Women with Animals
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Heather and Courtney — The Wrong Alley 4.6 (26)

(c) 2019 by Lacy22 Puzzling at my uneven gait down the sidewalk, I looked down at my feet to ponder the problem. After much consideration, I giggled, noting the absence of a shoe on my right foot. “Shoe,” I thought, “now that’s a funny word.” Snorting in an aborted fit of laughter, I swayed unsteadily […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on The answer was not what he expected 4.6 (25)

The answer was not what he expected 4.6 (25)

Chapter One Barry and Millie had been married for 10 years. They had wanted a family but after trying for several years and having tests done they were told it wouldn’t happen. They were heartbroken but they had to learn to bare it. However they seemed to have lost that spark. Intimacy become less and […] read