Women with Animals

Building Maintenance – Part II


Go to 1st part

As I noted in the premier episode of Building Maintenance, Juanita and I were together for 7 years. As the bottom, Juanita had to have my permission to play with anyone or anything. The sole rule that applied with equality to both Juanita and I was that after any encounter we would sit and rehash everything that occurred. It did not matter if we both were present or if we played solo with others. We had to recount every bit of minutiae to each other.

Lynette was a rather homely, gangly, shy, introverted mouse of woman. She had been born into and raised in a strict rigid society that repressed woman and all form of feminine equality. Compounding her situation she married a man whose career path was in the profession that is the “opiate of the masses”.

When Lynette applied to rent booth space, I was reluctant. I explained to Lynette that religious relics and artifacts were collectibles to some, and were I to rent space to her; she was free to display and sell these items. I further explained that I would not allow her to use her rented space as a public forum to pitch her church denomination’s needs, its creeds, or its times of worship. I would allow her to advertise any church affair that had the ring of charity to it.

I did not try to seduce Lynette. Personally, I thought it was a lost cause. When Nita asked me if the could play with Lynette, I have to admit, I was ‘bowled over’. How did my gorgeous sexy Latina partner get into the granny panties of this woman, and then get Lynette on her hands and knees for the dogs? This was far beyond anything I could have accomplished with Lynette using either charm or force!

Thanks and enjoy. LB


I reluctantly rented space number 32 to Lynette Hicks. Inside myself, I thought it a mistake, but Lynette readily agreed with my terms of leasing, and thus I thought, ‘OK, I will trust her.’

Lynette was about 5’5” and maybe 100 lbs of straight thin girl. No tits, no ass, no hips, no makeup, no hair style, NADA! She wore too large slacks or jeans, bra, undershirt, blouse or top, and sweater or jacket. I never gave thought to her panties. To be honest, I never pictured Lynette in any setting other than church or silently plodding along in her work routine.

I knew that Nita spent time talking to Lynette whenever Lynette would work at the shop, or would come around to collect her check for her sales. In fact, after about 4-5 months, Nita had arranged her shop days to coincide with the days that Lynette worked.

Nita and I were in the playroom at the house. I had worked my little submissive bitch well. I played soft and gentle with Nita to start, becoming firmer and more commanding, disciplining her, bringing her to the edge of her orgasm time and again without allowing her its final release, and interspersing my play with her by making her service me to 3 full squirting orgasms. Nita was ready to explode.

Without pushing her, coaxing her, or prodding her, she finally broke. Nita begged and pleaded, while sobbing nearly incoherently for me to bring her husband, Skeeter Man, to her. I had my darling Latina beauty right where I wanted her; draped over the slaves bench squalling and squealing for doggy dick.

In the after glow of Nita 2 hard cums and one squirt, I held her close and brushed the perspiration laden hair from her face. I dipped the cool cloth into the water and dabbed at my love’s spent body parts. The intensity of Nita’s cummings had grown exponentially since our first encounter some months ago. Nita was no longer ashamed of cumming, and in fact, the little whore now actively pursued orgasms openly and with excited anticipation. I had a budding CUM ADDICT on my hands!

As I kissed and swabbed Nita, her beautiful eyes opened and she smiled at me.

“Mami,” she said, “may I ask you something?’

“Of course Darling, you may ask anything you desire, however there is no promise your question will receive the answer your heart and mind desire.”

“Mami, next week we will be tallying the previous month’s sales for the booth renters. When we prepare the checks, Lynette will come over to collect hers. She is going to arrange to be at the shop before we open under the pretext of having some other errands to do. May I leave when Lynette leaves, and may I bring Lynette here to our home to play with her?”

“I have had some kissing and messing around foreplay with her here. Nothing serious; and I know you will punish me for not getting permission in advance, but I couldn’t ask you without spoiling the moment. Please understand Mami, I was going to tell you everything, only in the past few weeks, in talking to Lynette and rubbing her titties, her ass, her pussy, and kissing her here when we were alone, I have her convinced she will get the sexual release she craves only from me.”

“I have also talked to her about Senor Sandy as a lover. She was shocked of course, but as I played with her and kissed her, and told her of my experiences with Skeeter Man, Lynette has become more and more intrigued. She never says she is, but I can see her breath catch when I tell her that you made me service my Doggy husband. I can feel her clit throb as I describe to her what you make me do with Skeeter. Mami, she don’t say it, but the little Lynette is hot to be a bitch.”

I nearly fell off the day bed.

“LYNETTE??” I asked Nita. “Lynette from the shop? A-men bench Lynette? No way Nita, you are lying your ass off. I am going to whip your hot ass and pussy for telling such lies. Girl, who do you think you are kidding? Now, you are probably paying around with someone at the shop, maybe more than one, but Lynette it isn’t. You better make a full confession NOW, or it is going to be worse for you.”

Nita giggled. She rolled to her tummy. She looked up at me and said, “Mami, as hard to believe as you may think, I swear to you, I have not played with anyone at the shop other than those you have granted me permission. All Lynette and I have done is some kissing and some petting. I have talked to her a lot about a lot of things. Like me, Lynette is suppressed by her upbringing and her environment. I tell you there is a volcano in her pussy. A volcano that has building pressure for the 34 years of her life. She is going to explode.”

“Can you convince her to allow me to participate?” I asked Nita.
“I don’t think that is a good idea for the first time.” Nita replied. “Lynette sees you as an extension of the rigidity she has lived with all her life. I can draw her out of that thinking now. As time passes, maybe I can get her to agree to allow you to domme both she and I. Please trust me, Mami?”

What could I say? I loved Nita, and I trusted her with my finances, my business, and most of the things in my life. I would trust her now. To be certain my Mexican darlin’ fully comprehended what limits and boundaries were in place for this Lynette scenario, I sat up and pulled Nita over my lap. While repeating my instructions to her, and reiterating that she still had to be punished for her petty playing with Lynette, I gave Nita a good sound spanking until she was crying crocodile tears. I then rubbed her fine red ass, and stroked her hot dripping pussy. I fist fucked her to another screaming squirting orgasm making her tell me she understood all of her instructions.

The balance of this story is as best I can recall of Nita’s recanting to me. This is the first of what I think were about 8 encounters between Lynette and Nita at my home. I think Lynette only played with Nita, however after about 19 months in the shop, Lynette left. She divorced her husband, took her 2 children and relocated to FL. I had no further contact with her, and cannot state if Juanita remained in contact with Lynette or not.

“Mami, this is exactly what happened,” Nita said.

I took Lynette to the house. I gave her the tour and she loved the house and all its furnishings. We talked and chatted. I used every chance to touch her arm, her butt, her face, her back, or brush against her. I wanted her to become aware of my touch, as I knew she would not yet be 100% comfortable with it.

After maybe 30 minutes of looking at things and talking, since it was cool, I suggested we relax in the hot tub. I knew offering her wine was out of the question, so I fixed us each a glass of peach tea. I went to the bedroom and stripped off my clothes. I wrapped a fluffy towel wrapped around my torso. It covered my tits, and dropped just below my hips. If I bent over, Lynette would see my ass crack. My pussy slit, and my fat puffy pussy lips.

I returned with a towel in my hand, and sat on the edge of the arm chair. Lynette was seated on the love seat staring at the floor at my toe-nails. I had painted them that bright red that you like. The way I was sitting I could feel the cool air on my pussy and knew it was exposed. I could only imagine it gaping and inviting. I could feel some tension, Lynette was looking, but each time I looked up she would turn away to look elsewhere. Finally, I caught her. She was transfixed on my pussy. She saw me looking at her. She blushed as I just smiled back at her.

I could tell she was rattled when she announced she should be leaving. I told her nonsense, and that her reactions were normal and understandable. She seemed to droop as a sigh of relief expelled from her breast. Lynette walked into the guest bathroom with the towel, under the excuse she would change in there.

The door was cracked and I wondered if she was going to provide me a show. I was still in my towel and got up to follow Lynette. I peeked in the door as she was removing her pants and panties. She had removed her top and bra. Her tits are tiny, yet so perky for having 2 children and nursing them. Her nipples are light pink and they are long and thick. Her ass is tiny, and curved. You would not think Lynette for much of a figure, but she is so long in the waist it is hard to tell her figure with clothes on, and she does not dress to flatter her assets.

I entered the bathroom. Her back was to me. I walked behind her and placed my arms around her. She gasped, and I quietly told her it was just she and I and I thought she was beautiful. “Mami”, she cried.

I held her standing there telling her how lovely she was, how sexy she was, ho much I wanted her, and how much I desired her. As I talked to her, I gently rubbed her breasts and tummy. I pulled slightly on her nipples and she would gasp. I did not allow my hands to go below the top of her pussy hair line. I pulled gently on her pussy hairs as I told her how beautiful she was.

Lynette reacted as I hoped she would. She relaxed even more and soon was panting as my lips traced long soft kissing lines along her back bone and each side of her neck. As I kissed her, I plucked on her pussy hair. I kept telling her that I had to shave her. She balked and whispered no, her husband would think she was a whore. I told her she was a whore, she was my whore. She giggled at that but her reluctance to be bare was evident.

I asked her how often her husband played with her pussy. The answer was almost never. When they did fuck, he was on her and off her in less than 2 minutes. She had never had any orgasms with him and worse, he has never been down eating her pussy. I figured it’s now or never. I got a bottle of lotion from the cabinet, and began rubbing lotion on her back and shoulders. Sighing, I told Lynette, her back was really tense and she should consider my rubbing it for her.

OK, she said. So I took her hand, her still nude mid you, and led her to the playroom. Thanks good all the toys and things were cleaned and in their cabinets and drawers. She noticed the bench and of course the St. Andrew Cross is behind the curtain, so she did not see that. She would have freaked if she saw a cross.

I eased her down on the day bed on her stomach. I placed the lotion in the warmer. I slid out of my towel and sat astride her back legs nude. I squirted lotion on my hands and a tad on her back. I rubbed until she began a soft moan that was just detectable. I wondered if Lynette could feel the juices flowing from my pussy onto her leg as I took in the sight before me. I continued my slow methodical massage, working my way down. It was then I decided to make my move when I asked her to flip over.

“I think we should stop,” Lynette said somewhat softly, her face half muffled in the face pillow. I knew if we did, that would be my last chance. “Oh, don’t be like that.” I said. “Besides, it’s just a stomach rub.” I tried to lift her and she was really hesitant at first, but eventually she turned over and there was heaven before me. Her nipples were already stiff and erect on her firm breast. I wanted to lean down then and began biting them and it was all I could do to hold back.”

I worked my hands slowly around her shoulders and neck and ever so lightly traced my fingers down her sides raising little bumps across her skin. She was sighing with her eyes closed as I rubbed lightly across her belly and then back up to her top. With the palm of my hands I slid over the top of her breasts and could feel her nipples give way to my hand. She ever so slightly moaned but I wanted to be careful not to scare her away.”

Eventually I became bolder as she seemed to relax. I tweaked a nipple with my fingers and her arm shot up as if to cover herself. “I’m sorry, did that hurt,” I feigned.

“No, its just…I wasn’t expecting it,” Lynette replied. “Are they sensitive” I asked, Knowing full well the answer as I softly traced a pattern around her little bud?

I think we should stop Nita,” Lynette said before I again, took a nipple and squeezed it. Lynette groaned and held her hand over mine but this time she wasn’t moving my hand away. I continued to rub her nipples which got even longer between my fingers, gently pulling outward as I felt her body rise up against my wet pussy.

If I ever had the upper hand, I felt it was now as I bent down and took her right nipple in my mouth. I sucked on it, flicking my tongue against the nipple, holding her beautiful breast in my hand. Lynette moaned. Her eyes closed as she tilted her head to one side. She never looked more beautiful to me.

“I’ll stop if you really want me to. Do you want me to?” I asked softly. There was no reply just a soft sigh.

I bent down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, then the tip of her nose. I looked at her face and closed on her lips, ever so gently resting my lips on hers in a very soft kiss. I sat back up and continued my assault, gently twisting her nipples in my fingers, tonguing one then the other before I bent down to kiss her again. This time my mouth and lips lingered on hers. I pushed ever so gently with my tongue. Her mouth yielded slowly, ever so slowly as she accepted me and then I felt her open her mouth. My tongue found hers and we entered into a passionate kiss.

Now she was kissing me back as forcefully as I ever kissed her. My hand cupped her face, wandered back down to her breast, and then slid ever so slowly down her stomach. Once again, I felt her hand go to the top of mine, but it was almost like she was asking me to slow down….not stop.

I moved slowly until I felt the top of her soft bush. I ran my hand down and cupped her hot pussy mound. I felt the wetness and heat rising from her pussy. My fingers teased her lips and she groaned under my mouth as her tongue pushed hard between my lips.”

I pushed my finger in her hot tight hole, sliding it back and forth between her lips while her hips bucked beneath me. My breasts mashed against hers as I whispered into her ear, “I’m gonna eat your pussy baby. I’m gonna make you feel like you’ve never felt before.”

Maybe it was because she wanted me to. Perhaps she realized she couldn’t stop me, or just didn’t want to stop me. I slid down her body stopping at her cute belly button to stick my tongue in it. I licked all over her tight stomach as she groaned and held my head. As my tongue danced in her cute belly button, I thought how sexy it would look with a piercing.

As I scooted down to her little brown muff, I could tell she let it grow naturally. I parted the lips with my fingers as I lapped up the juices which had already been flowing. I teased her hard little clit and sucked on it before I again slid my tongue into her the tender lips of her pussy and plunged it as deep as I could.

Her hands were gripping the sheet, clenching in little tight balls as I reached up and we interlocked our fingers. “Do you like it baby?” I asked. “Do you like me eating your pussy?”

“Yes, oh yes….I like it. Please don’t stop,” was Lynette’s soft reply.

“Tell me you like me eating your pussy. I want to hear you tell me,” I went on.

“Oh yes….oh it feels so good. No one’s ever made me feel like this,” Lynette continued.

“I rubbed her clit with my finger as I worked my tongue into her pussy. I could feel her legs trembling beneath me, her body shaking as she was beginning to build into an explosion. I licked a few more times and then stopped.

“Do you trust me Lynette?” I asked.

“Of course I trust you,” she shot back.

“You know I would never do anything, anything in the whole wild world to hurt you. I just want to make you feel good. You see, until a couple of months ago, I felt exactly like you do now.” Lynette was staring right in my eyes.

I had never even kissed another girl (a small lie, but one that would never be detected) until I met someone. And now I know that I was missing something. I’m not sure if I will ever be with another guy. Maybe I will. But I know I really like girls. I like the way they feel. I like the way they touch me. And I like the way we kiss and everything. I don’t think anyone can make love to another woman like a woman.”

I could see that she was really thinking about what I was saying. I raised my hand and rubbed her cheek softly, letting my fingers stroke her jaw and linger on her face. Baby, I know I like lesbian sex and deep down, I think you do too. I think that’s what’s bothering you. I think you liked it a lot. I think you think about it a lot during the day, don’t you.” I asked.

It was like someone had read Lynette’s diary. How did they know her thoughts? You could see it written all over her face.

“The bottom line is whatever we do it’s our secret. No one has to know. Best friends have secrets right?” I asked her.

Lynette nodded. I reached back behind her neck and slowly pulled her to me. This was the moment. If she was going to draw the line in the sand this would be it. But she didn’t struggle and instead closed the distance between us. When our lips touched, it was more electric than the night before. I took the lead as my tongue penetrated her mouth but she met mine and began kissing me forcefully back.

She broke away, just for a second as she looked me longingly in the eyes. “What we do is our secret right?” she said almost pleading.
“Absolutely,” I replied.

I knew it was wrong for me to say that. Knowing full well I intended to tell you Mami, and to lure her further into our lifestyle. But I also knew she really, really wanted to experience this and more. And I wanted her to. I wanted Lynette to be a lesbian just like me…like us.

We kissed for a while. I took her hand and guided it to my titty. I want you to feel my breast baby, feel how soft they are, how hard you’ve made my nipples. Lynette’s gaze went to my breast as she rubbed my titty softly in the palm of her hand. Pull on my nipple baby…I like that. Lynette twisted softly and pulled up on my nipple causing me to gasp as a warm shudder ran down to my pussy.

“Now baby, I’m gonna give you what you’ve been thinking about all day. Cause that’s what you been doing isn’t it? You’ve been thinking of eating my little pussy. Sticking your tongue in my pussy. Isn’t that right.” Lynette just stared at my shaven mound, my clit standing out, already dripping with juices.

“Answer me. Tell me isn’t that what you been thinking about?’ I said more sternly. Lynette slowly nodded her head. I pushed her further down the day bed toward my waist.

“I said for you to answer me. Tell me what you’ve been thinking about…probably all you thought about in class. Tell me.” I pressed.

“Yes, I’ve been thinking of you,” she almost cried out.

“I smiled.” I had made Lynette confess how much she wanted to eat my pussy. I had thought so much about this moment.

“Okay, baby. Kiss my hot pussy. Kiss it lightly on my lips.”

Lynette leaned forward and gently placed a soft kiss on my pussy lips. I could feel her hot breath and I wanted so bad to grab the back of her head and pull her in. That’s good sweetie…now take your tongue and gently lick the outside of my lips. Lynette took a gentle stab at my pussy. She would lick a little before her tongue retreated into her mouth and reemerged a little wetter. She traced saliva patterns across the folds of my pussy. Now stick it in, stick your tongue in my pussy and lick me like I licked you last night.

Lynette may have been a novice but what she lacked in experience she made up in effort as she went at my pussy like a slut. I reached down and pulled my lips apart allowing her to get deeper in my pussy. She reached around and held firmly on my ass. I was in heaven as my roommate was going down on her first woman.

“I think you’re hooked on my pussy. I don’t think you could say no to my pussy. Now that you’ve had it; you’ll always want it. You’ll think about it. You’ll need to lick my pussy.”

“I felt my legs quaking as she continued assaulting my box until my knees went weak. I squirted on her face and she lapped my juices like kittens lap milk. I gave a small scream as orgasm after orgasm wracked my frame.

Lynette kissed me with a hunger, our bodies pressed together. I ran my hands over her tight ass, cradling my hands around the cheeks, as I pulled her tightly against my body. I want to watch you get fucked. I want to see a huge hard dick slamming you sweet pussy,” I softly said in her ear. Lynette rose up and looked at me almost astonished.”

“That’ll be a little difficult don’t you think,” she chided.

Lynette saw the look on my face, so she reached down and squeezed my pussy, sending a little shock through it unintentionally.”

“You got one of these, not a dick. Although this is quite nice,” she added with a smile.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” I said as I eased her off the couch and slid out from under her. Stay here and keep that hot pussy warm for me.”

Lynette felt so naughty, so wicked!
I returned to the playroom with Sandy. I figured that as he was the oldest of the dogs, he would be the gentlest and the most responsive to my commands. I stopped and held my hand palm down. Sandy understood the command and sat at a few feet away from the day bed. “I figured you wanted to get fucked. I figured you like to do a lot more than you let on.” Lynette was rolling her hips slowly, moving her pussy mound against her probing fingers. Her ass jiggled as she bounced up and down against the mattress. She moved her hips wildly, acting like an animal in heat. Oh, her thighs felt as if they were on fire! The places between her fingers and toes were tingling with a wild delight as that hot, tight feeling raced faster and faster through her body. “Ohhhhh!” Lynette gasped. Lynette closed her eyes, stirring her finger around and around her clutching little fuck hole. She could feel the muscles around the edge of her pussy milking at her finger, drawing it in more and more. The feathery sensation of her pussy hairs brushing over her knuckles drove her wild! And all the time her clit was showering sparks into her pussy, making the girl feel she was about to faint. “Oh, Nita…” I led Sandy to the day bed. I pulled Lynette’s ass to the edge of the seat. I pushed her head back so her shoulders remained pinned to the cushion. Lynette squealed as she felt something hot and wet touching her legs. Fighting through the haze of sensation that had dulled her to everything except her own burning clit, Lynette raised her head a bit a saw Sandy between her legs lapping at her naked feet and bare legs! “Look Lynette, you’ve got the Sandy interested now,” Nita said, a smile crossing her lips. “Oh no, no…” The Great Dane braced in front of Lynette, his head down, his muscular shoulders trembling while she lay there spread-legged in front of him. “Sure. I figured you were hot for some good dick. But you’d need a kind of lead-in. That’s why I dragged you back here.”
At that point the dog lunged forward. Lynette felt dizzy as she twisted around, stretching one arm and leg over the side of the day bed as if she were going to roll away. That was the last independent movement she was to make that afternoon. Her knees trembled as the dog’s paws scratched over her thighs. No, no, she could feel his muzzle probing hungrily between her thighs. ”No, No!! Stop him! Please, stop him!” She was beating the dog on his spine with her fists. But he didn’t seem to notice her light blows. He pushed bravely on, fitting his body tightly between her legs. Her mouth opened wide, a breath rushing over her front teeth. “This can’t be happening…” Lynette was whispering to herself, feeling completely out of focus with the animal. She could feel the velvety wetness of her pussy exposed. She could feel the inner warm surfaces of her pussy rubbing together as she squirmed higher on the mattress. The dog wouldn’t let her go, pressing one hard shoulder against her left thigh while pressing his cold black snout against her pussy. Lynette arched her spine, snapping her head back at the touch. Sandy was such a handsome dog, a brindle color, his fur almost shining. His big brown eyes rolled up, staring at her while his pink tongue began licking at the bottom junction of her pussy-lips. “Ohhh… no, no, this can’t be happening… it just can’t be!” “Oh yeah, Lynette. It’s happening.” Lynette shook her head, still trying to extricate herself from under the dog’s grasp. She wasn’t this kind of woman.
“Ohhhhh!” She was opening her pussy to him. Yes, oh God yes, she was sliding back down the day bed, resting her head on the crushed pillow while bending her knees and spreading them slowly apart for the pussy-hungry dog. In response, Sandy was going wild. His tongue began slopping over the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, leaving a long slick trail of spit. Lynette was feeling the hot, sexy, rubbing drag of the dog’s tongue over her skin! She moaned, closing her eyes. I rubbed her tits. I squeezed them, feeling the rubbery nipple flesh rubbing up against my knuckles. “Oh God!” “Isn’t it great? And if it wasn’t for me you’d be wondering how it felt. Right?” “Oh yes, yes.” Sandy held her down with both forelegs now, his tongue slopping up and down over her pussy. Each lick was bringing rivers of juice from her pussy. It was such a lovely, wonderful friction. Her knees fell apart more and more. She could hear her pussy-lips open as stuck flesh pulled away from stuck flesh. The dog moved forward, his head resting against her right thigh now. His ear rubbing up against her hot flesh. And he was licking her pussy steadily, nuzzling his snout against her swelling pussy-lips almost tenderly. He was smelling her, tasting and smelling her pussy as she writhed and jerked like a speared fish. “Oh yeah, Lynette. He’s something else. I’ve been letting him do this to me for the past six months now,” I gasped. I had slowed down my mauling of Lynette’s small tits to watch Sandy tongue-fucking Lynette’s pussy.
“Ohhhh…” He kept licking her pussy over and over again, his tongue halving her pussy so wonderfully! “I can’t let this happen… oh God, I…” “Oh, shut up, Lynette! It’s happening, and you’re loving it. Admit it!”
“How does it feel?” I continued.

“It feels fucking great….oh, it feels so great Nita,” Lynette cried.

“Mami, her words made me hotter and hotter.

“Whose little pussy is this?” I asked.

“Your pussy. It’s your pussy. It’s Sandy’s pussy. Make it cum PLEASE! Make Sandy make his pussy cum!” Lynette moaned.

“It was the words I had longed to hear. I decided to press it. To see if I could get her to acknowledge it…. Are you my little lesbian puppy pussy girl, baby? Are you a puppy dick loving lesbian like me?”

“Lynette moved her head to one side. She didn’t want to say it. She didn’t want to admit it but I knew she had to. I knew I had to make her say it.”

“Tell me Lynette. Tell me or I’m gonna make Sandy stop.” I countered.

“No please, please make him keep going. I need to cum so bad Nita.” Lynette whimpered.

“Then tell me what I want to hear. Tell me what you are.” I continued.

“I’m a lesbian” she said softly, “a puppy dick loving lesbian.”

“Louder, tell me what you are or I’m gonna make Sandy stop and you can finish yourself.” I threatened.

“No, please Nita, I’m…I’m a lesbian. I’m a lesbian who loves puppy dick. I love you eating my pussy. I love eating your pussy. I love Sandy eating and licking my pussy. I’ll do whatever you ask….any time you ask…just let Sandy eat me till I cum. Let him eat and lick my little lesbian puppy dick loving pussy,” she exclaimed.
“UNNHHH! OOOOOOO Sandy, lick her hot lesbian pussy. Yeah Sandy, do it. Do Lynette Sandy. She wants it big boy.” I hissed these words at Sandy and Lynette. Lynette shivered again from the consuming fever Sandy’s long flat tongue caused as he probed deeper into her smoldering fuck hole. Her hands reached down to her belly, back down to her pussy once more. Sandy slicked his tongue over her fingers, caressing them, moving around and touching her pussy again.
How that hot pink tongue drove up and down her drooling pussy crack. Lynette’s clit burned as if someone had placed a drop of acid on the tip. She fanned her fingers out along the dog’s neck, raising her feet from the bed. She was inching her knees back, back until they were nearly touching her tits. A fucking position! Yes, she was in a spread-eagle position, widening her thighs for the dog’s head. “Wow, Lynette, that’s HOT baby!” I gasped, seeing her friend freak out completely. “Come on, Sandy, fuck her! Go on, boy, go on and mount her. She wants to have your dick in her pussy.” The words made Lynette pant even more. She raised her legs a little more, letting them fall to either side of her body while she rolled her ass from left to right. At first Sandy wasn’t sure what was going on. He whimpered, staring at her, then tilting his head to one side and eyeing the slim woman. He dropped down, licking the wet pink gash of her pussy again and again.

Lynette babbled and gasped to him as he raped her with his tongue. She brought her feet together at the sides of his head, rubbing them against him. How that tickling touch sent another rush of sensations through her! She couldn’t think. No, she simply couldn’t muster the strength to have one continuous line of thought in her mind. All she could think now was fucking, fucking, having that dog fuck her! “Fuck…!” “Oh yeah, Lynette! Sandy’s going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours. He loves to fuck a hot new pussy. His dick is so long and thick/ Girlfriend, Sandy is going to open up places in your hot sweet pussy that you didn’t know you had. Sandy’s gonna do it! Doggie’s gonna fuck your hot pussy,” I said to her, my eyes wild and glazed. I pulled Sandy back, and then began shoving him forward. The dog whined at the touch, and then finally seemed to guess what was needed. Lynette was working her ass around in tight, frantic circles, crying through her nose with excited little wheezing cries. “Go on, Sandy. Fuck Her. Fuck Lynette. Go on boy! Go on and fuck the bitch! Make Lynette your new bitch Sandy,” I cried. Mami, I was panting heavily, rubbing my pussy with one hand while guiding the big dog with the other. Sandy sort of hopped up putting his front paws on either side of Lynette. Lynette looked up heavy-lidded, peering through her dazed eyes at the beast in front of her. She shivered. His forelegs were braced to either side of her raised thighs, his head dropped down while his nostrils still quivered as they took in the pungent smell of her juicing pussy. Lynette squinted, forcing her eyes to focus. There between his thick-muscled hindquarters was his dick — yes, a long, knobby red doggie dick. It glistened with something very slick. Another hot shudder made her body quake as she stared at the dog’s prick. He moved forward, more of that red dick extending from his furry sheath. Lynette dropped her head back to the pillow. Her pussy felt as though it was burning. Something was going to satisfy her pussy. That was that. She panted heavily, her narrow shoulders pressed hard against the pillow while she edged her knees back farther. Somewhere in the distance she could hear birds singing through the window as the dog slowly mounted her, his breath panting against her tits. She felt his sharp claws against her heaving sides. He was nervously padding around in front of her, his snout rubbing up against her left ankle. There was the sudden furry weight of his body pressing down against hers as he settled forward. Something very hot and very stiff was brushing up against her pussy! Again the girl opened her eyes and found herself eye to eye with Sandy. “I… uhhhh… oh God, Sandy… uhhhh… fuck me…” Lynette jerked her head from left to right, strands of her blonde hair tangling around her throat. She licked her dry lips again. Sandy was settling his narrow ass down, pressing the tip of his dick against her swollen pussy-lips. ”I was watching with wild eyes Mami.” Mt fingers were fucking in and out of my pussy. “Oh wow, wow!” “Uhhhhhh!” Lynette cried, arching her back up while pressing her head into the pillow. “He’s doing it! He’s doing it! His long hard dick is in my pussy! He’s fucking me, Nita… he… he’s fucking me!” “Ohhhh, do it, Sandy. Do it you good doggie, do it! Fuck her!” I cried. Lynette was jerking her hips, pumping her skinny ass back and forth. Lynette was groaning, rubbing the bare soles of her feet along the dog’s powerful back while keeping her shoulders flat against the mattress. Sandy hunkered down, a growl from his throat sending shivers up and down the blonde’s spine. “Oh yes, yes!” Lynette cried; shutting her eyes so tight little yellow spots flashed behind her fluttering lids. “He’s doing it, Lynette. Oh wow, Sandy’s actually fucking you!” “OHHH Nita, he is fucking me soooo good. I can’t describe it. No wonder you have been letting him do this to you. I never imagined that fucking could be so much fun and sooo Good.” Lynette gasped.
“Let him go for it, Lynette! Oh wow, let him go for it!” “Yessssss!” “Uhhhh, come on, Sandy, come on and fuck me harder,” she whispered. “Fuck me harder and deeper with your big doggie dick.”
Those terrible words now came so automatically to her! Her mind was spinning around and around. There didn’t seem to be an anchor for her thoughts as the animal lowered himself down and started fucking Lynette harder and faster.
“He’s doing it so fast, Lynette!” “UNHHH, HUHH,” Lynette grunted. Sandy was going wild, moving his doggie hips rapidly. The big dog fucked all but an inch or so of his dick into the girl’s pussy. Lynette wriggled her hips more invitingly, feeling those slick bumps scratching that itch throbbing through her clit. The big animal let out another yip, tossing his hips from side to side, making her feel his fat red fucker even better. Lynette arched her back, pitching from left to right on the bed. She bucked her ass against the Great Dane.
Lynette felt the world crashing down around her. Again and again she fucked her pussy onto the dog’s dick, the hairs around his prick tickling her clit maddeningly. She could feel his leathery balls slapping against her ass as she rocked against him. The acute tickle between her shivering thighs became incredibly intense. Lynette turned her head. She watched me as my fingers flew in and out of my hot pussy. “Gonna cum, gonna cum, Nita. Sandy is going to make me CUUUMM.” “Uhhhhh… Sandy…” Fires of incredible lust licked up from Lynette’s drenched pussy through her tummy and down to her clit nerve endings and her G-spot. She bucked her body so wildly she nearly knocked Sandy from her pussy grip. But the dog hung on, fucking his prick in so hard Lynette felt the dick slip past her cervix and bump her womb. Her pussy felt stretched to the max. That touch of Sandy’s pointy dick tip made pushed Lynette over the brink and into the orgasm chasm. Sandy lunged forward seating his huge knot in Lynette’s hot pussy. The first white hot spurts of cum shot from his dick and splattered against Lynette’s womb. Lynette exploded! Her squealing cumming orgasm rushed from her clit, her cunt, and her G-spot to her brain in a nanosecond. Her body convulsed and exploded with power and force. She jerked hard, hot pussy juice flooding out her cunt and down through the crack of her ass. Finally her movements were too much for the dog. With a howl, Sandy continued to spew liquid hot puppy cum from his dick deep inside Lynette’s pussy.

Lynette wailed at every spurt of Sandy’s dick. She rocked her ass and hips. I watched her tummy muscles clench and loosen, clench and loosen. I knew she was milking Sandy’s huge doggie dick of every drop of cum his balls and knot contained. Sandy slowed and stopped his humping. He lay with his huge head on Lynette’s small tits. His tongue snaked out and licked her long hard nipple. Lynette gasped softly and smiled at the massive dog. Lynette and Sandy lay like this for over 30 minutes. Lynette said she could feel intermittent spurts of cum shoot from Sandy’s dick. Sandy’s dick softened and he slowly pulled out of Lynette’s pussy. I was amazed at how long and thick his dick was as he came out. I cold only imagine how big he had become while locked deeply inside Lynette’s pussy. When Sandy was off her, Lynette continued to lay on her back, her arms stretched to either side. She could feel the hot doggie-cum cooling as it seeped from her cunt down her thighs and ass crack, Sandy had climbed off her and was wheeling around to one side of the bed now, his head bobbing up and down. There was a thud as he jumped off, curled up and started licking his shrinking dick.

Lynette raised her head from the pillow, watching him lick his prick. She shivered. To think that thing had been inside her pussy! He had really fucked her all the way. Better than she had ever dreamed of being fucked.

I pulled her up and held her as she lay her head on my chest. It was then I knew for sure that there was no turning back. I had turned my straight little friend. Lynette was now a pussy licking, dildo sucking, doggie dick loving lesbo puppy pussy girl


I do not know if Lynette continued her girl and doggie loving practices after she left for Florida. I like to think she has, because Nita broke her in very very well.

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