Women with Animals

A Chance Encounter with a Unicorn


(c) by Lola Down

We were driving across the country for the holidays, and, as dusk descended and T was growing tired, we pulled into the first motel on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere we found. While hubby was unloading bags, I walked the two dogs, eager to get out in the back seat after so long. The dogs suddenly stopped and directed me toward an attractive brunette wearing a short black dress and turquoise heels. Mysteriously, the dogs were as captivated by her as I was. This petite yet confident ‘girl next door’ walked up to me and asked if it was ok to pet the dogs. Though they were stir-crazy from the drive, they were friendly, and I said they’d love it. She leaned over to pet them, and I could see right down the open neckline of her dress. She had nice tits. No bra. Young. Perky. I was getting wet as I stood there, gawking at her. I tried making small talk. She crouched down to continue petting the dogs as I stood over her. It was impossible not to see down her dress from that angle.

As we were chatting, she saw hubby grab a bottle of bubbly and bourbon from the car. She said, “Oh, I’m ready for a glass of wine after driving all day.”

I responded, “Wine time never comes quick enough on road trips.” We kept talking for a bit, and she asked if we would mind if she joined us for glass because she hadn’t spoken to anyone all day. I said, “Sure, but it has to be in our room due to the dogs.”

She was game, and we made our introductions. She introduced herself as Lola. We agreed to meet about an hour later. When I returned to the room, I told hubby, and he said, “There goes our playtime then.” He had been horny and wanted me the entire drive.

I responded, “She’s not going to be here all night. We’ll still get to play. Promise.”

Lola came over, sat around the small room, and chatted with the conversation going over the place. She said she better get back to her room after a few glasses into it. It was clear she was merely being polite. To my surprise and arousing a bit of jealousy that I didn’t even know I had, hubby asked her to stay for one more glass. She agreed but said, “Before I have any more, I have a little work to do. Do you mind if I go grab my laptop?”

“Not at all,” said T.

She popped back into our room a minute later and sat at the tiny desk.

“What kinda work are you doing?” asked T.

“Just updating our blog.”

Hubby, trying desperately to turn the friendly chatter into a sexy seduction, said jokingly, “What, like your OnlyFans page?”

She looked at him, smirking, and said, “Something like that.”

Hubby told Lola, “I bet a pretty, young, flirtatious girl like you makes a thousand dollars a day on the internet.”

“Hardly,” laughed Lola. “I do it just for fun, actually.”

“Wait,” I said, “you mean he’s right?! You do have an OnlyFans page?”

Lo laughed even more and said, “Well, no, not OnlyFans. Just a sex blog that my man and I run.”

“Oh!” said hubby, “I can’t believe it! I’ve been waiting all day to work on content with her for our page!”

Lola looked very surprised and said, “Really! You two don’t seem like the type!”

“I could say the same about you,” I said.

We talked a little more about it before I suggested, “I’ll show you my page if you show me yours?”

That was all it took for T. He had his laptop out quickly! We looked at each other’s pages, and hers was incredible! We go by Snow CoupleCO, and she seemed to like what she saw of us too. I then asked if she wanted help making content and winked at hubby. She paused a bit and looked at us. “Really?”

“Yeah, it could be fun.”

“OK, but no photos.” She was concerned about remaining anonymous.


“I’m going to freshen up,” she said, “It’s been a long drive today.”

“OK. See you back here soon.” I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited. While she was out showering and, I think, shaving smooth, I took a quick shower as well. I found hubby jacking off to Lo’s photos when I came out. I snapped some pics but told him, “Keep it hard, Mr. Roadtrip McLovin!”

When Lola returned, the girl next door was gone, and a pro porn star stood there! You would never recognize her. “You really are ‘the nympho next door!’” I said.

Lo was wearing a sheer white top that reminded me of boudoir wedding photos I had seen once. But adorning her neck was a black leather collar, like a dog’s collar, that said “SLUT” in diamond studs. She wore a short black skirt that barely covered the bottom of her ass and black leather boots to match.

“Before we get to play, there’s a dive bar attached to this rundown motel. How about the three of us go in there and see what happens?”

I was very game, but I had a better idea in mind.

“I just caught my husband masturbating to your photos,” I said. A sparkle of vanity flashed in Lo’s eyes as she looked first at my hubby’s face and then at his crotch. “He must be hard-up for you,” I continued. Lo’s tongue ran across her teeth as she looked desirously at him. “Do you think you could help him before we go there?”

“Help him out, how?” she asked.

“Get on your knees,” I commanded.

She obeyed immediately. I reached over and pulled out T’s bulging hard cock from his pants. I held it in my hand. “There you go, hun,” I said to him. “Do it. Cum on her face.”

He took control of his cock and stroked it fast. He looked at me, Lo longing for his dick in her mouth. He looked at me again. He looked down at Lo and came on her face. It was the fastest I’ve seen him cum in ages!

Lo’s cheeks and chin were dripping with his cum. I had to hold the dogs back to keep them from licking her clean.

“OK, now we can go.”

“You want me to go like this?”


“OK, but let’s make it more interesting. My man and I play a little game like this a lot. You walk in first. Then I’ll walk in and join you. T walks in last and has to sit away from us. Let’s see who dares to pick us up.”

I was giddy with excitement.

We walked down the motel line to the bar at the end. It was a sleepy little bar in the middle of nowhere that mostly accommodated travelers and lonely locals.

Lo walked in first, looking like a used prostitute. I followed, looking like a lonely housewife desperate for action. I wore my tight jeans shorts, cowboy boots, and a blouse unbuttoned nearly to my navel. No bra.

The few folks inside noticed our appearance right away. I ordered a beer across the bar from Lola, who had ordered some sort of cocktail.

I then made my way over to her and pretended we were meeting for the first time, which we had only about two hours earlier.

A couple of middle-aged guys approached us, and I noticed my husband walk into the bar. No one else, except maybe Lola, saw him.

Both the guys who were talking to us had wedding bands on.

Eventually, in the dimness of the bar, one of the guys noticed the sheen on Lo’s face from my husband’s cum.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Beauty cream,” she said with a smile.

I leaned in and pulled it seductively off her face before making out.

The two guys were excited beyond belief. I reached back with one hand and grabbed the cock of the guy sitting next to me.

Suddenly the grumpy old bartender told us to take it outside. This wasn’t a brothel!

“You want to join us?” I asked the men.

They sure did!

Lo, and I walked with them back to the room, and the four of us went in.

It was crowded in there now with the two dogs.

Lo and I stripped each other and started making out on the bed as the guys watched.

“Aren’t you going to join us?” asked Lo in a little girl sort of voice.

The guys began taking their clothes off, embarrassed to see each other naked.

Just as they were about to approach us on the bed, T barged into the room and, in a performance worthy of an Oscar, he yelled, “What the hell are you doing?!”

The guys were shocked and quickly scrambled to put on their clothes. I think they might have even put on the other’s clothes by accident in their haste.

They got out of the room quickly, and we all laughed.

Lo began to work my clit ring and lips while sliding her tongue in and out. I then felt her fingers entering me. She had the perfect rhythm, and I began getting wet, feeling my juices drip down my ass. Lola raised my hips, smiled, and slid a finger into my ass. I moaned, looking over at hubby, who now had his cock in his hand. He was moderately hard since he had cum so recently. I grabbed Lo’s hips and slid her up to my face. Instantly, she began grinding on my tongue.

We played hard for a while before she whispered, “Can we invite your hubby?”

Of course, I wasn’t going to say no. So she lifted her face and, dripping with my cum now, told him, “Take the rest of your clothes off and get over here.” We both went down on him while he was trying to keep the dogs off of us. We played with him as he went from my ass to Lola’s mouth and back again and again. Eventually, when Lola convinced me to do the same, he came, shooting a massive load in her ass before I cleaned him off with my mouth. He poured us drinks, and we lay on the bed with her in the middle, petting each other.

The two dogs, both unaltered males, had been subject to this ongoing fuck-fest, full of smells and secretions, for hours. It was making them mad with lust. At one point, T got up to go to the bathroom, and the two dogs immediately jumped upon the bed. One began humping my leg, and the other attempted to mount Lola, lying with her rear exposed.

“Down!” I yelled.

Lo looked at me. “It’s ok,” she said, laughing.

“No, it’s not,” I said.

“They learn this,” she said knowingly.

I felt more exposed and naked than I had all night. She knew.

I rolled over on my stomach, next to Lo.

“You’re ok with this?”

She nodded. “I want it.”

We both raised our asses in the air. Soon the two dogs were upon us, struggling to get their long, pink pricks into our wet holes.

T came out of the bathroom and found us like that.

“A little help,” I said.

He was shocked but knew what to do.

He helped Lola first, and I was already mounted when he got to me. He sat in the side chair and watched as we took care of the dogs, and they took care of us.

My left hand grabbed Lo’s right, and we held on tight as we each came multiple times. My pussy was clamping down on the dog’s cock, as was Lo’s. Eventually, each canine came in long, hot, wet spurts inside us. But Lo and I were locked in position until their knots receded, and they could disengage from our pussies.

Lo stood up, and cum dripped down her inner thigh onto the cheap motel room carpeting. She grabbed a glass of bubbly to quench her thirst and picked up her clothes.

“I’ll let you two get some good sleep tonight. Thanks for a fun time,” she said as she walked out into the parking lot stark naked. We watched her stroll to her room and disappear inside.

I’m not sure if I was dreaming or not, but a few hours later, I woke to the blood-curdling sounds of what sounded like murder. After close listening for a few moments, I realized it was Lo’s screaming orgasm.

The following day she continued on the road east as we continued west. When we got home, we first ordered a copy of Match, Cinder & Spark. We now get off to it nightly, fondly remembering our time with Lola Down – just your average nympho next door.

The End

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