Women with Animals
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United Kingdom of Zoo – S01:E15: Corinne (51 yr old deaf postal worker)


A residential street in North London.  Residents head off to work or to drop the kids off at school.  A postie delivers the mail from door to door.  We focus on her as she works her way up the street toward us – and then she’s walking right up to the camera.  Dark blue pants, pale blue shirt, sensible shoes, and a high-viz vest.  It’s anything but sexy.

As she gets closer we can see that her dark hair frames very square, attractive face, with strong well-defined bone structure, the jaw, the nose, the cheekbones…  The closer she gets, the more ‘striking’ rather than attractive she looks.  She’s middle aged, but she’s looked after herself with lots of fresh air and exercise, a legacy of almost 30 years delivering the Royal Mail.

Beyond, or beneath, the uniform she appears to be in good shape – a healthy build.  Slim, but a little wide in the shoulders and across the back, strong – she’s carried a lot of mail over the years.  Great skin, surprisingly pale for a woman who works outdoors – but then again, this is outdoors in England…

She speaks with a broken, accent-less, off-key tone, that lets us know that she is hearing impaired.

“My name Corinne Burns. Age 51.  Postal worker.  Walthamstow, North London.”

A montage of Corinne – she delivers the mail, waves to familiar faces on her regular delivery route, returns home at the end of her shift (home being a two-story terraced house in a pleasant street) – and then we’re interviewing her face-to-face.

Her dialogue is difficult to understand due to her hearing impairment, so there are subtitles for the first time on the show.

“I’ve tried to find love but it never seems to work out.  I don’t know why.  I think men want conversation more than we think they do.”

“I always liked sex.  I have a good appetite for it, but I could never meet men because it hard to start a conversation with a girl who can’t hear you!”

“I use Tinder now to find younger men.  I can get to know them with messages before we have to talk – then when we meet we just have sex.  Those men don’t come back again though.  They love me and leave me.”

“I love porn.  The harder the better.  I love beasty videos.  Love to see a woman getting fucked by a dog.  I wanted to do ever since I first saw it online in the 90s.”

“That old cliché about dogs chasing postmen – I’m the opposite.  I chase dogs.  Big dogs.  Any opportunity to play with a strange dog, to touch it and stroke its fur.  Feel those muscles.  Feel that energy.  I’m not shy about it – I’m just very attracted to dogs.  I’ve wanted to have sex with one for as long as I can remember.”

What’s your history?

“I was born deaf.  I’ve never been able to hear.  I’ve watched all this porn, but I’ve never heard a girl moan, or a dog bark…  I can lip-read, so I know what the girls are saying in the videos.  I like to see them talk.”

“My parents got were obsessed with saving money, so they had this house, and they bought next door too.  My father died when I was young, and mum died a couple of years ago.  So the house and next door are both mine.  No mortgage.  I’ve never paid one.  Never paid rent.  I don’t go on holiday.  I just an old car.  I’ve been working since I was 16.  All my money is in the bank for a rainy day.”

What’s your future?

“I’m 51 now, and I’m ready to retire.  My dream is to sell both of these houses,  and move up north, to the countryside, and live off my savings.  Get a big bit of land and half a dozen dogs, and spend all my days having sex with them.  I’ve had this dream for over a twenty years but I’ve never broken my doggy virginity so I need to do this today to put me over the edge and to force me to make the move because I couldn’t go back to work once my workmates know about my desires.  The worst thing about people talking behind your back, is when they can really talk right behind your back, and you can’t hear a word..!”

So if this goes well, you buy a bunch of doggies and have fun with them for the rest of your life…  And if it doesn’t go well?

She looks a bit confused for a second – like the idea of it not going well had never occurred to her.  “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again?!”  She laughs.

Cut to her standing in the well-appointed living room of a nice house.  Much brighter than her own.  She looks right into camera.  “My name is Corinne Burns.  I’m 51 years old.  And I really want to have sex with a dog.”

In a wider shot we realise that the whole travel sequence has been ignored this week, and Corinne is already at Kevin’s home in Oldham.  She’s no longer wearing the dull post office uniform, she’s a bit girly now, with a dark bodystocking and a pair of nicely fitting trousers, plus high heels.  Large dot-points on her chest suggest that her nipples are already standing at attention.

Kevin’s German Shepherd, Vader, is already in the room and sitting next to her.  She sits beside him on the floor, her legs out to one side, resting her weight on one hand, her other arm wrapped around Vader – stroking his flanks and running her fingers through his long hairy coat.

She occasionally looks up from him to the camera and let’s us know that – “He’s a very strong looking boy”, or “he smells very doggy”, or “I’m looking forward to this so much”.

She strips off as soon as it is suggested.  She can’t wait.  The trousers first, revealing strong legs, toned from miles of walking with a big bag of mail over her shoulder.  Then the bodystocking, unclipping the gusset fastener and peeling the whole thing up and over her head.  Her belly isn’t completely flat, but is outstanding for a 51 year old; no bra, and though her boobs are small and sag just a little, they are still nice and round, widely spaced on her chest with a good two inches of space between them.  All of her flesh is pale.  Panties are removed next to reveal a completely bald pussy.  She says she shaved this morning just for Vader.

As usual, as soon as she’s started to get naked, Vader has become aroused – knowing that this signs that this isn’t just a house guest.  He’s running around, sniffing at her, circling the room, barking occasionally.  Corinne crouches down and places her hands on his chest and asks him to bark for her…  Then Kevin gives Vader a signal, a clenched fist, and the dog barks twice.  Corinne feels the vibrations through his rib-cage, the rush of warm air from his mouth – it’s the first time she’s ‘heard’ a dog bark, and she is blown away by the ‘sound’.  She holds him tight, her arms wrapped around his shoulders/neck, his head over hers, fur against the side of her face.

She’s getting almost emotional about this – breathing hard – clearly keen to get started.  Her big nipples rock hard on small boobs.  Her hands wondering down under Vader, playing with his belly and sheath as she keeps rubbing the side of her face against his side.  A lipstick cock-tip appearing, and as soon as it touches her fingers – her face lights up.  She changes her position completely, so she can get a better look at it.

Normally we’d be asking her questions – but (a) she wouldn’t hear them, and (b) she’s so into this that we simply don’t want to break her concentration.

Kevin says she can give him a little lick and a suck to get him harder if she wants – but she doesn’t hear.  He looks a little awkward, not knowing whether he should repeat himself, or just leave her to it.  He opts for the latter.

She holds his cock by the sheath, pulling it back to reveal more of the wet pink shaft of dog cock.  Jerking it a little – short, fast strokes for a few seconds – then inspecting the cock again.  Jerking it again, fast for a few seconds, then looking at it again.  Then, with two or three inches showing, she drops until she’s laying on the floor and shuffles down until her face is level with it…  And then, with a little smile crossing her face, she opens her mouth and moves in on the dog.  Touching her tongue against the tip of his dick, then sucking the tip…  Then suddenly lurching forward and swallowing the whole thing into her mouth, and slowly sucking on that shaft.  Her cheeks drawing inward, cheekbones highlighted – eyes closed as she disappears into a dream.

It grows as she sucks on it.  30 seconds, a minute, two.  Slowly sucking it in, then drawing it out.  Four inches – then five.  Taking it out so that we can see the little jets of cum spurting into her open mouth, onto her pale skin.  Then sucking it again…  Repeat.  Until she wakes from her dream – eyes opening to look up at the camera.  “I want to fuck him now…”  No subtitles required.

She rolls over and crawls away to the couch.  On her knees, resting her elbows and chest on the seat, her arse in the air – rear end invitingly available to Vader.   She looks back over her shoulder and pats her firm bottom, blowing a kiss to the dog…

Vader doesn’t need any special invitation – an exposed rear end is enough for him…  He moves in and mounts her from behind, fast.  His front paws searching for a better grip – on the cushions on either side of her back, or around her middle, or paws pressing against her strong thighs.  Scratching her a little.  She winces, but doesn’t cry out.

He pumps his near full grown cock at her pussy.  The tip hitting the target within a few thrusts…  It takes a few more thrusts and a little shuffling of his hindlegs to get the right position and angle for full penetration – but when he finds it…  Wow…

“Oooohhhhhhhhhhh!” Corinne wails with a big open mouthed smile on her face as six inches of hot dog cock works her pussy.  He goes faster and harder than she could ever have expected.  So fast and hard that she struggles to catch her breath but her face is a picture – this is what she’s been waiting for…  And it’s so fast, and she’s so into it, that she cums in the first thirty seconds…  She’s shocked by the speed of the orgasm as much as by the intensity.  From here onwards, every pump, every twitch, every throb, leads to waves of pleasure running through her body.

He goes on, and on, and on.  Furiously fucking this tight pussied human – his paws scratching at her legs and belly, his breath ragged on the back of her neck, that big cock swelling up in her cunt…

This is the best feeling she’s ever had and she’s lost in it – moaning and gasping, loud.  The kind of loud that only a deaf woman can be.  Completely lacking in self-consciousness.  “OH YES, OH YES, FUCK ME BOY, FUCK ME” and “I LOVE HIS COCK, I LOVE HIS COCK”.

She loves it alright…  She even loves it as the knot begins to swell up big and fat inside her.  She even loves it when he stops fucking her and just stands there with his big knot throbbing in her pussy.  A shot of his doggy jizz pumping into her belly with every throb.  He’s cumming.  Tied into her.  Her cunt stretched out to the max.  His weight on her back, her whole body pressed down on the couch – and she’s fucking smiling into camera.  The angelic smile of true contentment.

He’s locked in place and she’s just laying there soaking up all of the pain he can give her.  Her pussy wrapped around that big ball of muscle.  Like being fisted by a heavyweight!  She’s sighing and breathing deep – gasping a little.  In pain, but enjoying it.  Full.  Always smiling.

We move around her in this position – getting the left hand side view; getting the rear end view (complete with a tail lift to see the fully stretched pussy lips around that big knot); and the right hand side view – her profile fully exposed to the camera.  White flesh under that dark doggy.  Smooth flesh under rough long fur.  The contrast in high-resolution is perfect.

Once Vader’s knot finally begins to shrink there is a slurping, squirting sound, as all that spunk he’s been shooting into her belly begins to squirt out of her around the now broken ‘seal’ of knot and pussy.  Then his cock slithers out, bending and popping out, followed by another stream of his juices.

As he backs away, Corinne simply remains in position, still shivering slightly as pleasure continues to run through her body.  Still smiling.  Not touching herself, just letting the dog’s actions echo through her.  She’s in complete awe of the beast.

Afterwards, sitting on the floor with her arm around Vader, playing with his long fur, she describes this as the best day of her life.  “A perfect start to the rest of my life.”

Catch-up home video: Corinne walking in a large garden surrounded by trees and high stone walls.  A nice cottage behind her.  Three dogs are running around around, sniffing, bouncing, barking at each other, chasing tennis balls she’s throwing for them.  She tells us that she put her parents house on the market the day after filming was complete, and quit her job the day the house sold.  She bought a small cottage on a large block of land in Yorkshire, and three dogs, and she’s been here ever since. She has sex with at least one of the dogs every day, sometimes two, sometimes all of them.  She describes her life as perfect.

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One thought on “United Kingdom of Zoo – S01:E15: Corinne (51 yr old deaf postal worker)

  1. A pity this lovely woman does not live closer to me. I live on 90 acres not wearing clothes when the weather allows hoping to find other animal lovers yo live lives they enjoy whether to watch take what is offered by human and beast. Bravely unassumingly licking or sucking living life to the full.

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