Women with Animals



Blair pushed away from her desk after she finished copy editing a chapter of her assigned manuscript. She stretched and yawned. The twenty-eight year old single mother had not slept much in the past week. She had to feed the un-weaned puppies during the night which made it difficult to get much rest.

The young brunette heard the puppies whine hungrily and looked at the clock to confirm that it was feeding time once again. The former middle school English teacher turned work from home copy editor left her home office and briefly checked on her thirty month old sleeping daughter, Josie. The young mother was happy that her little girl had finished potty training and no longer needed diapers. She paused for a moment and appreciated the resting form of her normally boisterous and occasionally bratty child.

Blair looked lovingly one last time at Josie, checked the potty-chair, and turned towards the kitchen where she began preparing the puppy formula. While the formula warmed, she let her five year old Anatolian Shepherd lover, Aydin, out into the newly fenced in backyard and, as she watched the well muscled dog, fell into reminiscing about some of the intimate moments the two of them had shared and how it began.

It all began when she started showing from her unplanned pregnancy with Josie. It had been the result of a drunken one-night stand during a beach vacation. Eventually it had become increasingly difficult to date. Her good looks and formerly athletic body no longer held much advantage on the dating scene. No man she’d be interested in wanted to date an obviously pregnant woman who’d soon also be a single mother. After suffering weeks from a pregnancy induced unrelenting libido, Blair gave in one night to Aydin’s advances. After that, Aydin was her only sexual partner. She found him to be a perfect sexual companion and never looked back.

After a few minutes the puppy formula was heated. She tested the temperature on her wrist and found it slightly warmer than her own body temperature, which meant it was just right. She took the specially designed puppy bottles and fed the two Anatolian Shepherd and German Shepherd mixed puppies from her lap.

As they fed, Blair couldn’t help but think of that day a week ago when Hans and Yusuf came into her life. It was a day like any other day when there was a knock on her door. Upon opening it, an angry man shoved a box with two six week old mixed puppies into her hands. He told her that he had seen her dog skulking around his kennels and had followed him back to her home. The man had a German Shepherd bitch that had gone into heat about fifteen weeks prior and Aydin had jumped the fence and mated with her. Aydin was the only Anatolian Shepherd for miles around so two of the eight puppies had to be his. The other six were sired by a pedigree German Shepherd. Blair had insisted that they be returned to their mother until they were weaned, but the man refused. He responded that if she wouldn’t take them he’d get rid of them since nobody wanted them. Shocked at his cruelty, Blair called him an asshole and slammed the door in his face with her foot while holding the box with the two puppies.

She had called Aydin’s vet for advice and was recommended a brand of puppy formula and puppy formula bottle, but the puppies were already hungry. Blair didn’t want to wait the hour it would take to drive into town, shop, drive back, and prepare the formula before feeding them. Her maternal instincts kicked in and the practical mother did the only thing she could do. She nursed them herself. Josie normally didn’t nurse anymore. Blair only offered her nipple when her daughter was fussy and didn’t want to go to sleep at night. The young brunette enjoyed breast feeding her daughter and the oxytocin induced euphoria it brought. It was no different with the pups.

Since that day a week ago, once her partner’s pups finished their bottles of puppy formula, Blair would offer the pups her breasts. Today was no different. Hans and Yusuf had finished their bottles of puppy formula and began pawing her breasts. They were still hungry.

“Are my baby boys still hungry?” she asked.

The puppies in her lap whined in response. With a smile Blair partially unbuttoned her blouse and offered her milk laden breasts to her lover’s pups. Each puppy, with his hind-paws in her lap and his fore-paws kneading a breast, soon latched onto a nipple and began to suckle. Blair winced slightly at the tiny claws and the sharp little teeth, but accepted the pain as a mother would. Fortunately nursing Josie had toughened her nipples. She had often dreamed of bearing Aydin’s pups but biology denied that possibility. Nursing and raising his pups would be the closest thing to her heart’s desire.

The oxytocin quickly flooded her brain and bliss flowed through her as the pups nursed on her milk. Blair looked toward the rear French doors and saw Aydin lying on the back deck watching her feed his pups. Their eyes locked for a long meaningful moment until Blair turned her attention back to the pups she had come to regard as her step-sons. Her love for Josie, Aydin, Hans, and Yusuf washed over her.

The pups continued to nurse for several minutes. Once they were sated, Blair burped each and laid them in their box to sleep. After making sure both were sleeping soundly she let Aydin into the house. Blair looked into the Anatolian Shepherd’s brown eyes within his black face mask.

“Do you want some loving handsome?” she asked.

Aydin stared at her for a moment and sauntered towards their shared bedroom. Blair followed on his heels while unbuttoning the remaining buttons of her blouse. She paused for a moment to look in on the sleeping Josie, and closed the child proof gate to Josie’s bedroom. Upon entering the bedroom, she saw Aydin was already standing in the center of their bed waiting. The young brunette finished undressing.

Blair could already feel her arousal build. Her nipples were beginning to harden into little nubs. Her aureole darkened. Her labia began to engorge and darken. She could detect a hint of wetness beginning to seep from her slit. Her breathing became shallow. Her checks, neck, and upper chest became flush and took on a pinkish tone as her arousal drove blood to the surface of her skin. She wanted him. She needed her Anatolian Shepherd mate.

She joined her lover on the bed. As he reclined on the bed she stroked him behind his left ear with her left-hand while her right-hand fell onto his side. She could feel his short yet slick fur tickle her palm. She noticed a wetness on her thighs as she knelt there on her knees. It was her cunt juices. This powerful male creature was making her drip by his animalistic masculinity, his scent, the feel of his fur under her hands, and the desire she saw in his eyes.

Aydin laid over fully onto his side and laid his head onto the bedding. Blair stroked his neck and his side for several seconds. She relished the sensual feel of his muscles and sleek fur under her hands. Even after several years of their being intimate she had not tired of his sexual allure.

“Fuck Aydin! You turn me on so much. I’m going to suck your cock,”she said in total lust for the dog. “Roll over,” she commanded.

He instantly complied as she knew he would from years of experience.

Blair looked down at the couple of inches of the dog-cock which had already extended from his sheath. She salivated in anticipation of taking that scarlet hunk of flesh into her mouth and if possible into her throat. The young brunette mother laid down on her left side onto the soft bedding. She pulled her hair out of the way. She reached for his sheath with her right-hand and lightly squeezed his cock through his sheath. This elicited a whine from the Anatolian Shepherd. She lightly stroked his cock a couple of times through his sheath and then moved to his large dark and leathery fuzz covered balls. She very lightly caressed them. They felt very full and heavy to her. She knew they would easily be good for two full loads. The young mother knew just where she wanted them. The first in her belly. The second in her pussy and womb.

She started working on getting that first load. She went back to gently stroking his cock through his sheath. She leaned in to inhale the scent of his cock and the pre-cum that had started spurting out. Blair wanted to enjoy the scent of his cock before it was combined with her spit. She reached out with her tongue and licked the tapered tip of Aydin’s dark pink cock. A shot of pre-cum shot into her mouth. She loved the taste of a dog’s fuck juices. It was salty, a bit metallic, and a touch bitter. It was also much warmer and thinner than that of a man. She preferred that of a dog.

Blair took Aydin’s growing reddish pink cock into her mouth as she continued pushing the sheath back towards his balls. She raised up which caused his growing cock to fall to his belly. Blair wanted to get his knot out of his sheath before it swelled too large to come out. The bulbus glandis was out of the sheath after a few strokes. She kept his sheath below his swelling knot with her right-hand. Blair could then focus on giving her lover a blowjob. Raising his cock, the young brunette leaned back down and took the reddish dog-cock back into her mouth. The spurts of his pre-cum were stronger than before. After flicking the tip of her tongue into his hole several times which caused Aydin to whine and raise his head; she pushed forward taking more of his cock into her mouth. The length of his shaft to the knot was about eight inches. Blair intended to take every inch. She swallowed the pre-cum that had pooled in her mouth.

She paused to focus and relax her throat. Blair firmly sealed her lips around the smooth red dog-cock. She took a deep breath through her nose and pushed forward keeping all of her tongue in contact with Aydin’s cock. The tip of his cock was at the top of throat. She felt the Anatolian Shepherd’s hot pre-cum spurt out of his equally hot cock into her throat. Blair once again focused on relaxing her throat muscles. She drew a deep breath through her nose and pushed forward. The tip of Aydin’s cock entered her throat about an inch. She could hear Aydin’s whines over the pounding in her ears. She pulled back until she could taste his pre-cum. The young brunette swallowed and took another deep breath through her nose. She pushed forward again as she squeezed the shaft of his cock on the other side of his knot. His cock entered her throat and she kept pushing forward. The brunette copy-editor continued to push forward until the nearly fully swollen knot touched her lips. Blair groaned in satisfaction when she felt Aydin’s cock throb in her throat. Her years of experience told her that the Anatolian Shepherd was cumming down her throat. She closed her eyes and pulled back. Blair wanted to feel his hot watery cum shoot into her mouth. But more than that, she wanted to taste his hot cum and savor every drop as she swallowed it down.

As Blair continued to piston and suck Aydin’s cock into her mouth and throat she swallowed down the Anatolian Shepherd’s hot cum. Her arousal caused her to reflexively rub her thighs together which feed her passion for Aydin’s red rocket. She struggled to swallow his cum as quickly as it pulsed into her mouth. Blair closed her eyes, and relished the salty metallic taste of her sexual companion’s watery cum. Initially the flow was too great for her and some escaped her lips. But as Aydin’s orgasm continued, the pulses of cum while continuing at the same regular interval, had increasingly diminishing volumes.

Eventually Blair was able to keep up with the volume of dog cum shooting into her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked over the large pussy wrecking knot and focused on the black leathery fuzz covered balls. They created a hypnotic rhythm. Balls contract. Pulse of cum. Swallow cum. Balls contract. Pulse of cum. Swallow cum. Over and over. Blair felt the warmth of his cum in her stomach. His musk filled her nostrils. She rubbed her slick thighs together which pushed her over the edge into a light orgasm. Blair took Aydin’s cock out of her mouth for her orgasm to keep from choking on his cum.

“Fuck Aydin! I’m cumming!” Blair gasped out as a pulse of cum hit her arousal flushed neck and a shudder went through her body from the light orgasm. Enjoying the moment, she noticed her panting was nearly as loud as Aydin’s.

After a few seconds, Blair returned to sucking the Anatolian Shepherd’s cock and swallowing his cum. She noticed Aydin’s whines as the contractions of his balls lessened. The volume of each pulse began to quickly diminish. Aydin’s orgasm was nearly over. Blair doubled her efforts. She was intent on getting every drop. Aydin was spent after a few more minutes. Blair lifted off the dog’s cock and rolled over onto her back. Their bed was firm but comfortable.

Blair giggled in joy at the intimate experience she shared with her canine lover.

“Good boy Aydin. Good boy,” she said encouragingly for his benefit.

She brought her dog cum coated fingers to her mouth and sucked each finger and her palms until all were covered in her saliva instead of Aydin’s juices. Blair moved her spit slick fingers to her pussy. She wanted to get fucked and need to build her arousal to get Aydin interested after she had drained his balls with her mouth and throat. The young mother repositioned herself on the bed so she could watch Aydin and he could look directly into her snatch as she pleasured herself. She placed a pillow under her head.

“Baby, your red dog-cock tasted and felt so good in my mouth and throat. But it would feel so much better fucking in and out of my wet pussy,” Blair whispered huskily as she stroked her slit.

“Come on Aydin. Mama needs your cock. Nothing makes me cum harder than getting fucked and knotted by my handsome doggy! Come on Aydin. Don’t you want to play any more?” Blair begged.

“Fuck!!! I’m so ready! I need your dog-cock in me Aydin. My pussy is so wet!” Blair half moaned in desperation.

Blair looked towards Aydin’s sheath. The pointed tip of his cock was poking out. He was laser-focused on her sex and his nostrils were obviously sucking in the scent of her arousal.

Blair wanted something different. She was definitely a fan of kneeling over on her knees and elbows for a hard pounding like a proper bitch, but she decided she’d rather watch the powerful Anatolian Shepherd as he fucked her. She wanted to feel his soft velvety under-belly fur on her belly and clit instead of her ass and back.

“Off the bed Aydin!” Blair commanded.

Instantly Aydin jumped from the bed but not without a whine of disappointment. His disappointment was short-lived however. After Aydin jumped down to the floor, Blair maneuvered herself so that she was laying on her back with her ass hanging over the edge of the bed. She placed several pillows under her head and upper-back. Blair’s bed was just the right height to take Aydin missionary.

Blair spread her knees wide apart. The beautiful young brunette milf offered her body to the Anatolian Shepherd. He walked gracefully between the spread thighs of his female. He tasted her offered sex to confirm her readiness for mating with practiced self-assurance. After a few licks, he pulled back and crouched down. He pounced on his mate after a momentary pause. His front paws straddled her mid-section. His back-legs shuffled forward bringing his cock toward her opening. Blair felt his hot pre-cum hit her labia.

“Come on Aydin! Fuck me good. Make me your bitch!” Blair said quietly, mindful of the sleeping Josie down the hall.

Aydin’s front paws moved to Blair’s hips. Eager to get into his bitch, he had already begun a slight humping motion. Using her body for leverage Aydin brought the tip of his cock to her slit. Blair reached down to ensure a smooth entry into her cunny. She had learned the hard way that a hard poke from a bony dog-cock could be painful. With the help Blair’s guiding hand the tip of Aydin’s cock smoothly entered her smoothly shaven lubricated slit. It took Aydin a moment to realize that the tip of his cock had entered his bitch. Blair held her breath in anticipation.

“You’re in me Baby. Pound the fuck out of me,” the brunette said quietly.

Suddenly and without warning Aydin thrust half of his cock into the former teacher beneath him. Blair locked her heels behind Aydin’s rump. She did not want his dog-cock to leave her until he had deposited a full load of his cum in her.

“That’s it Baby. Fuck Mama hard,” Blair whispered.

Aydin did not need the encouragement even if could understand it. He had his ready and wet bitch beneath him. He wasn’t going anywhere until he was certain he had given her a belly full of his pups.

Aydin began pounding Blair hard. As he thrust his cock into her time and again. His cock began engorging. The slickness of his pre-cum and her pussy juice eased his passage into her depths. Each thrust deeper into the brunette’s cunt pushed his sheath a bit further back on his cock until it was pushed past his slowly growing knot. He was driven to bury his knot into the bitch and impregnate her.

Blair’s arousal was building. She could feel his growing cock stretching her pussy walls. This Anatolian Shepherd’s cock was made for fucking women like Blair. Unlike many dogs, the end of his cock had a pronounced point that eased penetration and poked into a woman’s cervix the way submissive bitches loved. The shaft was naturally cylindrical but bulged slightly about halfway to the knot. The bulge gave it a slight barrel shape. His cock stretched her pussy walls wonderfully. Aydin was well on the way of giving her a massive orgasm.

“That’s it Aydin!…..Give me that knot!” Blair managed to gasp out as she became short of breath from the vigorous fucking she was receiving.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” Blair grunted as she felt the dog-cock enter further into her depths and his growing knot pass in and out of her labia. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Aydin’s back, bringing his body fully in contact with her own.

Blair pulled Aydin into her with her legs to get his knot seated into her before it became too large to not enter. She could feel the pointed tip of Aydin’s cock pressing into her cervix. His knot began swelling and stretching the lower walls of her cunt the way she liked it. Blair was approaching the edge of orgasm. The pointed tip of his cock was pushing against her cervix. His barrel shaped cock stretched her pussy walls. His large knot had them tied and was pressed against her g-spot. The short hairs on his sheath rubbed against her labia. His hot soft underbelly rubbed her clit. His chest laid on top of her smooth flat stomach. And he began licking his dried cum from her breasts, focusing particularly on her nipples.

“OH FUCK! OH FUCK! Aydin, I’M SO CLOSE YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CUM!” Blair exclaimed with bated breath.

Just then Aydin began his own orgasm as pulse after pulse of his hot watery dog-cum blasted against her cervix with much of it going into her womb. His cock and knot throbbed and twitched inside her with each blast of cum. All of which was too much for a woman already on the verge of orgasm.

“AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAHHHHHH!!! I’M CUMMMIIINNNGGG! FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!!!!! I’M CCCCUUUUMMMMIIIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!!” Blair managed to whisper before convulsions hit her body, and she lost the ability to verbalize the sensations.

Her arms and legs gripped tightly onto Aydin for dear life. She fell into her orgasm only to be lifted once again, by the powerful sexual sensations racking her cunt and body, to a height from which she fell into another orgasm. Aydin’s masculine virility drove her from one orgasm to another. Her mind blank of anything other than her orgasms and the dog on top of her and in her. The pressures of being a single mother, her job, and other mundane problems were on the ground while she soared among the clouds.

As her body and soul were buffeted by the gusts of each orgasm, Blair held onto Aydin as if he were a flying beast upon which she clung to keep from falling. The Anatolian Shepherd whined as he shot pulse after pulse of his hot cum into his mate. Gradually both Blair’s and Aydin’s orgasms began to diminish. The mating pair of female and male slowly came down the earth again.

The lovers embraced one another as both fought to regain their breaths. Aydin’s orgasm ended and his cock began its inevitable retreat out of the sheath of Blair’s body back into his own. Blair relaxed the grip of her arms around her lover. She began lightly stroking his sides and softly whispering sweet things to her darling canine companion.

“Oh Aydin, you fucked me so good. You’re such a good boy! Such a good boy!”

Aydin whined his appreciation and softly licked her neck.

Blair opened her mouth. Aydin’s long tongue entered. She closed her eyes reveling in the sensation of their tongues dancing in her mouth. She lightly sucked on his tongue which caused him to draw it out again. Blair rubbed his ears and looked affectionately into his dark chocolate brown eyes within his black face mask.

“Such a good boy! Such a good boy! I love you,” she whispered sincerely. Aydin licked her neck and chin by way of response.

Blair felt that his knot had shrunk enough to withdraw comfortably. She unhooked her ankles but kept her legs against his sides. The young brunette wanted to feel his sleek fur against her calves for a moment longer so that this encounter could be better burned into her memory. Aydin raised up on his front paws and backed away from her. Her dog-cock craving cunt made a popped as his knot and cock pulled out of her. A gush of their combined cum and fuck juices flowed out.

Aydin once again stood on all fours between her knees. He softly licked her thighs and still sensitive sex from her combined juices. Blair laid there enjoying the sensations. Twitching occasionally when he licked her still too sensitive clit. Aydin then tended to his cock. He cleaned his doghood and licked it back into his sheath.

Blair listened and could just hear Josie softly talking to her favorite doll. The puppies were growling at each other, she assumed they were play fighting as they often did. The young mother enjoyed the moment knowing she would have to get up in a few minutes to start their dinner. She thought of her family and the future that awaited them. She wondered how she’d find partners for her boys so they could know the happiness their father knew with her.

She put those thoughts away to rejoice in the moment with her beloved Aydin. Then she got up to prepare for her family’s evening together.

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