Women with Animals

Annie’s Secret Lover


(c) 2017 by Narrator123

“How did I get myself into this mess?” Annie thought, as she cowered on her knees, wet and naked before the large nearly black German Shepherd who snarled viscously at her. The drool dropping from its jaws complimented the menacing vista.
“How will I explain this to people if he bites me or worse? I shouldn’t even be out here, let alone naked and wet!”

The dog went to pounce and she squealed and turned her back to it. She bent her head beneath her hands to protect her face and squealed with fright as she awaited the painful onslaught.
She had promised herself that she would give up this roaming habit but every night she went out she pushed the envelope a little further increasing the thrill of excitement as the distance from her home increased.

She didn’t know why she started running naked in the countryside, it just seemed a wicked thought late one dark winter night as she slipped outside in her nightie while her mum and dad slept, to view the freshly falling snow. The bright haze the snow brought to the pitch black country night caught her 16 year old spirit and she slipped off her clothes and ran around their paddock for a good 20 minutes totally naked. The cold and the feel of the newly falling snowflakes against her skin gave her a high that was almost sexual. The moistness in her virginal pussy added to the feeling of cold down there and heightened her senses.
When she came back to herself, she quickly dressed and sneaked quietly back into the house. This was the beginning of Annie’s secret streaking sessions. She only did it on nights when the moon was low and where chances of her being observed were very remote. However, she soon needed to stretch her boundaries beyond the family land and to roam further and further into the farm areas bordering their fences. She eventually found herself running several miles every time she set off and the side benefit was that she began to get quite fit. The puppy fat had disappeared from her 5ft high lithe frame and her tightly muscled body together with her 34B breasts and the raven black hair that curled over her shoulders, made a very pretty package indeed.

Now this cool autumn night, almost a year later, she had travelled her furthest from home when she came across a beautiful pond surrounded by willows and ash trees, the sides of which were well maintained and made it easy to get right to waters edge.

She was delighted to discover that it was deep enough to swim in, so she luxuriated in the chilled water for longer than she had intended. Annie reckoned that she was at least an hour from her house and would have to hurry home if her absence was not to be discovered. She had just climbed out and shook the loose water from her hair when the dog appeared.

After the initial lunge, the dog had stopped and began sniffing this strange intruder. Annie peeked out under her arms to investigate. All she could see was the large head of the monster as he began to sniff around her nether regions. She imagined how silly this must look to somebody else. A naked girl on her knees, ass in the air and this big black hound sniffing her quite excitedly.

She decided to try to get up, but as she moved the dog gave a low menacing growl, that stopped her in her tracks. She froze. Then felt the warm moist tongue of the dog lick its way into her pussy. The rough heat of it against the chilled cold of her tender lips, caused her to moan involuntarily with the strange new pleasurable feelings this suddenly invoked. She wanted to pull away but the feeling was too powerful to ignore and she could not get enough of it. She lifted her hips and spread her legs wider to let the dog get easier access. She moaned again as the tongue went deeper to her hidden depths driving her to a higher plain of pleasure.

When she thought she could take no more the dog suddenly stopped and began sniffing and prancing about her. His mood had obviously changed and Annie wondered what was going to happen next. Despite his actions up to now she did not want to move as she was still afraid he might attack and injure her.

Then without any warning the dog jumped on her back, wrapped his front legs in a vice like grip around her waist and with unerring accuracy found the virgin love hole of the wandering teen in one attempt. He burst through her hymen, and without any further thought, proceeded to pound his now fully grown 7-inch cock right up to her cervix.

The weight of the dog and the fact that she was totally not expecting anything like this, stunned Annie into shock. She just about registered that her virginity had been shattered by a strange dog in a deserted country field, miles from her home. She could feel the hot fur of the hound as he lay along her back and placing his head across her left shoulder, allowing his drool to drip and run along her skin to find its way to her nipple, before dropping off like a leaky tap.

Annie wanted to scream but was afraid of alerting any neighbours and getting caught in this predicament. The sudden pain had made her gasp and lose a breath as the monster rod found its way to her sacred moist depths. She hung in there as the incessant pounding of the dog shook her whole body as he began to fill her with his puppy juice. The expanding Knot got anchored inside her and forced her legs apart to try to accommodate its girth.
Annie breathed hard her brain assimilating all these new sensations, and another that she just began to notice as it grew in power and approached like a tsunami. The orgasm when it hit, sent her over the edge and she came with the abandon of the wanton slut she had now just become.

The dog now fully knotted pumped his hot puppy seed deep into her womb, and turned around into the post mating position, scratching Annie’s side with his claws.
Having grown up in the country, Annie was no stranger to dog mating habits and knew what was happening so did not get too frightened. What did worry her though was the fact that she was stuck here for an indeterminate length of time and the brightening sky signalled that dawn would soon be breaking.

The dog moved and pumped some more of his hot seed into her. As she felt the heat of it enter her womb she was glad that she could not have puppies because this dog had certainly filled her with enough of his sperm to make a very large litter. It occurred to Annie as she waited for him to pull himself out of her, that she was not grossed out one little bit about what had just happened. In fact, it was the sexiest thing she had ever done and the whole animalistic experience only added to the thrill of the night. She knew she would be seeing this dog again, and quite often.

Finally, he pulled from her and after licking her he moved away to sit down to clean his tackle. Annie got slowly to her feet, the dog spunk sticky between her thighs, and look to the brute as if to ask his permission to leave. She gasped as she looked at the size of the cock between the dog’s legs, no wonder it felt like it was splitting her in two. The dog just looked away nonchalantly as if to indicate he didn’t care what the slut did now. She moved slowly toward the nearest gate and seeing that he wasn’t following proceed to run home as fast as she could.

She had really cut it fine, sneaking through the back door and getting to the shower just before dad’s alarm clock went off. She washed the dirt, doggie cum and her own virginal blood down the drain. Her pussy was bruised and swollen from the nights abuse, and her back was scratched but not badly.

‘Whew’, that was close she thought as she made her way to her bedroom, but she was already planning her return trip, and she had no intention of leaving it for too long…….

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