Women with Animals
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House in the Woods 4.6 (11)

Mike Brenneman, a worldly, dominant male, has a secluded house in the woods not too far from Washington State and University of Idaho. After a chance visit by one student, word spreads through the campuses and soon others drop by. Mike also entertains the occasional neighbor or acquaintance from another part of his life. His […] read

Women with Animals
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The Girl With the Horse Cock 5 (9)

(c) 2021 by Dave Pornwriter Chapter One Amy [16] awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright. “8:30? Shit, I’m going to be so late!” Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as […] read

Women with Animals
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Kristy After School 5 (21)

(c) 2001 by Shadow Deamon “Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?” Daddy asked, looking up from his desk. “Sure,” I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends went shopping after school. My dad on the other hand, thought this would be a positive experience for […] read

Women with Animals
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A Contract Up For Renewal 4 (25)

(c) 2006 by expatdad It had seemed to Danielle that there was a strange background to tonight’s dinner party. Her parents were on edge. It was her first dinner party as such, but she was sure there was something going on. Her mother, Susan, had taken especial care over Danielle’s appearance. She had carefully brushed […] read

Women with Animals
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A Dog Day in Thiefville 4.7 (24)

(c) 2011 by Donna Pet I edited these story years ago and have permission to post them. I didn’t write them myself. Mindy Paterson slowly worked the dial on the safe. “Come on, you bastard,” she whispered to herself. A million thoughts ran through her head. If she got this weirdo’s rare stamps she could […] read