Women with Animals

The Adventures Of Slut And Handler: Slut Finds A Doctor


(c) 2013 by vatum1

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I entertain. I frequent the theater scene and am a patron of the arts with many and varied friends. Is that too much information?

Slut on the other hand, is a clothes horse, she loves to dress and if she had the money to be part of the “jet set” of ‘60’s hedonism, she’d be right at home as a party girl. Slut has a fatal flaw, she likes girls. Not to insult lesbians but of course I’m perplexed as a only manly man can be, why she doesn’t roll as nature intended. In any case, I’ve accepted her as she is and she, me, and so we get along quite nicely, amicably one could say.

She frequently accompanies me to shows of various sorts and so on. We’re just not a couple in the traditional sense. She uses me to ensnare her latest female conquests as needed. Slut is luscious and very desirable to women, but, she keeps me around just the same. As I said, perplexing.

I enjoy her company immensely, we laugh lots and she’s given me the role of handler to her sexy escapades when a male is required and faithfully reports back when not. I’m titillated by that. I think she’s bi-sexual easily and just currently prefers women, so I think anyway and she has said as much to me too.

One day she posed me a question of how to seduce a woman, married, and a doctor. “What kind” I ask? “doesn’t matter” is her reply, they’re interchangeable. Silly me, thinking doctors had specialties but she was answering in the figurative sense, not literal.

I told her I’d probably write some story or another, author anon, then publish it on a site that is believeable, etc. In speaking to her, I’d have this wide eyed introspection about the subject of the story and what’s her opinion, discussion…or something like that.

Ok then, “write me that story” she says.

“…..Once upon a time…..or some other such inauspicious beginning; In my story, there is a professional woman, she is a workaholic and in need of a diversion from the daily grind of life. She goes for a walk in a park for stress relief, alone or with someone(s) else doesn’t matter, sees all the dogs running around, even mating, and her libido is excited. “I must try this” is her vow. Her neighbor is leaving on a trip and would she watch/care for the dog. Of course the dog is an uncut male and needs exercise, bathing, feeding until a bond is formed and our intrepid workaholic doctor is exhausted and falls dazed onto the couch legs all akimbo (I like that word, it makes me smile and have been dying to use it!). Fido/Phydeaux/Bowser/your-favorite-dog-name here works himself between her legs, rests his head on her tummy for a pet and then stuffs his snout into her sweaty business and it’s off to the races from there. The End.

I posted the story and slut read it and said, perfect, now let’s wait and see.

About a week later, slut was over to eat with me and I had some friends over, of course one happened to be a doctor. I so didn’t see that one coming, I’m such a dense male that I hadn’t seen that slut had the hots for one of my friends.

We had a nice evening and by and by, people left until it’s just slut, handler and doctor. Slut, as is her way, with wide-eyed innocence says she read this disturbing story about a woman who has sex with a dog, “can you imagine?” I’m about to swallow my tongue but I’m game and go into my handler mode easily. The discussion is lively and slut describes in greater detail than I wrote, just what she was seeing, and interpreting the feeling, personalizing it too. She was getting flushed in the telling.

My friend the doctor, was a little flushed too and squirming in her seat … and in no hurry to leave.

As it happens, my neighbor has a dog and I’m currently caring for him, we’ll call him Fido. I look at slut intently, the bitch has suddenly gone all innocent on me, then at my friend. “How would you like to see a dog have sex with a human woman?” I ask. She gulps and turns about 500 shades of red and is mute, licking her suddenly dry lips.

Stay there, I’m in command, both of you. With that, I go next door to get Fido and bring him into the room. He sits on his haunches next to me, the perfect gentleman. I tell my friend that there is no going back from here, is she game? All smiles and invitations am I, and she knows me, I’m safe so she thinks. Nods assent.

“Get up slut, take off your clothes, all of them” slut obeys at once. She is dressed in all the very nice underpinnings, she is lovely to behold but she stands tall. “you know what to do” I command. Slut then kneels down and reaches for Fido and he whines at her and starts prancing around, she holds his sheath and his cock slides out. She holds it and crawls underneath him then puts it in her mouth. Her legs are akimbo (there’s that word again!) and Fido licks her as she sucks him in a 69 position. It isn’t long and he’s squirting and she is swallowing.

Fido steps off of her and turns around, then tries to mount her shoulder. Stupid Fido! But then, slut has the experience. “Get into position” and making sure my friend is looking, I help Fido into position. When he feels his cock entering her, he hunches forward quickly, his legs doing a dance of first one, then the other, pushing, pushing until the knot is inside her and they are tied.

“Come here” I tell my friend, see this. I take her hand and have her feel around their joining, how the knot bulges her vaginal ring, her labia are swollen. Slut is in another place tied with this dog.

I don’t ask my friend if she likes it or not but command her to take her clothes off too. That I will not abuse her in any way but her clothes must come off, her inhibitions too but that’s a subtle message.

Being naked, I disrobe too, puts everyone into the same mindset. Dr. does an examination of slut and Fido with one hand and with her other, massages her breasts and again, down between her legs, dewy with lust.

Fido is finished and panting, he turns and I put her cupped hand underneath them as he pulls out of slut. A fountain of semen erupts out of her and is caught by Dr. “Oh my, she exclaims and stares at her hand full of dog semen and slut’s dew.

She pulls her hand to her nose and smells the musk emanating. Some is dripping/dribbling between her fingers and drips onto her breasts and down her cleavage to her pubic hair. The hand full of semen then anoints her mound, she inserts a finger between swollen lips and removes a pearl of white sticky, aromatic, nectar. It stretches a good 6 inches before it breaks.

She is breathing heavily and slut comes up to her and gives her a kiss. I’m sure the ground shook for them both.

…..but that’s a story for another time.

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