Women with Animals

When a pet obsession takes over


(c) 2011 by Niteowluk2003

Josie had always loved animals, from her first mouse at the age of 5 to her latest Alsatian, she got at sixteen and now she was twenty-one, she absolutely loved taking care of them; so it seemed natural three years ago for her to start her own dog walking business. Very rapidly her clientele database grew to fifty and they were regulars needing three hour sessions twice a week; which meant she was often walking between six and twelve dogs at a time at £10 per hour she was making quite a tidy sum. Most days she cleared £400 plus tips and of course there was those special customers who would want a complete beauty treatment for their pooch at £75.00 a go. Josie was well on her way to making her fortune and her first million pounds when sadly her only remaining parent, her father was killed in a car crash.

He had insured himself really well and left his only daughter more than comfortably well off, Josie no longer needed to work but her pets became her life and actually became the only thing she responded to. Josie sought comfort from her trusty friends; they never demanded anything from her and gave her nothing but pure love in return. It seemed natural then for Josie to use some of her inheritance to open a boutique parlour come hotel for canines. She would lavish all her time and effort on her animals; all of whom would come and stay from time to time, in her six bedroomed detached premises in three acres of land. She even began employing teenage girls as kennel maids because the business was growing so fast.

Josie always kept her favourite pets to herself and insisted on personally taking care of them; these pets knew they had made it because they would be housed in a private wing of Jodie’s impressive house. Now this was the final product from all the hard work that Josie had done, but it had not been an easy road and she has learned a few things along the way some of which she could not really mention in company. For Josie had accidentally discovered her love and need for animal sex and now she sought this type of companionship on a daily basis.

It had begun when Josie had been 16, and had happened quite by chance. Josie had been the proud owner of an Alsatian for about two months, when one day she had taken a shower and crossed the hall to her bedroom and not quite closed the door; the 14-month-old Alsatian puppy had sensed the new aroma of Josie’s scented bath oils and came to investigate. By the time the dog entered the bedroom Josie had her head in a towel drying her hair, the young nubile body which was not covered became a source of interest to Rex the Alsatian, the first Josie knew of his presence was when he felt his cold wet nose on her cunt.

She tried to shoo him away, but he had discovered something that interested him to the point of not being distracted. Every time that Josie tried to stop the dog from his interest he would nip at her inner thigh, whilst this was not drawing blood it was still extremely painful. Fearing that the dog may seriously bite her and cause serious damage, Josie decided to let the dog continue and hope he would lose interest. What Josie was not expecting or prepared for was the dog and his tongue, the first contact between his rough tongue and her soft skin sent shivers down her spine. The second lick happened to land between her cunt lips and it dragged across her clit; suddenly her mind went into orbit and she experienced something she had never felt before. Her entire body felt alive with electricity and even the hairs on the back of her neck bristled and rose like the heckles of a dog about to attack.

More importantly for Josie it triggered an itch in her cunt she had never imagined and she instantly knew that the only way to get rid of this itch was with the dog’s tongue. Now the sixteen year old instinctively lowered her head close to the ground and parted her legs further. To Rex the Alsatian, this was a sign submission, so he began to lick her between her sixteen year old legs all the more. For Josie flashes of images flashed into her mind like some perverted slideshow, all the images were of alpha male dogs taking their bitches. What was most disconcerting for Josie was the fact that not all the bitches were canine, some were women and strangely quite a lot of the mental images were with male dogs fucking human males. She now dropped to her knees and with her head on the floor she managed to look down between her legs and gasped. There was Rex her playful puppy now sporting a four inch cock protruding from his sheaf. Instead of being disgusted Josie was intrigued as she imagined what it would be like to have it fuck her cunt, then an even dirtier thought hit her, what would the doggie cock taste like?

All the time Rex was diligently licking her cunt and by now was almost sinking his tongue well into her virgin cunt. Josie had not had sex of any kind before this incident but a horse riding accident had led to a one in a million situation where her hymen had broken by being penetrated by her riding crop; so now she could take the doggie fuck without the pain normally associated with a woman’s first time. Just before it went dark between her legs she almost bottled it as her mind registered that the four inch cock she had seen on Rex was now more than double that size. Suddenly she felt Rex’s weight on the middle of her back and the almost blind stabbing of his cock into the flesh so close to her now flooded cunt, when Rex hit the spot and sank his cock all the way into her horny opening. Josie half expected the neighbours to call the police because she feared she had screamed so loud, but of course they had not heard a thing.

Rex did not care whether they had heard her or not, all he was concerned with was impregnating his bitch who he assumed was on heat and therefore so receptive to being fucked, he went at Josie’s stretched cunt like an express train and Josie could feel every single spurt of his scalding doggie cum as it poured into her cunt, in her heated passion she forgot that dogs fucking their bitches always knot with them. Rex just knew it was nature and soon jabbed his knot inside Josie’s cunt several times before it swelled enough to stick. Now he stopped thrusting and simply allowed his mating seed to flood into his new bitch and then let nature run its course, he was slavering a great deal and Josie was well aware of the wetness that pooled on her neck and eventually ran down between her shoulder blades. She tried to move but a stern growl from Rex warned to stop.

Josie now began to wish that she had not allowed this to happen, she now realised that the reason why Rex had stopped moving was because he had now knotted with his bitch and was at this very moment filling her cunt with his doggie spunk and his knot was acting as a plug to prevent it leaking out. It dawned on Josie that it would take some time for his knot to shrink and finally slip out of her now spunk engorged cunt, she just hoped that her father’s two house maids had left and would not find her like this.

Rex suddenly decided to turn round and head for the open bedroom door, at the same instant Josie screamed out in pain as Rex’s pulling seemed to be ripping her cunt wide open. Suddenly the knot came free and the Alsatian shot out the door and Josie was looking upside down at a pool of doggie cum developing on the floor between her legs. Despite the shock of what had happened Josie realised she had actually cum twice during the rape by her dog and more shocking to her than that was that the second one had occurred without the dog thrusting into her cunt; no that second one had been triggered just by the feeling of the hot spunk hitting her cunt walls, which she found amazing.

Even more shocking to Josie was the fact she still felt extremely horny and was not disgusted at all at having sex with her pet dog; no instead she now harboured even kinkier ideas of lapping up the ever increasing pool of cunt juice and dog spunk; before she could change her mind she put her lips to the pool and sucked hard; like sucking it up a hoover pipe the thick liquid shot into her mouth and she instantly thought it tasted great. So much so that she now sat with her back to the bed and scooped as much of the goo from her cunt directly and she delighted in sucking clean her fingers. From nowhere her body suddenly went rigid and a myriad of colours and fireworks went off inside her mind as the taste of doggie spunk set off another orgasm. From that one day Rex became her constant companion and she even took to taking him into the bathroom whenever she took a shower or bath; in fact Rex took to sleeping on the bottom of her bed and often fucked her or had her sucking his doggie cock until she swallowed his spunk.

Now five years later she had become an expert on k9-sex; she had two years ago been caught by a school friend whilst sucking off Rex; but that is a tale for another time. The same school friend was now her top kennel maid and the pair of them always provided extras for the special alpha male k9 guests.

I will tell you about Josie getting caught and about the extras which were never chargeable at J Z’s pooch hostel, but you must promise not to tell a living soul.

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