Women with Animals
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A Beastly Education for Abigail


(c) by Honey Moon

Abigail was so glad mom and daddy trusted her to be on her own for the whole weekend. It made the petite 16-year-old feel so grown up, doing her own cooking, her own laundry, and even cleaning around the house. Mostly though, she loved taking care of Frosty, her Siberian husky. Abby knew he was the main reason mom and daddy let her stay by herself. Frosty had to be the prettiest dog on the block, she thought proudly. His blue eyes always looked so gentle at her, when he wanted her to take him for his walks. That all may be true, but he was also big, well over 100 pounds! Frosty was very protective of his young mistress. If anyone approached them on their daily walks, they would have to get through him first, before they could try anything funny!

Abigail at heart was an honest girl, but she was curious! She resisted for a couple of days, but soon temptation overcame her. Sunday night, with Frosty at her heels, she slipped upstairs, and began searching her parent’s bedroom. “You won’t tell on me, will you, Frost?” she giggled, as she tried on her mother’s most daring teddy. “This one is so cute!” she exclaimed, as she stood in front of the beautiful antique full-length mirror. She thought for just a moment, and blushed. “Somehow I don’t think blue panties go with it though.” Abigail hesitated for just a second. She never let a boy look at her before. Frosty was a dog, but it was still just a little embarrassing. With a shrug, she slipped off her panties, and watched her reflection. “Daddy must love this one!” she could just see the darkness of her pubic hair, through the sheer white material. Abigail turned and noticed a small crystal box on the dresser. She picked it up, and opened it. “Oh my God!” she laughed, as she looked at the little blue pills inside. Abigail knew all about them from talk shows, and the net. “That’s Viagra!” she picked one up, and held it up to the light. “No wonder mom looks so happy, lately!” Abigail decided she better put things back to normal. Besides, she was getting a little worked up, thinking about daddy and mom, using Viagra. In her haste to get ready to shower, thinking of the wonderful hand held shower massager in her parent’s bathroom, she dropped the crystal box. Luckily it landed on the thick carpet, and didn’t shatter, but pills scattered everywhere! To Abigail’s horror, Frosty managed to gobble up two of them, before she could get them all!

She did the first thing she could think of, and ran to the phone. “Poison control hotline. Do you need assistance?”

“My dog, he, he swallowed some pills!” Abigail wailed. “Is he going to die?”

“Young woman, is this a joke?” the voice on the line demanded. “If you really have a dog, take him to the Vet!”

“No, I really have a problem!” Abigail sobbed. “I don’t have a car, I’m by myself, and if anything happens to Frosty, I’ll just die!”

“Calm down!” the woman on the phone said, sounding a little friendlier. “What pills, and how many did he swallow?”

“Um, Viagra, two of them.”

“Viagra?” the woman sounded excited, somehow. “He should be fine, but, young woman, I have to ask you a personal question now.”

“Ok.” Abigail sighed in relief. “As long as he’s going to be ok.”

“Now, don’t get mad, I have to ask. Did you ever have sexual relations with your dog?”

“What? That’s disgusting!” Abigail shouted. “I never even did it with a boy before! I’d never do it with a dog!”

“I had to ask.” The woman went on when Abby finally calmed herself. “It’s for your own protection. A dog has to be trained to ‘make love’ to a woman. You should be safe now, if he never had that training.”

“I’m sorry.” Abigail muttered. She was glad the woman couldn’t see her. Somehow this was kind of a turn on! “What should I do? He’s just standing really still now, and his thing is growing!”

“If you don’t want him to hurt himself, you, um…”


“Abby, did you ever give a boyfriend a hand job?”

Abigail blushed, thinking about her last date with Billy. “Yes, a couple times, why?”

“If you don’t want your dog to injure himself, by rubbing against the floor, you’ll have to masturbate him.”

“Do I have to? That’s kind of nasty! What if he gets the wrong idea?”

“It should be fine. Like I said, if he didn’t get the training, he won’t associate you with a sexual partner. Just be very gentle with him, talk soothingly, and give him the relief he needs.”

“Well, if you say so.” Abigail wondered about the woman on the phone, her breathing was sounding a little rough, and her voice was getting rather husky. “Thanks for your help Miss. I’ll help him out, after all, it was my fault.”

“Miss sounds so formal. Patty will do.” The woman laughed. “I know you call your dog Frosty, but you never gave me your name, sweetheart.”

This was getting really weird! “I’m Abby, Abigail Winston. Are you sure Frost will be ok?”

“He’ll be fine! Now Abby, just treat him like your boyfriend. Don’t be to rough though, and do not squeeze his testicles, they’re very sensitive.”

“Ok, I’ll remember.” Abigail looked down at herself, and then took off mom’s teddy. “I better not ruin this.” the young woman muttered, and quickly put it away. She clicked on the speakerphone, and then knelt next to Frosty. Gingerly, she reached for his long red member. Somehow, this was getting her really worked up! When it was all over, Abigail had a date lined up with the shower massager! “I think he’s cumming already. Watery stuff keeps squirting out! Oh shit! The rug!”

“That’s just his lubrication.” Patty sounded all out of breath now. You better take him into the bathroom. Trust me, when he cums, you’ll know it! Dogs shoot much more then human guys!”

The young woman hurried into the bathroom, leading a whimpering Frosty. She ran and got the phone, placing it on the toilet seat, and then once more knelt by her dog. “He’s so hot!” Abigail exclaimed, when her fingers wrapped around him. “Shh, it’s ok Frosty, I’ll make you feel real good!”

“That’s normal, Abigail. A dog has a higher body temperature then a human.”

Abigail blushed, as she slowly started to stroke the quivering shaft. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second! Suddenly Frosty gave a sharp little bark, and shocked Abigail by lunging at her. “No Frosty stop!”

“Abby, what’s wrong?”

Abigail didn’t have time to answer. Frosty was growling deep in his throat, and pushing against her! “Down boy! Bad dog!” Abigail tried to get away. As she stood to run, Frosty jumped on her, and knocked her on her back. “Frosty, no!” Abigail screamed, as the dog started to hump wildly against her. He was going crazy, jabbing his penis all over her body. His hot fluid was spurting everywhere, her stomach, her breasts, and even in her face! “Patty Help! He wants to fuck me!”

“Get up! Don’t let him think you’re offering yourself to him!”

Abigail tried to get up, and made a big mistake! She rolled under him, and tried to haul herself up, by grabbing the edge of the bathtub. He lunged again, and her arms slipped into the tub, jarring her budding breasts painfully against the cold metal. She tried once more to stand, but Frosty was too heavy. She was pinned between him and the tub, and couldn’t move! “Oh God, no!” she screamed, as the dog fought to gain entry. “Frosty please get off!” Abigail wriggled wildly under him, desperately trying to dodge the frantically humping dog, but it was no use! The pointed tip of his cock grazed against her labia. Abigail shuddered at the contact, but she couldn’t let a dog be her ‘first’! “No! Frosty stop! I’m a virgin! Help! Please God help me! He almost, he’s trying to…NO!” Abigail screamed again, as the hard doggie cock slammed fully into her young body. She sobbed as her virginity was ripped away. The dog started to thrust hard and fast, not caring how his bitch felt about it. “It hurts! Patty, make him stop!” she wailed.

“Abigail! Tell me what’s happening!”

The frightened, young woman didn’t notice how excited Patty sounded. “He’s, he’s fucking me!” she sobbed again. “Please make him stop!” Frosty’s front legs joined her arms in the tub, as he stabbed relentlessly into her tightness. Nobody spoke for several moments. Abigail became aware of the sound of three sets of panting. Her humiliation became complete; when she realized her body was beginning to respond. To her horror, the pain was slowly fading, being replaced with an almost unbearable pleasure. “No! I can’t do this!” she said weakly as she made one last feeble effort to get free, but Frosty held her tight.

“Just relax, baby. Let him do his thing. Let that beast show you how much better then a man he can be!”

“Oh God, it’s, it’s, starting to feel good! It doesn’t hurt that much any more!” Abigail was losing herself to his powerful lust. His warm fur felt so soft against her skin. The young woman, without even realizing it, was starting to push back, meeting Frosty’s every thrust. Her eyes opened wide, as she felt something begin to change. “Patty, it, it’s growing!”

“Oh shit! Abigail, don’t let his knot in!”

“He’s splitting me in two!” Abigail yelled, sounding more excited, then frightened now. “Oh god! So big!” she moaned, as Frosty tied with her, locking his engorged penis inside her, so no precious semen would be lost.

“Abigail, Speak to me!” Patty’s husky voice panted. “What’s happening?”

“Oh Patty, he’s slowing down! I, I think, Oh yes Frosty!” Abigail felt the large lump moving inside her. It didn’t take much longer before Frosty forced her into orgasm. Dog and girl, climaxed together, he howled, as Abigail screamed in joy. The tired young woman caught her breath, then tried to wriggle out from under her lover. “Patty, something’s wrong! He can’t get out of me!” Abigail heard moaning from the phone. “Patty, answer me!” Abigail gasped, as Frosty struggled to move over her. He threw a hind leg over her back, and then just stood there, locked firmly in place, butt to butt.

“Sorry Abigail.” Patty finally answered weakly. “I just was, uh, doing something.”

“What do I do? He’s stuck!”

“Take it easy, lover. He’s just making sure none of his sperm is wasted.” Patty giggled like a child. “He may take a while. The Viagra won’t let his knot go down for about an hour! Sorry to tell you.”

“Patty, um, have you ever done this before?”

“Oh god yes! My dog Max is the best guy I ever had!”

Abigail moaned. Frosty was trying to pull from her again. His efforts were sending interesting feelings all through her body. “Patty, I like this!” she cried out to her unseen friend, as her body trembled through another orgasm. “I don’t know if I can last an hour though!” she finally said. Abigail’s arms were starting to tremble. The young woman felt so stiff and sore, yet so alive! She remembered something that chilled her soul. “Oh my God! Mom and dad will be home any time now!”

“Just keep calm!” Patty ordered. “Don’t try to force him off. It’ll hurt both of you!”

It did take an hour, at least. Abigail was reduced to whimpering, and moaning. To her shock, and ultimate pleasure, Frosty drove her through one orgasm after another, every time he tried to pull out of her. Finally, he pulled free, and Abby cried out, as she felt his hot fluids run down her quivering legs. “He’s off me.” She managed to whisper, as she climbed to her feet.

“Are you ok?” Patty asked. “Did he damage you? Should I call 911?”

“No!” Abby yelled, then calmed down. There was just a tiny bit of blood, mixed with all of Frosty’s semen. Her friend Shelly told her that she bled, when she lost her virginity, so she wasn’t too worried. “No, I think I’ll be ok. Um, Patty? Please don’t tell anyone about this, ok?”

“Don’t you worry yourself!” Patty said gently. “I’ll take good care of this tape!” The shaken young woman didn’t notice the tone of triumph in Patty’s voice, as they said their goodbyes, and hung up.

Time passed. Over the next month, Abigail fought her impulses, but it was no use. Before long, every time she was alone with Frosty, she would offer herself to him. An offer he gladly took her up on, even without the Viagra! To her shame, she was even developing a taste for his semen, and would eagerly suck his throbbing red penis, if there wasn’t time for anything else. One morning, her world was changed forever. It was a sunny summer day, and Abby had Frosty all to herself. Mom and dad had gone to a friend’s wedding, and wouldn’t be back until Sunday night. The young woman sat at her computer, looking at her favorite bestiality site, when there was a knock at the door. “Damn!” Abby was just getting herself in the mood! She threw on her robe, and hurried to the door. “Who is it?” she said, as she opened the door a crack. The woman outside wasted no time, she shoved the door open, and walked right in! “Hey, get out of here!” Abigail yelled. “I’ll sick my dog on you!”

The tiny, red haired woman only smiled. “Before, or after you fuck him?” Abby was shocked into silence. She knew that voice! “I was right! I can see it in your eyes! You fuck him almost every day now, don’t you?” Patty said with a laugh.

“What, what do you want?” Abby started to shake. “I don’t have much money! Please, just go away!”

“I’m not interested in your money! I just thought I’d stop by, and get to know you.” Patty grinned, when Frosty entered the room. “Oh, he’s gorgeous!” the older woman ran her hands lovingly through his fur. For a second, Abby thought he would chase her away, but now such luck. “Come on, sweetheart, why don’t you let me watch you guys go at it?”

“What? You’re crazy! I don’t want anything to do with you! You better go, or I’ll call the police!”

“Go ahead.” Patty pulled a disk recorder from her bag, and pressed pay. Abby sat down hard, on the sofa when she heard herself being fucked by Frosty. “What do you think will happen if I did the concerned citizen thing, and gave them this recording?” Patty smiled, knowing she’d won. “Mom and dad sure wouldn’t like that. Oh, and you’d never live it down, if your friends at Peachtree Academy ever got a hold of it!”

“How, How do you know so much about me?”

“The Poison Control Center’s computer. I’m quite the hacker, you know.” Patty grinned proudly.

“What do you want from me?” the young woman finally whimpered.

“Don’t sound so down, Abby-love! I just want to introduce you to a few friends of mine. A few four legged friends!” Patty looked at her with a glint of fire in her eyes. “I’ll pay you well. You just have to let me, and a couple friends watch!”

Abby couldn’t believe her ears. “What? I can’t do that!”

Patty took out the mini-disk, and tossed it to the startled girl. “Maybe you should give this to your parents. It would probably be less embarrassing then if I gave it to them!” Abby caught the disk, and ran for the kitchen. Patty laughed, and followed. She watched Abby scramble to find something in the drawers, and then hastily cut up the disk with a heavy pair of shears. “What did you do that for?”

Abby looked up, and yelled at the beautiful intruder. “Get out, right now, and I’ll never tell anyone you were here!”

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