Women with Animals
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Alone On The Tundra


(c) 2011 by Sumddy

At the base of a large berm out in the middle of the open expanse of bare tundra, smoke and bright red cinders floated up into the cold snowing night air.

Bedding down the sled dogs Pani returned to the shelter with Amaruq following her at her side, the seal-oil lanterns lit and the small fire having already warmed the interior of her hut, the arched whale bone ceiling, the thick loam walls, the light flickering and the cracks and pops of the fire the only sounds inside the well protected shelter. It was easily thirty degrees warmer inside, and felt balmy, hot, almost like a sweat lodge.

Inside the domed shelter Amaruq laid down at the side of Pani’s bed as Pani removed her heavy winter clothing. Her slender hands emerged from her seal-fur mittens, her long black hair spilled from her hood, her cheeks reddish on her otherwise sun bronzed face. She pulled the thick, heavy fur coat over her head, and removed her equally heavy pants.

At a casual glance one wouldn’t know this resilient, rugged figure with her heavy jacket and thick fur lined pants and boots was a petite thirty-year-old woman weathered and accustomed to the long stretches between villages, to being on her own on the snow frozen winter tundra in route bringing goods on her sled trading between villages.

Pani paid little attention to her companion Amaruq, trusting he was taking care of himself as she looked after herself, needing to remove and dry her clothes. She was quite the sexy woman in her calf high fur boots, and now in just her underclothes hugging tight to her feminine form, her narrow hourglass figure, her large firm breasts; even as she removed her top, her slender hips, her dimples on her lower back, attested to her strong physical condition, the rigors of her disciplined life.

Standing in the flickering firelight, Pani’s deep almost black almond eyes, and her long black hair certainly made her a beauty. Her smile as warm as honeyed cream, Pani was known by the villagers as a fiercely proud woman, her spirit, generous.

Amaruq was Pani’s traveling companion and the direct descendent of a legendary wolf pack whose territory they were still in to this day. Like Pani he had presence about him, a proud, noble being, his fur long and silvery with browns and reds mixed throughout his full winter coat, his chest as broad or more so as a man’s, his build, his shoulders, his paws, huge compared to the average dogs in the villages.

He and Pani had been together since they were both much younger, and they behaved almost like a couple, knowing each others thoughts, functioning as a team. He was her companion, her protector, her best friend. He was so large, he made her look smaller, more vulnerable than she was, and on more than one occasion sensing Pani’s discomfort he had warned off men in the villages; and, on as many occasions, warned off other wolves, and polar bear, many times his size, and kept the sled dogs in line with just the slightest of growls.

Pani stood naked in just her boots, hanging the last of her clothes at the ceiling to dry in the circulating heat of the fire. It was late, they had eaten earlier, and not yet ready for bed, invigorated from the shorter trip that afternoon, Pani decided she wanted something more tonight.

Amaruq sensed the shift in her, and raised his head. He and Pani looked right into each other. They Both smiled. With the majesty and certainty of an alpha-male, Amaruq rolled onto his side, knowing what he wanted, too.

Pani moved over to him and kneeled on all fours, then lay down alongside him with an elegance and grace best described as feline. Her head at his belly, his head at hers, she rubbed his chest and his belly, her hand slowly moving onto his already bulging sheath.

As Amaruq’s thick cock emerged Pani stroked it like she would a man’s cock until it was fully hard and thick and pulsing in her pleasuring hand. Pani admired its weight, its thickness, how firm it was as it throbbed in her fingers.

Her pussy was already slippery wet for him as she leaned forward and licked it, mouthing its sides, and then took it in her mouth, sucking her friend, sucking his beautiful cock as Amaruq leaned between Pani’s legs and sniffed at her sex, Pani jacking him until he was fully distended, all nine inches of him so thick her fingers barely touched as she wrapped her hand around it, as she leaned his cock toward her and didn’t hesitate taking him into her hot wet mouth, sucking him, sucking his hugely thick cock, filling her mouth with him, hungry for him.

“Mmmmm, mmmmmm” Pani moaned on Amaruq’s cock as he licked her creamy hot sex. She stopped and breathed in. Amaruq’s long hot wet tongue knew her so well, licked her just how she liked to be licked, slathering her creamy hot cunt with the whole of his tongue.

Pani opened her knees further, Amaruq’s beautifully long thick tongue lapping at her, licking her, his tongue licking up inside her lovely little pussy as Pani eagerly sucked the big animals huge swollen cock back into her mouth “mmmphing” from the pleasure of his wonderful tongue, his huge pulsing cock in her hand, in her mouth, sucking him, her moans becoming louder, longer, blending into one continuous mewling hum of her pleasure sucking his magnificently hard thick cock.

Amaruq’s lovely hot tongue over and over lapping at her, curling into her, snaking inside her, his rigid hard cock dribbling pre-cum into Pani’s mouth, her sucking harder, moaning louder, the more his cock drooled for her, the more he licked her, licking up her cream gushing from her hot little cunt, the two of them alone in the shelter, sexual partners, alone together, no one around for miles, in the middle of the night tundra.

She loved sucking Amaruq’s thick, bloated, rigid hard wolf-cock, throbbing in her hands, throbbing in her hot sucking mouth, her movements fluid, bobbing her mouth on his hugely swollen cock.

Her long black hair draping over her shoulders and back, her head bobbing on Amaruq’s cock, her fingers sliding up and down his magnificent erection, squeezing him in her slender fingers, in her loose fist, Pani wanted Amaruq to fuck her, something she’d been waiting for all day until they got to the shelter.

When on the trail, she would often just slip down her winter gear, and pull open the special flap in her pants she’d sewn in, and let Amaruq mount her just about anywhere on the trail, almost whenever he wanted her, and always when she wanted him. Tonight she wanted him in the confines of the shelter, bathed, private, safe and alone. “Nnnnn” she moaned, her mouth full of his cock, “ooohhh fuck, nnnn, yesss” she murmured, letting his cock slip from her mouth, jerked him as he continued to take long swiping licks through her dripping hot wet cunt.

“Nnnn, Amaruq, ohhhh big dog, nnn, baby, yess, lick me. Nnnn, I, I want you inside me” she gushed, as she rolled away from Amaruq’s lovely hot wet tongue, and onto her hands and knees, her heart shaped lovely round bottom pushed up into the air.

Wiggling her hips, tempting him, her long black hair fallen down around her, her breasts aching and swollen, her nipples hard, her beautiful little pink cunny open for him and dripping, throbbing, aching hot wet, “put it, in me” she mewled, “fuck your little Pani, big wolf, you know you want Pani’s little pussy” she moaned. “So hot for you, big dog, so wet, nnnnn, look big wolf” she gestured, sliding her fingers through her slit, spreading herself open, “so wet for you, lover. Put it, put it in me.”

Amaruq rose to his feet, his huge cock hard and swollen and hanging down between his legs. Pani loved looking over her shoulder at it, what was to come, all nine inches of his huge thick throbbing red wolf-cock, anticipating its thickness fucking into her as Amaruq growled, walked around her, bumping her, rubbing along her, his thick soft fur sending electric ripples through her as she brushed her hand over her nipples, squeezed her breasts, rubbed them on him as he passed her. His fur felt so good on her bare hot skin.

He growled again, and Pani answered by imitating the female dogs, a soft pleading whine, more, and more urgent, turning back to look at him, moving forward and back, wagging her bottom to entice him, whispering, “Give Pani your cock, nnnn, give it to me, lover, fuck your Pani, Amaruq” her round bottom pressed up, her pink sex swollen and shiny wet, “fuck your little girl, I need you, Amaruq, fuck your little girl.”

Lowering her head into a submissive posture was the final queue in their ritual dance, her bottom high up, her pussy dripping wet, swollen and open for him, her pink wet folds enticing his maleness, she and Amaruq hungry to fuck each other as they always were. Amaruq licked her hot little cunny from behind.

“Nnnnn, yesss, Amaruq, so wet for you, baby, ohhhhnnn lover, nnnnn, yesss, lick me, taste my cream, big wolf” pushing her hot wet cunt back at Amaruq’s tongue, “taste how ready my little pussy is for you, lover” mewling her pleasure as Amaruq mounted her, growling, locking his forearms and paws around her hips, pulling her fiercely to him, where he wanted her, literally dragging her along backwards.

“Ohhh, mmmuhhhnn, that’s it, baby, mmm big dog, put it, in me” Pani moaned, pulling himself to her, them together, finding her, “ahhh, ahhh, nnnn, ohhhh big wolf” fucking his throbbing cock into her sopping wet swollen and waiting pink cunt pushed up so high for him, her breasts pressed into the blankets under her, her back impossibly arched, her raw pink wet cunt sucking him into her, his paws locked around her hips fucking that huge cock into her hot wet cunt.

Pani moaned and mewled as he slid so easily inside her, whispering “Nnnn, ohhhh, ohhh, nnnn, yes, in me” arching her back, her firm athletic body pushing her hot cunt on to Amaruq’s huge wolf-cock buried deep inside her, his chest on her back, as she pushed up once he was fully inside her, on her arms nuzzling at him above her.

“Ohhh goddess, yes, fuck me Amaruq, fuck me with that huge fucking cock. Ohhhh, lover, yessss, nnnnuhhh, ohhh, nnnnnuugh” she squealed and moaned and whined and cried out, “so fucking big in me, so hard tonight, baby, you want your little Pani tonight don’t you?” as he bucked his hips into her, faster, harder, pulling her by her tiny waist, her hips, her pear shaped bottom, fucking his huge wolf-cock into his human lover, fucking her tight hot wet pussy, growling his pleasure.

“Ohhh, Amaruq, yes fuck me, baby, fuck your little Pani, fuck Pani’s hot little pussy. Ohhh, nnugh, big dog, nnn, yes. You like my little pussy, don’t you? Ohhh, Amaruq, I love your fucking cock in me. Good boy, nnn, ohhhugh, nnn, ooohhh, yessss, fuck me baby” Pani groaned “fuck me lover” as Amaruq humped himself so deep inside her, “fuck my tight little cunt” his big thick wolf-cock buried inside his lover, “Ohhhhh god, nnn, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, yess, fuckkk meee.”

Pani taught him how to fuck her long and hard, fast and slow, prolonging fucking her, so petite under him, his huge thick body above her, her bottom thrust up at him, his bulking muscular hips pounding away at her, her milking his cock, the weight of his furry body on top of her lithe little frame, her long black hair lashing around her face, her swollen big breasts bouncing to each thrust.

“Ohhh god, baby, you’re so hot tonight, so hard, fucking me, so good, nnnn, so good, nnnn deep, yessss.”

Pani partly stood up, partly turned to force Amaruq from her. Amaruq growled and tried to force her back onto her knees.

She smiled at him, teasing him, breathing so hard, her body shining and glowing flushed in the low level light. Her long hair wild and wrapped around her, she sat on her bottom to resist him, and started crawling backwards, facing Amaruq, smiling at him, inviting him. “Nnn, baby, come to Pani, want you, back in me” mewling her desire for his huge cock, moving toward the sleeping pad, moving over the mound of blankets and stopping on top of them so her pussy was slightly elevated.

Amaruq nearly pounced on her. Pani’s legs rubbing his sides, his thighs pushing her legs open, his massive chest over hers Pani reached between them, guiding his cock back inside her as she pulled him on top of her.

“Nnnnn, ohhhh, ohhh, yes, in me, fuck that huge cock into me, Amaruq” her knees thrown up into the air, her cunt completely exposed to him as Amaruq fucked his cock back into his beautiful human lover, thrusting into her.

“Nnn, yes, nnn, ohhhh baby, fuck me, fuck my little pussy” Pani moaned, thrusting her hips, rocking her hips, pulling on his hugely hard cock with her hot wet tight cunt.

“Ohhh, god, big dog, yesss, you love your little Pani’s pussy, don’t you big wolf? Nnnn, yes, fuck me, fuck your little Pani” her arms wrapped around her beast, her wolf, her lover, her breasts hugging into his soft fur, his broad muscular chest, his furry belly, his huge nine inch cock fucking up inside her, stretching her pussy, his fur rubbing her inner thighs draped around him, her cunny dripping hot wet, pulling him into her, Pani beside herself, fucking back at her lover.

“Ohhh, nnnnuggghh, yesss, fuck me, Amaruq, ohhh, ohhh, nnnngggh, yes, nnnn, fuck, nnnn lover, yessss.”

“So big, so hard, ohhhhhh goddess, yes, Amaruq, fuck me with your huge fucking cock, you beast, nnnn, nnn, mmm, yes, love, your huge, cock in me” Pani blurted out, hugging Amaruq to her, thrusting up at him, “love, fucking you, with my little pussy.”

Amaruq was so powerful his hips thrust his cock deep inside Pani, his swollen thick cock, his thrusts bouncing her tits as she clung to him.

“Ohhh yes, nnn, nnn, ohhhh baby, nnnn, yes, fuck me, nnnnn, fuck your little, Pani, fuck your little girl. Ohhh god, Papa, cumming on your huge doggie-cock. Ohhhh, god, Amaruq, love your huge cock in me, your huge hard wolf-cock, nnnnn, Daddy, yes, nnnn, lover, nnnn, ohhhh Amaruq, ohhhh Amaruq, cumming, again, cumming, nnnnnyessss, fuck me. Nnn, such a big cock for your little Pani. Nnnn, lover.”

Pani lifted herself up to him, fucking herself on his huge cock spreading her open, sliding inside her, all the way inside her. Pani reached between them when Amaruq got too heated, trying to fuck his knot into her; it was just too big.

“Ohhh, ohhh, Amaruq” Pani moaned urgently, feeling Amaruq’s cock swelling insider her, throbbing, pulsing.

“Nnnn, cum in me Amaruq, cum in your little baby, cum in me, Papa, nnnnn, nnnnn, ohhhhhhhh, Amaruq, yessss. Ohhh baby, yes” rocking her cunt on Amaruq’s huge cock, his cum pouring from her.

“Nnnn, Amaruq, you’re staying hard, baby, nnn, yessss, nnnn, keep, fucking meee, ohhhhh, god, ohhhh Amaruq, so, fucking, huge inside me” her big furry wolf, fucking her, pumping into her, pumping his huge thick red cock into her, spreading her pussy open, her legs wrapped around his furry sides.

“Ohhhh, lover, nnnnn, fuck me, baby, fuck your little girl, feel me squeeze you inside me, big dog, nnnn, yessss, Pani loves my big wolf’s cock in me, fucking me. Want to make you, cum again, inside me” she mewled, her knees up high on his sides, gripping him between her strong thighs.

“Ohhhh baby, cumming again, ahhh, ahhhh, nnnnngghhuhhh, ohhhhh, lover, making me, cum, so hard, so big, in me.”

“Ohhh baby, yesss, fuck your little girl, fuck your little Pani, ohhh, my big dog, yesss, cum in meeee” Amaruq’s huge cock throbbing, spurting, pulsing deep in her hot little pussy.

All alone out on the open tundra, his special little girl under him, her rubbing her belly, her huge breasts on his furry chest, rolling her little hips, milking his cock as she so loved to do, kissing her huge lover, knowing they would fuck each other all through the night, Wolf’s big, thick wolf-cock buried deep inside his little girl.

The End

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