Women with Animals

The Neighbors Little Secret


(c) 2007 by Kinky27Male

He started drinking at midnight and finally left the bar at two am. John had struck out again, and dejectedly started to surf the net. He wrote a letter to himself, complaining as much about himself as the women he felt rejected by.

He was an attractive man, in good shape, almost 6′ tall and seldom felt inadequate when it came time to get naked. His shy nature was his problem. He’d spent too much time listening to women complain about the guys that hit on them that he decided that he never wanted to be ‘that guy’, so he simply never approached anyone.

He wanted to sleep, but even the joint that he smoked wasn’t helping. He decided to read some stories. While he enjoyed watching porn, he found that the stories really aroused him. He thought maybe a quick orgasm would finally put him to sleep.

It didn’t take long before he had pulled down his sweats and began to masturbate, imagining that he had finally picked up a gal from a bar. It wasn’t working. Maybe too much to drink, or perhaps too much to smoke, it just wasn’t working this time. He wasn’t feeling it.

Slipping on his hoodie, he went outside to have a cigarette in preparation for bed.

His dog, a beautiful and powerful Akita, was roaming around his back yard. Unusual, since it was so late and the dog was usually sleeping inside the basement. Normally he would call the dog for a brief petting session, but he didn’t want to be a tease since he was going to bed shortly, and the dog hadn’t even noticed him.

Jake was running back and forth at near the back gate. Strange, John thought. Must be a cat out there he thought as he flicked his cigarette into some bush. Closing the sliding door, John stepped back into the house. As he latched the door, he took one final glance at the back yard, just in time to see his gate opening.

“What the hell?” he said to himself, as the dog ran out of the gate. Slipping on his shoes he ran for the basement and into the back yard. It was late, and he wanted to yell, but knowing that whoever had taken him already had a head start he didn’t want to warn them.

Out of the gate and into the dark alley he looked around and saw nothing. Only some damp footprints in the dirt, along with a large set of paw prints. At least he knew which direction to follow, he thought.

Halfway down the alley he saw the footprints lead into a back yard, across the wet grass, and on the walkway that lead into someones basement. Their house was not unlike his, with a basement that was mostly beneath the ground with windows at the top of the wall on the inside, but at ground level on the outside.

He was about to walk up and knock on the door when he saw a light turn on in the basement. From his vantage point he could finally see who had taken Jake. He knew this person. It was his neighbors daughter who he had thought was still in college. She must be home for some sort of break, he guessed as he watched her walking around her room.

Still standing in the alley he could only see her head. As he stood there he saw her pull some sort of sweater over her head. Noticing he was in all black, he decided to get closer. He couldn’t imagine why she would just take his dog but, since he knew who she was and where she lived, he found that he had lost much of his initial anger. Besides that, it looked like she might be undressing, and she was quite attractive.

He stepped closer, wondering what would happen if he was caught. It was really late now, and most people would be asleep. He really didn’t need to worry about it. Between her fence, and the general lay of the land, the only way someone could see him is if they were walking nearby, or looking for him.

He edged closer, nervously. He finally got to a spot where he felt safe and where he could watch unobstructed. There she was. Apparently this was her bedroom. She was slipping off her clothes and laying out a sheer tank top and some black panties.

She’s not just a little attractive, he thought, getting aroused despite the adverse conditions. He finally saw Jake, drinking some water she had set out for him. Odd, he thought. Why, he wondered.

Stripped of all her clothes, she walked in front of her mirror. The view was spectacular. It was only the more beautiful that she was doing this for nobody but the dog. She let her hands wander all over her body. Her hands gently cupping her breasts and sliding down her slender waist and onto her ass as she gave it a squeeze.

This is the hottest thing ever, thought John, as his hand absent mindedly slipped into his underwear.

She went on, almost like a strip show, teasing her nipples and staring at herself as she slipped her finders briefly between her legs. She appeared to be teasing herself, never spending too much time with any one part of her body. Damn she was beautiful.

Then the sheer top went on, followed by the little lacy panties. Admiring herself in the mirror, she bent over and looked over her shoulder at her ass. She gave herself a quick spank on the ass when John noticed that her panties were split in the middle. She was simply magnificent. Her perky breasts clearly visable through her top and her beautiful ass just waiting to be spanked.

The spanking noise attracted Jake. He looked at her as if to say “Yes?” as he walked towards her. Still bent over he gave her a sniff and tried to lick her.

John noticed that he could hear music now, and realized that her window was open just the tiniest bit. She continued to admire herself and spin around, dancing and smiling at herself as Jake looked on with no small degree of interest.

John looked at Jake, who was now sitting on the floor patiently as she walked towards her bed. John noticed, without much surprise, that his penis was showing. It was a common sight, but John noticed that it looked a little different than usual. Could Jake be as turned on as me? he wondered. It certainly looked like it.

She went to her dresser and pulled out a vibrator. John couldn’t take it anymore, he was either going to go in there, or masturbate, and since he didn’t want to scare anyone, he decided that he’d just take care of himself.

Running the vibrator over her body, stopping at each nipple and easing it towards her panties, the dog continued to watch. Gently sliding the vibrator over her panties and then slowly spreading her legs she arched up and into the vibrator then pulled it away. She was teasing herself, but it looked like she was trying to resist. Trying to resist herself.

Her eyes were closed as Jack walked towards her, finally unable to contain his curiousity. He gave her panties a tenative lick. Eyes opening she yelled at the dog “No!” and went back to her little teasing session. She pulled the vibrator away and appeared to be fighting with it but, it seemed the vibrator was winning as she slowly pushed it between her legs.

The buzzing was loud enough for John to hear it, and he was about to come. He couldn’t take it anymore and finally let lose with such force that he actually squirted it right on the side of her house. A little more nervous now, he wondered if he said anything as he came, and if he did, if she could have possibly heard him. He also wondered if the dog was going to give him away…certainly he could smell him outside.

If she heard or knew he was out there, she gave no indication.

She was still going at it, the vibrator sliding over her clit, then into her pussy, then back to her clit. He could see everything. With the mirror and his vantage point, there was nothing left to the imagination. Pinching her nipple with one hand she started toying with her ass. She pulled her toy out and spread her legs wider as she pushed it into her ass. She had the face of pure satisfaction as she arched her back and started moaning.

Jake appeared to think that meant he was supposed to come over, and in one second he had his face licking her pussy. This time she didn’t stop or push him away. She looked like she was trying…and she was saying no, but she kept pushing her pussy into his face as he greedily licked it up.

John could totally see that his dog was at full attention. His cock wasn’t just poking out a little, it was thick and had went from it’s usual light pink to a bright purple color. His knot was clearly visible.

He continued to lick until she finally distracted him momentarily as she moaned loudly. She was literally dripping wet, and he was cleaning it as fast as he could.

She stopped and almost stumbled to her bathroom, and was out of sight for a while. She seemed to be in a daze, and was walking as if she was drunk. Drunk from lust, John surmised.

She came back, having removed her wet crotchless panties, and bent over to put her vibrator back in it’s drawer. Jake knew a good thing when he tasted it and was behind her, licking her yet again. She whispered a no, and tried to push him away but, she was losing her balance and was now leaning against her dresser with Jake licking her ass in long strokes. Even as she arched her back and pushed her pussy into him, she appeared to be resisting.

Still acting as if she didn’t want him to lick her, she took a step towards her bed and tripped on her sweater falling prone onto the bed, ass just hanging off. Looking towards the window.

John almost came again, but almost ran too. He was sure that she could see him. He was right there, she was practically looking at him. John realized that since it was dark and she had the light on, the only thing she could see was her own reflection. He continued to play with himself, watching the dog lick her ass in her tall mirror.

She wiggled and slipped onto the floor. Jake, didn’t need to be told what to do, he was on her in a second. Huge paws pressing into her tender thighs, he began thrusting immediately. John watched as his hard cock pressed against her butt, then between her cheeks, then between her legs. Her face was one of pure wanton lust. John finally knew what she wanted Jake for.

With one quick jerking motion he found his mark. He started humping her with such force that she was being pushed around her bedroom as he struggled to keep her in position. “Noo” she cried, as he forced his huge knot into her soaking wet pussy. John heard her come at least twice more as the dog continued to fuck her.

Jake wasn’t quitting, he had been at it for almost a half hour before he let out a long sigh and finally let her out of his tight grasp. It didn’t matter…she wasn’t getting away. Literally dragging her behind him he tried to get himself free.

Finally, with a audible pop, he was free, his huge cock hanging there, still squirting. She looked dazed, satisfied, and tired. She attempted to crawl back on her bed, but now Jake had walked over the top of her, and began licking her pussy again. His cock was within inches of her face, still squirting steady spurts of clear liquid that was landing on her soft flat stomach. She just laid there, eyes closed as he licked her, feeling his come land on her breasts, she was unaware that it was almost hitting her lips as it continued to jerk and spasm.

She almost looked shocked as she looked up and saw his cock within inches of her face. She said ‘nooo’ again as she put her hand behind her head and forced it towards Jakes swolen purple cock while he continued to lick her.

Jake had totally soaked her chest and stomach, and was now squirting on her face and lips. She grabbed and pulled her hair as if she was trying to stop herself as his cock disappeared into her mouth. She stayed like this for a very long time, never letting his cock from her mouth.

Jakes cock finally went soft and she crawled towards her bed, nude except for a very wet shirt she closed her eyes.

John finally let himself have another orgasm, went back home, and is eagerly awaiting for the next time she wants to borrow his dog, providing she actually brings Jake home.

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