Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Men with Animals

Men with Animals

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English Books

English Books

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Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on There’ll Always Be Blackie! 4.5 (12)

There’ll Always Be Blackie! 4.5 (12)

“Ooooooo, doggie, ohhh, do it there….” The perky eighteen-year-old blonde rolled her ass back.  Her white legs parted widely for the black Doberman.  Her short red dress had already fallen up around her waist.  Panting heavily, the teen cinches her eyes shut, curling her fingers into the soft piling of the living room carpet. Julia […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Dog Day Afternoon (by Story Teller 101) 4.5 (23)

Dog Day Afternoon (by Story Teller 101) 4.5 (23)

(c) 2020 by Story Teller 101 Brian and Beth Morris lived in a smallish rural town. They were both 40 and had been married for 20 years. They had two sons and a dog Goldie. One son was boarding at University in the city and the other one worked interstate. Brian had always worked in […] read