Women with Animals
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Cindy Sue’s Obedient German Shepard 4.3 (23)

(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover Cindy Sue was on top of her pink and white bed masturbating with her teddy bear Charlie. She had wrapped her step-brother Allen’s dirty jockey shorts around Charlie to make him more exciting. She was almost to orgasm when she felt her German Shepard Max’s wet tongue on […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: 1 Comment on The Dog Whore or: How I Became a Professional Dog Fucker 4.9 (39)

The Dog Whore or: How I Became a Professional Dog Fucker 4.9 (39)

(c) 2002 by Anjing This story tells of how an abandoned woman with children finds an unexpected new job. My now ex-husband’s, Frank, is a gambler, but I didn’t know about his gambling until after he walked out on us. I was 26 at the time and had married the jerk at 19. I’d no […] read

Women with Animals
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A Good Time She’ll Never Remember – Part II 4.9 (16)

(c) 2012 by comix Chapter One Samantha couldn’t imagine what she’d done to make her crotch ache so much. She couldn’t remember doing anything to her body that would justify such a hurt between her legs. Her muscles not only ached but were sore, as though she’d spent a lot of time with them stretched […] read