Men with Animals

Mateo’s Horse – A Long Hard Visit


(c) 2019-2020 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

Part I

I reached for it. I reached for that growing horse cock. The biggest dick I had ever seen, and had. It had been quite a while since I had felt, touched and sucked on the beasts dick. But I was about to again. I grasped at the thick stem that had dropped from its home. Feeling the heft of it. I was so damned hungry instantly. It was all I wanted to have now.

“There it is” I said with desire. “The biggest cock in the world” “Gimme!”

I then bent down more and pulled myself to the thing. It was already down more so than my dick hard and still dropping out. I pulled my face to the dick and quickly took it into my hungry mouth. I wanted to Dan as much as I could before it would become impossible to take any of it. I licked hungrily at the animals dick over the bug head and along several inches if big floppy cock. I slurped and sucked it down as it swelled in my face. And as it hit bigger and harder I pulled off it to gaze at the sheer size of my humongous lollipop. I licked up and down the long, long length of his schlong. Then rubbing it across my face. Feeling its massive size on my cheek before trying to consume it some more.

“Ohh fuck. Ohh God!” I huffed “So fucking big daddy” “I love you God cock”

I then felt Mateo’s hand on me I looked back and he was naked again. He suggested I get naked too. That he would take care of the horse for a bit. so I got up. Handing him the near 2 foot log. He got on his knees and then went down on a good 7 inches while I pulled off my pants and underwear again. Then I dropped to my knees next to him. I kissed Mateos face as he sucked on that dick. Then he held it there and we both sucked on the monster dick. Passing it between us. Each man going down the thing before passing it off to the other. I could hear the horse snorting as he just stood there letting his cock suckers go at his dick. I stroked at the lower half of his dick as Mateo pulled on the top. And as I had both hands on it at once and Mateo his one. It just showed the sheer size of the animals dick. 20 plus inches of mammoth animal cock. And we both trued to swallow to gagging what we could.

“I need this dick in me” I finally said again.

Mateo moved from his position next to me to getting behind me. He said to get on all fours and he would get my hole ready for the dick of all dicks. And when I did he shoved his face to my ass and licked and sucked on my hole. Spitting on it to lube it up some. Then he thrust his tongue in a bit before moving to a finger, then two. I cooed on the horse cock I was still sucking on. Loving the sensations on my ass. Then as I slobbered more on the massive dick I begged Mateo to fuck me again.

“Gibe me your dick Mateo” I moaned “I need it in me before this monster” “Give me your cock” “Fuck me and get me ready for him”

Mateo needed no further coaxing. He pulled off my ass with his mouth and then moved in behind me as I stay there on all fours. He spit on his dick and then brought it to my ass. And then he thrust his cock into me again. I groaned as I felt his cock push i to my ass. Groaned as Mateo gave me what I wanted. A nice big dick.

“Hmm fuckk yeah baby” he hummed “Love this hole man”

Mateo started to give me a nice steady fuck with his big wonderful dick. Pushing it down into me hard. And I loved it. I moaned and huffed as he took my ass. Pushing nack at him as he did. Begging him for more. Begging him for all he had to give me.

“Awe fuck yes stud” I cooed “Give it to me Mateo” “Gimme that damned big dick”

And he did. Mateo slammed my backside hard. Plowing his awesome cock into my happy ass. He shoved into my repeatedly with his big gun. Giving my hole what I desperately needed to get me opened for the animals gargantuan cock. I moaned and cooed as I felt his cock plow in and out of my ass. Shouting back what a stud Mateo was. And Mateo really gave it to me huffing and grunting himself to a nice a sloppy orgasm. He howled as his body tensed up and then blew. Then I felt the shots that fired into my guts. 6 or 7 hard wet blasts as he fed my ass all that cum.

“Yeah man. Fuck yeah buddy” He grunted “Giving it to you. Giving it to you”

Then he pulled from me as I sighed. I kissed at the horses monster cock. Licking at the massive head and and pulling on the long, long shaft. It was rime for my ass to receive this horse dick again. I tried to suck on the massive thing for a few moments more. But them my unquenchable lust caused me to beg foe the dick in my hand

“Get this huge fucker behind me” I said to Mateo “I need his dick inside me again”

So Mateo grabbed his horse and pulled him around to my backside. Then I got up and stood bending over and grasping at a fence post nearby. Holding myself to it as my ass was up and waiting for the horse and his monster cock. And then I heard a grunt and I felt the horae move up behind me. Mateo was.holding the beast and his massive dick as he lined it up to my ass hole. Then the horse mounted me and just started to hump. Knowing it was fucking time. Then after a few misses Mateo was able to get the horse cock against my ass hole. The horse felt the wet dripping hole filled with lubricating cum and then it lunged forward.

“Ughnn!” Was the only sound from me.

My ass gabe and the animal plowed his huge schlong into me. I was now impaled in a good 12 or so inches as the beast began to hump at my ass. He grunted and whinnied some as he just tore his bigger than bug dick into my bowels and body. There was pain and a dull fullness I had not felt since his last assault on me. All I knew was I was married to his cock again. And the beast was intent in shoving it all into me. The next few minutes were the longest in the history of time. For it felt as if each and every ass destroying thrust took minutes to pass through me. A slow motion ass wrecking like no other before. All I knew was I felt dizzy and probably may have passed out briefly from his assault on my guts.

“Take it baby. Take it” I heard from Mateo.

Somewhere in the distance was his chant. It seemed so far away though. Like he was calling me from some tube in space. And then i heard the horse grunt again and then it stopped its attack on my guts. Then a river of his cum gushed into my bowels and up into my colon. So much cum that u thought it may just flow through me and pour out of my mouth from it all. Literally drowning me from the inside out. Then it pulled from me and my legs finally gave. I collapsed to the ground in a heap. Mateo came over to my side to see how I was.

“Wow man. Are you okay?” He asked “Awe fuck. Awe fuckk!” Was all I could say

I lay there in the ground for a bit. Mateo took the horse back to the stable and then picked me up and carried me back home to his house. I of course recovered form my ass slaughter. Lots of fluids helped. And then I was roaring and ready for more with Mateo and his huge horse. My hole was a ruined mess before I went back hime again.

“So sore” I said on the plane ride home “My ass is a massive home now”

I ended up relocating myself to Mexico and I moved in with Mateo and his giant horse. Getting an ass slamming almost every day. And enjoying each and every time Mateo and hus horse took me.


Part II

It was a few weeks after the frustrating conversation with Mateo that something finally came up. I was home one weekend where I was just planning on doing some stuff around the house. Just hanging out and maybe Bing on some Tv. Then some chores and projects I had never gotten to. I put up some shelves in the bathroom and then cleaned the place. It needed it as I had been lazy these last few weeks.

“There what’s her name” I said aloud “And there her big dig Baron”

I was referring to my neighbor. I always forgot her name some how. She was nice enough. But she had this huge dog. His name was Baron. He was part hound and part Great Dane. So he was one big ass dog. Dark fur with patches of light on his feet and under his chin. He was surely an intimidating beast. And that’s when I saw them. His balls.

“Holy Fuck me” I chirped “Look at those huge nuts” “Jesus!”

I stared out the window as she walked down the street. My eyes fixated on the dogs large balls. They swung there to and fro as the beast walked by. My dick tighten up in my pants. And I licked at my lips. Then reached down to adjust my quickly hardening dick. Needless I dropped everything I was doing and went back to the internet.

“Dog sex” I said. As I punched in the search

And there it was. A whole butt load of dog sex videos. More so that horse ones. And alot of guys getting banged up by vicious ass fucking dogs.

“Damn. That is soo hot!” I stated “Fuck him boy. Fuck him” “Fuckk”

I grabbed my dick as I watched the dog videos. All kinds of guys getting literally tore up by dogs. The cries and holes as they were fucked was insane. And I wanted in. Them I saw a big hound dog pull out of some guy. The dick was big, thick and purple. I figured at least 7 inches long.

“Damn. Dogs can have some huge cocks” I huffed

Then I pondered Baron, my neighbors dog. He was a massive dog. So I could only assume how big his dick might be.

“And i bet those big balls have tons of cum” i added “Big hanging nuts full of sweet cum” “Damn!”

I liked my lips and wiped the drool from them as it collected fast. I had to have that dog. Now how to do so. How do I get the neighbors dog to myself for a bit. Because I know I would somehow get the beast to Fuck my brains out. And I was sure he would. Such a huge animal would wreck me from the indication in the videos I watched. I found my dick raging as I yanked on it while watching guys get pounded by their canine friends. Wanting to get some big thick dog dick.

“Fuck yeah. Fuck him!” I shouted at the screen “Tear up your Bitch man”

The videos helped me get off for sure. But I knew I wanted dick. Soon. But my luck quickly changed for the better. It was a nice spring Saturday. I woke up early and did my morning routine. Brushed teeth and washed up. Got in some sweat shorts as I had no immediate plans to go out. But as i looked out the back window. I saw my neighbor and family piling up into the car. I was curious and decided to step out and investigate. I grabbed some shoes and went out back. I saw her and waved.

“Hi” I said “Where at you guys off to so early”

She said they were off for a family gathering at her sisters. I knew from previous conversations that I had had with her that her sister lives about an hour or so away. “Not taking the dog?, I asked

I figured I could find out if the beast would be alone. I could hear him in the back yard already. He was moving around back there beyond the tall privacy fence they had. She said that he would only be a pest up there. So he was being left at home. She said they put out food and water for the dog,and he would be fine in the back yard.

“I’ll be here most of day” I said “I can check up I Baron from time to time” “That’s nice of you” she said “Just make sure he is fine in water” “He drinks alot”

She said he had a water tub reservoir in back. But sometimes he knocked it over. So I agreed to look in in him, then wished them safe travels.

“Have a good visit” I waved as they drive off

I turned and headed back to my house. By the time I got to the door I felt the discomfort of my hard on in my shorts. I decided to get some food in me and coffee. Then I would come back out later. But as I sat there eating something I could feel my dick throbbing in my shorts some more. Lust for cock was on me. And I needed to have it. I stood up and drank some more brew. Then looked out the window to the tall fence that was the only barrier between me and that big dog. I reached down and pulled at my covered dick again.

“Fuckk!” I huffed “Gotta have it” “Need that dogs huge dick”

So I drank down my coffee. Then placed it down and headed out the back. I opened my fence and then walked into the alley to the back where there was the gate to the neighbors yard. I knew that Baron was a very gently beast. He had jumped on me once or twice when I was outside and she was walking him. So I didn’t think to much about just going into their yard to day hi to the big dog. Baron heard me back there and barked. He then rushed the gate as I opened it. And all I saw was a big dog coming at me.

“Holy shiit!” I yelled as he jumped. Me

He jump in me and knocked me down. I hit the gate hard, slamming it shut. But was knocked to the ground. The dog then bared down on me. Pouncing on my chest. It then looked down at me.his eyes glared down at me and i began to think I may have misjudged the beast and his docile nature.

“Umm. Hey there Baron” I said softly “Its only me” “Please don’t kill me”

I feared that he may just do that. His full weight was on my chest and I couldn’t breath much and move. He could just rip my face off if he wanted. But all he did was sniff me a bit. Then he licked my face and head. I breathed in a heavy sigh as I felt I was safe from death.

“Get off me then dude” I crowed.

The big animal did. He stepped of me so I was able to sit up. But as I did, my eyes caught sight of that huge nut sack. And again my dick throbbed.


Part III

There I was in my neighbors yard. Just sitting back up after getting pounced on by her huge dog Baron. For a few moments there I thought I was doomed as the dog was on my chest and cutting off my air. But Baron released me and then stepped to my side. I petted the big animal as I sat there. But looked over to see his very low hanging balls. Then I remembered why I was there.

“Hmm. Look at those big balls” I said

I licked at my lips as I looked at those low hanging fruit. And i licked at my lips. And my dick throbbed again in my shorts. And Baron seemed to see my trouble. He turned and then shoved his nose in my crotch. So i knew he was now smelling my lust and desire for him.

“Hmm. That feels good boy” I said as his nose was rubbing at my crotch

And then as the beast turned at my crotch his rear came around. And there before me was the huge nuts again. Closer. Dangling about two feet from me. I gulped as I gazed at them. And my dick again throbbed. I then reached down and pulled down my shorts. I needed to free it before it broke. And as I did the dog started to lick my cock.

“Awee fuckk yess boy!” I crowed “Fuckk. That is awesome. Shiit!”

The sensation of the dogs long wet tongue licking at my dick was incredible. The roughness of it raking along my raging boner was driving me mad. I was quickly jumping at the dogs tongue and mouth. My eyes pulled up into my skull for a moment as I fucked his lapping tongue. Groaning as that tongue licked at my now drooling cock. Then I looked over at the dogs balls. Those big beautiful nuts the guy had. Easily double the size of mine. I licked at my lips and then grabbed the dogs hind quarters.

“Come here” I growled “Gimme those balls fucker” “Now!”

I was able to pull the dog closer to me. Then reached under him to get to those huge balls. I licked at my lips as I gazed at them. My hand then made contact with those massive orbs. Easily they were at least 50% bigger than mine were. Maybe more so. And they hung their in their soft sack. I cupped at his balls. Gently rubbing at them. Feeling the heart and their weight. I gulped down a heavy swallow as I continued to fondle his balls. I had to have them. Now.

“Just gimme those big ball man” I stated

Then I leaned closer to the dogs backside. Inching closer to the digs big low nuts. Licking at my hungry lips as I got closer and closer to them. They would be mine. I knew it. So I pulled my mouth to them and then I pressed my lips to those balls. They were warm against my lips. And dis feel very big as well. I felt the soft tiny hairs on the dogs balls and the wondrous warmth of them made me very very hungry.

“Take them” my head crowed “Take them and suck them”

I opened my mouth and pulled the balls to it. Licking at them with lust as I did indeed begin to suck his balls. Licking first, then just pulling them into my mouth. I was slobbering over them in moments. My utter hunger for the dogs nuts was overwhelming.

“Yeah boy ” I cooed as I released them fir a moment “Love you licking at my cock buddy” “That tongue feels fucking awesome. ” “Awee fuckk!”

His tongue was a wonder on my dick. I was rock hard and was close to busting a nut. The sensations on my dick and the feel of those big heavy balls had me hornier than any thing since I was with that horse of my Mexican friend Mateo. So I went back to licking at those fat balls. Went back to pulling and sucking in them with my mouth and tongue.

“Hmm. Hmm” I hummed as I sucked on them

I shoved both in my face. Filling up my fave with the dogs huge balls. Then letting the now drenched nuts go and I still pulled on them. Wet from my drooling in them. And I was going to go back and suck on them when I grabbed under him again. My hand rubbed against something. It was hard and wet.

“What the…” I huffed

That’s when I saw the digs dick. Barons cock was coming out of its sheath. It was a long and thin (at the moment pink tube). About as thick as two fingers.

“Well well” I said “Looks like I am getting someone horny too” “Lets see how big this will get”

I knew it would get bigger. Knowing from all the videos of the passed that I had watched. Before and after Mateos horse I had seen videos of man and animal sex. Mostly dogs as that was predominant in the internet. Most dogs dicks started thing and pink like this. But some once full engorged and near busting were thick and purple. Some as thick or even thicker than a mans cock. And I did not doubt that Baron would be big and thick too. And I wanted him to fuck me. So I got in all fours for the big dog. Then spit in my hand and swabbed up my asshole for him.

“Come here boy” I said “Get over here and Fuck me stud”

I pulled at the dogs back legs to get him to move. He did move around me and started to sniff at me. Then he came around my backside and sniffed there too. I felt his wet nose at my ass. Then his tongue licked at my butt. I felt the big long tongue as it raked across me. And it felt good. Then he did what I wanted. The big dog let instinct take hold and he crawled up on me. Mounting my butt. I felt the big heavy dog on me as his front paws wrapped around me. I then felt as the dogs hips started to pump. Then his hard rod hit my thigh. Then moved between my legs as the big dog tried to find my hole.

“Come on buddy. Do it. Do me” I cried out

A few other thrusts found him closer and then finally finding my hole. Once the dog felt my hole he lunged forward and sliced his big dick into me. Like a spike he rammed that dick through my ass hole and into my bowels. And then Baron just gunned it. The huge dogs big dick quickly expanding on my ass. Bloating out many times to reach full mast.

“Awee fuckk!” I cried as I felt it “Fucking big. Fuck, fuck”

The dogs huge dick just started to batter my guts as the still thickening cock crushed my guts up. Slamming against my prostrate like a jack hammer as the dog fucked to breed. I winced in pain as the hard brutal assault in my ass was more painful than I would have thought. I was actually trying to pull from him

“Fuxk, dude. Fuckk!” I hollered “Slow up. Hmmf fuckk. My ass, my ass!”

But the dog seemed to tighten his hold with his front paws. Then gus huge cock hammer pummeled my ass even harder. I felt as the dogs huge balls began to tap away at mine as he dug more and more cock into my body. And the pain did not dull even as this went on. For as he continued to fuck me up with his fat dog dick, he seemed to go faster and faster. And then the digs knot ripped into me. It felt like a full baseball had just been forced I to me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..” I groaned “Fucking hurts. Uhh fucking God it hurts” “Shoot. Fuxckk, fuck, fuckk!”

Then as I felt this beast that was now just raping my ass to get off may rupture my guts up with his hard as steel dick, he slowed and then just stopped. And then I felt the hot wet cum shoot into my guts. Showering my insides with his dog cum.

“Ughn. Ohh God. Ohh God” I groaned as I felt it

My head fell down to the groaned as my body caved and slumped under him. Then I could only just stay there under the beast as he pumped my ass full of his cum. I heard the big dog above me. He was panting heavily as his dick poured his dog seed into my guts. And I was stuck there with him for near 5 minutes like this. Or at least it seemed so.

“Fuck” I groaned “Fuckk!” “Awee fuckk!”..

And then the dog moved. He crawled up and iver me and then turned around. He butt facing mine now. I cried again as the turn twisted his dick and knot around inside my ass. Only giving me more pain, more discomfort. But then it got worse. The dog moved to pull himself out of my ass. The dig tugged and the big knot in him pulled at my ass. More pain hit me

“Ughnn fuxkk. Awe fuckk!” I winced “Fuck, shiit, fuck”

I smacked my hand to the ground as the dog continued to pull at my ass. Groaning as the knot in me was trying to leave my hole. But it seemed my ass didn’t want to let go. Or it was just busted up and stopped working entirely. But then the dog pull hard again. And then a white hot pain went through my ass. It felt like I was being stabbed in the ass by a hot poker just off the fire. But the knot was yanked from my ass.

“Jeeesuss!” I shrieked

Then I collapsed to the ground in a heap. I looked over and behind me as the dog pulled away from me. I saw the thing that had been inside me.i swear it was like a purple arm. And the knot bigger still. And that cock had to be 10 inches long

“Fuck me” I huffed as I lay there “More than I bargained for”

I lay there in a heap with dog cum drooling from my ruined ass. Aching from soreness.


Part IV

I was sore for days after the dog raping I had received. And even though I initiated the hot and painful sex. Yes I had wanted the huge dog with the big beautiful nuts to take me. I was wanting to feel his big dog dick in me. I felt that horse was bigger so I could handle the dog. But what I wasn’t expecting was the brutal assault of the hard fucking dog. Or the huge knot that was thrust and lodged into my guts. The fact that after the destructive gut fucking he had given me I was left on the ground with a swollen and bruised asshole. Cum falling out of my poor slaughtered ass.

“Awee fuckk” I had groaned as I tries to get up

But I eventually did and I almost crawled home as I had trouble walking. And my ass had been sore the rest if the day, and for almost 2 days thereafter. I would look out at the huge beast and he would see me then get excited. Of course he would. I was his new Bitch to breed. But that was it with the big dog. At least for now. For I was to fly down and visit Mateo again very soon.

“I will see my hot Mexican and play with him and his big horse again.” I sighed

When I did fly down to him again I was more than excited. I of course knew I had a long drive to get to Mateo’s farm. I for down to Mexico, grabbed my rental car and headed out to him. Texting and calling him to let him know I was on my way.

“Great my friend” he said “Can’t wait to see you again”

And I could t wait to see him again. My hot Mexican friend that introduced me to the finer points of animal sex. And I wanted to see the hot Mexican too. To jump on his hot body. To get that nice meaty cock. I would be on that hot cock soon. I could feel my own dick pushing at my shorts as I drove to his farm. When I got there to his farm it was late. Darkness was pulling the sun behind the hills in the distance. Bringing a banker of night quickly over the land. I turned into the dirt road that entered it and down the path. I could see the lights of it just a bit aways from me. I sighed as I had reached my destination.

“Finally” I huffed “I am finally here”

A nice satisfied breath left me as I stopped the car. I saw someone moving around in the house and the went to the window. Then as I texted him to let him know I had arrived I saw the door open. The porch light came on and there stood the hot Mateo at the door. He waved me in as I turned off the engine and then got out. I went to the back and grabbed my bags. Then headed to where he stood.

“There he is” he chirped “My wonderful American friend” “So good to see you man”

He grabbed me and gave me a big hug as we stood there at the door. His body felt good to be near again. Then he kissed my cheek. Then bade me enter into his place again. Mateo looked good still. He was in shorts and a t-shirt, but his great body still showed through them. His chest pressing to the shirt and the shorts to his beefy ass.

“Come. Sit, sit” he said

So I did. I sat there on the nice comfy sofa in the living room. He asked if I was hungry.

“Such a long flight and drive” he said “I have stew on the fire” “I bring you some”

I smiled and nodded a yes to him. I was very hungry as I hadn’t eating since somewhere on my 3 hour flight. And then the near 2 hours drive to his place. Yeah I was famished. So I of course agreed to the stew. He brought me a hardy bowl and a beer. He sat across from me with his own drink and let me eat.

“Really glad you could come” he said again “It gets lonely out here sometimes”

I could only imagine as his place was near 25 miles from the nearest town. And its not like people drove out there all the time. So I kinda of got how he somehow got into the animal fun. So few visitors allows you time to learn new experiences. But now I was there with the hot man. We talked about how the past year had gone. His life seemed almost boring next to my busy city life. But I thought to myself how I would just love to get away from it all. To have a small farm and away from the rat race.

“So peaceful out here” I said as I gaged the silence around us.

I listened to the sounds of crickets outside the opened window. It sure was peaceful. Very pulling to a nice slumber. And then I looked at the clock and saw the time. Man it was late. No wonder I was so tired. Mateo looked at me with a smile. He then suggested we just go to bed. That we can go out in the morning. ATV or something else

“What ever you want my friend” he said “Its your vacation” “Bit now lets go to bed”

He stood up and came around the table. Placed a meaty hand on my shoulder and squeezed ot. He grabbed the bowl from in front of me and took it to the sink where he deposited it. I got up and grabbed my bags. Then he lead me to his bedroom and told me to get out of my clothes. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Pulling his shirt up and over his head as he left the room to go to the bathroom. I took off my pants and then my shirt. It was warm down there so I figured I would just sleep in my underwear. Then he came back in from the bathroom. Bare chested and looking as hot as ever. He strong beefy body looking delicious to my eyes. I wanted to jump him right then and there. But I was still very tired. I grabbed my tooth brush and went to brush my teeth next and take a pee. That long drive had my bladder pretty fucking full. I listened to the urine as it splashed around in the bowl and just held myself up by an arm on the wall. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wanting to make sure I was looking suitable for my hot Mexican stud. I smiled as I looked at myself. Then went out and into his bedroom. Mateo was already laying in bed. Leaning against the headboard. His meaty chest dark and full.

“Damn he is still soo hot” I said softly “Come and join me” he said waving me to bed.

I climbed into bed and Mateo turned and kissed me. Then he lay down and pulled me into his big strong chest. I was out in moments. Dreaming of him and his body.


Part V

My head was filled with dreams of when I was here last with the smoldering latin stud I was laying next to in bed. Laying there in this bed with the smoldering stud on me. Driving his big Latin dick into me. Feeling him borrow it into my bowels. Taking me as I wanted to be taken again. This studs body felt so good as I lay next to him. Then as I heard crowing of roosters I knew it was the signs of the morning. I turned in bed and there was no one lying next to me. I looked around the room to see no one. But I did hear noises coming from the beyond the door. Then the smell of rich brewing coffee entered the room, infiltrating my nose.

“Hmm. Coffee” I huffed.

I crawled up out of bed and then stepped out into the hall. I called out to Mateo. He answered saying he was making something for me to eat. I headed towards the sounds and smells. Then I heard the sizzling sounds of sitting on the fire. And then followed by the rich sweet smell of bacon. I moved quickly and stepped through the living area. Then turned to the left and to the kitchen area. I saw the man standing there in a t-shirt and boxer shorts. His big full ass stuffed into them.

“Good morning” I chirped at him “Good morning baby” he said back “Making some breakfast” “Coffee is right there”

I looked over at the carafe of dark brew. There were a few mugs hanging near it. I reached fir one and poured myself a nice hot cup. I pulled the cup to my fave and took a whiff of the rich flavorful aroma. Sighing and then taking a sip.

“Sit my friend” he said “I will bring you some thing over”

I went to the small table in the kitchen nook and sat down. I added a teaspoon of sugar and some milk to my coffee. Then drank up. Mateo came over a few moments later with two plates. Placing on in front of me. Bacon and eggs. Then there was a plate if toast he reached for and lay before me.

“Eat up man” he said “Then we will find something fun to do”

I looked at the sexy man and just wanted to eat him up. I could wait to so sone fin stuff outside later. So after I finished up I came around and hugged the hit Mexican. Wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. Then I leaned in and whispered to he ear that I wanted him right now.

“Why don’t we hang out here a bit” I said to him “We could.. Hmm fuck”

I softly puffed that comment at his ear before I licked at his lobe. Mateo giggled as my tongue licked him. He looked back at me and I turned to kiss him. Our lips met and I did.

“I want you to fuck me Mateo” I said “Haven’t felt your big dick since I was here last” “And I need to get my hole ready for that horse of yours again”

He smiled and then got up. I grabbed his hand and lead him back to his bedroom. I wanted him to fuck me good and hard. I pushed him to the bed and he sat there. I quickly tossed aside my clothes and then dropped to my knees. I grabbed at his shorts he had on. Then i pulled on them to get them down. I wanted to free his big cock. He lifted his butt to let me get them off. Then after his sick fell out as he sat there, I stood up and grabbed at his shirt. Then i proceeded to pull off his t-shirt. Getting it off his hot beefy body.

“Hmm. There is that hot body” I said “Fucking gorgeous”

I then pushed him back onto the mattress. And as he lay there on the bed looking up at me I reached for his body again. I let my fingers move over his broad chest. Feeling the hairs on him as I glades down hua chest and then moved over his torso. Then I moved down his body and to his crotch. I grabbed at his still soft cock and picked it up. Mateo sighed as he felt my fingers on him.

“Hmm. Feels nice” he said

I then just started to gently pull in his dick. I could feel as I stroked him how his dick began to respond to my hand. I licked at my lips as i looked at his body. Then I moved down and to his thighs. Telling him to spread them. Mateo complied with my request and spread his meaty legs for me. I then moved down and between them. Grabbing hold of his cock again. Then I dropped down and then pushed my face down to his crotch. I quickly opened my mouth and them slipped his dick into it. I licked at the head and up and down the shaft. The work was easy as he was still semi soft. The thing rolled around in my mouth as I licked all over the cock. I heard his sigh again as I continued to pull on his dick with my mouth. Slurping up and down his hard delicious cock. Mateo moaned again and again as I slid over his dick. Slurping on his hard big member. Mateo moaned more and more as I worshiped it. Feeling it as my mouth and tongue danced over his shaft.

“Yes baby. Yess!” He moaned aloud “I love it. I love it soo good” “Suck mee”

I had the man practically begging me after a few minutes. Begging me to jump on his now raging cock. But I kept torturing him with my mouth. Torturing him with my tongue as I slobbered over his big dick.

“Let be fuck you” he said “Give me your ass baby”

I pulled from his dick and said yes. So we switched and I was now on the bed. Face down and a pillow under my midsection. My ass up and ready for him. So Mateo crawled on the bed behind me and then he shoved his face to my ass.

“Ughn” I groaned as he did. Piercing my hole with his tongue.


Part VI

I moaned deeply as Mateo shoved his tongue up into my ass. It was soo damned good to feel him back there. This smoldering Mexican that I had had lots of fun with in the past. And now I was here with him again. Here at his farm for some fun and sex. Fun with Mateo and his awesome horse. But for now it was just Mateo and myself. The hot mans hot wet tongue digging into my needy ass hole. Getting it wet and loose and ready for his very big Latin cock.

“Yes Mateo. Awee yess!” I cooed “Feels soo fucking good baby.” “Awee fuckk. Yess!”

All I heard in response from Mateo was a lot of slobbering and licking at my ass. Loud and delicious sounding as the stud enjoyed my ass.

“Yeah baby. Soo good” he said “Your ass is soo good”

He slurped and sucked and licked at me. Shoving not only his tongue but several fingers in me when he could. Digging those in deep. Causing a deep guttural moan from my mouth. I was in heaven from what this man was doing to my ass. Moaning and looking at him as he drove what ever item he could into my ass. Soon it would be the biggest item. Soon it would be that fat Latin dick. And I was begging him for it.

“Yess. Ugh Yess Mateo!” I crowed “So fucking good baby” “Give it to me stud. Give me that fucker”

After a bit more ass work and more if my crowing for dick he released me from his wonderful ass prep. My ass was puckering and twitching at him for him to take me. And I was still moaning and begging for his dick.

“Fuck me Mateo” I groaned “Fuck me my hot stud”

So he did. Mateo quickly climbed up on me and thrust his cock into my ass. Spitting in it and then doing the same to his cock. Wetting it up and then moving onto my back. Then just driving his big Latin cock into my needy ass. I gasped and then moaned deeply as I felt his fat dick push into my body. Then the sexy man wasted little time and began to fuck me. I felt him and his wonderful dick again. It had been so long since I gelt such a cock. And I wanted it for always. So I begged him to slam my ass. To just rip up my shitter with his big cock.

“Yes. Awe fuck baby yess!” I cried “Give it to me. Mateo. Give it to mee!”

And he did. Mateo quickly started to give me just what I wanted a hard and heavy fucking. Grinding and digging his dick deep with each and every move. Then after some time on my back he pulled out and turned me over and moved between my bent legs. Mateo then slammed back in again. Facing me now as he gunned his heavy dick into my wanton bowels. Pounding up my body as he accelerated to reach orgasm..

“Yeah baby, yeahh!” He grunted as he took it “Feel my dick in that hole” “Your ass is soo good” “Ughn, ughn, ughn, ughn”

Hr huffed and puffed and grunted and groaned. Kissing too as he just plain plowed the hell outta my happy hole. I felt the pounding in me and I grabbed my dick between us. Then telling him to really drill me. I wanted him to fuck the cum out of me. Do he humped at my body mercilessly. Pounding at me as he moaned and I moaned in unison of our conjoined pleasures. And the we both did cum. Mateo howled as he blew . his head rising up and his back arching as he started to empty his nuts. I add shot between us. Hitting my stomach as I blew.

“Yes man. Uhh fuck yess!” I crowed “Yess!” He too shouted “Cumming. I am cumming man!”

He continued until he was sated and then he just collapsed on me. Laying his hot body in my him drenched one. And we lay there for a while. He kissed me a bit as we did. Just enjoying each others body.

“You should stay here longer” he then said to me “I want you here with me to fuck all the time”

I think Mateo wanted me to move there. To stay with him always. But I knew I couldn’t. I had a life back in the states. A job. He sighed when I said that to him. But he understood. We then got up a bit later and went to find that horae of his. I needed that monster cock again. So we did go out to the barn where the beast was kept. I stepped in and smiled when I saw the beast. I licked at my lips as it was time to have at that monster cock again. I stepped into the stall where the animal was. He snorted at me. So I assumed he remembered me. I reached for his neck and mane and stroked him. He felt nice.

“Remember me buddy” I said “I sure remember you”

Mateo pulled him out and then I immediately dropped to my knees next to the huge beast. I was already very hungry for him and his gargantuan dick.

“How ya doing big boy” I said as I rubbed his side and down to his belly.

Then reached for the thing that was already starting to push from his sheath. His horse dick.


Part VII

I reached for it. I reached for that growing horse cock. The biggest dick I had ever seen, and had. It had been quite a while since I had felt, touched and sucked on the beasts dick. But I was about to again. I grasped at the thick stem that had dropped from its home. Feeling the heft of it. I was so damned hungry instantly. It was all I wanted to have now.

“There it is” I said with desire. “The biggest cock in the world” “Gimme!”

I then bent down more and pulled myself to the thing. It was already down more so than my dick hard and still dropping out. I pulled my face to the dick and quickly took it into my hungry mouth. I wanted to Dan as much as I could before it would become impossible to take any of it. I licked hungrily at the animals dick over the bug head and along several inches if big floppy cock. I slurped and sucked it down as it swelled in my face. And as it hit bigger and harder I pulled off it to gaze at the sheer size of my humongous lollipop. I licked up and down the long, long length of his schlong. Then rubbing it across my face. Feeling its massive size on my cheek before trying to consume it some more.

“Ohh fuck. Ohh God!” I huffed “So fucking big daddy” “I love you God cock”

I then felt Mateo’s hand on me I looked back and he was naked again. He suggested I get naked too. That he would take care of the horse for a bit. so I got up. Handing him the near 2 foot log. He got on his knees and then went down on a good 7 inches while I pulled off my pants and underwear again. Then I dropped to my knees next to him. I kissed Mateos face as he sucked on that dick. Then he held it there and we both sucked on the monster dick. Passing it between us. Each man going down the thing before passing it off to the other. I could hear the horse snorting as he just stood there letting his cock suckers go at his dick. I stroked at the lower half of his dick as Mateo pulled on the top. And as I had both hands on it at once and Mateo his one. It just showed the sheer size of the animals dick. 20 plus inches of mammoth animal cock. And we both trued to swallow to gagging what we could.

“I need this dick in me” I finally said again.

Mateo moved from his position next to me to getting behind me. He said to get on all fours and he would get my hole ready for the dick of all dicks. And when I did he shoved his face to my ass and licked and sucked on my hole. Spitting on it to lube it up some. Then he thrust his tongue in a bit before moving to a finger, then two. I cooed on the horse cock I was still sucking on. Loving the sensations on my ass. Then as I slobbered more on the massive dick I begged Mateo to fuck me again.

“Gibe me your dick Mateo” I moaned “I need it in me before this monster” “Give me your cock” “Fuck me and get me ready for him”

Mateo needed no further coaxing. He pulled off my ass with his mouth and then moved in behind me as I stay there on all fours. He spit on his dick and then brought it to my ass. And then he thrust his cock into me again. I groaned as I felt his cock push i to my ass. Groaned as Mateo gave me what I wanted. A nice big dick.

“Hmm fuckk yeah baby” he hummed “Love this hole man”

Mateo started to give me a nice steady fuck with his big wonderful dick. Pushing it down into me hard. And I loved it. I moaned and huffed as he took my ass. Pushing nack at him as he did. Begging him for more. Begging him for all he had to give me.

“Awe fuck yes stud” I cooed “Give it to me Mateo” “Gimme that damned big dick”

And he did. Mateo slammed my backside hard. Plowing his awesome cock into my happy ass. He shoved into my repeatedly with his big gun. Giving my hole what I desperately needed to get me opened for the animals gargantuan cock. I moaned and cooed as I felt his cock plow in and out of my ass. Shouting back what a stud Mateo was. And Mateo really gave it to me huffing and grunting himself to a nice a sloppy orgasm. He howled as his body tensed up and then blew. Then I felt the shots that fired into my guts. 6 or 7 hard wet blasts as he fed my ass all that cum.

“Yeah man. Fuck yeah buddy” He grunted “Giving it to you. Giving it to you”

Then he pulled from me as I sighed. I kissed at the horses monster cock. Licking at the massive head and and pulling on the long, long shaft. It was rime for my ass to receive this horse dick again. I tried to suck on the massive thing for a few moments more. But them my unquenchable lust caused me to beg foe the dick in my hand

“Get this huge fucker behind me” I said to Mateo “I need his dick inside me again”

So Mateo grabbed his horse and pulled him around to my backside. Then I got up and stood bending over and grasping at a fence post nearby. Holding myself to it as my ass was up and waiting for the horse and his monster cock. And then I heard a grunt and I felt the horae move up behind me. Mateo was.holding the beast and his massive dick as he lined it up to my ass hole. Then the horse mounted me and just started to hump. Knowing it was fucking time. Then after a few misses Mateo was able to get the horse cock against my ass hole. The horse felt the wet dripping hole filled with lubricating cum and then it lunged forward.

“Ughnn!” Was the only sound from me.

My ass gabe and the animal plowed his huge schlong into me. I was now impaled in a good 12 or so inches as the beast began to hump at my ass. He grunted and whinnied some as he just tore his bigger than bug dick into my bowels and body. There was pain and a dull fullness I had not felt since his last assault on me. All I knew was I was married to his cock again. And the beast was intent in shoving it all into me. The next few minutes were the longest in the history of time. For it felt as if each and every ass destroying thrust took minutes to pass through me. A slow motion ass wrecking like no other before. All I knew was I felt dizzy and probably may have passed out briefly from his assault on my guts.

“Take it baby. Take it” I heard from Mateo.

Somewhere in the distance was his chant. It seemed so far away though. Like he was calling me from some tube in space. And then i heard the horse grunt again and then it stopped its attack on my guts. Then a river of his cum gushed into my bowels and up into my colon. So much cum that u thought it may just flow through me and pour out of my mouth from it all. Literally drowning me from the inside out. Then it pulled from me and my legs finally gave. I collapsed to the ground in a heap. Mateo came over to my side to see how I was.

“Wow man. Are you okay?” He asked “Awe fuck. Awe fuckk!” Was all I could say

I lay there in the ground for a bit. Mateo took the horse back to the stable and then picked me up and carried me back home to his house. I of course recovered form my ass slaughter. Lots of fluids helped. And then I was roaring and ready for more with Mateo and his huge horse. My hole was a ruined mess before I went back hime again.

“So sore” I said on the plane ride home “My ass is a massive home now”

I ended up relocating myself to Mexico and I moved in with Mateo and his giant horse. Getting an ass slamming almost every day. And enjoying each and every time Mateo and hus horse took me.

The End

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