in even closer to watch the German Shepard fuck the pretty lady. The dog hunched his back up as he drove his cock into her pussy like a jack hammer.

The dog’s knot was a little bit bigger then a golf ball very small when compared to what we were use to. The knot formed and almost at once slipped inside her pussy as Kathy moaned feeling it go inside of her. He pumped his cock into her a few more times before the dog froze in place and hugged her tight as cum literally poured out of her pussy and ran down her leg and onto the floor beneath her. I could see how some of the guys were turned on by the sight before them while others appeared to be grossed out but what they were seeing. The dog didn’t stay mounted for very long and got off of her and licked his cum that was running out of her pussy. One of the guys grabbed me by my long red hair and jammed his cum spewing cock into my mouth. He jerked as I sucked him as I swallowed his cum.

I was actually surprised by the almost complete disapproval of the guys watching Kathy when she began to suck and lick clean the dogs cum covered cock. They didn’t seem to want to see her do that and I think that Paul sensed it also as he signaled me to get ready to leave. Kathy went to the bathroom and cleaned up and the moment she came out we said our good byes and left. Walking back in silence to the car barely dressed in the cooler evening air.


Duck Tape

Sometimes I am told to do things that are just playful. Last night around 10 pm I had finished taking care of the dogs and had cleaned myself up when Paul asked me to remove what I was wearing. It was still early and I wondered what he was up to so I took off the tiny camisole and see thru panties I was wearing but left on my high heels. He told me to hold out my hand and gave me 3 dollars, the keys to the car and a roll of black duck tape. I looked at what he placed in my hand and then at him without a clue what was going on.

So I am standing there nude with just my heels on and I got the giggles and I am laughing when he told me to go get milk for his morning coffee. That isn’t a problem as I do it all the time anyway but then he say that I could not wear any cloths when I went to the store.

So I looked at the duck tape and said hmmm as I knew what he was up too. I went and got Kathy so she could help me and we first made a tube top on me using the black duck tape. I looked in the mirror and it really didn’t look bad. Not having real big tits helped the duck tape formed tube top look right. Kathy could never have worn this as she would have been popping out everywhere. So we started to wrap my hips to begin to make a short skirt from the black duck tape. I was so happy I have a flat tummy as this was going to be a hip hugger style skirt. As she wrapped me with the duck tape I was sure glad I shaved my pussy as the tape slowly worked its way down my body and onto the tops of my thighs.

Kathy started to cut shorter lengths of tape to back the glue side of the tape that was between my legs as she fashioned a extremely short mini skirt form the duck tape. She was doing that so it would stick to my legs or come apart when I walked or sat down. Both being real possibilities so I looked in the mirror at her handy work and was pleased with what she had done. While I did look like a slut who was ready for a long night of clubbing the duck tape did barely cover all the vital areas to keep me from getting arrested when I went to the store. I walked around and sat down to make sure nothing was coming apart on me and where it did we put extra tape. To be honest I was to chicken shit to go to the local convenience store in case I ran into someone that I knew so I drove to one a few towns away to get him his milk.

I had to swing my legs out of the car because I was afraid of my skirt coming apart. I got off the car seat very carefully as the parking lot was full of teenagers hanging out in and on their cars. I smoothed out the tape that made up my dress and walked into the store while getting gawked at by teenage boys. It felt good and maybe I moved my hips a little more as I walked. On the way out two teenage girls wanted to know where I got my outfit.
We had to cut the tape off and use lots of alcohol to get the glue off me.



my spare time I will often lie on the sofa with my laptop on the coffee table in from of me. Sometimes I write in my journal other times I chat. While I was chatting online the other night Kathy came over by me and she got playful and started to play with my pussy and ass and I got distracted. Her fingers were quickly followed by her lips and then her tongue.

I could feel the tip of her tongue slipping into my asshole. It felt sexy and nice. It felt really good and she got me very wet and then it wasn’t very long before Blackie our black lab picked up my scent and came over and joined in. The dog was licking my pussy along with Kathy. They were doing it together. Master saw this and told me to take care of of the dog. So I got down on the floor with the dog and he jumped up on my back and tried to mount me. The dog was excited and was stabbing at my ass and thighs to get inside my pussy. As I said I was very wet from Kathy playing with me and his cock missed my pussy and went straight into my ass. I screamed and tried to crawl away to get the dog out of my ass. It hurt so bad. The dog began to really ram his cock into my ass very fast. Master came over to me and slapped me and told me to stop fighting the dog and allow Blackie to fuck my ass.

I started to cry. This dog is as big as most well hung black men and when you add in the knot, he is fucking huge. It was painful and I was crying as the dog was pounding his cock into my ass. The dog’s pre-cum helped lubricate my ass and it started to feel less raw and a tiny bit better as the dog fucked my ass very hard with his thick cock. He was fucking me very fast and I could feel his knot pressing against the rosebud of my ass and it hurt so bad as the dog cock and knot spread my ass wide as it worked its way inside, the pressure was tremendous. The dog was bucking very hard because he found my ass extra tight and he wanted to get his knot inside of me. Finally his knot slipped inside my ass and I quickly felt it grow to its orange size. I was panting very hard and breathing threw my mouth trying to work through the pain and pressure inside my ass. I had tears running down my cheeks as the dog fucked my ass.

Then as almost as fast as the dog had started the assault on my ass it stopped. The dog stopped slamming his cock into me and got very still as I felt long jets of his warm dog cum shooting into my ass. Kathy appeared as if out of no where and started to rub my pussy and clit and I had a massive climax and shook and shaked as the dog cum filled my ass. We stayed that way for over 20 minutes. The dog tried to turn around on me but Kathy stopped him knowing the pulling of his cock and knot inside my ass would hurt me. When the dog started jumping and bucking trying to pull his cock out of my ass, I screamed it hurt so bad and I almost passed out when he ripped his knot from inside my ass. The moment the dog’s cock came out my ass it felt raw and weird as Kathy had to push the inside of my anus back into my ass. The dog’s cock was so tight inside my ass he pulled the inside of my anus inside out like a pocket in a pair of pants.

I am still very sore in the morning.



This happened while at a swingers club and just before Kathy had joined our family. We use to attend swingers clubs fairly regularly at least once a month. I have to add that back then after coming home drunk and feeling very sexy after being fucked by strange men that it helped me early on with getting my mind in the right place to play with the dog. As many of you know my progress with Blackie our black lab was very slow over a fairly long period of time.

We walked back to the mattress room and along the way; different men and women touched and fondled me. I liked it. Paul stopped to talk to this very cute almost too young blond who he seemed to know as I continued onto the room. Jeff and Sally friends of ours were sitting on a sofa with another guy and they both asked “where’s Paul”. I told them about the cute blond and Sally looked very disappointed. Maybe because of my drinking or because that I knew her as I sat next to Sally and began to fondle her lovely tits I whispered that “Paul told me he thinks you have a great ass” she looked at me oddly as I added “he wants to fuck it”.

She smiled at me and said “someone’s had a little to much to drink” I laughed and kissed her and said “probably” as I was really feeling no pain and then I announced very loudly “who is going to fuck me”. I swear 5 or 6 guys raised there hands saying “me, me”. Jeff shook his head at me and told me to come and suck his cock. Just as I was kneeling in front of Jeff who was on the sofa, Paul walked in, Sally’s face lid up like a Christmas tree as she was that happy to see him.

A very nude Sally stood up and hugged and kissed Paul while fondling his growing cock. She then she gave up her seat on the sofa to Paul and when he sat down; she sat on his lap and started to make out with him while grinding her ass into his crotch. In the past, Sally has made me more then a little nervous with how often she calls to talk to Paul for no reason or even how she acts around him. So I lowered my head into Jeff’s lap and started to lick and suck on his cock to put her out of my mind. Jeff loves the way I suck his cock and has told me so often. The guy sitting next to Jeff whose name was Phil said aloud “what am I chopped liver” as he waved his hard cock at me. So I shifted myself a little to my left and started to suck on his cock. He was bigger then Jeff who has a nice 7 inch cock. So I was going back and forth between Jeff and Phil sucking their cocks when I saw Paul take Sally onto the mattress covered floor. She got down on her hands and knees in the doggie position and I clearly hear her tell Paul to “fuck me in the ass”. I was sucking her husbands cock as she said that and I felt his cock grow harder in my mouth. I watched out of the corner of my eye and saw Sally raise her shapely round ass high in the air as Paul pressed his cock against her asshole. Slowly I saw him sink his cock in her ass as a look of bliss came over her face. Paul started pounding his cock into Sally’s ass as Jeff and I caught each other looking at the same thing and he smiled at me as I smiled back at him with his cock in my mouth. About the same time one of the guys who had said “me, me me” to my question about, “who wanted to fuck me” well he started rubbing my back and ass as I sucked on the cocks in front of me. I didn’t mind and it felt good what he was doing to me.

While Jeff wasn’t touching his cock when I was sucking on Phil it seemed that Phil was jerking off his cock as he watched me suck Jeff. So as I moved from Jeff’s cock to suck Phil again, he grabbed my head and began fucking my mouth as he began to empty the contents of his balls into my mouth. He groined and jerked with his ass coming a foot off the sofa as he jammed his cumming cock down my throat. I sucked every drop of cum from his cock. The guy behind me, who was rubbing my back with quick touches of my ass was suddenly pushing his hand and fingers into my pussy. I came hard from him touching my pussy and with Phil’s cock in my mouth and almost choked on his cock that was in my throat. I was very turned on as Phil went soft in my mouth. I started to suck Jeff again when I felt a huge amount of pressure in my pussy. It felt like I had a baseball in my cunt. I turned and asked the guy what he was doing. He didn’t answer so I asked him again what was in my pussy. He softly said “my hand”. I didn’t follow what he was saying and I asked again “what is in my pussy”. He said “I am fisting you” before I could answer, Jeff pulled his cock from my mouth and jumped up and said “holy shit, you have to see this”

Paul pulled his cock out of Sally’s ass and also got up and looked. In fact within seconds people were all around me watching this guy fuck me with his fist as I moaned like a whore. I couldn’t help it as he pushed and pulled his fist back and forth in my pussy. Paul and I had done this a couple of times so it wasn’t the first time someone had fisted my cunt. Jeff said “he is wrist deep in your pussy”. I could feel him moving his fingers inside my pussy but I worried that this wasn’t the place and the crowd seemed to be getting really into him fisting me, telling him to fist me harder which he did as I grunted from his hand as it plunged inside of me. He was making me cum almost at will and I felt a strange feeling from deep inside my pussy as I began to cum again with his hand deep inside my cunt. The crowd of around 12 people who were standing around me were now telling him to push his hand in deeper in my cunt. He listened to them as I grunted and felt his hand and arm sink deeper into me. It started to really hurt as he was getting very rough.

So I asked him to stop and take his hand out of my pussy but he kept doing what he was doing with me moaning as he did it. It was almost like I had no will, I was having a hard time being forceful with him as he kept on making me cum while fisting my pussy. He was hurting me so Jeff said in a very stern voice to “take your hand out of her fucking pussy”. Finally he did and as he pulled his hand out of my cunt, I had a massive orgasm that caused me to fall face forward onto the floor. My body trembled and shook as a massive orgasm rolled over my body. The orgasm was so strong that I couldn’t move. I saw people looking at the gapping hole that my pussy had become but I didn’t care. I knew and could hear they were talking about me and now knew how much of a slut I really was.

My pussy felt open and used and empty. I could feel the cool air from the room going inside my pussy. I now had a gapping hole where his fist had once been and now I wanted a large cock to fill me up now.


Super Bowl Son Day

One of the things over this past year with all of my adventures while being used by my son that has made me nuts, has been his constant mention of having some of his friends over the house. That scares the hell out of me. We live in a very affluent area and many of our neighbors are the parents of his former teenage friends. I’ll be the first to admit that when Brad and his friends were younger and hung out here at our house overhearing there remarks about me and having them referring to me as a MILF and being the hot mom was fun and it did feed my ego. But now considering how Kathy and I dress all the time with the see through camisoles and dental floss size panties while inside the house and our house rules mainly the one about refusing no males well the very thought of having any of his friends here at this house, it simply terrorizes me. Throw in the fact that the dogs can and do mount us whenever they feel the need too and it isn’t hard to see how all this would frighten any sane person. Also having his friends see me being used as a sexual slave to my son even wakes me up from a dead sleep as I often have night mares about it. So the fear of having any of his friends here for any reason weights heavy on my mind all the time.

I have mentioned before in some of my other stories how Paul will often bring us on Sundays during NFL football season to someone’s home to serve food and drinks and be the entertainment if any of them are so inclined to use us. Often we’ll wear the same camisole outfits that we wear at home but at other times we have worn these very trashy looking see through cheerleader lingerie costumes. These parties all seem to start off innocently enough but soon become full blown sex orgies. A few times I have even been told to allow their family dog to lick me and see if I can get him to mount me. Other times I will be told to suck off the dog while being heckled by men who had never seen anything like that in their entire life. There have even been two times when I have been told to suck off a dog that some of the men watching me do that have gotten so grossed out seeing me doing that, well they have gotten up to leave. Pardon the pun but these football parties often leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Sometime around Christmas time after a long weekend of Brad having been sucked and fucked by Kathy and me, we were sitting along with Paul having something to eat before his long drive home when he simply announced that he was planning on having his childhood friend Josh over to watch the game on Super Bowl Sunday. I looked at Paul and was shocked when I didn’t see any kind of reaction from him. I knew better then to open my mouth then in front of Paul and my son so I waited until Brad left for home. Over the following weeks leading up to the game I talked to Paul until I was blue in the face about how if he was to allow Brad to have any guest here for the big game that Kathy and I should be allowed to dress normally at least for the few hours that Brad’s friend Josh was here. Paul was adamant that “rules are rules” and we would be required to wear the see through camisoles and that we must also obey any of the other house rules. Paul did say that he would speak to Brad about not telling Josh about the house rules. That made me very happy and I think I floated around the house on cloud nine for a week; I was in such a good mood. The day before the Super Bowl Paul did make some concessions on how we would be able to dress which helped me deal with Brad’s friend.

Kathy and I ended up wearing the cheerleader costume bottoms which are at the very least 10 times bigger then the panties we normally wear around the house and these semi see through very short jerseys which were cut off just below our breast. While I would have been perfectly happy to wear a pair of jeans I was happy with the consideration that I got from Paul and how I would have to dress in front of Brad’s friend. At least what we were wearing sort of fit the theme of the day with that being football.

When I got up to answer the doorbell and let Brad’s friend Josh into our home to say that he was shocked upon seeing how I was dressed would be an understatement. He was speechless. When I lead him into the den where everyone else was and he saw that Kathy was dressed the same way that I was, he jaw almost hit the floor. I must have asked him “would you like a beer” at least 4 times before he heard me. He was stunned just looking at us. Paul was being a real sweetie to us and had even placed the dogs downstairs and closed the door. Kathy and I waited on Paul, Brad and Josh treating them as if they were kings. Josh at times didn’t seem to know where to look as you could clearly see our shaved pussy through our cheerleader costume bottoms and whenever we moved the bottom of our tits were exposed to his eyes. While I did feel uncomfortable with how I was dressed it was a lot better then it could have been, so I was happy.

As many know Paul has a very bad heart for being such a young guy and during the game after Manning’s interception Paul went to bed as he wasn’t feeling that great. Soon after that the seating arrangements changed so now on the sofa it was Brad, Kathy, Josh and then me on the far right side. With Paul out of the room and upstairs well out of ear shot, Brad started to fool around with Kathy openly he was sitting next to her and he started to play with her big tits and pulling on her nipples as she pushed her chest out to meet his hands. He fingered her pussy and then raised his finger to her mouth for her to suck and clean off. She gladly did that for him. Josh who was sitting on the other side of Kathy looked at what his friend Brad was doing to this attractive women in amazement. Kathy was kissing Brad while rubbing her hand over his pants and cock.

Brad told or rather ordered her to suck his cock as Josh watched open mouthed looking at her then at me wondering why the hell I was saying anything. Brad has a huge cock and Kathy who was bent over his lap was slobbering all over it. She sucked him hard and then she got up and knelt between his legs now giving Josh a perfect view of what she was doing. She bobbed her head up and down his large cock. While I sat there stunned that my son was doing this in front of me but thankful that it was Kathy as it could have as easily have been me.

Brad was showing off for his friend, it was plain to see. Josh was stunned I think and not sure what was happening or why it was happening. He didn’t know what to do or even say. So the both of us just sat there and watched Kathy sucking off my son. What she was doing to him didn’t take long to bring him quickly to the edge. Brad pulled his cock out of her mouth and pushed her head back as he started to fire thick white strings of cum across her face and neck. Blast after blast of cum shot into her face. Kathy tried to catch what she could with her open mouth. It would have been sexy for me watching her do that had not Josh been sitting next to me.

After Brad had cum all over Kathy’s face he told her to lie across the three of us. So she got off the floor and sat on Josh’s lap with her legs across Brad’s lap and her head resting on my thighs. Slowly Brad and Josh started to play with her big soft tits and wet pussy. Josh was still very tentative and not sure if he was dreaming and because of the amount of times he glanced back at me was still wondering why the hell I wasn’t saying anything. They were playing with her body for a few minutes while the football game played up on the big screen TV. Brad saw that I was not doing anything to Kathy. He saw that I was just sitting there trying to pretend that this wasn’t happening to me.

“Mom, lick her face clean” my son said.
He couldn’t just say lick her face clean, he had to say “Mom, lick her face clean”. Josh shot his head around to look at me and what I was going to do. You could have cut the tension in the room at that moment with a knife.
I hesitated and he yelled really loud at me and I jumped and did what he told me too. I bent over barely able to reach her face and licked a tiny amount of his cum up with my tongue. I could see Josh out of the corner of my eye and he was clearly semi shocked at what Brad said and that I was obeying him and licking my own son’s cum off of Kathy’s face.
Slowly I licked cum off of Kathy’s face while Josh played with Kathy’s tits and pussy. He didn’t touch me, it almost seemed like he was trying to not even rub against me as we sat side by side. I think he couldn’t believe his eyes with what was happening before him.

Kathy then did something a little usual for her, after I had licked all of Brad’s cum off her face she started to kiss me. I mean she was really kissing me. She pushed her tongue into my mouth as I returned her kiss and it would have lead someplace between her and I had not Brad tired of the current game.
“Mom, take out Josh’s cock and suck it” he barked at me as Kathy quickly broke her kiss and pulled away from me. Brad then pulled Kathy off of us and removed her top exposing her Big D cups to Josh’s eyes. I was still sort of just sitting there not sure what I should do and wondering to myself why was he doing this to me. Brad pull his arm behind Josh and playfully shoved me forward with his hand while saying “come on Mom, suck Josh’s cock”.

I really didn’t want to I really didn’t want suck his cock, so I reached over and played with his cock that was still inside of his pants while looking straight ahead. Finally after a few minutes I un-zipped his pants and took out his cock and played with him a little while. I slowly started to jerk off his average but very nice 6 inch cock. How Josh and I were sitting on the sofa being so close together, it didn’t leave any room to just bend sideways and suck him so I just played with him and jerked him off a little more. His cock felt burning hot in my hand. He was very hard and shaking as I fondled his cock. I had to get up and kneel between his legs in order to suck him, so I did but not before I pulled his pants and underwear off.

I sucked him all the way into my mouth and was even able to tongue his balls while the head of his cock was in my throat. He moaned but kept his hand by his side afraid that if he touched me, I might stop sucking him. Within a few minutes maybe 4, he suddenly erupted in my mouth without warning. Josh flooded my mouth with his thick cum as he shook and shake all over as he did. I swallow his cum trying not to compare his taste to my sons and I sucked and licked his cock until I could no longer taste his cum and knew it was clean. When I finally looked up at him he had his eyes closed very tight with a blissful smile across his face. I didn’t want to look into his eyes at that very moment so I got up and hurried off into the kitchen to get everyone another beer. I sat on the arm of the couch and Kathy was between Josh and Brad. We drank our beer and listened to the noise on the TV as the football game was long over.

Brad told me to stand up and to remove my bottoms that I had on and had Kathy and me stand before them while they looked at our asses. They were in a good mood and had a little contest as to who had the better ass, needless to say I won. Brad then ordered us to bend over at the waist and the both of them felt our pusses as he joked about who felt tighter as they fingered us. Then Brad laughed and said lets “let’s see if they taste different”.
Brad pulled Kathy closer and then he licked Kathy and then me and told josh to do the same. Josh was very slow to respond but did lick each of our pussy and said that we did taste different.

Kathy was surprisingly vocal which was not like her at all and she faked great sadness when I seemed to win the tightness and taste contest. While I was just doing as I was told but really not into what was going on as it felt odd standing here almost nude in front of Josh and Brad. They fingered our asses and neither of us said anything we just let them do whatever they were doing to.
After that I was told to remove my top which I still had on.
Then they compared our tits which as you all know well Kathy is huge and I am just a B cup.
Brad and Josh who was slowly becoming much surer of himself sucked and pulled our nipples. My nipples can get to be an inch long when I am excited. They were both squeezing and rubbing our breast with Kathy and her big tits getting much of the attention.

Brad said “watch this” as he pulled and twisted one of my nipples. I still lactate and my son’s fingers began to get wet as milk dripped from my nipples that he was abusing. He knew what he was doing and did it in a certain way so that I began to squirt some of my milk on Josh. He was surprised at first and didn’t know what it was. But as soon as he realized what was being squirted on him he tired to catch come of the milk in his mouth. Boy will be boys as Brad tried to use my nipples like a water pistol squirting his friend with my milk.

Then they each took a nipple and sucked a little on them, it felt weird to have both of my nipples sucked at once and it actually did make me cum. As much as I didn’t want to be a part of this I soon was swept away as my body once again betrayed me as my orgasm rocked my body. Everyone knew that I was cumming, there was no hiding it. Both Josh and Brad were very hard so Brad took Kathy and pulled her onto his lap and started to fuck her as Josh pushed me to the floor and got on top of me and started to kiss me as he slowly fingered me as he put his cock inside of me.

The kid was not fucking me, he was actually making love to me it felt tender and nice and I had another orgasm with him and was going to try and get him off when Brad yelled “switch”. He lifted Kathy off his large wet cock and reached for my arm to pull me towards him. Josh pulled his cock out of me and as I sat on Brad’s huge cock Josh was all wide eyed seeing what he was seeing his friend Brad doing to his own mother. Kathy got on top of Josh on the floor and her big tits swung and shook as she moved while fucking Josh.
Brad said “don’t cum in them, cum in their mouths” as he pulled out of my pussy and shoved his cock in my mouth. I tasted myself and Kathy on his cock as I sucked him with my eyes closed as I didn’t want to see Josh. Brad started to cum in my mouth as he pushed his cock deep inside my throat cutting off my airway as he pumped his cock in and out of my throat as I struggled to breath.
Josh was cumming in Kathy’s mouth while he looked over at Brad and me. I saw him watching me suck off my son and I wanted to crawl into a hole. You must realize that his cock is so big that it looks obscene when it is in your mouth or anywhere it is visible.

We both licked there cocks clean, It was now well past midnight. While the guys drank another beer, Brad told Kathy and I to kiss each other which we did and that led to us getting into a 69 position and making love to each other until each of us had cum.

That of course excited both of them again as you could clearly see that they were both hard. So we each got fucked again, with Josh again seeing my son fuck his own mother in front of his good friend for the second time. I was so wrapped up in the humiliation and embarrassment of what was going on I allowed Josh to cum inside of me, something I try never ever to do.

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