Women with Animals

The Candy Factory – Chapter 2: Tucker And Me


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This is the story how I had sex with my dog Tucker. My name is Monica and if you read chapter one, you will have a better understanding of my story. Chapter one will fill in some of the blanks of this continuation.


After leaving Sherry’s house, I drove to my house, Sherry following me in her car. I was feeling pretty intense, both positive and negative. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak, because Sherry had seen my browsing history on my laptop. My apprehension was, could I have sex, with a dog, in the presence of another woman. I had just watched her fornicating with her dog. The scene was very titillating and I was extremely horny as I drove my car home. Tucker would be there waiting like he always is when I come back to the house. That was the positive, Tucker and I having sex and Sherry helping me through my first time knotting. Just the thought of Tucker’s knot stretching me inside caused me to tremble, in a very nice way. I checked my rear view mirror, Sherry was still behind me as I swung into my driveway.

I parked my car in my garage, Sherry parking behind me on the drive. I waited inside the garage until Sherry caught up with me. I closed the garage door and invited her into my mud room/laundry. Tucker came bounding into the kitchen as we stepped in. He saw Sherry and came to an abrupt halt. He looked at me, then Sherry as he approached her.

“Tucker, this is Sherry, a good friend of mine,” I introduced the two. Sherry patted his head as he sniffed her. He just sniffed the air around her before he stuck his nose up under her dress. He must have made contact with her pussy, because she pushed his head down and away.

“Tucker,” I exclaimed. “No,” I said sharply. Tucker walked over to me and I patted his head.

“You know that isn’t a nice thing to do to ladies.”

Tucker just wagged his tail and stuck his nose in my crotch. He took a deep sniff and sat down, cocking his head to the side.

“Monica, I think he knows you’re in heat. Do you have something to drink? I could use one about now.”

“Come with me,” I said as I walked into my family room. I showed Sherry my bar.

“What’s your poison, lady? I’m going to have a glass of Rosé.”

“Rosé is fine for me also.”

I poured each of us a glass of wine. We talked some, Tucker hovering between each of us. He never acted this way before. He kept sniffing the air when he was near Sherry. I was wondering if he smelled Sherry’s dog. We sat and talked for maybe an hour. Mostly about our lives. I had to open another bottle of wine, the first one being empty. We both were feeling a bit tipsy. Sherry kept looking at Tucker. I had a feeling Tucker would be mounting her sometime this evening. She didn’t push him away now when he sniffed under her dress. It was exciting to me also, knowing that soon I would be mounted also.

I stood up and took off my blouse. I dropped my bra next. Sherry was watching my strip show.

“Leave your short skirt on,” Sherry said. “It will protect you from scratches, but lose the panties. By the way, you have some beautiful tits. Can I touch them?”

Since Sherry was sitting on the couch, I walked over to her. I stood still as she reached up and fondled my breasts. She pinched my nipples, making them hard. Sherry stood up and leaned over to suck on my nipples, first the left and then the right. It brought back memories of college and I didn’t mind at all.

“This isn’t accomplishing what I’m here for,” she said. “On the floor, on all four.”

Immediately I assumed the position that Sherry ordered me into.

“Do you feel like you want to take the knot this time? I would suggest that you try it while I’m here. I can help you this time. Then the next time you take it, I’ll guide you so you can do it by yourself. Does that make sense to you?”

‘Take the knot’, I thought to myself. I was just horny enough to let Tucker fuck me all the way. Plus I had Sherry to help me if need be.

“I want the knot, I’m so fuckin horny. I need a good fuck and Tucker filling my cunt should help appease me. As far as next time is concerned, let’s just play that by ear.”

“Tucker,” Sherry called out sharply. Tucker looked like he was afraid to come near us. “It’s okay boy, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Sherry’s voice now soft and pleasant.

As Tucker moved toward me, I saw Sherry take out her cell phone, “Recording your tie for the first time.”

Tucker was directly behind me now, I knew he would mount me any second. He mounted me, his weight pushing me forward, I compensated by pushing back. Tucker was now firmly mounted, his front legs squeezing my waist and his paws pressing on my thighs, pulling us tightly together. I enjoyed his weight on my back, his fur tickling my skin. Sherry placed the phone between my legs, facing upwards towards my pussy, that should be a hot video.

Tucker’s prick was poking at my vulva until he slipped into my vagina. Tucker rammed his cock home. I could feel his cock slipping in and out of my well lubricated pussy. My emotions started to well up inside me when I felt my pussy lips stretching, caused by his thickening knot.

“I think he is trying to push his knot in me now. I feel it stretching my pussy lips.”

“I can see him stretching you, let him push his knot into you. He will push very hard when he is ready. You’re very wet, so he should have no problem sliding in.”

Rocky was hammering away at my pussy now. I felt him ramming at my cunt, pushing his knot further in and stretching my pussy lips on every stroke.

“Ow!” I cried out as his now large knot forced its way inside me. Once inside me I didn’t feel anymore pain, just a full feeling that I had never experienced before. Rocky continued to fuck me, his knot sliding back and forth against my vagina’s walls.

“He’s deep inside you now, you will have a feeling of fullness as his knot continues to grow bigger. It will rub your G-spot and you will have orgasms like never before. Be prepared for that. When his knot is at its max, he will stop moving and pump his sperm into you. He may try to pull out and if it hurts reach back and grab his hind legs with your hands. He won’t pull back until he wants to dismount. He will still be huge and you may be tied. Male dogs will try to dismount to be able to defend themselves from other male dogs. If he turns, you will be butt to butt with him, because your pussy opening is too small to let him extract his cock. This is usually when you will starting having orgasms, one right after another.

“Don’t fight him at any time when his knot is inside you. You could have disastrous results to your vagina. Since there are no other dogs around, he will not misbehave, but continue to pump your pussy full of more sperm and other doggy fluids. Just be patient, you will enjoy the tie. The feeling of his knot rubbing the insides of your cunt will almost make you pass out. If you do pass out, don’t worry, he will probably be outside you when you come to.”

Sherry saw that Tucker was tightly sealed within Monica’s tightly clamped pussy. Sherry had never been privileged to see a live scene that played out in front of her, it was a very erotic sight.

Sherry was watching me closely, making sure that all was going well. Tucker’s knot was swelling and pressing against my G-Spot, giving me sensations I had never felt before. Tucker continued to swell, stretching the walls of my vagina, his knot rubbing inside me. I was moaning almost continuously as my body and mind reeled from the sensory overload. I moaned loudly as a body shaking orgasm rolled through me. It was then that I felt Tucker’s knot pull backwards inside me. His fucking actions ceased as his hot cum was released. It felt as if someone had poured hot cream into me. The heat again setting off another orgasm, not quite like the first, but still earth shattering to me.

Tucker placed all his weight on my back, straining my arms. I only lasted a few seconds before I collapsed downward; the side of my face flat on the floor. Was that a grapefruit inside me? My vagina felt stretched enough inside to feel like there was. Then Tucker pulled back, trying to withdraw his cock from me. I rocked back, there was no way his knot would come out of me. I had the delicious fact that I was tied to my dog’s cock. I was his bitch now, his mate.

Tucker turned, slowly, his hind leg sliding over my back. He kept turning until his furry backside was tight against my ass. We were one, his knot sealed inside me, my pussy clamped tight. His sperm rushing into my womb, seeking my egg, to breed me. Those thoughts and the pressure against my special spot brought me to another orgasm. All the while, Sherry was videoing Tucker fucking me.

“Oh fuck, Sherry, when do my orgasms stop? I don’t know how much longer I can take them.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll survive to fuck again! He must have a fairly large knot, you two are locked pretty tight together. You aren’t dripping any fluids out now. Until he has unloaded all his sperm into you, he will stand there quietly. I have a feeling you two will be tied for some time. You and Tucker tied is a pretty erotic sight. I’m right here if you have any questions or need my help.”

“He’s big, my insides are stretched tight. If he wants to, he’ll be able to drag me around the house. There is no way his cock will come out of me now. He’s still pumping his cum in me. How long will I be like this?”

“Maybe up to a half hour, I doubt any longer. I think I’ve recorded some very good videos of your penetration along with his knot slipping inside. God, you’ve got a great pussy for doggy cock! Even my pussy is dripping wet.”

I wondered if Sherry wanted to fuck Tucker, or maybe she wanted to fuck me. I stayed in position, face on floor, ass in the air, butt to butt tight with my doggy. I called Sherry over, “Squat down here, next to my face.” I rolled my shoulders so my arm and hand were free. Sherry squatted, her panties were gone, her wet pussy within my reach. I didn’t need to, but I sucked my middle finger, wetting it. I tickled her pussy lips before forcing my middle finger deep into her. Sherry squealed in delight. I forced my index finger into her also and finger fucked her pussy hard. Sherry was one hot bitch, I was so glad she was my friend.

Tucker pulled, he must be trying to get away from me. My pussy held him tight, no way could his knot slip out of me. The pressure on my G-spot felt really good though. I was hoping he would pull again. I stayed in a more relaxed position, his cock straining against me inside. The feelings that rippled from my pussy, rippled through-out my body. I could grow fond of this activity.

The internal pussy stretching was receding now, Tucker’s knot wasn’t as big as before. I felt that our mating session was coming to an end. I giggled thinking of the millions, maybe billions of sperm that were swimming inside me, searching to make me pregnant. I knew that wouldn’t happen, but a gamete could penetrate my egg, destroying it and the lucky/unlucky spermatozoa.

Tucker pulled again. My pussy lips stretched and there was some pain, but he was still firmly entrenched in my vagina. He wouldn’t be able to pull out of my pussy for a few more minutes.

Sherry moaned as she flooded my fingers with her liquids. I had almost forgotten that my fingers were fucking her pussy. With two fingers in her pussy and my thumb on her clit, I brought Sherry to a raging climax. “Oh, fuck, Oh fuck,” were her only words.

Tucker was pulling a little harder now. Every time he pulled, I rocked back. His knot’s pressure inside me setting off sensation rockets in my cunt. Finally with a hard pull, and me blurting out, “Ow,” my pussy released him. A torrent of fluids gushed out of me onto the floor. It was a good thing that Sherry had asked for towels to sop up the mess.

I looked at poor Tucker, standing there with his head drooping. His swollen cock hanging down, almost reaching the floor. The tip was no longer pointed but flat, that soft flatness must have sealed his cock to my cervix. No wonder he could pump his fluids right into my womb. What really floored me was the size of his cock. It looked almost the thickness of a Pringle’s can. I couldn’t fathom how my poor pussy could handle that much cock without hurting. I reached over and pet my doggies head. Tucker didn’t even acknowledge me, he was well fucked and so was I.

“I want to fuck him next!” It was Sherry, I had almost forgotten she was there.

“Sure, Honey, as soon as he is ready. I want to see him ravage your cunt. In the meantime, pour us some more wine.”

We talked for what seemed hours, but in actuality the time was maybe forty-five minutes. Sherry was glancing over at Tucker quite often now, watching for signs that he was ready to go again. Tucker didn’t seem interested yet. He was just laying there his head between his front paws. His eyes were watching us though.

“I think he is rested and ready for another hot pussy. Are you ready Sherry?”

She answered me by dropping onto her hands and knees. She grabbed a bath towel and covered the floor between her knees. Tucker rose up and trotted over, his nails clicking on the hard floor. He sniffed Sherry’s pussy and started to lick off the wetness from her now very wet pussy lips. Tucker must have licked for minutes, because Sherry was now moaning.

“Oh, god, I want him fuck me,” she moaned. “Fuck! I want to fuck him right now.”

Sherry patted her ass. “Come on Tucker, you want some hot woman pussy?”

Tucker must have understood her because he mounted Sherry hard. She almost fell flat, but was able to recover. I was fascinated watching as Tucker took a firm hold on her, his front legs firmly holding her body to his. This was so much better than any video I had seen. His left paw was on her thigh, his other paw in the crevice of her leg and abdomen. There was no way for Sherry to escape his grip on her.

Tucker was humping her now, he must be searching for her pussy opening with his cock. Suddenly he lunged,his tail dropping down between his legs. He was fucking Sherry like a machine as she moaned and verbally begged him to fuck her harder. Sherry remained on her hands and knees, her back slightly curved downward. Tucker was ramming and pounding her pussy hard.

“His knot is big, I don’t think he’ll get in me.” Then Sherry squealed, “Oh, fuck! It’s in! And it’s swelling so big inside me. SHIT!”

Sherry dropped to the floor. Her eyes were wide open, but rolled up into her eye sockets. I could tell she was having one hell of a great climax. Tucker just kept up fucking her hot cunt, sending her into another round of orgasms. She didn’t climax like this for Rocky, Tucker must be giving her a good fuck. Tucker paused, his tail bobbing up and down as he pumped his sperm and fluids into Sherry’s cunt.

“OMG,” she wailed. “He can-huh-sure-huh-fuck! I want a dog-huh-just like-huh-him. Where-OMG-did-huh-you get hi-HUH-from?”

I didn’t answer Sherry, I just let Tucker do his thing with her. I could see every once in awhile Sherry would reach another orgasm. Tucker stopped ramming his cock. He turned in her so fast, one second he was on her back, holding himself tight to her, the next he was butt to butt and all fours on the floor. He tugged, pulling Sherry backwards. He had to know that he was locked in Sherry’s cunt.

“Damn he’s big!” She moaned. “My pussy is stretched tight on his knot. I pray he doesn’t pull hard, I’ll tear apart. I’ve had so many orgasms, oh fuck, here comes another one. YIKES!”

Sherry’s body was shaking, her head hanging down. Her hair sweeping the floor. Tucker stood still, his head hanging down also. Poor boy had just given two women the best fuck of their lives. I think he’ll get a steak tonight. I have to keep my big boy strong and healthy so he can fuck me good and often from now on.

Tucker pulled, trying to break away. Sherry’s ass and body moved backward, but she stayed tightly stuck to him. His knot was large enough to keep them tied. Fifteen or so minutes passed and the couple were still knotted. Sherry’s chest was now down on the floor, her breasts pressed flat. This will make for some excellent video. I’ll have to edit out some of the repetitious footage though. I don’t want to bore myself or Sherry.

Tucker pulled very hard and they separated with a recognizable pop or should I say plop. I had my phone close to her so to get a good shot of her pussy dumping cum and liquid out along with a lot of bubbles. More erotic video to view later.

Tucker went over to his bed and lay down. His huge cock splayed out. He turned his head and licked his himself clean of Sherry’s pussy juices. I watched as his knot slowly receded into almost nothing, his sheath enveloping him once again.

Sherry lay on her side, a towel under her hip. She lifted her leg exposing her pussy which was still dripping fluids out. Tucker had accomplished a good job of filling her vagina during the long tie. His cum was still leaking out of her pussy.

“I believe that was the best fuck I ever had,”Sherry sighed. “Rocky is good, but not as good as Tucker. I have to see where I can get a dog like him. I was surprised when my pussy involuntarily seized on his knot. That must have been why I had so many orgasms,”

“I’ll look later at the papers that numb-nuts left with me. The kennel name might be on them.”

“Thanks, Monica. Are you sure I can’t have him?”

“Positively you cannot have the best fuck of my life ever. Don’t even go there again or I’ll kick your ass out of here.”

“It’s getting close to dinner time, how about we go out for some dinner?” Sherry asked.

“I think I’d like to stay in tonight.” I replied. ”I have some steaks in the fridge and I can grill them up for us and my fuck buddy dog. What else would you like with them? Any favorite veggies?”

“Yes, I love corn and fried potatoes with my medium rare steak. How about you?”

“I second that, corn and fried potatoes it is. Now get your ass up off my floor and help.”

Sherry stood up, her dress dropping down, covering her ass and thighs. “How about a shower after we eat? Can I get a couple towels so we don’t leak on your kitchen chairs?”

“That’s okay,” I said as I headed for the linen closet. I latched onto a couple fluffy towels and handed them to Sherry, who placed them on two of the chairs at the table.

We chatted as we went about preparing our meal. Most of our talk was about our dogs and how much we loved them. By the time dinner was ready, the two of us were ready for some more dog cock. I was especially horny, having just watched Sherry being fucked and tied,

My skirt had a big wet stain on it after we ate. I noticed Sherry’s dress was wet also. We cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

I slapped Sherry’s ass, “Let’s do that shower now. I have extra nighties so consider that an invitation to stay tonight; if you want to.”

“I can’t tonight. Rocky is home and I need to feed him. My dress is all wet, so I’ll rain-check that shower. I’m sorry I’ll miss that, but we have to get together again with both our pups. Okay?”

“Okay. Go home, shower and hopefully you will want to come back tomorrow. You and Rocky can stay the rest of the weekend with me. Please, please? We can have some real sexy fun.”

“That sounds like a plan that I can live with. I’ll be back for breakfast, about nine.”

I walked to the door with Sherry, bid her goodbye, and shut the door. I looked over at Tucker, his eyes were closed and he was sleeping.

“Sleep tight for now buddy, we aren’t done fucking tonight.”

Continued in chapter Tree

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Views: 1384

2 thoughts on “The Candy Factory – Chapter 2: Tucker And Me

  1. Highly accurate details of what thousands of women do each day, many addicted to the hammering then being one with their dog, many enjoying the sensations of a huge knot in their cunt filling them, them powerless to stop their vaginal contractions in response to the hot cum. Once a woman does this she becomes an animal designed only to be fucked.

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