Women with Animals

My Encounters with Bandit


(c) by Anitaslut44

Our next-door neighbor Caroline had asked me to feed her dog while she was on vacation. Bandit was a nice Doberman, he knew me well, and even though he was big, I was not afraid of him. In those days, I had started to experience some changes in hormone levels. My breasts were larger than ever, and they had started to milk. My loving husband was delighted with our night foreplay.

The second night after Caroline’s departure, I had had a long day, and it was bedtime. Victor had passed out in bed, leaving me a little bit disappointed, because I was feeling a little horny that night. Suddenly I remembered I had not fed the dog next door. I was tired but knew I had to do it. I was naked yet but put on my short cotton robe and tied it around me. I was only going next door, and it was dark outside.

I walked across the lawn to Caroline’s house. I unlocked the front door and went through the house to the backyard to where Bandit was. I opened the door to the yard and went out to check on his water bowl. I bent over to check it. Suddenly I felt a wet nose touch my backside and go in between my legs. My robe had ridden up exposing my naked buttocks. It was Bandit, and he sniffed and then licked me there. It shocked me, but I didn’t straighten up right away. Bandit was lapping at my pussy now, and I closed my eyes and thought how this felt so good. However, I came to my senses after a moment and thought that this was wrong. I stood up and pushed his head away from me. I must have been giving off some scent he liked because he tried to get back to my naked pussy.

I was trying to get back to the door when my feet were trapped in a hole in the ground. I fell down and rolled to my hands and knees, starting to get up. My robe had ridden up leaving my ass fully exposed. I was catching my breath to get back up when I felt that big male’s tongue on my shaven pussy lips. The dog was spreading them open trying to get deeper. The dog’s tongue would rub across my clit, which was swelling up. I knew I should get up and away, but I hesitated. That was a big mistake. I was lost in the feeling when he stopped. I thought he was done, so I started to get up. Then suddenly I felt this huge weight land on my back knocking me back down. He was on top of me with his front legs wrapped around my waist. I could barely support his heavyweight with both my arms so I couldn’t reach to push him off. Then I felt it… His hot dripping huge hard cock was poking me between my thighs. He was trying to mount me. That nice dog was trying to fuck my wet pussy…

I panicked and thought of crying out for help, but I did not because this was so embarrassing. I was hoping Bandit would give up and get off me. My pussy was wet from his licking and maybe a little from me enjoying it. He was very determined and finally got the tip of his cock into the entrance of my pussy. Once he felt my heat, he quickly shoved most of his cock inside my body. I couldn’t believe how big he was and he was not even all the way in. He grabbed my waist tighter and shoved more in. He was much thicker and a lot longer than my husband’s dick. The feeling of his naked cock inside me was incredible. I hadn’t had one in there this size in quite a while, plus that piece of hard meat was so much hotter.

He started fucking me faster than any man. I felt the tip of his cock deep inside touching my cervix. I felt an orgasm building and tried to hold it back. I could not believe a dog was fucking me, but I decided to let go and let things happen. Just as I intensely started to cum, I felt something hard and big banging into my pussy lips. My orgasm washed over me, and I actually started pushing back on whatever it was. My hips were grinding my clit on it when I opened up more, and it went inside me. This caused another orgasm deep inside my pussy, and I clamped down on him. The spasms inside my cunt slowed down, and I felt it now. Somehow, he was swelling up bigger inside me. He was getting bigger and bigger, and I was getting a little scared. I knew what it was now. Bandit had shoved his knot in me, and it was swelling up to lock us together. It was of such a size now that I knew it wasn’t coming out. Next, I felt his seed shooting deep inside me. It was hot, and there was a lot of it.

The nice huge dog was fully inserted in my womb. We were locked up tight, and Bandit threw a leg over me positioning us butt to butt. He pulled slightly and then I felt he could not come out. His magnificent cock was still spurting deep inside me. My robe had come open, and my big tits were hanging down. With his weight off of me, I reached up with one hand and pulled on my nipples. They were very sensitive and with his knot pressing on my G-spot, I closed my eyes. I felt a warmth deep inside my breasts as I pulled on my long nipples. Milk started to flow from them squirting onto the grass below me. I let go of them and rocked back and forth on his cock. Bandit pulled on where we were joined, but it wasn’t ready. I had no idea how long we had been locked together. He tried again and slowly I started to stretch. Then his huge knot popped out of my stretched pussy followed by what felt like a foot of thick cock.

I flopped to the ground on my side, worn out from the fucking of my life. I could feel his seed leaking from my well-used pussy. I smiled to myself knowing that Bandit had tried to knock up his new bitch. After resting there some minutes, I was able to stand up on shaky legs. I filled the water and food bowls and started back into the house. I turned around and looked back almost not wanting to leave. I saw the big male sitting there looking at me. It was almost like he had a smile on his face. I smiled too, closed the door, and headed back home.

As I walked home, I could feel some globs of semen escaping my pussy and running down my leg. When I got back into the house, my loving Victor was in the same position in our marital bed. I quietly went to the bathroom and took a shower. I washed off any trace of my encounter with Bandit. My nipples were sore from hanging loose as the dog fucked me in all fours. My pussy finally stopped dripping dog seed, so I got out and toweled dry. I got naked into bed close to my loving husband. All I could think about was how the big dog cock felt inside me. Worst of all, I was actually thinking of doing it again with bandit…
My friend Caroline would not be home for another week.

Tomorrow will be another day, I thought in the darkness. Finally, I drifted off, tired but relaxed. During that night, I had strange dreams about dogs.


Two days after the wild encounter with Bandit next door, I asked my loving husband to feed that huge nice dog. I was not sure what would happen if I went back there. It was early afternoon, and Victor was at his office until late evening. Those days I had a job where I could work from home. I was in our bedroom standing in front of the full-length mirror. I was naked and looking at myself. I still looked good in my late thirties. As I stand there suddenly, I smelled something; like sweat and something else. Spreading my legs a little wider, I reached down between them and ran my hand across my pussy. It felt damp and a little sticky. I brought my hand back up to my nose to inhale. I was a different smell than I normally had. It was powerful, and I suspected it was heavy with pheromones. That was the smell of a female in heat, a bitch crying desperately for a fuck.

I wondered why I was so wet.

I still couldn’t get the thought of that huge male. Doberman’s cock deep inside me out of my head. My scent had turned him on. As I stood there looking at my naked body my breathing increased and my chest flushed pink. I was falling into a sexual fog. I wanted to do it again. I shook my head and told myself to snap out of it. I decided to just get dressed and go over there and feed Bandit as I had promised my good neighbor Caroline I would. I would just ignore all other feelings. Then I slipped on some cotton shorts and an old Victor`s T-shirt. The day was very warm, and then I did not put any underwear.

I walked across the lawn to their house in the warm sunshine. That T-shirt I was wearing used to fit fine, but now it was stretched tight across my boobs, and my nipples were poking out. I would put my arms across my chest if I ran into anyone in the street. Nobody was there, and soon I was inside and headed to the backyard.

I bent down to catch the food bowl, and then I noticed there were two wet spots on my hard nipples. I was leaking milk. Then I saw Bandit through the bushes in the park. That huge male sweet Doberman was in the middle of the yard looking at me. I was frozen staring back at him with just my shorts on. I could see him sniff the air and then cock his head to the side, which meant he was interested in something. I saw him sniff again, his ears picked up, and he shuddered a little. I knew he could smell me. That dog was sure interested in this human female. I started to feel horny again, although all that I had thought in front of the mirror.

I wanted to know if Bandit was interested in me. So I took off my shorts and tossed them aside. I stood there with my legs slightly apart. I was breathing hard, and my breasts were heaving a little. The ceiling fan in the room was on, and I could feel a little breeze blow past me to the outside. The huge dog must have got a good whiff of me because he stood up and I could see the bright red tip of his cock start to poke out of his hairy sheath. He slowly started to trot to the house, over me. I could see his powerful muscles ripple beneath his short fur. He reached the door, and I stood aside to let him pass to inside the house. Whatever I was planning on doing with him it was not going to happen in the backyard in broad daylight.

He was in the house now, and he sat down at one corner. His red cock was more visible. He was waiting for me to make the first move. On shaky legs, I went over to a big chair there and sat down. I sat there for a moment and looking at Bandit, wondering if I really wanted to do this again. I saw his wet tongue hanging out and remembered how good it felt on my pussy. That would be harmless enough, just to let him do that. I leaned back in the big chair and spread my legs, scooting my butt to the edge. There was a big mirror there. I could see myself plainly in it. My legs were wide apart, and my inner pussy lips were very red and swollen. They were sticking out well past my outer ones. I could see they were wet right now. I had never seen myself like this; totally aroused and ready for sex.

I guessed Bandit got the message because he walked over to me sniffing the air as he approached. He stuck his nose right between my spread legs and took quick sniffs at the source. His long tongue snaked out, and he licked me from asshole to clit. I leaned back and groaned. He loved my smell, but he loved my taste even better. He couldn’t get enough of it. His tongue was finding every inch of my pussy as he searched for more. He actually got a few inches up inside me. Of course, the more he licked, the more juice flowed out of me. Since I was ovulating in those days, I was producing a lot of the sticky, slippery stuff.

I was lost in this feeling, and when my orgasm hit, it was a surprise to me. My pussy clenched and my hips came up off the chair. I could feel a gush of fluid come out of me, which Bandit lapped up as he grunted. I leaned back breathing hard as the spasms in my gut subsided. Then I noticed he had stopped licking. Just as I looked up, he put his front paws on the chair. They were on either side of my waist, and he was moving up closer. I was so much in heat that all I wanted was his amazing cock inside me. I really hadn’t planned to do it let alone in this position, but we were going to give it a try. It was basically a missionary position for a dog.

Bandit scooted forward more, and I could feel the tip of his cock touching my inner thigh. I spread my legs some more hoping things would line up. I felt his cock touch my shaven outer lips and I knew he was getting close. Then I knew I did not have to guide him in since my swollen lips were flowered open. As soon as his huge hard cock found my wet hot opening, he shoved half of it in. I arched my back as I felt I was stretched to the max. Biting my lower lip, I knew what was coming; Bandit would continue shoving more thick cock into me until he was all the way inside me. Luckily, I was well-lubed between his slobber and my juice. Even so, his thick cock was only slowly going in as he tried to pick up the pace. This position made me feel his dick thicker and longer.

I grabbed my legs behind my knees and spread them, even more, to make myself more open to him. I knew what was coming and I was a little nervous. His powerful butt muscles were stroking his swelling cock farther into me. We were belly to belly. He was very deep, and I could feel him bottom out a few times. I was so full of that cock I wasn’t sure I could take more, but there was nothing that could stop him. I was his hot bitch now, and Bandit was going to breed me. I was moving my hips with him trying to open up more. I felt the hard red knot was approaching. It was banging into my wet opening, now trying to get it. I gritted my teeth and prepared myself.

I was sweating as I looked up into the mirror and I could plainly see his red knot trying to go in. I gasped thinking there’s no way that huge thing was going in me. I wrapped my legs around Bandit’s butt and helped him push. I stretched and about half of it went in then back out. We both pushed hard at the same time and then I felt it was full deep inside of me. Bandit stopped stroking. Every bit of his cock was inside me—knot and all. The knot was even getting bigger. He was sealing us tight. It kept getting bigger. In this position, it felt so much bigger than before. His thick cock was very deep in me. It felt like it was up in my gut, way past where any male human cock can go. Bandit and I were both panting when I felt him start to shoot deep inside me. He was filling his bitch up with his potent seed. It was hot, and it was a lot. My pussy was vacuum-sealed around his cock, so nothing was escaping.

After a few minutes spurting semen inside of me, he acted as if he wanted to get off my cunt. He started to back up, and it felt like my insides were going to be pulled out. He could not really turn around like he did before. I told him no and to be a good boy and relax. We were locked tight and were not going to separate for a while. I was thinking of ways to distract him. His head was right over my big breasts. He was drooling over them, and I thought why not try it. Then I took off my T-shirt and was able to pick up one of my boobs and raise the nipple up close to his mouth. I managed to squeeze my nipple and let a stream of milk come out. Bandit sniffed the air and looked down. His tongue came out, and he licked the stream of milk off my hard nipples. I guessed he liked the taste because when I squeezed it again, he greedily lapped that up too. He sucked my nipple hard into his mouth; making me shivers in pleasure.

It was almost painful but felt so good at the same time. I was keeping Bandit busy and hoping my milk will hold until the knot shrank. I was going to have a serious orgasm soon; I could feel it. This whole experience; with his huge cock still shooting his sperm deep into me, his knot swollen up so nothing could come out of our joined bodies, his sucking on my nipples and tasting my milk, was sending me over the edge. I could feel my boobs start to empty. He had sucked me dry. Just as he finished licking and sucking, Bandit started to back off me. His huge red knot pressed into my G-spot. I was close already to cum. I shuddered as a whole body orgasm swept over me. My pussy clamped down like a vise on his cock. I could feel every ridge and vein on it. I bucked as a maniac and fluid shot out of me all around where we were joined.

I had never cum like this before. Bandit had claimed me as his breeding bitch, and that is what I wanted to be. I never felt so alive and desirable as I did right now. My pussy was his whenever he wanted it. I whimpered and cried as I came down from my orgasm. When it was done I collapsed on the chair totally spent. As my muscles all relaxed, I guess I was loose enough, and he had shrunk enough for him to try to pull out. I could feel him stretching me, but I didn’t have the energy to slow him down. I watched in the mirror as his huge sized knot slowly appeared from my pussy finally coming out. He continued to pull his long thick cock out of me and when I thought it was all out more was still being withdrawn. It was still surprisingly thick, and I had no idea where it all went up inside me. It was more than fifteen inches foot long. We had made a big mess in the chair. Some sticky stuff was oozing out of me, and my lower belly was bloated from his potent load.

Somehow, I was able to get out of the chair and stand up. I looked at the mess and just shook my head. Bandit was over in the corner cleaning his red dick up. I got a dish towel and wiped myself as best I could. The room smelled like sex. I would clean the place during the next day. I called Bandit and opened the back door. I could see he was exhausted as he slowly went back outside. I put my shorts and top back on and somehow found the energy to fill the bowls with some food and water. I looked again at Bandit. He was exhausted, but now he looked sad.

“Do not worry, babe, mommy will come back tomorrow,” I said.


The day after my last encounter with Bandit, I was sore all the time. My boobs were sore, my poor cunt was sore, I was sore all over. My loving husband asked me why I was walking funny. I could not tell him that the neighbor’s dog had pounded my pussy with his huge cock. Then I told him the previous day I had made a bad effort stretching at the gym and then my leg and hip were aching a little bit. I had been in heat all week and fucking that nice dog just made me hornier. Sore as I was I still wanted that huge and hard cock, including the red knot. The next morning I felt better. It was going to be the last day of Caroline’s vacation. She had told me she would be back on the next evening.

Before dinner, I asked Victor to go next door to feed the sweet Doberman. I stayed home feeling a little frustrated. I did not want to go there and again be fucked wildly by Bandit. When Victor and I finally went to bed, I was wearing a light cotton baby doll that just came to my knees. I rolled turning my back to my husband, but a few minutes later I felt him scoot over toward me and spoon my backside. His arm reached around my waist, and he gave one of my big boobs a gentle squeeze. I knew what this meant. He wanted to fuck me.

I was about to tell him not tonight when I realized that might raise suspicion. I could feel his erection rubbing between my ass cheeks. I rolled on my back and told him if he was going to be that persistent, he could fuck me. I pulled up my baby doll but didn’t take it off. I wasn’t wearing a thong and Victor reached over to rub my freshly shaven pussy. I felt wet enough for him because he rolled on top of me. I spread my legs for him, and he guided his nice hard and huge dick into my hungry cunt.

He started to pump me as he shoved his dick fully inside of me. After being recently fucked by a huge dog cock, the feeling now was very different. Now I had no feeling of fullness. After about a dozen strokes, Victor made a comment on how loose I felt tonight, but also that I was still hot down there. I made some moans and groans, but I really wasn’t good at faking it. His strokes sped up, and I felt him shudder as he emptied his load in. He pulled off his cock out and went to the bathroom. Then he came back and kissed me goodnight. I pulled my baby doll down and stared at the ceiling. A while later, the room was quiet except for Victor’s snoring. I looked at the clock, and it was almost midnight. I knew what I had to do.

I went to the front door and quietly opened it and closed it behind me. The street was dark and quiet. I stayed in the shadows and walked across the lawn to Caroline’s house. I entered the front door. There were a couple of lights on in the kitchen and den for security. They were just enough to light up the backyard a little. I pulled my baby doll off over my head and threw it on the floor. Then I walked naked to the backyard. I had to have him, but I hoped he would make it quick so I could get back before Victor could notice my absence. If he knotted me, it could take a while. I stepped out and walked on the grass. Then I got down on all fours. I was naked and exposed. I could feel the cool breeze on my wet shaven pussy lips and on my erect nipples. My big boobs were hanging down almost touching the blades of grass. I suddenly realized I had to pee. I had been in such a hurry to get over here that it just now hit me. I did not even consider going back inside. I let the piss flow out of me onto the grass. I squirted it out, shooting a long stream behind me. I could hear it hitting the ground.

I sensed movement near me, and I guess Bandit had heard me pissing.

I looked back and saw him standing there smelling the spot where I just relieved myself. He raised his leg and covered that spot with his own piss, claiming the area as his. He moved up behind me and started licking the few drops falling from my mound. It felt so good to have him clean me and stick his tongue in my pussy. He stopped because he tasted something different. Another smell, another male. He must have smelled traces of my husband on my pussy. I heard him growl a little. He was jealous. Another male had been with his bitch. There was only one thing to do. Claim her back as his bitch for sure.

He licked me a few more times making my clit hard and climbed up on my back. He found his mark quickly. His cock was dripping as he shoved it into me. This felt so much better than my loving husband did earlier tonight. This dog was reminding me I was his, and that’s what I wanted to be. I needed to find a way to keep doing this with him. His cock was swelling, and he was trying to get more in my pussy. My husband said I felt loose. That was the reason. That dog was stretching me to be able to accept his cock. If he could get his knot in me, that would stretch me even more.

I was panting, and I shuddered with a couple of orgasms as he filled me. I felt his cock bottom out in my pussy, and I knew the knot was close to cumming. He was banging into me hard. I thought Bandit was making sure I was his. I felt the knot hit my outer lips. It was already pretty big. I closed my eyes as he pushed it hard into my opening. I was stretching to take it. It popped in and out a couple of times, and I knew it was going to stay in and swell, and we would be stuck. Suddenly from behind my closed eyes, I saw a light. I opened them and looked toward the source. There were more lights on in the house. I saw somebody moving and then recognized Caroline around her house. She had come one day before from her trip. She was talking with her mother on the phone, telling that she was now safe and sound at home. I was frozen out in her yard; naked in all fours, being fucked by her dog.

Any second now, his knot would be stuck in me and we would be caught. Then I panicked and tried to pull away from him. It seemed like it took forever for his long thick cock to come out of me. Once out I scrambled to the side of the yard that had the most shadows. Just as I reached them, Caroline turned on the lights in the backyard, and she called Bandit. The nice dog was cleaning his red dick, but he ran to her owner to greet her happily. She told him she had missed her nice doggie. She told him she was tired but added they could play a little before going to bed. Bandit turned and looked at me hiding; then he followed Caroline inside. I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn’t seen me. I waited until all the lights were out in the house and then waited some more to make sure they were ‘playing a little’ in her bed.

I approached the back door. It was locked. I looked through the window and could see my baby doll lying on the floor.

Quietly I walked to the back gate and found it open. All of the houses on our street shared common fence lines. This meant there was no way to get to the front yards from the alley where I was. I would have to walk to the end of the alley and then back up the street to my house. That was about six houses down the alley and then the same six ones up the street. And I was naked and smelled like a horny bitch. I started to walk barefoot down the alley. I was about halfway down the alley when I saw a shape in front of me. It was sitting in the middle of the alley blocking my path. It was a large dog. Then I recognized him.

The name was Romeo, and he was another neighbor’s huge Rottweiler. Of course, he was a male. Moreover, he was not too nice as Bandit. I had met him a few times and petted him. He was sniffing the air. Then I knew he was trying to identify my female in heat scent. I tried to move to the right around him, but he moved to block me. I tried the left and the same result. I looked at him, and I could tell he wanted me. That huge dog wanted my pussy. He had smelled a female in heat in the neighborhood and had gotten out in search of her. He growled a low growl. It was very deep and insistent.

I thought to myself how to get out of this. I figured if maybe I acted submissive to the dog it would feel superior and would leave me alone. I noticed a nearer patch of grass. I slowly moved there, and he followed me. There I got on all fours and waited for Romeo. It had been a long night for me. First, my loving husband had wildly fucked me; then a sweet Doberman had also enjoyed my wet stretched cunt, and now a fierce Rottweiler was approaching my naked body.

“Anyone else?”

The End

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