Women with Animals

Drunken 1st Time


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

This is the 1st time account of a lady I met while traveling overseas to South Africa, England, Japan and Italy. Her name is Andrea, she is 31 years old, has long blond hair with green eyes and a B-bust (very firm). She’s quite short but is very beautiful and petite. She gave me permission to share her story. What is explained here happened while I was there after I told her about my K9 lust and after many glasses of wine.

I was in South Africa for about two weeks at the time (28th December 2011) and had been staying with Andrea and her husband, Edward, for the full duration. I was staying with them as I had been discussing a possible business venture with them and was now enjoying the Christmas/New year holidays in summer. By this time we had become very good friends and were enjoying each other’s company very much. We had just finished our barbeque (in South Africa known as a ‘braai’) and were sitting in the lounge chatting and enjoying a few glasses of wine. The wine had worked its magic and we were now on the topic of sex. We all shared a few stories of what we had gotten up to in the past (human sex only), our first time and so on when I asked Andrea if she had any fantasies that she’d like fulfilled. Edward looked at her eagerly as he is so in love with her that it would be his pleasure to make her fantasies come true. We were a little more than tipsy, ok a lot more, so she shared without thinking:

“Edward and I always say that anal sex is not for us but secretly I’ve always been curious”

Edward had a twinkle in his eye

“I will give you anal Luv, I just said it’s not for me because I thought you would think I’m sick or something”

Being their house guest for almost two weeks, I had already seen both of them naked by accident so I suggested

“I’ve already seen you naked, so why not just do it right now?”

I really didn’t expect them to take me serious and was surprised at their response

”That’s actually another fantasy of mine, to be watched while having sex” Andrea added

Edward could hardly contain himself, he stood up and we could clearly see a bulge in his pants

“Just say the word babe and I’ll do you right now”

Andrea looked up at him, thought for a few seconds and began to breathe heavily

“I’ll take that as a yes”

Edward dropped his jeans to the floor exposing his beautiful, average in size hard on and stood in front of where she was sitting (right next to me). Andrea looked at me and I just smiled at her. When she saw how relaxed I was about what her husband had just done, she took his cock in her hand and started to lick the tip. While she teased his cock Edward explained that he loves blowjobs so much that he will often negotiate with Andrea to do her chores or anything for that matter in exchange for a blowjob. Andrea then took his cock into her mouth and proceeded to give Edward a very skilful blowjob

“I can see why you like it so much, she’s good”

After a short while, Andrea slipped his cock out from her lips and said

“You get lots of blowjobs, it’s my turn to get what I want”

She stood up, removed her clothes and kneeled on the floor with her elbows on the sofa seat next to me. Edward kneeled behind her and tried to enter her anus. Being her first anal encounter, it proved very difficult so I offered to get them some lubricant. Edward jumped up and went to the bathroom where they kept some baby oil for massage purposes. He quickly returned and lubed his cock and her ass. This time they had success, but Andrea told him to take it slow as it was a little painful. After some time, Edward had fully penetrated her anus and he fucked her until he came inside her. Andrea really enjoyed it and told him that they would be doing that regularly from then on. Edward, like so many men after sex, was tired and had to get up early to work the early shift at the chemical plant he worked for so he retired to bed and, being inebriated, it didn’t take him long to fall into a deep sleep. Andrea and I continued to visit.

Since it is the middle of summer in December in South Africa, Andrea decided to stay naked while we continued our visit. She did tell me that she felt awkward being naked while we visited so I took off my clothes too. As I got undressed I noticed how her eyes took in every inch of my body, pausing to stare at my breasts and pussy.

“Have you ever had sex with a women?” she asked me

“Oh yes. The woman I am living with, Emma, we have sex all the time”

“Are you a lesbian?” she asked with a concerned look

“Not until I met Emma. I was only into guys before her. I still like a good cock now and then, but I love sex with a woman”

Andrea bit her lip and opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself before she said anything

“Let me guess, another one of your fantasies?” I asked, hoping

She nodded her head and turned towards me, put her feet up on the sofa by my legs and leaned back with her back on the arm rest. I put my hands on her knees and spread them apart

“Are you sure Edward won’t mind?”

She smiled a wicked smile and shook her head. I kneeled on the sofa between her legs and lowered my head to her pussy. First I kissed her thighs less than an inch from her aching pussy, then I kissed her pussy lips before I started to lick them. Finally I parted her lips and proceeded to lick her pussy and suck her clit. She arched her back and grabbed my head while grinding her pussy into my mouth. She moaned loudly until her inevitable orgasm hit. It was a good one as her body shook uncontrollably for quite some time before she finally calmed down. I moved up towards her head and gave her a long, deep kiss so she could taste herself on my lips and tongue

“Would you do that to me in front of Edward? He’s always fantasised about me with another woman” she asked

“Sure, as long as you let him fuck me while I do it”

“It’s a deal” she replied

Now I took the same position she had on the opposite side of the sofa and spread my legs. Andrea moved in without hesitation and licked me to orgasm. When we were done, Andrea pored us each another glass of wine and told me

“I’m not quite ready for this to end. Is that ok?”

“I am really enjoying it too”

“What about your fantasies, anything I can do for you?” she asked

“I have pretty much fulfilled all my fantasies” I replied

“Ok then, what is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?”

I thought for a moment, should I tell her about how I fuck dogs? The wine had removed my inhabitations so I told her. Andrea sat there with her mouth open as I explained how I had fucked dogs before and I even gave her a full account of my first time. By the time I was done, there was only stunned silence

“Are you ok? I hope you don’t think negatively of me now” I asked

Andrea turned her head and looked at the floor in thought. I thought it was a bad idea sharing this with her, probably ruined the relationship. Then Andrea turned back to me and began to ask questions. I realised that at first she was disgusted until she had processed what I had told her and was now inquisitive. After answering her questions, and another glass of wine, Andrea opened the patio sliding door and sat back down on the sofa. I immediately knew she was hoping that her muscular and impressive bull terrier (Griffin) would come in on his own. A smile appeared on my face as she looked at me. We both sat in silence as we listened to hear if we could determine where he was or if he would enter. When Andrea opened the door it made a sound that alerted Griffin who usually didn’t take long to investigate. We were not disappointed, Griffin entered the room and paused to sniff the sex filled air. He went to Andrea to seek her attention but had no idea just how much attention he was in for. She scratched his head and petted him as she usually does and then looked up at me. I leaned over and spread her legs

“I don’t think I can do this” she said

So I took my hands of her legs and asked

“Do you mind if I do?”

She bit her lip and said “Not at all, I wanna see this”

So I spread my legs and called Griffin over to me. He happily accepted my attention as I patted and scratched his head. He was now between my legs and finally got my scent. Slowly his muzzle came closer and closer to my pussy as he sniffed until he was a hair’s breathe away, I looked at Andrea with her gaze fixed to my pussy as Griffin licked me for the first time. Andrea was getting turned on, it was so obvious. She licked her lips and leaned forward for a closer look as Griffin continued to lick. His tongue was the strongest I had ever felt, it found its way into every crevice and crease, it went deep inside my cunt and gave electrifying pleasure to my clit. I heard a feint “Good boy” come from Andrea as she watched in amazement

“Do you wanna try now?” I asked

Andrea nodded as her legs opened as if driven by an unknown force. I closed my legs denying Griffin access to my pussy and tapped on Andrea’s pussy. In a few seconds he was investigating between her legs. I spread her pussy lips apart just as he began to lick. Andrea immediately lost her breathe, her back arched and she squeezed my arm. She was lost in pure ecstasy, it didn’t take her long to orgasm. When her orgasm was over I invited Griffin back to my pussy so he could finish what he started with me. While my own orgasm was building, Andrea caught her breathe and sat up

“That was so much better than I could have ever imagined” she confessed

That is when I irrupted in orgasm myself. When it was over I pointed under Griffin to draw Andrea’s attention to his fully erect penis. Her mouth fell open when she saw that his cock was bigger than her husbands

“Touch it” I suggested

She crouched down next to him and gently held his cock in her hands

“Lick it”

I wasn’t sure if she’d go for that but she did, without hesitation. Before I could suggest the logical next step, she had his cock in her mouth and was sucking it like she had sucked Edward earlier that evening. Griffin was clearly enjoying it and began to hump. Andrea pulled his cock from her lips and sat up on her knees

“Now imaging what that will feel like thrusting in and out of your cunt” I added

“Will you help me” she asked

I told her to site on the edge of the sofa and lean back and then got Griffan between her legs again. He clearly wanted to fuck, he was desperately moving from side to side so I helped him up with his paws on either side of Andrea’s waist and started to jerk him off. When he started humping I guided his cock to her pussy and felt as it slid into her. Again Andrea gasped as her breathe was taken away and then a smile appeared on her face as she immediately began to enjoy this new unexpected sensation. Griffin fucked her hard and fast and she matched his rhythm as she fucked back on every thrust. I crouched down for a better look and could see his knot forming. I quickly explained about the knot and this excited Andrea even more. The moment the knot entered her she gave a very load moan and then she orgasmed as Griffin spewed his hot load into her. They tied and Griffin turned so he could rest on all fours.

“That is the hottest thing I have ever seen”

Edward was woken by the commotion and stopped to watch when he realised what we were doing

“What else have you two been up to?” he asked.

After 5 or 6 minutes, Griffin’s cock popped out of Andrea’s cunt and his sperm leaked out. I got between her legs and licked some up and then kissed her so she could also have a taste. Edward just stood there with a smile on his face as he watched.

I stayed there for another 4 days and we made the most of it. Andrea emailed me some pics that Edward took of her and Griffin and told me that it is their new favourite sex activity and that they have also had anal sex a few more times. She also said that they are having more sex than ever since I came to visit.

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