Bellyriding Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Jake’s Horse 4.4 (32)

(c) 2016 by Beaumonte Bill Chapter One I’m Jimmy, a gay guy in my mid-twenties. I’m not out, and stay discrete, since society is still pretty judgmental, even with all the progress made in recent years. I date women and do enjoy being with them, but when we make love I am usually thinking of […] read

Bellyriding Men with Animals Women with Animals
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The Adventures Of Slut And Handler: Slut Goes Western 4.5 (28)

(c) 2013 by vatum1 Back to 1st Part Chapter One The airplane is smooth, some 8 miles above the ocean and travelling at over 500 mph. Outside, the moon is shining, reflecting its lunar face off a wing, smooth and polished. Here, I’m reclining in 1st class, eyes closed and resting, thinking of the week […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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A Triple Tale 4.7 (96)

Chapter One The tourists are oblivious, the authorities ignore it, the city folk have forgotten it, but if you venture top into the hinterland on the second Sunday before Carnival fever strikes the country, you just might see it. A race like no other. A race that even the priests place money on. It makes […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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My Stallion 4.2 (16)

Sometimes when I’m happy, I sing. Sometimes the words get mixed up and what I sing isn’t what the songwriter wrote. So, with apologies to ABBA, it’s not “Fernando” it’s “My Stallion”. (If you dislike belly riding and/or ABBA you’ll hate this.) With apologies to ABBA and to the tune of “Fernando” »My Stallion« Can […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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My Faire Lady 4.5 (31)

Public belly riding in the USA. This story continues on from where ‘Laura’s Mare‘ ended. Chapter One The finale of the book that changed my life centred on Carnival, specifically the main character achieving her ambition to belly ride with one of the Samba Schools taking part in Carnival. Living in the USA I knew […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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The Bitch in the Barn 4.8 (23)

If you have read ‘Better off Bred‘ you know Laura and I. If you have read ‘Deacon’s Tale‘ then you, dear reader, already know who Patricia is. If you haven’t read them you might get confused soon. The call had been somewhat cryptic, which is unlike Patricia, that alone peeked my interest, not that Tricia […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Valentines Day Chef 4.9 (50)

Chapter One His name was Charlie, and he owned a nice little upscale restaurant up in the mountains, nestled away. One of his passions was rescuing animals, which was a popular thing with the ladies, what with his being single and all. But more than anything, his real passion was watching women have sex with […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Professional 4.8 (59)

This is my 29th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or […] read