Women with Animals

Elisé and the Double Deal


(c) 2021 by Porcelaine

I couldn’t believe my luck. A double package of my favourite breed of dog and a handsome man(or at least, the picture he sent me suggested. Can’t tell if an image is doctored these days), a mere twenty minutes drive away from me.

I left the disbelieving for after my drive was done, though. I’d hate to miss our very first meeting because of something as dumb as a minor traffic accident.

Blush was creeping up my face by the time I managed the courage to actually knock on the door. Judging by his smile he seemed to have been watching me hesitate, and thankfully found it cute instead of annoying.

“Hi, it’s me Elisé from…”

I looked about in case any of his neighbours were around. It was obvious that won’t be a problem because all the houses I could see from here were no bigger than the nail of my thumb.

“Zoovile. You can just call me by name, Mr makes me feel old.”
He finishes for me and holds out a hand for me to shake. Wow, that’s one meaty hand. I shake it gently, already kind of excited.

“Okay, Victor! I’m glad I came to the right place. It would have been pretty awkward.”

He tightened the grip on my hand and dragged me inside. I womdered if it was because he was afraid a neighbour would see us and get the wrong idea, because he was a fair bit older than me and I, to be honest, dress like a total slut.
Or maybe it was because he was eager to get started. Hmm, I like that idea.

“Hey, I thought you said you don’t smoke.”
I tugged on my wrist, more as a suggestion for him to let go than anything. He didn’t seem to get it.

“Stopped a while ago. Why?”
He sniffs the air, then looks back at me.

“If you ever smoked inside the wallpapers and furniture probably absorbed the smell. I would totally help you strip those someday.”

A smile spread on his face,
“That’s not what I expected a Gen Z girl to say. If you’re sure you won’t hurt yourself, maybe next week?”

“Sounds great!”
Ignoring the jab at my generation, I beamed back at him. I made it clear when we first contacted that what I wanted wasn’t just a wham bam and done, and I was glad that he was willing to schedule non-sexual encounters with me.

At that moment a large golden retriever came crashing out of a room on the right, dropping a drooly toy on the way. He made a beeline straight to me, tail wagging ferociously and tongue rolling out.

“Hii, you must be Zach! Oh my god, who’s a fluffy boy? You’re soft like clouds!”
I just can’t help doing that ‘dog voice’ every time I meet a new dog. They’re just so cute! I rubbed and combed the fur around his neck with matching enthusiasm.
Without warning Zach pushed past my hands and bumped his cold nose onto my exposed thigh. He sniffs with purpose, then lays a long lick across my inner thigh. My short-shorts are paying off.

“I see you’re experienced…”
I laugh awkwardly, a little nervous about all the windows the living room has. Victor laughs heartily, and manages to distract Zach enough for us to move to the first floor bedroom.

Well, he moved Zach and I followed because it seemed like the right thing to do.


Once inside the bedroom, Victor let go of Zach and he was free to bump his snout at my crotch. Even just that sent a sharp tingle of thrill across my spine. Man, I’m well and truly a zoophile.
I didn’t want Zach to hurt his nose on the zipper though, so I quickly let my shorts drop and hopped aside. I’d fingered myself a little before coming because I was too excited and the wetness had seeped through the panties. Zach wasted no time in licking at it, which earned a tiny gasp from me. I’d never even been licked by a man! Oh god, I’m about to lose my virginity to a dog.

Victor on his part seemed content to just watch for now. He sat on the bed, arms crossed.

Since I was in no rush unlike Zach, I slipped a hand under my little top and bralet and played with my breasts, sometimes pinching a nipple here and there. The lack of smooth skin contact seemed to nore Zach though, and he turned away to pad over to Vic.
He distractedly gave Zach a pat, focused on the way my soft breasts squished and bobbed under my thin bralet. At least one of the boys were on the prize.

I climbed onto the bed next to Victor and removed my top and bralet, perky nipples standing to attention at the sudden chill. This was going pretty fast, but I really couldn’t wait for Zach’s hot doggy cock to press inside me anymore.

Once on all fours I hooked a finger on my pantyline and pulled it down, my excitement making a clear little string between the panties and my pussy. Zach immediately hopped onto the bed and gave my exposed pussy a lick.

He just spent a few minutes licking. Sometimes his tongue would pass over my clitoris and sometimes the tongue would slightly force its way into my hole, which every time was the most delicious stimulation and made my breath hitch. I looked back and saw a little red peeking out of Zach’s midsection.

Vic eventually held both of Zach’s paws and guided them over my waist. Zach immediately started thrusting all against my smooth butt. I could feel the sleek wetnesss of his growing dick rubbing against the skin, and the precum dragging slimy lines on it. He almost hit the mark and the entire length of his dick dragged against my pussy lips, mixing our fluids together – and the idea was enough to make me moan.

Nothing could have prepared for the actual thrusting, though. The tip of his cock met my wet entrance and forced its way in with just one thrust, and I wasn’t even sure what kind of sound I was making anymore. What I was sure about was that Zach’s thick doggy dick was now completely filling my silky canal without a milimetre to spare.

When Zach thrusted his hips again, paws gripping me harshly and claws against my skin, impossibly even more of his thick cock slipped into me. The cupped end of his dick pressed perfectly against my womb’s opening and I yelped in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

As his knot swelled Zach started thrusting even more feverishly, painfully letting the knot growing inside my pussy known. I rocked back at him at the same rhythm, enjoying the experience of being Zach’s little breeding bitch. His large cock rubbed against all the pleasure points in my pussy and the knot sent delightful pressure against the most sensitive areas near the opening.

On the last thrust, he managed to penetrate the opening of my cervix and i whined like a bitch in heat. His hot, plentiful cum flooded into my womb. If only I had been a real bitch he would have surely knocked me up with how much puppy batter was pouring into me – and some even managed to force out between the tight seal of his knot against my distented pussy opening due to sheer volume. There was just nowhere inside me that the cum could go.

I let my arms fail and I just panted with my head against the sheets. I went to rub at my clit, but a hand stopped me. Victor was stroking his cock next to us, but put both his hands on Zach to pull the knot away from me.

Even as tight as I am, I’m not as tight as a bitch would be, so the knot eventually popped free without any pain for Zach. For me though, it was delicious pressure and then the beautiful sight of his cock slipping out and the massive load of canine cum in me pouring out of the hole.

With a pat on the butt Zach padded away from my butt, tail wagging happily at a successful breeding. He came over to my face and licked near my lips as if he’s kissing me. Aww.

Vic pressed his cockhead against my entrance with no preamble. The absolute mess of dog cum was enough lube and he thrust inside me easily. My walls clenched around his dick, already oversensitive.
He leaned forward and wrapped his muscular body around me, groaning at the pressure. He pressed on inside despite how tightly my pussy was gripping his cock, Zach’s remaining cum being displaced by his cock and dripping around my stuffed hole.

His left hand found its way to my breast. He squeezed harshly and tugged at my nipples, all the while thrusting hard, fast, and making me moan needy noises into Zach’s kiss. When he was at his limit, he moved his hand to my clit and finished me off in tandem with himself. His pent up cum roped up my vagina, mixing with Zach’s. I almost wished I didn’t take my pills so I could get knocked up by them. I imagined that my downward dog position would be pulling and enticing the cum inside me into the womb by gravity.

My knees, too, gave out, and I laid there half-conscious. Vic patted Zach with one hand and my hair wih the other. We both leaned into the touch.

I couldn’t wait for more mindblowing sex with these two.


Vic makes great pancakes. He made me some sweet, milky tea as well (which reminded me of Zach’s cum, honestly, and I wondered what that would taste like), and made dozens of kinky promises to me. I guess we won’t be doing anything with the wallpapers next week either.

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