Women with Animals

Tiffany And Her Lover


(c) 2013 by Nem Enforcer

Tiffany gasped as she felt the tip of the penis of her lover for the past three years enter her aching pussy. This was the first time in more then a week she had felt herself penetrated by the cock she had come to love inside so much. A week was the longest they had been apart since the relationship had begun and Tiffany was more then happy to be on the bed again and feel the weight of her partner pressing down on her as his cock filled her void.

“Fuck me hard, baby!” she growled as she felt herself open up, the hard thick shaft of her lover’s cock thrusting deeply into her, stretching her pussy as it had so many times before.

Tiffany had been working for the last week and that work had taken her away from home. All the time she had been gone, she missed the feeling she had right now and as each day passed and she came closer to getting home, the feeling of desire grew. The desire to be fucked hard by her lover.

As soon as she had opened the door he had greeted her, naked, and delighted to see her as always. She had embraced him and they had shared kisses and hugs, which quickly led to the bedroom and this act of love.

“Oh fuck yes!” she called as, with a quick movement of the hips the cock which was deeply inside her was removed until just the tip was left inside and with an equally quick thrust forwards it ploughed back inside her, stretching her wet pussy to its limits and sending a jolt of ecstasy through her body.

The thrusts were hard and fast. Tiffany’s body rocked with each one, her breasts jiggled as they swung beneath her, suspended in the air as she was fucked from behind while on her hands and knees.

“Yes baby! Oh! Oh I’ve missed you so much!” she cried as the thrusting continued and the hard cock inside her pistoned with reckless abandon in and out of her. Her pussy clung to it wantonly, never wanting to let it go.

Again, she felt a jolt of pleasure surge through her body that made her gasp and grip the bed sheets tightly. Her lover did not slow his pace, his hips thrusting just as fast as ever, his thick and long cock emerging from and then disappearing inside Tiffany’s pussy, her juice coating it now making the entry easier.

“Fuck!” she groaned aloud before her body convulsed and she felt an orgasm rip through her. Her muscles tightened and she just held still as the pleasure washed over her like the tide. She could still feel the hard cock filling her pussy and the weight of her lover on her back. She felt safe and loved.

The hard thrusts of her lover did not stop even when the tightness grew in her pussy as she came hard. The extra tightness only added to the pleasure for both of them as his hips thrust repeatedly, his hard cock driving deeply into Tiffany as she began to feel another orgasm begin.

Finally, the thrusting slowed to an almost stop and Tiffany felt the first real spurts of his cum. It was a feeling she had grown to love, sure it was messy and sticky when he pulled out of her and she had to deal with the consequences but that did not matter, not compared to the feeling of accepting her lovers cum into her pussy, the ultimate act of love she thought.

“Good… good boy!” Tiffany managed through the intense pleasure of having the squirting cock pulse inside her, the heat and wetness making her swoon more then ever. “Oh fuck… I’ve… I’ve needed this so much baby this last week!” she added as she reached back with one hand and rubbed it gently over her lover’s right flank, feeling his soft furry coat against her palm. Tiffany’s lover, who currently had his cock buried deep inside her, shooting his hot watery cum, was a Dalmatian dog named Lucky.

Lucky had been with Tiffany for the last five years but it was only in the last three that they had taken the step from just a normal, if there is ever such as thing, pet/owner relationship to being lovers.

Tiffany had always been curious about sexual things that others found strange since she was old enough to lose her virginity aged 18. She had experimented in the early days with various things, role-play mostly and occasionally a little bondage but one thing that had always made her aroused was the taboo of sex with a different species.

The first time she had gotten up the courage to touch Lucky’s cock her life had changed forever. Just that first simple act had set her on a path she never wanted to leave. Just touching had quickly led to rubbing and that progressed to licking and sucking her dog‘s hard cock. Finally she had taken the last step and on a warm summers night, after a few drinks to settle her nerves she had called Lucky to her bedroom where she presented herself for him.

Lucky had been a little confused that first time. Not sure what Tiffany wanted he at first just licked the tasty area between her legs, that had gotten a good response from his owner, her groans and approving coos made him happy so continued but then instinct took over and he had mounted her.

Tiffany lost her doggy virginity that night and with it, she gained a completely new lease on life. Feeling the soft fur on her back and that big red cock spread open her pussy lips and enter her made her mind explode with pleasure.

Now, 3 years and too many more sexual liaisons to even count, later Tiffany and Lucky were in perfect sync with each other sexually. Gone were the awkward missed thrusts and misplaced pokes that had dogged their early encounters, now Lucky had become a master at finding the opening to her wet pussy and learned through trial and error just how to please his master fully.

“Yes baby… Oh god… fill me with your cum” Tiffany said as she moved her hand from her lover’s flank and dropped it down between her legs. Finding her hard clit, she began to rub it quickly with her fingers, each movement making her already aching pussy tingle more as the hard red dog cock buried within throbbed and shot its seed into her.

They had not knotted this time, both had been too eager to just feel each others bodies connected after the time apart to go through the proper ritual they normally would. Tiffany felt a little sad she had not thought to make sure she accepted Lucky fully into her, the feel of his swelled knot making sure she was his bitch always made the experience and pleasure of mating with him more intense, but she had just needed to feel him inside her again as soon as possible and once she did she had lost all control. She would make it up to him later, take him fully into her knot and all and let him know she is his willing and obedient bitch.

“Hmm yes baby give me it all! Make me yours again!” she cooed as she felt the heat and wetness in her pussy increase as more of the watery dog cum filled her.

Tiffany felt a small prang of guilt as she said those words. She really did want Lucky to make her his again. She would let him have her as much as he wanted for the rest of today and all weekend as she always did when she returned from her work trips, she would take as much of his cum as he could offer and unlike normal not wash it all out once he was finished. She wanted to feel him inside her, know his cum was still there reminding her she was his.

The reason she did this was the nature of her work. Tiffany hired herself out to other dog owners who wanted to give their pet a treat.

The week she had just spent away working she had been with the owner of a couple of Rottweiler dogs who had paid her to please both of them. She had loved her time there; it was not just the money that was good but also the sex. Both Rottweiler’s, while inexperienced with human women, had caught on fast and most of the week she had spent on all fours with one of their cock’s buried deep in her pussy as she came.

Still, as with every other dog she was paid to please, it was not the same as with Lucky. She truly cared about him and the bond was much more then just physical pleasure. When she was with a client’s dog, she enjoyed it greatly but when she was with Lucky, she loved it.

It was that bond which made her feel guilty each time she left him knowing that soon she would have another dog filling her pussy. Rationally she knew Lucky did not care but in her all too human mind she still felt like she was betraying him somehow. However, the money was good, very good, and this was a job she really could enjoy. Moreover, she always made sure that Lucky knew she was his when she returned.

An orgasm built again as Tiffany rubbed her clit and enjoyed the feeling of Lucky filling her with his seed. This felt right. His cock so red, long and thick fitted her perfectly almost as it someone had made it especially for her. Tiffany groaned aloud as she felt another surge of orgasm mix with the heat of her lover’s cock that was embedded within her pussy.

“Ah yes!” she called out as her hand became a blur rubbing her clit “Make me your bitch again! Fill me with your cum baby!”

Lucky panted over her neck as his cock shot more of his doggy cum into the wet hole he loved so much. His front legs held her tightly around the waist as he filled her with squirt after squirt. He felt her move and heard her groan as the heat inside the wet hole rose again.

Tiffany felt a final orgasm build and burst within her as Lucky’s cock began to shrink back down and was pulled free with a little plop. The watery cum it had deposited almost instantly dribbled from between the pussy lips that tried hard to hold it within. She quickly turned onto her back and scooped some of the liquid up with her fingers before bringing it to her mouth and licking it up eager to not let any escape her body.

Her well fucked pussy ached but if Lucky had wanted her again right now she would not have said no, she would have obediently got on her hands and knees once more and let him have her again, let him make her his once more.

Fortunately, for Tiffany, Lucky was spent for now and contented himself to just lick up the mess their mating had left on his cock. He would have her on all fours with his cock shooting his doggy cum deep into her a further two times before she finally slept that night however.

Over the course of their reunion weekend Tiffany had mated 7 times with Lucky and was feeling the effects of it both emotionally as well as physically. Her pussy was sore and she had to on more then one occasion wipe up doggy cum which had dribbled out of her while she was sitting but it was worth every bit of it. Lucky had made her his again and for that she was thankful. Soon she would be away on her next job, what that would be and what kind of dog she would meet and mate with was in the future however, right now she was happy with her true lover.

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