Women with Animals

Panda Girl


(c) 1997 by George

There were two major facets of Jane’s life, the first was her fascination with collecting teddy bears; the second was the fact that she was incredibly sexually frustrated. Ever since she was a young girl she collected teddy bears, and ever since puberty she’d been terribly frustrated. No matter when, where, or how she had had sex she had never had an orgasm. It was a source of great consternation for her, she had always been sexually active; but to no avail. She had even developed the reputation for being loose while in high school; so great was her quest for relief.

At 5’4″ she was a pleasingly plump, honey blond; she was never at a loss for finding willing partners. Every weekend would find her getting humped any where she could find the privacy to do it. She just couldn’t figure it out, she liked the sight, smell, and feel of the boys; yet no orgasms were forthcoming. Even masturbation hadn’t helped, although once she strapped a dildo to one of her largest teddy bears and rode it for a while; almost producing an orgasm. She had even gone beyond her normal bounds in college.

It was there that she had met Patty.

Patty was a cute redhead in her early forties, she became Jane’s close friend and confidant. Patty had suggested that maybe Jane needed something kinky to solve her problem, it had always worked for Patty when she and her husband became bored with sex. Patty even volunteered to help her try to reach an orgasm by trying all sorts of ‘kinky’ things, but something still kept Jane from achieving the final result. Patty refused to give up, she began setting up strange situations for Jane in hope that something could be done. There were some memorable instances, like the time Patty set her up with the black football player, who’s cock was as big as a firehose. He fucked Jane until he passed out, but all to no avail. Then there was the transsexual Patty introduced her to. The he/she had 44D tits and an eight inch cock, the sight of such a bizarre creature really turned Jane on and she was eager to hit the sack; but still no orgasm.

And so Jane went on, studying and collecting teddy bears. She made it through college and grad school, finally graduating with a degree in zoology. She still kept up her quest for sexual fulfillment, balancing it with her career. She had no trouble finding a job, especially since she made it known that she had no intentions of settling down. She considered herself lucky, her first job was as a research assistant on a project involving Pandas.

Jane had always been partial to Pandas. Of all the teddy bears she had collected Pandas were the most prevalent. She had often thought about how they looked so warm, soft, and cuddly; almost like living teddy bears. She was a bit embarrassed though, the project was a study of the mating habits of the bears. Part of their task was to try an artificially inseminate a female Panda. This necessitated that a male Panda must be masturbated, his semen saved for a try at impregnating one of the females. Several Pandas of both sexes had been made available for their work. An area was set up for this, containing a small pen not unlike those used by breeders for obtaining samples from stud cattle. They had been provided with the tools of the trade, including a contraption for jacking the bears off. This always embarrassed Jane, though she didn’t understand why. Jane had become especially close to the bears, they were gentle by nature and she seemed to have a greater rapport with them than any one else on the staff. Since they meant so much to her it was almost torture for her to have to endure the jibes and jokes of the male members of the staff as they engaged in wanking the male Pandas.

There was one Panda, a male named Ting, that was definitely Jane’s favorite. Ting was older than most of the males and was therefore used as a control in the experiment. He was larger than the others, and seemed more docile that the others. Jane had taken to him immediately, she visited him every day often bringing him special treats. Ting was so used to her that he even ate out of the palm of her hand. Then one day disaster struck. A new male was brought in as a control and Ting was to be used for his semen. This upset Jane greatly, she couldn’t handle the thought of Ting penned up, having one of the grinning twerps that worked there making fun of him as he was beaten off. Jane felt an even greater distress when she found out that she was to supervise Ting’s first trip to the pen. Worst of all Jim was to assist her.

Jim was the asshole’s asshole. Not only was his personality revolting, but to top it off he fancied him- self a stud. Jane couldn’t stand him, and the thought of having to stand there and watch Jim jerk Ting off depressed her. Nevertheless she resolved to go through it. But Jim had a surprise for her. He knew about her affection for Ting, so he planned to not be there. He had a good laugh, imagining her standing there not knowing what to do. She wouldn’t be able to bring herself to jerk the Panda off, and he wouldn’t be there to do it for her.

The fateful day arrived, Ting was herded into the pen to be masturbated in the name of science. Jane had planned to excuse herself as soon as possible to avoid having to watch Ting’s degradation. She waited patiently for Jim, but he never arrived. The sight of Ting penned up waiting sent chills down her spine. She waited nearly an hour, but no sign of Jim; and the project head had been in several times already wanting to know why the specimen was not forth coming. Jane swallowed hard, she would have to do it herself.

She looked at Ting, who had been kept caged near the females all night and was sporting a hard on. Jane couldn’t quite understand why, but the sight of his thin, spiky penis embarrassed her. She looked at the device, the thought of looping the rubber grip end over his cock; tightening it, and working the handle up and down horrified her. Her courage nearly failed her, but she finally resolved the matter; she would have to jerk him off with her own two hands. At least, she thought, he would be jerked off by someone who cared about him. She kneeled down next to his flanks. Ting was on all fours; penned up so there was very little he could do in the way of movement. Jane coated her hands with KY jelly–she would have never forgiven herself if she hurt him. Hesitating for only a moment, she reached out and grasped his pulsating reddish-pink cock. She was surprised–she had thought that the feel of his flesh would cause her to cringe; but the longer she held his cock the more relaxed she became. She liked the warmth of his cock, it felt good in her hands. Playfully, she reached up with her free hand and began massaging his balls. His gamey animal smell filled her nostrils. She had no trouble getting started, gently stroking his cock and kneading his balls. Her heavily lubricated hands slipped up and down his throbbing cock- meat. It was not long before Ting orgasmed, the huge flood of semen gushing out into the specimen jar she had carefully placed on the floor. Ting gave a grunt of satisfaction.

Jane was relieved when it was over. She was sweating profusely, and she felt weak in the knees. She washed her hands carefully, to hide all traces of what she had been doing. Picking up the jar, Jane noticed that some of Ting’s cum had missed and was dribbling down the side of the jar. Following an irresistible urge she ran her fingers across it, and rubbed them together. She didn’t understand why, but she liked the slick feel of Ting’s jism. She turned the specimen in and headed back to the lab. Half way down the hall she felt a burning in her gut. Thinking that the experience had shaken her more that she thought, she decided to go home early. Arriving home, Jane promptly lay down on her bed. The burning sensation seemed only worse. Then as if out of the blue it occurred to Jane that she was horny.

Part of her dysfunction had always been a lack of sexual desires, now for once in her life she was hot. Could it have been her experience with Ting? She couldn’t believe it, but there was no other explanation. She always knew she had been fond of bears, but not like this.

She remembered her experience with the teddy bear some years ago. It had almost produced the long sought after orgasm. In light of the days events Jane could only wonder if it would work this time. Jane shed her clothes quickly, almost running into the room where she kept most of her teddy bear collection. It hit her as she walked into the room, she had never noticed it before but the majority of her collection were stuffed Pandas. Selecting the largest one, she hurried back to the bed- room. She still had the dildo and harness in her under- wear drawer. She strapped the dildo to the stuffed Panda, and carefully placed him on the bed. Climbing onto the bed she swung her leg over, straddling the bear. Her cunt was dripping, the dildo had no trouble penetrating her. The sensation of the dildo entering her twat shocked her. Although she had been fucked many times before, she had never felt anything like this.

Jane began to fantasize, something that was unusual for her. In her mind she saw herself deep in the heart of the Asian jungle. She was running down a trail, and Ting was beside her. They ran until they came to a stream, Jane plunged in to cool her body off, Ting lay down in the soft fronds to sun. She swam until tired, the lifted her self onto the bank. She walked over to the Panda, who was lying on his back. She gently lowered herself onto his massive bulk, feeling the softness of his sleek fur. Ting gently wrapped his arms around her as she slowly slid her pussy down towards his erect cock.

Jane slid up and down the dildo, each time allowing it to penetrate deeper and deeper. Each thrust of her hips causing even more pleasure that the last. She had left her dress lying on the bed, Ting’s scent still clung to it. She caught it up in her hands and held it up to her face, inhaling deeply. She reeled with excitement. She had never felt this way before, her loins were on fire. It was not long before her first orgasm ever, ripped through her. She could feel it building, the muscles in her legs beginning to lose feeling. It hit her, sending sharp tingling sensations down her spine. She felt like she had pissed in a light socket. She lay on her bed afterwards, sweat pouring out of her body. The day’s events had bewildered her. After all these years of total frustration, she had finally found out what turned her on. But, it wasn’t exactly normal, at least not to her thinking. Jane was too sheltered to to know about bestiality. Nevertheless, the thought of forbidden love excited her. She thought deeply about Ting’s dual nature; so soft and furry, yet still having that animal like quality that inflamed her passions.

As she lay there thinking about Ting she felt her lust rise again. This time it was more than any dildo could handle. Jane knew that she would have to have Ting’s cock in her. It would be no problem getting in the lab, since she had a key and the guards would leave her alone. They were used to her working late at night. She paced her bedroom, waiting for darkness to fall. Then she would return and share her lust with Ting. Even though Jane had never done anything sneaky or underhanded before, she went about preparing for her liaison with an ease that surprised her. She took a long, slow, hot bath, carefully washing her curvaceous body. Jane spent hours doing her make-up. She wanted to look especially good for Ting.

Wearing nothing but a trench coat, Jane arrived outside the lab. It took her a moment to gather up her courage. Leaving her car, she moved towards the door at a brisk pace. She made it inside with no trouble, even though one of the guards had seen her from afar. After he realized who she was he had let her go about her business with a cheery wave. Once inside she took several minutes to catch her breath. She made her way down the hall towards the room where the Pandas were kept. Ting awoke almost as she walked in. Jane rushed over to him and placed a soothing hand on him to keep him quiet. Opening his pen she led him into the room where she had masturbated him earlier.

Jane switched on half of the lights in the room, since she didn’t want to attract too much attention. Ting gave her a funny look as she removed her coat and stood naked before him. Jane was certain that he could sense her arousal. He cautiously padded over to her, the very essence of curiosity. Jane could feel her knees go weak as he approached. Ting began to sniff her crotch, his hot breath sent shivers through her. She spread her legs to give him better opportunity. The Panda sniffed for a moment, then his long tongue snaked forward towards her cunt lips. As it touched she felt her juices start to flow in torrents. Some of it landed on the Panda’s long thin tongue, he drew it back and tasted it. Jane could tell he enjoyed it. It was evident that her passion was affecting him, Ting’s cock was stiffening as she watched. The Panda thrust his head forward, tongue extended. Jane spread her cunt lips wider to give his tongue better access. Although Ting had never lapped a cunt before, he proved to be a natural. His tongue glided across the folds of her pussy lips, sending waves of pleasure through Jane.

Jane had not expected this, but never the less she enjoyed it. The Panda’s tongue was long and flexible–it reached into corners of her cunt that none ever had before. Unable to stand it for very long, she tottered backwards, coming down to a sitting position. Ting moved closer, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he nuzzled her. Jane began to rub his belly, and as she did Ting slowly rolled on his back. It was just what Jane wanted, rubbing his fur all the time. She worked her way down to his cock. Ting’s cock was red and swollen–she noticed drops of his cum welling up in the tip. Gently taking his cock with one hand, she guided her mouth toward it. Extending her tongue she scooped up the cum. The taste thrilled her.

She began by licking the head and working her tongue down the shaft. She could sense Ting responding. She cupped his balls with her other hand and began to gently knead them. She was in heaven. Ting’s gamey smell filled her nostrils. Working his cock into her mouth, she began to suck. She could feel him begin to wiggle under her, giving out small groans of pleasure. Jane had often been complemented on her cock sucking prowess, tonight she used all her skill. Ting’s cock was long and thin, and although she had never deep throated before she did so now. Jane could feed the heat rising in her loins, she couldn’t restrain herself any longer.

Easing Ting’s cock out of her mouth, she straightened her self up. Swinging one leg over, she straddled his bulky body as best she could. Moving her hips down toward his rod, she came to rest against his chest. It was just as she had fantasized, he was large and bulky, yet soft and furry. As his cock entered her, she felt a thrill like never before. His cock quickly filled her up, she even thought that she might tighten up from the excitement and that he would not be able to penetrate her. But there was no problem–the Panda’s cock slid into her dripping pussy like it was meant to be there. As she bottomed out on the base of his meat, Ting gently folded his arms around her just like in her fantasy.

It didn’t take long for either of them to cum, Ting’s hot semen filled Jane’s cunt to the brim. As it did she felt a sensation shoot through her that put her earlier orgasm to shame.

No one knew what happened to Jane or Ting, it seemed that they both just disappeared. None of the lab staff could conceive of how she had gotten him out, but it was assuredly her who had spirited him off. No trace of them was ever found, but it can be safely assumed that where ever they are she is sliding down on his cock, as he wraps his arms gently around her.

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