Women with Animals

Unexpected Foursome


Madison squinted against the morning light streaming through the windows. She looked over at the clock and saw it was just after eight. A smile crept across her lips when she felt her boy, Jacob, twitch as he lay against her naked back. She lay back and rolled over to face her sleeping pooch. She watched him sleep for a while, listening to heavy breathing and watching his lean, muscular chest rise and fall.

The Boxer/Pitbull mix gave a snort, opening his eyes and looking at Madi. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and licked his nose.

“Well, good morning sleeping beauty,” she whispered as she leaned over, kissing his chiseled head. He returned the kiss and licked her across her cheek. She ran her hand over his warm belly, scratching his ‘tickle spot’ and making his back leg shake and kick under the covers. He looked at her with his big brown eyes as if expecting more.

“Oh, let me guess. You were dreaming about fucking some little furry bitch and now you want me to take care of this?” she asked, running her hand across his short-haired belly and gently stroking his sheath between his spread legs. She smiled as she felt his cock start to slide into her grip. She slowly massaged his growing cock beneath the covers until it poked well past her clenched fist. She could feel her pussy growing moist as she felt his precum start to drip onto her closed hand.

“Oh Jakey, I love you so much. My big ol’ teddy bear,” she whispered, gently pumping his cock. She release her grip and shoved her hand in between her legs, rubbing his precum across her velvety folds and flicking her clit. “Ok boy, mommy needs some dick,” she groaned, tossing the covers off their bodies and sliding on top of her pup, straddling his broad chest with her knees and reaching behind her and guiding his dripping cock into her wet pussy, slowly easing down on his hot cock. She could feel his tapered, leaking tip ease inside her, slipping between her wet folds and making her gasp. She stopped when his swollen knot hit the outside of her wet lips.

“Oh baby, you’re not cumming yet. Mommy needs to cum first,” she groaned, looking into his eyes. She leaned over as she moved her wet snatch up and down his leaking dick, slowly and deliberately. Jacob raised his head and licked the sweat starting to drip off her naked body, running his long, wet tongue across her pert nipples. He started to pant and let his head fall back, letting her bring him to climax as his tongue rolled out of his mouth.

“Shit, Jake. I’m about to cum,” she whispered and gave a final, slow ride down his shaft and let out a soft whimper as her orgasm ripped through her groin, radiating throughout her body. She closed her eyes as she trembled and went limp, laying down on her pup’s heaving chest.

She smiled, leaning back and opening her eyes and looking into his. “You ready to cum now?” she asked and relaxed her pussy, easing down and feeling his knot stretch her cunt and finally slip inside. When her wet puss closed in around the base of his knot, she raised up just enough to put pressure on it until she felt his cock surge. Madi felt his hot, watery load start pumping rhythmically inside her womb, warming her with his young, watery cum.

“Oh fuck, boy. You feel so good when you cum in me,” she moaned, gently rocking her hips to softly tug on his knot planted inside her pussy. She could feel another orgasm building in her womb as his cock forcefully spit his sperm inside her.

“Shit baby, yeah, fill Mommy up. Fuck, I wish I could have a litter of beautiful puppies for you,” she gasped. “Come on my sweet stud, give me your hot load.”

She cried out and shook as another orgasm rippled across her body. She straddled Jacob, both panting in sync as she recovered and he finished.

A few minutes later, she felt his hard knot deflate enough to ease it out of her cunt. His hot, watery load poured out of her stretched pussy, dripping over his furry belly and running down his dark, hanging nuts. She swung her legs over him and stood up. His cum dripped down her lean legs as she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She looked into the bedroom and Jacob was curled up, cleaning his cock.

“Let me take a shower and I’ll get your breakfast ready, ok?” she said, stepping into the shower and letting the hot water rain down. She soaped up and washed herself off, finally getting out. She wrapped a towel around her chest, covering her lady parts. It was just her and him, but she still felt the need to be a little modest. Besides, sometimes he could get a little frisky and she didn’t want to be knocked down and butt fucked unwillingly.

“Come on Jakey, let’s get some breakfast,” she said, passing by the licking dog and going downstairs. He watched her go by, then followed her down and into the kitchen.

“How about a scrambled egg today? You sure deserve it after letting Mommy cum on your dick,” she grinned. She set about preparing the dog and herself a plate of scrambled eggs, setting his aside to cool before feeding him. She sat down and started to eat her breakfast.

Jacob whined and his tail swept the floor as he sat waiting for his share of the eggs.

“Hold on just a minute, I don’t want you to burn your tongue. I’ve got plans for it later,” she winked and finished her plate. She felt his eggs and satisfied they were cool enough, sat the plate on the floor where Jacob proceeded to inhale his breakfast, finishing them in less than a minute.

She took his clean plate from the floor and put it in the sink as her phone rang. She picked it up and it was the shelter where she had gotten Jacob from a month before.

“Hello?” Madi answered.

“Hey Madison, this is the Freemont country animal shelter,” the female voice replied.

“Yeah, I remember. How are you doing Sara?”

“Oh,” Sara replied, pausing as if shocked Madison had remembered her. Madi remembered her because she thought she was cute as hell and had actually rubbed a couple out, thinking about what she would look like naked and nestled between her legs eating her out. “Uh, hey, Madi. Yeah, I’m fine, thanks for asking. How about you?”

“Wonderful, so what can I do for you?”

“Well, I remember you had pretty specific requirements on the last boy you got from us. How’s he doing by the way?” Sara asked.

Madi looked down at Jacob standing by the patio door waiting to go outside for a potty break. She got up and slid the door open and answered, “Oh, Jacob is great, couldn’t ask for a better pup.”

“Good to hear. Anyway, I was calling to see if you would want or could even take on another dog. He’s similar to yours and is actually from the same puppy mill. We finally were able to shut that shit show down and get the last couple of pups out of there. This one is close to the same age and build. His colors are darker and he might be more Boxer than mixed.”

“He’s still got all his working parts, right?” Madi asked already making plans for her future.

“Yep, fully intact, just like Jacob, thankfully.”

“Well, I guess I could come and take a look. When would be a good time?” she asked.

“It’s pretty busy today, but if you want to come by this evening after closing, I could wait around for you,” Sara replied.

I wonder if she has the hots for me too and just wants to be alone with me, Madi thought?

‘Yeah, that’s cool with me. Say between seven and eight?”

“Perfect!” Sara exclaimed, happily. “Just buzz me at the door and I’ll come out and let you in,” Sara instructed, then hung up.

Madi sat in the dining room chair waiting for Jacob to finish his shit. He came in looking a little happier and relieved. She stroked his head as he approached, un-docked tail swishing.

“So, you want a brother?” she asked. Jacob tilted his head and perked his unclipped ears. “Is that a yes? I hope so because you’re probably getting one anyway.”

Jacob sniffed the air and lowered his head, looking underneath Madi’s wrapped towel.

“Damn, you’ve got a nose on you, don’t you? You still smell Mommy’s cum, hun?”

In response to her question, Jacob stepped forward, shoving his snout under the towel and between her legs. His cold, wet nose pressed against her pussy making her squeal.

“Shit! That’s cold!” she cried and pushed his head back. He looked at her perplexed and licked his lips. “Come on and get upstairs and don’t start something you can’t finish,” she giggled.

He passed her on the way up and was on the bed walking in circles when she came in. She jumped on the bed, leaned back against the headboard and undid the knot in the towel, letting it fall open. She raised her knees and spread her legs, letting Jacob dive in, his warm, wet tongue probing and licking her pussy. She let her hands rest on his squared, strong head as he lapped at her pussy hungrily.

“Oh yeah boy, right there. Shit. Ooohhh yeah,” she moaned as he tasted her. She looked between her legs at Jacob and he looked up, meeting her stare, enjoying her sweet taste.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God,” she panted as her orgasm rushed over her and her wet pussy spasmed and contracted in pulses around his probing tongue. Jacob renewed his licking effort, tasting a new round of sweetness as she came.

A few minutes later, Jacob raised his head, his muzzle wet with her juices.

“Come here, boy,” she whispered, holding out her arms to embrace his warm, muscular body as he stepped over her waist and straddled her chest with his big paws. She opened her mouth and they let their tongues taste and mingle with each other in passionate kisses.
“I love you so much, baby,” she said, coming up for air after the sloppy kisses. He just looked at her with his loving big brown eyes, unblinking.


Madi pulled up in front of the shelter and parked. Getting out, she leaned in, looking at Jacob. “Ok, boy. You be good while I’m gone. I won’t be too long and I might just have a friend for you.”

She entered the building, standing in the narrow hallway and peered into the office through the meshed visitor’s window. The tiny office was empty, so she located the call button and pushed it. In the bowels of the facility, she heard a faint bell clang. She waited for Sara to show up and let her inside. After three or four minutes, she frowned and pressed the button again.

“I’m a little early, but shit, they closed at six and it’s six forty-five,” she muttered while she fished out her phone about to call the facility’s number. She heard a buzz and the door lock disengaged as Sara opened the steel door.

Her hair was a mess and her uniform was disheveled and untucked. It almost looked like she had just woken up.

“Shit Madi, I’m so sorry!” Sara apologized, tucking her shirt back into her waistband and leading Madi through the door and down the hallway. “I was in the kennels cleaning him up for you. I didn’t expect you until after seven,” she said, unlocking her office door and going inside. Madi noticed the wetness sprayed across the rear of Sara’s khakis.

“Yeah, I thought traffic would be worse and I really wanted to see him,” Madi replied, looking anxiously past her and into the office.

“Come on boy, you’ve got a visitor. Hey, stop that!” Sara laughed and the dog looked up from licking his red, protruding cock. He scrambled up and his nubby tail started to wag furiously.

Madi eyed the dog’s engorged cock. Damn, it’s bigger than Jakey’s, she thought.

“He gets bored. Sorry,” Sara explained, giving a nervous laugh. Madi noticed Sara had turned a couple of shades redder after catching the dog exposed.

“Nah, it’s fine. He’s a boy with a dick. I would be willing to bet if human boys could do that, they would have their cock in their mouth all the time,” Madi laughed.

“Let me go grab a lease. I’ll be right back,” Sara said leaving them to get acquainted.

She looked at the dog and squatted, scratching behind his ears. He licked her face excitedly and she giggled.

“So you want to belong to a new home and have a brother?” she asked in between licks. “I like what I see so far,” she whispered, letting her hand drift over his side and slip underneath to touch his bulging sheath. He stopped licking her face and just stared at her. “I want you to get you home and see that big, beautiful cock of yours.” He responded by giving her a long, wet lick across her cheek.

“Here you go,” Sara said, coming back into the cramped office as Madi straightened up, a little startled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” she said, glancing down at Madi’s pants. She quickly looked up, growing a faint smile on her lips before handing her the leash.

“Thanks, Sara. I think we’ll get along just fine,” Madi said and followed Sara down the long hallway and left.

“Have fun,” Sara said and closed the door behind them.

Madi and New Dog made their way to the car and she could hear Jacob’s tail thumping inside the car. She opened the door and he jumped out and they began to get acquainted with each other’s butt smells. Jacob stopped mid-sniff and turned, looking at Madi. He stepped forward and pushed his nose into Madi’s crotch.

“Shit Jacob, not in public, ok?” she snapped, glancing down at where he had bumped his nose. Wetness had leaked through her panties and soaked through to the outside of her pants. She looked puzzled for a second and then got wide-eyed.

“Shit, I must have gotten wet, thinking about your big cock,” she gasped, looking at New Dog. “You almost busted me, stud.”

She waited until the dogs got acquainted and New Dog followed Jacob as he jumped into the car, waiting.

Driving home in the darkness, lost in thought, she pulled into her townhome carport, parked and waited for the dogs to jump out. The new addition followed Jacob faithfully up the short walk and they waited until Madi let them inside. She sat at the table and watched the boys roam and sniff and also make sure New Dog didn’t mark his territory.

“So what do you think your name should be New Dog?” Madi asked after their eighth trip into the kitchen. They both stopped and looked at her as if waiting for the answer. “How about Maxwell?” she asked and just got a blank stare. “OK, how about Jaxton?”

As if that was the ideal name, the new dog let out a quick bark.

“Jaxton?” she asked again, getting the same responsive bark. “Ok, then Jaxton it is. Jacob, meet Jaxton. Jaxton, meet Jacob,” she introduced the K-9s to each other again. They happily panted and left her alone, going off to explore new territory. She left the kitchen and laid back in the recliner and flicked on the news. She yawned as the current events crossed the screen and within a few minutes, she was sound asleep.

She woke to a wet feeling crossing her hand. She opened her eyes and looked over. Jacob was licking her hand and wagging his tail. Jaxton was sitting behind him, looking expectantly.

“Shit, did I sleep all night?” she asked the dogs. With no spoken response, she groaned getting up and stretching. “You two go potty and let me take a quick shower and then we’ll eat, OK?” she said, sliding the glass door open and letting the two dogs run into the sunny yard.

Upstairs she took a shower and wrapped the towel around her afterward. Making her way downstairs, she started to prepare breakfast. The two dogs ran inside when they heard the rattling dishes and sat, waiting patiently.

“Here, don’t get used to it,” she said, setting two plates of scrambled eggs on the floor. Both dogs chomped and smacked loudly like it had been their only meal in weeks. She opted for yogurt and grabbed a spoon, taking a set at the bar and watching them eat. She slowly ate her breakfast, keeping an eye on her new family, making sure there wouldn’t be a scuffle over food. They were both perfect and she smiled, watching them go back outside and find a perfect pooping place.

She leaned back on the barstool, taking another spoonful of yogurt to her mouth when a clump dripped down and splattered her towel.

“Dammit,” she muttered and wiped her finger through the mess and licked it. She undid the towel knot, letting it fall open. Now if she had any spills, the pups could lick it off her naked body. She continued to eat and watch the dogs, thinking about her being ravaged by her two boys, thrusting and panting, filling her holes with their big, beautiful cocks.

Jacob was first in and immediately saw his bitch, naked and with legs spread apart. She appeared to be eating but he sniffed the air and could smell she was in heat. His cock emerged from his furry sheath as he walked up to her and pushed his muzzle between her legs. She looked down at him, the spoon still in her mouth.

“You smell Mommy in heat don’t you, my big stud?” she asked, still spooning yogurt slowly into her mouth. Jaxton made his way in and stopped, cocking his head and sniffing the air. He looked at his adopted brother and watched his interaction with this new bitch in heat. Her smell was intoxicating and his cock started to emerge from his pouch, protruding under his belly.

“Oh fuck,” Madi groaned, noticing that both studs were getting ready to fuck.

Jacob made the first move and planted his snout next to Madi’s wet cunt and started to lick her, tasting her sweetness and growing more excited. Soon his cock was jutting forth, hard and dripping, begging to be planted in this bitches neatly trimmed cunt.

Jaxton, new to all this, but still a young and horny mutt, moved next to Jacob and mimicked his licking. Now both wet, hot tongues probed and tasted between her legs, driving deep into her sloppy cunt and flicking her clit.

Madi let out a deep sigh, putting her breakfast on the bar and leaning back, shoving her cunt into their lapping tongues. She let her head hang back and closed her eyes, letting her boys pleasure her. Her body grew hot and tensed as she felt the orgasm bubbling up and about to boil over. She spread her legs wider, giving them better access and within a minute she was panting ragged breaths about to climax. She raised her head and reached down, grabbing their heads, making sure they didn’t leave until she came.

“Oh my god, I’m cumm…” Madi opened her eyes and saw Sara standing there, mouth open, at the patio door watching them. The orgasm was making her shudder as she franticly tried to pull the towel up over her exposed body. The towel draped over her lap and the dog’s bobbing heads as they continued to finish what they had started.

“Stop, stop!” Madi cried, trying to close her legs and push them out. Sara took a step back from the open door, looking away. She managed to shove the dogs away and pull the towel tightly around her sweaty body, covering most of her chest and thighs.

“Madi! Shit, I’m so sorry! I knocked but you didn’t answer and I heard the dogs in the back so I thought you might be out there,” Sara shouted, standing just outside the door, hidden from view, waiting for Madi to become more presentable.

“Sara, I’m so sorry…. I mean, I don’t do this sort of…. I’m not like.…” Madi stammered. Sara peeked around the corner, red-faced but smiling.

Sara held out her hand, stopping her. “Hey, it’s ok. No worries,” she reassured her. “If you can make these boys happy, no reason they can’t make you happy in return.”

Madi looked at Sara with embarrassed, wild eyes, trying to figure out how she was going to get out of this. Sara looked and a mischievous smile crossed her lips.

“If it makes you feel better,” Sara paused and looked around to make sure they were alone. “I’ll tell you a secret. When you came to get him last night and showed up early, I couldn’t answer right away because I was knotted to him in my office and couldn’t get away until he was ready to let go.”

Madi stared back at this little cutie of a girl. Did she just say what I think she said?

Sara continued, “I just couldn’t help it. I knew I might not see him again and he’d already fucked me twice the night before, and I gotta say, fuck it felt good. That’s one reason I took so long to answer and why my clothes were so messed up. He started showing his dick and I wanted one last fuck, so I just shoved my pants down, dropped and let him mount me. So there I was, listening to the buzzer, knowing you were waiting, but couldn’t move until he deflated. I know you saw the back of my pants. That wasn’t water splashes, that was his cum sprayed across my legs from trying to shove his dick in.”

“So you let dogs fuck you too?” Madi said, still not believing the good fortune that was at her doorstep. Here was a stunning girl that was also into letting furry studs fuck her.

“Shit Madi, that is the ONLY reason I work there. The pay sucks and the work sucks even more, but damn, the fucking studs that come in there. I’ve average working late about three nights a week,” she laughed.

“Well, I’m glad you’re not here to bust me and take my beautiful boys away from me,” Madi said, standing and holding the towel around her.

Sara stepped in and slid the door shut and put the folder she had been holding on the table. “There is no way I would ever try and break up your happy home. Plus, I had a feeling you like dog cock too, especially when I saw you getting moist when you saw his big cock sticking out. I thought I had been busted and caught since he still had his cock slick and dripping from being planted in my pussy, but then I saw you eye his cock and get wet too, so I figured, you didn’t have a problem with it.”

“No, definitely no problem,” Madi smiled.

“Plus I really wanted to see you again. My heart jumped when I called you yesterday and you remembered my name. I thought you were hot as fuck when I saw you last month and couldn’t get you off my mind.”

Madi looked down growing embarrassed again.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about you too,” she admitted.

“Then it looks like I showed up just in time,” Sara laughed, moving closer to Madi and taking hold of the towel she had clutched around her body. Sara pulled the towel from her hand, exposing Madi’s naked body.

“Damn, sexier than I ever imagined,” Sara whispered and leaned in to kiss Madi. She returned Sara’s advances and soon, she was helping Sara strip and get naked with her. They embraced again, letting their hot flesh press against each other while kissing.

The boys were still horny, dicks hanging out and now smelling a new sexual delight in the air. The dogs went over and sniffed the girl’s bare legs. They looked down at the inquisitive pups.

“Oh hell, I guess I got you boys all worked up and now you gotta bust a nut, don’t you?” Madi giggled. “Looks like you two studs won’t have to share.”

“Or maybe they can?” Sara said, hopeful. Madi looked at her and smiled.

“Yes, maybe we can all gang up on you,” Madi replied.

“Please?” Sara asked, her pussy growing moist at the thought of getting ravaged by a hot girl and her two studs.

“Well, we aren’t going to find out down here. Upstairs, to the bedroom!”

In the bedroom, the two girls climbed on the bed, slapping the top for the dogs to join them.

Jaxton recognized the smell from his former bitch and circled around Sara, bumping and sliding his muscular body against her thin frame. His cock jutted from under his belly proudly as his black balls swung against his muscular legs. He reared up behind Sara, slipping his paws over her shoulders, and humping her bare back. She giggled and dropped down into a more suitable mounting position and shoved her ass back against his belly. Madi watched Jaxton’s cock spurt and leak as he humped Sara’s tight rear, trying to find a hole to plant his cock in. She let her head sink to the bed and moaned as Jaxton tried to fuck her.

“Here boy, let me help. Hey Sara, ass fuck or cunt fuck?” Madi asked, grabbing Jaxton’s burning hot, slippery cock.

“Pussy, please. I think he might be too big for my ass,” she moaned and closed her eyes and smiled, waiting for her stud’s cock to be guided into her wet cunt.

Madi wrapped her fingers around Jaxton’s throbbing, veiny cock and aimed it at her pussy folds. When he felt his dripping tapered tip enter her wetness, he thrust with force, slamming his long dog cock deep inside the tiny girl making her yelp in pain and pleasure. Jaxton thrust machine-gun fast, slamming his knot against her swollen cunt with each rapid movement.

Madi watched in awe as her new dog, bred her new friend. His veiny cock slipped in and out of her wet snatch with frantic fervor.

“Oh god, I’m about to cum,” Sara squeaked just before her body shook and trembled as her orgasm electrified her lean frame. “oh, oh, oh, oh,” she repeated as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Jaxton was still pumping his bitch fast and hard with one goal in mind and that was to plug her cunt and fill it with his future puppies.

Jacob wanted to breed too so he moved between Madi and the new girl getting fucked by his new brother.

“I’m sorry boy. You’re getting jealous aren’t you?” Madi whispered and stroked his lean back, reaching under him and wrapping her fingers around his dripping cock. She stroked his cock and he started to hump her fist. His veiny, slick cock slid back and forth in her grip, spraying watery precum onto the sheets. They both looked over at Sara as she let out a whimper and watched as Jaxton gave a hard shove and slipped his swollen knot inside her swollen and battered pussy.

Sara moaned as his thick cock entered her womb and started to blast her insides with his hot, canine cum.

“Oh my god, I can feel him cumming in me. It feels soooo good,” she trailed off, shutting her eyes and letting the waves of heat radiate throughout her belly. Jacob dipped his squared head and started to lick the sweat off Sara’s face while Madi kept pumping his cock. Sara giggled and opened her mouth, letting Jacob slip his tongue inside as they tasted and teased each other’s tongues.

Madi reached behind her dog’s furry sheath and massaged his knot, feeling it swell in her hand. Soon it popped out, bloated and veiny, ready to plug someone’s hole. Precum steadily dripped in little spurts as Madi stroked her boy’s slick, hot cock.

Sara let out a muffled scream as Jaxton decided he was done and dismounted her, tearing his plump knot from her worn pussy. A flood of watery cum flowed from her gaping pussy, running down her legs. Before she could change positions, Jacob pulled from Madi’s grip and took Jaxton’s place, mounting Sara and driving his leaking cock into her gaping swollen cunt. She cried out as Jacob started jackhammering her cunt, pounding his hot cock and full knot in and out of her inflamed cunt.

“Fuck!” she cried out as Jacob stretched her out with each thrust. He didn’t take long and in a minute he was ready and buried his knot, plugging her open pussy. Madi smiled, watching his puckered asshole pulsate and his balls contacted in rhythm as his cock unloaded his hot cum inside her.

Madi looked at Jaxton sprawled at the end of the bed, his head bent, cleaning his protruding cock.

“Aw boy, you don’t have to do that. I would love to clean your cock for you,” Madi cooed as she leaned over and took the dog’s slick cock in her mouth. She tasted his salty cum and Sara’s wet pussy on his hard dick as she sucked and licked him clean. Jaxton lay back, legs spread letting his new bitch do her duty and clean his cock. She massaged his black, hanging balls gently and let her finger tease his puckered asshole as she worked. Her diligent work got her man ready to fuck again and soon he was dripping and ready.
She suckled his cock with her mouth and let her free hand tug on his knot while her other played with his balls and asshole. She sucked his dick until he let out a snort and released another load. His hot cum erupted, spurting his hot love down her throat as she sucked and swallowed every spurt.

“He’s cumming again?” Sara asked, watching Jaxton’s bitch suck his dick. Madi muttered something while continuing to service her mutt. “Yeah, he’s a fucking stud alright. He can fuck, cum and fifteen minutes later, fuck and cum again, just as hard,” Sara said.

Thirty minutes later, two exhausted girls and two drained studs lay on the bed, all panting.

“I sure didn’t expect this to happen when I left work today,” Sara laughed.

“Yeah, I didn’t really think I would be here, either,” Madi replied.

Both dogs started snoring loudly and the girls giggled.

“It must be hard work being a fucking stud, hun?” Sara said.

“Shit, if they think they are done tonight, they got another thing coming,” Madi chuckled.

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