Women with Animals

Jewellery Shop


Jan swallowed nervously as she listened to Mark Johnson explaining how the shop operated with its high-class customers, or clients as he preferred to call them.

“All appointments are prearranged,” he said in his upper-class English accent, “Please make sure you confirm who you are letting in. Your job is to smile and look pretty and attend to the customer’s needs while Mrs Johnson or I deal with what they want to purchase.”

Mark eyed up the girl discreetly and admired the way the top she had on clung to her small pert breasts. The pleated skirt seemed to hang tantalisingly over her buttocks, and he was sure that if she bent forward just a few degrees, he would get a better glimpse of her white cotton panties he had a peek at earlier. Picking up her passport her checked her date of birth again, to reassure himself that she was indeed 18 years of age, which she was, albeit by a few weeks.

“Some of the men may get handy if they are not with their wife or girlfriend, especially some of the foreigners.”

“Handy? What do you mean?” Jan said opening her eyes in shock.

Mark could feel his cock harden in his suit trousers, “This one is so innocent,” he thought to himself as he imagined her on her knees choking on his cock.

“They might… occasionally touch you… accidentally of course,” said Mark brushing his hand casually over her breast.

Jan blushed deeply and Mark moved his hand to her small round ass and squeezed one of the firm globes of flesh causing Jan to yelp and colour even more.

“Say nothing, just step away,” Mark said reassuringly, “They will tip well and if you cause a scene, they will leave without buying anything.”

Jan nodded and stammered, “Are they all like that?”

“Not at all,” Mark said reassuringly, “just some of the men.” He didn’t add that a couple of the predatory older lesbians who frequented his shop would also be desperate for a feel, though she would learn that on her own soon enough.

Jan swallowed again; she really needed this job. While her parents were helping her through university, they weren’t over-generous. In fact, it had been her parents who had arranged for this job for her as they were friends with the Johnsons from the golf club.

“So can you start today?” Mark said smoothly, knowing that she would fit in perfectly with his plans which were a lot more than just a casual shop assistant.

Mark went into the back of the shop to see his wife was watching the CCTV monitor which showed Jan serving tea to a nice Chinese couple.

“You are a randy old goat,” his wife Denise said looking at her husband.

“Don’t tell me you aren’t as wet as an otter imagining the taste of her young pussy. I bet that girl is a virgin.” Mark leered at the screen.

“What about her parents?” Denise said cautiously.

“Andrew & Louise will be fine about it I’m sure,” said Mark, “We will just leave out the bit about the ring.”

“Are we going for the old stolen ring, I catch her blowing you routine?” Denise laughed.

“Yes,” said Mark, his cock twitching at the thought of her pretty young mouth around his cock. The idea that his might be the first cock she had ever sucked made him start to get hard. “Oh and don’t be too eager to catch us in the act, wouldn’t mind shooting a load down her throat before we get started.”

The rest of the day went well with her customers seeming happy with her service; Jan thought to herself. There had been quite a few sales for mind-boggling figures and she had even got a £20 tip off one old man. The best thing was there had been no inappropriate touching though she thought the woman buying a ruby necklace had stared at her breasts for an uncomfortably long period of time.

Mark’s voice interrupted her thoughts with, “Jan we seem to have a problem here.”

Jan went over to a tray of rings she had shown the Japanese couple that morning and there was a space in the tray.

“There would appear to be a ring missing,” Mark said sternly. “I am going to need to search your bag,” he said nodding his head towards Jan’s handbag. “Please turn out your bag Jan.”

Jan was upset at the insinuation but knew she had nothing to fear as she hadn’t taken anything. To her horror, the ring fell from her bag and rattled on the glass countertop.

“Mr Johnson I didn’t…” Jan began to protest but Mark held his hand for silence as he glanced at the door leading to the back office. He knew his wife would be watching and no doubt masturbating; but he needed Jan to agree to the conspiracy for now.

“Listen Jan you seem like a nice girl and the customers like you; but Mrs Johnson will take a very dim view of this.” Mark could see that the young girl was close to tears so judging the time right he sprung the trap. “Of course, if it was down to me I would just turn a blind eye.”

“But Mr Johnson I didn’t…” Jan protested.

“I am sure you will be able to explain it to the police… and of course your parents.”

At this point, Jan started to cry and Mark put his arms around her pulling her young body close to his.

“Unless of course…” Mark’s words trailed off as he picked up her tiny hand and placed it on the raging erection in his trousers.

Jan wasn’t stupid for all her lack of years and had a good idea of what was expected of her. Unzipping Mark she allowed his cock to spring free and she started to work him with her hand.

“Your mouth,” Mark groaned as he put his hands on her shoulders.

“I have never done this before. You promise no one will know?” Jan said as she sank to her knees and stared like a rabbit in the headlights at the cock straining in her hand.

“Promise,” groaned Mark as he thrust his hips forward gripping the young girl’s head. The thought that his was the first cock she had ever sucked made it even more exciting as he started to face fuck her. Ignoring her choking and gurgling Mark gripped her head tightly as he pumped into her face. With a groan, he shot the first jet of sperm into Jan’s mouth just as his wife threw open the door and shouted.

“What are you doing you slut?”

Jan heard the shout and tried to jerk her head back but Mark held her firm for another couple of spurts. When she did manage to pull free, a final jet from Mark’s cock hit her in her left eye before dripping down her cheek.

Turning her head she found she was face to face with an irate Mrs Johnson who spluttered, “We need to talk, the three of us NOW.” With those words, she turned and stomped upstairs to their flat over the shop leaving Mark and Jan to follow sheepishly in her wake.

They all sat on a large couch with Jan in the middle looking a little uncomfortable as she tried to pull down her short skirt.

“Why don’t we share a smoke and all calm down, after all, what I saw was a bit of a shock,” Denise said as she lit a large joint that was already in the ashtray.

Mark took the joint from his wife and took a deep puff, holding the smoke deep in his lungs. Jan looked at the joint when it was offered to her in confusion.

“Here let me help,” purred Denise taking the joint and taking a large mouthful of the smoke, she leaned over the startled Jan and kissed her, forcing the smoke into her mouth and lungs.

“Why don’t we watch a video you might find educational,” Mark said as he navigated the smart TV to a private and very secure server.

Jan’s head was spinning from the effects of the pot and when she felt the hands slipping the clothing from her body she didn’t object, she even moved to make their removal easier.

Jan started at the scene on the television in slight disbelief although she was finding it difficult to focus as Denise slipped a second finger inside her, twisting and probing deeply.

Then with a shock, she realised what she was seeing on the screen just as Denise’s fingers found her g-spot and began to rub sending shock waves of pleasure through her.

The woman in the centre of the screen was Denise and the cock she was devouring with gusto was Mark’s but what had caused the shock was that nuzzling between her upturned ass was Prince, their Alsatian guard dog. Jan’s eyes were drawn to the long red cock that dangled down under him, dripping watery pre-cum to the floor.

At first, she couldn’t get her head around what she was seeing on the screen. She had hardly seen any porn in her life apart from the odd few pictures and videos her boyfriend had insisted on showing her. They were normally of women sucking an unfeasibly large cock or being fucked as they moaned but this was off the scale. Surely the dog wasn’t going to fuck the woman who wasn’t just any woman but the wife of her boss, friends of her parents.

Jan’s attention was distracted from the screen for a moment as she heard the snuffling sound of Prince who had entered the room with Mark holding his collar. Like on the screen, his red cock was half hanging down, twitching as it dripped pre-cum, but in real life, it looked so much bigger. Her heart started to beat faster as she realised that this was not just a dream, it was reality.

Jan was drawn back to the screen by a yell of pleasure from the on-screen Denise and she could see that Prince had mounted her. On-screen Denise had given up trying to suck her husband, instead she had her head against her arms, bracing herself against Prince’s high-speed assault. Jan watched open mouthed as the dog pounded Denise with a speed and ferocity that was far outside anything her boyfriend had shown her.

Jan could feel Denise’s digits deep inside as she finger-fucked her with greater urgency.

“His cock felt so good inside me,” Denise whispered in the young girl’s ear.

All Jan could think of was, “Did her mother know? Then would her mother do it as well?”

The room filled with the squelching sounds of her juices when suddenly she felt empty and opening her eyes could see Denise offering her juice-coated fingers to Prince, who was licking them with great eagerness. Jan’s eyes opened wide in shock as she realised that Denise was feeding the dog her juices, her brain recoiling at the fact that her virginity was being offered to an animal.

Prince could taste this new bitch’s nectar and after he had licked his mistress’s fingers clean he sniffed the air seeking the source. His sensitive nostrils quickly detected the far stronger scent as he buried his head between Jan’s thighs, his tongue seeking the source.

Jan felt the rough tongue rasp along her already sensitive pussy lips almost causing her to orgasm from the first lick. She didn’t have time to take in the enormity of what was happening when the second lick caressed her engorged clit. Her loud shout caused Prince to pause for a moment but his mistress’s soft words of encouragement reassured him and he returned to his licking with gusto.

Mark could hardly contain his excitement as he checked the video monitor showing the four hidden cameras that had been recording from the moment they had started. He knew that there would be enough raw footage to edit this into multiple videos that he would be able to sell on the dark web. His cock was as stiff as a flag pole but he knew better than to wait until Prince had sated his needs first before he could gain his relief. He knew he would need to use her tight ass after Prince had knotted in the little bitch’s cunt, since it was going to be a little loose for the next few hours.

Denise moved out of the way as Jan writhed on the floor orgasming on Prince’s magical tongue. Glancing at her husband, who was out of camera shot, she looked for guidance as to how he wanted Jan. Seeing his gesticulation she half lifted Jan and rolled her over to her hands and knees. It was clear she was out of it from the multiple orgasms shuddering through her young body. She guided Jan to drape her torso over a footstool, pointing her ass into the air.

Prince had been annoyed that the source of his nectar was gone when Jan moved, but once she was in position, he knew what he had to do. He had done this many times in the past to his mistress and the numerous other fresh bitches they had bought here. Immediately he leapt onto her back and started to thrust, seeking the bitch’s cunt. He felt his mistress’s firm grip around his sensitive shaft and then the tip detected the opening he sought. With a thrust of his powerful hind legs, he drove his cock deep as he could.

Jan felt the tip of the cock like a hot finger touching her, just before her whole world turned upside down.

When she had come to work that morning she was still a virgin, her only real experience of sex had been the feel of her boyfriend’s cock spurting its fluid onto the floor of the car park when she had given him a hand job against the wall. She had allowed him to feel her nipples after pulling her bra up to reveal her pert breasts and she had even allowed him to rub her pussy through the thin material of her panties but had refused to allow him to go further. Now she had been fingered and licked by her boss’s wife, but this was another step altogether. The sheer ferocity of the dog’s fucking sent her into orgasmic bliss, the feelings of it branded so deeply in her brain that she would never want a man again.

Denise stood next to her husband in awe as together they watched Jan take the knot for the first time.

“That is a beautiful sight,” Denise sighed as she saw Jan’s eyeballs almost roll into the back of her head. To see someone taking a dog for the first time was an amazing thing. To know that the dog was taking the girl’s virginity was absolute gold.

No words came from the young girl’s lips, just unintelligible gabble as she was transported into another world. The dog slamming into her body at a speed she could never imagine. The pain of the initial breaking of her hymen was long gone in a flood of fluids that eased the dog’s passage, also gone was the shame at being deflowered by a dog. It was replaced with a burning lust deep inside, the primeval desire to be bred.

“Yes fuck me doggy,” she screamed at the top of her voice. Almost like he understood her; Prince renewed his efforts, his hips a blur. Then with a shove the dog forced his knot into Jan’s tight pussy making her yell out in shock and pain. As her pussy clamped around the dog’s cock she could feel the knot swell even more, locking them together like one beast. She could feel the knot swelling and throbbing as it pulsed and spurted hot seed deep inside her pussy. The waves of pleasure grew and grew until finally, she passed out from the overload of sensations.

It was a sharp stab of pain that bought her back to reality as she realised that Prince had attempted to dismount having filled her to his satisfaction. Such was the tightness of her pussy he was unable to tug himself free. Denise was massaging her pussy to make her relax until finally the dog was able to pull free leaving her feel like there was a huge void inside her no longer virgin pussy.

She felt Denise slide under her while still over the stool. Looking sideways in the mirror, she could see that Denise was on her back and sliding under her. As Denise lay with her legs open, Prince’s head was between her thighs dining on her sweet ambrosia. Jan could feel Denise’s eager tongue, not as rough and powerful as Prince’s but delicate like a flicking snake, as she gorged herself on the dog seed slowly dripping from her ravaged pussy.

Jan’s ass was still in the air and Mark saw his opportunity for her to lose her anal virginity. He pushed his fingers past his wife’s tongue and collected some of Prince’s seed and smeared them over Jan’s virgin ass.

Jan felt a stab of pain which was Mark penetrating her anally and pressing to work his cock into her tight anal ring. Despite the lube her ass was too tight to accept him, and she whimpered in pain. Then she felt him pull back and at the same time, Denise’s licking stopped.

Mark knew his cock needed more lube to penetrate Jan’s virgin ass, and pulling his cock out tapped his wife on the chin with it. At the same time he pushed a finger into Jan’s virgin ass working the dog seed as lube in and out despite Jan’s cries.

Denise knew what was expected of her and instead of swallowing the large mouthful of dog seed and juices, she coated her husband’s cock making it shine.

Using a second finger Mark worked on Jan’s ass ignoring her yelps of pain. Happy with the result Mark pulled out of his wife’s mouth and returned to his anal assault on Jan’s ass. This time his seed-covered cock met with much less resistance and with a little effort, he buried his cock fully in Jan’s virgin ass.

Denise felt her husband’s balls strike her on the chin and could feel Jan’s deep moan vibrate through her body. Denise felt her husband start to fuck the young girl’s ass faster and faster, driving her pussy down onto her waiting mouth. It wasn’t long before she was rewarded with a flood of juices from Jan’s orgasm, washing out the last of Prince’s cum. Denise knew that Jan’s spasming ring will have been too much for her husband to resist and she heard him shout as he jetted deep into Jan’s bowels. At that same moment, Prince’s lapping tongue sent Jan into her orgasmic bliss until finally, the three humans collapsed into a tangle of flesh.

Jan slowly recovered her breath and got a little unsteadily to her feet. Her thighs were coated with a mixture of seed and cum that was slowly dripping from her battered holes.

Denise and Mark watched her in silence knowing that her next few words would dictate how they would respond.

“That was fucking amazing,” Jan groaned, “I have to ask does my mother? You know?”

“Yes,” said Denise, “the four of us swing.”

Jan was shocked when Mark added, “And both of the ladies enjoy Prince ‘s attention.”

“They can’t know,” Jan blurted out.

“It will remain our secret,” Denise smiled.

“Good,” said Jan, “Now how soon will Prince be able to fuck me again?”


The following Saturday, Jan stood outside the shop and rang eagerly on the bell waiting for either Denise or Mark to let her in. She had been looking forward to today all week, masturbating herself in a frenzy every night as she relieved the previous Saturday. She was determined to repeat the experience and even try more if she could.

Getting no reply, she shouted through the letterbox which normally drew some barking from Prince, the guard dog. Instead, there was silence and when she cupped her face against the glass, she could see the shelves were empty.

“If you are looking for the Johnson’s then you are too late,” said an old lady who had stopped by Denise’s side. “They never opened on Monday morning, the shop has been shut all week. No way to run a business if you ask me.”

With that, the old woman slowly wheeled her shopping trolly away leaving Jan standing there open-mouthed, wondering if what had happened was really a dream.

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