Women with Animals



Being born into a politically motivated family, both of my parents coming from extremely wealthy families, grandparents and parents never accepting anything tarnishing their names, I knew this was the most important thing my family lived by.

That is why, when I was in my first year in college, attending an off-campus party, I didn’t think enjoying some pills that were in bowls everywhere, along with a few drinks, I had never felt as good as I did at that moment, feeling like I was flying, my body sexually charged – I never gave it a second thought when I decided for some reason to drive to a club for more partying.

Along the way, feeling so good, I never saw the motorcycle crossing the road in front of me, hitting him squarely. His body seemed like it was flying in slow motion, away from the SUV I was driving. My vehicle was equipped with heavy bumpers like bars, which destroyed his bike, but left my car relatively unmarked.

The road was deserted, moving to the lifeless body. I called 911 for help. It seemed to be forever before a single police car drove up. I recognized a police officer as one of my parents’ off-duty security guys who helped when we had parties.

“Hey Nikki, what happened here?” he asked.

I told him what happened, he checked, the cyclist was dead, then as he listened to me, it was apparent I had been using drugs and alcohol before the accident. I was in tears when asked, telling him what I had taken and how much. Leaving me by my car, he got in his car, called someone, then finally stepped back out to join me.

“Now, I want you to listen to me. Nothing can be done here for him, and I don’t have to say your parents or grandparents can never find out anything about this. Why don’t you head back to your place, and I’ll take care of everything here?”

I knew it wasn’t right, but I also knew if the parents ever found out, it would destroy their good names and cast me out of the family immediately.

The accident was hard to forget or live with, but eventually, things got easier. The only thing that ever appeared was a note in the newspaper, stating a young man had been going too fast, resulting in a crash taking his life.


Everything seemed to have been forgotten when one evening, more than six months later, I had been invited to a private party. The lady who had extended the invitation was one of the most stunningly beautiful women I have ever seen. I had no idea why she wanted to see me, but it was common knowledge she was a lesbian, having been in relationships with many celebrity ladies.

I, of course, accepted the invitation, dressing in an outfit as revealing as any I’d dare to wear, secretly wishing she become interested in me since I was one hundred percent into women only. The driver picked me up in a limo, a drink already prepared for me, which, when offered, I accepted, needing the alcohol to calm my nerves. I didn’t know that the glass had been drugged with a substance designed to relax me, sexually enhance my desires, and rid me of any inhibitions I may have had.

We were not going to her home in the city but to a farm she owned outside of town. Part of the invitation was to tell no one where I was going or who I’d be meeting. I’d kept that agreement while I sipped my drink. I wondered why secrecy was so necessary, even to the point that when the driver picked me up, she asked again if I had told anyone. Since it was a long drive, an excellent selection of hors d’oeuvres had been prepared for me, all also spiked with the same drug my drink contained.

By the time we arrived, I had consumed multiple doses of the drug, one being sufficient to put me in a suggestive state, more than willing to let the lady enjoy me and the charms I possessed. Lady Sylvia was dressed in a smock-like dress, all so sheer. Her nude body was on full display, allowing me to be hypnotized by her body. She greeted me at the car, hugging me, pressing her body to mine.

“Nikki, you look fantastic,” Lady Sylvia said. “Thank you so much for coming. I have been watching and following you for a long time now. Please come in so we can get to know one another better.”

Moving inside, she had a drink ready for me. Of course, this one was also drugged but designed to spike my sexual arousal, wrapping her arms through my left side.

“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Why don’t we look at some of my favorite pets,” she suggested.

I’m so drugged by now that everything seemed normal. As we headed to a large barn-like structure, opening the door, I was stunned by the multiple cages on each side. The first one had a cat, being fucked by a dog, the next a horse fucking a goat – my eyes more comprehensive than they have ever been, looking at her shocked. She just smiled, leading me to a second room, in one cage by the side. It looked like an ancient Faun, a type of beast.

Standing on back hooves massive horns, a long tail, and the most massive cock I’ve ever seen. Stepping up to his cage, rubbing between his horns, “Soon baby, I’ll have you a mate. Be patient now” Then she called to something in the back of the cage, laying on its side, gasping when a full-sized Centaur came walking up, bowing

“Lady Sylvia, it is good to see you. Have you found someone for Peter and me to play with?” the Centaur asks.

She did the same to him, promising a plaything soon.

Then leading me back to the main house, a pig was being fucked by a large cat of some kind, just as we entered the dining area, taking a seat by my side.

“As you can tell,” Lady Sylvia begins. “I have an extensive interest in sex of any kind. I’ve enjoyed most of my animals, and believe me, sex with various animals is beyond anything you have ever dreamed of.”

I was still in such shock. “You have two creatures that don’t exist. They can’t be real, but I saw them. How is this possible?”

She was stroking the inside of my legs, telling me if the correct procedures are followed, anything is possible. I wanted to find out more about what I had seen, but her hand was rubbing between my legs over my pussy, causing me to lay back, spreading myself wide open.

She continued to rub me, all the way to a massive orgasm. We had a great meal. By this time, we were both nude, enjoying how good it felt to touch someone like her. As soon as the dinner was over, we retired to her bedroom. She ate my pussy, and I did the same to her, then we were tribbing enjoying more combined explosions. Finally exhausted, we retired to bed for much-needed sleep.


When I joined her in a small sitting room, breakfast and various drinks were ready the following day.

“Have a seat, my love,” Lady Sylvia said. “We have something to discuss. It was I officer Bands called that night of the accident. I had him record everything and send it to me.”

She clicked a large screen when suddenly I saw the accident I had been involved in. I watched in total shock, looking at her.

“How did you get this?” I asked. “Why do you have it? What do you want from me?”

She moved in behind me, slipping her hands down my front, cupping each boob.

“If I make this available to the authorities, you’ll be ruined. Your family will take a huge hit, but that’s not going to happen. I know you have been wondering what it’d be like to be in a cage with my mythological creatures. They are horny as hell and need a playmate.”

Looking at her in shock, the movie where I was standing by the broken bike, on the screen, the drugs I had been given, had removed any mental problems I may have had.

Standing, I said, “I guess I’m ready to see how nice they can be.”

Smiling, she led me to the barn, opening the door, letting me step inside, then closing the door and securing it.

“Boys, I have a plaything here for you to enjoy. Have fun.”

The Faun walked up behind me, rubbing my bottom. The Centaur joined us, rubbing my boobs. They were both kissing me, first on my neck. The Faun began to kiss me on the lips, his tongue slipping inside my mouth. The Centaur lifted me, sliding me under his body, pushing that monster cock inside me.

The pain rushes all over my body, twisting, writhing, clawing at his body, trying to get that thing out of me. But it was in me. He used my body, moving me back and forth over his shaft. The pain continued, but I was so exhausted, I just had to accept the pain. He had tremendous strength, so pushing me on and off his cock, was as easy as using me like a washrag.

I have no idea how long he used me. Eventually, he exploded cum inside me, triggering a massive climax for myself, but my pussy was sore, the lips swollen and puffy, the pain still raging through my body. Despite the pain, my body had betrayed me, triggering multiple climaxes. Thankful that thing was out of me, laying on the ground, when the Faun helped me up, cum still dripping out of my pussy, laughing.

“Well, buddy, I think I’ll skip being sloppy seconds with all that seed you pumped into her. I wonder if she’ll learn to enjoy anal as well as some of our playmates have done.”

Before I could get the strength to object, he had me over his lap, gathering cum dripping from my pussy, using it to push his finger, then a second one, adding in the third and fourth one to me. Once again, I was in pain, trying to get off of his lap, but it was impossible as hard as I tried. Finally, my worst fear, while setting, he quickly lifted me, lowering me to straddle his legs, guiding his cock, directly inside my asshole. My eyes went wide, never expecting any pain like I was now feeling. It was so intense. I tried to scream, but no sound came out.

Fighting, hitting his chest, trying to get this thing out of me, but everything I did was useless. He was holding me steady while he pumped that monster up in and pulling almost out, the rhythm slow and steady, occasionally looking at him. He was not interested in the pain I was experiencing. Still, his eyes were rolled up in his head, totally enjoying what he was doing to me.

The pain had finally been with me so long. My mind and body shut down, leaving me like a rag doll. He finally emptied his load of warm cum in me. It felt different than I had ever had, but the pain was still more than unbearably intense. Laying me in a bed, located in the back of the pen, cum still leaking out of both of my openings, I curled up, falling asleep almost immediately.


The two of them let me sleep until midafternoon, then had a drink and some food ready for me. When I had finished, the Faun picked me up, laying me over his legs, while his companion had a jar of cream, smearing it all over my swollen pussy lips and my sore anal opening.

“Relax. This cream will take away all your pain and make it easier for you to enjoy what we can do,” the Faun said.

The cream did take away the pain immediately, thanking both of them for helping me, sitting on his lap, his fur soft, but I felt so good now, the Centaur laying down to relax. Then, lying in his lap, a slight itch tingled between my legs. I was reaching between them, lightly rubbing the now super sensitive lips. I looked between my legs, the lips were all red, really red, and it looked like they were pulsating now. I gently touched them again, forcing a small whimper to escape me, quickly spreading my legs as wide as possible.

The Faun, gently rubbing my nipples, said, “You’re having problems with your pussy little one?”

Quickly standing, my pussy now on fire, vigorously rubbing between my legs, looking at him, a smile was spread all over his face.

“The cream has affected you. The only way to stop the itch is my cum has to be spread all over the area. Do you want me to fuck you?”

By the moment the itch was becoming more and more intense, my fingers were doing nothing except making my situation worse. Looking over at the other creature, he was smiling.

“I used your pussy last evening. It’s his turn now. Then I’ll take your ass later,” it said.

That was when it hit me. He had lubed my pussy but also my ass. I dropped my head, nodding. I said, “Yes, please will you fuck me? I need you to help me.”

This time he moved me to a bench, padded and waist-high, kicking my legs wide apart, rubbing his cock up and down between my opening, then in one motion he was in me, the pain was there, but far less than the day before. My first orgasm hit just after a few strokes, now more pleasure and less pain.

The amount of time he was fucking me was unbelievable – the internal itch continued to build, mini explosions were raking my body. A long time ago, I lost all ability to focus on what was happening to me, so the only thing to do, drop my head and pray for him to cum. Soon he was there, pushing in deep, the warm feeling flooding me. As soon as his shaft pulled out, all coated with his seed, the itch stopped.

I was laying there, enjoying how good him fucking me was, when suddenly the same itch began in my ass – looking at the other one, “Ohh fuck … now will you fuck me in my ass, please, I don’t want it to get too bad?”

He stepped up behind me, keeping me in the same place, sliding that monster in my ass. The pain was there, but like my pussy, far less pain, and in no time, the pleasure crept up on me, triggering multiple explosions.


Later that afternoon, Lady Sylvia came out. “I was watching, and it looked like you did enjoy the sex today, but it is time for you to go. I’ll destroy the tape, I promise. Hopefully, I may have opened a new experience for you. Come on, and I’ll help you get a shower.”

Hugging her, I said, “I do need a shower, but no one knows I’m here, correct?”

She agreed. “But I hadn’t planned on kidnapping you for more than a few days. Why are you asking?”

A small giggle escapes me. “Well, I have all these animals that need to fuck me, and of course, my two friends here want to use me continually, if you don’t mind.”

The biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her face burst like a flower. “Oh, I think I can make sure no one ever knows you’re here, but first, I need some private time while I give you a shower.”

Winking at the two creatures, smiling, I said, “Keep that cream handy. I’ll be back.”

The End.

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