Men with Animals Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on Barnyard Love – Part 1 4.6 (19)

Barnyard Love – Part 1 4.6 (19)

Jeffery stacked the last of the hay bales in the barn pushing the oversized door closed with a creak, latching it. He stripped off his t-shirt and used it to wipe the remaining sweat from his face, squinting against the glaring sun. His farmer’s tan was pronounced with his pale chest in shining contrast to […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Glenda’s Story – How I became a Sex Slave to my Boss & his “Boys” 4.2 (26)

Glenda’s Story – How I became a Sex Slave to my Boss & his “Boys” 4.2 (26)

(c) 2017 by charliek9brown I was broke and in a lot of debt, without a job and trying to live off a disability pension from fortnight to fortnight. I had a school aged son who I was having difficulty with; the phone company had cut off the phone, my gas bill was overdue and they […] read

Women with Animals
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Diana’s Story – From Whore To Zoophile 4.1 (27)

(c) 2018 by yerly Part One – AWAKENING Diana wasn’t an innocent far from it, although her angelic face and softly spoken manner would make people think she was. Diana in fact had a more varied and in depth sexual experiences than she would care to admit to anyone, even her closest friend, family member […] read