Women with Animals
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Changes In Life 4.6 (10)

(c) 2013 by Nem Enforcer This story is a continuation of the sexual adventures of Joanna who first appeared in another story I wrote called ‘Fantasy Becomes Reality’. Its not absolutely necessary to read that first but I would suggest doing so to get a full insight into what’s happening here. Chapter One Joanna groaned […] read

Women with Animals
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Money Talks 4.4 (7)

(c) 2017 by uksnowy A story inspired by the start of the flat racing season in UK, and the attitude and arrogance of Middle-Eastern men and their wives? in UK 10am Saturday 29th April 2017 A small shop in Bath, England “I need to have it designed and made to my specification,” the goatee bearded, […] read

Women with Animals
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The Origin of BaDonkeydonk Defender of Crystal City 4.3 (6)

author note 1: the name BaDonkeydonk comes from the slang term ‘badonkadonk’ meaning a woman’s big ass and the animal that gave Bethany Rimes her powers. author note 2: Crystal City was inspired by a story I read long ago. In Mr. X story section. I wish I could remember who wrote it so could […] read

Women with Animals
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Udderlygreat and Black Nitro vs. the Gamekeeper 4.3 (8)

Author note: Udderlygreat aka Bambi Snow and Black Nitro are characters from my friend Uncle Sickey. A brilliant CG artist. You can find some of his art on http://unclesickey.deviantart.com/ ~~~~ Sister Amanda Huggingtits was a novice at the Our Lady of Divine Compassion Convent. She had joined at the age of eighteen and was soon […] read

Women with Animals
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Down Mexico Way 4.4 (36)

Judit and Ray Bulger went to Mexico, from their comfortable semi detached house in Downlands Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester. They had heard of the donkey shows from a wealthy pal in the Royal Winchester Golf Club, a retired consular executive and they wanted to see for themselves whether it was true that a girl could […] read