Women with Animals

Baron’s First Time


Jeff sat on the couch looking at Baron, his 4 year old Rottweiler. The dog always seemed ready and willing to hump anything lately, and Jeff felt bad he had no female for the dog. He had owned Baron since he was a pup, and always provided what the dog needed good food, toys, exercise, etc. He had learned to read the dog’s moods over the years, and now Baron seemed almost desperate.

Jeff could imagine how bad it must be without a woman or at least a hand to jack off and get relief. The dog humped the sofa, legs, just about anything. Jeff couldn’t let him do that and had to stop him or his sofa would be covered with dog cum. Also, Jeff didn’t know any owners of female dogs that he could ask.

So he went to his computer to search for something to relieve Baron. He typed in “dog sex” and “dog hump” to see if anyone had a suggestion. One of the links had something about K9 sex, so Jeff clicked on it. There was a link on the page that directed him to click on it something about Vicky or Vixey or Vixen’s first time.

He waited while the computer loaded a video and he saw a beautiful woman dressed in skimpy clothes. She wore a mask and he was about to close the page when a beautiful dog walked into the frame. Jeff didn’t know what kind of dog he was, but he was short-haired, beige, and very muscular looking, not unlike Baron. Maybe this woman would talk about ways to satisfy a male dog when there were no bitches present.

The longer he watched, the more he began to realize that this was not what the woman had in mind. She rubbed her crotch, massaged her large breasts, and looked very sensual. Then she got down on her hands and knees and Jeff knew what she had in mind. He couldn’t believe it as she pulled off her skimpy panties and the camera zoomed in on her shaved pussy.

Now that he was engaged in the video, Jeff just watched, swallowing hard as he anticipated what the dog would do. The dog walked up to her crotch, sniffed her, and began licking her pussy and ass. Jeff was stunned as he watched the dog sample the woman, using his nose and tongue to taste and memorize her scent. The more he licked her, the wetter she got and the looser her pussy became as it recognized that it was being primed for sex. The dog’s tongue was disappearing into her pussy as he rooted about, and she was moving her ass, as her excitement grew. Jeff realized he could hear her moan softly as the dog continued to lick her.

Jeff wasn’t surprised when the dog jumped up on her back, even though he was sideways to her and they both moved around trying to align themselves. The dog humped at her nonetheless. He jumped off of her and then back onto her, this time better aligned. She reached back through her legs and he couldn’t see what she was doing, but suddenly it looked like everything fit and the dog humped forward, moving his powerful legs in close. Jeff had to imagine he had entered her like a man, his cock plunging inside of her.

Then the dog seemed to find his place and his rhythm and with paws around her waist, started humping her with abandon. Jeff heard the wet sounds of their sex as the camera and microphone zoomed in closely. The hairy sheath that covered the dog’s cock was kissing the lips of her vagina, which was wrapped tightly around the shaft of the dog’s penis. It looked like a hotdog wrapped in a bun, except for the dog’s balls tightly tensed, hanging in the view of the lens.

Now that he was fully inserted into the woman, the dog stopped thrusting, you could see though that he was cumming, Jeff noted, as his balls tensed and relaxed, tensed and relaxed. The woman was moving her ass though, taking the dog for a ride as she wasn’t finished fucking him and reached her hand between her legs to rub her clit and pussy.

Hypnotized, Jeff watched and waited to see if the dog would do anything else. The camera pulled back slightly showing the dog suspended on the woman’s back, his legs dangling. Jeff heard the woman moan again and again and her upper body was down on the floor, her clothing all askew, allowing her large breasts to be mashed into the carpet. The area under the dog’s tail pulsed continuously which meant to Jeff that he was still cumming. That was amazing he thought, a human would be done quickly but this dog lasted a long time. He wondered if Baron had as much cum stored up as this dog.

The camera again zoomed in to the woman’s puffy pussy which glistened with wetness. It was clear that the dog and woman were completely engaged. Then the dog started squirming hopped off of the woman’s back. His cock was pulling on her pussy and a groan escaped her lips at the same time the dog’s knot escaped her pussy lips. The woman’s vagina was forced open as the large knot emerged and then the dog stood there with the rest of his cock inside of her for a moment.

As he stepped away the cock quickly emerged. It was fatter at the front end than by his knot until finally the head popped out along with a stream of cum. The dog stood there a moment, completely free of the woman with a long, fat cock dangling between his legs. Jeff was stunned as he realized that all of this had been inside the woman and he thought it dwarfed most human male cocks.

Wet and glistening, the dog stood there and the woman pivoted and grabbed the cock. Again, Jeff couldn’t believe his eyes as the woman took the cock inside of her mouth and continued to suck off the dog. Every once in a while she would stop and allow a string of cum to run from her mouth to drip on her breasts, chin and floor. She gave him excellent head, sucking lasciviously on the phallic tool.

Her lips clung to his meat taking him in and out, drawing his semen from his body into hers. When she was finally done, Jeff realized that he had cum in his pants. This whole thing was exceedingly hot, and he found it hard to believe he had never known this could be done.

He couldn’t get the idea out of his mind, and days later, he decided he would try to find Trixie or Vixey or whatever her name was. He fantasized that he would get her to hook up with Baron and watch the whole thing live. That night Jeff searched for the video online, and found several sites. A little searching and he discovered that her name was Vixey, but that was only a stage name.

She had a website which he visited but found that there was a charge to logon and there was no direct contact information. So he signed up and immediately was able to access a list of adult movies that Vixey had made. He checked through several previews available online, and they were all standard adult movie fare. There was no mention of the movie he saw, but he recognized her as the same woman from the doggie video he had seen. She also had a tattoo of a unicorn on her leg which was a further identifying mark.

There was a small bio on Vixey, saying she had grown up in Texas, but now lived outside of Denver. For a random chance that was unbelievably close. He lived over in Fort Collins, not too far away. As he continued to look through the site he found a link for feedback. Jeff sent a message asking if Vixey was available for private parties. He logged off of the site without expecting an answer.

A few days later he was shocked to see an email waiting for him. He opened it and found it said that yes, Vixey does do parties provided she is available and asked for a date he had in mind. Jeff couldn’t believe it, it was signed by Vixey herself. He sent her back some dates and told her he had seen her website and was very impressed. He wanted to know what she charged for a private party of two. Then he didn’t hear from her right away and was worried that he had written something wrong.

A few days later another email was waiting for him. She apologized for taking so long, being busy, etc., but told him if he paid for her travel, she could entertain him for $500 an hour. He set a date for 3 weeks away. He told her he would personally pick her up since she was not too far away. She sent back a meeting place, a Starbucks in a mall. The 3 weeks passed very slowly.

Finally, the day arrived and Jeff drove down to Denver. The mall he was supposed to meet her at was a bit run down, but Jeff went inside, a bit wary. He stood in front of a nearby shop watching people enter and leave the Starbucks. About 15 minutes late, a thin, good looking woman walked inside. She was by herself. Jeff waited a couple of minutes and then went inside. The woman was seated at a table drinking a cup of coffee.

Soon Jeff was driving back home with Vixey seated beside him. She was slender with red-highlighted hair and she wore a halter top with no bra and a short, tight, black skirt. Jeff was glad to see that she looked as fine as she had in the video he saw. On the way back she asked him how he had come across her website, but Jeff didn’t reveal the first video he saw of her with the dog. She asked what kind of partying he was into and he was deliberately vague.

When they got back to his house, they were greeted by Baron. Being a big, strong dog, he frightened her at first until she found him to be friendly. She scratched his head and he sniffed the air then ducked his snout under her skirt. “Hey!” she exclaimed, then pushed his head away, “watch where you stick your head!”

She did not let on that she was comfortable enough with dogs to let them under her skirt. But seeing that Baron was actively snuggling her confirmed Jeff’s suspicion that the dog was horny. “He’s okay � don’t you like dogs?” he asked her. “Sure” was all she answered then asked him where the second person was, after all he had asked her to a party for two.

“Oh don’t worry, he’ll be here” Jeff told her.

“Okay, what do you want me to do? Do you want a blow job while we wait?” she asked him. “Um…not this second � let me get us some wine to start this party!” he told her. “Yeah…okay…that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” she answered. Jeff got two glasses of wine, handing one to her. They drank and then he filled them both again. After talking and a second bottle of wine, Jeff reached over to her and rubbed her tit gently. She didn’t object as Jeff felt the hard nipple through her shirt. She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head and Jeff was not disappointed with her slender waist and perky breasts.

Now he was able to rub and massage her flesh and it turned him on. He slid a hand up her skirt but it was too tight so she pulled it up to give him access. She wasn’t wearing panties either. She had a nice plump pussy, clean shaven with fat lips and she was instantly wet. That surprised Jeff as he slid his fingers through her slit on her sticky slime. Her lips parted easily as she let him have his way.

“Baron � come here boy!” he called to the dog. The dog ran over and Jeff offered him his fingers to lick. The dog lapped at them greedily, then Jeff pointed his snout towards her slit. Baron lapped her at once. “Ooohhh…” she started, then “hey…what’s with the dog? I don’t know if I am comfortable with that.”

“He’s just licking you…lie back and enjoy.” Jeff told her. She did just that as the dog went into a frenzy on her pussy. Vixey moaned as the dog’s tongue and wine relaxed her. Soon she spread her legs to give him better access. Baron went crazier still, sinking his tongue into the woman. She started raising her legs in response until the dog jumped onto her leg and began a mad humping. “Wait… I never did this… I am not going to fuck a dog…” she said, legs spread.

“Yes you did, I saw you!” Jeff contested. “I saw the video.”

“What video? I didn’t do a video…” she continued.

“Don’t deny it! I have it here!” Jeff said. “This is really hot!” he finished.

Baron had jumped back down and was back at licking her pussy. His wet slurping sounds indicated that both of them were happy. He jumped up again this time between her widespread legs and began his humping. Because she was seated on the edge of the couch and the dog had a paw on each side of her, they were in the perfect position. Baron’s cock entered Vixey as she sat there and the dog leaned forward. He pushed forward with all of his weight and Vixey’s legs rose higher, now undeniably engaged with the dog.

“Ooooooohhhphhh!” she squealed as the dog leaned into her and began fucking her in earnest. There were no more pretentions or denials as Vixey fucked him back. Baron howled and whined as his cock set inside this human female. With her legs in the air, Baron tied her with his knot and released his pent up supply of cum into her. Vixey screamed, “It’s hot! Oh my God it’s GOOD!” She strained against the dog, her legs extended straight out and Baron panted over her.

Jeff was speechless as the dog’s balls spasmed repeatedly. Vixey screamed again, “Oh it’s so BIG! Oh my GOD it’s huge!!” Baron’s knot had swelled and locked him tightly to her. Vixey moaned and orgasmed, thrashing about under the muscular canine. Finally both lay still, Vixey visibly sweating. She opened her mouth and took the dog’s tongue inside, sucking on it as two lovers do in appreciation of his skills. They lay together for 15 minutes panting heavily as their bodies enjoyed each other.

Finally, Baron pulled back and hopped off of her, his knot popping out followed by his cock. When the dog was on the floor, Jeff had a hard time believing that the long fat cock between his legs was completely inside of Vixey. It had to be 8 or 9 inches long and fat. The know was the size of a fist, big and swollen. Vixey collapsed on the couch.

“That was awesome!” Jeff told her. “I…I never did that before” she panted, “but oh � it was good!”

“What do you mean?” he asked her, “I saw your video fucking a dog!”

“I’ve heard of that before � but it wasn’t me. They used a double � even down to my tattoo!”

“So you mean…”

“That’s right. This was the first time. What do you feed this dog? He was unbelievably good! I think he filled me with a gallon of cum! I feel so filled…”

“And I am so horny” Jeff said. He took his iron hard cock and put it in her face. It was already slippery with his precum. Vixey took it in her mouth and he didn’t last long before he shot his load down her throat. It spilled out of her mouth, great gobs of white cum hanging from her chin. Jeff never felt such relief.

The whole day had been unreal and she hadn’t been at his house more than 2 hours yet! Baron stood at Jeff’s feet whining. Jeff looked down at him and it looked like the dog was ready to go again! “Vixey, get on your hands and knees, doggy-style” Jeff told her. “Are you ready for more, honey?” she asked him. “Not me, Baron” he answered.

“Oh…I…I thought we were done here” Vixey replied. “Apparently not” Jeff said. She didn’t move right away, so Jeff took her arm and helped her off of the couch. She moved almost mechanically, the questions racing through her mind. “I…I don’t know if I can do him again. My pussy is still sore” she said. “You’ll be fine” Jeff told her.

Baron was getting excited and dancing in circles. As soon as Vixey was on the floor, Baron stuck his nose in her rear and licked once or twice as if to make sure he knew where the target was. He jumped on her back. This was more natural for him and he understood at once. He thrust at her but was too low. Baron hopped down. “Spread your legs more,” Jeff told her.

She did and that lowered her for the dog. Once again Baron tried and leapt on her back, his powerful front legs grabbing at her hips. “Owww!” she said as the dew claws dug into her soft flesh. And then Baron thrust into her, missing her slit. She unconsciously moved to align him with her slit and then the dog entered her. “Oooohhhhh!” she screamed as Baron fucked deeply into her.

His cock elongated to its 9″, banging into her womb. She adjusted slightly, the dog giving her no respite, and then he was sliding smoothly and completely into her. The wet sloppy sounds of their sex was interrupted by her moans of pleasure. “Oh yes…oh doggy…gooood doggy!” she moaned loudly and thrust back vigorously into her canine lover. “Oh fuck! Its soooo big!” she yelled as the dog’s cock inflated tightly into her pussy. His knot was spongy and hard, tightly locking behind her pubic bone. “He’s cummmmminnnnng!” she screeched, and froze in place, her eyes shut and mouth open.

A line of spittle ran from the corner of her mouth. The dog stopped thrusting now that he was locked in place and delivering his seed into her. Vixey was breathing heavily as she kneeled, coupled with the dog. Jeff was excited again despite the fact he had just blown his load into Vixey’s mouth. He kneeled in front of her and pushed his cock into her open mouth.

Vixey opened her eyes, surprised but couldn’t stop Jeff from grabbing her head and thrusting into her throat. She gagged a bit as Jeff couldn’t help himself from going to her throat. She reached up with her hands automatically to try and control his thrusts, leaving her head as Jeff’s fucking tool. He banged into her, his balls swinging into her chin each time. Baron didn’t seem to care and jumped off of Vixey, turning his tie until he was ass to ass with her.

Between the dog moving and causing his knot to spin inside of her and the cock jammed down her throat, Vixey was between total bliss and a fight to breathe. But Jeff didn’t last long and shot a small load down her throat. She gagged and coughed as Jeff withdrew and sucked in air in a deep breath. At the same time her pussy clamped down on the dog’s cock, stimulating him.

Baron whined and shot a long stream of hot cum into her. She could feel the heat and the tight tie so she just moaned. After a few minutes Baron started to walk away from her but since they were tied, Vixey had to try and walk backwards to stay with him or she was afraid that he might turn her inside out.

She knew her womb was full of the dog’s cum. She had never felt like that but she had never been fucked by a dog before. The warm cum and large cock inside of her felt so nice, but the constant pulling by the dog was causing him to pull out of her. His knot had shrunk a bit and now crested out of her, widening her obscenely before popping out, followed by the long, fat cock. She moaned once and fell to the floor now completely satisfied and exhausted.

The dog came over pushing his nose into his bitch’s pussy to lick her and clean her up. She let him finish and then turned to return the favor. Jeff watched her tentatively take the dog’s cock into her mouth and suck and lick it clean, but the more she sucked, the more cum dribbled out of the cock tip. She spent a while doing it until the dog finally shrank and pulled away and turned to clean his own cock.

Jeff was excited for the third time that afternoon, and grabbed Vixey forcing her to her knees then pushed his cock into her ass. She was too weak to fight him and he felt the tightness of her anal ring as he forced his cock inside of her while holding her hips. He pounded her mercilessly and she automatically responded by pushing back at him until he came. There was not much left to give her, but he had to satisfy his need at the moment. He pulled out of her and the tightness of her ass grasped greedily at his shaft. He stumbled to the couch and the three of them rested from the best sexual experience any of them had ever had.

When he awoke…


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